Microsoft Homepage Clone - CSS Grid, Flex & Media Queries

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Thank you for sharing. This will be handy in creating responsive layout for multiple screen sizes.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Darkwing1501 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/samistark86 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I could listen to Brad for hours on end.

(Often have)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/uMac79 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm pretty sure it would take me six hours to get this right if I was doing it on my own, lol.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm about 3/4 of the way through and always love the methodical approach Brad has with his videos. I've been working on my portfolio lately and this was a great refresher on Frontend stuff.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/NicksIdeaEngine 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] what's going on guys so once in a while I like to do clones html/css clones of certain websites or web pages we did Netflix we did a CBS mobile app we've done Pluralsight so now we're gonna do the Microsoft comm homepage which was actually requested and we're gonna do pretty much everything except this slide show here we're just gonna have a static image but we're gonna use CSS grid for the the cards and cards down here we're gonna use flexbox we're gonna make it responsive so this is the actual site and then this is what we'll be building okay so this is the exact page that we'll be building and you can see it's very very similar some of the images have changed since I actually built the project but it is fully responsive so we'll be dealing with media queries we'll have a little bit of JavaScript because once we get down to a certain size we're gonna make this menu go away and then we have this button here that we click to open the menu on the side okay also down here you can see now there's only two grid columns instead of four same thing here if I keep making it smaller it can go down to 500 pixels now it's all stacked and nice and neat menu still works and looks good okay so it's fully responsive again we'll be dealing with flexbox we'll be dealing with the grid so lots of modern CSS as well as html5 so let's get started all right so the only files that we need to get started our index.html style dot CSS and then we need all the images you can see I have an in IMG folder here with all the card images we have card one through card eight we have the Microsoft logo social media icons the showcase image so what I'm gonna do is put a link in the description for you to download this I guess this boilerplate with the two files and all the images just in case you want to follow along which I would recommend okay so I'm also gonna keep the final project open so we can reference it if we need to so let's jump into index.html and just create a boilerplate with Emmet so exclamation Enter and just tab down to the title here and let's say Microsoft official homepage and we want to link in our stylesheet so we'll add a link tag to style.css and as far as the javascript there will be at just a tiny bit just a couple lines so that we can click the menu button and have the menu slide open on on smaller screens so we're just going to put that right in the HTML just add a script tag when the time comes all right so let's create a container class so I'm gonna be using Emmet throughout this throughout this video so we'll say dot container enter which will give us a class of container and inside here we want our navbar I'm just gonna put a comment here and let's use an html5 nav tag and let's give it a class of main - nav ok and then in here we're gonna have a few things we're gonna have the logo the main menu and then the right menu and the right menu is this right here just these two icons which don't actually do anything but we're gonna put them there anyway so let's start off with the logo so we have our image and I'm gonna give it a class of logo and the source is going to be in the image folder and its logo PNG and for the alt will just say Microsoft and then right under that let's put a ul and unloaded list with a class of main menu and we're gonna have some list items here with a link that isn't going to go anywhere so I'll just put a number sign and then I'm just going to copy this down let's see 1 2 3 4 5 6 so the first one is gonna be Office second one windows surface Xbox deals and supports all right so that's our main menu and then right under that we're gonna have the other menu which I'm going to call right menu now we are going to be using font awesome icons so I'm just gonna jump back into Chrome and search for fonts let's say font awesome five CDN or you can just go to font awesome comm but if you do that you do have to sign up and log in and create what's called a kit if we do this we can just choose either the JavaScript or I'm just gonna grab the CSS so this right here this all dot min I'm gonna just copy the link tag and put that right above where we brought in our style CSS and then down in the right menu here we're gonna have a list item and inside here we'll have an a tag and inside that we'll have an eye tag with an icon so let's do a class of FAS font awesome and then FA - search and then what we'll do is just copy this list item down and then this one is gonna be FA - shopping - cart so I want to check this out so you can either open the HTML file on your file system or you can use the live server extension which is what I'm doing so I'm gonna say open with live server and there we go so we can see the logo we have all of all of our links and we have our two icons so before we add any more HTML let's go ahead and start to style this well we'll add our base styles for the body and stuff like that and style the nav bar all right so let's jump in and and I'm not going to do the responsive navigation until the end the little hamburger menu and all that stuff so in our style CSS let's say for everything we want to set the box sizing - border box so that the padding doesn't affect the width or anything like that and then we want to set the margin to 0 and the in the padding to zero so we're basically just adding a reset on every element and then for the body will set a font family and we're gonna use this what is it see go see goo I can't and a lot of pronounce it Segoe UI - homogeneous