Welcome To the Moon - Solo Campaign - Adventure 2

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hey everybody ron here with solo operative games we are back with our welcome to the moon campaign this is uh mission two out of eight last time we played mission one which was the launch we earned one star and we are on chapter 161 of the campaign so i figured out how to print this off and fill it out um so let's get started right away with reading uh the campaign stuff so it says go to 141 after you've read the rules for mission 2 which i have and this is what it says it says leaving earth was easy the journey to the moon will be quite another story our trajectory has been calculated for weeks by experts we must closely follow the coordinates and adapt the slightest mishap we must not miss anything either resources in our space stations or the mixing of the tanks everything must be perfect for humankind and the human alliance as your captain my duty is to determine our priorities if i decide we must reach the space stations i go to 133 or if i decide we must respect our trajectory and the protocol go to 138. we could care less about the space stations we're trying to get to the moon people so we got to respect our trajectory in the protocol go to 138 and that says as this will be worthless if we do not even reach the moon remember to mix the water tanks to the correct to correct your trajectory here are your mission orders set up and play adventure 2 with mission card 7173 and 75 so it just basically picks up these two so this is 71 this is 73 and that's 75. okay so those are our three mission goals all right play the game at the end of the game come back here and continue reading this chapter so this is 138 so i'll go ahead and save that on our card here to remember where to go to and let's get going all right let's talk about the rules um astra i'm playing against franklin who's difficulty four would increase the difficulty a little bit i don't remember what i said last time or what difficulty would play i think we did two or three anyway um so he gets a ton of points for energy we do not want to give him energy if we can avoid it um robots and the scheduling calendar thing are the best to give him um he just gets a five point bonus that seems cheap um and it also uses the normal scoring where it's the number of cards that he gets times each of the things the symbols is going to give us points and then he also is going to get four points just because he's difficulty four as far as special rules for mission two uh when we see the a or b the first time we're going to be crossing off the largest multiplier on one of these space stations but whenever i take the large multiplier on one of the space stations i get two solo bonuses and remember those can be used to deny giving him a card and then as far as final scoring purposes there's points for completing um the uh yeah the largest section um or the most sections yeah this is the most sections i'm going to break up these things in most sections uh he gets equal to the num the number of pairs of energy cards so i if he has like four energy then i would have to have two complete sections uh to consider me in first placing at the 20. um so the ways i can score points uh right now it's all just one section has to be increasing from the earth to the moon of course that's not possible because there's only you know what 15 numbers but i can break the sections up if i get pairs of energy symbols and i'll just draw a line and that will start the count over back at zero so i can then ascend again then the if i get a green symbol i can circle a space station but that spaceship has to be in the section of where i wrote my number so if i get like a 3 and a green i would and i wrote it like here right now it's all one section so i could circle any green but if i'd broken it up in a few sections and i put the three here then i might have to go to this space station only and not be able to get this one because it's on a different section so that's how leafs work they're going to multiply by the number this multiplier based on how many of these little robots i've gotten so every time i use the robot action i can circle any robot i want but i have to get all of them to enable scoring for each space station so they kind of work together water is just if i write the number on a water space and it is a water symbol with it then i get a circle that that's just the number so that's seven points eight points whatever uh if you have forever forever long your biggest completed section is i get points for that so if i get like a 1 through 15 that could be a ton of points uh and then yeah we've already talked about that when i get system errors the first two give me a free energy bonus that's cool but yeah they're going to subtract a large number of points for those and for every two pair of astronauts i get a wild and that can replace what the card says i can use any of the six actions and then for every two of the scheduling thing i also can get a wild um there's other things that happen with that though oh yeah the space station or the astronaut allows me to modify the number plus two to minus two in that range um and the planning l action i can put an x somewhere uh yeah i just put an x in there and there's no negative to doing that other than i only have six of them i guess per game so let's get started uh let's look at our missions real quick so this one uh we need all of the leafs in two space stations so we should be able to do that this one we need to break up our trajectory in a section of six four and two and they have to be completely filled in and then i need four water canisters that are in a row so for some reason i put a number here and it wasn't water i'd have to cross that off and i couldn't get this as a row i'd have to get it somewhere else so those are the things we're