What’s the Bravest Thing You’ve Ever Seen a Child Do?

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serious what's the bravest thing you've ever witnessed a child do i did not personally witness this but my wife did i don't know that it's technically brave but it is a shining example of clear-headedness and lack of panic a few months ago my wife had just loaded the five little kids up at grandma's house and was driving them home in our pathfinder just as they were getting on to the interstate entrance ramp my 18 month old daughter started choking she had a dum-dum-type la park from grandma a candy she had eaten many times without incident and it had come off the stick and lodged in her throat my wife a trained seasoned icu nurse who has run many a code blue situation panicked as there was traffic behind her and no shoulder to pull off the road for a good half mile my nine-year-old in the back seat of the car realized what was going on he calmly unbuckled himself leaned over the seat made a fist and drove it into my daughter's solar plexus pop out came the offending lala pub and while tears obviously followed all was well the boy may have quite literally saved her life the crazy thing is i don't even know where he learned how to do that he knew about the traditional heimlich maneuver but all i can figure is that he an avid fan of all sorts of youtube videos plus some discovery stuff came across it at some point and retained the information he was utterly nonchalant about it too like saving lives was no big thing for him i can't believe your nine-year-old acted so calm and collected he's definitely a smart cookie my brother's been working for my dad since he was a kid one day when my brother was 12 or 13 my dad had to run some errands somewhere and left another kid who was like 16 or 17 in charge somehow my brother ended up chopping his middle finger off with a woodcutter the elder kid lost it and started hyperventilating when he saw my brother's finger hanging by a thread but my brother just found a phone and called 911 himself he ended up in the hospital for a week after they sewed it back on and reattached the nerves i don't know if he was in shock or what but he stayed totally calm throughout the whole ordeal your brother is a bad ass i'm glad it all worked out this isn't going to be as heroic as some of the other stuff on here but when i was a kid i fell into the deep part of a local river and couldn't swim my friend without a moment of hesitation grabbed onto the root of a tree and got half into the water grabbed my arm and pulled me out without her i might have died that's pretty dang heroic man she just saved a life there i work for a group that provides gifts to life threateningly terminally ill children i could tell you a hundred stories about these amazing kids because that vast majority of them have somehow managed to make something of the crappy hand life has dealt them however perhaps the bravest story i have is of a little girl who donated her bone marrow to her older brother with a very rare bone cancer her parents didn't pressure her she wasn't asked she insisted on being tested and made the decision on her own she 7 how many adults would be willing to do what she did i was amazed to meet her and her brother both were incredibly well spoken likely from spending most of their lives at the hospital the brother who is about 10 now gave a speech to a room of adults better than most people twice his age could give both of them are incredible children and the world is lucky to have them my dad kicked the crap out of me when i was 14. he dragged me down a flight off stairs and threw me into a wall and was just berating me my younger brother was always slight for his age even at 10 he was tiny he just stood in front of my dad and screamed at him to leave her alone he was so scared and was crying but he did it we both were punished for it bravest thing i've ever seen i'm so so sorry you went through that i hope you both have found better happy lives and your brother is a hero an end stage six-year-old telling his sobbing parents that it was gonna be okay and they'd carry on after he died that one fricked me up for a long but time so young and so wise and then he was just gone before my nephew seven passed away his dad and i were talking to him about how when he's better he could go outside and play and jump on the trampoline he was so weak but was able to say something along the lines of i won't be able to do that i know but it's okay he passed the next day when my son was 12 he got in between a bully and his victim and started mocking him he dared the kid to throw a punch and when the kid did he lowered his forehead into the punch then he did it again with the same result i got the call from school before he got home and had all the details after getting off the bus he went along his normal routine and said nothing after an hour or so i asked him why he didn't defend himself i sparred with him regularly and this kid shouldn't have landed the first punch much less the second he told me he knew he would get suspended for fighting so he just took the punches where it would hurt the bully more than him i have never been prouder of his compassion courage and intelligence when i was five or six ish me and my cousins were maybe half a block away from my house holding signs up about a garage sale we were having some dude in a white van pulls up and offers us all candy all of us hall is back home screaming and running but my one cousin in the ballsiest move five-year-old me ever saw snatched a sucker out of this dude's hand and then hold but i thought he was gonna get kidnapped at my school we have a student with severe anger issues that explodes at the drop of a hat he will go from sitting in class doing his work to throwing chairs and flipping desks with almost no warning like his one-on-one had to be specially trained to recognize what his triggers are because the outbursts come on so suddenly for this reason his time in the classroom is severely limited he gets a lot of social services at the school when he is not in class and he has a hard time making friends which is heartbreaking