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never go a day without him he is [Music] is [Music] never go again [Music] forsake me yeah [Music] he'll never leave [Music] [Music] is [Music] now can we lift our hands and just worship right where we are wherever you are in your houses in your cars even outside come on can we just lift our hands and worship the king of kings can we lift up our hands and open up our mouths and worship the lord has captured my heart yes lord your gracious mercy has captured my heart everybody say your grace [Music] [Music] has captured lift your voice get your voices [Music] [Applause] [Music] i come on it's real easy can you say [Music] i give it all to your cheeks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] below [Music] we never go a day [Music] [Music] is [Music] now we come to worship [Music] hallelujah [Music] yes lord thank you jesus if you can use anything lord you can use me yes lord take my hands lord and my feet touch my heart lord speak through me if you can use anything [Music] thank you [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] me well praise the lord good evening and blessings to you all right so um this is a wednesday evening uh bible experience and uh i i pray that uh the worship at the top and bless you listen i you know for a long time when we came on these uh midweek services especially we did not do worship but i believe that worship is necessary to prepare our hearts to just walk with god and to hear what the lord has to say uh part of walking with god is is of talking to him of course everyone knows about prayer but the part about working with god that most people miss is the listening part i believe that um people say god doesn't speak to me and i think the real reason is that we don't listen um the bible says that uh concerning walking with god we can't walk with god and remain the same or you read in the scripture um a certain person walked with god and he was in other words when you walk with god it makes you something and when enoch walked with god he was not and so it means that walking with god can make you become something that can make you actually become something something else one was and one was not so your walk with god makes a difference and part of it is talking to god the other part is listening well tonight i want to talk to you and i grabbed a short bible study and i laugh at myself and i cannot take it with a grain of salt when i say uh short bible study because when you get into the scriptures the scriptures themselves appeal to us to explain them and to say exactly what they mean so i want to talk to us tonight about how we see the lord um i got many questions over the course of uh i believe two weeks and it was from people who were dealing with of their perception of god uh some people see god as a father but the that's the good thing the negative thing is that their own father was not um an ideal father and so they see god and when they see god they see god the way they saw their father um and so you would know many people criticize their parents for not being good parents but in the bible there is no good example of a father matter of fact the only good example we have our father in the bible is god the god himself other fathers in the bible you look for one you say well this is a good father every father in the bible had his own measure of dysfunction that's just the way the scripture is written to show us that in humanity there is a fault there is a flaw and the more we embrace and understand that and and and actually um accept the fact that that there is flaw in us then what it allows us to do is to release ourselves to the grace of god release ourselves to the mercy of god and realize that as jesus said there's none good no not one only god is good amen only god is good and we are being off reshaped into his image so we're going to pray we'll get started i've got some things to share with you tonight i believe it's going to bless your life and so i'll go to share this i'll feed real quickly um invite people to bible study that i'll tell come let's talk about the bible and what i'd like to do is take you into the scripture and just show you what the bible says if i ever teach a bible study and you don't learn something then know something is wrong with me in other words if we come in here and we don't we don't go into the scriptures and pull out some stuff that's in the scriptures that mean i'm off my game because um the the call of the teacher is to produce not just of students perpetual students but produce people who themselves are qualified to share revelation information knowledge that will bring other people into the knowledge of god amen so that's what we aim to do so father we bless you tonight and we thank you for the privilege of handling your word and give us lord to be skillful in handling your word not just skillful god but be sincere and we thank you lord that we do not handle the word of god deceitfully but we hand the word of god to bring people into the knowledge of jesus christ reveal jesus reveal yourself to us cause us to know you in ways that we've never known you before i pray lord that that as we go into your word that we will realize that our citizenship is in heaven and that the things in the earth are passing away and they will pass away and we thank you lord god that we can be elevated to a place where we see our lives from your perspective and gain god the result that you've given to us help us to know you more not just to know your word but to know you the true living god to know jesus christ who is our rescuer our messiah our developer our savior i love her the one who calls us to himself a high priest give us to know him and to know you in jesus name we pray amen and amen all right so i want to kick off tonight um um in romans chapter five i've been studying this topic of grace and every once in a while and i want to encourage you to do this every once in a while i go back through my my massive notebook my digitized notebook of all the things i've studied concerning the lord and his word the things i've taught over the years and i say this and people laughed at it but i have about 40 i say 4 200 outlines in my uh between my smart devices my my hard drives my laptops and um i document everything i made it a habit to make at least one outline per day and that's been going on for the last several decades and um sometimes it can get as much as many as three depending on what i'm studying for and i've been i was looking at this topic as i was actually studying marriage i'm studying marriage and it says that um he that finds a wife um finds a good thing obtains favor from the lord and this is what favor jumps out at me because favor is is a relationship word it's a relationship word and uh what we need to understand about this topic of relationship is that relationship is formed by joints the bible talks about being fitly joined together to be connected and we don't do relationship right many times what happens to us is that we get in the frame of mind where we feel like we're fending for ourselves and we're doing for ourselves and we miss out on the fact that god has actually taught us how to do relationship and our first relationship is with god our very next relationship is not with people it's with ourselves and so i want to give you this before we even go into talking about our relationship with god tonight and i've said this before i want you to get it most of the times the way people treat you the things that people do to you what they say about you it's not it has nothing to do with you it has to do with how they see themselves and what they're going through within themselves many people can't have a good relationship with with you because they don't have a good relationship with themselves they can't love you because they don't love themselves and it stems from the fact that they're misaligned in their relationship with god it's a misalignment it's it's all it's arthritis of the spirit um they don't they're not properly aligned with god because they don't see him properly um in romans chapter 5 verse 1 the bible says therefore since we have been made right in god's sight by faith we have peace with god because of what jesus christ our lord has done hold right there in romans chapter 5 verse 1 i want to talk about just quickly this idea that we have been made right with god and this is something that um this whole phrase is a in the passive tense and what it means is this is not something we did this was something that was done for us and something that was done to us i like to teach doctrinal lessons when i say doctrine lessons i like to teach lessons where we start actually digging into the word says and not just giving you clever sayings or relevant statements or even quotes that you could post what i want you i want to get into the meat of your theology someone wrote me says pastor you made a statement about the philosophy of or the psychology rather of your theology the psychology of your theology is the way you see god has to affect the way you think the way the way you see god has to affect the way you the way you talk the way you feel understand this that your your um intelligence quotient has to be affected by your perception of god not just that but your emotional quotient the way you feel about things the way you feel about people has to be affected by your theology if it's not affected by your theology theology being the way i see god the way i understand god that means your faith is not working because the bottom line is the first thing that faith