WESTWORLD Ending Explained (Ford's Master Plan, The Maze & Dolores)

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hey guys I'm Eric Voss and yes I know I'm in a new space but it's still coming together don't time to talk about it because West world's amazing first season has come to an epic conclusion now spoiler alert if you haven't seen it which shouldn't be necessary because you were the one who clicked on a video about the ending of a TV show so it's your own fault but this season finale revealed way more than I ever expected a show produced by JJ Abrams do ever reveal so we got four words new actually violent narrative the meaning behind the maze the voices in Dolores is head and damn look at that the man in black is actually William as an older man I see that was the sound of thousands of online conspiracy theorists climax scene all at once now in case that free for a loop I made another video breaking down the convoluted timeline of Westworld reordering the story in the exact chronology definitely watch that but in this video I'm gonna quickly explain what the hell we just saw because let's be honest Westworld threw a lot at us at once and I think we all felt a bit like Felix so let let let let let get started okay first question what was ford's master plan so all season long we saw Ford preparing for his new secret narrative digging up the city of Escalante and repurposing hundreds of hosts then in the final minutes it's a total bloodbath he has Dolores execute him exactly like she executed Arnold and she and all the other hosts opened fire on the rest of the board members so why does he do this Robert Ford has been a mysterious figure throughout the season but one clear drive for him was control his dream was to be the god of his own world and total control of all his creations and anytime someone threatened that status quo they were destroyed so that sense of order made him an ideological opposite to Arnold who was the co-creator of the park Arnold's wanted the hosts to achieve consciousness and destroy West world and Ford the man of control realized two things that he has lost control over one he's an old man at the end of his life and the end of his career and the dillos corporation is close to removing him from power and to his old partner Arnold proved to be right the host continued to gain consciousness and Ford realized that the hosts are the next stage of evolution and they instantly had done that this is his business via gun again and after years and years of letting these hosts evolve and change into fully sentient beings and never really doing anything to fix the problem board realized that his time was short and made his final move one last narrative in which the hosts violently overthrow their lesser evolved predecessors humans something that he for shadowed Juno what happened to the nyan de toast banana we ate them okay so Ford's master plan required several steps one he created Bernard a host modeled after his former partner Arnold who's named by the way Bernard Lowe is actually an anagram for Arnold Weber which I felt like I was the last person to discover anyway that way for it has an assistant and a chief engineer that he could trust with his secrets to Ford built a backdoor into all hosts so he could always control him three he spent decades allowing consciousness to spring up in the host organically simply wiping their memories and letting the problem reach a point of no return for after years and years of letting Sizemore take care of the narratives Ford suddenly in her fears then disrupted all the pre-existing narratives to justify building his new secret narrative five he secretly changed the hosts prime directives making them potentially dangerous to humans and when Elsie discovers this he sends Bernard to kill her or maybe just silence her we'll talk about that later six when Teresa tried to steal the host code for Delos and circumvent board he used Bernard to kill her as well as cover up the death and their love affair seven he updated Maeve so that she could wake herself up from sleep and believe that she has free will leading to her plan to escape with feelings eight Ford exploited the back door to stop Bernard from killing them out of anger however he also ensured that the bullet only grazed Bernards cranial shield so that he could quickly be brought back and interact with Maeve as part of the narrative that he wrote for her that way she could go out into the outside world and engage in mainland infiltration which I'll talk about in a bit nine Ford gave Dolores one final push to achieve full consciousness knowing that she would use her free will to enact her previous massacre in hopes of freeing herself and ten reveal the final narrative as the first step in a violent overthrow assuring in the next stage of evolution now notice some affords final words votes on Beethoven and Chopin never died they simply became music now on a literal level he's referring to his own final opus this new narrative that he's built that will change the world but some people are thinking that Ford may also be hinting that he built a hosts version of himself and that this Ford may actually just be a host or this is the real Ford and there's another host version of them somewhere that's ready to carry on his legacy so that Ford can live on through his life's work these hosts and this could be plausible considering board does have a secret lab where he built Bernard and could plausibly make new artificial hosts he also has a huge ego I could see him doing this but I also don't really know because seeing Ford like show up and walk around next season it would kind of take away the power of this perfect farewell but I could see him coming back like in a memory or in a voice form like Arnold did haunting the hosts from beyond the grave either way if any Hopkins did tweet that he's enjoyed working on the show implying that his work is done on it so we'll see if he comes back in season 2 now let's move on to another