Weird Body Pillows

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you've got siblings we've got answers let's talk about [Music] good mythical morning before we get started we want to remind you many of you may already know this but we have another channel actually our first channel we call it the rhett and Link channel really based music videos sketches and we are very happy to announce that we just launched a new music video called are you gonna eat that yeah I mean you've probably found yourself asking the question to a friend are you gonna eat that or looking at someone else's plate maybe a stranger in a restaurant and asking the question to yourself but this video explores the logical conclusion if you keep that up [Music] you're gonna eat you're gonna eat [Music] so thanks for checking that out watch this first don't go yet I mean if you do go come back in either way go check out the new music vid we just want you to watch everything we don't care what order you do it in watch it all will remind you at the end to click over there and we'll put a link in the description ace so there you go life is full of mysteries how were the pyramids built why is the sky blue I know what is corn made of I think I got that one today we explore the mysteries of siblings so we've asked you to ask us questions on facebook about siblings and you followed through yes Dustin father II great last name I don't believe it's real how do you simulate fighting with a sibling when you don't have one oh okay now you have a sibling an older brother I do quite often I am an only child I've had a smattering of half-brothers and steps over night of half-brothers band mate and and sisters but I've never really spent any length of time having an actual full-blown sibling make it seems that I am an only child and I am a little bit sad about they're always there for you I'm glad to have had multiple children so I can see them at each other's throats all the time oh I didn't get to experience that as a matter of fact when I was a kid this is no lie no exaggeration there be times when I would get so frustrated I think it's because I didn't have a sibling to take my frustrations out on that my mom would notice and she would be like link just go in your room and punch a pillow and you know what I did it I remember as a ketchup pillow going into my room and I would take the pillow and I wouldn't punch it on the bed because it'd be too much spring I would take the pillow down off the bed really go into this I would punch it on the floor because then it would just a little add I never walked in on that you know if you looked on my pillow it was it look at my pillow it was like really it was flat it was vented because I was I was frustrated Chuckie did without sibling but you had pillows to punch yeah and you know now if you're feeling the way that I did you you have a lot more opportunity or disposal and as a matter of fact I'm gonna point it out there's lots of pillows out there now that can really this is where you're going okay they can really expand your channel channel the frustration don't want your siblings punch a pillow Exhibit A there is a full body ryan gosling pillow that you can purchase off the internet he looks like he's protecting his stomach or like reacting from a gut punch if I was known for the gut punch I you know I'd like for Ryan Gosling to be my brother so I could punch him in the face every night yeah yeah no no a little bit what about the Time Lord you know Doctor Who himself you can you can take out all your frustrations by punching him in the bowtie this is a little I got a point out though he looks like he's like imprinting his body into some sheets like this is made to make it seem like you're shacking up with doctor who I think is what this pillows for no right I don't think they should get this no all of these pillows that Ryan Gosling's okay but listen I think you're you're wrong here all of these pillows are designed to simulate siblings for people who want to oh I'm just a blink pillows oh my god they're not for cuddling or anything like that even though this girl is cuddling with this Edward Cullen like one arm that's the most do looking Edward Cullen that's what that supposed to be the guy friend Twilight yeah and he's got an arm that can punch you back so you got to be careful he's really smoldering if you can find this pillow you can punch it that's part of the game with us a little camo joke they get it or duck hunting if you hate vegetables you can punch this carrot pillow I don't recommend punching pillow pets because well it could lead to punching actual pets and no one no one wants that plus there's velcro on a pillow pet and it could it could really be abrasive to your knuckles well thanks for the warning but you're welcome but this bodybuilder pillow is uh you know you can arm wrestle this guy and get all your frustrations so brother you live in the now and there's pillows that can address your needs you miss way that my half-brother joke and you had so many others and I just said that's truly a half-brother again I was trying to connect with you I know but it was painful sorry friends just need a blood Slayer Ben Wow middle name blood Slayer how to keep siblings away from your bedroom and food again coming out in the form of a question I'm a problem if they're little this is very simple keep your room is easy you tell them that there's a monster in your closet and then you back that up with that night you run out of your room you've got fake blood all over your face in your body and you're running into their room and you're like I got attacked by the monster they'll never go in your room that simple but eventually they're gonna grow out of that and you got to get more creative booby traps you know you got be careful with this you don't wanna hurt anybody but you can do the classic water falling on your head that kind of thing seriously you can get a key to entry you can talk your parents into getting you a key to entry to your door but ain't going from that parent a really really smart sibling you can confuse them to where your door actually is by wallpapering over it and for food this is simple also hiding food that you like in food that no one likes so taking like the frosted mini-wheats and putting into a box of fiber one oh your dad's probably gonna get upset about