to see because he really does want friends but it's hard for him to make friends when he explodes so suddenly like that but still there is a group of five-ish kids around his age will always volunteer to play with him at recess he is closely monitored by adults and can't play certain games because they always set off his outbursts and who will go with him during his break time so he doesn't have to take his breaks alone even though it's pretty scary when he has his outbursts even adults get spooked by them sometimes these kids take it in stride and still play with him later when he is calm all of these kids are eight nine years old too that just seems really brave to me for them to realize that the outbursts aren't really his fault and to still try and be friends with him this warms my heart this describes my daughter for a few years bless those kids back when i was a medical intern in pediatric emergency room one weekend we were packed with kids with gunshot wounds and second third degree burns what had happened was that there was a birthday party for one of the kids who happen to be the son of a cartel boss kids are having fun adults are chatting and all of a sudden a convoy of enemy cartel start shooting up the place a stray bullet hits a gas tank in the kitchen and it explodes and then bsp few dead kids and adults a lot more injured kids crying because they're hurt and scared amongst the chaos this one kid chubby little eight-year-old just sitting down on a hospital bed without a shirt when the tank exploded his dad got on top of him to protect him his dad was an aiku for severe tracheal burns and this kid was in pediatric because he had second and third degree burns on his back neck and right arm and then bsp i went up to him and told him i needed to clean him up and wash some of the dead skin off his back and it was going to hurt a lot he looked at me and said with a serious face all right let's do it then i told him i was going to scrub his back and he was going to sting he just said yeah that's okay i was suspecting it was the shock settling in so i started to have a conversation with him that's how i learned what had happened to his dad he didn't complain a single time nor dropped any tears he took it like a champ and then bsp after i was done patching him up i asked him are you sure you're okay and he answered i'm still alive aren't i left me speechless i still think about him every once in a while row that's not just brave but so dignified i didn't witness this but my son's teacher told us one kid was bullying another kid who is autistic my nine-year-old son got up from his desk crossed the room yelled at the bully and forced him to apologize to the autistic kid to my proudest moment as a parent so far better than what i did as a kid autistic kid was being bullied and i stepped in and shoulder bashed the bully out of the classroom and punched him in the face probably best to deal with it without the violence when our daughter was three years old she found a massive spider in the living room she didn't like it so she stepped on it with her bare feet didn't even flinch while not overly brave as there was no real danger my five-year-old has definitely charged people who were tickling his brothers is a protective instinct while yelling don't touch my brothers other than that he also alerted everyone to a scorpion in the kitchen instructed the youngest to get an adult while he stood guard and kept everyone back insisting that it was dangerous and to avoid its stinger he watches a lot of discover a channel and animal documentaries my 16 year old daughter got leukemia and was the strongest person i have ever seen she was in the hospital and asked if she could play with the little kids to help them take their mind off things if she got an infection and passed away she was an amazing girl cancer sucks i'm sorry for your loss my best friend when i was little was a badass story when i was four i was swarmed by bees making me very afraid of them when i was 10 renee and i were black raspberry picking i sat on a log and a swarm of bees angrily came out i panicked and started screaming running and flailing my arms renee came running over to me and grabbed my arms told me to calm down i look at her and in slow motion a bee stings her lip comes out and stings her lip again she grabbed the bee with two fingers and pinched it to death i was absolutely amazed i calmed down and in the end got only seven stings she got 10 saving me 11 if you count the double sting her lip was the size of a dinner roll not so much heroic but pretty bad but in my opinion my nine-year-old son got bit by a dog on his face a pretty deep gash fat was poking out he never cried not from getting bit all the shots to numb it antibiotics not even during sticks he's one tough little man i lived in a pediatric hospital for several years while waiting for a liver met many kids who'd try to play like healthy kids despite what they were dealing with my best buddy seamus was a barber with hlhs i met him when he was seven months old i was 16 and he'd already had several open heart surgeries unfortunately he passed at 14 months he'd be 10 now he was always happy and would do his wiggle dance to make everyone smile look up sleepwell sheamus on youtube to see his tribute video with the wiggle dance another friend was jeremiah an infant with gastroschisis he liked peek-a-boo and loved everyone i'd love to know how he's doing but it was a decade ago and my nurses can't tell me i hope he's well floor was too but only the size of a nine-month-old she had some sort of syndrome that doctors couldn't identify they thought maybe a form of dwarfism it would freak people out when she'd say hi because she looked like an infant and she could talk we had body parts bingo and hospital bingo that we could play from our rooms the fact that three-year-olds could say gastronemius and otoscope when their own parent couldn't was pretty crazy i remember having to have an mri and the little girl in the next bed was after me she was scared so i asked if she'd been to a parade she had so i told her it'd be noisy like when the fire trucks drive by and all the drums