looking to do here we go so we're gonna draw three cards the same as last time but it looks it works a little bit more like like welcome to where the number is associated to the um the symbol and that gives you a specific action so if i did a eight of the scheduling then i would get a scheduling maybe eight somewhere that kind of thing um so what i want to get first i think we need to we're not necessarily hurt in a hurry to get out to the space stations with the robots um we're more in a hurry to fill things in and get the leaves i do know there is a leaf coming up next time um there's no water and using a robot right a good dude right now is not gonna really help me so let's get a i'd rather give him maybe the robot um now i don't really need to do that right now we could give him the calendar um and i don't need to fill those in to the end we'll just like keep a running total of what he has is that yeah it's close enough okay um so am i using four robots or eight of the guys let's use a four and let's see let's put like the four right here by the earth and then we need to circ to cross off a robot um let's go for the big points let's go for this guy out here okay so that's our first two next section okay um we do want to get those leafs and they're all in one section right now so what's what's the best number 10 or a six um we could do a 10 maybe put it like i don't know i'm gonna have to cross off some things pretty quickly here uh but let's put a 10 like i don't know out here this is a really weird one to start because there's nothing to like to help you know where to put numbers uh and then let's um if we're going for this one we might as well circle these so let's circle a leaf there and that means we gave him a astronaut all right next one 14 12 and 5. no energy where's all the energy um [Music] let's get i think i like this five and then we'll take the robots with it it's okay yeah that's perfect all right five and another robot that gives him another schedule card i guess i don't need to separate them let's just keep one stack but i do need to be careful i'm giving him a lot of these schedule ones and then i won't be able to get my my free x's i'm gonna need those all right robot robot leaf uh let's continue with the leafs so we've got uh if we're gonna use at least we need an eight or thirteen um i need energy here i'm gonna be kind of stuck um let's put the eight here right by the ten and then that was a leaf and it's all one section still so i'm allowed to cross that one off so we took eight obliques gave him that one all right next one still no energy we do start with one energy so we only need one more to be able to to cross it off i cannot play a 9 or a 10 right now so i am definitely have to play at 12. um and i don't want to lose this water necessarily so let's put it here 12 with a leaf uh it doesn't really matter what i give him a leaf is four points though that's not good there's some energy all right ah wow that was actually close um because if i want to use the energy i used a 10 or 11 i cannot use a 10 but i can play the 11 it has to go here and i'm going to lose this water but i do get my second energy symbol so we will make a cross out right oh let's let's give us plenty of room over here by the moon so let's do it right oh i don't know in between these water sure i'm gonna put a break right there i do not know the strategy this is this is a really racking my brain like the best trying to figure out what the best things to do here so i took 11 energy he gets a water which is a three not horrible [Music] 7 13 and 4. we got some water uh and actually a seven of water is perfect so let's put a seven here we circle the water and we give him this schedule again well that's only two points for him but takes away my ability to get it okay we've got another water seven or ten of water um i'm gonna need to make a break in here because that's a five up to a seven i'm not going to fit a six on that whole thing um but i also now can go anywhere in here so maybe we do a oh we need to get this robot here so do i want a 7 or a nine let's put a seven [Music] right here and we'll get the robot so he gets water oh double energy that's always bad because i do not want to give him energy so i probably want to take an 11 or a 5 if possible um 550 oh it can't fit in there only is six fits in there right now so we'll do five here and circle energy okay and we've got another energy so we we are able to uh put a thing but that's a six that's the six we wanted to fit in here um shoot i guess we're not getting that six what i want to use 14 or 11. um [Music] i'm kind of into trouble here because i only got 13 1450 and i don't really think about that but i think we can probably stick of an 11 maybe right here and do 11 energy and that gives us a block and let's do a block like right here oh that's that might be trouble because now i can only this last leaf if i put a number in there so i've got to remember that all right so we took an 11 energy okay a one robot 12 leaf six leaf i want to get this last robot so i want a 12 or six and remember i have no the robots you can put anywhere let's get the 12 yeah 12 with a robot and that's the last one so we circle this okay and because i got the higher reward for that robot i get two of these remember i can use those to avoid giving him a card okay i think we're good there so i'm getting 10 times 3 already so that's 30 points sounds good that's nice to have early on um more energy here a two and a seven uh two would fit here but then i have to get a one with the water uh seven could maybe fit in here what are we doing like one two there's only seven numbers in there so i could put the seven like here and then get an energy and robot's fine to give him ooh here's some good numbers nice extreme numbers okay um 2 would be great but a 15 would also be nice only if we had a water it would