Weld With Me LIVE!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome everyone to the very first weld with me live our very first ever tfs welding class brought to you in your very own house shop garage wherever it is that you are this has been a long time coming and technically a dream come true for me so thank you all very much for joining in i am really excited we're going to do some really epic welding show you guys some really awesome stuff and the like so first and foremost i've got to give a huge shout out and thank you of course to all of you fans for bringing this out here to actually participating and coming along with it but additionally the crew our crew here at tfs consists of nine people and uh it took a lot of effort from all of these guys and gals to put it all together and i mean it's just it's been absolutely tremendous the amount of work that they've done in order to get everything from you so i wish i could name them all off right now but you know hey we're live and i can't think of that but nevertheless behind the switchboard over here we've got cody he's running all those really awesome arc shots and everything else that we've got going on very special thanks to him he's actually our operations manager but he's volunteered his time today i have to go get him some drinks or something and of course in the studio directing running the entire setup here we got the angry beard man himself cfs lead welding instructor and that that's that's it just a hello hello everybody anyway nick is also minding a lot of your comments so he's uh he's gonna be chatting back to me or uh even uh answering you guys there in the comment section so one thing to note before we get going here the super chat is active if you feel uh you are so inclined to uh drop a few bucks for the crew for all of their work here and uh donations and such i'll give you the sound of burton c bell that's what it sounds like and we've already got a couple of them that came in a few of them actually so unfortunately i can't see them on the screen here but a very special thank you to those who've already done it i think nick's pulled him back up here i'll make up i know we got one from steven west i could remember that one yeah uh he sent 45 dollars for the crew and and you thank you thank you for that we had johnny maserati with five dollars for beer and water for the crew lots of water especially for me there's some water out here in the desert and then uh i'm gonna i'm gonna butcher this name camera muhammad sent 19.99 malaysian ringgit i believe or i think it's what it is yeah all right well let's get going thank you all very much very much very much very much but let's get on this on on this this this jeez somehow i've forgotten how to talk today we're going to start off with a little bit of a recap do some asmr cutting open the coupons maybe we're going to do a little bit of a recap now about a week ago i did put out a video uh that was all about the very first tig wells you should be laying down on aluminum and uh we're just gonna go over that real quick this is an eighth inch coupon from wildmetalsonline.com if you're using weld metals online coupons you can simply take it out of the bag and get welding if you have your own metal then you might want to prep it up or just get it get it ready so i'm going to start on a piece of eighth inch and we're gonna go into uh just doing those basic exercises really quick and then we'll go run into the actual lessons so first and foremost i want my torch sitting kind of comfortable right slack in my lap here's that balance point that i was talking about in the video if i can do it ah there we go so torch is nice and balanced i'm loose i'm comfy we're pretty good i think we're set so i'm going to start by making just that little quarter inch dot go ahead switch this off to the arc shot there we go so i'm going gonna bring it up get that nice little shiny spot quarter inch or six millimeters in diameter and then paper out of it we're gonna do another one right next to it here so let's just do a couple of those real quick go ahead and practice those just for a brief moment in time we got a couple more super chats that came in what we got uh we got five dollars from dave smith and five dollars from craig cundiff and he says awesome dave and craig thank you guys so very very much i see another one just came in there too oh um i'm not even gonna try to pronounce that name but uh he sent us five dollars big thank you to that guy geez well do a little better than that try it uh let's see haggis chef bjj all right it's probably better than i could have done burton seatbelt for you thank you very very much all right hopefully you guys have already done your dots um i saw a lot of people they uh they they practiced a lot of this people are sending me messages and stuff so i'm just assuming that everybody's up to par with that one now we're gonna go over and do the uh control exercise so it's just gonna be keeping that quarter inch or six millimeter width all the way across this coupon okay really really simple we're just gonna kind of blast through this and then we're gonna get into the actual exercise here so if you need to get yourself warmed up go for it but here we go i'm literally just going to mow right over these first few dots again quarter inch or six millimeters nice steady torch good torque tight good speed remember that i can control this width with two different ways one of those is going to be my amperage by stepping on or letting off the pedal but for those of you who do not have a pedal it's going to be all about the speed so i can go faster or i can go slower those are my options so if we need a couple minutes to uh take care of that there see we'll do we'll let everybody get warmed up for just a moment or two i see we got a ton of comments coming in here all right so we got another another super chat from maxwell edison he says thank you guys rock thank you very much maxwell maxwell edison really appreciate that that is super cool all right so uh there's a lot of questions about machine settings okay i had i had a video all about that where we went over it i'll briefly describe this while everybody's practicing here the amperage is technically irrelevant okay i have 125 amps on my prime weld right now you can have you know 110 is generally where everybody is comfortable working at so i mean if 110 amps usually will do you some good maybe 115. if you're running a pedal then you're totally fine you can you can just you know you've got all the control in the world with this so what you're effectively trying to do here is concentrate on the result okay forget about you know what your amps are what your settings are and all that crud just focus on that that weld pool in front of you whatever it is that makes that result that's what you're doing right so i'm either adjusting my foot pedal to keep it at a quarter inch or six millimeters in width that's it that's all i'm doing right there's two ways that i can do that one of them is to step on the pedal more or less which will grow or shrink the weld pool and the other way is to go faster or slower until i see that result okay aside from that my balance is set to about 30 70. some machines are negative so if you're on 70 then you know that's where you should be you should know where your settings are but if not 30 70 balance will get you in the ballpark my frequency is 120 hertz that's all preference again but if you guys want to dial in your settings there for that one then go for it but try to get the uh try to get the concept of settings like out of your head because they're they're technically irrelevant i see some more supers yeah oh got two of them three from uh tiller demon he sent twenty dollars uh chris christensen uh sent five and lester grigsby sent 20. so we need one more of those awesome thank you very much to all of your donations your super chats this is that is incredible all right hopefully everybody's warmed up first one we're gonna do i'm gonna mow right over this and create a weld pool right but the idea behind this this is a heat control exercise meaning that i'm gonna keep on filling this weld coupon up okay i can easily get five to seven full beads across this entire coupon and the idea here is to keep control over that weld pool and over that bead profile we don't want the coupon to melt down and subsequently every weld that i throw on top of it is only going to make it hotter so we still have to control it one more soup up there i see that got 19.99 from cameron thank you in person class was great oh yes thank you very very much you have an amazing setup cameron i i saw that that set up the tour that you're rocking there in your garage actually it was a sick set up that was sick dude that's awesome all right let's get this well down here all right quarter inch or six millimeters in width just dropping the filler into the leading edge of that weld pull without pushing it i'm just letting whatever wick off and then i am shaky am i just nervous or what i'm gonna have to find a way to readjust and get comfortable after this either way just concentrating on the width of that whirlpool that's it get done with this one taper out i'm gonna go right above it okay we're gonna run another one right back to back so here we go this time i'm going to go a little bit quicker i think i found a little bit better spot i'm a little bit less shaky so again all i'm trying to do is control the width of that weld pool that's all i really care about that's either going to be my speed or my amperage let me loosen up here one more oh by the way this is 1 16 filler you can use whatever size you want this one i have to have a few less amps just because it's uh it's already getting warm on me so it's already hot so number four this one i'm gonna go a little bit quicker which means my foot is on the pedal pretty heavy and i'm just flying through it oops ran out of filler let me get another piece here now we're going to do a restart i'm going to start just in front of that weld or of that bead that's already gotten kind of wide on me here but i'm going to start just in front of it i'm going to get up to uh that quarter inch or six millimeters and then i'm going to back up into my previous bead and then start adding my filler the reason that we want to do this is because if we started on the bead which is already thicker then it would take a lot more heat and you would have the same consistency as you started traversing so if you heated it up on the bead and then started moving forward the next couple dabs you have will just be like they'll all run away on you they'll just literally just fall apart so i'm going to start one or two dabs just ahead of that bead once i have that quarter inch or six millimeters i'm going to back up into the previous bead where that last dab was and then start moving there's my weld pool back up in make my dab and here we go now again this coupon is super hot well number five so this one i'm gonna go a little bit slower so basically i have less amps on my foot pedal but let's just say that i'm getting bored with this and i want to speed up i'm going to have more amps on my foot pedal and now i have to move a lot faster but again no matter what i'm just watching the width of that weld pool quarter inch or six millimeters that's all i really care about that's five welds i'm gonna do i'm gonna get to six here we're gonna do this and i know there's some soups nick's uh mixed in yelling in my ear here all right so we've got laura question sent us to ten dollars tommy's small engine sent us a hundred dollars and he thanks uh justin and the team he appreciates what we're doing i recognize that name and then we got james green he wants us to keep on doing this he said 19.99 yeah you guys are awesome thank you so much we are going to keep on doing this provided that i can keep my earpiece in sweet welcome to being live oh i was sitting on my okay that's why all right well number seven here we go i would love to show you guys a close-up of this and i will unfortunately i can't i wish i could but i'm gonna hold it up in front of the camera when we're done but you can see definitely in the uh art shop that we have going on ooh i was almost melting away the end here you'll be able to see that there's consistency in it let me attempt to hold this up here and i'm locked into focus right here but all of these have relative same consistency on it right our crown or which is the height of our weld or our bead profile is relatively consistent all the way across which is something that we want it's not running away or getting too wide the toes of the weld or of the bead is where the metal or the bead itself touches the parent metal or the base metal those are all relatively steady and consistent which is what i want the width of each weld bead is the same all the way across the thing is if you let's say you got it too hot or you didn't keep up with it or anything else like that you're going to see a lot of those inconsistencies so what you ultimately want to practice is making the exact same bead over and over and over again while it's hot that's a complete exercise in heat control as you're running through the practical side of this is if you're let's say you're welding on a i don't know like a fuel cell or at least in my industry we do tanks we do fuel cells we do catch cans we do say intake manifolds for like aluminum when you're doing like a plenum i mean that sucker gets hot pretty quick but you got to be able to maintain it otherwise you can have inconsistencies in your weld right so this is an excellent exercise for you to actually practice with and build up some uh some control which is it's the easiest thing in the world to do right excuse me what do we got got 4.99 from x thank you very much he doesn't have the dexterity to flip his uh filler like that oh your tips don't even worry about it all right um i should mention on this one that when we're when we're doing this i'm just assuming that everybody watched that video but maybe some of you haven't so if i do get a little carried away just just let me know we'll uh we'll run back over it no big deal four to six inches or 100 to 150 millimeters that's really all you need so all we're doing is just holding our hands static or stationary and just tapping it right so tap in the beginning tap tap tap tap tap whatever wicks off naturally we're not pushing it we're not feeding it we're not worrying about that and we're not going to worry about feeding filler this comes later on in life okay once once you've done this for a while what you're ultimately going to start doing is holding it steady and then as you eventually go the natural evolution is to start stabbing yourself in the chest with it while you take a break and then go back into it and before you know it you're going to be taking big grabs like this as you're instead of stabbing yourself you know and going along and eventually you're just going to get this but i should mention we don't there's there's no right or wrong to this right there's no book that says we have to feed the filler and there's no book or right or wrong that says we have to do it in this manner right