from the marching bands she was a lot less afraid after that and her mom thanked me nobody likes mris from adults to little kids i met a little girl with cystic fibrosis i told her how i'd learned about it in anatomy class and she was excited that i knew what it was she was about five six i often wonder how they're all doing today i'm still in contact with some of my nurses but obviously they can't tell me anything because of patient confidentiality update apparently this was shared unknowable and reached sheamus mom who i'm still friends with she was at my wedding too she was very touched and glad to know that sheamus memory lives on i worked at the ropes course at a summer camp some years ago one day i was running the zip line my co-workers checked the kids safety gear clipped them in and sends them up to me on the platform once they got on the platform with me i switched their safety gear calmed them down if they needed it and then when they were ready unhooked the final extra safety line and let them zip one day a girl i knew she was on my bus route came to the tower when i was working she like many of the other kids looked very scared as i went through my routine of changing the safety lines explaining what i was doing and how it kept her safe i asked her how she felt i will never forget her answer como i feel like when i was in the hospital that was not the answer i was expecting i didn't see how in this beautiful outdoor place with a breeze and an amazing view she could feel like she was in a hospital so i asked her why she told me that when she was younger she'd been really sick with leukemia the doctors and her parents thought she might die she was scared then she was scared now that's how being on the zipline tower made her feel like when she was in the hospital i have to admit i was shocked i'd met her mother and siblings and suddenly knowing a little bit of what they'd been through was astounding i was so glad she made it and was up there on the tower with me i took some time with her i acknowledged how terrifying her hospital experience must have been i then did one of my tricks where i got her attention off the fact that she was on a high tower by pointing out exciting rocks trees and landmarks on the opposite mountain top once her breathing was normal i went over all the safety measures in place one she'd experience once she jumped off the zipline and how there was no way she would die it was scary i told her i was afraid to jump off my first time but it was fun like always i gave her a choice if she didn't want to go down the zipline i could send her back down the tower she climbed up but she was ready she faced her fear and lept off that tower i was so proud i also gave her mom an extra hug and told her how brave her kid had been when i dropped her off that afternoon tldr eight-year-old girl was equally afraid of jumping off zipline tower as she had been of dying of cancer she came close but she jumped anyway my stepdaughters are pretty metal youngest was riding her bike at the age of about six down a steep hill when the chain came off and she obeyed newton's law of inertia right into a garage door at the bottom of the hill but knocked out four of her front teeth and had to go to the air to make sure she wasn't hurt worse there was blood everywhere i got there after she'd been there about 15 minutes already i wasn't at home at the time and had to come across town i walk in and this conversation occurred me hey kiddo how you feeling her not so great slice of pie you know how when you lose teeth the tooth fairy comes and gives you money me you're wondering where this is going her am i getting paid for this middle step daughter was the only conscious one in a car accident with her mom and both sisters he thought her mom and her older sister were both dead and stood there at the roadside flagged down the rescuers and gave them all the needed info on who they were where they were going where they were meeting her dad for his visitation and how to reach him she only came apart when she was told that her mom was still alive there are a few more examples they are great kids but those are the two that stick in my head uhhh was the elder sister alive i love halloween my dad liked to go all out for it giant whole front yard spiderweb smoke strobe lights the works well one year i wanted to stay on the porch with him instead of trick-or-treating he said i had to be scary so my mom made me a velociraptor from jurassic park i scared the crap out of kids that night and i barely had to move a muscle and growl a few times about an hour into it this big group of tweens rounded the corner and stopped dead in their tracks when they saw me chained to the porch they all started arguing about going up or not and then one of the boys shoved his younger brother up the path little power ranger didn't want to do it but he tried his best to try and sneak up the sidewalk past the bloody cauldron with the skull bobbing in the water past the piles of ribs on the steps he stopped short a few feet of me and stood on his tiptoes to look for the candy bowl by the front door behind me then back to me straining against my chain my masks fluorescent painted eyes glowing in the black light back to his brother and all his friends i got ready to growl when the little guy lashed out with his power ranger sword and made a mad dash for the candy bowl and ran back down the path with the giant handful of goodies back to his cheering brother that seven-year-old kid was terrified but he learned to be brave and that's why i love halloween i'm more impressed your parents not only made you a velociraptor but also chained you down when i was eight or nine i saved one of the neighborhood kids from drowning in my pool he was like four and jumped off the diving board with his arms in the air and when he hit the water his floaties slid off i guess the adults weren't paying attention and he just sank to the bottom i jumped in and pulled him out didn't think anything of it at the time but now that i look back it's pretty cool dang that's really impressive i'm glad you were there three all short minor friends and my little brothers