What’s New with .NET MAUI

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hello hey oh i think they put me on stream already so welcome um yeah all right so this was awkward i apologize hey welcome everybody to the july baton rouge.net user group meeting um my name is brian mccoy i will be your host tonight uh with me i have jeremy knight and jeremy cronin and our very special guest and we will get to her in a minute so see let's see first thing first um for you for those of you don't know we are the baton rouge.net user group we work in tandem with the baton rouge sql server and batteries bi user groups under the baton rouge um user group organization we also have done things in the past like ran things like sql saturday so if you're interested in those kind of things be sure to follow us we've actually started bringing me to my first topic we actually started meeting and some of the groups are actually kind of interested in going back in-person streams or in person meetings if you i know our user base has now kind of expanded and we will have brought in more people from probably outside the baton rouge area so if you're one of those people let us know if we do not want to move forward and not include you so i would if you could touch base or just drop something in chat that lets us know hey i'm not from the baton rouge area or where you're from just so we can get an idea of where our bases uh i really appreciate it so let's see what else do we have um jeremy knight has been very gracious and set up some twitch commands for us i believe there's one for our discord link there's one for our youtube channel so if anybody wants to fire those off jeremy go for it that way you can get up to speed with us and all the things that we are currently doing um discord is a really good way to stay in touch you can also follow us on twitter to see uh at brn or brdnug on twitter we also have a meetup page we'll drop links for all of that in the chat we announce our monthly meetings there so you will find us here the second wednesday of every month at 5 30. i do believe the sql server user group will be meeting next wednesday at 5 30 as well we are trying to get them more involved in the streams so hopefully we can actually share their stuff a little bit more right now they are actually they use our team's account to meet so if you follow our meetup page you can get all the information you need for that there see as tonight goes please utilize the twitch chat or discord chat i believe there's a channel for the stream i will relay all the message all the questions you have to our speaker so that way we can get your questions answered so please feel free to use the chat in order to do that um i think we're getting close to about all i have the one last thing is i know some people have asked about the sunday shorts for those who don't know it's just a fun sunday morning stream that we do about every other sunday at 9 00 a.m on this channel it's usually me or what we're trying to do is bring a guest on that's from the baton rouge area so they can share a project that they're working on or just something cool that they're doing it's a little bit more low-key and relaxed it's not one of our bigger streams that we publish but you can find all of that on our youtube channel every meeting we have everything that we do on this channel we do publish out to youtube so you can find all of our content there let's see yeah i know where the homa is from um yeah so i'm glad you got your power back on uh let's see what else do we have uh i think that's about it um i guess without further ado i will be more than happy to introduce our speaker for tonight maddie legere hello how are you i'm doing good how are you i'm good i'm good i'm in i'm in boston so it's getting to the end of the day very excited for this um and thank you so much for having me thank you so much for coming we really enjoy having really special and important people on that have some control over the tools that we use in our day-to-day life so um for those of you who don't know maddie maddie why don't you share a little bit about yourself with us yeah um nice to meet you all um i'm also in the twitch chat i'll i'll pop a high in there too so you can have my twitch handle all my windows are open um but i am a program manager on the uh xamarin.net maui team we're kind of in a dual identity right now um it's a good time but we uh um yeah my focus has really been on developer productivity for uh most of my three years that i've been on the team so yeah i work on things like heart reload um if you've used that if you're a xamarin developer now and things that make your life easier inside a visual studio but my role my role has really kind of expanded with this whole net maui stuff because we're all kind of doing a bit of everything now so it's very fun um and i'll just put hi in the chat there you go thank you all for joining and coming out listening to me ramble for a little bit hopefully hopefully you find something uh valuable from this sounds good i know i am i actually have some questions queued up but i will let you actually start talking hopefully maybe you'll answer some of them before we get there without further ado um i see we can go ahead and bring here perfect let's do it great um so i was saying right before we went live so today is a big day because a bunch of stuff shipped this morning um so this is my lovely colleague tim hugher's tweet and i'll post this in the chat as well um actually i don't know if i can post links so i'll put it in the private chat and the hosts can you you guys can do your magic um but he rounded up all the blogs so i will be showing and walking through these in a little bit um if you are someone who is like familiar with xamarin and.net maui and kind of has the tldr on what those things are you can feel free to ignore me for a few minutes and go scroll through these because what i first