that but you you tell your dad what you're doing he says I'll leave that fiber one alone and if that doesn't work you get all the food that you'd like you set it out on a table you bring your sibling into the room and you lick every single piece of food openly while they watch while they watch make them watch it and they say you want it you want it huh you want it do not enter a park you know that's how you handle your brothers and sisters rebecca jean jarrett asks my sister always blames me for everything and my parents believe her how do i stop this from happening well Rebecca we know exactly where you should turn does your sister blame you for everything and your parents always believe her then call us McLaughlin McLaughlin Neil and Neil the sibling hammers sibling lawyers for hire have you endured wet willies wedgies or purple nurples then call us dead legs Smurfs bites noogies is your little sister copying everything that you're saying is your older brother holding you down and then letting spit dribble out of his mouth and it's sucking it back in and then laughing in your face have you temporarily lost eyesight and one eye because you told your brother not to shoot the nerf gun at your face but he did it anyway and you said not to come in your room at all this decision that you have to make is simple you call us we'll go off with McLaughlin Neil and Neil I'm Randy mcLaughlin brother of Rhett mcLaughlin I worked with my two friends who were also brothers link Neil and Neil machette Neil Chet Neil hi I'm Chet Neil I'm the smarter of the Neil lawyer brothers I'm also smarter than the McLaughlin brothers even though my name is last in the firm I don't know how that happened I just didn't hail out some of my wig I'm really having trouble breathing that's a lawsuit waiting to happen we work on a 2% Commission that's 2% of whatever your allowance is usually doesn't we don't we're not doing very well we don't get paid until you get all the money from that allowance jar that your brother keeps in his sock drawer a lot of people say this is kind of ironic that Randy and red and Chet and neater link work together as it has four lawyers two broad sets of brothers and I say it's not ironic it's by design so call us the ones who designed this McLaughlin Laughlin Neil and Neil ask for Chet and I'll solve all your sibling issues if I'm not available I'll send you to one of the other three McLoughlin McLoughlin ela neil the sibling hammers and now two YouTube comments shoot 0-8 wrote a comment on our lumberjack high-heeled challenge video Wow I'm a woman and I'm actually jealous of rets legs - the leg hair exclamation point exclamation point I'm glad you pointed this out chute because since that episode I have gotten lots of comments like this and actually lots of serious requests to have my legs featured in various advertising up in the past couple weeks I've learned in it a whole world about how they just take your legs and will insert them into all kinds of advertisements and you get this is money really so you've got a job on the side prove it ok this is the I was all in front of the magazine oh wow is this the front yeah as you can see the cover they call as you can see that's not me that's a woman with a bag but those are my legs if you look closely you can maybe tell that those yeah I can see that they're hairy and oh I was also featured on page 42 of the same magazine this was talking about high-waisted shorts gross and they're just like could you can you just jump up in the air and I just said I don't know where he where you're gonna put me next thing I know I'm in this ad for high-waisted shorts wow the proportions are a little off there I got paid $17 for that this one is about lotion lotion number two yes it's been three whole lines to get the word lotion on that thing and those my second toe and my third toe that's not Photoshop they're actually that much longer than the rest of my time yeah gosh but they didn't mind they actually pay me very well for that they said we like that is that your hand no it's not that's the woman's hand wow that's um it makes my word that is my calf and that's actually not my other foot doesn't yet they just went with one foot right we just want one of it why couldn't me why couldn't they just use her right foot I asked the same question I said shut up and just take the money this one is Riedel Magazine they got the proportions real off on this thing that woman's like she's looking down at her leg like gross you might you might not be able to tell but I didn't actually have to wear that red thing around my leg that was added later all I did was just stand there you had to hike up your shorts or something yeah and finally in this shaving ad which I know I made sense I can totally tell this here legs they did not even like the tone of the skin cut like your legs like blue I mean it's like there's not enough circulation on your thighs the answer to this question is no I have not shared but I will at some point you know so anyway that's what I've been doing with all my free time and I was jealous until I saw what you've been up to and I'm like you know what you do your thing man okay it's great money thanks for liking and commenting on this video you know what time it is Ryan I'm Colin and we're from Desoto Texas and it's time to spin don't forget to watch and share the all new music video on the retinol ink Channel are you gonna eat available on iTunes click through to good mythical more where we're gonna do a open some mail and eat some Uruguayan cookies taste test lots of good stuff over here repeat salad until it loses all meaning salad salad Alex salad salad salad salad salad salad salad I'm already there you may not know this but a gin played hockey in college yeah she like actually knows how to skate look at where it got her
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,619,537
Rating: 4.9346433 out of 5
Keywords: Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, season 7, Hotline, Sibling, Call, Chat, advice, Advice (Media Genre), sister, brother, siblings, Sibling Rivalry (Literature Subject), facebook, twitter, youtube, comments, legs, model, male model, Bro, Lawyer (Profession), Law (Industry), lawfirm, spoof, parody
Id: DPS_4y4_uaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2015
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