changes is you faith doesn't change your surroundings before it change you it doesn't change outer space before it changes into space so it says we have been made right with god on god's sight and we have peace and what i see here watches because of our faith the bible says our faith can make us right with god and our faith can give us peace with god so faith can make and faith can give the power of of the just shall live by faith is your faith can make you something and your faith can give you something think about that if my faith could make me what i need to be then then why don't i use my faith more before god to be made more into what i'm supposed to be and if my faith can give me things that god want me to have why don't i go to god and constantly say to the lord what does faith want to give me today what if i if i live before you and all it means is if i live trusting you what do you have to give me today you give me my daily bread what i'm supposed to have what is faith what is my faith my trust in you trying to make me today god has made us right with him he's given us peace jesus has given us peace through our faith verse 2 says this it says because of our faith christ has brought us into this place i love this this word place is dealing with i think the greek word is topos dealing with of topography or or a physical landscape it means a space that god has brought us into it says because of our faith christ has brought us into this place of watch this undeserved privilege when on this word um or if you flip to the king james there's there's a terminology um it says uh by whom also we have we have access by faith into this grace this word this term undeserved privilege is from the same word karis which is the word for grace but but it translates in the greek it's the grace of god the favor of god is what we're going to talk about tonight but there's a word that that our undeserved kindness and or undeserved privilege rather and grace revealed and it's the word kindness it says it says that god is kind to us his disposition what how does god how does god think about me he thinks of you with kindness go back to new living translation let me show you this because of our faith christ has brought us into this place because i trust god he's brought me to this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing god's glory what does that mean god's glory from heavenly perspective god's glory is all that god is and all all that he is in in his infinite sovereignty in his power all that he is from our perspective the glory of god is all that god has created us to be we haven't seen it yet but all glory is what i'm all i was made to be and when when we deal with glory as an expression of god revealing himself it's the power of god it's the full manifestation of the power of god these things are important for a believer to understand and i try to explain them as simply as possible because how you see god will affect the kind of christian and the kind of results you have in your life i want to speak to the word kindness for a minute we use a lot of terms that don't really register with us and so i want to on this one kindness i want to go back and kind of look at it just for a second it's an old norse word and the word this uh term norse is when you study people study black history and um you learn certain terminologies when you study black history well when you study white history and that's a thing you study the history of northern europeans you run into this world quite a bit the norsemen the the the root or ancestry of white people is norse the norse people and this word kind comes is a norse word that means kin like how we say kinfolk when the bible says that god is kind to us or he sees us he brought us into a place of undeserved kindness is really what he's saying is brought us into a place of undeserved kinship relationship god has brought us into a place where he sees us as family he he made his family he adopted us he loves us and his kindness towards us is something that will be expressed to us if we only would receive it i think many times god can't demonstrate his kindness to us or reveal his kindness to us because we don't trust him or because we don't see him properly so tonight what i've decided to do is kind of take us through the scripture and and i have a single page outline in front of me which is which my staff thought was interesting because i only have two or three four pages but i'm going to use the scripture as the outline tonight because there's some things i wanted to uh iterate to some people and reiterate to others i want to introduce you to the smiling god um in numbers chapter six there is a story of god god is setting israel up as a nation they're new um they just came out of slavery all they know is bondage for forty for actually for 10 generations a generation in the old testament uh equates to maybe 40 years and so for for 400 years and actually all together 430 years israel lives in egypt 400 of those years they're in abject slavery they're under oppressors and task masters and all they know from generation to generation is servitude um it's being um having no inheritance are people that that don't have a god that people that that have no identity and then god brings them out as a nation he establishes them and he's teaching them certain things he sets government in place and moses is for all intents and purposes the president or the prime minister under him maybe like as a vice president uh in charge of religious affairs is his brother aaron and aaron is is the priest of the land so he's actually the pastor while moses is probably like i said the president and i want you to i want to read you through this and you know the scripture but i want to put it in context the bible says in numbers chapter 6 and verse 22. then the lord said to moses tell aaron and his sons to bless the people of israel with this special blessing now i want to explain to you what a blessing is um people say well you ask a question how you doing i'm blessed you know i'm blessed and and and the the grammatic incorrection that people use when they say something you ever see a person be blessed not be blessed be blessed it to either either they can't well either they did not pass english or they don't understand what blessing is okay i'm not i'm not making a mockery of how they say but sometimes the way people use a word will tell you whether or not they own the word can identify with it or know what it means this word bless is a powerful word it's one of the most powerful words in the bible and what it means is to speak a word over a person that god intends to make good to speak a word over a person that god intends to make good okay so go back go back to verse 23 one time it says tell aaron and his sons his sons were priests as well he says to bless the people of israel with a special blessing what makes it special is anything you say out of your mouth or over a person when you speak well over them anyone with authority over you can bless you hebrews chapter 7 says without any contradiction that the lesser is blessed of the greater i could speak a blessing over you and god will make it good i can bless my children i can speak prophetically into the future and god will make it good because we are prophetic people and this is not just me saying that and it's not an incarnation or some kind of spell a blessing is or words that speak over a thing or person that i have authority over and i invoke the lord and i call upon the lord to make my words good upon their life tell aaron and his sons to speak these words over the children of israel and and use these special words that's what he said look at verse 24 verse 24 says i want you to say this may the lord bless you and protect you may the lord smile on you and be gracious to you may the lord show you his favor and give you his peace and then verse 27 says and whenever aaron and his sons bless the people here's what god says whenever they bless the people of israel in my name here's what god says i myself will bless them i want to speak to this that's what he said that's what god says he said i want aaron and his sons to preach that whenever the people assemble and gather together before you dismiss them that's what he's talking about he was somebody or a benedictory blessing you know a benediction being a is latin for uh um good diction means to say he said when the people before they leave your presence you speak good or speak this this good word over them and god says whenever they do that he said i myself will bless israel god gave him specific words now i want to go back and read it again because many of you know from the king james it's sort of foreign to you just now but i want to go back and read it to you in the king james the king james says it like this um um and the lord speak unto moses saying keep wrote down speak unto aaron unto his son saying on this wise or you shall bless the children of israel saying unto them the lord bless thee and keep thee the lord make his face to shine upon thee stop right there shine upon thee what's a shining face well in uh this time this this the shining face was what's called a hebrews a hebrews and it's a word that means uh it's it's a a term that's used in in in israel or in hebrew speaking places where everybody know what it means you know like when a person before a person goes on stage and he said hey break a leg they don't literally mean break your leg it just means give it do your best i mean pull it off i mean knock it out you know and we there's certain terminologies we use and people everyone knows