What I carry in my overlanding tool kit.

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what's going on everybody welcome back to the channel so in the previous video we talked about the Blue Ridge Overland gear toolbag this week we're going to talk about what you should actually keep in your toolkit be it this or however else you decide to carry your tools so that being said let's go back to the tailgate I'm going to open this thing up show you what I carry and probably you know where you can start on putting your toolkit together so let's go so I said in my previous video for better or worse I tend to carry kind of the kitchen sink when it comes to tools you do not need to start with this amount so we're going to open this tool bag up I'm going to show you kind of what I have but also where you can start and what you kind of really need as a baseline of tools to carry when you go off-roading and overlanding so let's check it out so with this kit here is really where I would ultimately start I would get a 3/8 inch drive ratchet and a full set of sockets and at the very least one of these like 3in extensions maybe even a longer one now the reason I say a 3/8 is because 3/8 is strong enough that you can remove things like your starter alternator pretty much all the bolt-on stuff that will be on your vehicle you can remove with a 38 and a hand ratchet now there are a few half inch tools I would also recommend also another thing I recommend getting in your uh 38 set is the t50 and t40 Torx ends for taking your tops and doors off instead of trying to use that dinky little ratchet that comes with the the Jeeps I really don't like those but quick little tip so I can't even find my little ratchet that came with my Jeep but what I was going to show y'all is if you do use any kind of Ratchet or anything like like that excuse me to take your top and doors off especially your doors get a piece of sticky Velcro with the the fuzzy side the loop side and put it across the top right here that way if you go to take your doors off you're not going to worry about you know bumping this up against your paint and damaging your paint so quick little tip on that now the case of half inches you don't really need to get as large of a kit right off the rip now you will want to have whatever size lug you need to remove your wheels you know flat tires happen even on road so you want to have that on you at all times as well as maybe your bumper even because if you Happ to have something happen and you impact a obstacle hard enough and it bends your bumper especially if you have a full width bumper you're going to want to a way to remove that will you know to limp yourself home it's kind of an extreme scenario so not really necessary at the very least though a way to remove your wheels now on that this isn't necessary a breaker bar will do fine but a good half inch impact battery powered impact will make life a lot easier if you do have to remove something also the other thing to consider is if you have to remove say a wheel you know change tire and the truck is at an odd angle this will keep the torsion for or the torque force in line instead of having to crank and create a moment arm that could Rock the truck and if it's already off camber you kind of want to avoid that so this will keep all of the force on the truck in a center position where it won't move the truck so something to consider with one of these just make sure you bring a big enough battery pack that you know you can charge it once leave for a few days and not have to worry about it so as far as half inches go that's really all you need until you want to start carrying you know more tools or if you even have the room to carry more tools for that sort of thing next let's talk wrenches because if you're using ratchets you know odds are you're going to need a wrench to hold the other side out of you know nothing bolt now when it comes to wrenches you know your traditional just boxing combination wrench just get you a full set of them or at the very least you know figure out what just like with the 38 either carry a full set or at least figure out what the most common sizes are on your vehicle thing you know 10 mm 8 mm 12 mm 13 are some of the more common 17 things like that and you'll want the like I said in conjunction with your 38 or maybe even your half inch I carry you know 18 to 19 millimet as well cuz there are things like my control arms that have that size on them and it'll just be a way you know if you have to work something loose now the good thing about these though you can start with these as opposed to a ratchet most of them do have the ratcheting end on them so it makes getting it working in tight spaces easier and they take up a lot less space than a full socket set so at the very least when you're starting out go get you a full set of some of open-end wrenches they've been serving mechanics well for decade you know very very long time so this is always just a good place to start if nowhere else so this next pouch is things for grabbing stuff so things like ice grips Channel loocks regular just slip joint pliers pair of wire cutters but this would really go more under like electrical probably but also I got a pair of needl noose in here including a pair of needlenose channel locks or not lock of vice grips as well as larger small crescent wrenches now if I were to narrow this pouch down I would say small crescent wrench and a pair of either large or small vice grips now the reason being is you can use these you can actually use these to hold things in place even if you have to do it to get down the road you can use these to clamp say a fender into place or Fender a liner you could even clamp like a brake line shut if you have a brake line gets severed and don't have a way to reconnect it use one of these clamp it shut clamp it down to the frame where you can at least get off the trail you know things like that after that I would probably lean more towards a pair of pliers over something like a large channel lock like these and that's just because this will do more smaller tasks of what you're likely to run into out on the trail or just on a small trip so that's what I keep in this one really these I rarely use but I still keep them because they don't take up a whole lot of room they're probably the least use this one with is probably Overkill like I said good pair of wire cutters in case you have to do any kind of electrical work while you're out on the trail you know wires can come loose be damaged get broken whatever so now of everything in my tool bag the grippy stuff is probably the least used but the very least I'd still recommend a pair of channel locks just in case like said CU that can pinch a brake line shut or a hose something like that that's more of like an emergency thing at the very least I'd recommend that but like this is probably the least used of everything in here pair of Channel or pair of vice grips and a pair of slip joint pliers you should be golden now the next pouch is screwdrivers and fitting removal so I have metric and standard Allen keys and these are easy to carry a full set of because they all come in these little cases this one usually fits together but it just hasn't stayed together very well but so things like this you know there's a lot of these kinds of the fittings on pretty much any vehicle I know my compressor Mount is put up with Allen Keys even part of my bed rails there's stuff inside the cab so a full set of these is relatively small and easy to carry now I keep small medium and large screwdrivers both slotted and Phillips head and kind of Overkill but I keep a couple of old just beater screwdrivers in here that if I have to smack on something or try to pry something that I don't really want to use like my good screwdrivers on I can use these and if