The Star Wars #6 - Atop the Fourth Wall

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] it could be [Music] a universe this comic sucks hello and welcome to atop the fourth wall where bad comics burn time once again to dig into the star wars and see what else was rightfully cut and revised from a new hope i would have worn the cloak that i normally do when i do the star wars reviews but i look like a linebacker with that thing over the jacket reading from a trade so normally i don't look at the cover but gotta love this one this isn't some artistic flair or metaphor anakin is outside the ship without a spacesuit tethered by a long rope and tie fighters are shooting at him as he tries to dodge the lasers oh sure people make fun of leia flying through space with the force but here's anakin starkiller not only flying through space but evading enemy ships straight from how the original star wars intended things to go this is how the force works when last we left off luke skywalker was insisting that anakin not start shooting at the tie fighters despite them pummeling the hell out of them wanting him to wait for his signal finally impatient with that anakin opens fire taking out one much like luke in a new hope he happily proclaims his success to his friend only with this quasi-realistic artwork his face is now terrifying do you like walprats luke repeats that he needs to wait for his signal on the next run because they have a limited power and he's an inexperienced who's wasting it with grandstanding unfortunately he's got an even worse problem as the shields around where anakin is located start weakening and the tie fighters concentrate their fire there blowing a hole out into space can't breathe i can talk though weird r2 go help star killer the how i'm just a freaking astromech wait a second do i have jets in this version of the story too is that why they was in the prequels i keep calling them tie fighters for simplicity but they're actually called hunter destroyers which yeah it's kind of generic but not terrible it just really goes to show how stuff like the actual name for these ships has become so iconic and recognizable that it's hard to call them anything different anyway with several more fighters coming in luke orders them into an asteroid belt it's too dense to pass through the ship won't make it sir the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field are approximately three thousand seven hundred and twenty to one oh they are well then we better avoid that then thanks for telling me the odds yeah it's been said that star wars was originally just such a huge movie that they split it into three films which might make one think that's what's going on with the asteroid chase from empire but that's not entirely accurate just some aspects got pushed into other movies to condense things and make more sense for a more cohesive narrative anyway whitson is in his upside down turret and trying to blast some tie fighters since they're going after anakin which seems like a bit of a waste of time since you know he's just floating in the vacuum of space although this is star wars it could be they expect him to pull out his lightsaber and try to commandeer one of the fighters r2 will not be flying out on jets to get him but rather send out a tether line to him after one that's already attached to him gets zapped by the tie fighters anakin i'll shoot you a new line grab on it's a good thing robots don't need air to talk in space he's pulled back in and the whole breach sealed so anakin can actually breathe again they enter the field and their shields are nearly lost already so we can see them sustaining hull breaches from some of the smaller asteroids luke realizing they might need to abandon ship orders witson away from his turret he goes and helps anakin as he keeps trying to say something to leia who's also nearby as he's let off r2 takes leia's hand with his little claw arm thing which is kind of weird when you realize how short he is compared to leia so if he's able to grab her like that she is really hunched over and it can almost suffocated but ever since i saved him he keeps repeating your name it was something like man leia made this look so easy oh yeah him saying her name did you forget about that how these two have known each other for like a day or two but are now madly in love with each other anyway good news it looks like the pursuing tie fighters all get blowed up thanks to asteroids bad news the ship has sustained heavy damage and a complete systems failure is imminent so yeah time to abandon ship the nearest planet is yavin in the forbidden systems so they redirect the ship towards it while getting everybody into escape pods r2 goes with anakin whitson with leia han solo with 3po and luke goes with the storage pods that have leia's brothers in them the pods eject but not whitson and leia's since their power suddenly dies out quits and leaves and seals up the escape pod for her with only one way to eject it hit the control panel with a stick this is why whitson was fired from his last it job the potty jacks and the others detect that indeed only one life form is aboard goodbye whitson may the force of others be with you oh right now he'd prefer that to the force of an exploding spaceship the pods soon land on the forest moon of endorph deserved i mean yavin and luke soon meets up with han and threepio this is dangerous country anakin will have to find leia and quick i see that yavin's tourism campaign has been a dismal failure what happened to captain whitson he sacrificed himself to save the princess a courageous act that i will never forget would have been really awkward if it turned out leia had been the one to force the pod's ejection to save whitson then again whitson's barely been a character so far so it's not like we're losing someone critical to all this anakin meanwhile apparently fell out of his pod and now has a giant spider crawling on top of him however he wakes up and just kind of flings it away not even sure what he did here look at this panel it looks