what it means when when it says may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you what it's saying is make god smile on you that's god now moses and aaron did not come up with this did this this thought did not cross their minds understand that when god first introduced himself to israel um moses left a a burning bush on the mountain when he came back to mount sinai the whole mountain was on fire and when god spoke to them the first time he thundered against them to the place where he scared the crap out of them and he says anything to touch the mountain i'm a killer like they're like whoa and they were afraid of god so the perception of god was that god is always angry and with most of you with many people especially if you're raised in apostolic ministries and holiness churches and pentecostal churches you see god as a angry god you see god as the goddess his holiness or hell what a demand holiness or hell most of us don't even understand what holiness is and most preachers who put in the pulpit to explain to you how holiness is acquired and and what holiness is we don't even do we just tell you be something that you don't even know what does god look like for god said be holy you can't even define it what is the what is holy mean you see what i'm saying and so these people not even knowing god knowing about him they just saw him for what he did and didn't know who he is and what his heart was towards them and so god says every time the people get ready to leave your presence i want you to speak over them and say um the lord bless you and protect you the lord make his face to shine on you and be gracious and show grace to you but the next verse says may the lord lift up his countenance what was lifting up his countless means may the lord look on you or with look or turn his face towards you not his back may lord turn his face towards you and give you peace give me verse 26 from the new living translation look look at the the spirit of this new living translation verse 26 may the lord show you his favor another thing show you his face and give his peace this term favors what i want to talk to you about the favor of god everybody use the word i'm favored and favorite being favored is a very very um providential protected position when you're favored by god that means that nothing that happens to you nothing that happens around you will affect you even when negative things happen when you're favored by god if you see the negative thing from heaven's perspective you will understand that god is working something out that ultimately will be in your favor and so i was in my time of wisdom and i asked a lot of questions i said lord something something was happening and i noticed a pattern of happening in my life and i began to um i was talking to the lord about one thing but i never brought it up it just came to my mind and when i was stepping out my place of of wisdom the lord said to me he said you think that i don't see that and he mentioned the thing that it was just on my mind he said you think i don't see it he said what you don't understand is um i am reserving some things for you for when you come home that's amazing i'm reserving something there's some things that god said i will not give you in this earth and it looks like i'm withholding things for me i'm not withholding he said i'm reserving some things for when you come home and what i was praying about i was talking a lot about uh um um dr fred price died uh i think late last week and then of this past weekend and we had common uh the um the gospel singer he died yesterday and i'm looking at all these people and these are people who are close to on me uh in terms of not knowing i knew dr price personally but um i didn't know carmen but these are people who i raised my family with i mean the teaching was in my home the music was in my home and i started saying lord you know the people people are leaving here and the lord was showing me that it's that people going to the eternal reward and there's some things that they did not receive here that they received there these are things that i knew but he was reminding me why so i won't lose heart so we understand that we're living in a position with god it's a position of favor may the lord show you his favor and give you his peace now so i want you to understand something what moses and what god said to moses and told aaron to do jesus does for us aaron was their high priest but jesus is our high priest and the same spirit the same way that god uh it was important for god to god that moses had aaron to speak these words over the people it's the same thing with us god has jesus to communicate to us that we are favored that we are loved that we're accepted and so i want to go through some scriptures today and just show you about this favorite position about the smiling god how god is on your side how god is for you in spite of all the stuff that's happening god is for us and he's lifted up his countenance he's with his favor and he does either shine his face upon you smile he smiles at you more than you know he's not angry with you you say well pastor i struggle god knew you would struggle he saw your whole life before you came i'm not telling you to settle into it i'm simply saying that your struggle does not disqualify you from the love of god it does not disqualify you from the kinship or kindness that you receive through jesus christ it does not disqualify you from being blessed that god wants to bless your life regardless of the fact that you struggle and and in this blessing you're going to see that that if you if your your heart and your mind is too much being better you'll actually grow out of struggle in romans chapter 8 verse 34 i want to start a journey right there the question is asked who then will condemn us condemnation is the last step in the process of judgment when a jury finds you guilty and the end and they have a sentencing hearing is for condemnation how are we going to punish this person if i'm found guilty so the question is who who will condemn us and that's an interesting question and it says no one will condemn us for christ jesus died for us the one that died for us is not going to condemn us the one that was raised to life for us is not going to condemn us he's sitting at the place of honor at the at god's right hand and look what the bible says he's pleading for us now i want to put it in perspective because the bible says things and sometimes we look at him like well he's up there or he's turned to god and he's he's constantly that's not what's going on the wounds and the body of jesus are the only man-made things in heaven and by the wounds with his stripes where the crown of thorns was what the wounds in his hand when the angels when god were to see jesus he's the bible calls him that uh the man christ jesus he's forever the man christ jesus he has a resurrected body sitting on the right hand of the father and his wounds his very life his very presence is appealing to god on your behalf jesus is pleading for you right now and what is he using the receipts of your salvation his wounds with his wounds he's pleading our case and so the question is who's going to condemn you who's going to write you off right now who jesus no he's these the one that died for you he's the one that died for you and this scripture is not preached enough and there's a context to it but the bible says here the the only one who can who could would not the only one that could condemn you would not continue so when people to write you up and say oh god or god or we'll send you to hell or you or god doesn't love you they don't they can't speak for god they're speaking for themselves and the person say well you know um the lord the lord's going to judge you know what they're saying to you is they think they're the lord and they have judged you you got it that's the reality the bottom line is if you get in a relationship with the lord jesus christ and you take it seriously whatever you are supposed to become he will make you look at hebrews chapter 2 verse 17. it says therefore it was necessary for him jesus to be made in every in every respect like us he was made like us his brothers and sisters why so that he could be our merciful and faithful high priest now understand this he's a merciful and faithful high priest before god mercy is only for guilty people mercy you know we spend a lot of hours in in denial especially man you ever seen a situation where a person um will say well they get caught in something or they're in a situation and they just deny deny deny you disqualify yourself for mercy when you will own your job but when you own your guilt mercy floods into your life it says it behooved him it was necessary for jesus to be made in every respect in every way just like us his brothers and sisters so he could be merciful to us but not just merciful faithful consistent he doesn't run away he shows us mercy because we're guilty yes we are and but he's faithful to us and he's a faithful high priest what is the high priest the one that speaks the blessing of the god of god over us among other things that he does he speaks the blessing of god over us he we are blessed of god because of what jesus has done and the bible says that he could offer a sacrifice that would take away the sins of the people that would take away the sins of his people russia's the sacrifice that jesus offered takes away your sins now i'm gonna tell you this now we gotta come as christians we gotta have a meeting i'm gonna tell you what the meeting is either the lord took our sins away or he didn't it can't be both