I break it I really don't care but I would say at the very least like the medium size in both a slotted and Phillips head is something you should keep and like I said set of Allen keys I could probably get away with just the metric ones and that's probably what I'll do actually I think I'm going to take the standard ones out cu I don't think I've ever used them but metric I know is on here so there we go something to kick out already I also keep not the most robust one but I do keep a small punch on here just for knocking out small screws or anything like that it's just one of those thing if you got to get something out of a tight spot or even knock something in one or two small punches isn't B thing to carry around and I mean they're small lightweight they don't take it much room so couple of those now this last pouch is one that I honestly really need to restock CU it's also one to kind of piler into the most and that's because it contains the all important zip tie I I use a bunch of these things whenever I'm decorating my Jeep for whatever holiday or event is coming up and things like that but this one also keep my electrical in so I've got an actual pair of wire cutters and crimpers and a small pair of wire strippers and crimpers as well again electrical connections can come loose make sure you have spares of all that stuff I actually need to put some more connectors in here I recently had to replace uh the connectors for my compressor because those came loose Cas some point fortunately it wasn't out on the trail but also installed a set of Oracle lights I'll be showing those in a sure they don't really warrant a full in video anyway but also keep a utility knife in here these are just one of those things Thousand and One uses instead of you know tearing up one of my good knives or if it's something that requires a little more Precision work cutting a sleeve off of something like wiring sleeve or anything like that small tape measure arguable usefulness but I do find myself occasionally grabbing it even if it's not necessarily for the truck if I'm out somewhere and need one I've got it Sharpie you can you know at least temporarily like index Mark bolts or anything even comes loose on the way home if you do have to swap something out and Sharpies are just generally handy to have around like I said bunch of zip ties uh varying sizes like I said I need to put some of my big ones back in here we just had a big Veterans Day rally and or a parade so I had to zip tie some stuff on there plus Halloween was just here and that also for anything I do have to swap out Place bottle of blue Loctite don't want stuff coming loose on the way home but other than that that's everything I keep in the actual bag now and as you probably noticed on the outside of the bag I have carabin just a pair of mechanics leather the Impact Gloves so that if I'm working on something need to protect my hands I can do that that's coming loose but and the impact Leathers have always served me pretty well in that regard so that is everything that's actually in the tool bag like I said you don't need to carry all that hopefully that gives you an idea of where to start though but I do have a couple other small miscellaneous things that are good to keep around so a few other like kind of miscellaneous things that' be good to keep in the truck vehicle a dead blow hammer you have to knock a bolt loose or just knock something off or out or take out a coyote with it I don't know but a good dead blow hammer just throw it under the seat you'll be good tarp go to Harbor Freight they're cheap pick one up they fold up small they can go under your back seat or under your front seat if you're somewhere where it's muddy and you just don't want to get on the ground roll around in the mud the dirt you know whatever thr this down use it as kind of a improvised creeper you know save you from getting all nasty and ruining your clothes now my everyday carry flashlight is a magnetic base so I have that more or less covered but a magnetic kind of little work light this one is I don't even remember where I got this from but it's just your basic got a few different settings but something like that where you you can attach it somewhere and see what you're doing especially under the hood uh also I don't have it out here with me headlamp uh it's one of the things about you know this little oite you can go right there on your hat brim but they do have the actual headlamp version also for a lot of small little tasks not even strictly speaking repairs but just a good thing to keep in the truck in general that will solve a lot of situations good multi tool I've been using the Leatherman Wave pluses for years they've served me very well they just came out with The Arc that thing looks really cool I'd love to get my hands on one but a good Leatherman get the bit kit with it and one of the little ratcheting extensions they do really well in a lot of cases so something else to have on there now the next question be where do you get your tools from what brand controversial maybe I get the bulk of mine from Harbor Freight now you can make an argument as the quality of say like the Pittsburgh line yeah okay that maybe squirrel away from that one a little bit but the quins are pretty good me personally I've been using the icon and let me tell you they have served me very well the icon tools have installed pretty much every mod I have on this Jeep and and nothing has failed on me they have worked extremely well and for the price I can't think of a better option I do have some husky stuff in there as well it's mostly the Allen wrenches and the screwdrivers but all of my sockets are icon all my ratchets are icon and as well as like I've got my torque wrench and there that's icon as well I'm telling you you start with these things also here's the other thing Harbor Freights are pretty ubiquitous they're everywhere and they honor their warranties if any of these tools break I can very easily go somewhere go to a Harbor Freight store and trade them out for for brand new ones uh having worked at one of the big box stores if you have one of their store brand or one of the other like name brand tools break on you there's really no promise that if you take that to their customer service department you're going to be able to exchange it in a case of like I need this tool like right now without having to also just buy a brand new one so that's the other thing I like about Harbor Freight they're really good on their warranties so that's something else to consider that's pretty much everything I keep as far as tools goes you know take the tools that I showed you figure out what you need the most or what you don't need to carry start incorporating it into your kid because like I said you don't need that big tool bag I'm gonna shout out Blue Ridge again but they do have other options they do have their tool roll which comes with four of those 4X 12 patches again go watch my previous review to see kind of the details on those and then they have their tool sling for an even more compact package that comes with two of them so they've got options or you know throw them in an old school toolbx throw it in the bed but whatever you do make sure you have the tools you need on the trail that if an emergency happens or something breaks down you have the ability to either repair it yourself or en list the help of somebody else because you don't want to be stranded out there with no way to get home so that's all for this week guys thank you very much for tuning in till next week y'all be cool
Channel: Furyroad_JT
Views: 1,009
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Id: 7i3d4sYSU5A
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Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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