want to do is kind of do an introduction to what maui is um what.net maui is and like why it's something that you should care about especially if you're already a net developer um and let me put this in presentation mode from current slide so hopefully if you've joined any of the talks in the past six months to a year that the net team has given you've seen something like this slide because net is really trying to um not rebrand but kind of grow their scope from just being asp.net and windows to all of these things including of course mobile with xamarin and m.net maui um your cloud development and all that stuff gaming iot ai and all that so um dot-net maui is really kind of the cornerstone of net i like they put mobile in the center for a reason that's what i like to say even though i'm sure it was just because it was a nice symmetrical picture but i like to say it's because maui is like the center of net um and even though our focus is on mobile really the goal with.net maui is that you'll be able to use it to build um your ui for anything and so maui stands for multi-platform app ui so it's not just.net in hawaii as although that would be amazing but it's multi-platform app ui and the goal of dotnet maui is really to make it so that you can write one chunk of code um and run that code on any platform.net targets so of course it's uh it's shipping ga this fall in november with dot net six and i have a slide with more details about that so it's not out quite yet um it's like this kind of new thing but it is built uh and and heavily based on what we learned um from the xamarin technology so xamarin came over when mono which was the opensource.netruntimebefore.net was open source um they said hey we should get.net to run on something other than desktop and windows and web right that'd be cool um and there's mono touch and there's a whole story and if you google miguel de acaza you'll see all about mono and xamarin um but really the the things with xamarin that made it really impactful in kind of the dot-net space for that it was it was native right it wasn't some rapper that you're running your app and it wasn't um something that was like interpreted and by code it was really just the native app so when you had um your c-sharp that you wrote for your android app it made an apk which is the file that android phones expect um and for apple it was a dot app and now it's a ipa whatever the right thing and it runs natively it on android it'll run just in time on ios it runs ahead of time and then because we have net in this whole net stack that we're working within we've been able to kind of improve upon what the native platforms do like for android for example we've made it so that you can also run ahead of time if you want to because you might get performance gains that way depending on your app um but it's still to the phone just a native application and it uses under the hood the native apis so things like when you write in your xamarin forms which is the cross platform the existing cross-platform ui framework for mobile right now that is part of.net when you want to open uh the browser open a url from your app and launch it in the systems browser or use bio bio verification biometric verification like a fingerprint or face id it's just one api you can call um you just say whatever dot check battery life all those things and xamarin.net takes that call and translates it under the hood to the proper native api for that device um and of course you can do anything that you could do in android and ios with c sharp with xamarin um because you can just call that native api from c sharp we just bind it in so say that we don't have a shared version of something specific you want to do you can just you know go into the android go into the android specific c sharp code and write okay do this specific call and use the android api um as appropriate for that so it's really powerful because we don't kind of pigeon you all pigeonhole you into um you know what we have chosen to expose you can kind of go you know choose your own adventure a little bit um and do anything you really want with that and and on the flip side of uh device apis we also have the native ui stacks so under the hood even though in xaml and xamarin forms you might write something like button color equals purple what that does is under the hood it goes to the ios button the ui kit button and the android button widget or whatever and it uses their system font and their system default color and everything so you can see like a good example here is the um the search bar here so the cert the ui search bar for ios has got this background it's got some shading it's got all this stuff the android one is just an underline similar thing that says search um they both have this icon but you know the ios system icon for a magnifier is different than the android and blah blah blah so we use the native controls under the hood and what that means is that yeah maybe without any customizations your apps might look a little bit different by default but your customers are always going to have the latest ui stacks so my favorite example of this um is if you think about the iphone settings page in 2008 when it came out it had like a pinstripe background and everything was like really bubbly and um kind of ugly now when you look at it but it was like so cool in 2008 like it was like the coolest thing in the world and everyone was like wow future um and now you look at the ios settings page and it's just like plain text and it's all white um and they're just starting to get back into buttons that look like buttons instead of buttons that look like hyperlinks and that's you know 13 years of ui design um with xamarin and with net and and you know with dot net maui in the future um you get all of those kind of design changes that the operating system makes for free because you're just using the operating systems controls under the hood