ways he said well i just believe he took away the sins that we committed before he got saved but here's the problem the sins that he he claimed to have done this long before you were born so so my question is so where does it stop where does it start you got to either accept it or you don't are you forgiven or not and if and watch this so now this is an interesting thing that i like to use because people say well i'm forgiving i can do whatever i want to do that's not exactly right so um if you're coming from atlanta to dothan in it somewhere around uh i think phoenix city of columbus phoenix city alabama columbus georgia a starchild highway is highway 431 and highway 40 31 um back in 2010 to 2015 we made the top 10 list of the most dangerous highways in the united states um so much so that was i don't know if you're still there i haven't traveled or noticed i should say maybe i'm just blind to it now but there used to be crosses all along the side of the road from people who ran off the road and died i mean just with crosses everywhere because it's a dangerous highway and what's import was important about it not just the one the winding roads but at night there are no street lights it's a straight-up country road but it's a highway and it's it's a long highway so because it's such a dangerous highway isn't it's nothing to see police on the highway giving people tickets now just suppose just suppose that a person says you know what a person is a multi billionaire he says or he goes to the government and says i'm going to pay every ticket for every person that gets ticketed on highway 431 from now until forever i could afford it it can't be that much okay and the government said well cool so every time a person is ticketed on 431 they may pull you or give you a ticket or they get to the place where they just clock you going 4 30 i'm going over to speed limit at 4 31 and they don't even stop you anymore because you're not paying the ticket so you race level now 431 it's still dangerous it's still deadly but someone has paid the ticket because you don't get the ticket doesn't mean the road is not dangerous and deadly and it doesn't mean that the danger won't become real and one day you won't die driving recklessly on the road it simply means the ticket is paid it's the same thing with jesus jesus paid for our sins but it doesn't mean that sin is not deadly and it's not dangerous it's still dangerous and it's still deadly the wages of sin still is death you can have some some jacked up consequences you keep dabbling in sin you can't do wrong and get right you see what i'm saying but if you just but your sin is paid for we got to watch how we this doctrine that that um that i could do whatever i wanted and the lord's the lord paid for my sins i could just no that's not true what he's trying to do is get you to a place where you're not so focused on sin all the time you're focused on him you're not focused on your struggle you focus on on the strength you focus on your relationship with him and you're growing in him i pray this is making sense to you because this gospel right here is the gospel that we don't preach a lot and tonight i just feel like i feel like waxing doctrine what about that look at verse 18 verse 18 in hebrews chapter 2 says this since he himself has gone through suffering and testing he is able to help us when we are being tested so watch this now when you're being tested the lord the lord says this though according to the scripture when i'm being tested well i'm going through a tribulation to test the hard thing his mentality his his um disposition is is not to judge me or to condemn me it's to help me i look put on the screen again say since he himself has gone through suffering and he's gone through testing he is able and i want to add this and willing to help us when we are being tested so what what about this now imagine this if if his job is to be our tutor to be our helper to be the one that encourages us and trains us when we're being tested imagine this imagine that you you keep failing the same test and the devil keeps telling you jesus is mad with you god is mad with you because you keep feeling the same test now if someone sends a student to you you're a tutor and they send a student to you to see men or they call you as they say hey listen um i have a son and he's brilliant in other areas but when it comes to this math right here it's just breaking him off he can i mean he it's like he becomes a whole nother person a whole stupid person when it comes to math i mean the english he's good at science he's good at but this math right here is like he's in the first grade you're not gonna go and go you little idiot also also you're the dummy your parents go you're not gonna do that when you come to him if you're the helper the first thing you want to do is make sure man you build this confidence you want to make sure you tell me this is doable other people can do it i'ma help you do it no one ever sat under my tutelage and didn't get it right you watch we're going to get this together there's not condemnation there's encouragement and what we have done as christians is that we are so jacked up when it comes to um bringing a person who's being who keeps failing the same test remember this word test is the greek word perosmos p-e-i-r-a-s-m-o-s and the word perosmos can can mean um testing or temptation it's so it depends on the content and it depends on the outcome of how the word is translated and so what he's saying basically is when you find yourself in a situation that's designed to prove your faith is real whether or not you say whether or not you you you're coming through with flying colors the lord's heart is this position his job is to help you he's your tutor he's the one that comes to your aid he's the one that shows you uh another way to approach us he's the one that encourages you when you feel like i keep messing this up or he's the one when you're in the midst of it and you're taking the easy way out or you're cheating your way out he's the one that tells you now you're better than that he's the one to tell you you don't have to do this he's the one that blows up the bad relationship he's the one that causes the deal to be exposed he's the one that allows you to be caught before you do something or crazy or uh you're trying to steal some stuff and you get slapped on the wrist he's the one that even if you go get incarcerated he's the one that will follow you in there and keep developing you you see how this is he we're seeing him wrong we're seeing him as the one that brings evil to us and i'm here to tell you that he's the one that god has sent to make sure you understand that god is never against you he's always for you he sees you as family he sees you as his own in hebrews chapter 4 verse 14 we talk about the high priest because aaron was that to the people and jesus says that to us he says so so then since we have a great high priest who has entered into heaven jesus the son of god let us hold firmly to what we believe what do we believe we believe that jesus came to get to give us life he came to die for us to take our sins away and to bring us to god we believe that we were born again regardless of what's happening in the world we believe that we say i'm reading different things about different christians who died and things are coming out about them and people say well you know i know they went to hell let me tell you you don't even know the gospel you don't know how to think how this works people don't go to heaven because they're good people go to heaven because they're saved they were rescued um jesus did not come to make bad men good he came to give dead men life he came to make dead men live that's the reality and we were dead he came to give us life now again the analogy of the 431 highway we don't use that and say i'm just going to do what i want to do let that harness you let that stabilize you let that give you a new reality a new mentality about what i'm supposed to be as it relates to god so this verse says let us hold firmly to what we believe look at verse 15 verse 15 says this high priest of ours watch this he understands where we weak for he faced all the same testings we did and he faced these but yet he did not sin so the bible says about jesus i mean hear the words he's using he helps us he understands us this is this is not a person that's against me his dispositions i'm here to help you i'm here for you and i think what we need to do even even the scripture that says that that um we have been given a name there's no name under heaven given among men whereby we should be saved we were given the name of jesus it's like someone give you a business card if you get in trouble here call this person you've been given a business card you've been given a card when you if you need anything call jesus if you get in trouble that's the way god set it up and and we and we have got to reject pulpits and reject ministries and reject people who all they know is hell they have no other theology you're going to hell whenever they go you're going to hell they're putting everybody in here here's my question if people are going to hell for the stuff they don't get right what's going to happen to you now i'm not saying no no let's let's go let's qualify that there is a heaven to gain in the hell to shun there are people in hell right now and people going to hell that's the there is but but if you if you're born again and your desire is just to be in the process of sanctification and be in relationship with god you're not playing games but you are legitimately struggling