Welcome To Our Home | 7llin’ in the DREAM | EP. 1

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So SM’s really gonna be a bitch starting this series with DEAR DREAM huh 😩

Also I feel like this trip was exactly what the Dreamies needed before a busy work season. I felt healed just by watching 💚

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/unicornstakingover 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was so fun! Somehow Jaemin not carrying anything with him and Renjun packing 13467 extra unneeded things are both such mood.

Poor Jeno how will he sleep in that dog house😂 Also Jaemsung back to sleeping in bunk beds together. The house is so pretty. Mark chef is next episode and i can't wait!

Edit - watched the episode a second time and realised Haechan keeps a first aid medicine kit in his bag. That's very good! 👏👏👏

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/Epii_curious 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Dear Dream as an intro with images of happy 7Dream hits hard

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/NCTEAY 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jisung having forgotten (and probably expired) things in his bag was the most relatable thing. Also I love how Haechan is such an evil maknae in NCT Life with 127 but here he happily took the single bed and made sure chenji had the best beds.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/unrequited_comment 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jeno has that contraption that lets you use two headphones on a single device. (❁´◡`❁)

Haechan is just a natural MC he just takes over without prompting lol

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Reasonable1323 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Also whoever said if Jaemin grew up in America he’d probably be a stoner was absolutely spot on lol. My dude is always no thoughts head empty just vibes haha and that’s why he’s my bias 💚

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/unicornstakingover 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

The first NCT Dream variety show as 7 after almost 5 years I'm crying. This is the type of variety show I miss from them

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/procariotics_234 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Poor Jeno 😂😂😂 he was like "did I do something wrong?" That doggie house looks small and it's going to be a pain fitting your legs in there 🤣🤣

The ping pong racket Jeno bought seems to be useful as seen in the episode 2 preview xD

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/neocitywayv 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Finally a feel-good travel variety for 7DREAM T______T That intro with Dear DREAM hit hard T____________T

