[Weekly Highlights] Welcome Lua's Family๐Ÿฅฐ [The Return of Superman] | KBS WORLD TV 240616

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(An eye-catching sky-blue building with a green roof) Is it the sky-blue house? - That's right. / - It's the color of the sea. It is, like Bada's name. That's why it's sky blue. (Who does this happy voice belong to?) Oh, how pretty. Who is feeling so energetic? (She's already so energetic.) She's so cute. - She's already / - She's - so energetic. / - a super extrovert. (She's a super extrovert according to Bada.) Hello. I'm Lua's mom, Bada. (I'm super extrovert Lua's mom, Bada.) Hello. I'm cute Lua. - So cute. / - She's so cute. She's so pretty. Lua is five. Her name means "star of the sea." She is my cute, little star. - Are you ready to go, Lua? / - Yes! She's very affectionate. - She's not just overflowing / - She's so pretty. - with energy. / - Goodness. It's proper to say that she's bursting with energy. (Lua is bursting with energy. She's very cute too.) A close designer friend of mine suggested that sky blue color to me. "Your name means ocean. And if the house is sky blue," "your child could grow up" "looking at the sky and ocean." - How beautiful. / - They suggested that to me. I was very grateful. (A small world Bada wanted to give to Lua) (1st floor) (2nd floor) (And even a rooftop) (The living room and kitchen are on the 1st floor.) When you walk into the white front gate, you can see the living room and kitchen on the first floor. It's so nice and clean. - It's so clean. / - Yes. That was the first house Lua went to after she was born. Before that, we were living in an apartment as newlyweds. Then we found a place to live with Lua. - So that's... / - It totally feels like a European house. - The staircases and all. / - You have many pictures of Lua. (From the European-style living room and to the stairs) (Lua's pink room) (This is the highlight of the room!) I like these kinds of spaces. - Kids love those spaces. / - It's Lua's favorite. - Kids like those nooks. / - They do. - Right. / - Right. It's like a hideout. - Yes. / - You used the space very well. She can be as messy as she wants in that space. You decorated it so well. Yes, it's so cute. The doodles are so cute too. Lua drew those doodles. Isn't that so romantic? - You just kept it. / - You used it as decoration. - I just made it into a mural. / - I see. (Artist Ba Lu Mother and Daughter's collaboration) In the morning, I have her listen to music. When my throat is feeling good, I give Lua my first voice of the morning. - I give her my first voice. / - "First voice." First voice. It's the first sound you make when you wake up. - "First voice." / - Your voice before warming up? - I've never heard of "first voice." / - Seriously. I've heard of "true voice." - I've never heard of "first voice." / - A singer - has a first voice. / - Is that so? Yes. Generally, we don't really use our voices before 12 p.m. Whether Lua wakes up at 6 or 8 in the morning, I sing for Lua with my first voice. (They spend every day with music and dance.) (Dancing to the music) Your precious first voice. - Oh, my. / - She likes to dance. - Yes. / - She does. She's a free spirit. Good morning. โ™ช Rising sunshine โ™ช Lua. What should I play for you? - TWS. / - TWS? Okay. (Getting ready) (Nice timing.) (Current time, 9 a.m.) - It's 9 a.m. right now. / - How fun. It's hard to just get up in the morning, - but you're even dancing. / - Yes, it's hard. (Ba Lu Mother and Daughter's dancing spirit) (is awake already.) How fun. - Let's go to school! / - If you do that, she must feel happy every day - and see how happy her life is. / - Make a heart. - It must be good for her. / - Totally. (How is Bada's live singing with her first voice?) (It's not hard.) (Spinning) My name is Lua! Look at Mom. - Mom is crazier than Lua. / - You're really amazing. Oh, my. It's so funny to me that this is airing on TV. (Wait!) (Clearing throat) I didn't know there was a pause there. (Please look forward to our chemistry!) Let's go! (After a light warm-up with a new song) Okay. Let's go. Okay. Lua. Let's do it. I'll do it twice. There you go. Get up there. (Washing her face on her own) There you go. Deer. Can you wash your face all by yourself? Really? Oh, how pretty. I think you need a towel. (Blowing her nose too) Do you have to give her the towel like that? It's fun. There you go. - Nice. / - Is this okay? Yes, you're all done. So cute. You're all done. Come here. I'll put it on for you. (Dab, dab) (Everything is fun with Mom.) (Passing out from Lua's cuteness) I want to listen to "Highlight." Okay, "Highlight." Let's