verdana' sans-serif' so that's the font family I'm using and then background is going to be white and let's set the color of the text to black so I'm using hexadecimal here and then we'll set the font size to 15 pixels and let's set the line height to will do 1.5 for the line height alright and then we'll just do some base styles like for links let's make the color of the links a little lighter than the black which I'm going to use two six three times okay and then we want to take away any underlines so text decoration we'll set that to none okay so if we look at that so far should look like this and then for any unordered list I'm gonna take away the bullets so we'll set list the style to none okay and then we have a container class which wraps around everything so we want that to take up almost the whole screen so we'll do with 90% but we do want to set a max width we don't want it to pass a certain width so the max width I'm going to set to 111 hundred pixels and let's set the margin auto which will give it even margin on all sides which we'll put it in the middle okay so if we take a look you can see that it takes up it'll take up 90% of the screen up until you know 1,100 pixels which is the max and that's where it'll stop okay so let's jump back in here and let's start to style the navigation so I'm going to put a comment here just say nav so we have a class of main nav and for the navigation I usually like to use flex for this just to line it up nicely so let's set this to display flex and what this will do is it'll set all the inner items to flex items and align them in a horizontal row and if we look at main nav inside we have three items the image the UL this UL and this UL so it's just going to basically set all of those two flex items and then we can use properties like align items and we want to Center everything okay I'm just going to see what that does for us so if we save that now you can see everything is lined up horizontally not the list items because remember those are in the UL those aren't directly in the main nav class alright we'll do we'll work on those after but let's set some other things here so the main nav I'm going to set a height of 60 pixels and let's set a little bit of padding so we'll do 20 pixels on the top and bottom so 20 and then 0 on the left and right and then the font size I'm gonna set a little smaller we'll do 13 pixels okay so if we take a look at that you know what let's let's actually do this should be able to fit both of these okay now the before we do anything else I want to handle the the unordered list here I want this to be a flexbox as well because everything within it should should be row should be aligned horizontal so let's take the main nav ul and let's also display that to flex which will set all the list items to be in a horizontal row alright and then let's see for the main nav which is displayed flex see all the space over here we basically want to distribute that in between the Flex items so to do that we use justify content and we have a value called space between so if I save that it's just going to put all in the equal number of space in between now the main menu I want to be pushed over here next to the logo so what we can do is set the main let's say main nav and then take the UL with the class of main menu and let's set that to Flex one and then that will push over there but it's too close to the logo so let's also add a margin left of 20 pixels and push that over okay and then the logo is is too big right now if we look at the you know this page here it's much smaller and by the way this my resolution on my machine is manin so this might look a little smaller on my screen than it looks on yours so let's deal with the logo I'm gonna go right here and say main nav there's a class of logo and I'm gonna set the width of that to 110 pixels which will make it much smaller all right and then for this for the list items here actually I didn't put a link yeah I did put a link there's for the list items here we want to separate those so let's go to let's go right here and say main nav ul Li and set the padding to zero top and bottom and then 10 pixels on the left and right which is gonna separate those out from each other okay and then when I hover over these I want to have a little underline effect so let's say let's go right here and take the main nav ul Li a and let's add a hover so for the hover state of the link I'm going to add a border border bottom and that's gonna be two pixels solid and let's do our two six three times so now if I go and I hover over we get this underline I do want that I do want to push the underline down a little bit so on the link let's just grab this and say on the link we want to set padding-bottom to two pixels so that way the line is pushed down a little more okay so I think that we should be all set for now I mean we will be do we will make it responsive will add the hamburger menu because right now you can see on small screens it just goes off the page which obviously we don't want but for now this is good so let's go back to our HTML and what we want to work on next is this this part here which is the showcase so in our HTML we'll go back we'll go down under the nav let's put a comment here say showcase and we're gonna use a header html5 header tag give it a class of showcase and then in here let's have an h2 and we'll say surface deals and then a paragraph and I'm just going to paste this text in of course you can copy it or you can copy it from I should have the code in the description probably a code pen but we'll just put that text in and then we want a button that says shot now or a link so let's put an a tag here with a class of BTN so we'll style it as a button it's not actually gonna go anywhere and then we'll have some text that'll say shot now and then I just want to have a chevron icon so we'll put an eye tag fa s fa Evren - right okay so if we save that that's what its gonna look like which looks like crap so let's go ahead and style it so in our CSS go down let's see let's actually let's style the button first so BTN is a class basically a utility class that we can use anywhere so we'll style that first and for that we want to make sure that we have a cursor that is a pointer when we hover over it and we want to display it as an inline block and I'm gonna set the border to zero I'm gonna bold the font so font weight is gonna be bold and we want to add some padding so we'll do 10 