because some people will feed like this some people will feed like this with their thumb some people like rush cane for example the almighty king grip he feeds like this right some people feed it into the weld pool directly and some people will retract then advance and then dab again again it actually nick just brought up a good point in my ear here if your filler is balling usually it's an indication that your torch height is way too high or you keep the filler parked in front of uh of the of the of the arc zone so if the filler metal is balling away and falling out on you then you usually have way too high of a torch height or you're not retracting the filler enough so rod goes in rod comes back out on aluminum we don't have to worry about all that contamination or any of that stuff and especially during practice don't worry about it right i know i know the internet's going to destroy me for that but when in practice don't worry about that you got to get the rhythm down you got to get the uh the repetition down all right i will try to talk louder when i am welding all right let's see well what'd we get mike herron sent us 50 wow thanks mike you guys are freaking amazing thank you guys very very much that is super i'm sorry five dollars five dollars well hey whatever we're still good we're not discounting that one all right so if you guys hopefully you've practiced this just a little bit we can we can actually move on here i'm going to uh or do we have any other questions we need to let anybody else kind of catch up here i think we're good okay so i'm gonna you know what i'm still going to use this we're going to move on to the butt weld i'm going to use this one that's already hot because it's a great lesson also in something that we call focus so i'm going to get this lined up right where it needs to be on my table for our arc shot to grab so this one coupon that i've already welded up here i'm gonna grab another one eighth inch i'm gonna stick it right up to it right don't worry about a gap or anything else like that just line it straight up and you're in okay now the first part that we got to worry about on this one is going for the tap if we wanted to weld this straight away with no tacks it's going to start out nice and close together and butt it up and then it's going to go wide on us the whole part is going to split apart as we're doing it and we don't want that all right so we have to throw some tacks on but the hardest part is getting those tacks on there where i see a lot of people struggling is they're usually in a rush right now each one of these coupons has no surface area right we're attacking a corner right this corner of the coupon there's no surface area whatsoever so no way to dissipate heat and when you jump into it really quick with the uh with the foot pedal and you smash on it as in put it to the floor or even very very little you'll see these corners start to run away and when that happens people usually freak out like oh jeez i gotta hurry up and get some get some filler in there you know and it's not necessarily true you have all the control in the world with your foot pedal and you got to watch what's in front of you okay so effectively what we're doing here is we're going to fire that torch down right into the center of where those two pieces meet okay one side might burn away before the other one does and if that happens then we have to very slowly control that with our foot pedal and then move it toward the other side to make sure that the arc will grab the opposite side and then we have to balance it as in make sure that both weld pools are the exact same on both sides okay i'm going to do this one here and then i have some close-ups for you so here we go tack number one slowly building it up it's stuck together but i'm still gonna add a little dab okay the second one let's go back on me here because i should mention here that your filler pay very close attention to where my filler is in this shot okay as i do this it's not right next to the tungsten it's not in an area where the filler can get blown away right the filler is close but not parked okay we're not we're not sitting there you know with the filler just touching or whatever the case is right so we're gonna let this uh weld pool build up on both corners it might stick together it might not we don't really know but we're still gonna add filler or be ready with it but not in a hurry okay i'm gonna go super slow on this one just so you guys can see it cue up the ark here we go [Music] so nice and slow corners burned away now they touch so let me just add a little filler and i'm going to slowly get out of it okay now just in case you guys couldn't see that we do have a close-up shot we can run that right now take a look here this is your first one right on the edge there letting those corners build they're going to get wet and if they if they grab then they grab if they don't then we're just going to drop a little bit of filler in there we're going to do the same thing on the edge again i'm gonna let this one play back again if you guys want to see it if not go ahead and make your tacks right now so here we go again nice and easy just slowly letting it build once they grab a little bit of dab of filler notice that it's not there waiting it is not parked in front of there we're not in a rush if the filler balls away you know you gotta you gotta basically cut bait right trim your filler off at the end of it and of course uh if you blow the corners away let's say you got on a little bit too hot don't watch them run away just kill it cut bait take your foot off the pedal let your hand off the switch whatever it takes just kill that weld and then go try again so you guys give that a practice real quick i'm pretty sure we've got a couple of questions here i know it's pretty cool we got a couple super chats too we got one from philip urscher for uh ten dollars thank you phillip it's very [Music] uh just disappeared oh uh holly rankin leah sent fifty dollars and says awesome work was that oh oh that's holly chalilay what i owe you two of those thank you mrs calalay you are awesome i can definitely say that there's uh there's no way that i would be here without you anyway uh let's bring it back over here uh hopefully you guys have made your tax by now uh if not take a couple seconds do we have any questions or anything are we good so we have a few people asking about stuff like why is there weld cracking or why is the the weld crack okay there are several reasons for a weld cracking nine times out of ten it's that you just hit it way too fast as in you blasted it and you know just you're in it and out of it way too fast so you got to kind of let it build up a little bit and let that aluminum kind of heat up and saturate because as it expands and contracts it's doing this rapidly aluminum's ability to dissipate heat in a in a hurry is what makes it kind of famous so if you get one spot hot really really fast and then out of it really really fast it's going to want to cool really really fast and that contraction causes the aluminum to crack so if you slowly build into it and make sure that your attack is sufficient meaning that it it burns together nicely and you slowly get out of it you'll have less likeliness of a crack the second instance is what we call a hot short crack that means you basically over saturated the everlasting crap out of it and uh as it uh as it started to solidify or whatever the case is it started at the edge of it and just started to run away on you there are several reasons for a crack but nine times out of ten is just a temperature related issue then we got one more soup here from mike herron he says thanks to everyone for all the help and he sent 45 yeah you guys are amazing i can't even begin to tell you guys how much i am truly humbled to be here you know uh we'll get into all that stuff later but let's get back to some welding hopefully everybody's tacked up and ready so once again got myself a nice comfortable position let's see if the torch is balanced yeah oh nope let's try again here we go gimbal style maybe not i'm going to find that magic spot now when i go into this tack weld here i'm going to start ahead or excuse me when i go into this butt weld here i'm going to start just ahead of my tack and then i'm going to back into it much like a restart and when i flip this over i'll show you a restart again but the reason i want to do that is let's just say this piece is under a little bit of tension and if i start on the tack that's what you hear a lot of people talking about pop and tacks literally if you get it wet and you don't have anything holding into it it's under a lot of tension but there it goes it'll split on you so we're gonna start just ahead of it get a little fusion maybe a little dab and then back up into it then start rolling along with it as we weld this you may see the presence of a keyhole developing i don't think you can see it in my arc shot but maybe you will if you see a little bit of a keyhole that's basically an opening or a small divot or a small pit in the very leading edge of your weld that's good that's a sign that you're going to get down into that metal or achieve proper penetration you don't want to be afraid of the keyhole is what i'm saying right now if it's running away and you can see straight through the thing well yeah you got a little bit too much heat but you got to control it this whole exercise is still going to maintain the same quarter inch or six millimeter width of that weld pool but you have to pay attention to where that weld pool is because it may burn away on one side and instead of the other one so you want equal parts of your quarter inch or six millimeter weld pool on both sides equal parts on both sides so if it starts to run away you got to move the torch back and point it to the side that's not burning and you got to maintain it equal right and then of course maintain the entire whirlpool all the way down i talk a lot so let's just get into it we'll start just ahead i'm going to build up some amps here we'll put a little track for safety back up into my last one and grab right over the top of that so i'm going a little bit slow so you guys can see here but all i'm doing is maintaining that same quarter inch or six millimeter width and it's equal on both sides that's all i care about now when i flip to the other side i'll show you guys how fast i usually go but the point of this is it's not about it's not really an exercise of speed here the whole point of this is just to control it don't worry about your speed and all the rest of stuff don't try to be like you know i'm totally ba let me just move through this thing you know because i'm super welder don't worry about that a lot of people get overwhelmed by this in the beginning and truthfully nobody in the entire world cares it's nice to have some you know extra instagram points and stuff but nobody cares all right let me flip this over we're gonna do it again this time i'm gonna go at my typical speed or my normal speed and then i'm going to stop about halfway and we'll recap on that restart so i'm going to start with the tacks again even though it's already welded on the other side it never hurts to practice attacks in fact they're a little bit easier when they're on this side [Music] okay so here we go quarter inch or six millimeters running right down the middle and this is about how quick i would normally run this joint and oops for whatever reason i had to stop right it's typical that you have to stop right everybody wants that continuous weld but guess what sometimes we run short on filler sometimes we're a little out of position sometimes it's like it's awkward and you don't want to screw this weld up just just cut bait just get out of it right we can always restart there's nothing wrong with restarts as long as you're not doing them ever like every two or three dabs right don't be a hero just just get out of it what do we got i see something in pink up there hey got 50 from merlin 540i very excited about this hopes there are more wow that is thank you so much his name is dan schumacher dan schumacher thank you so much for your fifty dollars that is that is incredible you guys are amazing i know the crew is gonna is gonna love this because we always we always take the crew out with all these extra donations and stuff it's super awesome all right let me let me go back into that arc restart here so i'm to start just ahead again about one or two dabs or so get my weld pull up to quarter inch or six millimeters and then back up in right to where that last dab was where i got out of it right and then we're just going to keep on going all the way through all right let's cue up the arc quarter inch six millimeter width i'm moving a little bit quicker this time ah scoot up a spot something something was on there maybe a piece of trash or whatever but you know what i'm not gonna worry about it get up to my end a little extra filler and as i let off the pedal i'm backing away very very slowly okay yeah you know what that wasn't a fantastic little tie in there that that has some some blips in it i just barely missed it it looks like i missed it by like one or two dabs very sorry if you can't see this but uh maybe later on i'll post up some pictures or whatever the case is right oh more oh geez got three of them oh wow all right so the first one is uh 134 zynga and he says hey justin thanks for the video i appreciate some he's got a question regarding weld penetration what's the best method for proper penetration also will you be learning us on tube building today tubes are not going to be included today i can't get the camera set on time now as far as penetration is concerned uh ultimately it's practice you have to not be afraid of the heat now a lot of people are typically in there to make a pretty weld if you saw my official tig settings video where my no bs approach to it and i said flat out we do not make pretty welds we make structurally sound welds that just happen to look good with that being said don't be afraid of the heat right use it use it to your advantage because if you're trying to go full pan on some eighth inch you guys will be able to rewind later and see in that uh in my arc shot here that i was mowing over some weld from the opposite side right and that's full pen like i said you can't be afraid of the heat you just have to practice and learn how to control it don't try to make a pretty weld because that's when you're going to start screwing stuff up and it's not going to hold or something's going to go south or whatever the case is just focus on what's in front of you and learn how to control it and you'll eventually get through it right this is a developed skill meaning it takes a lot of time i think mr spool x is uh asking how long are the in-person classes because he's taking a trip with his wife and wondering how long he could sneak away okay uh in person class here at tfs sitting at the nice little set that we have here behind me and uh usually it's a little bit different either way sitting at the same table in the same spot here uh they are eight hours long or the total of nine hours in the day we take a one hour lunch in between