Weekly Used Gun Review Ep. 19

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hello and welcome back i am chris with marksman shooting sports in westfield indiana and you are watching marksman tv welcome back to another weekly used gun review remember in these videos we take about eight used guns that come into the store and take the opportunity to give you a two to three minute rundown to give you guys an idea some things that are out there on the market keep in mind the point of this video is strictly to be educational we are not making this video to sell you anything nothing in this video is for sale to keep in accordance with youtube's policies anyway guys if that all sounds interesting to you please stick around that's coming up now all right remember the format of this videos we start off with the ones that are most common and then we'll move through the ones that i have seen the fewest of in here as used firearms anyway guys let's go ahead and kick it off first up i have the very popular and often seen smith and wesson m p shield now this is a first generation you guys have seen many different shields on this channel in many different configurations variations 2.0 the performance center this is the one that sort of started it all the shield would come out as part of the m p line from smith and wesson in 2012. they offered it in nine and forty nine millimeter of course being the most popular and the most common that you see today now several years later they would come out with the 2.0 and they would offer it actually it was the the 45 chambering of this was really a 2.0 but that predated the official launch of the 2.0 series which is where they would basically change the texturing of the grip to more of a sandpaper type field they would put front side serrations they would change up the trigger a little bit and then they would add about 100 hours to the msrp and that's when it first launched we noticed in our store that the 2.0 sales were not nearly as good as the first gens in fact when the 2.0 came out the first gen's dropped in price by a pretty considerable amount if you guys might remember there was a point in time where you could get these was actually back in about 2017 you could get these uh brand new with a rebate you're basically we're down to about 270 dollars so for the price this is actually a phenomenal defensive carry package as many of you guys know i personally carry a m p shield it is my concealed carry firearm even though i am a you know self-proclaimed glock fan i love glock products when it comes to the single stack concealed carry realm i do prefer the shield over the 43 and the 43x just what i'm most comfortable with the biggest complaint that you would get on these is the trigger it's a little bit gritty that was one thing that they tried to update on the 2.0 um they did also put an over travel stop back here there's a little one down here in the trigger guard anyway characteristically it was a little bit different than the standard m p line that it became a part of there was no interchangeable back straps came with two magazines a flush fit and an extended this one just has its flush fit mag in it which will put you at eight and seven rounds respectively so really really good option especially if you could pick one of these up used under norm excuse me under normal circumstances typically you find these used for about 150 to 200 i know right now things are a little crazy you know everything up used is up by about 40 right now so right now these are going and the high twos just because of the times but you know again if you wait a couple years or or a year for everything to sort of settle back down again you should be able to find one like this in good condition for about the hundred dollar i'm sorry about the 150 to 200 price point for that money it is an excellent concealed carry package i am a huge fan definitely something i recommend you take a look at if you see one okay up next i have a smith and wesson again this one here is a model 22a-1 now this is a 22lr target pistol magazine releases right here on the front strap this one here has two magazines which is what they came with new 210 round max now the story on this is a little bit interesting smith and wesson did discontinue this model in about 2015 and now produces the victory model which is their main headlining 22 target handgun this one did not really get a lot of following and a lot of acclaim in the handgun community especially in the 22 target community most people opted for things like the mark series from ruger or the buckmark series from browning and these are pretty well ignored mainly because there were some reliability issues some accuracy issues just people in this community were not too excited about these now these would release with an msrp of about 350 typically you find them new for about the 300 mark used i actually did not maintain a lot of value typically around the 200 to 250 mark now right now of course with prices elevated you typically find these used for about the 300 mark right now also being that they are discontinued and are no longer produced there is going to be a little bit a very small amount of collectibility with smith and wesson collectors so these are pretty uh iconic for a couple reasons number one is the full integrated rail up at the top so if you want to put any type of optic or a red dot or anything like that there you can and it is a full alloy construction which encompasses a uh a steel barrel this is a hammer fired straight blowback pistol design i mean very very straightforward very basic really nothing else really exciting to say about it but if you do see one again because they are going to be a little bit more difficult to find over the years as opposed to things like the victory which are out now if you do want something to put into your smith and wesson collection you just want to have it to fill a gap it is an interesting handgun and like i said you should be able to pick one up for not a whole lot of money so i'm glad to see this one come in and glad to share it with you here on this video okay next up i have one that's a little bit of a blast from the past now when we get down to surplus or imported firearms you typically have a particular genre of firearm that come in that sort of dedicate or that sort of define a decade as far as imports go i would probably