pixels top and bottom 20 pixels left and right we can see what that looks like so far we want to add a dark background so the background we're gonna use two six three times and then make the color of the text white and let's set the font size to 15 pixels okay so there's our button style now when we hover over it I want it to have some kind of effect so I'm just going to lighten the opacity a little bit so we'll say for the class button in its hover State we're gonna set the opacity to 0.9 so just lighten it's just slightly so we get that little effect all right so that's that now we're gonna go ahead and do the showcase so say showcase with a class of showcase and we want we want this showcase to have a width of a hundred percent of its container which is which is the actual container class so it should just you know reach a hundred percent and then we're gonna set a height of 400 pixels for this now the background is going to be an image so we want to set that to URL and the image we want is going to be in the image folder and it's called showcase dot JPEG now I have some props some background properties we could either add them in separate properties or just add them here I'm gonna add them here so we'll say no-repeat okay we don't want it to repeat a position at Center Center and we wanted to cover that area so let's save that and now we have our background image now for the items inside let's display them as flex items and if I do that right away it's gonna align them into a row into a horizontal row which I don't want I want them to be in a column which is vertical so let's set the Flex direction to column as soon as I do that it goes back to going vertical now I want to align everything to the center so we want to use a line items Center and let's also set actually yeah let's save that and then I just want to make sure the text is also going to be aligned to the center so we'll add that as well I want that I want this to be aligned not in the center because it'll still be kind of within this image here I want it to be down here so we're gonna use justify content and we're gonna set it to Flex end okay we have flex star which is where it is now and then flex end if I save that it pushes it down to the very bottom however that's too low so I'm gonna also add here let's do padding bottom for the showcase set that to 50 pixels and we also want a margin for things under it so I'm gonna set a margin bottom to 20 pixels okay so that'll push that up a little bit and I think that we should be all set for the showcase itself now these are kind of squished together so let's actually take the showcase h2 and the paragraph okay so we're styling both of these showcase paragraph and for both of these I just want to add a margin to the bottom of 10 pixels and that'll just kind of separate things out okay so that looks pretty good actually the button though let's add a little more space here so I'm gonna grab the showcase and then the button inside the showcase and let's set margin top to 20 pixels okay so now we're going to start to work on the cards which are these right here which by default there's going to be four okay but then we're gonna add media queries so when we get to 700 there's 2 and 500 there's one so we're gonna actually use the grid for this here but of course we need to do the HTML first so let's jump back into our index.html whoops and then we'll go under our showcase which is the header right here and I'm just gonna make this a little bigger alright so we're actually gonna have two cards sections so put a comment here and say home cards just one and let's use a section html5 section tag here and give it a class of home cards and inside here we're going to have a div which is gonna be each group this is gonna be set to grid display grid and then each div will be a great item and in each grid item we'll have an image which is gonna be let's say image slash card one JPEG I'll just leave the alt blank and then let's do an h3 we're gonna say new surface pro 7 and then a paragraph so I'm just gonna grab the text again I should I'll have the code in the description so if you want to just copy the text you can do that and then under the paragraph the last thing we want inside each grid item in each div is a link so let's put a link here that just goes nowhere and say learn more and then we'll have a chevron write icon so FA s fa dash Chevron - right all right so if I save that this is what it's going to look like now we have what three more cards because there's going to be four in a row so I'm actually going to paste these in because it's the same thing it's just different content so let me just grab these three divs and again if you want to grab it from the code you can so we have card one that we just did and then we have another div with card - okay so we have different text as well just to make it look real and then another div here card three and then we have our last one so if I save this we just have three element three divs on top of each other so let's jump into our CSS and we want to use the grid here to style this okay so let's see let's put a comment we'll say home cards and I can make this smaller okay so home cards let's give a class of home - cards and to use the grid we want to set this to display grid not grudge grid if I do that nothing happens because we have to let it know what columns or rows or whatever we're doing so we're gonna use grid template columns and with this we could set each one to like like we could do you know 50 pixels 50 pixels if I did that it'll give us two two columns that are 50 pixels wide which is obviously not what we want if we wanted four we would just do 50 pixels 50 pixels that'll give us four that are 50 pixels wide now I'm going to use something called a fractional or a fraction an F our unit which are basically just slices of of the grid container so for instance if I do one fr if I save that that's going to put each one in one column if we do two of these f1 FRS then we get two columns if we do three then we get three if we do one in five four we get four which is what we want now instead of doing it like this we have a function called repeat we can use and we can say repeat four times one of our and we get the same result now the reason that it's kind of going off the page here is because of the images images are always going to go out of their container unless we set the width to be restricted to be a hundred percent of the container