so they start at nine a.m they end at six p.m and there's a one-hour lunch in between so it's all a one-day class and the equivalent value of instruction usually gets to about week 12. uh that's because we run a ridiculously advanced rapid style of training here similar to what we're doing here so you guys should be practicing those butt welds right now if you've already done that you know try another one at least or fill up that coupon right you got all this real estate on here fill that sucker up make some smiley faces you know here let's do a smiley face just for fun one there's two like i said you got all this real estate here fill this coupon up see just like that what else we got all right so preston mckenzie says thanks you guys are awesome uh rob workman spent another fifty dollars uh craig cundiff has sent um fifty dollars says he really appreciates this and hopes there will be more and then andrew lutton has said hi great video complete noob was hoping to play along but all his new gear arrived except for the helmet ah nick you're a live arc shot did you know that oh i am yes i am then we got one more there we go all right guys i am so unbelievably humbled i i never would have thought that you know i extremely appreciative of your your participation and efforts here so do we need another butt weld we'll give everybody a second here before we switch out uh do we have one oh we don't have a full we don't have a full clip of the of the butt weld you know i'll do another one just just for you know s g you know you can like i said you guys can run these things like you know all the way through you can just stack one after the other here actually i saw a guy the other day i know he's going to be on this chat and uh he cut like a bunch of his scrap coupons into a fish this is what he made out of it it looks so freaking cool man like that was freaking awesome so yeah let's let me run through one of these again while you guys are practicing i know we got some more soups coming in but we'll call them out as we go along here but uh let's go for the tack here there's one all right you guys might notice if you got a very keen eye that my tack split a little bit it actually went a little wide on me so that means i got a bit of a gap that i have to deal with here but no worries we're going to get through it i'll talk you through it as we go along here starting just ahead i've got my dab moving back and starting to traverse now i'm going to watch this very very carefully actually as soon as we get close to the center i'm pretty sure i'm going to see a pretty big keyhole starting to form there so i'm taking very very very close attention to it watch right there you see the guys at the edge right there i'm going to try and point to it i don't know put the tension for a swim so we see that little hole in the end there i'm making sure that this doesn't run away from me but anyway i gotta get through this because it's getting super hot but nevertheless got ourselves a full-on weld there now just in case oh geez oh geez wow got six of them you actually hit the burton seatbelt six six times i was like wait is that about the function so we got a carlo baptiste says thanks fellas he's been watching uh our videos for a while and he bought crimeweld robert gonzalez and ten dollars cody starr sent 4.99 thank you gregory russell has a question with ten dollars uh seems like i can sometimes tell if i've done poorly by looking at that back side could just show us the back side of the coupon once in a while while we see what it should look like i will try to show the back side of this one unfortunately i can't focus the camera in i have it locked on me so it doesn't run around but um here there's a little bit of pen on the on my tacks but i kept this one relatively cold so it is a perfectly straight line when you don't see a whole lot coming through now if you over saturated your piece and you welded it like you know way too freaking hot you'll see it blowing uh through the back side and it kind of it kind of like mashes up if you're welding onto something like this if you're welding in air it would just fall through right but uh sometimes when you have a backer on it like i have the table here helping me out it's uh you'll see it kind of like mash up on the back of it and that would indicate that you're a little bit too hot if it's if it's running away but if you just have a little bit of a strip down the middle of it where you see it's equal on both sides that's full pen uh unfortunately i did not achieve it on this one because i had to slow it way down to show you guys hopefully you saw it in the arc shot there all right so keith jewell has sent ten dollars and he's thanking uh us for the encouragement to work on a hot coupon and chris 4943 is asking what what are our settings are but he's just kidding thank you guys so much all right let me let me uh run this one one more time here you guys should be practicing along but we'll start with the tacks there's one there there's one there and i'm going to go full throttle on this one i got my foot to the floor all 125 or 130 or whatever amps i've got this is typically how fast i run because my discipline is what they call hot and heavy and i got a little too hot when i said hot it just went [Laughter] anyway hopefully you guys got that one if not you can set this aside and you have the whole set up for later on when we when we move on and when we continue on so all right so corey l is is uh thanking us for the education and for using that uh prime weld that a lot of people can afford and then all about the skills and the the equipment later you know absolutely all right thank you very very much for all of your donations you guys are absolutely incredible all right this next one is the outside corner joint we're going to take two brand new weld metals online eight inch aluminum coupons there's two ways that we can go about tacking i'm going to show you both of them one of them i'll show you live and we also have a close-up shot of that one right now i'm going to take the edges of these coupons right here just the very corners right those really sharp edges there and when we made them up i want those two corners to touch okay meaning that when i'm done with this tack i should have an open valley right it'll it'll it'll you could almost see straight through it i mean depending on how close your gap is the method that i use to tack these up is typically by standing them up like this holding them ever so delicately with my fingers and then i grab the torch very lightly just with my fingertips and my other finger balances on the edge of the uh the coupon that's on my torch hand and then i fire in right up to the top of it okay that's one method and i'll show you what that looks like right now hopefully we don't get high frequency interruption because last time it happens so here we go [Music] didding all right so at this point you have a little bit of freedom right i want this to be at 90 degrees and you have a small amount of freedom to move it so ever so delicately squeeze them in realign your corners okay i will show you guys an arc shot of this in just a second don't worry but one thing to pay attention to is your fingers don't have your fingers here because then you're going to burn your gloves right so my fingers are low same position once again this one i blasted in just a little bit heavier now i got a clip of this we'll run that one real quick you can see uh pretty closely here one side's gonna burn away just a tiny tiny bit while the other side where i have to move or i have to adjust focus let's watch it again here so you're gonna see that the left side of your screen it burns away and i'm like oh gotta move so i move it back to the right side of your screen and once the two touch or they kiss or they come together or become one or unity or whatever you want to call it that's when i get out of it slowly but not not in a hurry because if i jump out of it like removing my foot off the pedal like flying off the pedal then that sucker is gonna get stuck or it's uh it's just it's flat out not gonna work here so i have to reset our camera here real quick so you guys take a look at that if you want to try it that way here's the other method that we're gonna cue up here which is using the edge of your table nick if you want to talk them through that one cue up the edge of the table all right well i'll walk you through it so take one piece on top take one piece on with your finger holding the other one vertical and then you just fire into the corner this is what that shot looks like behind the lens make sure that your fingers are definitely out of the way that's very very important let that one play for just a moment pretty sure i got my camera reset here it's looking almost official-like hard to tell here anyway go ahead and get your tack welds in the second method that i'm showing there that's on the screen right now that's actually a much uh more common method a lot a lot of people actually like to use that one it's a little bit more comfortable for a lot of people all right so we'll let that play out go ahead and nick and if you want i know we got some more supers all right so let's see here we go so andrew stewart has uh sent 49.99 and says he's going to see us wednesday awesome i'll be here and he said this is awesome for beginners i agree uh joshua the welder has sent five dollars he's asking what's a good portable welder to buy that does stick mig tig welding just about anything that works in your budget and you know offers what you what you ultimately want so i mean i can't just shout out any brand or whatever the case is i mean there's several to choose from but ultimately you're looking for whatever fits your budget and offers the options that you need now if you want to ask me personally my favorite portable welder above all is the fronius accu pocket it's battery powered but that'll set you back about three thousand bucks then critical texan has sent five dollars he says he just got into welding two weeks ago and the hardest part for him was learning to slow down oh yeah look you've got all the control in the world hopefully everybody's got it tacked up let's bring it on back but you effectively have all the control in the world especially if you're running with a foot pedal and if you're running with like a trigger switch for example you can just turn your amps down and it's all speed that that runs with it so just remember take your time and whatever is in front of you is all you're working with nobody cares about you know anything else like i don't care where the machine is set i can set this thing to like all 225 amps and well it the exact same way i have a little bit less control but that concentration and control is ultimately what we're after here so with any luck you guys got your uh your setup uh with your quarter inch coupon we're going to turn it up so you know the top of it's right on you you may notice that your grip is going to be a little bit different so i have to kind of kick my wrist back a little bit is about what it looks like so it's it's kind of floating if you will some people like to go like the edge of their table like we call this praying mantis where they're just kind of sitting here at the edge of the table and just poking away at it and getting into it that's uh that's one method of doing it other people like to you know be like right on top of it you know over it like this or whatever the case is right find whatever comfortable position um you you have right unfortunately i can't tell you what's comfortable and what's not you guys got to figure that one out so just remember that if uh if it doesn't feel right or you're shaky or something's going south or whatever the case is then it's not comfortable and you have to figure out where it is so whatever point where you can sit there and say yeah that's about right and you're not shaky and you're not you know tensed up or anything else like that then you're good to go right so try a couple of different ways i'm going to run this one here now since we have just those attaching this tax chill in there at the end holding this thing together we remember that we've got to uh start just ahead and get something in there to actually hold it when we back up into that that first attack so that way we don't pop our tacks so here we go outside corner [Music] so i'm gonna get these two to fuse together back it up and really control that heat input now we don't want this just to sit on top or anything like that we want it to actually burn right down into the root that's where the two corners are touching in this method i'm coming a little bit less on the amps oops i moved it coming a little bit less on the amp and uh doing a pause method where i move forward just a little bit and then pause get to the end here a little bit all right according to nick i uh nailed my arc shot on that one is it good nick yeah all right hey another suit old school dan has sent five dollars thank you old school dan this is about what we're looking like all right let's see if i can get this to i wish i could get you a close-up shot maybe next time the inside of it unfortunately you can't tell but um you'll be able to see full penetration it basically looks like a bunch of tic tacs uh just lined up on the inside of there that's an indication that you got full pin all the way through the outside corner as we look at the bead profile notice it comes up to a nice crown see if i can get in just the right light here but we come up to a nice crown it comes over it's not blown out it's not sunken in it's just right there kind of sitting on top but we can we can confirm that we did get full pen all the way through right so it sits high it's convex not concave uh the toes again they keep the same relative uh placement and or speed distance or based on your speed or however you ran it how much filler you put into there they're consistent right so i don't have one bead just bulging out of there you know i have i have all of them lined up in a nice little pretty row it's all about the control of the heat so in this method i used the stack or i use the pause method to push a little bit more filler and really slowly go in that means that i had a little bit less on my foot pedal and the amount of time that i sat there just kept on saturating the weld right and putting it all together so uh guys go ahead and give yourself uh practice that a couple times i have a couple more here we go we got dave smith sent us five dollars and then almost machining sent us another 20. you guys thank you guys absolutely incredible thank you so much i i got my very first super chat at 400 000 subs which was like a month ago and i didn't know what to do with it i was just like holy crap people actually do this and i'm i'm so blown away man thank you guys very very much all right uh yeah you know what hold on a minute guys we're gonna see if we can reset real quick just uh hang tight [Music] okay with any luck that might have that might have solved it we had to do a quick little reset so uh practice your outside corners i'm gonna run another one of these let's see i'm gonna try it with this little little bit of filler