Welcome to Whitefeather Meats (Butcher shop tour) Home of The Bearded Butchers

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i'm seth perkins and i'm scott perkins we've had a lot of requests about our family-owned butcher shop located right here in creston ohio white feather meets this is where it all started the whole entire bearded butcher brand we're going to take you on a tour from the front of the building all the way to the back let's go check it out yeah we want to show you so this building right here um we built this out in 2019 it didn't look anything like this when our parents would have bought the building back in 1994 um but through the years we expanded um our retail store and as such we then expanded um so we had more products we were putting into our very small store and then we just expanded into the actual space they're in so the original building is still the hub of what we have here but what you see walking up to the building was built new in 2019. let's go check it out welcome to white feather meats can't forget our display of bearded butcher blend seasoning sauces we have coffee all kinds of goodies our in-house recipes that we blend and they're also available on our website so that's all of our beard butcher blend seasonings and sauces and then if you come over here this is our retail area take it away scott yeah so we brought in some of like um our old signs that would have been from that log cabin up there was actually um when our dad started raising buffalo in the late 80s he hand built that log cabin and um it was at our old farm and that's where we first started selling meat at the meat was actually getting butchered here um we did not own the butcher shop and then it was in 94 that he bought the butcher shop where he was getting his buffalo butchered and we relocated here so some of the old signs from the old building are up here but this is where you see all of our meat we merchandise both fresh and frozen everything that you see in this meat case was touched by our hands we do still all of the commercial butchery for our own shop seth and i pretty much lead the the butcher floor we do livestock slaughtering we haven't taken our hands off of what we actually do we're still heavily invested in of course we have a great team around us but we're still run point on all these products we're co-ceos of the company so anything you see touched by the company family owned and operated so no no outside investment or anything like that everything's done right here in house so let's go take a look at that house we're just kind of in our dry goods area or shipping and receiving really if you will this is where we do our um all of our packaged product would come in here and we have these different freezer carts and stuff we work with one door leads to the freezer one door work leads to the cooler we'll come back to our main processing room because i want to take it clear into the back and show you so this would be the original hub of the building that would have been built sometime in the in the 50s and then this is this is our livestock floor our harvest floor if you will slaughter floor so we're still butchering livestock just like it would have been done that's one of the unique skill sets that we possess is the ability to do from from livestock all the way to a complete packaged product and not just a complete packaged product in the sense of you know a steak roaster chop but we're also doing value-added meats like hot dogs snack sticks jerky and that's where the spices came in so with our commercial butchery background spices are going to be heavily involved because you know wars were one and fought over spices spice and meat go together so we had recipes that we worked with house recipes seth actually um came up with our original bearded butcher blend recipe to put on our pork butts that's how we got started um coming up on 10 years a little over 10 years ago since we first started with our own spices but that's why it's all integrated because we're truly butchers at heart we do everything here in the sense that we have the skill set across about seven different species that we can do we can do beef we can do bison we can do elk we can do pork we can do lamb we've done ostrich in the past so we're able to take any one of those species from actual livestock clear through a consumer-ready package product that we wanted to throw some marketing and branding behind so that's where we came up with the bearded butcher brand just sort of an outreach for who we are and what we do the spices were obviously something we were already using we started selling those so that's a little background history and we have our father to really thank and our mother god bless them because our father we have his picture his face right here on our logo he was instrumental in starting the business instilling those you know those those good work ethics in us um you know the butchering he was a drill sergeant vietnam so we always had a boot up our hind end but we really do have them to thank they got us where we're at today out here on this kill floor this is a special place because this is where we grew up scott and i started out here early teens and we've grown up working this floor bringing the animals in live hand skinning using splitting saw and into the cooler let's go check out some of the rest of the building um so once slaughter the animals go in the cooler we have two different coolers here that they would go in so we'd have our livestock carcasses that hang up here um we cut everything out of here on a basically a a rotational basis so here we have um the beef carcasses that are getting ready to go out in the floor let's go take a look at that processing floor let's pop in the freezer here just real quick before we go out there i want to show where we hold the inventory so once it's processed once it's cut it's vacuum sealed it goes into our freezer so you can see this is where we hold all of our inventory that will then go into our meat cases and displayed for the consumer that's a chilly one when it's about 5 30 in the morning you go into a sub zero degree freezer this is as they say where the magic happens so out of the dry aging cooler we rail these carcasses out in this case those are beef carcasses many of our videos you're familiar with are right here in this setting so this is where we take the the carcass and we start to break it down into all your steaks roast chops and then we do our ground meats and then we can do our further processing which would include our smokehouse so we've definitely got to show them that from the very first video that was filmed with a cell phone right here in this very spot is where it all started and now we have millions of views over different videos on our channel that have all come from right here that's right so we've got all of our meats being processed of course seth mentioned um you know our folks which they're still owners in the company our oldest brother sean um he's the vp of farming and he works as a butcher so he's going to be doing all that stuff in here of course it his son spencer behind the camera our niece alyssa my twin sister's daughter is our administrative assistant so it's definitely a family affair but as all those meats are getting processed they're going to get packaged put on these carts right here this is our smokehouse area so we've got a come on back commercial oven down here at the end that we would call a one truck oven so we're able to do all of our hams bacons snack sticks jerky everything comes right out of this oven right here so that's that's how we're able to do 100 in-house let's pop out this way real quick a little bit of warehousing out here come out the side door and we're going to be right back out to where we started got the big bearded butcher logo on the door if you swing by make sure you grab a photo throw it on social media tag us we'd love to see it we'd love to see where everybody's from you know about six years ago we did a video where scott did a plant tour our very first youtube upload very first and our building looks a lot different than it did then so we're hoping sorry i didn't mean to cut you off i was just gonna comment on the fact that you know we've come a long ways and it's certainly has a lot to do with every single one of you because we've never been able to do something like this you know staying family owned no outside investors or anything like that and by the grace of god we have this store right here in creston ohio yeah we definitely want to convey the authenticity and the fact that we we talk about we keep our hands still in everything we're still running point on the butchering shop even though the brand has grown and i hope this serves as a little bit of a time stamp if you swing across the street spencer we're blessed to be able to purchase the building across the street and we intend to turn it into our warehousing and fulfillment and administrative headquarters so hopefully over the next few years we'll be able to watch that development just like you've seen the development over here across the street but of course we want to thank um you know we want to thank god we want to thank our wonderful family that's worked around us all the team that works for us and then of course you the customer because without that it wouldn't be possible truly is the american dream butchers entrepreneurs barbecuers family people family business certainly is thanks for watching appreciate you
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 171,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Bearded Butchers, Whitefeather Meats
Id: ehn-1P6mhUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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