We're switching to Linux.

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Is there any particular reason why he was against Fedora? I don't run it myself, so I don't know much about the ins and outs, but did he actually have a problem with it or did he just think people were memeing? From what I've seen, it's fairly highly regarded and it's even the OS that Linux Torvalds himself runs

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Down200 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think Linus would like ZorinOS, it looks to me like a Linux made for windows users in recovery

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Eudes_Correa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

as much as I would love to see Linus forced to install arch, he definitely made the right decision to go with an Ubuntu based distro

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KyTheHomie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Where is the poll?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheHackeBoi_apk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

i cant wait for an anthony linux tutorial now

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/clumsyoof πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
i don't know if you noticed luke but i low-key uh asked logistics to grab you a little m.c drive i was gonna ask you what's up with that yeah so um the challenge is real the challenge is happening luke and i are going to be switching to linux on our daily driver machines this may in fact be the last wan show that i broadcast on a windows machine for quite some time and we haven't figured out exactly what the punishment for blinking first is going to be but whoever goes back to windows first is going to have to do something i saw one really good suggestion um dyeing your hair in four like quadrants the windows colors um might be a kind of fun one it's not permanent you know you're not maimed or anything but it's certainly you'd have to like run it the whole way out that's the best yeah like shave your head like it would have to be reasonable haircuts and stuff like that yeah yeah you're not allowed to re-dye it that would be ridiculous yeah so and there's some more good news for anyone who's looking to game on linux uh there's nothing in the dock um so is that okay you said you no more lan shows so that's your home pc effectively right yep that's my home pc man okay um there's more good news for linux gamers i did not get around to uh fleshing this out in the dock but hey look the verge did an article boom there's a stock image of a graphics card remember if it's jiff it's graphics and in a nutshell uh linux gamers are getting a new uh a new tool to tinker with proton has added support for dlss technology or rather nvidia has announced that it is working with valve to bring dlss technology on from their rtx cards to linux so if you're not aware dlss is not perfect it doesn't look the same as native rendering but what it does do is it does get really freaking close while delivering very very noticeable improvements in performance there is more input lag yes because there's processing being done uh using machine learning on this like enormous data set of sometimes imagery from the specific game but that's actually kind of the old way of doing it so now it's a more generalized data set and then taking your lower resolution gameplay and upscaling it to native 4k or whatever happens to be the display that you're running on i'd say at 1080p there's really not much point using it if they even do allow it i've never even tried it's never even occurred to me but particularly for gamers on larger higher resolution displays like 4k tvs it can be an outstanding way of improving image quality without um or improving performance without really losing much in the way of image quality we did a video where we figured out who on the ltt staff could tell the difference between native 4k and dlss and predictably anthony and i were able to do it but the results were much spottier and anthony and i both admitted we actually talked about it off camera afterward but we both admitted that we could tell because we knew what to look for not we could tell because it looked like dog with dlss enabled like it wasn't like that um so there's there's no time frame for when dlss will be coming to proton but support for vulcan is coming this month and direct deck support would be coming in the fall so i guess we'll i guess we'll see i i suspect that the uh the pressure is kind of on i mean i think valve making this move with the steam deck is really shining a light on linux gaming in a way that has never happened before i mean i'm sitting here going i'm gonna i'm gonna go for it i have and this is uh this is a tough confession for me to make here i have never daily driven linux not once i've i think in in a lot of ways it's gonna be probably not as bad as you expect to be completely honest i'm not expecting it to be bad i'm expecting it to have unnecessary that you shouldn't have to deal with one of these windows has lots of that just want to say yes yeah one of the best ways i i maybe it's better now i don't know it's been a very long time for anyone watching the audience it's like it doesn't work their way anymore like okay yeah sure they probably changed it years ago because it's been a long time but the last time i bailey drove linux uh the thing one of the like very minor straws that broke that camel's back um was just everything that i needed to do that was just small unimportant tasks that would essentially take no time on windows took just a little bit more time and one of those was like i needed to update discord on my windows there's a little green down arrow and you click it and then your discord closes and reopens and you're done and i had to like do a more stuff i don't even remember what it all was because it didn't matter but i had to do more stuff and it was just annoying i didn't want to do that at that time i just wanted to start working because at that time flow plane worked through discord um it's just little things that are just like why do i have to do this additional amount of work in a lot of cases it's not even really linux's fault it's it's kind of like the uh the android problem with things like instagram back in the day i don't know if this is still a thing where like just because you have an android phone your your picture is going to be like lower res yeah and and it's just like you're like not going to work as well like all the apps back in the day worked better on on iphones and it wasn't like the android phone's problem but it was still a problem if you used an android phone you know what i mean so yeah i don't know we'll see we'll see how it goes i'm also wondering about like game compatibility like they say the steam library is going to be there um but there's uh more libraries than just steam yes like uh you know one of the games that i haven't played in a while but that i do really enjoy