Halfway! But Can We Make It?!?

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on this episode of you can't eat the grass everything has fallen behind will we ever get caught up or will we run out of time these flowers won't sell themselves so let's hop to it we have big goals for this year but we're failing this was supposed to be sunflowers but it's not even ready to plant yet this was supposed to be a greenhouse but it's a weedy mess this walking cooler was supposed to be here and under a shelter which we actually bought last year we even own a 30 by 70 greenhouse and honestly i can't even tell you what year it's gonna go up the reason is this and these our goal was to sell two thousand a week and we've been doing closer to three thousand to do that takes a lot of time but if we want to achieve our goals for the year then we can't use that as an excuse and we need to find some more time so this week we're buckling down and trying to get through our tasks quicker so we can finally devote some time to these other jobs let's get harvesting [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] it's too hot it's too hot to pick flowers um so we're gonna have to take a break sometimes these hot summer days make me feel like a snowman who's just like melting away in the sun but other times i feel like a lizard sitting on the uh on the hot rocks and getting my energy back and you know now that we're kind of been in this hot weather for a bit i'm starting to feel more like the lizard than the snowman so i'm gonna go get some other stuff done for the farm while it's too hot to harvest [Music] i don't think i'm the only person who experiences this but sometimes it just feels like you can never get anything done it's like everything you try to do you just start hitting all of these obstacles you know i came back from the market the other day and my truck got a flat tire so i took it off and took it to the shop now it has a slow leak i try to get a little bit more time in my life by you know hiring a local kid to run around on my lawn tractor he's on it for literally 20 seconds and it breaks and now also my market tent is falling apart there's all these bolts that are falling out of it so that's what i'm going to do right now i'm going to set up the market tent i'm going to do a little bit of maintenance [Music] [Applause] you can see right here what i'm talking about there's a bolt that's missing and it's not just that spot because it's here and here and over there kind of feels sometimes like i'm just a maintenance man more so than a farmer so i have to run to the hardware store [Music] well that seems way more sturdy so now i don't have to worry about the tent falling apart on a windy day down to the market next up let's see if i get that lawnmower going [Music] so the farm stand is completely empty it came out here um because in the afternoon we start to get a laser beam going and it burns up all the flowers we have to move it to the side and there's nothing to move because there's nothing in here so we need to go and we need to restock this stand we're a little bit behind on the harvesting because the heat we kind of have to drop what we're doing and get to this because making money is our number one priority we gotta just get these done quick so we can get that stand which is empty it's crazy how much it's been selling today [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go stock that stand so [Music] know what time it is what what [Music] you can run but you can't hide from bedtime bedtime [Music] [Music] [Music] it's eight o'clock now the sun has started to go down and it's infinitely more pleasant and it's also a lot better for the flowers when it gets so hot that it's uncomfortable for us it's also uncomfortable for the flowers and so there's no point picking them so we're out here we're gonna enjoy you know the last hour of daylight and we're gonna do some nighttime harvesting they're all like pick me i just feel like you can't have enough meat well we did originally plan to do two plantings this was started super early and then we're supposed to direct seed to second planting and it didn't happen this year it is more than we had last year so it's infinitely more than we had last year but it's half as much as i wanted [Music] so this looks freaking amazing right now this did this last year and it's just like it looks so good so i'm like i don't want to pick it it looks so good but i also know there's like a thousand stems every backyard in there so if i don't pick it we'll have problems so stipping time [Music] [Applause] i suspect rebecca and everything this week is the plan and they looked as good why wouldn't they the indian summer variety is just so productive it's so prolific and it's perfectly adapted for our climate so that makes it worth its weight in gold [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey there's a deer over there get out get get out of here dear you hopped like a kangaroo you got four legs why don't you learn how to run while you're at it why don't you get a job like your brother john at least he did something with his life oh i'm sorry dear that was pretty mean i i know you got some personal issues i'm sorry man come back come back dear come back we gotta be like that [Music] i hate deer you know they could they could destroy you know the entire farm in in a day or two a deer's favorite thing to do is to eat what would be the most destructive and most expensive thing possible and because we're surrounded by cherry orchards a baby cherry tree is the most evil and destructive thing they could eat so that is their preferred snack we got a big slug making it's nighttime commute to its good snacks [Music] [Music] what'd you make made a little market yeah out of play-doh that was fun kids are bummed because i told them we weren't going to the market this week both for sure people knew inside and sam was like let's make a market [Music] yeah you're jumping