Were Rogue One Rebels WAR CRIMINALS?

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hi friends welcome back to another episode at generation tech my name is down now when I first watched rogue one immersing the scene and thinking myself Wow is this like a modern-day war drama a Jeddah in many ways looks like an ancient city in the Middle East there's the presence of several mysterious religious groups the ruins of an ancient civilization some people have even said that Jeddah city looks like Jerusalem's Old City and having been there several times I have to say that I agree and inside the city there's a constant asymmetric battle between a group of hardline rebels known as the partisans and the local Imperial garrison born during the Clone Wars on onderon the partisans were originally a ragtag group of fighters that were trained by Republic Special Forces aka Jedi today I maintain an effective campaign against the pro' separatist alliance governments in power the charismatic saga era would emerge as the group's leader during the fighting when the Empire occupied Onderon the partisans once again went to war today I won't be asking two questions one where the partisans unlawful combatants and two were they T word and yes I have to say T word because YouTube doesn't seem to understand the difference between a real life organization and one that exists only in Star Wars so this self censorship has been brought to you by YouTube thank you very much in order to determine if the partisans are unlawful combatants we use Earth's international laws because they are much more objective than the galactic empires own laws which are naturally biased against the rebel factions you guys remember what happened to birdy rook when he first met sauger era he was introduced to Borg a--let's a giant tentacle monster the hand the ability to read minds the other problem is that the monster sometimes left its victims brains in shambles according to the Geneva Convention persons taking no active part in hostilities including members of Armed Forces who have laid down their arms shall on all circumstances be treated humanely the following acts are prohibited cruel treatment and torture torture is defined by the UN as any act by which severe pain or suffering whether physical or mental is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third party information in that context I believed using Borg left on someone like Brody rook is considered a war crime and from what we've seen at the former imperial pilot he was a lawful combatant clearly uniformed and had surrendered to the custody of the rebellion and therefore protected under international law as a prisoner of war next up is the case of jyn erso at the age of eight she was forced into hiding after the Imperial military came seeking her father at the request of her parents saw guerreiro personally retrieved gen [Music] well got it for the next eight years saw treated gin as if she were his own daughter knowing nothing else besides war and combat he turned gin into a fighter and was quoted saying that the girl was one of his best soldiers the last time I saw you you gave me a knife and loaded blaster and told me to wait in a bunker till daylight I knew you were safe you left me behind you are already the best soldier in my card room I was 16 well got it now this makes a really interesting background story but in reality jyn erso who was a child soldier that's a sad truth and most likely she suffered from severe emotional trauma that affected her childhood development child soldiers are prize combatants for several different reasons they're young and innocent appearance can throw adult soldiers off guard giving them a tactical advantage and children are very easy to manipulate in brainwash and generally don't understand the concept of danger as well as older individuals what saw should have done as a responsible Guardian was placed June far away from the frontlines or at least put her in a support role from what we can tell he did neither so this is a clear violation of OPEC which prohibits the recruitment of individuals under 18 as combatants in all fairness not many countries including the United States have refused to follow this protocol but in 1977 additional protocols to the Geneva Convention stated that the recruitment of children under the age of 15 as combatants is considered a war crime a third incident refers to an encounter between saws partisans and Imperial forces on onderon shortly after the Clone Wars ended an imperial patrol led by is B age in Alexander Calais who was ambushed by a group of rebel soldiers that was led by a lasat mercenary under the command of Sagar era instead of allowing the Imperials to surrender he executed all of them according to the Geneva Convention willful killing torture or inhumane treatment of POWs is considered a grave breach against international law and considered a war crime the fourth final thing we have to take into account is the partisans lack of uniforms and how they presented themselves under the Geneva Conventions prohibition of perfidy it is illegal for combatants to pose as civilians something that we've seen the partisans do several times this endangered the civilians it often leads to more unnecessary death because of this the partisans were not considered privileged combatants who are protected when captured as prisoners of war under the Geneva Convention with all these cases taken into consideration I believe were the galaxy governed by similar laws as we have here on earth sagar era and his partisans would be arrested for war crimes but ultimately the Rebel Alliance did win the war and had SAW and his officers survive the war he might not have ended up being prosecuted for war crimes we've seen time and time again that victors of a conflict are given amnesty during post-war tribunals now the second thing I want to discuss is whether sauce partisans were keywords or you know what let's just call them taints because that makes it easier well calm taints due to its general ineffectiveness and several questionable member states the UN has no definition for who is considered a taint and refuses to rule out taint ism as an acceptable tactic in warfare fortunately NATO is a much more unified organization and does have a definition of who is a taint here is their definition the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence against individuals or property in an attempt to coerce or intimidate governments or societies to achieve political religious or ideological objectives from what we know Sagar ara and his partisan group their attacks were usually restricted to imperial targets while the tactics used were extreme that often caused collateral damage in civilian casualties they weren't exactly taints on top of that their goal were usually of strategic military value which was inherently the problem with partisan groups the rebellion could never beat the Galactic Empire in conventional warfare the disastrous mid rim retreat following a short rebel offensive after the Battle of Yavin is indicative of overwhelming and balance between the two sides groups like saws partisans that focused on tactical victories did very little to dent the overall Imperial war efforts if anything the heavy civilian casualties and collateral damage these campaigns caused oftentimes alienated local populace and justified the Empire's actions the rebels were finding an ideological battle which was about winning the hearts and minds of the people it was only through popular rejection of the occupying forces of the Empire that the rebels could actually win which is why ultimately the lines to restore the Republic distance itself from groups like Sagar era well guys that's our verdict let us know in the comment section below if you disagree or if you agree and let us know if you enjoyed the format of this episode because if you do we'll try to do more episodes that examine the legality of certain events in the Star Wars timeline don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button so you don't miss those episodes and a special thanks to all you patreon supporters out there also known as the SOL three resistance in light of this video if you are under the age of 18 please do report to your commanding officer you will be reassigned into a non-combat role until you come of age thanks for joining us if you're watching this you are will go
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 116,204
Rating: 4.9441676 out of 5
Keywords: Rogue One Rebels, Rogue One Partisans, Saw Gerrera, Saw Gerrera's Partisans, Saw's Rebels, Saw and Jyn, Jyn Erso Backstory, Jyn Erso Childhood, Rebel alliance, Star wars rebels, Saw gerrera armor, Rebel Partisans, battle of Jedha, Saw And galen erso, Alliance to restore the republic, Stormtrooper armor, Stormtroopers jedha, Bor Gullet, Bodhi Rook, Death Star Jedha Scene, Onderon Rebels, jyn and saw relationship, jyn erso fighting, Generation tech
Id: v3Swxh1prb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2017
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