We've Totally Changed Our Mind About The Barn!

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well good morning boys how you guys doing oh we  got a surprise to talk about on y'all's Barn today   yeah [Music] all right girl come on let's go come  on all right girl come on I got a girl all right what is going on y'all it's Jason over here at Cog  Hill Farm and I hope you all having a wonderful   wonderful wonderful day so I want to tell you well  after Bandon gets through drinking here he's uh   he's going at it let's go on one of the doors  here we'll get some airflow going in here so much better once the doors get open you  doing okay buddy I have found out the Bandit   likes to follow us around especially  Brooke Brooke is his mama but Rocky Rocky will come visit for a few minutes and he  goes back to the house and stays under the porch   we have actually got those guys a fan set up over  there under the porch and I said they can have   some air going on them all the time because they  are outside Farm dogs they are not inside dogs   so we've got them a fan set up out there and we  got the ceiling fans under the porch too going   as well plus they got the pools so that's where  uh where Rocky likes to hang out we found out   Bandit wants to be with us especially Brook now  Brooke is his mama but Bandit wants to be with us   also found out that Bandit here now this is  the one that didn't have parvo Rocky is the   one that had parvo Bandit they're both low-key but  Bandit is extra low-key like calm as a cucumber   he doesn't really get into much of anything Rocky  on the other hand Rocky seeks out to find stuff   uh whatever he is a a terror upper is that a  is that the right way to say it if he finds   something a bag a piece of paper anything wood  like this right here this right here would be   a toy box right here for Rocky you saw a bandit  walk right back like it was nothing Bennett has   no interest in this if Rocky was in here I would  be constantly taking stuff away from him or what   I eventually do is they'll just move this out the  way but Rocky is constantly seeking out things to   find to play with or tear up and again you guys  heard me say it so many times and and I don't   think we actually see it really that much um but  you guys are seeing it now with me and our animals   but even though Rocky and Brandon are brothers  right we're not very sure what breed they are   because you know they are mutts one of them  was considered Superman by the DNA test   but well we have found out is is that all these  animals are different it's just crazy you know   a pig some pig of our pigs like water some don't  like water Moody loves to be squirted down Mildred   absolutely hates to be squirting down and then  he were the Rocky and Bandit and they're Brothers   It's just absolutely fascinating and amazing  to me how different the animals are foreign hear Brooke coming and I was supposed to get an  air Chuck to air up the tire and the tractor and I   totally forgot y'all so I'm gonna have to tell her  I forgot and I can run down there and go get it got a low tire in the tractor that seems to be  very very common what I just told everybody I   totally forgot the air Chuck to hear the checks  I'll go get it though I totally forgot it me   and Holly loaded up and uh I totally forgot the  air Chuck but I'll run and go get it all right now I can hear the tire up [Music]   all right got that done now let me tell you about  the changes we're making to the barn here y'all   come on so one change that we're doing with the  farm with the barn now is ceiling fans now when   we first mentioned cement fans we said we're going  to do signal fans and then we got to look in and   then we priced them and then these huge industrial  type ceiling fans we found were like five thousand   dollars and then they told us we needed to  engineer to figure out how to mount it and so   I was like we got paid five thousand dollars for a  signal fan and then we got to hire an engineer to   figure out how to mount it I was like that's gonna  blow our budget out the water so then we decided   that we wasn't going to do ceiling fans and that  we're going to get like these uh Barrel type fans   maybe a four foot one one on each end of the barn  but what was going to happen there is is it would   cool us off and push some air but it's gonna be  extremely loud so if I wanted to record in here   we'd have to cut those fans off to record in here  but that was how it was going to be and two one   of you guys reached out to us and told us about  these fans at Home Depot had and there were 120   inches they're industrial but they were like four  hundred dollars there wasn't five thousand dollars   but we went to go on there to go get them or look  at them and they were on back order and have been   on back order for a good little while now probably  a couple of months so we're like okay well back to   the big fans on the ground that's what we're gonna  do but we got an alert last week that those fans   were back in stock so we were hastily ordered two  of them and they should be here this week I called   my dad and he said and I showed him the fans  like look we can hang those fans with no problem   so I don't need the engineer and we're not  spending over five grand for one fan you know   we're getting two fans for a third of that  price so now the barn will have ceiling fans   but we also made another change the milking parlor  now we had talked about a mini split and then we   were like you know what that's going to be a lot  of trouble I've looked at probably getting one of   those DIY ones and I was like I just I know how  these things go with me as I get it think I can   do it and then I end up spending twice as much  money because I should let somebody do it to   start with