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/mujisano 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
(7llin' in the Dream) (JAEMIN) (JENO) (JISUNG) (RENJUN) (CHENLE) (MARK) (HAECHAN) (7llin' in the Dream) (Ep.1-Welcome to our home) RENJUN Come fast - I don't like foot volleyball - Don't make me mad (Sad...) Come now Pass - Why is this fun? - It's fun Tap Why didn’t you catch it? Argh Do you not like exercising? I like dancing Dancing is exercising Tap Tap - CHENLE, pass - Wait (That's too far) You can't do it.. it's too far - Argh - You are good (So big) Wow JENO Look at the inside.. wow That too.. Is that place ours too? (Of course) Yes It's really nice It's so nice Wow Let's look in the house - Let's take a look - So nice Let's play Owner? (Are you) Are you the owner? By the way (Not the owner) I'm.. just living here - Hi, guys - Bye I'm today's tour guide, HAECHAN, are you all here? (Rebellious) No - Okay, JENO? - Here - MARK? - Here JISUNG? (Up high) Wow CHENLE? RENJUN? Here - Okay, you are all here - What about JAEMIN? (JAEMIN) He isn't here (Lee HAECHAN..) Lee.. - Okay, everyone, come in - Okay Wow this is so cool (Tour guide) Can I keep my shoes on? - Yes - No What do you see in the front? - Piano - What do you see here? That's Dongwon tuna Wait, this is almost... my dream house (The tour starts) Okay, guys, come here first - The house of your dreams? - Yes (Checking the fridge) It's nice (Peeled onion) HAECHAN, you can have just this today Wow Get yourself together (Won't open) Huh...? This must be where.. you prepare breakfast - Oh - Right, sorry, sorry, sorry Right, sorry, that was intentional.. I mean not intentional (Pain without sound) Argh... This really doesn't work You stupid, look - I'm sure there's a button - There should be a button It just means we aren't allowed to open it - We opened it just now - We opened it (Open) (Open2) ..Okay, so this is where you'll make food today - Wow what? - You make it for us Okay, what room could there be to our right? Wow (It's your place) JENO - This really is awesome - It's JENO bed - This is the bed for JENO - Wow so cute (Loving it) I honestly like this.. We'll decide who will use this bed by playing a game later You got that? Yes Okay good, let's go out now Okay next, should we eat a mango together? - No - Cut it for us (Quickly) Let's go to the 2nd floor Before going to the 2nd floor, let me go to the room next to this We'll use this room later as well - Let's separate - Sure, you can go up.. Wow by the way - Wow wow - Wow it's big Wow.. It has karaoke Wow I see a game machine - There's a guitar here too - Wow wow (Snacks) Fight me Let's play games here later (Ddororong ddororong) Wow So cool (Fun, fun) This is defective Also, to the side, there's karaoke Next, JAEMIN will sleep on this sofa today, give him a hand Okay - Hey - Here's a mirror Nice So noisy.. argh.. CHENLE, CHENLE, CHENLE (Tambourine sound) Are we doing karaoke already? This place is big (Focused) - It must be hard to clean this place - I wish this were our dorm JISUNG, teach me Halli Galli Let's go Chu, chu, chu, chewing gum Whoa Ahh... (Have fun) Ehhhh You made the black sneakers stop just now Just try it Why did they rent this place? It's my house We should decide the rooms and there are (many) beds Someone may get to use a super large bed by himself Some people may need to share a tiny bed Some may have to sleep on the floor Some may have to sleep in the hammock at the swimming pool Can you sleep standing? (Places for sleeping) Pretty nice We keep things fair, right? - We do? - To make it fair... should we make it in age order? (Haha) - That sounds nice - ..Hey - What should we do? - That sounds nice What game should we play? If we do this in age order... If it's in age order, you are second - Yes, I'm second - I'm third Why..? (Sad) What do you mean why? Let's make it fair and play rock, paper, scissors Seriously... Should we make it super intense? - I like rock, paper, scissors - Make it intense? No, no.. Let's not do that, let's make who wins the game of rock, paper, scissors - decide the order - The winner will decide the order Let's do rock, paper, scissors (Hahaha) Are we really playing rock, paper, scissors? You lose if you don't play, rock, paper, scissors Rock, paper, scissors - Woah - Argh The 1st place will decide everything You lose if you don't play, rock, paper, scissors Wow (Huh?) Oh.. why did I play just now? But you lost He already played - It's fine, it's fine - Played what? JAEMIN played.. Be quiet (From now on) It's HAECHAN Do we really have to decide it like this? - Yes - That was a practice round What? Why do we need to practice? (Bed