We're Moving to a Cabin in the Woods

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we're eamon and bec and we were on a mission to  drive our van around the world and then COVID   so we headed home to canada built a new van for  local travel and well canada us border closure   has been extended so with winter around the corner  it's time to figure out what's next i look at the   the work ahead and just think  oh are we kidding ourselves so to get some movement this morning we've come  to pretty river provincial park to get a   little walk-in it's like 10 degrees it's gonna  rain well you know we'll make the best of it   simply save on away your nails no surprise here guys but we're  lost we're just gonna keep hiking   one direction and then when we feel  right we're gonna turn around because   we don't have a map we don't know where we are  and come to think of it your mom said you're   doing it wrong if you're on a really steep  incline oh yeah and we my friends going up nice hike huh ready for some lunch let's do it that kept me all excited for vegan ramen but  it's closed so we're gonna park here and saw   something vegan over there lunch time baby  bad vegan i don't know if it's open oh close i don't need one do you want to get a haircut  i have been thinking about it i'm not gonna lie   but not today why'd you get me quick lunch sushi  kombucha and soup oh i was hoping you get soup music plays your chewing's at an all-time high sound shield delivery she's nuts only canadian is probably gonna get this  joke this is bob's uh tomato scoop blah blah   that wasn't part of the joke blah blah  blah blah blah funny because if his name   was bob and he owned loblaws his name would be  blah blah blah you don't get it but you said   it was bob's soup why is that so funny because  we bought it at loblaws oh his name's not bob i just thought his name was bob how is it really  nice all right well you may or may not be aware of   what we're doing today based on the title but yes  we are going to look at cabins uh something we've   been looking at for months since that first time  we mentioned it in the vlog what two months ago   we have been on the phone going to visit them yeah  it's been to be honest like super exhausting and   brought up a bit of burnout for me particularly  like eamon loves projects and loves it but looking   at cabins in the woods in the middle of nowhere  means like four hours sometimes driving somewhere   and driving back not like a house if you're  looking for a specific neighborhood holy project wow just to clarify got snot in my nose you might be thinking  we have this new van and we should travel   and that's really exciting but canada  isn't the same as maybe where you are   so our provincial borders out east are still close  to us we can't go east and going west right now is   very rainy season so we're not really interested  in that so we're kind of limited to ontario   and we're definitely seeing spikes in our numbers  and we think there's a trend towards perhaps   isolation or like quarantine again and we don't  really want to do that in the van with no project   to work on in the dead of winter in the dead of  winter so here we are we're gonna try and scramble   together some cash go into debt we'll figure that  out and uh and you know maybe flip the property in   spring maybe keep it we don't know guys we're kind  of figuring out this out the same time you are   you ready to roll ready to roll let's go i don't  see anything boo it might have been a black bear   i think it was probably just your  imagination running away with you   we're gonna find him yeah we're just driving along  and eamon swears he spotted a um black fox or   puppy in dire need i'm just gonna go to a quick  look no buddy it's just a quick look here buddy   well i hope he's gonna be okay but i can't find  him i think he's great all right journey on hello hey karen hi hi i um i actually spoke  with you at the beginning of the year about   your your vacant lot on rankin you could  absolutely go and see it the road to f curve   you're going to go beside a uh like a wild  cabin house awesome thanks so much for the   quick reply appreciate it as we mentioned  earlier ayman and i have been looking   for property to build on for a long long time  and as we were coming up this way we remembered   that right at the beginning of the year one  of the first calls we made was for a vacant   lot on rankin lake which is where we are  right now so we're gonna go check that out welcome to property number one guys vacant lot so my first instinct is like where do you even  begin oh you start with the tractor clear that   out you got the hydro lines here so we'll tap off  there no problem there is this little bunkie here   this is where eamon and i differ so much is  he looks at like the madness of it and gets   so excited and i look at the the work ahead  and just think oh are we kidding ourselves this is like i already feel whenever i'm near  water even that walk this morning but i already   feel amazing what do you mean this structure okay  so it's not totally vacant we've got a bunkie   or what is this yeah yeah it's a monkey   okay so we could live in here for the  winter and build our