this is not this is not like if i don't pass the test i won't become a lawyer it's like i don't pass a test i'm not a real christian is that your belief that god is only the loving father when you please him that means luke chapter 16 luke chapter 15 is a lie the story of the prodigal son is a lie if god only loves us when we are when we're in the house if god only loves us when we are pleasing him in the house and he does not look for us and care for us when we when we happen to go to the far country and we when we waste our goods and righteous living when we go to the pig sty and we look at the food that the pig eating pigs are eating and thinking it's worthy to be eaten if god only loves if he doesn't love us when we go through the hard parts of life then luke 15 is alive because the bible says that the father sat on the side of the road and waited for his his wayward son to come home and he fell on him and he loved him he embraced him gave him sandals a robe and ring threw a whole party for him that's the god that we know that's the god that i teach the smiling god the one that that shines upon you with his face he favors you whenever we hear favor we think about stuff when i hear favor i think about life when i hear god favors me i'm i'm positioned by god if i ever i'm gonna tell you this right now i feel the lord want me to say this to somebody the only reason you have not succeeded in the thing it was prophesied over your life that god will favor you in a venture you started the venture and the venge ventures not succeeded and you think the prophet miss goddard i'm telling you the prophet that i miss god i'm by the word of the lord i'll tell you this right now what happened is you have not stepped on the gas yet you've been sitting back waiting for god to bring the thing to you that he promised to give you and i'm here to tell you the bible says asking that you actually shall be given unto you seek and you shall find knock and it the door will be opened unto you you've asked but you have not sought and you have not knocked and acts asking seeking and knocking is a part of an entire process when the bible says you have not because you ask not ask a spell a-s-k ask seek knock you have not because you have not actually have not because you have not sought you have not because you have not knocked and it's not one or the other it's all three it's all that's the process of going after what god has given to you god does favor you in proverbs chapter but if i go to verse 16 real quick it says so let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious god the king james says the throne of grace god could have called his throne anything else but he calls it the throne of grace the throne where i come when i need favor where i need kinship i need undeserved privilege undeserved favor unearned blessing you got it you what we have to understand about this entire grace piece is that we don't deserve any of it all of our righteousness is plural are as filthy rags in other words god says god says throw them away you can't bring anything to me and say oh here uh i'm cashing this in for blessing god said no you don't have anything good enough to cash in for blessings when you come to me if your entire um testimony your entire story is not jesus died for me jesus brought me to you jesus gave me favor with you my whole life is built around what jesus has done and god says you can't receive anything from me remember the opening scripture says we've been made right with god through what jesus christ has done what he did made me right what he did paid my my debt what he did brought me in what everything that i am when i stand before god everything that he credits me for when he says well done thou good and faithful servant is not because of necessarily what i bring to the table is that i believe what jesus did for me and i operated my entire life in the favor of god i just i did it because jesus gave it to me i believed that he wanted me to have this and i invested my life into it come boldly to the throne of our grace is god there you'll receive mercy here's the thing here's the thing again he keeps talking about this mercy remember mercy is only for guilty people there you will receive mercy and you'll find grace to help when you need it most mercy that's what we find when we come to the throne of grace if if we find nothing else we find mercy that's god's that's god's smiling on me even god said you know what you keep getting this wrong something is not you you're off a little bit but i but i want you know i accept you i love you that's mercy and grace watch this mercy does not give me what i deserve the wrong i deserve the bad i deserve the punishment i deserve but grace gives me the good i don't deserve and with his grace god just pours on me and he gives me he loves me and i'm gonna tell you what i find in my own experience grace can grace can mend your life to a place where the broken place that god mended becomes stronger i was going back and looking on one of the things that when i when i uh i came off my sabbatical and my life went through shakedown and when i i was looking back at my old nose and i was like man man you said some amazing stuff back then you had such great revelation of god and the spirit of god stopping god says to me he says if you don't think that you are better minister than you were back then you have not been paying attention the spirit of god the holy spirit said if you don't think that you're better now than you were back then you have not been paid attention the repair of god when god repairs you it's better than any perfection you could offer to him because our perfection is so flawed in god's sight but even the thing that god had to break even if the clay that god had to break and then put back together again with with the glue of grace the glue of love it's stronger and it's better and more valuable and more usable than any perfection i could offer to god i hope you're getting this okay now so um in proverbs chapter um 16 and verse 15 proverbs chapter 16 and verse 15 it says when the king smiles there is life his favor refreshes like a spring rain when the king smiles when they put somebody put in the comment when the king smiled when god smiles on you it gives life to everything when the ki verse is when our sovereign king smiles on the earth smiles on your life wherever there was parts land wherever there was scorched earth someone some um someone may have left your life and burned the whole world down they may put your name out there and they've done you wrong but once the king smiles on you life things start to bloom again i don't care who broke your heart i don't care who let you down i don't care who did you wrong when if when you understand the revelation that the king is smiling on you when you see god as the smiling god not as the frowning god not as the angry god when you when you stop translating the painful things in your life as god being angry with you and you realize that god wants to smile at you you can understand this when the king smiles there is life his favor refreshes everything like a spring rain you know when i first came to the states there's some things that old people say i've never heard it in the islands before you say it smell like rain what the heck does rain smell like anybody ever heard that before is that a country thing it's a country i never heard where i came from in the islands we don't say smell like rain i mean if you say look like rain but it says out here it smell like rain and then sure enough it will start raining so so i'll say to you that you could tell when god's smiling at you when he's just and i'ma tell you something he said pastor well how did i get god to smile when i trust the fact that he's already smiling when i start trusting his love for me his smile shines through all the dark clouds in my life and the dark clouds in my life will deliver the rain that they were sent to deliver because you have to understand something the bible says when the king smiles there's life his favor refreshes like a spring rain but if spring rains don't come without dark clouds i said they're dark clouds over your life but they're only there what are they there for for you to acknowledge that god wants to smile on you whenever life gets hard and the clouds gather together you should you should say to yourself god is smiling on me these this darkness is here right now just to pour some rain after the clouds have released their rain they got to move on with the assignment go somewhere else so start the process again of your evaporation um precipitation condensation precipitation that whole sequence of events that brings rain it they have to go start it over again somewhere else but my life now receives the favor and the smile of god look at uh psalms 31 verse 14. i hope this is helping you i really hope this is helping your life the psalmist is praying says but i'm trusting you o lord saying you are my god and i want you to put this in the comments he is my god too i want you to be defiant ridiculously of the fight i want you to take people off if you're if someone doesn't like you and and they see you commenting on this on this or string i wanted to really really get upset when you pointed there you may not like it but he is my god too you don't have listen they didn't then angry folk them mad them judgmental folk did not corner the market on god he is your god too let me tell you something the person no one is qualified to disqualify you if they're not qualified to qualify you if they can't bless you they can't curse you i'm telling you right