What’s in My OFF-ROAD TOOL BAG – Jeep Wrangler Every Day Carry

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this is the tool disorganisation I've been dealing with for several years today I'm gonna get organized I got a new bag I got some new tools I got rid of some old tools and so I'm gonna share with you what I take with me out on the trail to do some repairs stay tuned [Music] welcome betrayal recon I'm Brad and I get questions from folks like you all the time about what should you carry with you when you go hit the trail and I think it's very important to make sure you have a plenty of safety equipment you know first-aid box and fire extinguisher and you've also got to have some recovery gear so you can get yourself out of a sticky situation but it's also very important to have some good basic tools so you can do some repairs when you're out on the trail now I have some new tools and I've gotten rid of some old stuff I've added a few new things that I know I need and I got a new tool bag and just got more organized and so in this video I'm gonna share with you what I'm taking with me when I hit the trail and kind of why I have things and why they're laid out the way they are I think you're gonna find this very informative before we get started I want to thank the sponsor of this video which is Tecton tools they are a family-owned company up in Grand Rapids Michigan and for many years they have been placing a big emphasis on the design and the engineering of tools and they're making a great product I will leave a link down below guys go over to their website check out their stuff it's great great tools I've also put together a little section in my Amazon store where you'll find tools and knickknacks and all kinds of other stuff that you'll see here in the video today because you may see a couple things that you'll find interesting now why don't I go ahead and clear off the table and let's open up this bag so this is the old bag that I've had for several years and honestly this is better suited for somebody that's doing construction work that needs to carry around you know hammers and nail guns and all that kind of stuff for a trail tool bag it just doesn't work really well it's just a big empty black hole of tools and so finding things in here has always just been a challenge but I will say I think it's important in your off-road vehicle to carry a bag and a box I think it's a safety issue I mean you should always make sure that your stuff is secured down but you know things get loose in a rollover or an accident and the last thing you want is some metal steel toolbox rolling around in your vehicle that could be very dangerous so I highly recommend a bag but not this one let's take a look the one that I do recommend this bag here I recently got this is the Ridge Overland bag it's a tool bag I love the slim design of this this is going to be able to store in some of those narrow spaces in the backside of my Jeep and I'm really happy about that it's you know it's got some good nylon fabric on here it's got some sturdy handles got some little tabs here for the zippers on the front it's got some MOLLE webbing so you can attach some stuff to it and on the back here there's a little pocket and I've just thrown in some work gloves because usually when I'm out on the trail that's probably the first thing I'm going to grab and if I'm gonna do a repair or recovery situation so I've got some good work gloves in there but man you open this bad boy up and look how organized this is it's so nice there are six individual pouches in here and each one of them has a vinyl clear front on it and these all can be pulled out individually so if there's just one thing that you want to grab you know and head down the trail and help somebody out with you can do that which is really nice you don't have to take the whole thing this is definitely more organized than my old bag all right let's go ahead and open each one of these individual pouches and I'll show you everything I've got in there and kind of explain to you why I'm carrying these tools in the first pouch here I've got some of the essentials just some flathead and Phillips screwdrivers you got to have a couple different you know long ones thin ones and a couple stubbies and the reason I got them in the first pouch here is because that's something you're gonna grab almost all the time it's great to have some good screwdrivers and I like these little organ AMA grips they've got here plus on the ends here these are the same coating and you will find on firearms this black coating is not gonna flake off it's really well to design then I've got several hex keys and I really like these because they're in these nice little organizers I can tell you in my old bag I had just a ziploc bag full of a bunch of these and so finding the right size was and it was a nightmare and this is so much nicer I should have done this a long long time ago and then and also in here I've just got a little cutting blade you know I don't know if you need a box knife but something I just find myself using often do carry a knife in the Jeep but it's not a bad idea to have one of these as well so that is bag number one the second bag here I have got a very nice organizer for my combination wrenches and I love this thing you know before I just had a ton of combination wrenches just thrown and the bottom of my bag and I was always digging and digging and digging to find the right one I need now I open this thing up and I can see exactly what I have all the way from eight millimeter to 22 millimeter and I really like these you know they are not the ratcheting style and you know I do like the ratcheting style but when you're off-road sometimes you know you need that little extra bit of thinness just to get in the right spot and I think instead of caring you know the ratcheting style and these I think you can just carry these and just do it the old-fashioned way I think it's important to make sure that you spend a little bit of time underneath your vehicle and figure out what both sizes you have under there that way you know you have the right ones with you I can tell you for me experience several years ago is I had a shock mount come loose and I did not have the right wrench for that I had a bunch of wrenches but I didn't have the right size so lesson learned for me as I spent a ton of time just going under there and checking all the bolt sizes to make sure that I have what I need you know that's one of the benefits of working on your own vehicle is you get familiar with everything that you have under there and what size things are and it just gets you a good idea of how things go together and come apart so if you do have to repair something on the trail you're able to do that but I'm pretty happy with this combination set I'm only carrying metric because that's really all I have on my Jeep now I do have some