Teaching a YouTuber How to Weld

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this is an intake manifold originally built for a front-wheel drive engine which is being swapped into a rear-wheel drive vehicle our job here is to take the throttle body off of one side and move it directly to the other pretty simple but the owner of this manifold is a fellow fabricator and a YouTuber so I said why don't you just bring your cameras over here and I'll show you how to do it this is officially ruined this is how it went yeah okay first things first what stays what goes I don't know you don't know okay so engine is that way it is now facing this way so this currently is hitting the firewall so this needs to be relocated over here cool so we're going to cut the flange off yep we're gonna weld it up you're gonna weld it on you don't want to try it I'd be willing to try it but I don't know what I'm doing so okay I'll take care of it okay so these lines do you need them I don't know okay I'll worry about it later all right let's just assume that you will need them so we'll keep the screw ports in place there all of these ports you can delete them later if you want but for right now we'll keep them there okay your throttle linkage this is going to be non-existent so at some point you'll have to figure out how to get it on this side because without the throttle cable we don't know where it's going to actually sit at right right so we'll Zip Zap these off of here real quick and then as soon as you got those out of the way then we'll figure out where we're going to make the cut on here and also take the throttle body off okay that's step one buenos after stripping the manifold of all things that could potentially be damaged we took a few minutes to discuss the best cutting solution for the job and decided the best tool available was the bandsaw just hold it nice and steady because that uh if you have it just slightly off at an angle it'll it'll bite it I don't want to yank it out of your hand I am scared and then it won't be good like that uh-huh I should have asked have you ever used one of these nope not too bad not bad for your first time right that's beautiful so what are we gonna do here put it on the other side yeah yeah we're just gonna do it now well I'm in a few minutes okay how we got a metal plug we got to get that out are we just going to cut through we're gonna we're actually gonna use it so when we go to cut our hole through here okay to mount our tube into then uh we're gonna use this as uh to hold the center of the hole saw let's send a hole saw through it oh okay super easy oh sweet all right I like whole sauce they're holy I can be a helping hand that's cool I'm an apprentice just send it through the middle so it gives us a center well you can trace the outside if you want it doesn't really matter I understand now so as long as we get it somewhere in that general area we're good three attempts and all of them are in a different spot just average it somewhere around there somewhere in that general area yeah that ought to work yeah beautifully what it usually says go easy on the hole saws did I say give it hell set it on number two and just feed it [Applause] [Music] what are you doing trying to I've learned my lesson I got a video on that you should you should watch the video oh yeah I know you've never seen my videos are you on YouTube thank you so am I oh God in case anyone but hasn't seen that video I like to drill the holes first so that when it drops in like that and it almost broke my arm anyways less of a chance of breaking your arm or delaying it since it's going to happen right now I am scared it's like Ralphie I'm in danger where's my mic at yeah [Applause] damn it [Music] foreign this is officially ruined it's time to start the video this is officially ruined that's a little warm but that's why you keep the plugin that makes a hell of a lot more sense now much much easier how uh how pretty do you want this you want to zip that down make it all nice and yeah OEM ish yeah I think are you are you wanting to insert something in there or just right on top yeah two and a half oh this is that side okay never mind I was thinking of the plug on the end the the other side well we can either cut that on the fast cutter we can Zip Zap one with a hole saw again oh okay uh yeah we'll grind it down real fast then just because grinding work was done with nothing more than an 80 grit flap disc with a delicate touch to shape and Contour the manifold while this step really isn't necessary for the manifold to function it definitely makes it look a lot cleaner and more professional now once the grinding was done the new mating tube was prepped for welding [Music] got it I'm not trying to second-guess your ability sir but this looks ridiculous oh no it's extra horsepower blood and blowing you know okay Palomino volume Palomino power I think this is two and a quarter inch tube right just a little bit of prep with this uh Surface Prep pad Scotch Brite whatever you want to call it because it kind of matches the the cast look when you weld it on it almost looks kind of oh yeah I like it it slips beautifully into there I like that too so you just got to decide where you want it put it on in out all right keep doing that it's stuck uh do we care not necessarily just enough to weld it will that's my first one in volume it will give you a little bit more of a Boosty of a performance on the top end if you will but are you gonna notice it probably not it's more like butt Dino style so okay um I'd say since the front of your cylinder head is going to be in this general area um I just keep it probably about there ish or so okay just need a marker and just any old single Mark will do single no way you gotta use all the ink yeah okay it's a popular question so this is obviously on AC so it's going back and forth the positive side of the current cleans the metal off pulls the oxide layer off of it negative side digs down into it but we got cast aluminum which means the inside of that thing is just filled with all kinds of garbage and the grade of the aluminum is variable grade so since we don't know the composition of the cast and we're welding a very thick piece which is your flange to a very thin piece which is this