of course you can customize on top of that right so if you want your apps to look the exact same on both platforms because you have a defined brand or you have an amazing designer and they handed you something from figma and it was like make it look like this that's what i want you can do that too but um for people like me who are design challenged uh it's great because i just it's gonna look like an ios app if i wanted to um and so all these these three things this um native performance native ui and native uh uh apis and functionality and all that is something that we've had in xamarin um and that we are rolling into dotnetmaui.net multi-platform app ui and so xamarin i've kind of been talking specifically about mobile um xamarin has supported uwp but the reason it supported uwp was for this thing called the windows phone that we don't see so much of anymore so really the uwp support has kind of been like secondary to the mobile support but with don and maui the whole thing is we're bringing it to desktop and mobile um we want it to be this single place where you can write code for ios android windows using win ui which is also shipping this fall um and mac using their new catalyst architecture um which is they're like not to i'm sure mac fans would hate this but it's kind of like their uwp equivalent like it's like one app that can run on ios and ipad and on mac instead of their old mac app kit version um but it's using the same technology that xamarin's used so it is this tried and true like very stable enterprise-worthy technology but we're kind of bringing it into the modern era and we're doing a couple things to the underlying platform to bring it to the proper.net 6 based class library and all that instead of running separately on mono um so it's going to be more interchangeable than it ever has been before with existing.net code and projects and nugets and all that um there are a whole lot of features going into maui the one that's on this slide that i like to call out that we'll look at in uh one in the demo i think i'm only gonna do one of the two because i want to get to the stuff that shipped today um is the single project system in single code base so if you are an existing xamarin developer and i don't know how many of you in the chat are um if you are you probably know that you have a donut standard project with your shared code and then your android project and then your ios project and all those things kind of you have to maintain different copies of your images and all that the real perk for.net maui from for existing xamarin developers so you have the ability to mush all of those into one single project so um you just have to put in one image and you just have to put in one version of your font files and you only have to register it in one place instead of three and you only have to initialize things into one place um so i like to call that one out specifically because for um new to new to.net mobile developers i think that's more along the lines of what you'd expect when you come from something like asp.net or windows but um i know for sure our mobile our mobile friends are very excited about it um and so yeah so that's that's done in maui it's really about being productive and performant um with native apps that you're writing from this single code base and this is uh the demo that we had at i believe build oh yeah the top rate says hello build so must be built um and yeah it's just a it's one code base it's xaml ui and you know you can write your ui and c-sharp if you'd rather and uh it's got a button counter and the things that you'd expect to do with an app um but it's just one code base and it's running on all these different platforms um yeah and so like i said at the beginning it's part of.net six it's shipping in november um it's got command line support because it's part of the.net stack so you can do your.net command line tooling but of course it'll be built into visual studio as well it's going to have your templates you probably have heard of this little thing called visual studio 2022 that is coming out around the same time as dot net six this fall um so really the best place to develop dot net six applications is gonna be bs 2022 the reason for that is because it's hard for us to retrofit our things that we're building into 64-bit visual studio 2022. it back into 2019 when 2022 is what's going uh moving forward and like i said it's part of the base class library so um the dynamics base class library so you could really integrate your apps very seamlessly with other net platforms and architectures um for example like if you need to pull in a nuget package that you couldn't use with xamarin before because it was.net standard and your nougat package was framework 472 or whatever um as long as it's all targeting.net six it doesn't matter it's all gonna get along and that's pretty exciting um and i think it's gonna make it oh the dot-net story a lot easier for folks to understand and since you're all blind that developers you probably have to explain to your new hires um or people who are like what is this.net thing and why why is it different than c sharp and why is it what is asp all those questions we're just trying to simplify um one thing if you are a blazer web developer that you'll be really excited about with maui we've heard from blazer developers over and over that they want a way to take their blazer apps and run it locally on the desktop for a couple reasons one of the ones that i hear the most often is um offline support or native device support so you think about like being able to pop open like files or uh saves to the disk or blah blah things that um you don't want to go through the browser to do open up specific programs or all that um blazer hybrid desktop apps what we're calling it also.net maui blazer it's not the best names in the world but it's okay because it's kind of makes sense um the idea is that you will just