that i have left here accord again i was doing these on 1 16 filler you could use 332nd or 2.4 mil if you want in fact i have one more down there and i'll demonstrate that too i'll just have to run a little bit hotter so here we go starting ahead just ahead of my path all right this one i'm going to run a little bit faster as in my foot is to the floor and i am just scooting i'm running nice and steady and consistent and i'm almost out of filler and i brought you ten to one that my finger was in the way hold on a minute let me get back into it fingers burning little tiny bit hold on hold on keep that arch shot up here we go little tiny tiny bit i wonder if you can see my fingers it's just i'm trying not to get burned having some fun on that one look at that this is that little bit left sweet all right there's another one i'm gonna do another one with 332nd or 2.4 millimeter filler you guys should be practicing these i'd say a good three of them ought to do it uh remember though once you once you set up one you know let's say you do four coupons if you put both of them right next to each other put attack there and attack there flip it over you've got another outside corner mr j perez has added in 1999 and it says tfs worldwide exclamation point thank you you guys are freaking awesome thank you so much everyone for participating and i can't wait like afterwards i'm pretty sure everybody's going to be uh sending some pictures of their stuff in and posting them up i cannot wait to see how well this class out worked for or how well this class worked out for everyone all right 3.2 or 2.4 millimeter i'm not going to feed either i'm just going to hold it one static stationary position i've got maybe 100 or 200 millimeters or about four or four to eight or four to eight inches or so there we go now with the 332nd i have to run a lot hotter like it wants to almost run away on me hopefully this isn't a complete disaster but i actually needed more amps to do this but either way notice that when uh when the camera runs right back i'm going to keep my hands in the exact same spot here notice that i still notice that i still have the my hands in the same place right that's how much filler i needed and the result on this actually isn't that bad it started to look a little bit while i was running it we got some solid full pen all the way through here so again you can use either either size of filler mic m761 set 24.99 thanks man thank you mike this is freaking awesome questions about outside corner joints anything or questions all right so um go ahead and find questions we're gonna answer some questions real quick so uh biggest question i was seeing earlier is like what hoods were using what people should use and get the best one you can is my my advice yeah ultimately the best one you can i'm gonna be very very strict about this one and i'm gonna tell you flat out get a name brand hood a name brand is not something you found on amazon not something that was made up not something that you question not something that has rave reviews just because they were sent one for free i'm not guilty of that i'm just saying okay i know a lot of people do that they're like oh yeah i got recognized this is the greatest kid ever there's so much of that stuff going around so name brands miller lincoln optrel being my personal favorite um who am i forgetting here speed glass or that's 3m jackson any one of those companies that is an actual name brand or even a welding company in general not the cheap stuff we're talking legitimate companies the hood that i'm wearing here is the fronius visor connect this is a bluetooth welding hood that connects to my fronties magic wave right now obviously since i'm using the prime weld um i have i have it in manual mode so but either way it's a it's a panoramic hood so i can see everything and of course the lens clarity quality i can see like when i have the hood down and it's dark and i'm welding i can still look at my monitor and see what's going on there so that's uh you know this is like a 630 some odd dollar hood and of course the other ones that everybody remembers is the optional crystal 2.0 that was custom airbrushed that thing probably has a price tag somewhere after all the customization probably around like eight or nine hundred bucks but for a hundred dollars you can get the uh the miller classic which is this little guy this is this is like 110 locally it's miller classic auto darkening it's a small window but it does the job and you can trust it just just remember it only takes one time staring down you know 100 amps to make you go blind i mean the ark is is brighter than the sun this this can put blisters on the back side of your eyeballs so think about it do you want to be blind or do you want to trust that your product is good so let's stick with name rights do you ask more questions about stuff like why is the table getting hot or should it get hot yeah if you're welding on top of something all that heat's going to transfer into that table top and it is going to get hot good point your gloves going to get hot if you're using an air-cooled torch it's probably going to get hot so if you're ever welding and something is hot and it's uncomfortable don't burn yourself just stop take a little break yeah we're not masochistic people's if it's hot take a break let it cool down reasons why it gets hot well you're playing with electricity and like the aluminum for example is somewhere around what 3000 degrees fahrenheit at the oxide layer about 1200 at the core it's hot so you're literally farting around with electricity here kind of like playing with fire so you gotta you gotta take the time to let some stuff cool down because if it's getting hot don't sit there and burn yourself that's just silly you take a break and you let it chill then we had some more questions about stuff like why is there plate burning down the plate burning down that's usually pedal control so if you're like your coupon is that is that what you're thinking okay so if what you're welding on is burning down or it's it's sitting low you have no crown on your bead or anything else like that that's usually an indication that you're a little bit too hot now hot is all about your time not your amps so if you sit there with too many amps and too low of a travel speed then you're to burn it it's going to get hot it's going to melt down stuff's going to go bad so it's all about the control just like we did in the beginning there that control exercise by running that coupon multiple times over and over and over again that's that's what it is it's all about control of that heat so if it's burning down melting down something's not going right you gotta you gotta pretty much learn how to control it and you do not have to use full pedal either you use the amount of pedal that you actually need so i usually push down my pedal slowly until i get that puddle and that's about as far down as i usually put it then i'll keep it there then i'll just make adjustments as i go remember what's in front of you is is the result of what you're doing right so just for an example here if you're stepping on that pedal and you're seeing it melt down don't watch it melt down you are in control of it so if your your your coupon or whatever your welding blows away it's because you told it to blow away it sounds so silly right and so simple but you're the one who's in control of that so you have to find a way to control that there's either your travel speed or your amperage right as in oh no it was just one i just double tap oh what uh so gary f has sent five dollars and he says excellent thank you very much gary free extra burton c bell for the viewers all right hopefully you guys have got some outside corners it's out of sync again all right um let's take a quick short break then we'll see if we can get it reset and back in sync see you in a second oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] all right welcome back hey steve loop has sent a test donation of five dollars thank you steve luke thank you very much actually i know that dame steve loop is awesome okay we're gonna do some edge welds now with those outside corners that you set up go ahead and set them vertical if you haven't welded them all together if not set yourself up another one and we'll do uh you know we'll get another two coupons and then set it up so that one's vertical and we'll do our uh our edge weld good question all right i have a good question um he's asking about why you're pulling the torch away from the end of the weld so quickly as opposed to like how you would do it on steel so the the post flow on the weld okay uh steel stainless steel titanium any one of those are what we consider reactive metals meaning that there is uh a reaction to absence of flow meaning that a certain temperature when they uh when they contact the atmosphere like the regular air that we're breathing in right the argon's always coming out of the torch even when we're done welding when we terminate our weld the post flow keeps on pumping out as an argon keeps on pumping out even though the arc's not lit we keep it there on most metals that are reactive to keep the shielding gas on there as it cools down thus reducing the color or the reactivity of that metal okay on aluminum it's not a reactive metal okay um there's there's a science that goes into us but aluminum is not a reactive metal which means we don't have to worry so much about post flow because of the unique properties of the oxide layer versus the internal or the core layer we don't have to worry about it it doesn't do anything right it can be welded in the open you know you don't like you don't back purge aluminum none of that stuff the only thing that we need the post flow 4 on aluminum is to shield our tungsten when it is still red hot so once i terminate my weld i can slowly move away but i don't have to post flow it basically if that's if that makes sense i noticed we got another super here but we gotta we're gonna let's do that one real quick two of them we got three actually three there we go uh so the first two are uh ones from uh john schmear he's in twenty dollars uh joel byrne sent twenty five dollars said joel yeah chris christman sent another 10. he says today's message is brought to you by hang tight we'll be right back thank you guys so much i really appreciate that all right let's get this edge well with any luck my camera was back in focus i have not made a single change to that machine right there it is still on 125 amps and it's not going to take nearly that much how much is it going to take i have no idea what i'm going to do is pay attention to what's in front of me so as i initiate the arc as i'm going to step on the pedal until it just clicks and you hear the high frequency start and it's going to make a really kind of a crappy arc in the beginning it might dance around it might focus in but i'm going to slowly increase my amps as and step on the pedal until i get that little uh wet corner all right as soon as i have that i'm just going to drop that filler in and move all the way across this one i'm going to show you guys with uh with a block here just as a hand prop so some people can concoct their their hand back like this and run it some people can't so i'm going to run it on the block do a little practice swing here that feels pretty good i think i like that i keep reverting to my natural grip here but you know hey we'll see uh hopefully this shot's in focus if not i'm gonna finish it out and then we'll try again but here we go nice and easy just gonna step on that pedal you still have audio cool i got my weld pool this is maybe i don't know maybe a third of the pedal maybe but i don't know exactly i don't really care all i know is that right in front of me i'm not losing control i'm still keeping that puddle on top still adding my little dabs of filler i'm coming up to the end here so i have to be mindful of that i have reduced my amps that's the edge weld how did our shot look we're in focus pretty good all right so it's uh oh got 50 from nathan lambert nathan lambert i know that name thank you very much and then another five from danny castell he says guys just just buy a fixture or a thirty dollar fixed shade hood and gold lens if you want you can absolutely run that thank you very much but yes you can uh if you want to be safe i mean you can i don't know if you guys remember from my previous years before i switched to uh auto dark i always had a fixed shade gold lens my big window hood it's actually up in my loft right now kind of being saved as a relic it said your ad here on the side that was a fixed shade that was a passive lens and that means basically means that whenever i go in to strike an arc and you guys see me do this to this day right this is an auto dart hood but i still flip the thing down right that's just years and years of doing this but that passive lens you're not going to go blind in that thing if you get a gold lens your clarity is absolutely really good so you can get one of those for like 40 40 50 bucks maybe i mean cheap and you don't have to worry about it at that point no batteries no nothing get a couple more there i see yeah so uh jay eddie says uh great answer on the post flow reasons and nice to hear a no bs answer thank you if you didn't know that my style is complete no bs that's at least that's what the crowd usually says i appreciate that guys thank you all right let's get back into this i'm going to do one more hopefully you guys are practicing while we're rambling but let me make sure that i got a good solid connection here see that sputtering mark that happens so i'm going to rub this like normal and now i'm going to intentionally screw up let's say i'm not paying attention watch this oh no we got the sausage casings yeah well we got a back way out of that so let's go like too low on the end this is just kind of sitting on top i don't really have a weld tool it's wanting to melt the filler and it's sputtering and erratic and yeah that's like some grody stuff right there [Music] so evidently we lost audio again this episode is brought to you by hang tight so i did see that there was a super chat in there thank you so much from david sidlow he says thanks justin he's learned a lot of great stuff from us thank you very very very much i'm so glad that people are learning and as long as people are learning and loving this we're going to keep on doing it that's my only reason now hopefully you guys saw a lot of that i don't know when the audio cut out if you want uh i can i can burn another one of these up if you want to see me screw it up again burn another one all right nick saying burn another one let's do it i mean you saw the video maybe maybe the audio will stick maybe this time nick will be paying attention to it huh yeah the weld was so bad the microphone couldn't take it ah you guys are cracking me up i love this stuff thank you guys here we go we're gonna start out a little bit hot a little heavy in the beginning nick watch the audio real good all right look at that it looks like sausage chasing just falling apart so we're gonna back out now we're gonna go way too cold it's obviously too hot if it's if it's running