Welcome To My World | 2021 Home Office Tour

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[Music] hey what's going on guys so i actually have a really busy week i have a bunch of appointments i need to work on my next js course so i don't have time to do to put together a project for a tutorial but i did want to do something i haven't done in quite a while and that's a setup tour a home home office tour whatever you want to call it and basically just bring you guys into my world and show you you know what i do where i work and and what i use and kind of a little bit of my process and a little bit of my hobbies and so on and uh and i do this for a few reasons one i just enjoy doing it i enjoy watching set up videos myself i love technology i love gadgets but more importantly i like to do it for kind of an inspiration because for those of you that don't know kind of my back story i didn't grow up with money i didn't grow up getting things handed to me and i fell into a cycle of drug addiction i was in and out of detoxes i was in and out of jail i was homeless i've i've been you know to points where i wanted to take my own life so i've been rock bottom and um i was able to really turn things around when i found out i was going to be a dad and i had to you know i was i was going to be responsible for another human being so i ended up finding something i really enjoyed which was programming and i just dove head first into that and i became successful i really excelled i was able to start my own business was able to get a job as a developer and then ultimately was able to become a teacher and start creating content which is what i do now and um and i just like to share my story not not to to put the focus on me but just to give other people inspiration and obviously i know there's people that are in even lower places than i was back then but it can be done and i just like to kind of be an example of that all right so enough with the mushy stuff i just wanted to kind of pre pre preface that uh preface this video with that so you don't think i'm just some dude showing off my stuff all right so let's go ahead and get into it all right guys so we have quite a bit to go through so i'm gonna try to go kind of fast i'm not gonna explain every little you know specification of every item or anything like that so basically this right side of the basement is like the play area the theater and then on the left is the workstation there's basically two workstations here which i'm going to go over so we'll start over here this is the windows pc so we have the windows on the side and then the mac on the other side and i use this station for pretty much everything just email social media i do code here i do a lot of research i do you know creating tutorial projects for youtube and so on um so we'll start off with the desk itself which is an uplift desk it's a it's a sit stand desk it's a mechanical and it's a 72 inch so uplift you can customize it you can customize the length you can customize the shape and the texture and color and all that so i love these desks i have one here the same one on the other side and i have another smaller one upstairs in the the the you know the family office so it's mechanical i can switch it to a preset so two is my standing preset so you can see it just raises up and i just i just fixed the cable management you can see everything is nice and neat tucked under there so that's the standing position just going to put it back down so that's the desk it's very very sturdy love it so for the pc this is actually the first pc in years that i got that i didn't build myself usually i'll order all the parts and i enjoy putting them together but i just haven't had the time lately so this is a pre-built from asus and i forget the exact model i'm going to try to put all the stuff in the description all the models and links but this is a really powerful pc it's an intel i9 processor gigs of ram it has a 2080 ti rtx graphics card so really powerful excuse me but uh yeah so it's pre-built again i'll have the link for that in the description and for the monitor i'm using a 49 inch samsung wide screen and i i recently not too recently maybe six months ago i switched out my three 4k monitors for this i had three 28-inch monitors and it's less real estate but still more than i need plenty to you know have my text editor open have my browser my console all that stuff um i really like it you know it's it's a little lower resolution than they had before but everything still looks really great it's great for gaming i don't do too much gaming these days on the pc but it is a great gaming monitor as well so for peripherals i'm keeping it pretty simple these days i used to have all kinds of you know rgb gadgets i'm trying to clean things up and keep it more elegant i'm just using the magic keyboard here because i want to stay consistent i have that on the other station so i just want to use the same keyboard on both usually i'll go with a mechanical keyboard i'll show you i have like four or five of them but i've just been using this lately and for the most it's a logitech pro wireless mouse with the uh mouse pad that charges it so that's pr i would say that's probably my favorite mouse uh that i've used and then for audio i just have some creative bluetooth speakers back there and that's what that remote goes to that you can see there and then way back there is a stream deck i don't do live streams yet but i do use it to just quickly open up websites and applications uh and eventually i will use it for streaming and then on this station i just have a simple webcam for zoom calls and stuff it's just uh it's the logitech i think it's the c920 and then for the microphone this is a rode nt usb i have the same microphone on the other station where i do all my recording i don't use this mic too much but uh it is here if i need it and it's on uh you know obviously it's on the arm i forget what arm this is but uh it is a road arm and then the chair is a dx racer so i don't again i don't know the exact model number but i've had this chair for uh quite a few years i plan on getting something different i do love the look of the dx racers but um they're not great for your back and for your neck and i have issues in that area so i'm gonna be