so let's say home cards image and we want to make sure that we set the width of these images to a hundred percent of the container that way they don't go outside of that column that grid column now I don't want these to be right squished up against each other so we're gonna use a property called grid gap so with the grid system we don't even have to use margin to separate out the the actual items we can use grid gap and we're gonna set that to 20 pixels and save and now you can see we have some space in there so the grid gap is 20 pixels and we also have 20 pixels margin bottom on the showcase so these are even the spacing here and then the images I also want some space underneath so let's also add a margin bottom there of 20 pixels push that text down a little bit and then the h3 also wants with spacing so we'll say home cards h3 and let's just do 5 pixels for the margin bottom there and then these here these links we want to handle those so let's say home cards a and I want to display these as an inline block because they're displayed inline by default and we want to be able to add padding top ten pixels and let's set the color to hexadecimal value of zero zero six seven b8 which is a bluish color and then we're gonna set I want them to be uppercase so we'll set text transform to uppercase and let's see the last thing we're gonna do here is just set them to be bold so we'll set the font weight to bold like that okay and it's kind of squishy it looks better if you stretch it out like that once we hit like seven hundred pixels we're gonna change this switch some things up so that for instance these are and there's only two columns and so on but we'll do that after we'll do the media queries after so let's see the when I can I hover over one of these links here I want the chevron to kind of push out a little bit so what we'll do is take the home cards and say when we hover over the link when the link is in the hover state then we want to take the icon and we want to just add a margin left to it of 10 pixels okay so that way when I hover over you can see it just kind of pushes out a little bit so that takes care of the first set of home cards now we want the Xbox area which is this so let's add that HTML just going to make this a little bigger for now so we'll go let's see we have our section so we want to go under this section and then we'll have our Xbox section we'll give this a class of Xbox so in here we're going to have a div at the class of content it's basically we're gonna have a background image and then we have this element with the content inside of it which is going to have an H to say xbox game pass Ultimates and a paragraph which I'm going to just grab real quick and then under that will have an a tag and this is going to be our button so we want our BTN class here okay and then inside here we'll say join now and again I want to have a chevron icon so FA s fa - Chevron right okay so if I save that you can see this is what it looks like here now I do want to add some margin to the home cards I forgot to do that so in our CSS right here home cards let's say margin bottom and let's do I think 40 pixels is what we want yeah okay and then that should be it for the Xbox HTML so we can actually go back to the CSS and then let's start on that so I'll make this smaller just so we can see what we're doing here and let's put a comment here this is the Xbox styling so the first thing we want to do is the Xbox class itself so I'm going to give this a height of 350 pixels and we want to width of a hundred percent okay and then just set a background image so we'll say background:url and the image is going to be image oops we need quotes here image / Xbox PNG and we're gonna set some properties here so no-repeat Center center slash cover and save okay so now we have our background image now we have to style the content that is within it so remember we have a class of content so Xbox and then we want the content class inside of that and I'm just gonna set a width of 40% because I don't want to spread all the way across so that kind of contains it to the left here and then for the padding let's do 50 on the top zero zero and then 30 pixels on the left just to push it down and out okay and then the paragraph let's see let's say Xbox paragraph and I'm gonna set a margin of 10 let's do 10 0 20 just to kind of break this up a little bit and then that should be it yeah so the next thing let's see what's after that so we have another set of cards after that and what's nice is we can use the same classes and same styling so I'm gonna go back into our HTML and basically we're gonna have this the same thing we have here with with our home cards we're gonna do four home cards too except they're gonna be just it's just going to be different content so I'm gonna just copy this and paste it in so we're gonna go under Xbox under the section here and paste it in and notice that it's the same exact thing the class is home cards the only difference within the divs is the content so different image different text okay so I'm gonna save this and if we take a look it's pretty much already styled we just we just need to separate this here so let's go back into our CSS and for the Xbox class let's add a margin bottom of 40 pixels actually let's do 20 pixels there so that's all styled after that we have this area which I'm just calling carbon because it's committing to carbon negative so that's going to have a class of carbon so we'll go under the home cards too and it's put a comment here say carbon did I add a comment for ya I didn't okay so for this here let's say section give it a class of carbon and then we'll have a class of content so it's kind of like what we did with the Xbox and we'll have an h2 will say committing committing to carbon negative and then a paragraph which I'm going to grab the text for and then under that we'll have an eight it's actually we'll just copy we'll copy this right here this join now and put that here except it's gonna say learn more and I don't know why this is going to an a tag that should be a number sign alright so if I save that let's take a look okay so what it looks like now let's style it so we'll jump into our style sheet here and it'll just make this smaller say this is the carbon section okay so for this four-carbon we're going to set the height to 350 so it's basically just like the xbox one height and width of 100 yeah 100% and then a background image so this is