tube we gotta preheat this flange and all the while we're gonna chase out the junk so the first pass that we're going to make around here is not going to be with filler we're just going to uh just run it over the top of there and wait for all the little bubbles to come out of it and once it comes down with a free clean fresh layer like it's like it's just been reset then we can actually weld to it and by the time we get all the way around this thing it should be nice and hot and then we can just go in there and start adding our filler all the way around that's the theory at least okay it doesn't always work that way I'm excited so these two little bubbles so I'm just kind of going around right now a lot of it's just kind of dancing around and kind of getting mad but this casting is not too bad DSM is like it's always been pretty uh pretty solid decent [Music] but if I see any bubbles come up or whatever the case is I got to get rid of them oh I messed up not supposed to do that I missed it trust me you saw it I heard screaming but that's it I dipped my tongue oh I don't know why the internet thinks I can weld editing exactly no I mean normally I have a stunt double this is the thickest part here so I'm gonna try and get all of this purged out of here all right means I'll take a little bit longer and I definitely want it to kind of round over on this side that way it'll blend with my weld a little bit better or with my bead when I add filler to it and now it should be plenty hot which means we can go in start adding some filler one little teeny tiny drop at a time that's all we're doing okay so I've watched you do this a thousand times from my couch you're not putting the filler in the arc are you you're putting it in the puddle the very edge of the puddle the heat of the puddles okay mig welders you do puddles you know what Mig stands for right must it nope anyone can weld the first three letters of each word are silent oh actually yeah so this time I want the arc to kind of blend up the top there as soon as I got a pull on both sides add a little drop of filler there we go most of my arc is concentrated on the flange and I'm burying my foot pedal here just to make sure that I have an adequate amount of amperage and you see there's a bunch of junk floating inside of there no oh yeah it's kind of bubbly looking well not bubbly but burned up a little bit that's a combination of a lot of heat and uh the junk that's still floating out of it that's the nature of cast aluminum don't really expect like perfect dimes on this stuff all right [Music] here where I want it to be a little bit wider I'm adding a little bit more filler just to let it blend downward a little bit and then once I get slightly out of position or something's not right I just cut the arc move the piece and then run again TIG welding is one of those things in this world that you can know everything about except for how to do it it just takes a lot of practice so in other words as I go through here if it doesn't look right I don't add filler I make the correction and then I go in and add filler so if I notice the tube which is really thin it's kind of wanting to blow away or whatever I'll correct it by either pulling the arc down or move it up or maybe less amps on the foot pedal maybe more there's a dozen ways to do this and none of them are technically wrong as long as the result is correct it doesn't really matter we'll just taper off of it like that and there's our welded flange that is gorgeous yeah it could be better okay well it's gorgeous thank you I haven't welded in like two months looks like yeah just kidding all right we're gonna let this cool down when we while that cools we can cut and plug that side okay now plugging the hole is pretty straightforward you simply cut a slug the same size as the hole and you just weld it up now you can use a hole saw you can use a band saw or you can use whatever you have as a tool to make it take the shape now in this particular job I wanted something special to commemorate this collaboration so I drafted up a quick file that I could use the fast cut to then create after a couple of minutes of grinding and shaping and a few more attempts to get it set just right I got it all welded up and then we moved on to the next portion so flange is squared up here so it mimics where the head is that tells me where the top of it top of this throttle body has that little dip into it so that's how we know where the top is at least it should be the top no there's the top yeah yeah so then I just use the square here to make sure that this is nice and flush I'm kind of eyeballing it this way so it could be like a a decimal or two off in the wrong place so again we'll uh we'll just tack it then we'll do a junk pass [Applause] [Music] do you think if uh people sub to my channel it would be tacky ah I don't know you're watching so I didn't actually realize this until editing but I only have one camera rolling and uh it's super Overexposed and not really in Focus I did my best with the color grading here but not for the most usable footage here the other camera was actually in the hands of man candy as he was trying to get his version of a handheld Arc shot but either way the welding was pretty much the exact same as any of the other sections on this side of the flange here I used a 332nd filler and just ran all the way around until it was done the grade of the filler I'm using is 40 43 because that's like the number one question that everybody asks me when it comes to welding cast aluminum yes I use 4043 and after all of that this is the final result one two but we'll tie this in here those first couple beads look a little bit cold so we don't want to blow the welds on the intake going all Fast and Furious on this thing so I'll make sure we add a couple more a little bit more heavy and there you have successfully completed your manifold swap the throttle body swap whatever I'm a little sad I just realized it's uh essentially autographed plate in the back I'm gonna have to put a mirror on the firewall [Music]
Channel: The Fabrication Series
Views: 74,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7PFBbtyEmIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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