Weird but Delicious Japanese Instant Ramen Hack

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today on the way ramen we're trying out an extremely highly rated instant ramen hack that i found somewhere on japanese youtube it's got some really weird ingredients but it turns out pretty good so stay tuned so i watch a lot of japanese cooking videos on youtube and this recipe popped into my feed from this channel called harapeko kurizuri and while watching the video i was kind of like it's kind of gross it's probably not very good until i started reading the comments which were overwhelmingly positive so i decided to give it a try the main ingredient for this is obviously instant ramen but specifically saporo ichiban miso flavor instant ramen you're also going to need some japanese mayo this is kewpie bran one clove of grated garlic which i think i could actually put a little bit more than one clove in there and one raw egg so we're gonna take all these ingredients and then add them directly into a bowl so one egg the grated garlic and about one tablespoon of japanese mayo [Music] and to that we're gonna add the soup packets from the instant ramen so sapporo ichiban miso ramen has the flavor packet plus the spice packet so i'm just gonna add both in here [Music] then just mix everything together and then set the bowl on the side [Music] [Music] the rest of the way is kind of standard instant ramen cooking i'm just going to follow the noodle cooking instructions on the package so 500 milliliters of water to a boil and then cook the noodles for three minutes [Music] then once your noodles are cooked you're just gonna pour the water from the pot holding the noodles back and then mix everything together to make your soup and then once you have your soup mixed together you can add your noodles and your toppings so i went with some bean sprouts that i boiled for two minutes don't add raw bean sprouts to your ramen guys and i also added some of that fancy green onions that i just figured out how to cut uh if you watched the previous video i was really excited about that i didn't think anybody's gonna watch that video but evidently people like it so yeah that's how to do that if you want to check that out but that is your simple but very weird sapporo ichiban miso ramen hack and now to be honest i was pretty skeptical when i first saw the recipe because i mean who puts mayonnaise in their ramen not to mention the whole adam ragusa thing putting the egg in the bowl not in the pot but to be honest this thing was actually pretty good uh it still tastes like instant ramen but the egg and the mayo give it what japanese people call koku and koku is a weird amorphous phrase thrown around the japanese culinary world i think even a lot of japanese people don't really know what it means but if i were to try to explain it i would kind of describe it as a feeling of mouthfulness that also spreads the flavor around your mouth i don't know it's kind of a weird concept i've been thinking more more about making a series on this channel called the science of ramen where we can explore some of these more esoteric topics like kokumi umami noodle making and stuff so i don't know maybe that's something that we can do in the future and it can have its own video anyways i give this instant ramen hack a solid 8.5 out of 10. it doesn't really change the flavor of the instant ramen so to speak but the additional koku does make it much more delicious than a regular standard instant ramen so i would definitely eat this again especially with the boiled bean sprouts again don't please please please don't add raw bean sprouts to your ramen anyways thank you all for your support and for watching this video and i'll see you all in the next one [Music] peace
Channel: Way of Ramen
Views: 342,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ramen, instant ramen, ramen noodles, instant ramen hack, how to make instant ramen, how to make instant ramen better, how to make instant ramen with egg, japanese instant ramen recipe, japanese instant ramen hack, sapporo ichiban ramen, sapporo ichiban miso ramen
Id: FC9dfmp0vks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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