on the larkspur [Music] okay well i'm gonna go put these little kids to bed i'm gonna keep give us hug yes i will okay okay run three two one go okay i'm gonna go put the kids to bed and i'm still harvesting [Music] surprise we set up the market what do you want to buy you need the key card use the key card it here yep yep and not what oh no try again man i think it might be broken why don't we put it on mummies i'm gonna pay for me okay we have cupcakes pizza a vine pizza these are these are um yeah you're not part of it where's i want a pizza i want two onion rings there's that thing right in front of you [Music] here you go that's your order um oh it looks so yummy hello [Applause] oh i can i can hear that you really like your job um doesn't have enough money in it [Music] buddy it's a bad cat move not supposed to go on the trucks you can scratch the paint he doesn't even know how paint works i don't know how paint works either apparently because i don't care if the cat's on the track what do you care about i care about the fact it's 11 o'clock thursday night and i don't have very much harvesting done because it's so hot and then we didn't get moving too quickly so it's really nice out right now it's perfect for flowers um so i'm gonna go hard i'm gonna go hard for a couple hours here get a bunch of stuff picked and then have a lazy morning tomorrow is my plan it sounds like a good plan yeah get a nice sleep in be all ready to stay up all night friday night kind of typical plan ready [Music] what we need to do is we need to get greenery and we need to get fever few and we need to get larkspur all this stuff that does best picked in the cool we're gonna kinda start at whatever needs the coolest temperatures and then work our way up to the most heat tolerant whatever we can pick tonight that checks it off the list if we're only left with stuff that's fine for the heat then we're fine for dealing with the heat tomorrow i also have three big special orders um for for this weekend i have 130 dollar one i have a hundred dollar one i have an eighty dollar one um so i actually have a lot that i need to be putting together and designing um tomorrow tomorrow morning it almost like feels like a little cold it's almost like like i need a sweater on [Music] how [Music] [Music] buddy [Music] i know there's like so many of them [Music] it's 2 30 now and i'm finished up for the night it's later than i like to go to bed on a thursday but i got a ton done almost all of the harvesting is completely done so that's going to have me doing really good for tomorrow [Music] a little bit more i gotta make my special orders [Music] um i got like a lot done yesterday so there's it's not like there's a lot to do other than to put the bouquets together it might be pretty early night yeah i do have a couple things still to pick and then when heather gets here i'll get her to like wrap bouquets for me today well my first special order of the day is these white bouquets and i'm really happy with how they turned out [Music] but those don't count towards my bouquet for the market total so we gotta get to working on that [Music] look he's just gonna resettle if i have my phone in my hand he goes and like bumps put that phone down two hands please oh oh you're so sweet samina you need to get through it it's hard to move when i have this sweet snuggly boy on top of me he's like heather you too technology my morning has been eaten up by special orders i thought i was gonna be getting out here getting bouquets done really early currently have no bouquets done but the special orders are a good chunk of money so we've made good money today we need to go check the stand and then we're going to get to getting ready for the market [Music] currently have two bouquets so scrap that plan we're not making bouquets for the market we gotta make bouquets for the stands [Music] is [Music] [Applause] we got a little bit of cleanup done on the farm today you know it seems like even the smallest tasks sometimes take so much time halfway through the season feels it feels like a lot of things it feels good it feels like a positive point in the year we're in the groove everything's been going really well this year as far as sales but at the same time there's lots of things that aren't where i really wanted them to be i was finally gonna get all this bottom part of the farm all cleaned up i just haven't you know been able to put the time together to do it so excited i was really excited personally because for me that's like that's like the completion of the farm that's me i built the farm you know like check mark you know off the big old list of when we were starting it does keep me awake at night you know i don't think i should be so hard on myself it's tough right it's easy to do it's easy to sit here and appreciate how much we've accomplished it's a little different when you know you're you're in bed at night and you're trying to sleep and you know all this list of things that need to get done is just floating around in your head and you feel like every day more things get added to the to-do list than get checked off but you know right now i'm standing in front of the flower so i'm going to appreciate that buddy are you eating our fancy grasses [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're bringing the kittens that's not how cats work yes [Music] so [Music] we're ramping up we're at four bouquets now they're looking really good this morning no the colors we got our tropical fruit punch colors these are my favorite i really like these special order ones and that's for pink and purple hopefully they like it does everything have a lily in it this week no because i don't have that many lilies kind of a mixed bag i'm gonna do the lily ones because i know how to do the lily ones because of last week i don't have as many flowers so i'm putting straw flowers in to be the flower rethink about what what is the focal what is the you know what is