looking at some herman miller chairs some other suggestions that i got from some of you guys on twitter as well but i do like the look of these these racing chairs i have the same one on the other station which i'll show you in a few minutes so that's pretty much it for this desk to the left we have i guess the network station so this is my wireless router i'm using the amazon ero arrow i don't know how to pronounce it but it's a mesh network so basically i have this and then i have one on the first floor one on the second floor so that you know all the smart tvs and everything will work well because before i got this i just had a regular um netgear router and the the bedroom tvs wouldn't connect to hulu or netflix or anything like that so really nice mesh network then this is my nas my network attached storage it's a synology disk station a nine i think it's an is it nine eighteen nine eighteen plus and it's a four bay disk station so there's four or four terabyte drives in there i keep all my my videos my family photos everything is on that it's basically my home server and it has uh has its own little internal os along with it too called dsm and then i have my backup my battery back up there just in case the power goes out it'll keep the router on and in this main computer uh but i also get some foam for echo which isn't really needed but i don't know i think it looks cool and then i have this strip back there that i got it just stands up and it just you can change it change the rgb get the controller right here so there's different modes there's different uh effects and colors and stuff and i have the same one on that side as well all right so that's pretty much it for this side so that's the windows station along with the the network stuff and then on this side is the mac so this is where i do all my recording for my courses my tutorials everything and the machine is a mac pro it's a intel i9 64 gigs of ram it's a really really great machine really overpriced though um i replaced an imac pro with it just because i didn't you know i wanted to have the screen the identical screens and didn't want the imac screen so i ended up getting this maybe a year ago maybe a little more and that's what i've been using for for bigger projects for like i said tutorials courses and all that and then the desk is the same exact desk that i just showed you 72 inch uplift the monitors here these are two lg i always get confused on the size it's either 34 or 38 but it's it's quite a bit of real estate way more than i need basically when i record i'll have on this side my cheat sheet or sample code whatever i'm using and then on this side i'll have a you know a 1080 box cut out where i do all my recording where i have vs code in the project and all that so this is every video you watch this is where i'm making it and then above the monitors you'll see i have a dslr camera this is the canon t6i you know it's not the best camera in the world it runs about 600 bucks i do have the t7i as well which i'm i'm going to replace this with but this is what i use to make all my talking head videos so even the the intro to this video was on that camera and i have that on an arm that i have uh built into the wall right there so it gives me a little trouble if i want to stand on this desk because i have to you know move all that out of the way so i don't really stand on this particular desk will not stand on the desk but you know stand while i'm working and then i just have the magic keyboard this mouse is this is a cheap mouse but it's silent like it doesn't make any clicking noises that's why i got it so that you don't have to listen to clicking in the in the videos um that thing back there some of you guys are probably wondering about that that's a it's a wi-fi clock by lemetric i think it's about 200 bucks and of course it's a clock but it has different apps you can install on it i have the youtube app and you can show your subscribers there's also a twitter app instagram you can show stock prices so it's pretty cool there's different apps you can install to display different things [Music] and then the microphone again a rode nt usb i do have the shure smb7 which is like you know the really popular high-end mic that you see on you know joe rogan and podcasts but i just haven't gotten to hook it up yet and i think that the the road sounds pretty good and then i just have a simple c920 webcam up there as well and then let's see the chair the chair is the same as the other one it's a dx racer it's just red instead of white we got some red led lights under there and again we have that strip and then these are my lights for recording so that one and that one just to give me some more light because i'm i am in a basement we do have windows down here as you can see but there's actually a portrait above the windows so there's not too much natural light so those are good for that they're by newer n-e-w-w-e-r so i'll have the link for those as well and i think that's pretty much it we have some ikea alex straws under there for you know all my tax crap paperwork and then in this closet i just i actually just cleaned this last week so you can see everything's nice and neat all my tech stuff um batteries cameras all my boxes for microphones screws wires organized every everything these are all full of like chargers and stuff like that on this side i have like my mechanical keyboards so we have the the kinesis freestyle edge which is a split keyboard i didn't really like that uh i might do a giveaway and give that away the logitech pro uh g pro keyboard that's probably my favorite mechanical keyboard corsair strafe we have a razer mechanical keyboard corsair k70 rgb i used that for a really long time and then all my boxes for all my apple stuff camera equipment speakers things like that all right so that's pretty much it for this side let's go over here so you guys probably see this in the background of my videos all the time i have my macbook pro there that's a 2019 version i believe 15 inch i use that you know when i go out i don't really use it much at home i use it if i go to a coffee shop or to a hotel or something like that um we have just a you know simple little couch that i got from amazon which with some travesty media pillows a little light there that changes