image / carbon jpg no-repeat Center Center and cover okay and by the way this is the background repeat' property this is the background position this is the background size now as far as the the content inside let's style that so let's say carbon and we have our content which wraps around the h2 the paragraph and link and I'm going to set the width of this to 55% okay and then to position it let's do padding 100 pixels from the top okay so we'll do 100 pixels top and then 30 on the left and that will position it now as far as the colors here I want to change the color of the text in the button so I think what I'm gonna do is put a class a utility class on the carbon section right here called dark meaning that it's it's a dark background so we need light text and a light button so back in our style sheet I'm gonna put this up at the top because it's basically like a utility kind of like the button class so we'll say dot dark so if it has a class of dark then we want the color to be light because it means it has a dark background so the color is going to be white and then let's see in addition to that we want to set the button so we'll say if it's dark and then there's a button inside of it then that button background we want to be light so I'm gonna use F for three times which is light gray and then the color of the textile set to a dark color so triple three now if I save that and this is this is light here we want to separate this stuff out a bit just like we did with Xbox so I think what we can do is go to where we have our Xbox paragraph and let's just also add in here our carbon paragraph and save and now that will add this margin here to this as well and then I'm pretty sure that's all we need to do as far as the carbon area goes so next we have this which is this follow or social area so let's go back to our HTML and let's go under the section here and this is going to be the what are we gonna call this let's call this follow so put a comment here we'll put a section with a class of follow and we'll have a paragraph that says follow Microsoft and then we're gonna have some links and then these links are just gonna have them go to like social media sites so HTTPS and then inside the link here we're gonna have the Facebook icon well not icon it's actually an image you could use font awesome icons but I'm just using images so let's put an image tag and let's have this go to IMG / and this is going to be social FB okay and then for the alts we'll just say Facebook and then we're gonna do the same for Twitter and LinkedIn so I'll just copy this a tag down twice so this one will be Twitter and then let's do social - Twitter for the image change that to Twitter and then this will be LinkedIn and it's a social - LinkedIn and this will be LinkedIn okay so we'll save that and you can see the image here and the follow Microsoft so we want to style this a little bit we want this we want the follow Microsoft to be in line with the rest of these so let's use flex for that so in our CSS under carbon let's do our follow styles so we'll take follow and let's display flex and as soon as I save that it's going to turn it into a flex row which is what we want but we want to align the items to the center so if I do that you can see now the paragraph is in the middle here let's also do a justify content flex start which will make sure it's aligned at the beginning and then for the margin for the margin we're gonna do 30 pixels top let's do 0 30 pixels and save and now yeah that looks good we do need to push we need some spacing in between all this so what I'm gonna do is take the follow class and say everything within it so we'll use an asterisk asterisk care and just give it a margin right of let's do 10 pixels save and now it's going to space this stuff out for us okay so that's good next we have these two areas now this is basically a one big footer however I'm calling this right here with the you ELLs four links so this will have a class of links this whole thing and then this will have this will be the footer this part here so let's go to our HTML and let's add will just add both of those at once alright so under this section here let's say links and this is going to be a section and give it a class of links and then we want to have a links in ER and the reason I'm doing this is because there is going to be basically a container that stops the content here and here however I want the background color to extend all the way out so we don't want to actually actually know what one thing I did wrong is I have I still have it in the container you can see this this is the ending of the container and I don't want that because then the color the background color would end here and I wanted to extend all the way out so for that then I wanted I want this div the container div to end here after follow I don't want it to I don't want it to go around the links here so we're gonna have a class in here called links - inner and then we'll have all of our you ELLs so I'm going to just paste these in so each unordered list is just gonna be you know have allies this first one is going to be the title so it's gonna be an h3 and then the rest will just be links so we have that one and then I'll just grab the rest here again you can copy this from the code if you don't want to type all this crap out okay so I paste in all the you ELLs and like I said we're just gonna do the foot or two so underneath this section say footer and we're gonna use the html5 footer tag for this and we'll give it a class of let's go I guess let's do mein - footer and in here is gonna be this part so we're gonna have again it's gonna extend all the way out so we don't want it to be in the container and we do want to put a limit on how far it goes out like this content we don't want to keep going out here so we're gonna set an inner class here as well so let's say footer - inner actually we'll just call this class footer so we have footer and footer inner and we'll have a div so this div is gonna be this right here this little icon the globe icon with the English so let's put an eye tag with FAS and let's do FA - globe and then with font awesome you can make icons bigger with FA - 2 X 3 X 4 X so we're gonna do 2 X so that'll give us the globe icon and then next to it we're gonna say English English and then in parenthesis the United States okay and then under that div will be a UL and this is going to have all the the other links which I'm just