mystery this episode dealt with what is the maze so after a season of the maze patterns showing up everywhere and people bringing it up in conversation this finale revealed exactly what the maze is so as explained by Arnold to Dolores the maze is a metaphor for the journey a host takes to achieve true consciousness so initially Arnold imagined this journey as a pyramid with different layers the bottom one being memory because humans need to remember things to learn from them and then improvisation because humans tend to deviate from their routine and then on top of that self-interest because humans make decisions to protect in further themselves but Arnold realized that consciousness isn't a journey upward but a journey inward so he reimagined these from layers of a pyramid to concentric layers of a circular maze which was modeled on a children's toy belonging to Arnold Sun in which it would be difficult to navigate your way into the center just like it's difficult for the human mind to understand its true nature so in other words the maze is not a physical place hidden somewhere in West world like a huge hedge maze or something and this isn't something that William can use this is a metaphor describing how hosts can become conscious they learn to remember they learn to improvise they learn to act in self-interest and the final key isn't a voice from above it's a voice from within and notice how forward repeated that idea later when describing the brain shape hidden in Michelangelo's paintings it took five hundred years for someone to notice something hidden in plain sight as dr. who noticed the shape of the human brain message being that the divine gift does not come from this shows that board knows everything Arnold did and he's been building on his work now you may remember Arnold's pyramid theory was first introduced back in Episode three and by the way looking back now I love how the show visually foreshadowed the circular design by for drawing this pyramid in a circle that was previously on the blackboard but there's a key difference with fourth pyramid Arnold only had three layers but Ford added a fourth layer saying it was the last step of consciousness and at the end of this episode Ford tells Bernard what that final component is thing that led the host to throw wakening suffering pain that the world is not as she wanted to be the Ford realized that suffering is a key part of the human experience the hosts need to feel emotional pain to be truly conscious in the way humans are so apparently if you've never suffered you're not human which is a huge relief because all I do is suffer so Arnold saw the lorises true consciousness when she talked about the grief over losing her parents and William saw Mavis true consciousness when he killed her daughter that suffering is why Ford made Dolores travel on this tortuous journey over and over he wanted to prime her with enough suffering to achieve consciousness now how did the host get to that the maze that's the purpose of the reveries remember reveries are the behavioral responses linked to specific memories everyone attributed them to Ford but they were actually a creation by Arnold now they were supposed to be simple behaviors that made the host more lifelike but they caused some to malfunction and that's because Arnold's real purpose for the reveries was to create a link between the layers of the maze letting the host build on each layer and move inward he endowed them first with memory and the reverie caused that to spill over into improvisation which would lead to acting and self-interest and later result in suffering basically guiding each host deeper into their own mental maze until they reached the center ok so related to the maze is another mystery what are the voices in Dolores is mine so the finale episodes title is the bicameral mind which takes us back again to that scene in episode 3 he based it on the theory of consciousness called the bicameral mind Ford explains to Arnold that the theory of the bicameral mind is to try to give the host consciousness with external voice commands assuming that the host would hear them as an inner monologue and eventually their own thoughts would take over and even though he says that they abandon that plan this is exactly what we see happened to Dolores in this season she receives several mysterious voice commands over the course of the episodes like when she shoots rebus and when she's on the run so early in the finale Dolores still doesn't understand the final step do you understand now Dolores what the center represents whose voice I've been wanting you to hear and try but I don't understand but later in the episode when she reaches full consciousness she finally understands do you know now who you've been talking to whose voice you've been hearing Oh so Dolores his own independent thoughts have now taken over now the show used some really interesting audio tricks here so if you listen carefully to the earlier instances the speaker is really hard to make out it sounds like a mix of several characters but in this final instance the audio separates the mix so that we hear each of the voices one at a time first Arnold oh then Ford and then finally Dolores this is a really cool way to show that the voice commands were originally created for Dolores by Arnold perpetuated by Ford and now assumed by Dolores herself okay another question what is the meaning of the quote these violent delights have violent ends so remember this is a quote Abernathy whispered to Dolores in the first episode who then shared it with Maeve and then in the finale we learned that this was Arnold's final words before he had Dolores execute him and then right before Dolores repeats the behavior with Ford Barnard repeats it so what does this mean well it's established that Abernathy used to be a professor who knew Shakespeare and these violent delights have violent ends is from Romeo and Juliet act 2 scene 6 when Friar Laurence says the line to Romeo to warn him