stick your blazer app into a blank.net maui app and then that's it you have blazer running on desktop using webv2 um and then you can build maui around that blazer app you can continue to build that excuse me into your blazer app and expand that you can you know your state it's one state across the whole application so if you have a button written in the maui code that you know is updating a field that you have in the blazer code like those things all stay in sync so if you are a developer that's um you know targeting the web now and has a need for desktop at any point this is gonna be really cool um and the demos that have been coming out of this have been really fun if if you are a blazer dev you probably know of daniel roth and he's given a few demos of those um so you can find him on the internets or whatever i'm looking at those um and like i said like that's all based on xamarin so if you're not a xamarin developer xamarin is used all over the place it really is like uh secretly running most of the world without us knowing it uh like i know uh one that's not on the slide you can go through and kind of see some of the companies that use it right now one of the ones that's not on this side that's given talks about how xamarin has helped them before is delta like they use xamarin for their internal processes like when they check the plane before it takes off it's like a xamarin app that they're using so if you fly delta you can thank xamarin for uh making sure that your plane is safe and ready to roll um things like that and a bunch of customers there's also a bunch of open source projects like um i recently found out the password manager i use is built with xamarin forms bit warden and it's all open source so that was fun i got to go like poke through their source code and see um and like message the guy and was like hey i use your thing you use my thing let's talk about them um so that was really fun so yeah mature technology so even though.net maui is new um it's built on this kind of evolution of xamarin and if you do have a xamarin app right now like most of your code is not going to change your ui is not really going to change your ui code um maybe some like very custom stuff you've written might have to get updated and we're getting rid of old apis that you don't need anymore um so that's good getting rid of some tech debt and yeah and the project structure and stuff will still work even if you don't want to move to single project so you'll be able to um keep doing what you're doing so before i do this demo um i would love to pause and get some questions and then i will also put up this hilarious gif and you can also marvel at my windows 11 taskbar um what questions do we have right now so i don't really see much coming in um i do have a question though yeah um let's say hypothetically uh a company that i know of is considering starting a new um xamarin application that they don't plan on shipping for six to 12 months is maui something that we could start with or is there a better path that would lead us to maui yeah you can at this point as of today i would say maui is at the point where like you could probably start with it the biggest hold up with starting a maui app right now is that the tooling is like a couple releases behind so it's a little bit painful compared to zebra and develop development like hot reload isn't fully working hot research doesn't work yet all these tools um but one thing that i have been working on very much over the past two weeks that i don't have a slide for today but we'll probably have a slide for in a week or so is the upgrade assistant tool so especially with new apps it's going to be so straightforward to just take your app from xamarin forms 4 8 or 5 or whatever you're on if it is forums and just stick it into maui if you want to do a xamarin native application for whatever reason those things just get converted like one to one to dot net six for android and ios so yeah definitely feel free um to start vetting maui everything that you can do in xamarin forms today you'll be able to do in maui so it's not like you're gonna lose anything but i would probably say with xamarin forms if you wanted to start it now just because you can use hot reload and heart relieves the best and i don't say that just because i worked on it no hot reload is the best so uh i can agree with you there i guess one other question um so you s we saw the the blazer coming to the desktop is there any plans on bringing that to the mobile yeah i so i have been asking about that internally where i'm like so we have this blazer desktop thing well maui webb um it's not on the roadmap for dot net six because we have so much other stuff but the way we work is after don has six chips we take a step back and we're like okay what could we have done that would make this even better like let's talk about.net seven and when people on the internet are screaming that they want maui on the web that is a pretty good justification for us that we should probably go build it so the more people we hear saying that they want that the more likely it is to happen um it's definitely something we're interested in like it's it's not something that we think we can't do or will never do it's just a matter of prioritizing that over all the other things we might want to work on hopefully you understand all right i think that is all we have for now so i will silently slip back into the background all righty um before i get into vs i because i'll give you a quick tour of vs2022 and um what that looks like in a maui sample app i just want to show some of the blogs because if you um were actually listening to that spiel now you're probably interested on what shipped this morning um so the first one here is dot net six preview six so if you're a dot net developer which you probably are if you're on this um there's gonna be something in here for you it's a pretty big release and