What’s In The Box? | Mystery Game Sing-Along | + More Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes

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[Music] time to open presents [Music] box guess what's in the box what's in the box a chocolate bars [Music] yes [Music] guess what's in the box what's in the box [Music] it's a cute puzzle [Music] guess [Music] guess what's in the box what's in the box it's a toy [Music] [Music] mixing one by one mixing colors it's so fun fun fun mixing colors mixing till well done but i don't have purple watch this [Music] mixing colors [Music] mixing until we're done i don't have queen then let's make it [Applause] [Music] it's [Music] no problem [Music] or red and yellow make orange orange yeah [Music] it's so fun fun fun mixing colors mixing till we're done mixing colors is so much fun fresh pretzels let's try some guys [Music] let's yeah something new try this pretzel have a taste taste crunch crunchy [Music] oh guys look at this lemonade machine [Music] many flavors food food for me and you just try something new try this soda have a tasty [Music] hello come try our delicious seafood [Music] [Music] is [Music] wow tacos let's try some see i mean enjoy [Music] let's try something new [Music] i taste the spicy taste dad take this oh honey drink this [Music] [Music] let's try me new try this ice cream have a day taste yum yum yes [Music] delicious yeah [Music] so much [Music] oh no wait my ice cream [Music] danger look out when danger [Music] cars go really fast [Music] nice work guys [Music] danger look out [Music] things can hurt us so we don't touch them no [Music] oh no now look at my elephant very nice [Music] [Music] no no [Music] so we don't go there no school time is safe time so danger no no no [Music] danger no [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] so we need to be prepared [Music] day adventure day we're going we're going away we prepare because we care now we're on our way [Music] for you and me okay so we have boots what else do we need [Music] today is the day adventure day we're going [Music] [Music] so we need to pack for the weather let's look at the map today's the day adventure day we're going we're going away we prepare cause we care now we're on our way before we go far away some shelter from the rain [Music] that's right today's [Music] on our way before we go far away take drinks and food today [Music] we prepare [Music] okay seat belts on everyone let's go [Music] [Music] no way [Music] bugs are such cool things what's that oh don't bite me ugh [Music] [Music] lots of legs [Music] climbs and climbs he'll be anyone insects are such fun oh what's this baby giant [Music] [Music] they march in a row [Music] hey who wants to participate in the b show away bugs creepy crawly [Music] [Music] flying in the air bees make honey from flowers everywhere sweet sweet yummy yummy yum these are so much fun the sand is coming from here baby john up go away bugs [Music] no way things are so funny [Music] wow [Music] yucky um [Music] you're so brave [Music] yay see those eyes what could they be [Music] [Music] oh [Music] there's nothing to be scared of whoa a firefly what's that [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] be brave [Music] see kids we can also enjoy a campfire at night [Music] what could it be [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] yeah nighttime is not that scary yeah camping is fun good night [Music] kids could it be [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no we're not guys we're bridgeway [Music] itchy itchy i'm so itchy itchy itchy itchy [Music] oh honey let's not scratch scratching hurts scratching only makes it worse let's not scratch we just say lotion makes it go away [Music] oh [Music] itchy itchy itchy itchy itchy itchy itchy my legs daddy help me i [Music] we don't want a big red rash let's not touch no let's not scratch all we need to do is say lotion makes it go away thanks dad [Music] oh what's that i'm so itchy itchy itchy itchy itchy itchy itchy itchy itchy my arms [Music] oh honey when our skin feels bad it can make us feel sad let's not scratch we're okay strawberries delicious i'm so itchy itchy itchy itchy itchy itchy itchy itchy itchy my neck oh can you help me i can't stop itchy itchy itchy scratch scratch we don't scratch [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh thanks guys [Music] [Laughter] [Music] who's ready to plant some baby trees let's plant trees [Music] leaves trees [Music] [Music] where did baby john go peekaboo [Music] just wait and see [Music] wow you found a ladybug [Music] is planting trees [Music] yummy fruits [Music] now it's time to place our trees [Music] this is where they'll grow and grow shooting up they go and go yeah look we planted all our trees now we have to cover the bottom of the trees by putting dirt back into the holes it's okay [Music] trees will grow [Music] on the ground [Music] trees need water to grow let's give them a drink it's cleanup time [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the tea party begins [Music] ew what's that smell it's a skunk oh [Music] [Music] go [Music] say there's a skunk in the house [Music] [Music] go away [Music] [Music] mommy make it make it go away so we run run run and we say daddy make it go away [Music] mom you'll have to wait guys you too bingo oh [Music] it's a skunk skunk [Music] and we say daddy makes it go away [Music] [Music] someone needs a bathroom [Music] [Music] [Music] what is that is [Music] you like ice cream mix with broccoli oh no no no no that is super gross [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh so disgusting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Little Angel: Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
Views: 457,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shapes, What’s Inside the box, baby angel, baby john songs, baby songs, best kids songs, birthday, box, children songs, family, guessing, kids songs, kids videos, little angel, little angel kids songs, little angel nursery rhymes, little angels, little angle, nursery rhymes, package, pre school videos, preschool music, presents, sing-along, songs for kids, toddler songs, toys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 51sec (2211 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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