Well worked beach still held some gold.

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[Music] all right let's find out together what we got [Music] yeah got 89 right here in the wet water is eing cold oh god there it is the quarter couldn't see it it's got a little crust on it quarter let's go oh I think I see it don't go away no the waves took it away there it is a it's just a it's just a button yep just a button all right well I thought I was recording and I wasn't well I just pulled this guy up right out of this spot right here but uh yeah we got an earring rang up pretty dang low I mean could be copper I don't know doesn't doesn't look uh really tarnished for being in the uh I soil right there so there's a piece of jewelry let's go hell yeah baby we over here by the Music Pier or whatever Feer that is steel beer Atlantic City he maybe a can whoa whatever that is that's huge we're done that is lifting up a whole lot of ground right there nothing like that's going to be going in my pouch uh-uh all right got a 80 maybe a a dier sounded better little double hit too oh man all that for Aon I did get it I did call it a dime man that got tricky boy [Music] all right pretty jumpy nuts ah nuts that's what we got nuts strong 70 60s give it to me oh manler another penny my goodness man there it is another crusty Lincoln and it appears to be another crusty zincing another crusted Penny solid 84 name tag the resorts someone lost their name tag about to lose my name it's going to be dispatched for nothing pretty solid 80 I see it dier dime there it is looks like a penny maybe even a spendable one yep got it Benny I I see it yeah all right got another dime things just picking up over here once I got into the dry all right another 80 that would be awesome oh nope we got dime all right another the Roosevelt in the bag people let's go fresh Penny saved it from corrosion look at that saved it from the corrosion of becoming a crustified penny man I do good deeds kiss my ever loving Pino all right 78 hope you wait there it is is that dime or a penny look it's a dime it is a dime out standing way better than a penny let's go working at this plug it was down there I just saw right there so I think that's what it is what it be oh we got another earring oh man ooh that's fancy they starting to get a little better look at that don't look tarnished sweet have to investigate that a little bit later there we go that was a deep Target man wow let's go come on what is it ni jump piece wire some kind of nail this is one of them uh bronze SL brass Nails hand handmade maybe so maybe from the ship or uh furniture or something and uh Hey Jessie at uh to norly Treasures could I borrow your um your your tumbler and does it go on ballistic mode all right peace well it's getting late working my way out so couple earrings bunch of pennies I don't know what this is just went away coming back now sounds like du it's exactly what it is tin foil straight up tin foil what is [Music] this hold on it's second why did that sound like that what is this fake that broke or split Stone missing that looks like it's heavy are you kidding me I see stampage I don't know what it says I can't see it obviously there stampage dude how did that sound so crappy and good at the same time are you kidding me what the heck I think it's gold oh my God that sounds so bad why did I even dig that are you me right after that t foil oh I can't get too excited cuz there's people here but man I want to scream oh we look at that one later I was just heading right out there to the uh exit no way right there on the exit I came down on the ramp over there but there's freaking druggies out on the beach right at that right they're literally right at the entrance and when I walked in the guy was all like zombified over so just that's just on the other side of that shed over there tin foil to Ring to more tin foil come on man yeah we had out of this oh man end the day off strong with a a ring W oh that's so awesome oh this place is just trash holy man oh there they are over there I walked up the guy just zombified leaning over oh my gosh man dude I want to look at that ring man I want to screen all right well that's it I got people walking up P just didn't fit in the little pouch so we got earring earring ring crusty crusty crusty save that one from getting crusty good job holy crusties man look at that saved a few of these from getting crusty some of these are just starting to oh three dimes look at that it's got a growth look at that one holy crap man that one's got some growth to it and then this man this thing took a beating man split dented I know I saw a stamp but I didn't see exactly what it was come on Focus all right we got 14k yeah baby I couldn't say too much cuz there them crackle Acts were on the beach all like just sitting there so I didn't want them running over oh there's another crusty MC crusty all right well that is today's hunt at the beach obviously fine of the day 14k [Music]
Channel: Dispatched Detecting
Views: 202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 12SXqfGRZ7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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