Wendy Bagwell, Ol' Ralph Bennett's Volkswagen

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the RAF Bennett was the first man that I ever knew to own one of them little Volkswagen cars and and Oh Ralph was thinking about the high price of gasoline Ford even God high and and I remember this was a long time ago and this is when they first started send them over here as a matter of fact I never had Eden I never had even saw one of and Oh Ralph got me an old da Tucker to go down to Jacksonville Florida with him to get his little Volkswagen car that his having shipped over here now now you know they ship them little Volkswagen cars over here on the ocean and that's how come we had to go down to Jacksonville Florida to get it because we ain't got no ocean and Smyrna Georgia but ol DA's brother Leonard took us down to the bus station to get on the Greyhound bus and go down there after that little Volkswagen car and and I remember we got to the bus station real early or we could all get us a window you know mmm-hmm none of us had ever been anywhere and and and that we was going all the way to Jacksonville Florida and we we went off down there and we got down a in Jacksonville and I never will forget when we got out there to the place where he is supposed to pick up that little Volkswagen car I thought that is the ugliest thing I had ever laid my eyes on and me and old da dis convinced the laughs and you know and and we figured we figured Oh Ralph done bought him something there he didn't know what it didn't even look like we could all get in it and and we got to laughing at how ago Ralph said he had seen one before but don't think he had I believe he has seen it the first time right with us but anyway the man come over there now this is a fact what I'm telling you with my hand the man come over there the man come over there and ask Oh Ralph said do you want me to show you how to drive this thing or tell you anything about it and I could tell it made old Ralph about half mad Ralph Ralph's got a high school education he has he went clean through high school actually I most of the time he is clean but but it kind of insulted Oh Ralph don't you see that he Olaf said I can drive anything wheels on it well we got in that little Volkswagen car and we got the surprise of our life there wasn't no words in it on every one of them little knobs there's a picture didn't none of them have no words and and I guess it's cause it come from over in Germany but anyway we sit on in there and then pictures while they you couldn't make out what they meant at least me and Ralph and DA could but finally Oh Ralph got that little Volkswagen car in first gear and off of that highway we hit it into Georgia now whenever we left Georgia it was freezing cold and we as headed right back into that freezing cold and I want you to remember that but we headed back into Georgia and then we got to thinking about how hungry we were you see we hadn't eat since we left Atlanta now the bus stopped two or three times and there's two reasons how come we didn't get off number one we astray to get in left number two we didn't want to lose our place by the wind there's a time or two we might not died on but-but-but I've told all rap I said you gonna have to find a restroom pretty soon I said I'm not started yet so we pulled in this restaurant we pull right up to the curb of the restroom yes is a backward on ticket we pull right up to the curb of the restroom and Winnie and got us a weenie we come back out we come back out and got in that little Volkswagen car and old Ralph started trying to put that thing in Reverse you ain't never seen nothing to beat it in your life Ralph hunted everywhere for reverse on that the 508 da hunted they just want no reverse on that little Volkswagen over every now and then all-around SAP believe it got it now back up over that curves we enjoy well finally we had to take that little Volkswagen out of gear and push it back and then head out well we got on a program and we got to thinking about the gas I said man we better find a feeling station I said it's getting awful cold I said it's gonna be bad to walk we better find us a filling station in a hurry well we spotted one or I pulled off the highway down into this filling station we pulled in I know Ralph said fill er up and that old boy said you pull it up too far Oh L said I'll be right back we pull out of that filling station there stood that feller with his whole looking at us lockers of us idiots we pulled out that filling station went up the road come across and back down pull back in rafts and now fill er up well I've got the word I got to wear and boy it is getting this getting awful cold and I told old Ralph I said boy you better have him check out any fries well honey we started hunting that radiator a tall fellow at the filling station he never had seen one in fancy he went up I lifted up that hood he said they need no motor of him well it didn't take us long to find the motor we still ain't found that radiator but anyway we we put on out of that we hit it we hit it off of that road and further we got up into Georgia the colder it got I'm here to tell you is about freeze death and we started honking that heater I won't tell you me an old da and Ralph we went all over that little Volkswagen car trying to find that heater one no we we could find no heater finally I found some kind of a little knob down a in between me and Ralph in the front seat and I reach for it Ralph said hold it hold it hold it I said what's the matter he said don't pull that the bottom line will fall out we will own up that road fools from our Nolan's to our toes we went out we got nearly back to Atlanta and here here come the police I said Albany what record what we've done he pulled us over and Ralph said man what to do he said well he said now whenever we left Jacksonville Florida we had won that little cardboard hags on the back of that thing it must have blow it off he pulled us over and he said well he said they no tag on whatever this is you're driving and he said you supposed to have won Oh Ralph said well I'm okay something mr. police he said they also ain't no reverse they also ain't no radiator and also ain't no heater and I'm glad we won the war I'm telling you it's back for my hand we took out a loan Volkswagen home we pulled it up an old Ralph's driveway and his wife Mary Ellen come out and she said old take me around the block Oh Ralph mumbles something about being cold we went on in the house Mary Ellen went out there and got in that little Volkswagen car she fumbled around about two minutes back that thing out of that driveway drove that thing around that block pull back up in that driveway come in that house and said how come y'all didn't how the heater all you
Channel: Flomuk
Views: 272,601
Rating: 4.825861 out of 5
Keywords: wendy, bagwell, volkswagen, gospel
Id: k0s9144hn5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2006
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