the secondary bloom does dropletter count as a focal point it can when it's the focus and this one is the secondary blue hello well i'm gonna go do some truck stuff i'll be here if you need me [Music] it's 11. we're making progress i have 14. how are you feeling now buddy [Music] i'm definitely i'm not doing 20 an hour like i did the other night 15 in an hour that's that's decent i have to make the 40 ones and those always take me forever but like we don't need to send as many as we did last week you know things didn't sell as well just gotta send it right just gotta make it happen yeah whatever you whatever you get done we'll bring and you know if it's like there's not quite as many fresh bouquets this week it just gives more opportunity for the dried stuff totally i like to get it all done and have everything done for the weekend so i can you know take the weekend off on making bouquets but if i don't get it done you know i can i can just make the bouquets for the weekend tomorrow yeah it's the these are the flowers for it yeah exactly having all of this prepped it's is one of those things it takes an entire day to clean the stems on all these flowers and it feels like it shouldn't take that long but it does you know we brought him down here to get his craziness out are you down here going to bed i think so i'm leaving you here serena i'm taking the kitten and i'm going back up to the house so i wish you luck don't need it he doesn't know where he wants to go no he does he's going after buddy hi bye lady night [Music] it's four o'clock and i'm tired but i got a mountain of bouquets done i have over 1500 ready to head down to the market so it's bedtime for me and pretty soon it's going to be selling time for ian [Music] do [Music] do [Music] good morning it's time for me to get up and get everything packed up and it's time for serena to go to bed we just crossed pass inside the house as i was getting up and and she was getting ready to go to bed there's not quite the same volume of bouquets as we've had during some of the markets this year but uh we still have enough to to make that fifteen hundred dollars but there's only one way that we're gonna sell those bouquets and that's if i get this truck packed and get off so i'm gonna do that [Music] well that didn't take very long the truck is all packed up i'm just bringing two bouquets up to the front stand and opening it up [Music] the stand is filled it's open and i'm off [Music] it's almost eight o'clock and the market is open so so far we've sold uh three bouquets which is a pretty decent start [Music] it's 10 a.m and we're at 6 20. so the sales are chugging along um you know kind of just everything's selling right now nothing in particular is selling better than the other so you know that's a good sign everything looks good to someone all right it is 11 o'clock and we're at 900 so you know things have been really kind of consistent selling right around 300 an hour and you know like that's decent hopefully you can keep up that pace and get somewhere close to 1500. [Music] it's noon and we're at 11 20. we still have about 360 worth of product out there so hopefully we can sell some more and finish strong okay the market is done the final number was 1300 bucks which is pretty good considering you know we sold through probably 90 of what we brought so can't ask for too much more than that we're not sellouts but we did a good job today [Music] we got a hundred dollars and then we still have a bunch more in e-transfers from today too this week this stand has done crazy in sales we've kind of been doing a steady twelve hundred dollars and i feel like this week when i go back and count it up i'm probably closer to 1400 that the stand is done so it's kind of no surprise that i've been getting grabbed to work on the sand over and over and over again all week long there's so much we need to get done on the farm right now but the farm is a business and as a business its most important job is to make money and so when i take a step back from what i want to achieve this year the farm is actually doing way better than we ever thought it would we were you know we're aiming for two thousand dollars a week we've been getting really close to these three thousand dollar week weeks i mean this week perfect example when you include in all the special orders you know we very easily did those numbers it's really easy to get sucked in to seeing what needs to be done and not taking that step back and seeing what has been done you know now sitting at the end end of our cycle for the week having gotten through the work of another market you know i'm feeling really good it's made me re-evaluate where we're at and if all we get done this year is to keep making sales like this then the farm isn't failing the farm is actually thriving every week that we have a week like what we had this week is a success the to-do list it's not going anywhere but as long as we keep prioritizing the things that we need to do to be a success i feel like we're gonna end really strong this year and all those things that we want to achieve you know they can be done in future years there's no reason they have to be done today or tomorrow or next week so tonight i'm heading inside and i'm going to be celebrating a successful week you
Channel: You Can't Eat The Grass
Views: 78,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: you cant eat the grass, family farm, farm life, gardening, flower farm, farmers market, growing food, team flowers, team veggies, florist vlog, floristry for beginners, florist tutorial, farmer florist, farmers market vlog, market haul, you cant eat the grass flowers, gardening tips, gardening ideas, farmers market haul, flower farming business, flower farming for beginners, gardening hacks, farm life vlog, home florist vlog, floral vlog, family farmhouse
Id: XRJ8wScj6_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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