dream house here unbelievable i'll take it when we were first starting looking at this it was  kind of the middle of summer so by then we could   have at least had a foundation a structure maybe a  wood burning stove but now we're in like september   i don't think we could pull that all off in  two months so but we could concerned about   that let's just be positive because i really like  it here and i think the sun will set right there   um we could like fix up the bunkie and like make  a really small small tiny home like the time i like it is all i'm surprised how much i like  it hello when's the last time someone used this   little thing what is it toilet this is officially  option number one vacant lot i kind of love it   what do you guys think i think i'm gonna  be doing a lot of that as we move here all right and here we are at option number  two meet john hey john how you doing   okay okay so what do you want to do  do you want to walk down the water   let's go see how bad the house is okay john's  not used to vlogging where you gotta say it   all three times your eyes i mean it for a  second close your eyes baby do your eyes fix it upon   so i think they were parents  that's what this is all for   the cedar to make a sauna in this space right here check check it's a party house man all right so she must have quite a bit of land this way yeah   slowly um all the black out of my veins welcome ah thank you oh yeah   that's nice thanks john you're very  welcome thank you see you next week right now we are about two hours north of toronto  looking at properties but we're open to just about   anywhere so we fueled up the tank because we're  heading like five hours east we'll go where   they're available we're heading towards rideau  lakes area which is a little bit cheaper too let's go this trick's kind of staring at me like  why are you filming yourself at the gas station   sorry lady   it's getting harder and harder to see through  the smoke it's never been easier to overlook   should i just stay right here uh i don't  know if we're blocking anyone though   welcome home baby where'd you where are  we i don't know we're like kind of in the   middle of nowhere we just looked  on our trusty eye overlander spot   found this one it's a logging road so hopefully  we're not in anyone's way in the morning we can   get up early enough to suss it out a little  better and no real surprise here it's cold really cold out here i'm gonna close this door  nine degrees nine degrees people that's cold   as you guys can see we end up spending  nights in places we know nothing about   which is why we love having an extra layer of  security and we love our new little simply safe i'm supposed to arm the system though simply save  on home thank you darling um it just gives you   an extra layer of confidence when you're  sleeping out in the woods so we're tired   we'll tell you more about that in the morning  and are we doing these dishes in the morning and there's nowhere we would i need pants i need my pants oh you forgot to turn the alarm off oh  [ __ ] okay so you guys perfect example   if you don't turn your alarm off and go to  exit or if somebody tries to come in in the   middle of the night you're gonna hear this  sound and we have to enter our secret pin our secret pin lets them know we're okay well as  you can see simply safe is an incredibly effective   home security solution all you do is you go online  you order exactly the kit you need they'll send it   right to your house from their setup took less  than an hour so it's ideal security solution   whether you're living on the road or cabin in  the woods this is our home base which all of   our sensors talk to simply safe has a sensor for  just about everywhere room windows doors and we   also opted for the temperature sensor as well as  the water which we put right near our pump in case   of any leaks my personal favorite feature is the  panic button which we have located right by my   side of the bed so no matter where we're sleeping  or where we're parked i can rest assured that no we're in safe hands turn that off they  also make this really cool video doorbell   but that's probably more of a  cabin in the woods kind of thing   so if you're interested visit simplysafe.com  eamonn beck to learn more we got a few more hours i thought the car wasn't gonna start okay frypan update not good we are really  struggling we're trying not to use teflon but   my gosh hey but these potatoes look nice i'm sorry that i only do  the most said i'll call you don't don't i'm out of water dude we're gonna  have to cook the tofu scrambled pot okay gotta love damn life baby i'm more oh my god oh  thank you buddy bon appetit fork please danador one more hour baby let's roll let's roll oh now my gosh 21 degrees five minutes away baby has been  most excited about this property   he just told me he has some nervous poops they're excited i got a good feeling about  this it's been a really nice cottagey drive   hello neighbors i try not to get too excited welcome to option three only took us five hours to get here  but i think it's gonna be worth it   i'm so nervous are you nervous tell them  the deets the deets are this cabin is   owned by an american family that can't come up  because of kovid they've owned it since 1970.   