even be even better um [Music] but i could put a 15 here to get the max out on that or by the moon [Music] um yeah that would work because that could go 15 leaf so let's put a 15 here right on the moon and then i'm in this section so i'm free to circle this okay so we've now done one full satellite that's good and i took 15 leaf i'm not going to have any of these scheduling things left this could be trouble all right here we go if i want water i'm looking at an 8 or an 11. um eight water is perfect let's put that right there and oops i'm okay giving him this robot i feel like i'm doing good given astra cards um let's see i don't know um five water no we can't we only can have a six in there until we split it this has to be a nine or a ten we could do this five water or the energy i think we need the energy so it's a five or six with the energy uh six works so let's put a six here six energy yep and that allows me to put a third line and we need to break up this guy here so let's break that up right here okay so that was six energy okay so we saw aster c oops that's off the camera um aster c does nothing the first time you see it so that just goes into the discord path remember next time we see it it will flip over the or take out the biggest number on the c um flip over right yeah okay it's hard to remember which things are dry erase okay you don't want to like mark on a card that's not and have it be permanent anyway oh the 15 is great but it's on energy um [Music] we need to get some more leafs but also i need to start using these calendars here [Music] and both of my sixes i think i need water with so we could do 15 oh yeah 15 so i give him a leaf yeah that's fine so 15 with a calendar yeah let's do that right here so 15 what the calendar lets me just make sure it allows you to fill in an additional space the same turn besides the space which you've written down the number of your number of combinations do that you can write down an x in any empty space of your choice okay so you put an x where you're kind of like struggling to fit something in [Music] and i think i'm going to do an x right well look at these i need a section of six four and two this is already a six and this could be a two [Music] um and then i'll need a four somewhere done i made that a three i'd have to like do something there where do i just need an x then i don't really need one so maybe i switch it up and do 15 with a leaf instead uh and where did i put the 15 i put it here so i can get this is the only one in this section yeah so you get one of these okay keep going oh astra a so a i have to block off one of the max spaces so let's go ahead and take out this six right here or is it the highest it might be the highest remaining one which will suck oh no it's gonna be that nine let's see [Music] so you see after effect either a or b choose a space station with the highest multiplier still available it's not that one is this one so the nine is out of play okay what do we want here um still looking for some low ones here but anything lower than a six would be great there we don't see any water um if i play in this section i can get another plant a four will work oh but that is the plant uh a nine will work too yeah okay so nine with plants and next there's astro b so that's going to take off ah bummer the 8. okay lots of energy out here seven or an eleven i can only play 10 right there until i split this um i could just take the six and use one of my bonus things to prevent him from getting the energy i might have to uh we could just play an 11 right here do an 11 right there and we'll do i need some robots to get out to the space station but i think i want power or lightning bolts okay ooh more energy and water and energy oh these kind of it's a tough round um let's look at our water first because those seem to be in tough combinations so if i want water it's a 7 or a 10 that one doesn't work this one works perfect yes let's do a 10 with water so now we've got two in a row so we're on our way for getting that one okay so we have a ton of water and i will use one of my bonuses to take this one and this one goes out of the game not in the discord pile but completely out of the game oh more double energy that's where all the energy was that we were looking for to be in the game um four is great for us a i could go either here or there i think we'll play it right is it 5 or 12 any better no so 4 here and do i want the leaf i don't want the energy i want the energy so that crosses off another energy and um yeah i'm okay given that where do we want to put the mark um we need a six a four and a two one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven dang i did not plan these out very well one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven no i made them all odd but these are all in even increments um i think we need to split a two here and a 6 here that's their last 2 and we won't be able to get the 4 if we do that oh man i was not planning this very well um ok if i only have two more sections nope i can't get it i cannot get that achievement dang it hmm where [Music] oh i'm gonna have to put an x there because we've already got a nine and a ten but that's going to be nice for our longest uh longest thing so maybe we'll leave that open if we can get all the way completed that'd be great um [Music] so maybe i don't need another split i guess if we do this it makes our water a little bit easier to get because we can put kind of like any numbers in there okay last three cards first round we've got astronaut lightning bolt or robot i need a robot so three or nine three here oh no that's water i need an x there i could put a nine up here um i could take the robot to manipulate something but i don't see a good way to do that unless i really wanted an eight um i could get yeah well let me allow me to go wild if i get two of those but i think