say in the past 10 years we've seen a lot of bulgarian macarons sks's polish p64s but when it came down to the 90s one of the biggest and most prolific imports were the little astra a100s these would come in with with pretty relative frequency they were imported by eaa as the a100 and also by springfield as the panther both of them are the exact same firearms they were manufactured in spain they did make them in 940 and 45. this one here is a nine millimeter and it does feature a 17 round double stack magazine i believe the 40 was a 13 round magazine now it is a recoil operated locked breech designed very similar to a high power or a cz-75 but you will see it takes a lot of external notes from sig this looks to be almost a direct copy of a sig p229 it carries a lot of the same features a little decocker here your slide stop or your slide hold open lever right here on this side double single action with a really nice single action pull double action is going to be a lot heavier which is why they went without a safety just like sig when these were coming in you could get them for about 150 now because these were brought in for such a long time i do see a pretty good fair amount of these in my store and about the past six years we've had maybe between five and ten of them they are very good sellers like i said they are excellent handguns for the money typically you find these used for about the 250 dollar mark right now they're going about 50 to 100 higher just because of the time so under normal conditions if you find one of these for about 250 they are a really really really good firearm honestly very close representation like i said to the sig p22 series more more effectively this one the p229 um very accurate very reliable very good balance to them full steel frame and slide just a nice looking handgun so again sort of a token from the 1990s a lot of guy a lot of you guys who collected firearms and will probably you've probably had one or you probably still do so typically when i get in collections from people uh usually if it's a big enough a big enough collection there's usually a couple a100s sitting around you know this is just a very common firearm so uh really cool to see that come in if you do see an a100 or panther from eaa or springfield definitely pick it up and take a look you might be surprised you might like the feel of it and it would be good a good sort of glove box gun uh camping hunting sidearm something like that that you don't have to worry too much about but it'll definitely have really good reliability comfort and small recoil impulse there so definitely worth taking a look up next i have a pretty interesting one this is an ivor johnson target sealed eight which is an eight round capacity 22lr revolver now these would be made between 1932 and 1954. there would be a brief pause in production for world war ii of course is everybody who made arms would have to stop their main line production for things like m1 garands 1911's parts for tanks boats whatever they were doing so of course there wasn't really a need for anything like this a funny side note the high standard 22s they actually did see military service and training and special forces operations but that's neither here nor there now the first variation would be from the beginning of production in the early 1930s up until about the start of world war ii they would cease production and then in 1947 they would take up production again and seize production in 1954. that time break would basically break up the first and second model they were made in a six inch barrel and a four and a half inch barrel this is a six they made wood grips and plastic grips standard slab size which this is checkered grips now this is the second model and the serial number puts it at about 1950 production it is a double single action revolver and it does load by via a loading gate here on the side sort of like a cowboy action gun the loading gate does not open it's just a channel that's always recessed into the side of the receiver or the side of the frame you load and unload your ammunition that way there is no ejection wrong now you can remove the cylinder by of course keeping it on half [ __ ] you push on this little lever right here and take out the base pin and then you can roll out so you can load and unload it that way if you want to as well now in 1955 this would be replaced by the ivor johnson model 55 when this would be discontinued these are very affordable uh little revolvers at the time as most ivor johnson products were they were really designed with the working man in uh in mind so they're hunting shotguns rifles little 22 revolvers very affordable and of course because that you typically saw a good number of them produced now on the used market today these are not very expensive they have climbed a little bit over the past couple years but there is typically no collector market on ivor johnson firearms it's sort of more that type of thing that if a guy sees one in a case at a good price they might pick it up because he remembers dad had one or grandpa had one or he may have had one when he was a kid typically something like this in this condition is going to be between about 150 and 200 uh but you know about 10 years ago these are about 100 bucks so they have gone up quite a bit in value in that regard but of course you have to consider inflation if you do see one of these for about 150 to 200 hour mark really interesting little target guns yes there are better things on the market for the money but if you do have that nostalgic sort of that interest from your past you remember growing up as a kid shooting tin cans on the farm with one of these totally worth picking up and that's really the type of customer that's going to be interested in something like this so always interesting to see something like this come in really cool to put it on the shelf okay up next is a personal favorite of mine this is a smith and wesson model 66 and this one is a dash 4. this is a double single action 357 revolver of course you can load 38 38 plus p in here 6 round capacity now the 66 was the stainless version of the venerable model 19 which is a very popular smith and wesson revolver when it comes down to smith nomenclature and models if you just change the finish type you don't just say it's a model 19 stainless you call it a model 66 so there you go