away from you and you can see that there's a huge difference then obviously you're too hot you gotta back off but remember you can always cut bait too this there is just filling up here oh that way i'm going to leave that right there all right let me get back into this again [Music] and i'm going to weld like normal but now this time i'm not going to take my foot off or anything i'm just going to let it go normally as we get to the end here you see what's happening goodbye here we'll just put that there oh stay there stay there yeah wait oh no oh well okay so these welds i mean this is it's just you got to be able to watch what's in front of you if you're way too cold it's going to be clumpy it's just going to sit on top you'll see all this oxidation and stuff just falling on there you got to actually have a weld pool and of course if you're burning way too hot it's just going to disappear it's going to fall away so the idea of this is to control it and again there was no change to that welding machine back there it still had all 125 amps on it right all right so uh keith jewell has sent ten dollars and he thanks us for the the practice you had us do at the start helped him finally not destroy an outside corner excellent and then we got another one from enrique morales uh ten dollars says thanks for uh he appreciates the help he's having fun learning thank you very much to all of you that is incredible all right uh hopefully you guys practice that uh that edge weld again that is one of my favorites and i should remind you guys that is a beginner level exercise believe it or not it is uh is one of my favorites to do as well the next up uh since you have it in front of here unfortunately i cannot show you this because i can't get my camera reset and it's a very difficult one people ask me about the fill it all the time now affiliate is either that inside corner or a t-joint right and let me just tell you something a quick story here every time i see somebody just you know step up to a welder the very first thing they do is stack up a freaking t-joint they tack it together and they try they try to try let me explain some to you affiliate is an advanced level exercise right it is not easy so if you have no experience welding or limited experience don't step up and look like a rookie because everybody knows that the minute you sit there and be like oh let's do a tea drink oh screwed up oh the machine's messed up don't do that all right like i said this is a this is an advanced level exercise so don't worry about it basically is what i'm saying here um but we're gonna set this up i have some uh i got a shot here we can go ahead and play that real quick and fill it to fill it let's see it so we're gonna start out you notice that if you ever try to do one that it wants to grab either the vertical coupon or the horizontal coupon in that case you just have to power through which basically means get the torch as close as possible and focus or adjust your arc until you see the two pieces connect and they'll connect at the root okay now if you're burning away or whatever you're probably way too high maybe you're too hot on your amps maybe your focus is wrong but once you have that weld pool we're going to take a little bit thicker filler in this one in this case 332nd or 2.4 mil and just dab it into the end of it the exact same practice is is going to go through this the exact same practice let me say it again all you're doing is controlling the width of that weld pool and whatever comes off the end of the filler is going into that to create the bead we're just letting it kind of wick off we're not really forcing or pushing or stuffing filler into there we're just letting it wick off the end of it right and again this is this is larger filler because we're effectively working with two puddles right so this is a very tricky exercise as soon as we get back on to uh i was gonna say let that play out but whatever we're cool we're good so um some things you have to consider your joint here is 90 degrees right so you have a vertical wall you have a horizontal wall and i need to change my tungsten out how many three four four cheese uh we got ben mullets at 499 in uh piper's at 4.99 and then mike garcia says ten dollars and he says the smiley face exercise helped him a lot thank you let me hold this a little bit more uh he was way too hot before and then where's the killjoy sxe says thank you so much for everything over the years and inspiring him to pursue his childhood dream of fabrication get some thank you guys so much that is super cool i must say that i officially had to change out my tungsten i am at count one you shack just out of curiosity if anybody is following along or welding how many tungstens have you gone through by now i've officially made it through one and i i did not spoil that i think a piece jumped on to it and you know or did blame somebody else right the filler jumped right at me how many tungstens are we at the rest of the world here uh here we go so since your uh joint is at 90 degrees right that means your torch angle has to be 45 degrees in order to be perpendicular to your route all right the tricky part is if you're too high it's going to want to grab maybe over here if you're too low it's going to want to grab maybe the lower coupon you got to be right down there in the middle of it usually you have to have a few more amps and this typically requires feeding and that's also why it's a very advanced level exercise or an advanced level joint because you know this filler goes pretty quick you're actually filling in quite a bit of an area so if you can feed cool if not you can try to extend your grip or or you know extend the filler but you might notice that it gets it gets a little wobbly it's a little noodley in there and if it's starting to bounce around i mean it's it's going to be crappy here so i'm going to show you guys what it looks like i got to jump up a couple more amps here four is the average tungsten all right all right not too bad not too bad all right um i'm gonna run this one again here uh unfortunately no arc shot on that one but if we want to play that one back after i get done here just watch my hand and how it works um and again you know what i should mention here if your typical grip like i've been demonstrating this whole time if your typical grip is up like this simply uh to get into your your your joint in that 45 degree root position put your palm down and turn the torch the opposite direction and then there you are it's all in your fingers right very small small movements here right so here i'm going to get into this make sure i got a good clean start hopefully our audio is going to maintain but just watch watch my hand over here and you'll see pretty much what i what i mean as i go here here we go so again whatever is just wicking off that's all i'm using the tricky part about the filler is you have to retract it you can't lift it up like you normally do on a typical joint you actually have to pull it back otherwise you run the risk of key tipping it which is when you send it straight into the tension and boy oh boy does that ever ruin your weld coming up to the end here pretty hot i'm gonna keep it taper out of it a little extra dab swirly off the back hey all right so breaknet trent has a pretty good question all right he says the coupon keeps dancing around when he's sending current through it why and what's the solution uh dancing around us is probably wobbly i would assume what do you think that would be my guess um i suggested uh weighing it down with something maybe the pair of pliers or you know another pieces of metal to help keep it stable and that should prevent that from moving around that's what i would do let me take this one here let's just actually no this one this one here is actually good now um i got a really good fit up on this one actually so but it does it does move a little bit it's kind of wobbling kind of dancing around now you can take let's say a weight a block something to just rest up against it that should hold it still or when you have your tacks already in take a small hammer a pair of pliers any one of those and just as you're holding it i can't touch this one because it's hot but as you're holding it tap it just right there on the edges and usually that'll straighten it out and keep it from moving around or dancing around because uh i notice a lot in dc uh it happens all the time where you're you're sitting there um you're running it and it just starts just just damn well dancing is really the word it starts buzzing vibrating stuff like that so uh any questions on that i've got one more that i'm going to demonstrate to you which is going to be thick to thin but if you guys want to practice your fillets ask a question whatever i'm going to reset this camera make sure you get your 1 16 your 16 gauge coupons bust those open uh so we got a couple questions out here um someone's asking stubby versus standard uh whichever one works uh as long as you're under a number eight cup like a four or five six you should be fine with with either one you can make it work let's see here got quite a few people doing with four tungsten so far got a couple a couple of high achievers it was like six or seven all right a bunch of ones i've got someone asking about aluminum to copper i don't think that works what i never tried we should try that at some point i got some copper actually uh cody while we're uh while we're waiting here can you uh grab some of my copper stash a couple pieces i'm curious to find out all right so one three four zynga sent five dollars and he said he had a head explosion when you mentioned change hand positions and that will solve a lot of problems with the t-joints i hope it worked all right i know i got some good questions out there oh yeah uh so building a third hand that would work good uh third hand is basically something that acts as a weight and it also helps transfer uh ground so you should make it out of metal something conductive and put it on the table and put it on the table and rest it on your part and it'll help hold it into place i never have too many of those you can also clamp stuff down if stuff is moving just just clamp it down that's good advice too if you do have a flex head on your torch yeah you can you can flex that around a little bit to make it help um but don't over flex it if it doesn't have the little f on the side let's see here if it doesn't say f don't try to f it so when you're doing the t-joints too um you want to make sure you're you're pointing that tungsten down into the joint and not at one piece or the other you want to get it down in there at the root and that goes pretty much for every weld always point at them okay i'm gonna super hope here that i have my focus correct it is really really hard for me to tell unfortunately with this particular joint uh but if it's not hey we can redo it i mean we're live after all right all right so benjamin curran asked why did his weld turn gold at the end like stainless that is typically a la a lack of gas so something could have blown your gas away you might have run out of gas you might have pulled it away too soon all that stuff will cause that golding at the end of the weld i just make it a habit to whenever i finish any weld whether it be aluminum or anything else i hold my torch over there until that post slow stops under my machine the minimum i have on my machine is about five seconds so i'm sitting there for five seconds no matter what you can have five seven is a typical number actually so if i was the minimum like that five is my aluminum then i turn it up for more sensitive metals like stainless and titanium i got some filler size questions uh for this we're using mainly 1 16 except for the fillet joint that we're bumping up to the 332nd i did an outside corner at 332nd as well did you yep that's impressive yeah i i flew through that one that was that was a good one that was an awesome one all right we're going to go thick to thin so grab yourself a 1 16 coupon from wildlittlesonline.com if you have them or if you don't just grab any little piece of 1 16. also grab a piece of 1 8. now unfortunately we can't get super detailed and thick to thin but i can at least show you one of the exercises that i like to do and it's when you take both of them flat and you're basically going to butt weld them the problem or the issues that most people have is that the 1 16 or obviously the thinner one is going to burn away before the thicker one does and that's very difficult to control sometimes so what we want to do is concentrate on our focus focus is where the arc is pointed right so if we're focused or biased or pointed more toward the 1 8 that means that it's going to want to burn more into that and whatever little bit is left over will burn into the 1 16. but the tricky part here at least into the thinner one but the tricky part of here is um keeping it equal because if you concentrate too much of your heat on the 116th or the thinner one it's going to want to burn away a lot but if you concentrate too much on the 1 8 the 1 16 is not going to burn at all so you can still keep it equal but i'm going to concentrate or focus my arc more on the 1 8 than i am on the 116. all right so with any luck we got this under focus i'm pretty sure nick will tell me pretty straight away or maybe even cody will if we don't so here we go the tack weld just like a butt weld see how it wants to grab that 1 16 ah crud see i was way too cold on that one let me reset make sure that we're in how did that look nick all right looked good looked all right reset here all right let's go again so arcing off on the eighth inch you see it wants to burn the 116th i'm just kind of playing with it here so you guys can see it but at this point i've got a lot on the eighth inch corner and the 116th is already bubbling and we're focused more on the 1 8. so let's get my dab in there slowly tape around all right now the same rules are going to apply i really hope you guys saw it on that one but even though i was pointed at the 1 8 it still arced off quite quite heavily onto the 1 16th right i was on the thicker pointed at the thicker it arced off onto the thinner and still created a weld pool that's effectively what you're looking for you're trying to control that right as we move along here and we actually weld this the same rule right we're just going to control it keep our focus on the eighth inch and watch that weld pool or keep your focus on the thicker and watch the weld pool right it should be equal on both sides but it will be awkward because your arc is mostly focused on the thicker piece right hopefully that makes sense let me flip this wire around because i got a little snot on that end but let's go you know what here's here's the funny thing actually i should mention this i haven't done this weld or this exercise in probably a year and a half so this is literally the first time but we'll see let's see what happens here i'm gonna really have to really have to focus and pay attention here so we got our whirlpool it's about equal on both sides i am intentionally going a little bit slower here just because i haven't done this in a while and i