on the 1st floor) JENO will be in that dog house JENO for the dog house Wait.. It makes no sense - The dog house looked pretty nice - It makes no sense Who wants to sleep by the window in that white bed? (Silent) RENJUN can sleep there That place is the worst What's worst about it is the morning (Sunshine attack) No curtains? Silent Okay (Silent) If you are done, come over there I may change it to a better place - Do as I say - Yes, sir First, RENJUN will get the bed by the window for now JENO will get the doggie house Raise your hand if you want to sleep on the single bed over there Which single bed? I'll sleep there, I'll go there Wait a second Don't be in rush (Haha.. Haha...) Do you want me to peel you a banana? If he says what I don't want, don't look at him in the eyes JAEMIN can use the single bed Oh You can come over here He's the king.. do I need to bow down to HAECHAN? JAEMIN's..beloved.. CHENLE can sleep in the bed next to it No, no, no The double bed? No, no, no - Wait - Huh? JISUNG can sleep on the double bed next to it Okay I'll let you use a big bed - So nice, so nice - Come over here Okay, next This is super nice In the list... the doggie house wasn't a choice It was - It was...? - It was, it was No, there were 3 (king size) Be quiet Was it really there...? Which beds are left? (Sensitive touch) (The remaining ones are) The biggest bed at the bottom The bottom of bunk bed There are 2 bunk beds - I told him the information.. - I thought I'm staying there You can go over there, CHENLE, come here That.. that, you know the single room with one large bed - Wait.. seriously wait - Okay then Okay Can we make any final argument? Be quiet CHENLE and JISUNG can use the bunk bed Go over there, the bunk bed It's important who uses the top bed and who uses the lower bed Do you want to go to the top or bottom? Wait... What's a bunk bed? - Bunk bed - Bunk Bed Huh..? (Glaring) Do you want to go to the top or bottom? I don't care Go to the top Yes, I'm at the bottom - By..by the way.. - Be quiet (Sniff) No JENO can still go to the doggie house JAEMIN, come here, RENJUN, come here RENJUN, where do you want to go? I regret coming Something's confusing - This looks fine to eat.. - Over there? I regret coming (Yes, sir) Yes.. I want to go back On that white bed, (The original place) RENJUN can go there (Bribing) (Rejecting) Sigh, seriously.. - MARK, where do you want to go? - Me..? - Over there (double bed) - There? JAEMIN can go there (Hahaha) Then, that (single) is empty again That's empty, how's that place for you? Would you like that place or the large bed at the bottom? - What? Do I get a double bed? - I like a large bed better You can use that (single bed) So that is it for the beds Applause - What about you then? - Will you sleep on the sofa? I get the biggest bed at the bottom Aha... Isn't that obvious? Will I be next to that.. That is obvious in the doggie house? There's a doggie there, I'll feed it dog food in the morning I still get a double bed Is the bunk bed at the same place as the doggie house..? No, it's not JISUNG and CHENLE will use the bunk bed Okay JENO will use the doggie house Then, next, JAEMIN will use the double one What did I do wrong? MARK will get the single bed, RENJUN will get a single bed I'll get the biggest bed What did I do wrong? If I were you, I'd put all 7 over there and sleep here by myself Okay, be quiet But I kind of wanted to sleep in the doggie house It gives privacy protection Do you want to switch with me? Why do you need privacy when you are sleeping? I'm scared you may keep your mouth open (Want to switch?) I like the doggie house - No switching - The bunk bed is worse - Okay, CHENLE, come over here - Why? - CHENLE, do you want to use the biggest place? - Yes Okay Then, CHENLE can go to the biggest place Wow (Blank stare) Okay, my favorite, JAEMIN and JISUNG can go to the bunk bed (Excited) Wow I'll go to the single bed instead Hahaha Wow give a hand - Why is he so nice? - What? Why? - Why is he so nice? - What? What? - It's fun - It's confusing Say the final decision I'll finalize the decision, JISUNG and JAEMIN for the bunk bed Okay, bunk bed Who is at the top? (Stream of consciousness) That's pretty JAEMIN can decide that, top or bottom? I should decide that (Taking a banana) Decide only this, top or bottom? Do you want me to smack you with a banana? - Top or bottom? Top or bottom? - What? I don't care You can go at the top (Dizzy...) RENJUN can go at the end over there That bed, which reminds me of RENJUN Next, MARK can go to the double bed Wow Then, JENO will go to the doggie house - CHENLE will go to the bed in front of it - Yes Then, I'll