now this would be introduced in 1972 they were introduced with a four and a six inch barrel and then in 1974 they would come on with a two and a half inch barrel which is what you have here now like i mentioned this is a 66-4 the dash 4 would come in in 1994 and they would change the rear sight leave drill and tap this the top of the frame uh change the ejector rod and then of course that was the year that they introduced the rubber uh hogue grips in 2002 and the 66-6 that's when they introduced the frame lock that of course nobody really likes now in 2005 they discontinued the 66 and then in 2014 they reintroduced it i believe under the classic series now the action on these is incredibly smooth in smith and wesson fashion like i said double single action and you do have the firing pin mounted up here to the front of the face of the hammer so there's no transfer bar the value on these things is all over the board a 66-4 like this in this condition with the two and a half inch barrel which is less common it's probably going to be around the 650 dollar price point if you get into a no dash you're probably up over a thousand and then you get past 2002 where you have the frame locks which i believe is the 66-6 or dash 7. uh you're going to have the least amount of value there of course as people smith collectors especially do not like uh the post lock guns i like prelogs like this really nice longer grips squared or round butt uh grip i don't remember what year they introduced the round butt i think it may have been the dash three uh maybe the dash five i can't really recall but there is definitely all that information online really really really nice revolvers i'm really happy to get this in things like this do not sit around too long especially when you get a smith collector uh and that when you know when they know that you have it so a nice mid production model 66 from the 1990s really really cool firearm all right up next is a pretty interesting one this is a little smith and wesson model 317. oops about my tripod okay this is a double single action 22lr with an eight round capacity what makes this one unique is its weight it is super super super light i have a little scale right here and if you guys can see that the total weight of this revolver is 10 ounces see if i can cover that up there it is remarkably lightweight for what it is even when the customer brought it in and handed us the box i actually at first thought it was an empty box i thought that maybe he just had the box was handing me the box and he was going to pull out the gun separately this is probably one of the lightest weight revolvers on the market now the kit gun concept which basically is what this falls into is smith and wesson came out with this line in 1953 with the model 1953 being the main precursor or the main headliner of the kit gun concept from smith and wesson in the inner war period in about the 1930s it was pretty popular that people would have you know go hunting hiking camping i spent a lot of time outdoors and what they had was called their kit and the kit was basically all their survival equipment that would be inside of it and in every good kit there was a kit gun so smith and wesson came out with a lightweight variation like i said the 1953 that would serve the role of the kit gun as time would go on steels would be replaced with alloys with titanium and that's basically what this is a mixture of titanium and alloy which gives it a ultra super lightweight i mean it's very it's almost feels like a toy it feels like it's made of plastic it's remarkable how lightweight this is now the previous owner on this put a set of crimson trace laser grips on it which are actually pretty interesting uh really really nice and good feel now a very heavy trigger pull it's actually very very heavy and of course that just makes it a little bit safer to carry if it's your backpack or a camping gun really really nice even if you're not into the outdoors if you're looking for something as a defensive carry n22 something that's easy to carry very light fits in the palm of my small hands and is also going to have a pretty minimal recoil impulse this is something really cool to look at now price points on these are actually a little bit high for what they are on the used market you're seeing these sell between about this six to 650 dollar mark in good condition now this one does not have its original grips which is going to knock its value but still a pretty coveted interesting firearm and you know they tend to do pretty well and this is actually the first one i've ever seen in here so really really cool firearm happy to have that on here for for you guys to take a look at and excited to put this on my shelf okay up next is a pretty cool one that i have never had in use before i have had one new though but this is the savage model 10 ashbury precision and this plano hard case i'm going to go ahead and get it out of here and be right back okay so the savage model 10 ashbury precision this is basically a savage model 10 action and the model 10 would have come onto the scene in about the 1950s i believe it was 1956. i actually had a standard condition a standard configuration i'm sorry model 10 and a walnut stock in about maybe two or three videos ago but this one right here is obviously a little bit done up now about three or four years ago they would come out with the savage stealth which is also a model 10 in the self chassis now they would come out with the ash asberry the ashbury precision uh gosh it's been probably about three years ago and it was a sabre svs a3mr modular chassis system which is what this is in here now so the cool thing about this is every component of the chassis can be interchanged with with other components if you want to change the stylizing like there's a couple little nuts right here you can remove this hand guard and put on something that's a little bit lighter and ergonomic there is you'll see right here in the pistol grip there are little brackets right here which change the grip angle this one's at about 11 degrees you can change the grip angle if you want this is just a standard ar-15 pistol grip so you can switch that out as well and then you have a magpul ar-15 buffer tube with a six position ar-15 stock if you want sort of the dmr stock put out by magpul or anything else you can switch that out and and change