have to talk so keeping it under control still the same width but if you notice very carefully it's still pointed at the thicker piece excellent i made it why are you laughing at me oh i got a little bit of a warpl going on here all right so yeah we got a little bit of a warp going on there okay well hey bummer uh what do we got oh geez how many uh we got five you could just say five so the first one is uh philip urshler yeah sent us uh fifty dollars and he's got a little animation of a pair destroying a city for some reason i'm not sure what that's all about all right and then we got uh jerky sent five dollars and he's talking about how good uh he likes his uh fixed shades with the gold lens awesome yeah i still like him i mean i've graduated but you know uh kenny reeb sent uh another pair with uh thank you thank you don magnus sent us uh 20. nice thank you i think that's all of them so far okay if we missed you just uh just yell at us or yell at nick because he's the one manning manning that one all right so i did i did warp this a little bit and uh how would i have gotten around that okay or why did it warp to begin with because that's more important of knowing why and understanding so that way you can prevent it later it was all about my speed you know as i mentioned i said i'm going pretty slow here so um the the basically the fact of it is the more time i sit there the hotter it gets there's no way around that it is impossible to avoid right that is law so i was there quite a bit of time and that's why more heat developed into it that's why it wanted to warp away on me so what i could do to combat this in the future is get through it a lot faster as in out hello goodbye less time i'm there the less heat that develops go ahead and try this one out i can do another one if you guys want i noticed that we got another suit coming in where's my burton all right so alex rodriguez has sent ten dollars he said he's been watching tfs for about three years and today he does his first aluminum tig welds keep it up and thanks fantastic thank you alex i'm so glad that people are uh even if you've never done this before you're getting in here and i noticed that we had people around the world following along we got people from australia um the uk obviously neil jordan was one of those guys i remember seeing it unfortunately in his medal but he said he was following along uh i saw france i saw all over south america malaysia malaysia yeah i got another good question pop up what's up so a lot of people are asking about contaminated tungstens and how to deal with it so if you have a big blob of say aluminum on your tungsten what you're going to want to do is grind it down sideways get all of that stuff off of there first and then you can put your taper on it you don't have to cut off that whole section you can just grind that down until you have nice fresh clean tungsten and then you're good let's say this is your grinder right here you just kind of sideways until it's clean then you put your tip on it bingo you know what hey i haven't done a q-tip yet and i've only gone through one tungsten as well try it what do you think cody give them the beans all right let's totally screw up a tungsten and show you exactly what this looks like i feel like this should have been earlier but hey whatever let's let's totally mess one up a q-tip is where you send the tungsten or the filler straight into the tungsten and not the whirlpool and there's a very very very distinguishable result okay let's see if you guys can see it as i'm welding it i'm going to q-tip it out and we'll see what actually happens here and you guys can see exactly when it happens most likely oh by the way this is a 1 16 and i've still got 140 amps or whatever into my machine [Music] so you guys can see i kind of lost definition of my pool ah feel like crap flying off of it oh this i know you'll be able to see on camera right anytime you see all of these burn marks the black marks the smoke marks the ashy and uh the like the black ashiness the burning uh the only way to get that is with a q-tip that basically means that as soon as you take a look at your tungsten you'll see that there's a buildup of a bunch of filler on it and unfortunately i can't zoom in on that one but it literally looks like a cotton swab which we know the brand of q-tip that's why we call it that once that happens you cannot weld you must stop change your tungsten re-sharpen this clean it up whatever the case is uh if it's super super bad yeah you'll have to cut it off but nine times out of ten in just practice you can just you can just zing it off there and you're good there got another stupid chat from uh jonas meyer sent us 50. it says great lessons and big up from uh sweden thank you jonas from sweden that is freaking and i have a question i think i should address real quick what's up um so he's asking about he says he's got his tungsten all clean metal's all clean all that stuff but he's still getting like contamination into it uh if you're getting some weird stuff there's a couple things that can cause that one is not enough gas so maybe turn your gas flow up a little bit or maybe your gas is up too high you could turn down a little bit one of those two or something could be blowing your gas away if your welder is pointed at the weld and the exhaust from it is blowing on your weld it'll destroy it you've got a door open and there's it's breezy outside you got an overhead fan all that stuff can cause the gas to be blown away and it will mess up your welds pretty badly absolutely or you're running out of gas you know sometimes yeah sometimes the gauge will say that you know you're down to like you know 500 psi or whatever unit of measure you have in there and uh it's you know it's just not there anymore all right i'm gonna do one more of these stick to thins i'm gonna because i'm i'm a little uh i don't know what's what's the the word i'm looking for here i'm i want to prove myself i want to make sure that uh that i can get through this right cocky maybe is that even the right word i don't think that's the right word i'm gonna turn this down to a much more usable range i'm gonna go back to my 120 amps that's probably not enough filler but let's see anyway get my tacks in here [Applause] still good still good in case you're wondering why i asked that it's because the high frequency sometimes wipes out our audio so we're still good i'm gonna get a new piece of filler here all right i can do this i know i can do this all right all that focus on the eighth inch let's go me i got it just uh for proof of theory here you guys i'm not really trying to show off but i feel really good because i really haven't done that like a year and a half so there's your thick to thin when would you use such a practical application like this well in my industry automotive performance fabrication we do thick to thin famously when we're welding on v-bands vangen flanges flanges to throttle bodies all kinds of stuff intercooler piping you name it bungs that's another big one but again a temperature sensor bung you're welding thick to thin uh that's why this is a fantastic exercise if you can do it with complete control and you're not warping it then you should be set you're good right all right we have a lot of people asking about ventilation and you know fume extraction all that stuff oh you want to go over that a little bit sure um you obviously i mean tig welding is effectively a smokeless process in welding right but it doesn't mean that anything that comes off of your metal is harmless right not to be confused so what effectively happens is uh there's there's chemicals and stuff like that that you effectively breathe into your lungs that you might not want to be there um was it hexochromate i think is uh or hexachromium or something like that is famous for stainless so you can wear a respirator if you're if you're uh uh what's a good word for if you're you're worried about it right wear a respirator put put something on your face to to do that or to protect that i don't think you can see it in our overhead i'm pretty sure that's why nick switched over there but actually next to the next to the viper there is a fred junior fume extractor from diversitech that's uh i think that's about a forty five hundred dollar unit or so uh that that brings sucks everything out of it without sucking out the gas um you can also try to weld in a more open area right you can't have a breeze or anything to blow gas around or anything like that so you got to really pay attention to where you're at right and and not try to not try to suck all that stuff in but if you're if you're if you're worried about it don't do it it's it may not be for you it's kind of one of those you know i don't want to say you got to deal with it because you do have a choice but if you're really really concerned we're a respirator for everything you do regarding welding and then you don't have to worry about it hey all right so we got uh we got 20 pounds not to be confused with dollars from lars uh schaefer he says keep on going with the great vids helped him out a lot with a few projects uh greetings from germany and then uh uh one three fours jinga since another dollar and says uh thanks for the welding and then he asked about the respirator which we just just answered actually coincidentally and let's see there's another one on the bottom there is that yeah i got one more martin jones he says uh can you say the next minute in the sean connery accent the next minute and this do you see the beast have you got them in your sights let's take another one so we got one more so we got uh chris chrisman again uh he's saying can you talk about argon please argon uh well argon is effectively the only gas that we use uh there are mixed gases and stuff like that helium and you know everything else like that don't worry about it argon 100 the entire way through you can weld virtually everything and not have to worry about it helium for example is the more famous thing to use with tig welding which is a a specialty gas so like i said 100 argon your argon flow is typically uh you take uh the number of your cup like this is a number five and you double it so number five cup times two equals ten that's the minimum flow in cfh if uh if you're in liters per hour i believe that conversion is like times 30 or something like that so that would be 30 liters per hour um so if you have like a number 12 cup that means 24 cfh at minimum you can increase it a couple points you know it doesn't you don't have to be like blowing it out of there actually you know what while i'm here let's do way too much freaking gas hey before we do that we got a couple more of those all right um so brian vue sent uh 50 and dave spent dave smith sent another ten dollars thank you thanks guys dave you guys are awesome thank you thank you thank you i'm gonna jack this gas way up i bet that wiped us out no oh wow okay so i've got over 60 cfh running out of this number five cup i'm pretty sure you guys could hear it look at that okay um oh i'm pretty sure we're focused in i think i know where we last focused so yeah let's see what happens when we run way too much gas all right typically you would go no more than about 2.2 in your conversion or maybe even 2.5 so if this number 5 cup it would typically be at 10 to 15 cfh right let's see what happens for one look at the massive etching zone and also if you look as i'm welding going forward it's kind of blowing the arc away and i can actually taste this it's terrible i don't really want to breathe i'm gonna back up here i'm sitting way back here because i'm actually breathing this and that's yeah now i can't see argon oh yes argon lung we as instructors know this or anybody who's been in the industry for long enough argon lung is uh where you've basically breathed in way too much argon throughout the day and the properties of argon it sits lower than oxygen or the atmosphere that we're breathing in right so as it fills up your lungs it fills them from the bottom up thus restricting the amount of capacity that your lungs have and it doesn't come out of there just by breathing you pretty much have to invert yourself as in you know put your put your uh your the bottom of your lungs higher than the top of your lungs and you basically just breathe in and out for maybe about 30 minutes 45 minutes to an hour somewhere in there and that should displace it so if you're if you've been welding all day long uh and sucking all this stuff in and you find that you can't breathe or it's very difficult to breathe invert yourself because that's that's argon load sometimes called instructor's lung i'm going to reset this gas flow because that was just absolutely ridiculous and seriously i have this i've never really done that so i taste it and it's terrible but science right we've got to ask a lot of people asking about warping like why their plates are warping and all that heat heat is all about the time how long have you been sitting there because if you're if you're sitting there for long it's going to keep on building up the heat's going to build up heat is time not amps not anything else it's all about how much time you were in there and the amount of heat that built up with it so if you want it to not warp on you if you want it to not bow and get all crazy on you then you need to move through it a lot quicker remember if you reduce your amps because everybody's like oh i had too many amps let me back off well if you go too low on your amps and nothing's happening like you're not moving through it the heat is still building up regardless of the amps that's why heat equals time not amperage so uh grumpy captain has sent us 4.99 and killjoy sxe has sent us 4.99 and he says do you have any advice on welding thin plate on the cast parts uh debt is actually really really tricky to do um the best advice i can give you is uh watch some of my casting videos because the uh there's a process to basically recast the metal before you actually add filler to it and you'll you'll see that to understand it you're basically purging it out so you have to recast your your layer and then you can put your uh your thinner metal up to it and then focus all of your or your most of your energy on the cast part if it's thicker right but you'll always focus on whichever one is thicker now um if you guys want to see something special that pretty much wraps up like most of what we have for the class before we get too carried away here and you know even teaching anymore but i i said i wanted to do some requests here so um and then we'll run a q a and everything else like that so um somebody did want to see if we can weld a copper to aluminum i'm pretty sure i'm going to need somewhere around like 160 amps or so good dave smith has sent us another five dollars and said this was a brilliant idea and super helpful thank all of you thank you dave i'm gonna try this with copper filler first this is an eighth inch uh aluminum coupon and this is a copper coupon both of them from wild metals online i have never tried this so i think i have some aluminum bronze back here i might try it with that but let's see what the copper does first i'm pretty sure i'm lined