when I don't know what I'm doing  and that's how I felt about this whole mini   split situation so we have a window unit so we  said we're just gonna put a window unit in here   and that be done it's a small room we put a window  unit in here we can put electric heater in here   and during the winter time and that will get  things you know keep things pretty comfortable   in here and you know that window unit you know  they don't have really a thermostat on it's   usually just high medium and low and it just runs  all the time and so I really would like to have   something that would work like a central heating  and air system kind of like a mini split so we're   like leaning towards that mini split again so he  reached out to several air conditioned people and   only one guy showed up and he was here yesterday  tell us what size he was going to get or what size   we needed uh what electrical we needed to run to  it and he would give us a price and he did and it   was well within our budget so now the milking  parlor will have a mini split so that way the   refrigerator is not in here when it's 110 degrees  and it's just pouring sweat because it's so humid   in here it don't matter if it's winter or summer  because the mini split has a heat pump in it so   it does heating and cool so no matter what time  of year it is in here when Brooke or myself come   in here to do anything uh we don't have to wait  for this room to cool off or this room to heat up   and we don't have to worry about wearing tear  on that refrigerator plus we also have added   decided to add some plugs underneath here now  for the incubators so we can actually run the   incubators in here too and we've also decided to  add plugs for the fridge dryer so the incubator   the freeze dryers and the refrigerator would  all be way more efficient and better off if   this thing was temperature controlled all the  time but adding that mini split uh is going to   or has caused an issue because he says it needs  to be on this wall here well this is where we're   going to put that beautiful light that we've been  hanging on to that we're so excited about right   there and the mini split in the light can't go  in the same spot because they'll touch each other   and so we're like oh but then I said what about  this side right here and guess what that's what   we're gonna do we're going to hang the light  on this side which I think would actually look   I think I actually look better because this is  the solid wall there's no sink to be centered   and there's no window so it all be center of  this wall and I think that actually looks end up   looking better so this may end up being a blessing  speaking of the milk and parlor the electrical me   and Brooke have still been hard at it Brooke has  now insulated this outside wall here and she has   put up the boards and the metal all by herself  I had no help in this whatsoever and this side   as well uh while she was doing this I was running  the home runs and I was running the wire for the   stove and the hot water heater and now the mini  split so everything's pretty much wired I got a   little bit more wiring to do for the mini split so  we have been really really harded and busy trying   to get this thing ready for for the electrical to  be cut on now we do still have this wall left here   because we are waiting on one little thing over  here but as soon as that gets in uh the milk and   parlor will be done and hopefully the mini split  of being here uh fairly soon fairly soon but   that's all going to pin on the power coming too  but I can imagine it being somewhere we can just   sneak off working on a barn sneak off in here and  cool off especially when you get started working   out on on that fencing out there in the pastures  because that's going to be it's going to be a job you just brought a big surprise  over here and I mean it's a biggie tractor bucket yeah and since I had it empty I  decided to go ahead and it seems to make a move   it ain't empty no more no no y'all look  at this I don't know how many we have   babies or tags these four yeah it's not  full of tags they're so heavy that I can   hook and then this one and that one is signs wow  wow wow that is uh it's quite a few that's quite   a few but you know why I moved them over here  right why are you moving over here I've been   waiting on this Barn all night you think  put them up on the outside I think they'll   look good on the outside but now that I see how  many we have that is you there's me behind you   and this is your daddy and it's also our goat a  beautiful butterfly it was this something fly by   that is my daddy and my goat oh really guess what  you weren't here when these guys seen [Laughter] uh Jesse Loretta I don't know if Mildred was here  yes she was yes do you know how I know that how you saw Mildred this one's no longer with us  Bayer passed away that's right from old age   but Mildred was definitely  here nope there's Mildred   oh wow wow so we got a lot to look forward to this  kind of makes me want to put him on the ceiling   I'm I'm okay I don't care about that if  uh end to end like no gaps we gotta put   the boards up I know like when you walk  in the whole ceiling is nothing but tags   can we do them alphabetical however you want to  do it I tell you what I saw I'm gonna lay some out   and show you what I was talking about we've gotten  some really cool ones lately the one I'm thinking   about is it's not in here it's at the house we  just got it it's past week and it was from Kuwait   this is what I want this pattern oh yeah  I like that too you like that better then I'll have to see it on there I think  just running in One Direction is gonna   get no I would stagger it I would do it like  this and then this one would go like that just like this of course