Welcome to Dog Pound Gangsters hood in Florida

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it's considered our PJs over here DPG is what we represented and what we claim and that stood for dog pound gangsters we got the best parties but it's deadly we got the most Grimes but they cool police down here they ride an unmarked cars hellcats cats Jeeps Franklin is the place man if you ain't from here all right hey what's going on guys it's a beautiful day out here in Florida I miss my good people they're gonna show their Hood it was oh no ride County Florida typically done SWAT life Iowa Hood Vlogs man we're in Franklin Park oh mother Hustlers dog pound gangsters originated here in the 90s man in the early 90s you know just the original Franklin Park this is not the original Franklin Park but this is the original Franklin Park ground oh they built up all the buildings and stuff like it was just land like all you had was a swing set you ain't had no basketball courts you didn't have nothing across the street this way we used to get a lot of snacks from this was actually a family black owned business right here Ponderosa so growing up as a kid we'll go to the park play your family will play at Franklin Park football then we'll come to Ponderosa the corner store on on the left side which was also connected to the food side where you can come get hot dogs and all that when I was growing up over here none of this was here all this is new this all new development everything you see right here you can tell by how I look it's all new development you feel me the green apartments over there the real project we're going to take y'all over there in the green shout out to miss Catherine miss Catherine used to keep the hood on lock with the five dollar chicken wings and fries every day after school we coming right here to miss Catherine's spot she gonna get she gonna get you right with the little with the little six wings the french fries and the soda for the five they own this and they own Ponderosa one side of it is a church one side of it is an apartment listen that's how you know you in the hood you don't know too many apartments that's connected to a church these the green apartments I was telling y'all about the way they had obstruction is set up you pay rent every week so we're gonna be like 75.55 a week that's considered our PJs over here you got the greens right here which is Madison and then you got another set of greens which is Linux when you move here no AC no refrigerator all you had was a gas stove gas stove that's it no bigger than 512 feet 13 yeah more than two people in that apartment you wanna like sardines on God bedroom apartment they just look they're small you know it's the PJs it's the projects you know I'm saying like this where you come when you know you in poverty this property for real this whole neighborhood over here is probably everything you know what I'm saying like everything about it like every apartment complex you of course you got the new development houses like we showed y'all early but those just came about when we was growing up over here that's what we grew up man like we grew up on survival of course we grew up on love too old girl I always loved us but for the most part you have to learn how to survive back then we didn't represent like colors and all that no we represented like City versus County you either was from the city or you was from the county over here the real Franklin Park was called DPG that's dog pound gangster you know what I'm saying only only people that's from Franklin and I know know about Franklin gonna know about DPG because DPG is what we represented and what we claim and that stood for dog pound gangsters that was before Snoop Dogg that was before uh death row that was before all that that was originated right here in Franklin Park and once again like I said it was originated based off City versus County if he was from the opposite side of the train track you can come on this side if you was from this side of the train track you couldn't go on the opposite side and that's just the way it went so if you was one of them kids that had to walk from school from from from William Dandy and you had to go cut through Franklin which was the shortcut if you stayed on the east side of Sunrise man you was getting chased I got all type of scars though man like hand scars like hand wounds all type of little scars just from you know fighting and just being here face calls Burns all type of stuff man cause we grew up on Survivor like I said you had to know how to survive over here there wasn't no peaches and creams we want sleeping in no three bedrooms we want sleeping with central air almost every place over here has regular wall unit ACS bruh it gets 120 degrees in Florida in the summer just some magic growing up in an apartment that's 600 square feet with a eight and with only one AC unit in your living room come on you tell me how we grew up that's all I'm gonna say you tell me and they get 100 degrees in Florida literally on a on a on a cold day in summer well there we were the corner store right here we walked to Tony's we walks it apart well the ivories we walk to