up for the arc shot so you're about to witness history i have no idea what i'm doing [Music] whoa it's actually it's kind of sticking together what happened oh okay wow okay hold on i'm so in this is can you believe this is actually sticking together okay this is extremely difficult and i'm focusing all of my arc on that copper and it's actually starting to spread out on me so i should have just friggin tack welded it bummer let's see if i can save this a little bit you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna try and bridge attack over on this side maybe i can oh no no come on [Music] i took the tungsten for a swim there let's try it with a piece of aluminum again i have no idea i betcha ten to one i can snap this because it's it's starting to crack on me i can hear a snap crackle popping right here let's let's have some fun with it right it is so hard to keep this copper hot super hard to keep it hot for those of you who ever wanted to know how to weld copper to aluminum if you can i mean physically they're stick together structurally i'm pretty sure it's fubar but uh usually that's a balance problem or it's a uh uh gas flow problem ah oh are you not muted now okay so uh this guy wants to know why his welds look like they have sand in them oh okay so just like i said a minute ago uh you either have a balance control problem or uh you have a gas coverage problem so it could be one or the other or your torch height is way too high or you're getting way too hot you notice that there's several answers here right make sure that your torch is as tight as possible too close is touching right so keep it super tight keep your speed up make sure that your balance is set correctly any one of these things could be off or a combination of all of them how many got three uh so we got japan garage he says can you show us how to weld our given device on welding intercooler pipes and then we have corey sherrod sent twenty dollars and then one three four zynga says uh five dollars he says he agrees with dave on this live class he looks forward to an advanced class with like stainless tube or something like that yeah we'll get into those uh definitely providing that this this well theoretically it went well i mean people are super receptive to it and we're learning and i think we're definitely going to keep on going i'm pretty sure i'm going to edit this down and then play it back again but or re-upload it but here we go aluminum to copper no do we have nick do you know of uh any intercooler tubing or aluminum that we have laying around not handy oh dang we got some pie cuts uh wait one second let me go see if i can find some real quick oh wait i got i got two pieces right over here yes yes yes all right um unfortunately i won't be able to arc shot this or you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna try oh this spur of the moment here we'll see i'm just gonna back my camera out a little bit and while you're doing that we have uh two more super chats steph uh i sent 50 and then caleb b sent 24.99 and he says finally made some aluminum stick together today thanks so much for the class beautiful i love hearing this that is so freaking sweet okay this is o63 aluminum tubing uh or 16 gauge just like welding coupons now if you guys want to practice this without tubing you can literally take two pieces of 1 16 uh coupons right and if you want to tack them and then bend them that's just like welding a tube it's almost exactly like welding a tube so that's one method for you to do i'm going to show you on an actual tube or at least we're going to try i said i don't know if the arc shot's going to come through or not i don't have the time to focus it but we'll just see i'm going gonna drop my amps down i like about 80 75 to 80 amps somewhere in that range yeah we'll do 79 80 amps whatever first thing we got to do is the autogenous tac again very very difficult lots of pressure pushing in let's see if i can get this lined up for an arc shot maybe but i'm pushing him with both hands i'm just going to fire slowly let these two stick together once they're together i'm just going to kind of run it a little bit and when i get out of it i'm going to pull the torch aside okay now this is structurally very very weak and it is really really delicate so you got to be very careful when you're when you're turning it rotating it or changing it or anything else like that right let's see if i can get in position again we're going to do another tack now i should mention if you're if your tacks run away on you don't chase it just get out of it right i'm going to show you another method here with filler so it's a piece of 116 filler now i'm going to have it in my hands and i'll turn this way so you can see but it's in my hands as they're pushing the two pieces together and it's just my two fingers just like this and we're just as soon as i get that that weld pull i'm just going to tap a little bit in there and then move from there let's see if we can get this in an arc shot so we got my pool a little dab then i'll get out of it did we get that we got that all right i'll watch that playback later so you always want at least four attacks or bare minimum you want three tacks but if you can get four always tack in quadrants and in opposition meaning uh go 180 degrees and tack again here's another one with filler uh oh see that one kind of ran away from me no big deal i caught that one but if it uh if it totally does run away or whatever you blow a hole in it don't chase it just get out of it and then reposition try again all right this is a very awkward angle i'm gonna attempt to do this um but let's just see i can't see it very well and i'm trying to hold it in focus of the camera but you know been pretty successful so far here we go all right there's about what it looks like uh inside i do have full pen all right yeah i've done one of these in a while and that actually came out quite nice i do have to do some a little bit later though but hopefully that works for a decent demonstration for you the the trickiest part is that you always have to be perpendicular to your root so if you start with uh being able to see over it like this when you come up people's arc usually blows out because they fail to rotate the torch with it you have to be able to rotate the torch so that way you're always perpendicular to your root if you come up like this remember you're running like extreme freaking angle the arc wants to blow straight away or even over the tube and if you weld over the tube or you get past that top point and you start working your way over then you're going to start inducing the gas the gas is going to want to flow down this side of the tube thus sucking in or drawing in like a venturi effect to pull in atmospheric gases that's when you get to the top and everything just seems like it just blows apart that's why because you crossed over that point where it's starting to draw gas in i see some soups yes we have a bunch of them how many i'm just gonna do one one of those there we go so the first one is from grumpy captain um he says he bought his first tig or he bought his take six months ago and couldn't weld with it until today so our so we started watching our videos thank you so much scott weiss sent 10 and he says just wanted to say thank you and are you going to sema this year yes yes it will be at sema most likely and then gm uh calls suck or something like that uh he sent 10 10 pounds uh this is awesome learning with uh justin and the crew uh izzy ross 777 says enjoyed the first class uh sprague79 sent uh 1999. tommy loads at 4.99 and i think that's about all of them so far all right thank you guys so much once again uh any other last requests there's there's some weird requests that i'm not gonna oh no but uh uh let's see here give me one he wants you to do a weld with figure eights weld was first or weld in a figure eight pattern well like weld the number eight i have no idea i'm gonna assume that that's what they mean so okay all welding number eight this is gonna require me to actually feed backwards or feed from the back side this is not a typical way that we do this cody thank you this is not a typical way that we do this uh so that basically means that as i come around as soon as i cross over and i start going the opposite direction that means i'm going to be adding the filler from the back side of the weld pool again not typical we typically always go in the direction of our filler which is forward so you'll see some backwards operation sometimes called back feeding or feeding from behind or reverse entry i'm not going to use the other terms so all right number eight i think i'll go this way yeah that'll work there we go oh you know what i forgot to zoom back in you know give me just a second and let me uh i gotta turn my amps back up too while you're doing that wow you have some more super chats let's see um we got terry cook sent 20 and he says this is his first time tig welding aluminum thanks for doing the class and he looks forwards to more thank you very much steve marcy sent 24.99 adrian riviera sent 20 and a game controller going whoops thank you stephen uh what was the second name uh adrian riviera adrian thank you thank you guys i believe that's about it all right let's do this number eight hopefully it's still in focus i'm sure nick will yell at me if it's not see i'll go this way all right here we go so the same thing here we're just gonna concentrate on our leading edge and making sure that my weld pool stays the exact same width all the way through this is where it's going to get tricky because i'm having to feed the filler from the opposite side of the weld pool meaning that i'm traveling backwards all right which means i'm pausing and i back way off of my foot pedal just to really concentrate but no matter what i'm still just keeping it a quarter inch or six millimeters wide and controlling it weave pattern all right well so what i made a number eight all right another one let's do some weaves so we got greg restaurants at 20 and says we are amazing thanks is that greg gregory russell russell thank you all right uh you know what i'm gonna do a one two three dab here the old one two three so we're gonna start out with a single row in just a single line okay now i'm going to move to the side i'm going to go back and forth now i have to really concentrate on my weld pool here if i move and i notice that it's uh the whirlpool staying behind and i know i'm way too hot if it's really really clumpy then i know that i'm way too cold now let's put one in the middle in between this is our three dab it's sometimes called our braid [Music] i'm running it just a little bit hot and trying to back out of it a little bit and i'm running out of filler right now i should have warmed up with him ah dang it ran out of filler hopefully you get that one so james green has sent 19.99 he says uh he just asked if you ever uh weave with aluminum and yeah we just did that thank you very much yeah so we have several other people asking about lift arc i've been seeing this all day after about lift arcstick i can probably let me see if the prime does lift i don't think it does but let me unplug the title here and see if maybe it will nope let's see hold on a minute switch over to mma ac oh the gas isn't going to turn on though all right watch watch what happens with no gas yes that uh that probably counts as another spoiled tungsten that brings me to three two of them were demo tungstens though must you know note i did i did put it to mma but the gas won't come out so we have no control over that it just basically blew the tungsten up any other questions all right so uh we have one of those so keith jewel uh sent 10 and he says can you run through some tips on terminating and restarting properly absolutely i did start on that earlier but let me do another one might as well actually i'll do a couple of them because i know that we're still in focus a little fresh tungsten in here some other questions while we're at it all right let's see what i can find there's a lot of stuff going on here oh okay i can only imagine man but hey everybody a big shout out and props again to nick he is uh he is manning the crap out of that friggin uh control board there he's got the audio in his right he's got comments in front of him he's got transitions and overlays and all that on his left and he still has to talk into a microphone and look pretty i think he even combed his beard so while we're here let's also take a moment to acknowledge cody every single time you see those arc shots going back and forth man cody is absolutely killing it our operations manager is uh just doing a fantastic job here as well as the rest of the crew that uh that helped put all this together again thank you guys so very very much what was the question all right so are there certain alloys of aluminum that are harder to weld well yeah typically 6061 takes a little bit more heat and a little bit more oomph or even 60 63 for that matter i always had a problem welding three uh three series aluminum because it's so snotty and runny and just like you the minute you get into it it's like it just runs away on you i always struggle with three series but usually the the biggest struggle is uh when you have three series filler and you try or use three series aluminum with four series filler remember that this is a little hotter than the three series so you have to use like uh one odd or was it one double o one i think it is very shiny stuff you have to have a filler that's a lower melting point then another very very common question we're getting is what size filler to use you go over filler a little bit filler selection the correct size is yes it really all depends right uh typically you know some people would match the filler to what they're welding but there's you know i mean if i'm doing eight inch coupons i'm not using eight inch filler uh just remember that there's a general rule is you can add more filler from a smaller diameter but you can't always add less from a larger one so i will show you both uh 332nd and 1 16th filler on this eighth inch coupon so let's do that first at first weld with the restart i'm just going to throw one down here well i forgot to plug my pedal back in which means we probably have a second for uh maybe another question all right got a lot of questions on like pulse and stuff like that ah the dirty dirty keyword we should censor that there is no p word in here yeah for the most part i avoid pulse when you're pulsing it usually takes longer to make your weld and it time is heat so you usually make a hotter weld that doesn't doesn't really make a quarter weld i will start playing the pulse in just a second but uh let me just tell you flat out for those who don't know pulse is a tool pulse is not a crutch if you cannot weld without pulse it will not do you any good to weld with it don't worry about pulse worry about control right so let's do this restart real quick so same concept quarter inch or six millimeters wide and for whatever reason i have to stop oh bummer you know it happens you know of course the internet will destroy you and they'll be like you should never restart that yeah well