they split it out into um the the sub blog posts for very detailed updates on the technologies so for asp.net core energy framework and from ali but yeah there's a whole bunch of stuff in here optional workloads is getting better which is fantastic there's a big part of that with maui um but it's the idea that you know net isn't just one giant multiple gigabyte thing it's just you know you can install it bits and pieces and my dog just came back in from going out and is now i'm gonna have the zoomies like crazy so sorry in advance um yeah punch bunch of stuff in here i'm not gonna try and uh explain all of it but rich lander has done that for you and he's the man so go check that out uh dotnet maui preview six written by my teammate dave ortnell so this is a huge blog um definitely take the time to dive into it i mentioned the optional workloads so now you can just run.net workload install maui i actually just did that earlier um let me scroll up in my windows terminal here and it installed all the things for me but yeah literally workload install maui and it just did it and then visual studio started to be nice to me so that was good um it's very exciting and the templates the file new templates i can actually find out right now if they've worked we can find this out together as a team um they are in visual studio visual studio just hasn't been like showing them so either in the release that came out this morning or in the next release they will be there let's see if they're here this is the internal preview build but it should be synced up with what's going on and of course it's gonna take forever yeah okay so it's probably the next build you'll be able to also do file new from visual studio but for now um you're going to want to do your file new from the command line so the other thing i just scrolled back here is this tool called maui check um one of our team members built it um this is the uh the name the package name for it let me do i have zoom it open let's see zoom it control there we go i know my hot keys um yeah so the jonathan dick on our team built this tool called maui check so it's now you just have to do.net workload and sell maui and that gets most of it but if you don't have your environment set up for mobile development already you need things like the android jdk you need um some some other bits so this will go in and just make sure that everything you need is in there particularly especially on windows for android because android is just a pain to get set up sometimes um and so you can see like i didn't have all of the sdks i wanted um so it just installed them all for me so network load install maui if you do not do mobile development on the day to day you might want to run maui check and see if that finds anything else that you might need to install um and then i can just go like dotnet new let's list let's see what we got here i think that's the command it is um and now i have all these things that pop up i have ios apps mac apps um all the things so and then.net mali app is at the top it used to be in the middle which is why i was looking for it because it was maui app but now it's dotnet maui app and the dot is apparently first in the alphabet so yeah short name mali and then we have another a template for the dot net mali blazer app so that's the same thing except it also has like a dub dub dub root folder um and i think it gives you like a blazer web view in the home page instead of um the regular app so yeah i can just dotnet new maui there we go that's it um my templates apparently have an update so that's exciting but um yeah and so i'm not going to actually go through the file new project right now because you can do that on your own uh what i do want to show is the sample app that david orton now and the team has been working on um as kind of our like demo app and that's the one that he uses in this blog it's called weather21 um it's very pretty it's got a lot of weather stuff um and it's all on his github somewhere where's the link dave boop he must be up here our status report dave did he forget to put the link in here well i think i have it yeah davidore now weather21 so now i have to and i'm going to text him after this and be like you didn't put the link to the github in your blog post um but i have it up right here uh also vs 2022 beautiful new get experience came out in the end of the 2019 wave if you haven't noticed it but um so much better than the team explorer i'm sorry sorry vs team love you guys um yeah so this is a maui app i mean it's there use single project true use maui true this is my project file here um for this guy weather21 let's see if my dependencies have loaded in and yep they have so that's good and did they load in on windows as well no because i don't have any of the project reunion stuff but that's fine um that's something else you have to install we're waiting on those like right now they are going to get them out any minute now um because you guys can tell we're we're working uh very like quickly we're moving quick right now it's been a lot of fun but it's kind of crazy so yeah so i'll just put this project file up um in the proper area so you can see what it's supposed to look like not just uh um the cs garage but yeah we have this new project file thing where you can do your target frameworks as multi-targeting um you can go and install other frameworks for android you can you know specific specify the target os um versions and all that these are all things that are new so that's exciting um resources packaging build debug all that stuff for me it is still easiest to parse all this stuff in the cs proj file um this like gui is new and for me it's still confusing but it's going to get less confusing hopefully or maybe i'm just not paying enough attention to it um but the great thing is like your app id and version and everything all handle in one place um your resources so your image is just a maui