the pinks the greens Madison Lennox like it's the history deep over here but us growing up that's how we got around and when when our parents could afford a bicycle or our parent could afford a bicycle roll the bike to the beach man if you ain't have more locks and chains on that you stealing that go ahead and tell them about the story that one time what happened to you yeah I ain't gonna lie I don't have to wait till we get to the spot give me about five minutes we're gonna show you the spot I have to take it to the spot where it happened you know on the younger Shots Out The Touch that's my sister but you know I got tired I'm from here too she from here we get my whole family from here you feel me but this kind of area right here this way Lil Durk and um future and uh Boston Richie just shot him keep dissing keep dising too they just shot the music video right here about the whole City a thousand plus people shut the whole block down you feel me so like this Hood This Hood is definitely This Hood legendary bro in so many ways you feel me once we get where we going and once we figure everything out like this when I'm coming back to build like like that's why I want to come back and knock down and just rebuild because that's really where we from like this really where we grew up this is how we that's how we develop this way we develop you know like it's a lot of history behind this man a lot just the neighborhood in general and you got to remember Franklin and I they call it the island because really it's just like this small little neighborhood that's like a city but it's only like this big so we only got like one two three you only got like 10 streets in Franklin you feel me but we're gonna keep it rolling and moving right fast police down here they ride an unmarked cars hellcats cats Jeeps you know in most cities police cars riding police cars even they Undercovers being like the police ain't sick yeah you will find out here you will find these X sixes GLC business so you always got to be on your p's and q's now here because man all type of slides man we on the back side of it this right here used to be called a banana field and that's the apartment the Pink's over there we used to call it the pinks because growing up top the bottom the wall everything was pink if you look over here at the trees you will actually see light but now this really used to grow over here bro this is the one place in Franklin Park you didn't want to come to if your parents caught you in the banana field you will get a whooping because it was a lot of like just murders going on over here like a lot of people was getting knocked off and this way they would dump them they'd be dumping us over here they'd be dumping and trash cans and you feel me so if you got caught in the banana field yeah this was in trouble your parents would tell you stay out the banana field don't go in the banana field I don't want to catch you on the banana field I don't want you by the banana field if you want to go to the store walk the long way this the shortcut way to the store outside of jumping the wall by my grandma house the long ways that way the pink apartment is only one way and one way out so if you come out the piece and make a left and go down you got to come all the way around pretty much down to the whole neighborhood to get to the corner store uh average child they're not going to want to do that you're going to want to cut through the banana field real quick but the short time from you walking from that wall to walking right here anything happened to you in this field and a little free band right here okay it look great man you know what I'm saying for live baby I grew up watching little bro do his thing like dancing and battling something like killing them some little girl yeah oh oh he still got it man if he ain't from here trouble huh you feel me but now it's real Trouble boy my body is just dropping cause ain't nobody ain't nobody representing nothing together back then we had this Unity like if you're a DPG you're a DPG like I say it was City versus County you can't cross that that train track yeah nah it ain't it ain't no Unity everybody kind of against each other man all about this right here that's it that and dope oh about this right here man knocking each other out every day by the piece of paper bruh ain't even about to do cause you need this to get the boat it's about this right here man this legendary story right here you feel me this is my first time getting finesse these apartments are right here first targeting finesse oh God bro I never forget it got my total up so look my mama used to always tell me she's a drill it in my head you ain't got no friends you ain't got no friends you know me in the cool or whatever you feel me I say we stay at the top floor we stay on the bottom so I used to let the man hold uh uh not Super Nintendo Nintendo 64. he said let him hold like my games and stuff you feel me so one day then he just asked me he was like let me hold the whole system because this system had nothing broke and he wanted to play the game so like I got you what I'm gonna let you hold my sister you feel me I let the man home