um anno 1800 is is ubisoft connect even available on linux i don't even know i don't even know i guess we're going to find out right is is origin available is bnet available is the riot games launcher available does the battle state games launcher work yeah i'm assuming no for like quite a bit of that okay now i am going to do something really bold here um okay i'm going to do something really bold and i'm going to let the community pick which distro i use i'm still going to do some of my own research to determine which one i think are we using the same one no no no so that's going to be one of the elements of this video i think it's going to ultimately be a video series so part one i think has to be like like kind of you know like day one you know like your your challenges deciding which one to get getting the initial setup done i think this is something we absolutely have to both kind of submit our experiences for and uh both talk about um and then past that i think there's got to be kind of like an update all right it's been two weeks and i'm i haven't i haven't played this game that i really love in two weeks and i'm getting the twitches you know like that kind of thing um and then we have to have a conclusion where we kind of go okay i've settled in now i i've i've figured out a lot of my work arounds here's where i'm at i talked about it with james i think he thinks it should be just two pieces of content but but we'll see uh but the point is one of the things that will be included in the first one is a lot of hemming and hawing about which distro to use so here's what i've got in my list so far and i it's not comprehensive you guys are going to help me flesh it out here um i've got pop mint arch by the way ubuntu and manjaro um is there one you're leaning towards i i have heard pop is like super super simple i know that system 76 does a lot of really great work i want to see if there's any other major ones that i've missed no we're not running fedora like come on guys put put real real serious you should suggest like extra points or something if you run fedora and wear a fedora for the whole duration oh good lord um no no you shouldn't get any of that i am very interested in audience input and i have not looked into this stuff in quite a while because it's been like i said earlier years since i've daily driven linux but i was sort of i was going to do some more research get myself back up to date but i was sort of planning on just going mint again because that's what i did in the past and i was decently happy with what it had to offer but yeah it's been it's been a while guys don't be don't be spamming some of the ones that i have already in the chat i'm trying to flesh out the list you're gonna vote in the straw poll come on guys are you new are you new here it's a minefield dude all right okay floatplane chat is being extremely unhelpful no gui only bash yeah i'm gonna run my gaming machine with no gooey come on you guys you know it's brilliant oh what straw poll is not letting me create my poll we should we should have to we should have to toggle gui off for like every action other than actively playing a game no we shouldn't i am extremely disappointed anthony wants to know if we're gonna allow distro hopping honestly i think that's gonna cause more problems than it solves because one of the biggest issues with linux from my experience which again is not daily driving but is from trying to use it to do kind of almost literally anything when we've tried to make videos um one of the biggest issues is the lack of searchability for solutions so i might i might be able to find the solution to oh steam oh it was supposed to be easy to install but it wasn't here's the workaround and you can find the solution for ubuntu or whatever and then you run into some other problem and you find the solution that works great on mint and it's like well okay now what i'm going to go over to mint i'm going to solve this problem i've completely reinstalled my stupid os and then i'm going to realize oh no my i can't i can't even figure out how to get steam installed now to be clear these are these are problems i'm not expecting to actually be problems i will be able to figure out how to install steam it's fine but it is something that i've run up against where from between distros and even from version to version of the same distro because the community is so much smaller the help resources are just so much narrower and they have a tendency to be not directly applicable to what you're trying to do or to be outdated you want to look at the the poll it is a little corrupt because when i was i checked the original poll just to be like am i crazy i did spell ubuntu right the first time but ubuntu uh won the most votes uh so i would take that with a slight grain of salt because it's ubuntu and people might have voted for it for the meme if i had to hazard a guest i think the real winner here is pop i i could definitely see like you know 50-something votes coming in for the meme for ubuntu um so i would kind of see either pop as a winner or pop as a tie with ubuntu and arch is clearly people wanting to make me suffer that's another meme like yeah 100 i think they're i in my opinion the the like real top three is ubuntu pop and mint um and with with pop being kind of the most interesting one to me right now ubuntu i think gets a lot of votes because of the meme gets a lot of votes because it's existed for a long time people know what it is mint probably a little bit on the exist for a long time and people know what it is realm as well and then pop because of the system 76 um affiliation and it being gaming focused and having specific isos for like your are you nvidia are you amd that kind of stuff which is like actually pretty cool um yeah yeah i'm currently leaning mint or pop pop is winning me over already though so maybe maybe we'll end up being pop but i want to do more research on it first are you just going to go with the poll no i'm going to do a little bit of research yeah yeah i'm sure anthony's going to have going to want to have some say and unlike you nerds um anthony's gonna be looking out for me like anthony wants to convert me to today's drive linux forever like he's yeah he's gonna be all about giving me whatever suggestion is the best chance that i never um that i never go back probably watching what is what does he think the best option is uh he is probably watching i'm sure he's going to recommend pop he's something of a system 76 fanboy i'm sure he'd admit it um i mean he runs arch by the way of course but i don't think he's gonna recommend that i run arch i really don't think so
Channel: LMG Clips
Views: 92,048
Rating: 4.9573483 out of 5
Keywords: linus, tech, tips, wan, luke, podcast, clip, snippet, opinion, technology, gaming, pc, hardware, linux, contest, ubuntu, fedora, arch, mint, debian, gentoo, pop, os, challenge, windows
Id: rHpWKPfvTmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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