colors some fake plants that's the t the canon t7i dslr and then a sony 4k handycam and then of course the 100k silver play button and the gold 1 million subscriber button which i'm very very proud of and then up there as i said it's the shure smb i think it's i think that's what it is smb7 microphone it's an xlr mic so it's not usb you have to plug it into the interface which you can see i have right next to it and then that other mic is an audio technica 2020 that's i think that was the first mic that i got no the yeti was the first mic that was the second the at2020 is great for people that are just starting out it's really cheap it's under 100 bucks i've got some books over here some programming books which i haven't looked at in years um yeah python javascript eloquent javascript which i think is in there is actually a really good book i'm not a huge book person but that is a good javascript book got a sign there just to you know let people know my wife has the same one in her art room and then just some camera stuff down there and then we have the built-in fireplace which is hooked up to the thermostat so it automatically goes on obviously it's not a real fireplace but it gives off you know a good amount of heat up here just some pictures i have a signed boxing glove from mickey ward who's a popular boxer here in massachusetts from lowell mass so here we have the theater seats it's some movie pillows so basically just you know three seats me and my wife and daughter will watch a movie down here once in a while i come down and play playstation or whatever and uh this isn't i mean it's not the the best seats this is kind of wobbly but they're all right they recline and uh you can see my ass print and elbow print little table next to it for my clickers my controllers then we have the tv which is a samsung 75 inch this whole unit here is built into the wall this was here when we moved in so i can't really have anything much bigger i could probably fit an 85 inch and move the speakers back i may do that or i may hang hang a tv on the wall uh but yeah so that's 75 inch and then for the stereo it's a denon receiver which i got about i don't know six months ago sounds pretty good we've got some poke speakers so the you know the regular right left speakers the center speaker there the base box that's all poke and then we get the the uh surround sound up there and up there so it sounds pretty good you know whether you're watching a movie playing video games whatever as far as games ps4 xbox one nintendo switch get the throwback nintendo and super nintendo if you can see that down there blu-ray player i don't have a ps5 yet still waiting to to get one i don't really trust scalpers so i'm just waiting for it to you know come into the stores and then get a little drone there some movies video games more gaming stuff and then on this side we have my music stuff this is my dj setup so i've been djing off and on since i was 17. i got my first set of turntables and uh um you know i'm not great but it's just a hobby i like to spin old school hip hop break beats even like house music edm whatever this is a pioneer s9 mixer which is kind of like the the battle mixer it's used for like turntablism scratching uh then the the turntables are pioneer pl plx 1000s and i know if if any of you guys are you know old-school djs you know that the techniques 1200s are kind of like top tier um these i like just as much i've had the 1200s and these you know they don't skip they're i really like these and uh i wanted it all to match pioneer so get the pioneer mixer the turntables and then this controller up here where you can program you know cue points and have effects and stuff like that and uh you know all this is hooked up to the laptop the macbook pro 13-inch and uh it's digital vinyl so i don't have to have actual records it's this is basically like a blank record and whatever i load on the computer will play on this record and i can scratch and do all that so uh it's it's awesome compared to you know when i was 17 what we had to deal with then digging through crates and we got the macbook pro with the rekordbox software that's what i use to to kind of load all my music and we'll go ahead and close that out and then up here we have all my tupac albums so i'm a big 90s hip-hop fan grew up listening to you know tupac wu-tang clan biggie so i collected all the tupac albums and put them all in nice cases i plan to fill up this whole wall with albums and then we get the edifier e to fire speakers i'm not sure how to pronounce that but uh these these sound pretty good they have a lot of bass this is these are the only speakers that um you know that are hooked up to to this set here and it sounds pretty good some cubes under there with more needles and uh audio wires and stuff so this keyboard i don't really use this i just got it mostly for the kids my son comes down here and plays with it so we get that got some music pop figures up here tupac biggie metallica what else rob zombie so any music pop figures that i could find i put up there over here is a giant picture of wu-tang clan my sister actually paint she made this for me she's an artist she does um she's a professional tattoo artist and she made this and i just i think it's freaking incredible and then down here we got a fridge with some fake jellyfish and i saw this thing on on a facebook ad and they look real so it's pretty cool and you know it shuts off after a few hours but uh yeah i think it looks pretty cool and that's pretty much it so we'll get the entrance way here my slippers and some pop figures some horror figure horror characters and superhero characters and all that but yeah good bathroom down here so this is this is it this is where i work play i spend you know most of the day down here and then i go up you know eat with the family do some family stuff play with the kids but this is it so i just wanted to kind of share this with you guys hopefully you enjoyed it and i will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Traversy Media
Views: 102,241
Rating: 4.9739099 out of 5
Keywords: setup tour, 2021 setup tour, gaming setup, home office tour, man cave, tech room, office tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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