now when i was little something came to mind my mother was one of the geniuses of my life she was one of the people that god used to shape who i am and when i was little in the in the islands there's a thing called um i think you call it um i don't know what's in new orleans they call it voodoo in the islands we call it ober and so um i remember we see people who people who work you call working roots on them or working voodoo on them and they did look so i was like he's scared and my mother would say to us she said here's how this works if you don't believe that stuff it won't affect you they said they could put all the spells they want to so my i have a thing i said you can't who do voodoo or no do me and no you know why because the thing that's on my life is so strong i don't live a superstitious life i live i live a supernatural life and the favor of god is on me and i'ma tell you something you don't have to like me you have to like me god loves me and you need to be so if you're gonna be arrogant about anything be if the bible says boast in the lord boast in the love of the lord but i'm trusting you o lord saying you are my god too and then verse 15 it says this my future is in your hands my future is in your hands listen whatever is going to happen to me god is in charge of it god has me you got it and and you have to be confident with this i want listen if you came on this life tonight and you feel burdened you feel defeated you didn't get the job or you lost the job if something went wrong you lost a relationship um you me you may be watching me from somewhere in texas where um the the weather shut down your whole world you wonder what i'm gonna do man you begin to praise god until god i thank you if paul and silas could praise god from the dungeon the dungeon where all the all the feces and stuff would would pour down into the dungeon of the prison and they had to get in a corner somewhere that drug won't fall on them if they could praise god and sing songs from there god shake their situation then i believe you could you could pray right now and praise god for where you are and god will find a way to warm your situation find a way to light your situation we believe that god will do this my future is in your hands god rescue me from those who hunt me down relentlessly rescue me from those that don't see the value of my life and then verse 16 says this watch this let your favor shine on your servant let your favor shine on me you remember that word shine whatever you notice that whenever the word favor is used or um the word shine is somewhere there because there's something because favor comes as a product of god smiling and the idea you know when i put out studying this um years ago i i used to say you know i was real slow people don't believe that i can correlate things i'm like okay so there's a shining face is a smiling face i'm like why and the person that was instructing me goes smile and i'm not having a smile it says smile when i smile you go there you go that's it right there and they just look in the mirror and and what he's saying is your teeth they call it a shining face but your teeth light up your face and that interesting i never forgot the analogy when it says the let yo david is saying let your favor shine on your servant in your unfailing love this word is the is the the greek word i mean the hebrew chin unfailing love is speaking about grace and favor and kindred or kinship or kindness let your unfailing love rescue me so grace is a rescuing agent and i'm going to show you later on in this lesson how grace goes about rescuing you you you've got to start emphasizing the mercy of god in your life not not so you could go off and do wrong again but let the mercy of god come in and and kind of salvage things until you can until god gets you to see how to get things right i want to read that verse again psalm 31 16 it blesses me let your favor shine on your servant in your unfailing love rescue me that's the god you're serving um in proverbs chapter 19 verse 12 the bible talks about uh the lord and his favor again it says the king's anger is like a lion's rule so first we look at the kings of the king are smiling but now we look at the king's anger the king's anger is like a roaring lion that is why satan goes about as a what roaring lion seeking whom he may devour why does he do that because satan satan will roar at your life because he wants you to think that the king is angry with you listen to me the reason the satan goes about as a roaring lying seeking whom he may devour a lion's roar is intended to scare people to paralyze you in fear to bring fear in your life so everything that happens in your life that's negative you think that god is doing it because the king's anger is like a ruined lion and so whatever he would come and he would roar he would attempt you to sin then when you sin you get it wrong then he'll roar at you and he said to you um god is angry with you so you live your life hiding from god the king's anger is like a roaring lion it says but his favor is like dew on the grass and many people say what does that what does that mean we sing a song like the dew in the morning gently rest upon my heart and one sunday i was standing in the uh we were in this very building and i never forget it uh el ella and um we were worshiping this song and i'm standing right over there and the lord said to me he said the people are worshiping me to this song and they don't know what they're singing and i came and i interrupted the worship remember that service i love that i got people here that were with me at the time i interrupted the service i said many of you don't know what do is and so we could so we could get the full benefit of this let me tell you the benefit of do and i began to explain to them that that part of the world was a very arid and dry part of the world where they were sometimes they won't see rain for months they will see rain for months especially if they sinned against god um god will shut up heaven and there's no rain but god also have dew on the ground and so when when we sing like the dew in the morning gently rest upon my heart what we were saying to god was even when my there's no rain in my life even when when it's my life seems dry let there be let let there be some type of of jew on the ground what does that do the dude refers to the fact that god is still showing his favor but his favor is like dew on the grass and god has brought favor into your life okay this mic is working me out all right so now um so favor is like do the favor of god and you say how does favor and blessing align the blessing of the lord is like rain but favor is like do which means if you don't watch this if you don't deal with it early you go when you get the favor use it that's one thing another thing is you have to look for it sometimes favor is really subtle and favor will come in the midst of hard things sometimes you have you ever been have you ever ever been in such a bad way that you even make yourself you get frustrated with how you are you're so bitter that you you get sick of your bitterness your soul but god will send dew on you and he will invite you and draw you to him and draw you into a better space in life you need to learn to acknowledge the king's favor on your life like dew on grass in hosea chapter 14 verse 5 one of my favorite scriptures says i will be i'll be to israel like a refreshing dew from heaven and here's a result israel will blossom like the lily it will send roots deep into the soil like the city of lebanon its branches will spread out like a beautiful olive trees as fragrant as a cedar cedars of lebanon here's what it says he says god says um israel is in a position right now where what for whatever reason i have to withhold reign to deal with the nation but there's a remnant there's a people that that that i've loving uh they're my kin folk they're they're the people i'm their god he said what i would do is i always make sure do is there and there will be a growth and if you go back to the previous verse it talks about um um they will blossom like the lily a lily is one of the most fragile and delicate flowers he said on top they look fragile and delicate and beautiful blossoming but below he says their roots are like the cedars of lebanon you know those they have a massive and strong root system that's strong enough to support them through any situation people may look at them and think that they're vulnerable and they're easy to deal with but when they come at them they're going to run up on a god a big old god that that root system is so massive and strong this is the god you serve i want you to get a picture of the smiling god in exodus chapter 16 verse 11 the picture of god's providential favor even in the wilderness shall encourage you the bible says then the lord said to moses and we're going to read unto verse 18. i've heard the israelites complain now tell them in the evening you will have meat to eat and in the morning you will have all the bread you want then you will know that i am the lord your god that evening vast numbers of quail flew in and covered the camp and the next morning the area around the camp was wet with dew when the dew evaporated a flaky substance as fine as frost blanketed the ground the israelites were puzzled when they saw it what is this they asked each other they had no idea what it was and moses told him it is the food the lord is giving you to eat the next verse says these are the laws instruction each household should gather as much uh as it needs pick up two quarts for each person in your tent verse 17 