get the single bed Give an applause (Clapping...) - HAECHAN - He's so nice That's nice, I love this No wonder It's perfectly tailored Now... Let's check the baggage Is this a training camp? I've never.. been to a camp in Korea Should we look at the bag in the front first? Whose is it? - I don't know - You can tell it's MARK's (Sniffing) (Ew) It's MARK (Hahaha) (Hahaha) Okay, RENJUN, do the honor Could this be.. Hey, hey, hey.. You should've taken it out, why did you put it in here? Why wouldn't you? Why wouldn't you? I needed to put it in a bag.. (How would I take it out?) Why did he take out - an underwear as soon as we started? - A receipt Sorry This is nice underwear (Receipt) You only ripped the part with price (Hahaha) I really took out just the price (Like MARK) Let's make it realistic You agree, right? This is real stuff (Onlookers) (Analyzing the receipts) Don't look at the wallet What are you doing? Here's a wallet Next, face mask, that's a must Next, what's this, guys? - Contacts - Aren't they sunglasses? What's this..? - Toothpaste - Toothpaste.. Okay.. Toothpaste Why toothpaste.. what? - Hand sanitizer - Hand sanitizer is important Should we use that while we are at it? What's this? - What is it? - Glasses, glasses But there are no glasses in here...? (Huh..?) It's in there - It's there - I saw it (Almost had a heart attack) Oh my goodness.. I put it there It's there - I seriously was so shocked.. - Are the glasses this narrow? I folded it, don't be old-fashioned It's there, I see Okay, next - What's this? Explain - Vitamins, vitamins Why do you want to be healthy? Why be healthy by yourself? - It looks good though - This is quiet embarrassing - It looks good? - Next, what is this? - A charger - That's the most important So we took a look at MARK's - uninteresting bag - Okay, okay, I'm glad Next, bring your bag, RENJUN Here it is - I didn't clean up my bag at all - I don't bring a bag unless I'm going somewhere for traveling - First.. - First, it's pretty heavy (Heavy) You can see that (RENJUN) he brought a lot of things.. Why would you.. this bag is nice to carry for traveling Wait, are you okay with this? - Yes, what's the issue? - Sigh... A braces case Please (Hahaha) Let's not show this Why not? Perfume It's a perfume (My bag) Mine is super realistic He has 3 of these at the dorm Mine was really realistic too - Medicines.. medicines and - Things like lotion and lip balm This is a bit... Pfft.. I'm worried if it's fine Let me see Pumpkin extract Pumpkin extract I had my wisdom tooth removed recently, so my face is very puffed up It is? Next, this is a must have item for modern people Not having this can cause a lot of trouble - It can - You may feel impatient Extra battery Okay, next Okay, dips A gift for CHENLE Argh That's my wallet "Yijjana" What's that? It's perfume too, it's solid perfume - Oh - Why do you have so many perfumes? So cool This is how you use it Aha What's this? I brought it especially for today I thought we'd do camping related things A scented candle? I brought them for nice fragrances (So cool) You can go like this and it will make things smell nice Wow - At night - So cool, where did you buy that? He has all sorts of things It's nice, he's so modern Actually, because of this.. Is he not done yet? This is the source of many problems Why does it cause so many problems? This caused a lot of problems No matter how much you speak he won't listen Aha AirPods are very important He carries so many things, it must be heavy What's next? He has things like green tea and vitamins He has so many things - Let's each take one before we start - Seriously, he's so cool Okay, that's it We just took a look at RENJUN's bag which was so so I'll look forward to seeing yours We have to clean all this up now, seriously Okay, let's look at CHENLE's So cool It's set up very CHENLE-like It's not organized Okay first A face mask, which is most important these days Okay, next This is as if.. you put all the toiletry in one place - Tissues - Cleansing tissues Are they cleansing tissues? Those are nice I try to remove my makeup as soon as possible Also, I've noticed this has been upgrading CHENLE's fashion lately - What could it be? - Sunglasses? Headset Did you have to say it like that? What's that? Film a commercial right now This is what I do CHENLE, can you hear me? AirPods, volume at max (Hahaha) CHENLE is so clever you guys What could it be? Speaker Whoa I love that - We already have one - Hey, hey It's different It's different, you know Also, CHENLE is a great singer, a good dancer, he's attractive in many ways Right That must be why he brought many hats Is this.. a radio