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protonmail protonmail has had a reputation for a long time actually i mean this goes man how long has protonmail just kind of been the de facto you know private email service because it's it's free unlike a lot of a lot of sort of private uh like like uh private mail services um they had a really bulletproof looking privacy policy and when i say had i really do mean had this is kind of a big deal protonmail has removed a statement from their privacy policy that said that they do not keep any ip logs so luke why would it be important that your email provider not retain ip logs well because if if someone either broke into that service so like black out hackers or or something of that sort broke into that service they could they could acquire that data um or if they are asked for that data by some form of government entity if they in both of those cases if they just don't have it it's really not that big of a problem um if they get broken into by some some hackery boys or girls or whatever um and there's nothing there for them to take it doesn't really matter right it's a little spooky and you gotta maybe batten down the hatches a little bit but you didn't lose anything so who cares um but if you are holding all this data then it's then it's an issue and it's there and uh it could be a regulator that's going after it so protonmail is a swiss company and they were obliged to follow a swiss court injunction demanding that they begin logging ip addresses and browser fingerprint information so the account that they went after was operated by a parisian chapter of youth for climate their cause is fighting against gentrification high-end establishments and real estate speculation among other things protonmail points out that the email contents were not handed over just logging info because the email body itself is encrypted with keys that are unavailable to the servers that are processing them so is protonmail still chill then i i would not say 100 percent chill you know now vic savious and the floatplane chat says protonmail's response to this issue was absolutely a plus full honest the issue is absurd you should not use email for any kind of secure communications i mean okay fair enough but you might need to um and if people understood or at least thought that protonmail was this completely secure method of communication uh that was the conversation yeah exactly it's been communicated that way um now vexavious also says that protonmail cannot access your email and you can get around this by simply using a fake ip with a vpn or with tor so i guess it comes down to that there is no such thing as just you know one tool that you can use to maintain your privacy and or your anonymity online uh i think a lot of vpns have gotten themselves in hot water by claiming that a vpn is some kind of magic bullet that makes you anonymous online and in the same way protonmail probably just needed to or maybe maybe this is the community's fault it might be yeah it might have been community communication so bulletproof but in the same way protonmail is not just a a one-size-fits-all perfect way to maintain absolute privacy uh you need a combination of tools and not just tools but also best practices i mean even tor is not enough to maintain your privacy um for example uh if you will use tor at your native resolution and you happen to be running a uh a surface book two let me just double check what the resolution of this thing is um yeah okay this one's pretty good which runs at 3240 by 2160. it's a very unusual resolution one of the things that websites can see is what the resolution of the display that you're browsing from is so that's the reason that tor will actually launch at a default small window size and you're not supposed to adjust it you're supposed to leave it like that because as soon as you start giving a website any bit of information you can start to create like as you as you click through and navigate or visit frequently accessed sites they start to look for patterns and they can start to put together a fingerprint for you that can be used to maybe not identify you the individual you know jeremy smith but to identify you and start to build an advertising profile for you which is is usually what these online services are after so that they can there's one there's one jeremy smith out there that like wasn't really paying that much attention yeah then just all of a sudden is like sorry i should clarify tor browser tor browser excuse me excuse me um oh man jack of gamers asks what do you think of pia's new multi-hop option i have not actually looked into it but if it's what it sounds like then it's going to hurt latency but improve privacy so hey there you go so overall this is not the end of the world you can absolutely continue to use protonmail you just need to be aware that every time and i mean every time you log into protonmail you should be using a vpn and ideally you should be making sure that you are accessing it from uh different vpn endpoints so you should you should yeah and especially if you're like there's a note about this too um there's a discussion question if you're an activist of any sort is it time to use tor browsers and vpns can you trust anonymous email services i would answer that somewhat indirectly by saying if you're if you're an activist in a country that is dangerously oppressive to what you're being an activist about um i'm not going to try to make any like you know assumptions about what that is or where you are or anything like that i'm just talking generally what are you trying not to get us deleted in china i wasn't even thinking much about it but um have you seen some of the stuff they've been doing lately no i've been checked out to be completely honest mulan is like deleted from the internet the actress i mean like just like their new thing is if you are if you are not if you are not waving the flag hard enough you simply do not exist anymore it's the whole thing yeah anyway yeah um don't trust anything it's the the question here is can you trust anonymous email services don't trust anything layer up um use multiple endpoints try to use the most secure thing you can pay attention to these types of things that are happening watch the news for the various services you use like protonmail make sure that it's still kind of above board and be ready to switch very quickly and don't be dependent on any one thing um don't use just one vpn et cetera et cetera et cetera yep
Channel: LMG Clips
Views: 111,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linus, tech, tips, wan, luke, podcast, clip, snippet, opinion, technology, gaming, pc, hardware, email, proton, IP, ISP, privacy
Id: fnB7WQGMvyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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