they've never listed it or sold it so i think  this is like the only thing built on this property   it's sitting on a 2.5 acre lot on a fairly  large lake so that's why we like it because   there's lots of potential for future projects and  other cabins and lots and lots and lots and lots   oh it was built in the 70s oh you did you can tell  by the siding look at the the wood siding cool   oh it's super high up dude super elevated see back there is the cabin and we're just  walking through the paved walking trail and aiming   you know what i mean it's kind of like they've  paved the way it's not actually paved pavement   they've paved them yeah okay all right well  it's not paid it's definitely not paved okay okay that's the word you use when  something's like there's there's a way   i think so yeah i'm not sure that's  true okay who does word skates at night anyways even and i both looked at  each other like whoa dude we would   own this trail like we could own this yeah we'd  go for a run every morning if you buy this for me   but dude this is kind of nice and  level two like you could have like   little bunkies or cabins for friends one honda  pauline you're going to be on our youtube all the way channel down yeah we  went to like this where it dips   did you run over the boards oh yeah pasta all  right let's go in and check out the cottage   1970s and they haven't been here  for almost oh but it's so cute this is bedroom number one for the master and this is bedroom number two crucifix counter 5 000. we're just  admiring their very catholic finishes here   and i didn't even know this  but there is a basement   oh wow definitely can't do laundry here yeah  we could bring it up to the other bathroom   area no you can do laundry here it's just me  i'm just a little oh oh oh oh thanks for yeah   well it definitely doesn't help that we've got  another potential customer what do you call them   buyer buyer very interested very there a lot of  pressure yeah so stressful that's what i think i'm   gonna not like the most about the current climate  we're in is like these things get listed and the   next day they're gone so it's not like we can sit  on this that we can bring our families here to   get other people's opinion it's like do you want  it or do not do you want it or do you not let's   think about it well you're much more level-headed  now that's good driving in you're ready to put it okay all right bye pauline bye neighbor we have driven 40 minutes to paradise  this is really the reason that i'm so gung-ho on   a cabin in the woods because two years of every  summer i got to enjoy like eamon said paradise   you might recognize this place if you've seen  some of our videos this is becca's aunt and   uncle's place and we're gonna spend the night  here because we don't have heat it's starting   to get cold it's starting to get very very cold  i mean they don't have heat either but they have   a fireplace so and they're not home today so  it'll be a nice opportunity for us to sit down   figure out what we're thinking because like beck  said or i said or maybe we didn't say the market   is so hot that we kind of need to make a decision  tonight pressure's up baby hey honey we're home sparklers cause yesterday you think i'm gonna get bored up north but   i swear i'm just gonna make fires all day okay  good because i think we're gonna need them   of the many things i love about this place this  outdoor shower has got to be in my top top so   even though it's quite chilly i'm gonna hop in  are you gonna hop in bud i'm stoking the fire   yeah he's not gonna shower so so cute and  then you're literally showering in the woods   and normal aiming effect fashion we are  filming today for the video tomorrow   all night we gotta have some  work cut out for us tonight and we need to make a decision  yeah exactly it's like   if only it was just the editing that  would be one thing but holy smokers my monkey and i are trying to educate  ourselves on real estate we're trying to   learn how offers are being put in who pays  this the seller the commission it's just a   lot of information that we were never taught in  school yeah we were just saying like why didn't   we ever get mortgage lessons and like what's the  difference between fixed and variable rates and   like why are we learning algebra but not  this in school anyway we've been doing   some leg work doing some research and i think  we're gonna make a phone call i'm so stressed hey i'm good how are you doing   yeah so we we've had a think about it  um and we are ready to put in an offer you
Channel: Eamon & Bec
Views: 1,021,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, living in a van, vanlife, eamon and bec, emon and bec, bec and eamon, van life couple, moving to the woods, moving to the woods alone, we're moving to a cabin in the woods, cabin in the woods, van life vlog, van life canada, van life canada winter, van living, diy cabin build, searching for a cabin in the woods, woods, moving, we're moving, woods alone, van life build
Id: MPzt3o6Cuec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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