like he just swept his arm and made it fly do not underestimate my power but yeah he's awake i'm not dead yet well duh that spider was a chiropractor trying to fix your spine after the crash anakin helps artu down and he can detect leia's pod relatively nearby back with the others they wake up the kids from their storage pods and then immediately back to anakin i guess putting this bit next to the previous scene with them would have been impossible just keep jumping back and forth really quickly anyway leia's pod is empty and anakin can tell that someone's gotten to her based on some tracks in the dirt they start following the trail and man i never really thought of this before but r2 really needed some kind of jet propulsion since otherwise trying to traverse any area of a pathless forest probably is going to pose some difficulty for something that can only scoot when it isn't rolling while luke's group spots a military base nearby that could belong to some hunters and it can spot something up ahead and tells r2 to stay put but don't return by zero 200 find general skywalker and come looking for me sounds good remind me what time it is again i mean we're on a completely different planet moving forward anakin spots a group of hunters who have captured what appear to be proto-wookies although it's probably not the wookies they were originally hunting here because looking at them they appear to be a group of bounty hunters specifically those vader had hired to hunt the millennium falcon and empire strikes back it's been like an hour since they escaped from velorum and already they hired bounty hunters man the empire has like no confidence in their own forces but yeah they're like early versions of them a gold armored boba fett a more brightly colored and shirtless boss dengar four lom and one other dude who gets sliced immediately and so i can't identify them point is they've clearly got leia and anakin decides to leap in to save her given his track record so far that goes about as well as you would expect blasted back by a space bazooka as they drive off proto dengar gets ready to shoot the unconscious anakin however in the scuffle the wookies or whatever got released so they attack him and knock him out this guy the strong silent type picks up anakin and they walk off back with our other heroes they reach the encampment and its owner howdy stranger i'm owen lars of bastine what can i offer you do you like blue milk because i got lots of blue milk so the wookies here are kind of a mixture of wookies and ewoks especially evident by their official greeting well either that or they all worship a warning siren back with our other heroes owen explains that the wookie tribe moved in about a year ago and it's been hell ever since there are no cities nearby just some scattered settlements and an imperial outpost but they've been no help preferring to just be and kill and plunder things how far is the outpost from here and what class is it how many support craft five leaguers the outpost is very small a class two only a dozen star raiders i think it's a good thing i know all this random strangers who just showed up and probably want to piss off the heavily armed imperials who will come and harass me and my wife afterwards oh well it'll probably be fine what are they gonna do burn us down to skeletons back with luke i guess he's recovered enough that the wookies now want to fight him some big one tosses an axe at him but he catches it in midair and is able to fight back with it the wookie's stronger than him and shoves him aside but he manages to grab a broken handle of a spear and stab the wookie with it i don't think he kills him or anything but the fight is enough to make the wookies happy who provide him with his gear and so our comic ends with him bowing as they all scream roller goblin boo man the original version of life day was weird this comic is okay certainly better than issue 5 but only because it felt like stuff was happening this issue is pretty much all action you've got the space battle you've got the tension of anakin being blown into space the quick escape the sacrifice of whitson the battle with the bounty hunters and then the ending fight with the wookie it's not anything deep and there's a tiny bit of character development put in the relationship between leia and anakin but otherwise this one's all about moving the characters forward into their next plight when you break it down not a lot has actually happened but the momentum of everything going on makes it seem as if a lot of stuff is happening and it was less boring i do love though that we have discarded a character who was fairly unnecessary to the overall plot only to add some more with the wookies the bounty hunters and owen friggin lars obviously it's possible that none of these are actually going to be major characters going forward but if they weren't why bother with owen's presence at all when they could just have them run across the imperial outpost i know the wookies will be significant because well they're kind of the reason we have the ewoks in return of the jedi at all george lucas's desire for a vietnam war parallel in the film with a small less technologically advanced force taking on a more imperial tech heavy enemy we'll see how that plays out whenever we come back to this series next time however we've got another patreon sponsored episode with the first four episodes of king of braves gauguigar [Music] i'm sitting on my couch reviewing comics [Music] if you doubt me [Music] man i can't wait for the eventual prequel movie where we learn the origin behind this han solo first getting that ship that was blown up in this story
Channel: Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall
Views: 22,697
Rating: 4.9509025 out of 5
Keywords: at4w, linkara, atop the fourth wall, comic, comics, star wars, the star wars, a new hope, dark horse comics, han solo, luke skywalker, r2-d2, C-3P0, princess leia
Id: 3Uq25mvPRGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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