guess what there's reasons so i'm going to start about one or two dabs ahead of where i terminated okay i don't want to start on the weld pool itself or on the bead itself right because that's already thicker which means more heat has to go into it so if i put too much heat into it or more heat onto that actual bead and the first dab when i move forward is going to be like huge right because it's because your technically your setting is a little bit off so i'm gonna start one or two dabs just ahead get my weld pool right and then back up in to the last point where i left off before i terminated it looks about like this [Music] so a quarter inch six millimeters back up in and get moving again keep it the same width all the way out i don't know why i put that dab in there so let me redo let me get a mulligan here because i don't know why i just put a little tiny dab in before i went off i don't know it's getting hot in here and anyway so quarter inch or six millimeters no dab this time back up high in hit the bags let's get going i'll tell i went through it a lot quicker and with the exception of my welds being a little bit crooked and not actually in the right direction it's near flawless the only thing you should be able to see is the little etching zone one or two dabs back from where you restarted other than that exact same profile all the way across hopefully that helps you out all right we got a whole bunch of these uh super chats coming in uh so we got lester grisby sent uh 20 shawn coleman sent 19.99 garth landenfield sent five dollars says great stuff matthew casey sent 15 says thanks for doing this trying to talk the wife into a vegas trip for the full class i highly recommend that i welcome you and then we got some good questions about why you're welding on an aluminum table the only reason i'm welding on aluminum table is it's actually in let's just say the automotive performance fabrication industry aluminum tops are extremely common because they don't scratch your metal so let's say you're working with like polished stainless or polished aluminum or polished titanium uh it's it's you can you can run whatever you want over the top of it and it doesn't scratch your part it's also pretty good for dissipating heat but the only problem is when you're like you're practicing welding for example um it sucks out some of the heat out of it so usually you've got to be in it a little bit longer or kind of compensate for it but that's why i use an aluminum top it's it's basically it won't scratch your part it'll scratch the top not your part it also doesn't contaminate your metal usually that's a true story no metallurgically transmitted diseases i got another one uh m first another499 says hey mom is cheap thanks i'm not sure what that means all right well thank you uh any other questions we're gonna kind of wrap this and go to the q and a um before we get into that if you guys are dipping out right now i'd love to answer some questions for you absolutely uh we're gonna probably go maybe another 15 20 minutes here probably answering a lot of questions because i see there's a ton on the screen but if you guys are going to dip out thank you all so very very much for for watching and being a part of the fabrication series uh inside i want to cry just because i can't believe this actually happened it's been years and years in the uh since i had this idea and it's been months in the making and without you guys without my crew our awesome staff that we have here both tfs and weld metals you guys everybody is so amazing and i can't thank you guys enough and of course to nick and cody for uh volunteering their time even though i had to pay them but for them i had them not want to you know jump into this and do something completely out of their scope if you didn't know cody's the operations manager here he's not a camera switcher nick isaiah the lead welding instructor he is definitely not a director but they both friggin buckled down worked with me on this one and they all figured it out so a big humongous round of applause for everybody where's that button nick for uh for all of you guys that's not the right one [Applause] thank you guys so much so let's take some of those questions and of course i bet you ten to one we're gonna do this again you bet we will all right so here's a good one if welding on a car do you always disconnect the battery no yeah me neither yeah here's the thing electricity takes the path of least resistance meaning it's not gonna go anywhere except for point a to point b in the shortest way possible now there is a bit of a caveat there if the car is old it's uh it's probably not uh susceptible to uh high frequency so if you're curious if you're not sure whatever the case is then disconnect the ecu or the battery or whatever you know if you're not sure disconnect it right it's it's it's an argument that's never going to go away but you know you're the one who's in control of this one if you're not sure disconnect it and maybe somebody will call you some really bad names or dirty names or whatever screw it you're being safe we'll just take you know let's go overhead this car has been sitting over here this this is a 2014 viper gts i will disconnect the battery if i'm welding on that because i want to be very safe but i know that i cannot change laws of electricity right on aluminum no you technically don't it's good practice to do that but you technically don't you want to roll it back to you yeah steel stainless chromoly all of it i start and stop exactly the same the only difference is uh sometimes i don't go one or two dabs ahead sometimes i just go maybe just one dab ahead or just halfway across the weld pool especially with stainless you gotta you gotta get moving fast on stainless you should be in and out of that thing in about half a second yeah we typically clean the filler metal i mean if you're uh here's the thing um i'm gonna i'm gonna go off onto a little bit of a tangent here uh just because the internet says uh and i can't i can't stand half of the stuff that's out there uh some people believe they laid down a crappy well because they didn't clean the metal and that's a bunch of bs right you lay down a crappy well because you probably had something set up or you didn't know how to weld and they talk about oh i scrubbed it with a you know with a stainless brush a dedicated brush i wiped it with acetone and my weld still looks like crap it's not because you didn't prep the metal correctly and you don't normally have to prep the metal correctly on a very very small tight you know scale or view you might see some junk floating into it otherwise you'll see it floating microscopically but over the top of it unless your metal is caked in oil or you're trying to weld through grease or mill scale or you know anything else like that or it's so old that it's just corroding there's no real prep required i mean there is but there isn't so try not to get too carried away with prep just work on your your basic skills right there's nothing wrong with prepping but like let's just take shiny aluminum intercooler piping we don't prep that other than give it like a quick wipe down an acetone to make sure there's no oils on it but we're not at we're not scraping it with brushes we're not filing it we're not grinding it we're not trying to remove the oxide layer the positive side of the of the uh the arc when we're welding aluminum the positive side removes the oxide layer so it defeats the purpose of doing it with a brush beforehand so a lot of that stuff you see on the old interwebs is a bunch of hollow blue straight up because i like no bs responses oh uh i was muted for a couple of those questions sorry about that oh you oh um we got a new question though i think you covered those pretty well um what about covering your skin while you're welding mr justin dude i am guilty of this i'm sorry uh most of the time that the reason why i don't get sunburned and i'm not suggesting you guys do this but a large reason or a large portion of buying behind why i don't get sunburned when i'm welding it's in my position so when i'm in certain positions like this whatever the arc is actually not hitting my skin but it's a stupid idea to leave your arms exposed skin cancer's a real thing of course we don't want that but uh and normally i i do cover up but you know today it's super hot in here you know so i didn't bother but cover up if you're not sure all right i was typing yeah all right um multitasking couple people were asking about an instagram hashtag for this weld with me live weld with me live that's the one so i mean uh actually yes if you could if you could use that in your social media that would be fantastic use the hashtag weld with me live i will be able to see everything uh as soon as we're done here we're gonna go get some uh some chow probably go get some lunch maybe some drinks kick back relax and try to enjoy the rest of our sunday but uh i'm i'm definitely gonna be checking this stuff out i'm gonna be playing back this stream seeing how it went and uh checking out some of your guys as well and stuff like that yes please use the hashtag weld with me live i have a good question i know you're gonna like this one god so is a weld still strong if it looks like crap it can be but i don't know does it does it pass or does it fail uh i mean you know everybody's hold on you know nick everybody sees that uh where it's floating around the old interwebs right somebody that what is that that sand rail chassis that was like powder coated and it looks like boogers and popcorn everywhere uh i don't know you ever been on a carnival ride those welds look like crap but i'm still alive yeah i'd recommend just just walk around wherever you are and just start looking at welts and you'll see some crap on there and it's been there for 20 30 years so the weld has to do its job if it does its job whatever damn skippy however uh i'm going to uh specify here or put a little caveat in there uh if it's that's not a reason to to just lay down a crappy well be like oh it looks like crap it's gonna it'll still hold no go go out and advance yourself advance your skill set that's how you become more marketable as a person an employee you know everything you got to keep on pushing and and striving to do better you know maybe your weld looks a little bit off or it looks kind of crappy but it holds right that doesn't mean you're gonna make a career out of making crappy welds you gotta you gotta work on that you gotta practice that's what things like like these like weld metals online that's what it's there for you know just sit down and practice all right so does the tungsten have to be changed when going from aluminum to steel texas yes it does it's not because of like the ionic flow or whatever of the metals and technically if you get into a microscope that does make a difference but it does because it's no longer pointy and on stainless steel you have to have a pointy tungsten you cannot have a double tungsten same thing with steel titanium all that in aluminum you're going to have a dull tungsten or a balled over or a rounded blunted tungsten so if you try to do on the stainless steel straight away from aluminum you're not going to be able to focus your arc and control it so yes you do have to change it all right so what causes a black residue at the beginning of the weld on aluminum uh usually he has a fresh sharpening are even with the fresh sharply tungsten sharp fresh sharply yes freshly sharpened sharply you ever heard that one cody fresh sharply he is laughing at you it's okay yeah the little black spot in the beginning there uh typically it's like a coverage issue or if you have like something that's dirty or whatever it usually comes with not like fully prepping or or going crazy on prep on your metal all right so what about destructive testing what do you think about that yeah do it i love destructive testing we actually yeah we actually do that in the class look here's the thing weld make a weld and break the thing cut it in half snap it whatever see where it fails see where it fails see what failed now here's the thing structurally speaking you can't just say oh that that past this well how how much pressure is this the application of a weld the engineering behind the world the structure behind the weld why it has to be that way that means if you made a coupon here on the table that didn't break when you tried to snap it with pliers doesn't mean it's going to hold a building together so you know you got it you got to be able to cut your welds or destroy them or bust them up to see how and when they felt or why they failed you have to be able to look at this and that's that's why we do it destructive testing is a great thing hey chat from dan daronte uh 25 and he says experiment tig with leftover flux core mig wire uh i do not have any otherwise i would i would try to do that or do i no i don't no all i got is aluminum back there apparently fresh sharply is a word in new mexico so fresh sharp i'm good all right give it up for new mexico is back purging stainless always required i say it is absolutely you know why because if you fail to back purge a really interesting phenomenon happens with stainless steel which is called carbide precipitation also known as intergranular corrosion it basically means that the weld on the back side of the stainless turned into a sponge the consistency of a sponge is it sugars up it looks like cooked sugar but it sugars up the consistency of it goes away and that burns into the weld not just the outside of it it's not just like a covering of the weld it burns into the weld thus reducing its strength you're literally being held on by a bunch of tiny holes so yeah you have to back purge it in order for that to not happen and of course the internet's going to sit there and tell you well i did this for like 20 years ago and it's still holding that doesn't mean that it was done correctly that doesn't mean it's not going to break now that doesn't mean it's rusted it's not rusted to crap on the inside so think about it you remember you're you got it you got to be honest with yourself when you do this stuff i mean maybe the rest of the world won't but you will or you can and that's going to make you a better welder a better or more professional and also you know you're going to feel better about doing it if somebody wants to go down the road for a bargain let them go all right i think that's about it on those questions i think we covered just about everything all right i think that's about really going to wrap it i think we need to go enjoy our sunday here so on behalf of the entire crew let's get that wide one rolling come on out here nick so for everybody who joined in again i thank you all so very very much for nick and cody for joining us here running everything you guys have yourself a very fantastic sunday we are out of here thank you for joining us for weld with me live
Channel: The Fabrication Series
Views: 346,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CEkJqHAAfdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 35sec (8315 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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