gonna grab real quick oops those in here okay so we have just a bunch of links and then at the bottom we just have this HTML entity for the copyright symbol excuse me and then Microsoft 2020 so that should do it for the HTML so if we take a look at it it doesn't look very good so we have quite a bit of styling to do here so let's jump into style.css and go underneath our follow and let's start with links okay so first thing we're gonna do here for links is set the background and we want the background to be a grey which we're gonna do f2 three times and then the color of the text is going to be a little lighter than black it's gonna be six one three times guys if I save that you can see now we have the gray background the lighter text we're gonna set the font size to be smaller as well let's do 12 pixels and then overall padding for the links section is gonna be 35 on the top and bottom okay so I save that that's what it's gonna look like now for the links inner I want that to be a grid okay so if we look at this links inner if we set this to display grid every direct child will be a grid item and every direct child is a ul right because we want the you ELLs to be aligned in grid columns so let's set links inner actually before we even do the grid stuff let's set a max width because again we don't want the content to go all the way out we wanted to have a max width of the the same number as the container above which is 1100 pixels and we want it to be aligned in the middle so let's do margin 0 on the top and bottom auto on the left and right to make sure it's in the middle and just add a padding of 20 pixels on the left and right okay so now we'll go ahead and display grid and we could probably you know let's make this smaller all right so if I display grid I'm gonna save this and it's not going to do anything because again we need to set our grid template columns and we want to have 6 there's 6 you ELLs so we want to do repeat 6 times 1 fraction or 1fr make this a little bigger okay so once I save this now they're gonna align in a grid which is what we want and then for the grid gap which is the space in between we'll do ten pixels like that let's go ahead and align the items to flex start and then let's set the justify content to Center all right so you can see that it kinda they kind of just extend in and out when we hit a certain point like 700 we're gonna change the grid template columns but on large screens that looks fine like I said we'll do the media queries after so let's see these are too close together these list items so let's take links Li and let's really spread out the line height to say 2.8 like that and then let's set the color of the actually that should be fine right you know yeah we'll keep that as is alright so I think that that's that's good for now until we get to the media queries now let's do this footer part down here so we have a class of footer and I want the background background is going to be the same gray which is f2 and color same color as the links okay good font size 12 pixels and padding 20 on the top and bottom good and then we also have a footer inner so it's a footer - inner and we're gonna set just like the links we're gonna set the max width to 1100 and the margin to 0 auto which will put it in the middle padding let's do 20 0 20 and I'm gonna display as flex now the this footer enter only has two inner elements which is the div and the UL so the UL we're also going to want us display this as flex so that these list items will will show in a row let's see so we want to align items Center and let's justify the content to the space between so any remaining space will go in between the two elements here and they're also aligned Center now let's do let's do the UL so we have our links say links ul not links footer P well and we want to display as flex okay so they'll put them all in a row now when this gets smaller I actually want it to wrap I want these to go on top of each other so we can use a property called flex wrap and set that to wrap and save and now they'll just kind of go on top of each other and they don't go out of the screen it doesn't look great but I mean it's it's you can see see all the links and it doesn't go off the screen and it's it's workable and it's what the the actual Microsoft site does so let's see this looks horrible so let's do the list items for our list item let's set margin right to 30 pixels and we'll do a margin I'm gonna set margin bottom 20 on both the Allies and on the div which I haven't added yet so let's say footer div so the footer div is this right here and notice actually let me just do this first so I'll save now I'm just gonna stretch this out just show you something so it's notice that this is not aligns with this it's pushed down more to fix that I'm gonna set that div right here the footer div to display flex and then also just set a line items Center which will put it right in the center along with the rest of these all right let's just leave this like that for now all right so let's see what else do we have to do here I think that's really it well let's push this out see how this icon is like right on top of the word English so we'll take let's see here we'll say footer div icon and just add a margin right of let's do 10 pixels okay so I think that looks pretty good I mean this is yeah this looks decent on full screen now if we go down to you know 700 500 pixels 600 pixels it doesn't look very good so we do have some stuff to do here we have some media queries too right so the last thing I'm gonna do is the menu the little hamburger and stuff like that so I want to put it to like between six and seven hundred pixels we'll try it right there and then we'll go ahead and add our media queries so let's go down to the very bottom and we're gonna have two media queries one is going to be four screens that are 700 pixels and below and one will be four screens that are 500 pixels in below so let's say at media and set a max width of 700 pixels so any styles we put in here will only be in effect if the screen is 700 pixels are smaller so let's start off let's start off with the cards the home cards which is going to be pretty easy because right now we have if we go back up here to where we have the home cards we have display grid and then our grid template columns we have four columns right you can see right here four columns I want to change it to two on 700 pixels and below so I'm gonna just take this grid