show? CHENLE's You think of this when you think about CHENLE Extra battery He brought a small one Toothbrush Where is toothpaste? I'm sure someone here.. brought a toothpaste.. Everyone may have thought the same as you did Right I did too (JENO's bag) It's the most dangerous bag in the world I have a feeling he'd have dumbbell in here Dumbbell What could be in here? It's a bit fat First of all, we have popcorn Popcorn - Wow so cute - Why is it in there? Okay, next Cute As I've mentioned before, this has caused a lot of trouble AirPods & face mask I wore it before Next, face mask Okay, next - JENO is a celebrity, indeed - We think a lot Hat Okay, next Okay, next, cell phone charger - Great - That's a nice good one Yes, it's fast Okay, next - Is it fast? Really? - Yes The members have been using this a lot lately - This is... - He's making us.. get excited As someone who used it a lot before, - I can say that it's effective - What is it? - What is it? - Let's guess, let's guess A toothbrush - Give us a hint - A hint? You do this after you shower Lotion Body lotion Wrong - Aroma? - Wrong - Oh - Hair treatment? That's right Huh? - Okay, next - This feels like an infomercial It's so fumy Argh (Peekaboo) Ew - Socks - Those are mine - I forgot to bring socks - Me neither Dips Dips Okay Why do I get so many wallets? Okay, next Who are we? What do we do for a living? We are singers - Right - Here are earphones - That's important - (Earphones) They aren't It's a trap - There are no earphones in it - Hey, hey, hey, hey - This is something else - Right, right It allows two headphones to be connected to one audio jack - You wanted to listen with me, didn't you? - Isn't it mine..? Isn't that mine..? I had it since some time ago So I brought it Wow.. that was smooth, that felt pretty smooth Okay, next - I forget - I think it's mine, it looks like mine What's this? You don't wear glasses, you got Lasik... - No lens - I took out the lens It's fine - Those are glasses I used to wear - Cute So there's that Next, what else? There is a toothbrush, toothpaste, and hand cream Okay, next..? He knows how to have a good time traveling for sure I never expected he'd carry this around It's a ping-pong racket Wow (Hahaha) Why would you carry a ping-pong racket? You got to win this time That's classy - You didn't you bring a ping-pong ball - Why so serious? That is it for seeing what's in JENO's bag It ended in JENO-like way I wish we find a rice paddle like MARK did before (Memories) Rice paddle I just remembered you gave it to me - I did? - Don't you remember? It was so useless so I just put it in a bag - but I never took it out - Here is JISUNG's bag Actually, since long ago, JISUNG carried a bag as big as himself I never organize what's in my bag Me neither Let's take a look First A hoodie with a zipper Oh? You need that when you travel It's so pretty, who bought it for you? Okay, next Gum I'm taking that Confiscate that - A selfie stick? - It's a selfie stick You brought it for Work It, right? That's where it was I just found that, so that's where it was Okay, next JISUNG, you can't bring this here You shouldn't have done this Extra battery We all brought that Pass Pen, toothpaste, pass Why did you bring a pen? You never know who will ask JINSUNG for his autograph... That's what it's for Celebrity (Confused) He's a professional I probably ran out of ink You need to always be prepared for NCTzen That's how often he signed his autograph Hes a pro - That's cool - Okay, next JISUNG also brought cleansing tissues He has only few left It's a bit dry Also, receipts - Wait, wait, why is that there? - What did you buy? What? Okay, next - He has so many things - Oil paper - He never opened it even - When did he buy that? 2 years ago, 2 years go Dips Dips No Card wallet that JAEMIN gifted him Okay, next, we have more earphones Yes, yes Earphones, receipts Why do you put all your receipts in the bag? Okay, so we are now done looking at JISUNG's bag - Clean it up now - Argh Okay, next - It's my bag - Are you guys matching? He copied me - They are not the same.. are they? - Mine is much prettier No, mine is much prettier First of all, - I have a face mask, of course - I see you brought some for us too (Um no) Yes, there are only 4 For 4 members Here's a bag and you know I have a wallet, dips, dips, it's mine (A bit late) Dips.. Let me say that for yours - HAECHAN needs it so much - There's nothing fun in it A shaver - What? What? - I heard he bought them for today Try the sunglasses on I bought these for today since I don't wear them very often You bought them for today? - Yes, I wanted to wear them today - Really? Tomorrow morning to