the three is okay let's do a three here and we'll do that with robots so we will which one are we going for this one i think i'm supposed to circle the robot but you know what i mean it works oh and we don't want to give them energy so we're going to have to burn our second advantage okay end of the first round um so we are we have two watered things so we need two more water things quickly as possible and then we need two more leafs in that section and that's that's actually bad because we only have two more spots uh-oh that didn't work out very well did it all right well let's see what happens there's a good 15 coming out 15 1 and 1. oh my goodness that is great to see um let's see i need water there so it's not gonna work water there water there so i think the one has to go here on the earth and we will make it we want robots energy i mean i like robots but i don't want to get him give him six points i think i'm forced to do energy that kind of sucks all right here's a plant hopefully this works oh man so he's gonna flip over card b which is fine because we couldn't even achieve that one anyway uh here's some good plants hopefully one of these will work for us um oh oh no we can't even place any there that has to be an x so yeah we cannot complete this space station so we need to start with another one this is the smallest one it only has three and we can play something between three and six or something iron in twelve nothing works there we could do a two here to get one of these leafs um and there's only two robots to get there so that's not an actual bad one or we just go eight robots and say screw this card for now that's tough um i'm gonna do two lose the water gain a leaf oh we don't even have enough spaces to complete this we're not going to complete that um so does that change my mind i don't think this is the only one that's even possible to finish and this these numbers don't work at all for it um yeah so let's just do an 8 up here and we will take that with robots let's do these ones since we already have some points out there we need a multiplier for all right here's hopefully these leafs work better not really remember we needed something between three and six or higher than 12 and we did not achieve that and we don't have any water um [Music] shoot this is getting tough at the end of the game i wish i had some of these wilds unlocked but i think i guess we need to go for the robot we want 8 or an 11. we could put an 8 up here without losing access to water sure and then we're getting robots so we completed this space station so we'll get the uh six multiplier for that so that's 12 points maybe more if we're able to get something there and this was eight over once yep okay we got some water does any of it work uh seven or nine of water we're looking up here this has to be lower than three this has to be yeah oh well seven and nine are actually both perfect so let's do the seven yeah seven here with water give him the nine okay oh we got the three but it has the water symbol on it dang it um i think i need to use the space stations to get the wilds to be able to use the x because i think i put like every single schedule action in here that is no good um we could get a size four down here oh maybe we can get this because i still have two more crossover two and off of six so yeah we actually could do that um yeah so let's do 14 it's not oh yeah it is water or do we want a space station now now let's use water it's four points that works okay oh here's a schedule we need to use this so do you want an 11 or an 8 i prefer an 11 so i don't have to give them those points 11 would go there not there not there so 11 can only go here and 8 could go here and that is it ah it sucks because that would be a run of four water we could still get this one if we find a very low water but i need to put an x here so let's go ahead and do the 11 here lose the water points but we're using the schedulers in x i've got one of those all right here's some water low number low number low number no that's not a low number which sucks because i could have gotten that one with the 10 or the 12 of water okay we can get one down here and still kind of be in the running um or we could do another split that's probably fine so do a 13 with energy and we'll cross off right here to get our two and then we just need one more cross off to get the six and then i think we have it okay oh that was a painful one given four points all right where are these going to show up here um anything goes here so we could do that there's no possible leafs so we could take the astronaut but if we're taking the astronaut we can modify this is in any way we want i think i want to leave this open because i can put anything higher than a 3 there [Music] could put something in between 5 and 11 i would use it i would waste the water uh but that is kind of all i've got my only option there um remember the game ends when this deck and when i fill up my whole board or when the deck empties or when someone does all three of these so i guess astra technically could flip all three of these and then the game um yeah i guess let's do a can i manipulate that all the way up to an 11 or down to a two yes i know to finish the oh no i need i need this water i have to have this water so let's just fill in this one with a nine yeah let's just do a nine with an astronaut okay power power robot um i've reached both the space stations that i've got leaves for so i don't think i need robots anymore so i'm looking at a 7 or a 12. 