all happened over 20 years ago we all grew up to be healthy adults as a child from ages 7 to 12 choosing to insults and throws objects at a drunken stepfather to divert his attack on your mother knowing full well that you will be unable to attend school for a few days due to being sick a teenage boy helping his older abused sister run away from home then lying to his father to protect her resulting in the boy being thrown through a window and the father skipping town before the cops show up a six-year-old boy telling his biological father i love you and want to live with you not because it's true but because the boy is aware that his father showing up and sneaking his baby brother out of the house into a pickup truck while no other adult is present is a kidnapping the baby won't survive unless he can keep him safe crap it made me so freaking mad i don't get the last one though my mother at four years old escaped from home in the middle of the city crossed a street and when the police found her and asked her name she lied so she wouldn't have to go back home sarah had the police force and her negligent mother stumped for a whole day didn't witness but is 100 true please tell me she was able to get out of that situation my nephew has two moms and just a kid he is five but since he the age of three he knew the term homophobic his moms get harrises sometimes for raising him sometimes in front of him but no matter who the person is my nephew gives them a hug doesn't matter how large and scary the person is my nephew will give them a hug he tells his parents and his uncles us that angry people just need to feel loved again dang that's awesome brought a tear to my eye i'm gay and i've always worried about the harassment my kids would face should my wife and i decide to have any he's a real good kid i bet his moms are proud of him not really an event but my cousin was diagnosed with leukemia at age two and throughout his years of treatment he was definitely one of the bravest kids i've ever met in my life i hope everything worked out my aunt who i never met died when she was two it's affected my dad his whole life i did not see this but heard the story a young girl needed a blood transfusion and her brother i think about five years old was a match for her so the doctors asked him if he would give her some blood his parents both said it was the right thing to do he waited a few moments before agreeing they hooked him up to do the transfusion and he looked very worried but that is to be expected i still hate needles after a few minutes the young boy asked a doctor how long until i die the boy thought that giving his blood would kill him and he stepped up to save his sister that is bravery this is also a great lesson in making sure people know what you are asking the boy had no idea that the blood would be replaced and he would be fine freaking legendary crosses street to get to his younger brother who was crying i was still living in serbia during the yugoslav wars that was not a street i was willing to cross at the time a few others had tried this is more something i used to do but my aunt would come to my apartment and tell me not to go in dark rooms in fear of ghosts in thailand people are extremely superstitious but i would storm in looking for them and trying to make friends this is something i saw back in the early 2000s some man is trying to rob a poor woman i run to help but before i even move her feet this little boy who must have been around six or eight runs over and gives the biggest punch i've seen right in the man's nuts my mum slapped my older brother for stealing from her wallet and then lying to her about it he was maybe 11 at the time after she slapped him he turned to her steely island with the confidence of a kid that knew he was already freaked said that didn't hurt when i was eight i was playing hula hoop in my front yard with my neighbor megan an old brown chevy pulled up and tried to lure us over to his passenger side window he used the cliche i have candies would you like to come for a ride megan and i looked at each other we both knew something wasn't right about the situation he started to get out of his car and walked towards me megan bolted for the house screaming bloody murder while i stood in a panic her mom came out as the guy approached me and confronted him the guy claimed his excuse was he was making sure that none of the neighbor kids would talk to strangers and drove off in a hurry had megan not ran to her mom i might have been a kid on a milk carton i'm still trying to find her to this day this was on chance street in fresno california around 1996. if you're out there megan thank you pediatrician see lots of kids almost every day small kids 10 going to court to identify their abuse as something no one else in the room can do and sometimes the one thing needed to put them in jail kids who fight for their lives for days weeks months years and survive and put up with a lot more than most adults good kids who fight for their lives for days weeks months years and don't survive half the time they're the ones holding their family together and even comforting their parents while they're dying kids who ask for help when even adults would have a hard time doing it i once had a patient who had about 15 seconds when a family member walked out of the room to tell me she was being abused she did it sometimes i know i'm the one who finally asked the question about what was bothering them the right way the kid gets a look in their eyes when they're about to tell you about whatever awful thing is wrong with them my favorite recently little kid sticking out her arm yelling i'm being brave while getting an iv put in and sobbing at the same time i'm being brave thanks for that beautiful pick me up in a thread full of dying children if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 10,334
Rating: 4.936842 out of 5
Keywords: bravest child, bravest kid in america, bravest kid in the world, brave kid, bravest kid, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: SdImGdYogaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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