WeTransfer Tutorial - Transfer Large Files Online

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in this short video tutorial I'm going to show you a little tool called wetransfer.com and even though it's a little tool what we transfer does is it allows you to send large files and I think it's particularly useful for teachers and students now I know some of you are thinking why not just use Google Drive Dropbox one drive to send large files and you're right those are excellent options but sometimes you might be teaching a group of students that doesn't have those accounts and rather than having them sign up and do all of that sometimes you just need a quick easy tool to help you to send large files files like let's say movies that the students have produced or other large projects that can be hard to email so wetransfer.com I think is a great solution and one of the best things about it is it does not require a login and password there's no registration required so let's take a look at it in action now I'm on the main wi transfer page and you can see that the background images sometimes change and shift and things like that that's okay but before you get to this screen if you just go straight to we transfer.com you may get a different screen that asks you to choose between the free account and the paid account and you can just choose the free account the free account allows you to send files up to 2 gbt in size and that's pretty big if you want more than that up to 20 gig then you would need to sign up for the paid version of w transfer.com I'm just using the free one and I'm not signing into any sort of account all you need to do to use this is and I'm going to zoom in just a little bit to help you see it a little better better but all you need to do is Click add your files so I click that and it takes me in my case to my desktop and you can see on my desktop I have some files and this is the one I would like to send it's quite big it's 1.18 gabt in size I would never have a good chance of emailing that and have it working so instead I'm going to select that click open and pretty quickly it's added to my list here of files that I'm going to be able to send now I have a 2 GB limit I've used 1 gig so far so I could go back and add more if I want to I could add another image let's say and I could go back and add even more if I wanted to so you can add the files that you want as long as they add up to less than 2 GB next you just put in the recipient email just put it right in there and then you have to put your own email address in there as well finally you can put in a message for the recipient maybe say who it's from and then if you want you can click this link here and you can choose to send this as an email or to send it as a link in most cases an email is going to be a little bit more convenient for you but if you just want it to generate a link that you then post on a website or something like that then link is a good option you can see some of the plus features for those that do pay you can make it so it's temporary so it deletes after a week or a day or a year you can also password protect it so those might be some good options for businesses or other Advanced users for me I'm going to leave it it as email and I'll click transfer and this is transferring 1.1 GB worth of content and it's sending it to the person that I am emailing it to when it says transferring it's not removing it from The Source computer and putting it on the destination computer all it's doing is it's basically copying it and sending it to the email that you provide so this is going to take a few more seconds you can see the progress as it's going but this is still going to take a few more seconds so I'll come back in just a minute when it's done sending this file looks like it just finished and now it says I'm done the download email has been sent your transfer is available for 7 days so the person that receives this email has 7 Days in which to access the email click the link to download this large file that I just sent now let's take a quick look at what that looks like once the recipient receives your email with the we transfer files here here's the email that I received and it just says who it came from at least the email address of the person it came from how many files how big it is and how long they have to download those files it gives them a download link and a button get your files and they can just click that and it takes them to the location where the files are kept and so like I said before I think that's the most convenient way to send the large files is just have we transfer email it for you if you do prefer the other option I'll show you how to do that again you would add your files I'll just choose this one this time put in the destination email your email and a message perhaps and then down here when you click on those dots you just choose link and now when you click transfer it's first uploading the document and now that it's finished uploading it gives me a nice download link that I can just click on the link has been copied as soon as I clicked on it it copied it and now I can just go ahead and I could let's say open my email program and compose an email and then paste P that address in or I could just post this on a website for my students to click when they click on it it takes them here where it gives them access to download that file they can just click and it downloads the file to their computer whether it's a small one in this case or that large 1 Gigabyte file that I sent earlier so I really like we transfer again probably my favorite thing about it is that you don't have to register you don't have to have an account so I hope you enjoy using we transfer if you like we transfer you may be interested in a series of videos that I've been producing on the topic of useful tools that do not require registration so look for that playlist in my account and please consider connecting with me on my social media platforms such as Twitter Facebook and Pinterest and I hope that you'll subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos about technology for teachers and students and watch for a new video at least every Monday
Channel: Technology for Teachers and Students
Views: 350,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wetransfer, wetransfer tutorial, we transfer, transfer large files online free, transfer large files online, send large files online, send large files online free, wetransfer for dummies, using we transfer, using wetransfer, how to use we transfer, how to use wetransfer
Id: CwLH9O8a4UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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