image maui splash screen and mali font so if you're a mobile dev um you might know that for a splash screen on android you have to go build an xml splash screen or whatever they want and then on ios you have to build a storyboard and it's a huge pain we've made it very simple you pick a background color and a foreground image and that's it you call it a day nothing crazy um and likewise with an app icon you pick a background and a foreground image um we support svgs now so you're welcome to just like throw in your vector file and um go nuts from there don't have to worry about scaling things for different platforms and all that um and yeah so and then the same target frameworks multi-targeting for android ios and mac catalyst here so the reason that windows is its own project and then i'm not even going to touch it right now for this demo is because the win ui team has had this thing called windows 11 they're dealing with um and so right now they're actually working on all the functionality they need to pull um pull this project basically into the single maui project um where all my code lives so yeah it's a it's an mpvm app and this one it's got xaml view models um you know resources and services and all that stuff and then we have this platforms folder here and that's kind of fancy and let's zoom in um because this is where i can put platform specific code for this app so you know android specific stuff that it needs to run like the um main application and main activity which should be going away at some point but not yet but also specific resources for android like android needs a styles xml file for like the taskbar and stuff to run um and then likewise with ios so if you wanted to put like platform specific permissions platform specific um images or something like if on ios you wanted to show an apple instead of an android or whatever in your app like you can put those in here um and you can also write platform specific code just as if defs in your regular area so we have a startup.cs file now instead of your main activity and your appdelegate which is what you'd have before and everything is handled here and you can see um we just have if windows add the i tray service for when ui if mac catalyst add the tray service for mac catalyst that's it and that is so that when i run this app on windows which i can't do because i don't have the project reunion bits because everything updated today and i'm waiting on them um it gives me a little icon in the taskbar down here it's very nice um so let's see if this is in the mood i did build and run this before this before i joined the thing this the um i almost said teams the stream yard and it worked but that does not mean it's going to work right now because like i said i'm on internal preview and everything is freshly updated like earlier today it's a bit of a mess so bear with me my apologies that this demo isn't the smoothest thing in the world but um i do have this new thing called my framework target selector target framework selector um and so i'm going to try and deploy it to android because i know i have an android emulator installed and i don't have my mac paired or anything so i can't do ios or mac catalyst right now um i we do have the ability in xamarin no i don't want to okay i can't find anything that's fine we'll close and reopen it um what was i oh so we do have a feature for xamarin right now that's awesome that's called hot restart where you can plug in your iphone straight to your pc and not have to have a mac or xcode or anything uh on that mac and it will build and deploy your app and stick it onto the iphone for you um if you're someone who's ever tried to do ios development from windows you'll know this is a huge improvement versus opening your mac and deploying it or like trying to pair remotely to your mac from the pc and all this stuff um it's almost working for maui last i asked was like two days ago and they were like we know what has to be done we just have to do it now so that's what i love to hear as a pm um that at least we know the problem so we'll give this a second to see if these load in and if not that's okay i can pull out my emulator and show you the last version of this um through my android device manager right here oh my new system sounds for windows 11. they're very friendly beeps um we'll start this up it's on android 11 nice and fancy we'll give that a second as well should have started that before this but did not think of it and while all these things are thinking i will make sure that i don't have anything else in my slides that i wanted to share during this demo we'll talk about this after yeah okay great let me pull my android emulator over i pull back up visual studio where's my corner handle oh my goodness one thing i have to go find out who to file this bug on but with windows 11 my android emulators corner handles have been like teeny so i can't figure out i can't minimize it with any semblance of like ease so that's been fun um but windows 11 oh it's been pretty good i have to say i'm pleasantly surprised with it i was worried so yeah this is the uh currently crashed version of the one i showed in the slides it's kind of like our net maui sample and i'll just kill all these so that we can reopen them but this is the weather21 app this is the icon here so like like we saw in the cs proj file it is a background image which is probably just this like little black square circle whatever shape that the operating system wants icons to be and then this foreground image which is just these cute little clouds so i'll click on it give it a sec let's go start up it's gonna be thinking um we have been changing the way that i i could get into like the technical details of like how we're improving performance and stuff but it's a little over my head to be honest even though i pretend to understand it and it's not that interesting so go read dave's blog posts about it or go watch