standard ratchet drivers and sockets but I'll talk about that here in a little bit but for the combination wrenches I'm just using your standard old metric ones and I really like this roll I should have done this a long time ago as well all right let me set some other stuff aside and let's open bag number three now bag number three is a lot of good stuff in here let me start with pliers because I think that's something that everybody should carry I've got your adjustable pliers here which is good you can get a good grip on there nice long handle I've got some cutting pliers and then some needlenose and I don't know why but that seems like I use long nosed needlenose pliers more than I do just about any other plier out there I've also got some shears in here because that's one of the tools that's used most often in my garage and I always find a need for it when I'm out on the trail because you know even when you're repairing your vehicle sometimes it's not a vehicle that needs to be repaired maybe it could be something that's you know rooftop tent or some kind of storage unit in the back or your lights or something a roof rack or whatever you never know when you might need some shears I've got some long nose vise grips and I like these just because it allows you to get really small into something if you really need to clamp down the standard vise grips are nice but I think if you're only gonna carry one I don't know I kind of like these better I have a small C clamp so I can really kind of vise down onto something if I need to that's kind of handy a standard adjustable wrench I don't know why when I was a kid my dad used to call these monkey wrenches and so that's always stuck with me but it is an adjustable wrench this is a 250 millimeter good standard size it's not a bad idea to carry a small one but I don't have one and then I have that this little guy which is really nice this is a hand heck saw and this thing can come in really handy if you need to cut something down I mean look we're banging our vehicles on rocks and tearing them up you know there may be something that breaks loose and you've got to cut it off and being able to have a little hand hacksaw could really kind of help you out quite a bit and I like this thing because it's not some big long saw it folds down really nicely I've also got a metal file which can come in use quite a bit and I've got a chisel because you never know when you know you might strip a bolt and you gotta you know bang it out or you got a bust something off having a small chisel like this can be very very very valuable okay let me clear this off and then let's take a look at the other side all right there are two things that are kind of hanging in the bag they're not in the pockets and one is a 16-ounce ball-peen hammer and you know as well as I do a hammer can fix just about anything now having a good ball-peen hammer is the way to go and this one fits nicely in the bag it just doesn't fit in one of the pockets so that's why it's kind of just laying out here but that works really well for me and I've got one other thing here that's hanging loose outside of these bags but we'll get to that here in a second in this next bag I have an assortment of sockets and ratchets and I have mostly 3/8 inch ratchets and sockets because that's what I use the most although this big boy is a half-inch the reason I have mostly 3/8 is because that's usually what I grab in my toolbox when I'm in my garage and I just don't see a need for quarter-inch I don't think you need that when you're out on the trail having the half-inch compared to the three-inch can really help you you know get some good leverage on something so that's why I do carry that but I have this little tectonic kit right here which has got metric and standard and while this isn't not in my tool bag this is so much more organized than I was before because before I just had a ton of sockets all over the bag and it was just going and finding one it was just a nightmare so carrying this this tucks in well anywhere under the seat or in the side of a compartment somewhere is perfect in here I've got a 3-2 inch driver I've got an adjustable flex head I've got some extensions works really nice from 8 millimeter all the way to 19 millimeter but then I have a half inch ones which goes all the way up to 24 and then in the bag I've got this big boy which is the 36 millimeter and if you need to pull an axle or something like that you're gonna need this one so I don't carry a lot of large ones but this is one that I know I personally need I've also got some step ups and steps downs for the ratchets but look this is so much or organized I mean on these rails right here in the bag that just works and then having this case just to open it up and find what I need this thing is a godsend I can't tell you how frustrated I would get looking for the right size socket now I can just pull this out open it up and that does compact really well and closes up really nice now I gotta say I love these little flex heads here those things are extremely useful if you need to get in a tight spot so having a couple of those is really handy so that's what I've got in am I missing anything nope that's it for drivers and socket ok let's get into bag number five let me move this stuff aside here for a second guys ok got all kinds of goodies in this one some goggles because yes you even need to be safe out on the trail I've got a wire brush making 101 uses for that I've got a sharpie because marking something when you're trying to cut something or align something can be very helpful these right here are some colby emergency tire valves and i can tell you after a trip that we took where somebody broke a tire valve being able to replace a tire valve right there on the trail instead of having to swap a tire when it's raining and muddy and cold it can really be very nice these are really easy to use and they're very cheap and so that's why i carry those in there i've got some electrical wire and then this little guy right here it's actually a plain old tackle box but i'm here I've got some fuses and I've got some wire connectors just to be able to you know do some electrical stuff when I'm out on the trail honestly the fuses it seems like it I always am out and somebody says hey anybody got a fuse I always got one I've never needed one for me but I always have one if somebody needs one I do have this little tape measure it's a clock tape measure I don't carry a big old bulky tape measure I don't really find a need to measure stuff but just in case I do you know if you need to measure a bolt or something like that there's that and then there is this guy and this is just an assortment of bolts and screws and because you never know when something's gonna break or come up missing and you're gonna need to replace it now you know to what extreme do you carry extra bolts and washers