so the people of israel did as they were told some gathered a lot some only little but when they measured it out everyone had just enough those who gathered a lot had nothing left over those who gathered a little only a little only a little rather had enough each family had just what it needed this is the favor of god and so you would know they're in the middle of the wilderness and they felt like eating quail they felt like eating some some chicken some bird and god blew god blew the bird from over the sea from the mediterranean sea or whatever the sea was god blew a bird to where they were god can bring what you need to you and not only that and and the do was on the ground and when the dew on dried out it was manner apostle stevenson preached a powerful word i just saw a video of some of the clips of it and he was talking about you may you say may have 99 problems but mana ain't one i don't know where he comes up with his job he said you you have 99 problems but manna is not one you're going to have manna what and what's the matter what is this you ask god what is this and god says the favor i'm showing to you it's food from heaven it's me making sure that you're sustained and that you're good okay in psalm 30 verse 4 a lifetime of favor can be unclaimed if we don't believe the word of god if you don't believe what i'm teaching you tonight you could miss out on a lifetime of favor and embrace a lifetime of struggle some of you think that you get a badge for struggle god did not call you to struggle it's not the will of god that your life be characterized by stress struggle and strain you struggle for everything you get that's not the will of god there's there's a favor or mandate on your life if you belong to god and you do then you have favor and you need to use it how do i use it past it i got to trust that it's there i have to first see god as the smiling god the god that loves me and invites me the god that accepts me even though i'm messed up okay pick a struggle you can't be weak and doubtful too pick a struggle okay now look watch this it says sing unto the lord all you godly ones praise his holy name verse 5 says for his anger lasts only for a moment see god just mad at me you've been saying it for the last 10 years it says god's anger only lasts for a moment but his favor lasts a lifetime whose lifetime yours his favor lasts a lifetime yes throughout the course you're gonna do some dumb stuff and god was like you know what you know better than that and he is it lasts just like that but his favor lasts a lifetime and because of that it says weeping may last through the night why because his faith because he mad for a moment but joy comes in the morning that's what that means weeping main door for night but joe comes in the morning means that god's faith god's anger may last for a moment and really to up to be honest with you when this is the old testament when you go to the new testament there is no account in the new testament of the under the new covenant god is mad with folk that's the bible does not say that i mean i don't see anywhere in the epistles there was the anger when there was the anger of the lord kindle against we don't see that god becomes frustrated with us when we frustrate his grace when we don't use his grace we don't accept his favor but the bible says here um it lasts for a moment his favor lasts a lifetime i can i can miss out on a lifetime of favor if i don't claim that god is smiling on me here's another one psalm 32 and verse 10 it says um many sorrows come to the wicked the people who are intentionally twisted in the thinking and want to do people wrong but it says unfailing love this is the grace of god surrounds those who trust him on failing love the favor of god the grace of god it surrounds those who trust god and so i think we have to make an intentional decision to trust the lord it has to be i trust god i'm going to trust god through this i'm going to trust god through that even when i'm when i'm not my i'm going to trust god even when people try and do me wrong and they and they pardon and plan and get i'm going to trust god i'm going to trust god and what's going to happen he's going to surround me he's going to surround me to protect me give me that in the passion translation i want to see what it looks like in the past in translation so my conclusion is this many other sorrows and frustrations of those who don't come clean with god i kind of like that but when you trust in the lord for forgiveness look at this his wrap around love will surround you his wrap around love surrounds you when i come clean with god it's a god you know i didn't get that right then he wraps his love around me he surrounds me with favor and he continues the relationship continues to walk with me now i want to show you something in psalm 62 and 10. and i want to explain to you um sometimes when i explain things people come after me especially those who are invested in god judging people there are some people who are very invested in god judging you they feel like if god judges you that means it justifies that the um the erroneous preaching um and so there are people who who want you to think that all god has to offer you is a hard time and in hell afterwards uh you know i think those people need to go and do some i think they need therapy now don't get me wrong when i look at the landscape of what we're living today they're people who are changing the landmarks and doing a lot of crazy stuff um and trying to make things normal that they're normalizing things that are not normal and they try to make you think that that certain things should be the way they are and those things should anger you because yes they they anger god because satan is inspiring this as a spit in god's face there's that but but but for god's people god doesn't see us like that and even the people who are out there in sin um and their victims they're falling victim to all these lies and delusions and deceptions god doesn't have god's not angry with them it's the wicked the people who are out there trying to uh propagate and perpetrate all this stuff god has a problem with those people because they've given themselves over to be enemies of god but make no mistake about it god is a god of mercy and a god of grace and i want to show you how this works in psalm 60 verse 10 it says don't make your living i'm sorry give me isaiah 60 verse 10 that's that any reading right i said thank you i had it wrong so sorry about that isaac 60 verse 10. it says will come to rebuild your towns and their kings will serve you here's what god says for though i have destroyed you in my anger god is speaking to israel after he has judged them he said though i have destroyed you my anger i will now have mercy on you through my grace this is this statement right here i will now have mercy on you through my grace so here's what god is saying god says that grace is the agent that sends mercy out to find you so that if you want to know how great how do grace and mercy work against work with each other work um in tandem with each other here's how it works great when god decides to have grace on anyone he sends mercy to rescue them mercy fishes you out of trouble fishes you out of out of danger fishes you out of judgment fishes you out of condemnation it fishes you out of out of of the sin out of whatever you eat and it brings you back and lays you at the feet of grace that grace could spend a lifetime favoring you that's the way it works that's the gospel that's why it's good news this is the good news that people aren't preaching grace extends mercy to those that god wants to show favor to mercy saves your life favor marks your life of god's blessing judgment hangs you mercy cuts the rope and takes you to grace judgment hangs you mercy cuts the rope and takes you to grace and grace favors you for the rest of your life look at look at um psalm 23 verse 4 favor marks you for a life of blessing with god the psalmist says yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou with me thy rod and my staff they comfort me and he says this thou prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies thou notice my head with all my cup runneth over and verse six says surely without a doubt without question i will not doubt it regardless of what's happening in pandemic in political upheaval or in um in police through police brutality through systemic racism through through our family falling apart through divorce through through broken relationship through me not being able to get it together through loss of job through what through our sickness whatever i'm in surely without a doubt goodness and mercy will follow me now i'm a tedious right now you could use this psalm to be buried by i think this is a psalm to live by surely goodness god's goodness i would have fainted unless i believed to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living surely goodness and mercy mercy is going to follow me why because god knows i'm prone to mess up i don't always get it right so mercy is always stalking my life to make sure that if i mess up then god always fishes me out now that doesn't mean i go do dumb stuff on purpose what it simply means is if i have a misstep if i get caught up if i get deceived if i get deluded if i get invited in if if i get forced out mercy's always there mercy follows me to make sure that whatever judgment hangs me it's there to cut the rope follow me all the days of my life all the days of my life that's now and into my future and i will dwell in the house or the household of god of the lord forever i'm a part of his family