like one of the deep dives from build or something i'm not going to do that on this stream but it's going to be it is faster it's more performance startup is a little bit better assembly registration and um uh like initialization stuff is is a lot snappier so you should see performance gains but yeah this is the app and it's all built with that one shared code uh one shared code base there's no custom ui here it's all xaml and images um and then i have my tabs across the bottom here it's using xamarin forms um just kind of like the built-in navigation stack which we call shell but you don't um necessarily have to like let me see if i can find the shell in here uh yeah views i don't know where this has changed since i last saw it oh that's because i just pulled it because i got updated today for.net 6. um but yeah this is the app it's wonderful um and then of course if i was to run this on desktop which i'll see if i still have it installed but i don't think i do because i do if this opens oh this isn't weather21 this is the other app this is the sample app um i do have the old one ui version of this so i will pull up boop this one maui app test probably you can see i've been testing a lot because my apps are like app one app two app three app test app whatever but yeah this is the same app as a different different sample app but similar um running with one ui on windows 11. and then running on android here um and it's all shared code as well so super exciting it's really getting there like weather21 is beautiful i'll pull that back up um you know this is more akin to what you would see um a real app actually look like than something like this which is uh you know kind of kind of basic um it's calling an api it's using this windy.com windmap like this is doing the things you need it to do um and so we're really excited about kind of where we've come with maui um yeah oh that's funny um so okay so brian you're back so i guess that means there's probably questions we do have a couple of questions yeah good hey can i ship the weather app and use it personally no i'm joking all right so go ahead and bring one up jeremy um let's see are there any advantages to using blazer in maui compared to using another web framework like react for clarification i believe they do mean uh versus rendering react from maui so is that a thing or option or i have not seen anyone do that yet um i would not be surprised if it worked but i think like and and i say this i get a lot of questions kind of as a xamarin pm like what what cross-platform mobile framework do i use in my company um if you're a.net shop and you like.net and you're you hire for.net or you know you have people who can teach newhires.net um stickwith.net right if you're a javascript shop you'll probably have a better time with react because it's javascript um it really depends kind of on like you know the existing knowledge and all that i think i personally like blazer because i think razer is awesome i thought xaml was like sickening when i started on this team i was like who uses this and i've grown to love it i'd say it's a love-hate relationship but i for a while called blazer code frankensaml and i've actually grown to really like it and my fiance works on explicitly react stuff and jsx and all that and sometimes i'll be like you know like blazer is actually a lot better looking than that so whatever but it's a personal preference right i mean that's an interesting household house divided things oh yeah for sure all right so we do have another one uh do you need the win ui project to run on windows as of today yes as of the near future and definitely ga no um it's just because we haven't quite folded everything in properly yet it is like the last step to single projectify sounds good all right well i think that is all i have so i will again disappear sweet all right i only have a couple slides left um this is i as i said things are out today oh this is the preview for blog post it's preview sex i promise um we do have a bunch of ecosystem vendors i mean.net has an amazing ecosystem you might have heard of like progress telerik um prism if you do mvvm you probably know what prism is or if you've heard of it uh ux divers grile kit infrastics all these things so we've been working with these control vendors to get them ready to roll for dot net six um if you are someone who has an ecosystem whether it's an open source or a a paid for project um and you're kind of worried about getting your users ready for maui um you know if you if you maintain a framework or a library or anything definitely reach out you can at me on twitter um because we want to make sure that we're supporting our ecosystem for this transition but it really is not going to be too crazy as far as people have said these these folks here um it wasn't that bad things are working so that's really good um depending on like kind of where in the stack your framework or tool or whatever lies um it's going to be a little bit different of a process but we're here to help and we want to make sure that everybody's successful with it um yeah where is all this happening on github open source of course because we're the best really we've fully moved out of the xamarin forms github now which is exciting um it's kind of sad because we you know didn't really get to keep all of our stars and stuff but it's also nice because it's kind of like spring cleaning we get a fresh start and things are in maui now so that uh definitely go follow along there we have a um very up-to-date status tracker so if i go to dot net maui dave updates this thing where is it david where did you put it progress report nope that's a live stream i don't know where you put it again because of today seven hours ago everything has changed um there's a progress report in here somewhere and so help me i will find it oh this is the samples repository that's not what i wanted i wanted this docs samples