that one's from the Bahamas how awesome  is that that's what I was thinking about doing it   on the ceiling well you're going to come in here  one day yeah and I'm gonna have them all laid out [Music]   my goodness I love the tags and we thank you  guys so much for sending us all these tags even   though we just been saving them up for this day  that's right we just so yeah now we finally have look at that 1929 that's awesome  another one wow you guys are the   best we've gotten so many cool tags we  love them all yeah 61. look at that y'all there's loads of cool ones there he is there's  not one that doesn't catch mine I know it we   love them all we absolutely love them all and  all these signs you guys have been sending us a cat it's not just a cat sanity yes he is a   team he is a best friend isn't that perfect that  is perfect look at here this one's Moody's and we   get the Cog Hill 40 I mean we got so many of these  things we've been hanging on to that you guys sent   us that we wanted to put over here at the barn  or in the barn and I couldn't wait I know to get   them up here so I just I mean look how cool this  is gonna look bro I want you to stand back here come on they are as well as the tags oh girl just keeps coming back with stuff you just keep coming back with stuff you know  I couldn't come back with an empty bucket   got our got our light we got a little we got a  little Beanie but I think we can fix that though   I think we can fix it I just  need to clean it up don't we and that's gonna go right over there  we got a plug over there for it I just   gotta figure out how to wire it up  yes Park okay good deal I know it   perfect so you think you think we need  to go and start hanging some of them up   what is the only way we're gonna know what we  got agree with you and I mean you know since   why we can't right that's right I mean I like  the palette wood but I also love my silence   yeah we're not going to cover it completely up  be the best of both parts that's right [Music] all right y'all look at this now don't that  look awesome it kind of reminds me of old car   Keel don't it so it kind of reminds me of Kio  donut we told y'all it was coming he was coming   we didn't we didn't lose our sense of I don't  know what the word is it's not Adventure we   didn't lose that either but our sense of character  character our character is not sense of character   but yeah we got most of all the signs hung up we  added some tags here and there uh were you saving   other tags for the ceiling but I knew these old  old tags they wouldn't fit their different sizes   and then we put some motorcycle tags over here too  it looks awesome and we got our old Cloverleaf ice   cream sign and over here we go again we got more  of these beautiful signs and things you guys have   sent us over the years and we're just gonna keep  adding to it and then we gotta do the inside so   we saved some until we get the inside complete  and then we'll start adding something inside too   I like it I'm proud of it I like it I like it a  lot okay I will tell you this what's that that   mini split was installed already I'd be sitting in  there I would be in there right now because I am   it's hot it is so hot done  for the day done [Laughter]   I don't blame y'all I'm getting  close to being done for the day yeah   just don't tell peaches hey Scott I appreciate  you I appreciate you putting on the show while   I clean the water is out this afternoon I'm not  gonna lie it's all for Life everybody [Music]   I know man I know you're a handsome fella I  ain't gonna lie not everybody get some fancy   dancing like that while they clean waters you know  what I mean so I'm just gonna tell you thank you   hey guess what you think about all that hmm  all that fancy dancing can you do all that   that's what I want to know whoa can you  dance like Scott that's pretty fancy now   I bet Scott can't swim like you though so  I mean everybody's got their talents right   okay you and you swimming Colorado can break  glass with just her voice Scott and his dancing you may want to teach cheese how to swim you  know he's kind of new at it hey Loretta what's   going on baby girl you in the Gus bus see I ain't  used to all this fancy dancing that we get over   here are you hmm y'all ain't used to that yeah  you can think peaches for the dance and though   she decided she wanted to hire her a fancy  male dancer and so she hired her one you know when you're the big Farm Boss she  can do things like that Loretta oh girl all right Scott says he's done the show is over  hey Scott we appreciate you buddy but you know   what I think him I'm thinking you need a tip  jar I don't know where we need to put it but   I'm thinking you know you could probably make a  little extra cash on the side buddy just think   about it a tip jar you remember the Old Farm the  old barn with all the signs and the license plates   and stuff on it well guess what we started doing  that to the newborn today on the Milken parlor and   I must say it looks pretty daggum awesome  too you're gonna like it when you see it [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cog Hill Family Farm
Views: 91,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm, farmstead, family farm, farm life, farmtube, small farm, farm animals, farm land, farms, owning a farm, farm family, farm pets, farm pet, hobby farm, living on a farm, raising farm animals, raising livestock, cog squad, family fun, coghill farm, cog hill farms, pole barn, construction, DIY, barn building, barn design, pole barn construction, building materials, pole barn design, barn building process, barn project, barn renovation, barn raising, barn, family
Id: 5yYfnlmj9U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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