go. "Highlight!" - "Highlight?" / - Is there another "Highlight?" - Are you ready for "Highlight?" / - Yes. (What is this "Highlight" that Lua likes?) - Oh, it's a song title. / - Hold on. - What is this? / - Rock. Wait. She likes rock? (A five-year-old likes rock?) Lua is totally into rock right now. My husband showed her a video. She kept asking him to play it again on the spot. She watched it about ten times. One day, we played this song, and Lua started looking for a guitar. She has a certain style in mind with denim and all. - She understands rock fashion. / - That is really rock fashion. - I don't think / - Her hair is down too. it was intentional, but she wanted to wear specifically that. (And she didn't forget a spoonful of cuteness.) I want to sing "Highlight" soon. Let's go. Please perform "Highlight" for me! - Okay! / - Okay! (A European-style house and completely different music) (A passionate fan of rocker Lua) Okay! (It's still only 10 a.m.) Lua Kim! Kids must love it when you cheer for them like that. (Singing live is a piece of cake for her.) (Even copying the gestures) She could debut. (Passionately singing) (Highlight!) (Head-banging) Mom is being even crazier. (Surprising amount of energy in the morning in her 40s) Why are you singing so passionately? (My mom, herself, is the rock.) (Their stage presence is) (as strong as the original singer's.) (Highlight!) (This adult is more excited than the child.) (This is a whole rock festival.) The energy is flowing throughout my whole body! Just watching the video is draining me of energy. Seriously. (His spirit has already left his body.) (Strumming the guitar) (Strumming the guitar) (So much charisma) โ™ช It's white in the moment โ™ช She's good at singing too. - Even the ending pose. / - She's so cool. She even knows the ending. - That was amazing. / - She has talent. - She's really good. / - Look at Mom. - It's not over yet. / - Oh, my. - It's not over yet. / - It's not over yet. (Totally fascinated, Junho is especially loving it.) Is our daily life that weird? - It's not weird. It's great. / - No, it's not weird. - It's very exciting. / - It's very charming. (Shouting) (This 5-year-old baby truly loves rock.) (Highlight!) (Singing on an empty stomach at 10 in the morning) - Wait... / - Actually, there's a hole in that unicorn because I did that so much. You rubbed it so much. Of course, you made a hole. (It's finally the ending!) (Lua is the best.) - Good job, Lua. / - That was truly amazing. Good job. High five. (Lua excitedly runs into the bakery.) (They playfully gaze at each other.) - Lua. Did you sleep well? / - Yes. Yes. Lua. - Gosh. / - Gosh. She's hugging the owner. Are you here to have bread? Which bread do you want to eat? That one? Which one do you want then? Just this one. The first one? Okay. - Welcome. Hello. / - This is... - This is our brunch cafe, right? / - Sure. We got the usual. - We got two more than usual. / - I see. - You got me organic crops. / - Yes, they're organic. - Honey. / - Yes. Come on. - "Honey?" / - "Honey?" - What was that? / - Hold on. - This is... / - We must edit this out. - What was that? / - This is... Hold on. She called the owner of the bakery, honey. - Did you sleep well? / - So well. - She didn't / - Did you sleep well - want to get up. / - with Lua? - That's your husband? / - That's your husband. Yes. That's my husband. (The owner is Lua's father and her husband.) I thought he was in his 20s. (Shy) (They got married in 2017 after dating for 1 year.) (Bada is 11 years older than her husband.) Gosh. Really? - Gosh. He's so handsome. / - He's good-looking. Isn't this your first time revealing his face on TV? It is. They were filming him when he was working. So his face was naturally revealed. - He must wear a mask at work. / - Of course. So he couldn't take it off. Wait. The name of the bakery... - The sign has Lua's name. / - "Lua." - Is that right? / - Right. - Gosh. There's my man. / - Lua. - Hello, Lua. / - My man. - I mean... / - You guys still hug each other? - My husband likes to hug me. / - Yes. We only hug each other when the boiler breaks down. - Because it's cold? / - Only in winter. - That's not cool. / - In winter. - Lua. He's my man. / - No. - He's my man. What is it? / - No. - No. What's going on? / - What is it? (Dad, hug me.) - Why? / - Am I yours then? He's my man. No, he's mine. No. He's mine. He's mine. - Seriously. / - Gosh. - I'm yours, Lua. / - When will we end this war? He's mine. Then why don't we make him ours? Lua. You said you wanted to share him. Let's share him. - Yes. Let's share him together. / - We'll share him? - Okay. Let's share him together. / - We'll