be precise Oh really? (Trying it on...) You should throw them out (A cool teddy bear) CHENLE, you try it too His facial expression Nice But you don't have that many things A charger (Curious) This is my first-aid medicine - What.. what's this? - Eye drops - Aha - What about this? I got it for free... There's a bag here It's a useful bag, I bring only useful things - Good job - What was in the plastic bag? Medicine Aha Who's next? Okay, next bag, please - I'm most excited for this - JAEMIN JAEMIN's The bag is here Where is your bag? Did he not bring one? This is what you call useful One Two Three Wow (Hahaha) AirPod case, wow so pretty (Hahahaha) What? Did you not bring a bag? JAEMIN never carries a bag What will you do after shower? I can just go and buy things You didn't bring your wallet though - I don't even need a wallet - That's so convenient Your phone must be your wallet That's right So clean Okay, so that's it for what's in NCT DREAM members' bags (JAEMIN) Is he done? - I'm done - Give a hand I think we left someone out Honestly speaking, aren't you all hungry? - Super hungry, super hungry - Honestly, I'm super hungry - I'm hungry, I'm hungry - Let's eat Okay then, let's choose someone too cook - Who will cook... - Rock, paper, scissors? While someone cooks, let the rest of us do something else How should we decide? First, JISUNG.. (Understood) JISUNG and MARK shouldn't cook First off.. - What do you want to eat? - I shouldn't cook either What do you want? Kimchi fried rice Kimchi fried rice No For ramyeon.. HAECHAN is the best at cooking ramyeon I want steak Eat that somewhere else That's for dinner What about pasta? - That's for early in the morning - We should decide on the menu Let's leave MARK and JISUNG out What can we eat right now? Ramyeon with onion We need to use the ingredients we got Shouldn't we just decide based on that? I know who's perfect for that (HAECHAN) Right, HAECHAN is perfect for it No, let's play rock, paper, scissors to choose 2 people - and they can cook whatever - Okay, okay You lose if you don't play, You lose if you don't play, rock, paper, scissors Rock, paper, scissors Rock, paper, scissors Rock, paper, scissors Shoot It won't end Rock, paper, scissors, shoot - Yes, man - Yesss The two of them should cook... Okay You lose if you don't play, rock, paper, scissors (MARK lost) Wow.. Wow.. Wow I'm doomed Yes, MARK But he shouldn't cook though You lose if you don't play, rock, paper, scissors (Bitter...) Wait, wait, honestly tough, let's let HAECHAN cook - Hey, JENO.. - No, no (Feeling worried) It won't be edible Wait, just trust MARK and JENO, this is how it should be - Trust MARK and JENO - Let me say it right now I would like to skip lunch today I'll help you out, I'll help once in a while We need to follow the rules Let's go downstairs Dudu dudu du - Go down, please - I'll have to sleep in the dog house too.. (Hahaha) - I'll have to cook too.. - JISUNG, what should we do to have fun? Take a nap Take a nap? I should take a look at my room (A nap time for the winners) Let's cook (Haha...) (Got a banana) Wow I love this place JISUNG, are you really eating a banana? Yes, I really wanted it Isn't this what it is? We can just add water in it You can put water and heat it up (Army stew) It's the same as ramyeon - Boil this too then - It's not the same... - This to - Okay, you got this - Are you making army stew? - Let's have ramyeon for dinner Ramyeon for dinner? - Are we eating ramyeon now? - What about meat? Isn't it better to eat army stew with meat? Okay, then, let's do this, for lunch, let's eat spicy noodles with whelk - That sounds nice - Good, right? - Spicy noodles with whelk - For lunch? Yes How do you make spicy noodles with whelk? You can just wash the whelk and put it in spicy noodles Okay Whelk, hey.. (Confused) (Making noises) I'll use all of these (all 5), okay? You should What in the world are you doing? Are you sure you are doing this right? Why did you line them up? It's falling all What's "yangpun"? Should we wash the whelk once? You can just use it as is It's fine since it's canned Wow It screams summer Spicy noodles was an ingenious choice Super good Find the one that went far away 2:1 What are you doing? That's out It fell right here MARK was there, why is it out? It's not out, it's not out Just let it go
Channel: NCT DREAM
Views: 4,241,047
Rating: 4.9915199 out of 5
Keywords: NCT, NCTDREAM, 엔시티, 엔시티드림, 7llin_in_the_DREAM, 칠링인더드림, MARK, HAECHAN, RENJUN, CHENLE, JENO, JAEMIN, JISUNG, 맛, #맛_HotSauce, #NCTDREAM_맛_HotSauce, NCTDREAM_칠링인더드림
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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