and nuts and screws well that's up to you I just carry a variety of a few of them thankfully when I was out on the trail recently I lost a sway bar link bolt it just disappeared Marco had what I needed in so that I decided you know what I'm gonna make sure that I carry one of those with me in the future so that is it in bag number five and we are now down to bag number six guys and but we're not done there's still a couple other things that I carry for repairs which we'll talk about after this one now this bag here is really kind of the Fixit glue bag I would call it I've got some baling wire which is in valuable stuff you can use this for a million and one thing so having some baling wire which you can wrap around and secure something really nice you know if you've got some vise grips and baling wire you can really tighten this stuff down really well I've got some electrical tape and I've got some gorilla tape and I like the gorilla tape in this little one-inch design because it's just more compact and carrying a bulky three-inch like duct tape or whatever you can just wrap this for days and days it's like duct tape but it's just thinner and fits well in the bag I've got a whole assortment of hose clamps and cotter pins because you never know when you're gonna need those I do have some black nitrile rubber gloves because even out on the trail it's nice to keep your hands clean I've got some quick steel which is no match this putty together and you can plug holes in gas tanks or temporarily fill you know little bits of Steel this stuff is it the strongest that I've used in the past but it is nice to have I'm not gonna pull it out there cuz I don't want to dry it out but yeah this stuff is pretty good to have I've got some blue loctite so if there's a bolt that just it doesn't want to stay when you're out on the trail and you're on those washboard roads you can throw a little blue loctite on there and that will help secure that I've also got a little bit of RTV gasket sealer I love how small this is I don't have some big tube of RTV and then I've just got some outdoor adhesive that's basically like superglue you know this is more for interior stuff if I was gonna fix something like plastic or whatever there you go guys that's what's in the tool bag but I'm not done there's a couple other things I don't want to show you that have to do with repairs out on the trail boy it sure seems like I have a lot of stuff but honestly I use just about everything that I've shown you so far now in this little package right here I've got a micro Start XP 10 this is a jump starter battery and now there's a bunch of these out on the market and I've had this one for maybe a year and a half or so and it works really well you can plug it out here and then you can jumpstart your car and I have used this on the boys jeeps a lot because they like to leave the radio on or the lights on and we need to go jumpstart it and it's really handy to have because you don't have to go nose-to-nose with two vehicles with the jumper cables you just hook this right up to the battery press a button and you can actually jumpstart the car it's also got a couple little USB ports on here so you can charge your phone or whatever it's pretty handy to have one of these there's some good reviews some bad reviews I'm just telling you that this one has been working for me also in here I've got a multimeter I'm dropping stuff here hanging in I've got a multimeter and I don't claim to be any kind of electrical expert but I like having a multimeter so I can you know test for power and I can test for amp drawers now everything else in here well you need to open the manual and figure that out but having one of these can be invaluable so you can check a circuit so that's why I carry one of these and it just happens to fit really well in this a nice little case of there all right this guy right here is just a standard black plastic ammo can and I've got a few rags in here and then I've got a ratchet strap and a bungee cord there are lots of uses for bungee cord but let me just tell you about the ratchet strap for a second we were out on the trail and one of the guys track bars broke and with a ratchet strap and some baling wire we were able to tighten things down enough for him to drive safely a couple miles off the trail and then he was able to call a tow truck so there are a lot of uses for a ratchet strap fixing your steering could potentially be one of them this one is something that everybody should have and they should know how to use it and you should know how to open it as well there we go spoke on it this is the power tank tire repair kit tire repair kit is essential to have especially if you're long-distance and maybe you've already got a flat and so now you're down to your you don't have a spare anymore having one of these and knowing how to use one of these is very invaluable I've also got some more workmen's it gloves in here and then inside here is something that is new to me and that is a 6-ton bottle jack and this is from the folks over at safe Jack and now look they are not a sponsor I actually won this in a raffle when I was out at the desert rendezvous a few weeks ago and it's something I've really been wanting anyway so it was awesome that I won this but what's really cool about this is it's one it's six tons so very strong but it's got these extensions so you can you know get up really high it's got something to hold the axle on there they've got a whole lot of other extensions they've got a big handle a little baseplate I just kind of put this pieces in here because I think this is really all I need I'll find out here in the future next time I got to change the tire no but having a bottle jack is pretty handy so I like that and huh that's it that's it that's there's no more guys I'm gonna leave a couple of videos or right here that I think you'll enjoy if you enjoy this one go check those out and I'd like to hear from you in the comments below what am I missing what would you like to see me add to my tool kit if you're visiting trail recon for the first time hit that subscribe button I would love to have you as a member of the trail recon team please remember to travel the trails responsibly thanks for watching
Channel: TrailRecon
Views: 258,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tool bag, tool kit, what tools to carry, overland tool kit, overlanding, jeep wrangler, jeep tools, off-road tools, off-roading, tekton, the best tool bag, safe jack, screwdriver set, wrench set, craftsman, husky, trailrecon, electical tools, socket set, build your own tool kit, mechanics tools, mechanics tool bag, tire repair, jeep repair, how to fix, diy, offroading, what fluids to carry, overland recovery gear, offroad recovery gear, spare parts
Id: oe9E8rbaEvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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