it's my kinship okay we are living right now in an amazing time look at isaiah 61 and verse one i want to end with this tonight because i believe that we made our case tonight i believe we made our case and isaiah 61 and verse 1. um give me well let's look at new living translation he said the spirit of the sovereign lord is upon me this is this is a prophetic this is isaac speaking and jesus is going to read these very words speaking about the lord jesus christ the spirit of the sovereign lord is upon me for the lord has anointed me to preach good news the gospel to the poor he has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted look look at the language of care look at the language that god uses when he deals with his people he said jesus was sent to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released if you bound he said i'm gonna release you prisoners will be free that might be they could be that is a potential it's gonna happen it's happening now it's been happening and nothing can stop it look at verse 2 he sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the lord's favor has come the time of the lord's favor has come we are living in the time of god's favor and with it the day of god's anger against the enemies any any any self-proclaimed enemy against your soul god turns on them this the smiling god god smiles at you and he says you belong to me god smiles at you god says surely i will deliver you surely i've done all the work for you the more you get into the gospel of jesus christ and understand what crystal clarity what god has done for you the more you would the reason you don't love jesus more is because you don't have more knowledge or understanding of how much jesus loves you we love him because he first loved us and if someone is not constantly preaching to you and telling you how much he loves you the the level of your love for the lord can be measured by how much preaching you've heard about how much he loves you that when we ask people do you love jesus or do you how many you love the lord that's the wrong question the wrong question is how much of you know how many of you rather know how much the lord loves you the way he loves you even when you struggle even when you settle even when you don't know who you are he never loses sight of who you are you may be in an identity crisis right now you may have allowed yourself the taste of something that got you addicted you may be in a situation right now where you're hiding from people hiding from god because because you you watch this you you're enjoying something you should be ashamed of and it doesn't change god's love for you you may be in a you may be in a disloyal state of mind you may be in a compromised state of mind you may be you may be in a situation that that if the world finds out about it it will destroy you but god loves you and he sees you and he's not stalking you the king's anger is like the roaring of a lion but it says the king he said when the king's favor it says the king's smile is his favor and god sent me tonight just for tonight and i was i was leaving the house thinking to myself i didn't plan to teach this tonight i said you obviously wanted to send a message to someone i'm talking to the lord i said you obviously want to send a message to someone and i'm here for it i told the lord i'm your man i'm here for it i am i don't mind telling you that even even if folk they've people have written you off they kick you out of church people they've written you off but god loves you and he said pastor when i left they cursed me let me tell you something they cannot curse what god has blessed that's in the scripture they can't curse what god is blessed and so i'm here to tell you and i don't know what you say in the comments i wish i could i could read it but you probably are you're probably in the comments saying whatever uh is good for you but this favor and i want to tell you something too the favorable of the lord come into your life thank you the favored lord come into your life through three ways through wise living i got to be i got to live wisely on the bible says when i live wisely i find favor with god of men it comes the favor in my life comes through faithfully serving others and it also comes into my life through generous giving faithful service generous giving wise living that's the way i can have favor with people i remember the bible talks about having favor with god and favor with man i receive favor from god through what jesus has done i received favor with people through wise living faithful serving and generous giving and so i want you i want you to leave this time tonight with the realization the understanding and the confidence that you're loved by god and and he's smiling on your life and your future is in his hand and there's so much that he has for you that you're going to receive it's time to step on the gas it's time to step on the gas it's time to it's time to whatever you put your hand to do it will prosper that's the promise of god either god is telling the truth or god is lying if god is lying then all this is for nothing he does not say what he does not mean abraham determined that god whatever god has promised he was eighth he was able also to perform it he was able also to perform it jeremiah said that god watches over his word to perform it so father i bless your people tonight and i thank you for the the word of the lord comes forth uh and people receive it and their hearts are changed and they're edified and they begin to grow like flowers thank you for the dude that's on our lives off somebody put in there even if we get ready to receive our offering tonight just put in the comments there's the dew of god is on my life there's a dew of god on my life that even when it's not raining in my life even when the the showers of blessings aren't coming down the jew is always there to bring me faith the bible calls that favor the favor of god is also my life he's called me to a life of favor i'm living in a time of favor and father we thank you for this time of favor thank you lord god help us to fully fully actualize it fully and fully utilize it help us to fully embrace the favor you've given to us help us to see an image of you as the smiling god the smiling king and to understand that the role of the of the enemy is just to let us think that or make us think that you are mad thank you that you're not mad at us you're mad about us because of this we cannot trust you to do us good in jesus name listen really before i go tonight um before i go i want you to understand this um whenever we meet like this at um ncc wednesday night this is your bible study night so i want you to give i want you to be faithful in your giving listen yeah we we are in a pandemic and he said pastor or um why is the church there receiving offer because we still got to pay for properties and we still got all the stuff that we had and we still got to pay staff and stuff to make sure we can do this for you and our staff is working hard to bring of these uh productions to you every time i score in production because literally there one two three four five people are here working five people working i'm in front of camera you only see me but there's five people here working and putting in the time and i want you to continue to sort and continue to give of course the five ways to give this on the screen you know how to do this but i want i want to encourage you when you trust in what god is doing and your relationship your financial relationship with the lord is a major thing it's a major thing on on tuesday nights when i uh i minister to the all nations atlanta charlotte family i always talk to them uh for the last several weeks i've been talking to them about financial matters and teaching and giving many of the stuff most of the stuff i'm teaching that i've taught you and i want you to be aware that that god still is your financial partner he's your senior partner he's the one that loves you he's the one that provides for you and the way you keep your finances circumcised the way you keep you of your heart circumcised towards god is to continue to give to him to sow into into into the kingdom of god continue to give god what is right and not just what is left prioritize god put him for seeking first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all the things that are necessary listed in matthew chapter six what should i eat where should i live what kind of clothes should i put on these things will be added on to you amen you can give online uh at nccf family.org you can give uh to the ncc family app you can use a push based system to text the code ncc family to 77977 or you can drop by one of the campuses in alabama and just drop off your offering or you can mail it in to 200 dome lane northern alabama 36303 they're their ways to give we're done early tonight that means i get to go home and chill for a little bit listen i love you remember uh the theme for this year pastor ray has declared is that this is a year of of combined strength we are one family god is doing a powerful thing forget all the ugly stuff that's happening in the world god has a tremendous work that he's doing and it's working for our good amen i want you to be encouraged you are favored you're loved and you're blessed in jesus name i'll see you later
Channel: Pastor Hart Ramsey
Views: 2,707
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: gkTYlCzqY1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 23sec (4943 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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