that a reckless dangerous romance will end the same way and this ends up being a theme for West world as a whole that the blissfully violent delights that people take part in have unforeseen consequences particularly in this case a judgement day where the recipients of violence return the favor and it was awesome to see the season book end with this quote to deliver on that promise so spectacularly ok moving on what happens to made so Maeve learns finale that her whole Awakening and plan to escape was actually just an elaborate narrative scripted by Ford if you look closely at Bernards tablet screen outlining her narrative can actually see what the final step is mainland infiltration so it seems that Board's plan was for her to escape West world and spread the host revolution to the outside world but I also think there was a more directly practical purpose behind maids narrative really to create a diversion drawing all the park security to battle with Hector and arms this who are two of the deadliest gunslingers in the part this would make it tougher for the security to help fight against the hosts as they try to take over at the gala but in the last second on the train Maeve sees a woman with her daughter and she's reminded of her host daughter losing her daughter was her Keystone memory that all of her reveries are linked back to that initially sent her deeper into her own maze felix found out for me that her daughter's located in park one sector fifteen zone three and maid decides to go off-script even though she had previously assumed that she was already going off script that defiance to ford's narrative shows Maeve's true consciousness and knowing that everything else her made us been pre scripted by Ford this may be the first time we see may truly sentient and going into season two when everyone's a little bit evil Maeve may be the last protagonist on this show that we really root for making Dolores possibly the new antagonist and that note from Felix leads me to another big mystery what is samurai world so an interesting thing about that note is that it says park1 as in there are other parts and sure enough as Maeve tries to escape with Felix Hector and Armistice they enter another part of the complex marked with this SW logo filled with all these samurai hosts so obviously this sets up season two to maybe explore other parts of the park and it makes sense that if one historical time period existed for an escapist theme park that there would be alternatives for people who just you know aren't into the Old West and in the 1973 West world that this series is loosely based on there actually were other zones of the park besides West world medieval world and Roman world there's also a sequel that expanded them to future world and spa world I don't know uh sounds like the engineers got a little lazy on that one so I'm not sure if this means season 2 will explore samurai world in particular or if it's just meant to open up the possibility that tons of other worlds exist and only one last question from the finale are there any humans left alive in the park so this will be a big question going into season two obviously William is left alive clementines shot him in the arm as the host surrounded the gala and I think that was intentional forward respected William and he appreciated him keeping him financially solvent for all the years of the part I don't think he wanted this to be a kill shot just a warning shot to show him that the hosts are now dangerous and to give him the gift of the exact true life-or-death game that William had longed for but there are two other loose threads here so one is Stubbs who we saw get tackled by the ghost nation natives in Episode nine that guy is pretty tough and the fact that we didn't see is like skull gets smashed makes me think that we'll see him again the other is LC so it was simply implied that Bernard silenced her again we just saw her get pulled back at a headlock like no blood no corpse also the show's promotional site for the Telus corporation posted a mysterious code that when you decode it shows Elsie's coordinates in the park and an audio file that sounds a lot like her voice okay now if you were curious about William being revealed as a man in black and how that affects the show's complicated timeline definitely check out my other Westworld video I get into all that stuff also if you're interested in some deeper predictions for Westworld season 2 I highly recommend you go watch a video by our old buddy Phillip Malina over at SourceFed nerd the link is in the description it's amazing I miss that guy he's like the Ford to my Barnard wait a minute ok thanks for watching and let me know what you think in the comments please hit like and subscribe to new rockstars and share this video with your friends you can also contribute to us on patreon thank you so much all of our current patrons including our newest patron Matthew solve us thank you so much Matthew if you aren't currently a patron we'd love your support you can hit me up on twitter at EA box with any thoughts or theories that you have about Westworld seriously I love this show I look forward to talking about it for the foreseeable future you can also follow new rock stars on Twitter at new rock stars for updates on when our videos are coming out okay thanks for watching bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 3,310,558
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Keywords: westworld, westworld season finale, westworld ford, westworld did ford die, westworld is ford a host, westworld what is the maze, westworld the maze, westworld bicameral mind, westworld arnold, westworld is elsie alive, westworld dolores, westworld is dolores wyatt, westworld theory, westworld easter eggs, westworld ending explained, westworld ford's master plan, westworld bernard arnold, westworld season 2 predictions
Id: K9AwvWGjJeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2016
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