with hold my system Monday in the daytime Tuesday morning when I go to get my system it is gone go move so he just up and cleared it but my mama skinned me we grew up in we all grew up over here me and I'm a cousin I pretty much went to elementary school and middle school in this house right here they used to call this right here the ab across the street where all the hustlers used to be at when I said the jump flights used to come I mean like imagine having 10 15 on the corner hustling everybody hustling doing what they do and then the unmarked car just pull up and you see the police jump out and all you see is Clinton who knew who was the fastest you feel me because everybody scouted that was my grandma's house for 15 years so you pay attention it's the house I grew up in that's the store that everybody hustled at my mom in prison just her bail bondsman I don't care who you talk to in the hood bro they gonna tell you they beat a charge because of this man right here black owned bail bondsman he gonna come get you he gonna get you out he gonna give you the best lawyer this used to be Rayfield game room right here after school rayfield's where you went out you in the hood you gonna find your cake lady is always going to be good yeah 10 times out of ten is good the biggest lemon piece [Applause] you feel me like I told you he originated in Franklin Park now they got a stove Front Restaurant in the plaza like five minutes from the hood he's still in the hood but he like five minutes from the hood he made it you feel me shout out to TJ man they originated in Franklin Park you know the hood we just showed y'all let Brooke get y'all a little background on how he originated where he came from you feel me where he at now you feel me you know what I'm saying me and my wife right though we started from uh Franklin Park you know what I'm saying at my old girl house and putting um in the garage you know what I'm saying whipping it up you know what I'm saying we uh we grew we got a food truck we won um best food truck in South Florida then we uh we got this restaurant you know what I'm saying we got to dive in restaurant you could die then take it out you know what I'm saying and you know we started moving we started growing man because of y'all the reason where we're at today we appreciate that we really appreciate it like I say lunch on me today my brother so let's sit down and eat I got you bro whatever you need brother you already know I appreciate it okay don't nobody eat Church's Chicken bro it's only there's only one remaining Church's Chicken in the hole for a lot of the and that's in Franklin Park why the would you eat Church of chicken God is good God is great love we thank you for this day God has we must be fast thank you Lord Our Daily Bread amen I don't live with my sister don't let Amber oh I got shrimp and Fries man Hood classic what's up man get that good Southern Hospitality that good food we got the best parties but it's deadly we got the most Grimes but they cool Franken is the place man and they keep it 100 over here from Generations Generations a lot of stuff that happened here but it ain't gonna never die I showed y'all my neighborhood showed y'all Franklin Park to make it out of poverty I started with the music group the music group was the first thing that was created and then I started making actual merch then I started my print shop and then I started my clothing code coming up like we had a lot of stuff we wanted that we couldn't afford so when I built my brand I pretty much built my brand with the mindset like you know like I wanted I wanted to be nice quality apparel for people and I wanted to be affordable so a lot of stuff that I designed it reached the urban community it reached the low property areas because that's what was made for that's what it's made for don't get me wrong it's also made for the whole world but everything originated here in Franklin Park like I learned how to hustle here I learned how to do everything here you feel me so this was the original place right here we did a toy drive December 18th at the Oakland Park flea market where the clothing store located at he just pulled up on me look at his wrist are we forever in the community where's in our hearts you know what I'm saying I heard breasts ain't no Community activists over here but you know you ain't physically got to be over here to be over here well guys that's the end of the video I hope you enjoyed it typically done it's Wildlife clothing
Channel: HoodVlogs
Views: 577,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hood vlog, hood vlogs, hoodvlogs, hoodvlog, Broward County, Fort Lauderdale, hood, hoods, worst hood, worst hoods, most dangerous hoods, dangerous hood, Miami hoods, Florida hoods, Florida gangs, is fort lauderdale safe, American hoods, hoods in America, Welcome to Florida, Dog Pound Gangsters, Fort Lauderdale hoods, growing up in the hood, Florida, Duece Uno, Tippie La'Dawn, 2Timajo, Florida rapper, rap, rappers, hip-hop, urban clothing, Lauderdale, DPG, soul food, undeground rap
Id: q9ahr9cei_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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