template columns and put that right in here and just change this to two 1fr so if I save that now anything below 700 pixels we're gonna get two columns for home cards and that's gonna that's going to do the same thing down here alright so home cards is pretty much taken care of I I do want just one when it's on 500 pixels or less but we'll do that in a minute let's just get this set up first this is basically like a tablet view so the Xbox this doesn't look too good I think the only thing I want to change here is make it so that there's no paragraph so it's just Xbox game ultimate and then the button so that's really easy we can just set the Xbox say Xbox content paragraph and set that to display:none okay now that still doesn't look too good just because the button is so close to the text so let's also take the Xbox content h2 and let's add a margin bottom of 20 pixels all right I think that looks pretty good now let's see down here we have kind of the same issue going on with with this carbon instead of taking away the paragraph though I'm just gonna make this this content stretch out further okay I didn't want to do that here because we won't be able to read the text just away the way this background image is and you could handle this many different ways you could switch out the image you can change images based on screen size if you want but I'm gonna go ahead and set the carbon content which I believe is 55% with I'm going to set it to 85 on smaller screens so it looks like that okay and then let's go down here the links I'm gonna change the the arrangement of columns here as well so let's say links and then we have links inner which is where the grid is that's where we did display grid and again we'll just take the grid template columns and let's repeat instead of having six let's do two one fr-s like that okay and then for the actually I think that's it because this I'm just going to leave that footer because it wraps but yeah that should be good for 700 now if we go smaller I want things to change up a little bit more for instance the home cards I then want to only have one column so let's add another media query below this one so we'll go right here and say that media max with 500 pixels okay and then let's just take this put that in here and all we need now we don't need any repeats because we're just using one fractional unit and there we go so now all the cards are just one column as far as the links go I think I only want to have these in one column that's what the actual Microsoft site does as well so let's take this that here and same thing change this to one fr and if we take a look now good I do want to add a little bit of space between all the you ELLs so let's take links links in our ul and just set a margin bottom to 20 pixels yeah so I think that looks pretty good looks decent now we can start to work on the menu so to work on the menu I'm gonna make this a little bigger like that now for the menu button we need to create that because if we if we go to this to the finished product you can see we have this little button here and we click that in the menu opens so first thing we'll do is create that button because we don't even have that in our HTML right now so I'm gonna go up to the top here and the button is going to be positioned absolute so I'm gonna put it at the very top in the body hope even above the container and it's just going to be a div with the class of menu - BTN and inside here we'll have an icon with a class of FA s and then FA - bars and we want to make it a little bigger so FA - 2 X like that so if I save that it's just going to be put into the regular flow of the page which we don't want we want to take it out by positioning and absolute so let's go to our style.css and let's set we'll put this at the top here we'll just go go right above button and say menu - BTN and let's set first of all cursor - pointer so when we hover over it we get a pointer and then we want to position this absolute so if I do that you can see now it's taken out of the flow of everything else and it's just positioned absolute in the top corner here now as far as the positioning I'll say from the top let's move it down a little so we'll say from the top we want to do 20 pixels and then from the right because we actually want it on the right side we'll set it 30 pixels from the right like that and then I'm just going to set a z-index so that it's always on top we'll set that to 2 now we obviously don't want this displayed on you know when it's when it's a large screen and we can actually see the menu items so we're gonna set the display on this to none and then we want it to show when we hit a certain point when we hit the 700 so let's go down to our media query just right here and we'll just put all this stuff at the top here so now our menu button we want to set from display:none - let's say display:block and now it shows because we're at 700 or lower if I go up more you can see it it appears and reappears depending on the screen size so when we're at this size 700 or less we don't want the the main menu to show like at least like this we want it to show like this if this is clicked basically if we put a class of show on it so let's start to style this which is the main menu so we're going to go out here and say actually one thing I want to do is when I hover over the this button here I just want it to fade a little bit so let's just quickly just add menu button hover and just set opacity to 0.5 so that way we just get a little hover effect now for the main menu let's say dot what does it mean nav and then we have a ul with the class of main menu so we have quite a few styles to do here we basically need to turn it from this into this ok so first thing I'm going to do is set the display to block because I believe it's yeah it's flex by default okay and then we're going to position this absolute so basically take it out of the the relative flow position in absolute which is going to put it over there and then set it to top:0 left:0 and and remember it's it's still within the container that's why it's not all the way over to the left but we're going to fix that with the translate X property so let's set the width well actually let's do the background first just so we can kind of see where it begins and ends so background is going to be gray so it's F three times and let's set the width of this to 50% if I save that it's gonna be 50% width and the height I want to be the entire