it to that option now the bolt does not go back into the buffer tube here so this actually incorporates a side folder for easy storage which you guys saw being utilized in that plano hard case now this would come onto the scene just shortly after the rooker precision so this would really be a competitor for that the ruger precision has a lot in common with the ar-15 buffer tube setup but of course that cannot be folded and used at the same time if you want to do that on a precision rifle because the bolt throw actually goes back into the buffer tube up here standard would just be a muzzle break up here at the end and this is a fluted barrel this here is in 65 creedmoor the more common ones will be in 308 now new on the market these would be about the thirteen to fourteen hundred dollar range when they first hit the market they were about seventeen eighteen hundred dollars because of the rigor precision it was hard for them to hit that price point so they did offer sales and bring the pricing down quite a bit now up on here we do have a vortex crossfire 3 to 12 by 56 very large objective up here at the front these are really cool rifles has the savage accu trigger uses detachable aics magazines i believe you know actually the pmag magazines up here at the front really really cool system if you like the model 10 this is a very very nice bench gun a little bit on the heavy side with the optic on here you're at about 11 to 12 pounds so not something you're going to take hunting but if you want to do long range bench shooting precision shooting this is a great option oversized bolt handle as well as standard on this model used actually they do hold a lot of their value you're gonna be base of probably about 900 to a thousand but without the add-ons you know add maybe one or two hundred dollars of course with accessories you're not gonna get as much out of it as you put into it so this package in today's money probably about thirteen hundred dollars about the cost of a brand new one you can get this one fully loaded out if you want it used um something like this has not seen a lot of rounds through it just because especially here in central indiana there's really not a lot of places to stretch the legs on something like this but anyway really cool to see come in not going to last long just a really really cool rifle ashbury precision great for the money long range shooting uh just a great option also has a free floated barrel a 5r rifle by the way i do have a long form video on this compared to the ruger precision if you want to watch that i'll leave a link down in the description all right last but not least i have a very popular one this is a colt detective special now this would come onto the scene in 1927 and would stay in production until 1995. so quite a long production run for these that of course they would fall out of favor towards the end of production against things like the smith and west and j frames the model 36 was one of the leading competitors to this which would be at a more affordable price and a little bit of a more modern and robust design now at the time the cult detective special of course it would come into its name that it was really intended to be an ancillary sidearm for law enforcement and of course did very well and was very popular in that role with law enforcement and private citizens as well now the term snub nose revolver as many of you know actually started with this gun this was the first modern swing out cylinder with a short this one has a two inch or they had the three inch barrel and it got dubbed the name the snub nose and it all began right here wood grips with a nice square button down here at the bottom nice high gloss or a high polish i'm sorry blue finish and the action of course is very very smooth now being a concealed carry the hammer pull on this was a little bit heavier than other production offerings from colt that was just mainly a safety factor but you could stage the hammers so easily right there and then go into a nice clean pool of course you could go in single action as well very simple size a rear gutter with a front post and a six round capacity like i said swing out cylinder and 38 special now these would also be chambered in 32 new police and 38 new police but of course the 38 special is the most common now this particular one was made in 1959 so right there in the middle of production uh and that's basically all there is to be said about it now when it comes into pricing the pricing on these things is all over the place something like this which isn't about 90 condition there's definitely some some holster wear and things like that which is going to be pretty common on a cold detective special something like this is probably going to be in about the 650 to 700 price point now if you have its original box it's an earlier production and in about 95 plus condition of course they can go pretty high they can go up between a thousand and fifteen hundred but typically where you see them is anywhere between five hundred and thousand in most cases depending on conditions so anyway i think this may be the only detective special i've ever had maybe the second but i do not see them too frequently they do tend to stay in people's collections and again as a snub nose 38 special revolver with a nice good amount of weight to it very reliable they do tend to still make really good carry guns of course it's gonna be a little bit pricey compared to things like a smith 442 or 642 that you can get brand new for about 450 dollars so it is again a little bit on the higher collectible side but if you like the classiness of a retro cult uh detective special then this is definitely a cool way to go so anyway happy to get that in anyway guys that is all i have for you today thank you so much for stopping by and checking out this video if you enjoyed please let me know by hitting the like button please also consider subscribing to my channel as we do post these videos every week if you have any questions please leave those down below anyway guys i'm going to sign off with you there i am chris with marksman shooting sports in westfield indiana you are watching marksman tv and i will see you next time
Channel: MarksmanTV
Views: 27,391
Rating: 4.9659238 out of 5
Id: Y8petnfKaFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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