12 would go here 7 to go here but we're really limiting ourselves at that point so at 12. oh that water was gone and that water is now gone uh 12 of energy so our second last one there figure like we're bound to see an astro card here soon right um 15 is awesome 15 with water oh no we need low water um put anything here oh yeah i could get a six with energy so we'll put a six here with energy as our last energy symbol and that's going to split up one two three four five six so now we have a section of two a section of four and a section of six which completes this mission here uh which we had six points for and that's mission b oops right there okay what did we use we use six of energy we are kind of limited we need less than a three or higher than a 13 or we cannot place so we'll get system errors here that's a system error okay um what's best to give him that one by far all right come on greater than 13 or less than four oh wow this is this is bad i'm getting energy symbols but there are no more to receive so all right one more chance are we in the game here lower than 3 or greater than 13. what are the odds seriously what's our third system here oh that's just that's just bad because now i didn't finish this section so i don't get all those points lose 15 here all right let's score it we did not finish a we did not finish c um space station one nothing space station do nothing space station three we got six times two is 12. uh space station 4 we got 10 times 4 is 40. that's nice so that is 52. you guys see the scoring oh let me raise it up a little bit okay water we got a six point here seven that's uh 13 what's this one 19 plus 5 24 plus 4 is 28 in water hopefully i didn't miss any that looks right okay uh largest completed section looks like this one actually which is just six oh it's such a bummer because this would have been six seven eight nine ten eleven we lost five points by not getting that one so this is six points there uh do we have more completed sections than he has energy pairs i don't think i gave him a single energy card let me do it on this side yeah he has no energy at all okay so we did get max on that one no matter what so that's 20 and then minus 15 and our final score uh this would be 7 uh 80 100 106 91 let's just check that one more time so 50 70 80 100 85 91 yup so we got 91. let's fill in his scores so i'm going to move my board just to the side real quick we need to separate out his cards i think my strategy was not the best skipping over those x's when i could have just used them to fill in stuff all right so he got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten robots for 20. no energy one two three four five six seven oh i feel like that's bad eight leafs thirty two these pens are not fine enough three water for nine four astronauts for 12. you guys already doing the math see if he's beating me two three four five six scheduling for 12 as well okay then he's gonna get five points just for the mission and then four points for his difficulty and his final score is gonna be 20 52 61 70 not good 85 94. are you kidding me 94 to 91. dang it that's a bummer we were we're really close just trying to think if there's anywhere that i missed a point uh but i don't think i did unless my water count was off that's the only thing i can think of um six that's a seven right now six thirteen 19 24 28 yep okay well that is the end of the game let's read our uh thing oops let's hit this book so we're going to 138 it says uh captain decay if you won the game go to 134 otherwise go to 120. ugh i don't like losing guys moon landing confirmed welcome to the moon we have stayed on schedule even if my performance was not the best it's important to keep in mind that we are a team united survival of humankind the player who won the game becomes a new captain gets the captain card and carries on reading player won the game or no one stars indicated on the venture sheet save the game on the dashboard note the number of stars you earned record the current captain write down as well the number of this chapter to save your campaign starting here all right and there's no more there's no rules with if i lose right i don't think i ever read that because i never assumed to read um let's go back to just the astra rules do i just complete or do i have to redo it um okay calculus restore okay yeah i don't i don't really say what to do if you lose so i think we just lose we don't get a star so today is i don't even remember july something no stars and then chapter 120. all right well that was adventure two mission two uh come back and we're gonna play the colony next time and uh hopefully we do a little bit better i mean that was not horrible we only lost by three points if we would have finished this even if we just put an x here or any number like when i had this three if i just filled that in i think we would have won if i would use any number of x's we only need three more spaces to fill in so that was that was bad on my fault but uh the thing about this campaign is you're you're playing it fresh you don't really have any strategies built in if i played this again i have no doubt that i could i could beat the level four difficulty astra um just now knowing what i do about how they're going to remove the highest so i probably want to get don't want to go for the two highest and go for the lower so i can get more of these you know things like that um anyway come back next time and we'll try out mission three thanks for watching guys it's been ron with solo operative games subscribe my channel like the uh liked video and see future ron guys as i was getting ready to put up the game i noticed i didn't transfer these six points down and you guys are probably like look at those six points 97 we win just to make sure so it's 52 80 100 112 so yeah 97 points we beat you so we do get a star oh now i've got this rule sheet it's all messed up i have to reprint a new one but we did not lose i'm just i'm just an idiot with calculating score so thanks for sticking around bye
Channel: Solooperative Games
Views: 50
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sjurIhAve0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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