thing so 100% alright so so far so good let's see we want try to think here we don't want this little space right here so we can fix that with transform and then set the translate X so the X access which is horizontal access we want to push it bring it over to the left so we have to do a negative value and we're going to do negative 20 pixels so that will clear that little space there now the next thing I want to do is add a border so I'm going to have let's say border on the right of CCC one pixel solid okay just give it a little border I want it to be a little bit see-through so I'm going to set the opacity from 1 to 0.9 which will give it that see-through look let's see and then padding so all around padding of 30 pixels which pushes everything in I think that's all I want to do for now now initially this is going to be off screen and I'm not going to set like display:none or anything I'm gonna basically push it over here off the screen and we can do that with the translate X so I wanted to just do this to show you guys so I could actually style it and you could see it but initially this is going to be set to fun negative 500 where it's off the screen and then what's going to happen is if we have a class of show so I'm just going to go down here and set this main nav ul dot main menu and if it has a class of show then we're gonna have a display like we just had it so I'm just gonna paste that and and put this to negative-20 and what's going to happen when we click this button here it's going to toggle that class of show which will bring it from translate X 5 negative 500 which is over here to negative 20 which will bring it to where it just was so what I'm going to do is just physically are high just hard code that show class on to it in the HTML for now so we can see it like that but I'll remove that after and then we'll just add the functionality to click the button but we'll do that just so we can see it so we can finish styling it because these links don't look too good so we're gonna grab let's take this and let's do the LI our allies and just add a padding of 10 pixels and then let's do a border bottom of ccc solid one pixel and let's make the font size a little bigger too I'll do let's try 14 yeah now if we if you don't want this bottom border because it doesn't really make sense to have that we can just take this here and we can use a pseudo selector of last child which is just going to take the last list item and set the border bottom to zero save that now we don't have that bottom border anymore now the last thing we want to do in our CSS is see these little icons here the the button is covering it so I want to push those over a little which is very simple so we'll just go up here and that has I believe it has a class of right menu so we'll say main nav ul dot right menu and set a margin right of 50 pixels and save and now it just pushes that over okay and if I make this bigger you can see everything it just goes back to normal so now we need to remove this show class from the HTML because we want to add that dynamically with JavaScript so we'll go down to the bottom all the way down and from here go right above the body tag and just add in a script tag here so we want to select this button here which has a class of menu BTN so let's say document we can use a document object and then use query selector okay so this will select anything in the DOM and we're going to take the element with the class of menu - BTN and then we want to add an event listener so we'll call dot add event listener and this will take in the event we want to listen for which is a click and it also takes in a function I'm just going to use an arrow function here and all we want to happen now is to add that show class to the main menu so we'll select the main menu document dot we'll use query selector here again and we'll take the class of main menu and we're gonna say dot class list I know this is scrunched up but we're gonna take class list which is the property which has all of its classes and then there's a there's methods we can use like add remove and toggle we want to toggle the class of show okay so hopefully that makes sense when we hit the menu button which is this we want to listen for a click OK so as soon as we click it it'll run this function it'll select the main menu which is that whole menu that we just styled that's not showing right now because it's off the screen and it'll add the class of show and as soon as that happens when that show class is added it goes from translate X negative 500 which pushes it off the screen to negative 20 pixels which puts it in that position where it shows so I'm gonna just go ahead and reload and I'm gonna hit that and now it shows so one thing that I actually forgot to do when the CSS was at a transition because I don't want it to just pop up like that I wanted to transition into it slowly so it gives it that slide effect so in our CSS we just need to add one line to this this main menu right here so right under the transform let's add a transition and it needs to know what property do we want to add the transition on and that's going to be the transform okay because the transform is what changes this translate X value and then the time it takes let's say 0.5 seconds and then the effect which we'll use ease in out so now if I go ahead and I click this now it slides in it has a transition okay so it has kind of this animation instead of just popping in which makes it look much nicer alright so that's it so this is what it looks like fullscreen which looks pretty good and then we get down to 700 pixels and the menu goes away up here this gets pushed over this gets disappears and then we can go ahead and open the menu and then if it's even smaller you know these all stack up so these are all one column and the menu still works so it comes out to 50% regardless of the size of the screen so that's it guys hopefully you enjoyed this little project here and you learned a little bit more about CSS or even HTML but that's it thanks for watching I really appreciate it and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Traversy Media
Views: 151,260
Rating: 4.9780064 out of 5
Keywords: html, html5, css, html css, css grid, flexbox, media queries, responsive web design, responsive
Id: uKgn-To1C4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 58sec (4258 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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