announcing maybe he hasn't pushed it up yet another thing i'll text him about but he doesn't maintain um a status report up here that literally says like everything um you know what is up working today what's planned what's what's not planned and all that and we also have github discussions so um this is a really good place to kind of ask questions that don't really fit for a um an issue or something um and discuss with the team and kind of see like what they're working on as we go and of course you know we have issues and pull requests and all that stuff too so check this out i maybe it'll like miraculously pop up let's see if it's in the docs that looks like it's not in the dock yet either okay it'll be up soon like i said it's release day i sat at my desk to update all my slides at four o'clock eastern time so not an hour and a half before the stock i promise but um you know things have continued to change and updates since then so you're really getting the cutting edge stuff um this is also great because he's he's put on a bunch of links to different blogs and and live streams and all that so if you want to kind of go look at those things you can do that too um and the faq is really helpful so yeah um okay oh dot-net maui status why is this so hidden why is this this is exactly what i was looking for um and it was last edited yesterday but yeah you can see it's like things that are done things that are you know we're worried about not getting in things that are almost done all that stuff so dynamic wiki status is where you want to go um and finally we also have a discord so you can go and talk kind of architecture and stuff with the team there if you want to um it's not so much for like questions about like how do i do this in maui it's more like architecture and like what is maui going to do to handle xyz um but we're developing it out in the open so you're welcome to go in and watch and the first thursday of every month dave ortner and i and a special guest um someone usually from the team or the community we'll live stream for about an hour um and we do kind of community news and contributions and a status report on maui and whatever our special feature of the month is so okay let's see great just over 45 minutes i'm glad i didn't like blow through that i am totally around for questions and if you don't have a question right now but think of one later um my email's right here my twitter's right here um and this is my handle on all the things so feel free to go find me and bother me and we can definitely chat more awesome thank you so much uh let's see if we have any questions in the chat uh i actually got text to the question so oh nice yeah they're all over look how are you want to get in touch with us we're happy to do that so let's see can you ask about maui and mvu uh model view update great question yeah so if you are someone who has seen maui mvu demos you saw the comet project which is currently still living in james clancy's github i think it's clancy let's see oh nope he moved it it's in dot net um so this is an experiment so comet is not something that we're shipping ga in dot net six but the concept is that you can use maui um you know maui control namespaces and um target platforms and all that but in an mvu style to build your mobile and desktop apps using like you know like using visual code visual studio code and all that um so this is more uh if you're a web dev you're probably more familiar with this kind of stuff it's wonderful um it is a proof of concept in an experiment so this is another one of those things if you were here at the beginning of the stream we talked a little bit about like well maui ever target web it's one of those things that we want to make official but we kind of need people to tell us that we should continue to do it um and it's just another thing that we want to prioritize over other stuff but comet is great it doesn't extension in vs code so if you want to do mobile development in vs code that is a pretty good way to do it um it's got a wiki um that you can kind of go through you can see this this guy running a sheep as we call it you're riding the comet the blazing comet if you're using blazer um but yeah you're more than welcome to go check um check this out and see a little bit what we're doing and leave your feedback and let us know if you really want it because if you do we're more likely to kind of pull into the official stack awesome thank you so much i think that's all the questions we have so we dropped a ton of links in the chat be sure to check all of them out so i think we got everything you mentioned cool i will yell at the people helping no i'm showing oh no that's fine the uh the the two jeremy's did great i don't know i usually mess things up anyway uh thank you so much for coming i really appreciate it uh thanks to the two jeremy's for hanging out and posting links and doing all the transitions and everything so that i don't have to uh thanks for all the people who tuned in to watch i really appreciate it if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be here doing this so um i guess stay tuned next month i've been really dropping the ball it's probably going to be me unless somebody else wants to volunteer so we'll talk about something but you know be sure to check us out next month and i'll let you know whenever our sunday streams start back up uh manage like anything like to say anything before you go or no thank you so much for having me and try stuff out and let us know what you think and uh we're happy to hear your feedback sounds good all right jeremy you can turn it off now
Channel: Baton Rouge User Groups
Views: 1,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: user group, .net maui, .net 6
Id: tW8TwoqOKQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 43sec (3103 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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