do that. Then he will share him together. - Let's all be friends. / - Okay. - Friend. / - I'll bring you the bread. - Wait. / - Friend. I see animals here. - We have animals here? / - Yes. - Lua. Can you introduce them then? / - Where? Where are these animals? (They decorated a small garden outside the window.) So you're not raising real animals, right? - They are animal miniatures. / - I see. This is a rabbit. - And we have two deer here. / - I see. And what else? Let's go outside. - We should go outside? / - Yes. I see. So you want to go out. - Again... / - Could I borrow it just this once? (A cute act that never fails her) - You like shiny things. I see. / - Yes. - You'll look at them from here? / - Yes. You'll look at them from here? - How beautiful. / - How beautiful. - What a beautiful sight. / - Isn't that beautiful? - With some sunshine... / - You know what? The bakery doesn't look like - it's in Korea. / - Right. The cafe looks exotic as if - it's in another country. / - Like a European cafe. - Like a cafe in the Netherlands. / - Right. "Ask Lua to do it." Okay. Lua. It wants a massage. - Tangerine. / - "Yes." Should we play with the ball? "Sounds good. Let's play with the ball again." When we play with the ball... (Bada and Lua can't stop laughing) (thanks to the beautiful scenery.) Let's try again. Gosh. He's cooking for them right away. When we bring down the vegetables in the morning, he cooks with them for us right away. That's the best breakfast. - I bet. / - It comes out in a proper dish. (His love for them is also included in the food.) "All right. Lua. Try it and see how it tastes." "I'm tastier than you think." - Lua. / - Gosh. Here. - Here you go, Lua. / - That looks tasty. - All right. / - For you, Lua. - Thanks, honey. / - Sure. That looks so tasty. We always get to enjoy breakfast with the bread your dad bakes. Gosh, Lua. Lua. Don't eat it as if you've never had it before. - The back of the cafe / - It's so beautiful. - is beautiful. / - Right? Dad, your bread is the best! The best! When he took off his mask earlier, he reminded me of the actor, Lee Jungjin. - Yes. I see the resemblance. / - He's so handsome. - Gosh. / - Yes. I do see the resemblance. - He's handsome. / - He could be an actor. - Why didn't you reveal his face? / - Why? Right. He's so handsome. Lua. The weather today is amazing. Right? - Right. The weather is amazing. / - Right? Look how great the weather is. Lua. Lua. Who do you like more? Your friend, Igeon, or me? You! (Touched) Lua. But you like him a lot. No. I like you, Dad. Really? - Gosh. / - She likes you more today. Honey, congratulations. - At last. / - Right. - You finally beat Igeon. / - I beat Igeon. (Truly happy) - Seriously. Today... / - Right. - You took Igeon away from me! / - Yes. - I took Igeon from you? / - What does she mean? - She's so funny. / - Thank you. Honey. You'll be able to - sleep well starting tonight. / - He's not here. - Right? / - Yes. I think I'll get a good night's sleep. Lua. And I'm yours, Dad. Lua. What about me? You won't be mine today? Will you be hers or not? - Yours and Daddy's... / - Yes. You'll be ours then? Yes. You can be ours then. Thank you. She'll be theirs. - Gosh. / - They're brimming with love. - It's like / - How beautiful. I'm looking at the perfect example of a happy family. Lua. Look over there! (Kissing) (She ambushes Lua with a kiss when she turned away.) - Dad, look! / - Yes? (Kissing) Lua. Look at that. (Lua loves playing the Over-There-Kiss Game.) - Dad. Look over there. / - Yes. (They can keep kissing with this game.) Lua. Look over there! Gosh. (Everyone has caught the happy fever.) - Dad. Look over there. / - The Over-There-Kiss Game. - It's Lua's favorite game. / - I see. Thank you. You know, I have to perform - at these fancy shows and so on. / - Yes. But spending time with you and Lua while having your bread like this is the most precious to me. It brings me the biggest joy. Same here. This moment is very precious to me too. Yes. This brings me the biggest joy. I mean it. (She feels happy as a mom and a wife, not as a singer.) - But here's a thing. / - Yes. When I calculated the age gap, you and I were ten years apart. I never thought we would end up together. - When I tell people / - Yes. - how you pursued me first / - Yes. - and pushed me into marrying you... / - Okay. - People who saw you / - Right. I pursued you - do that... / - persistently. - But some people don't believe me. / - Right. The thing is, you're different - in your day-to-day life. / - Yes. You don't behave like you do on TV shows. Then what am I like to you? In my opinion, when you're around me, (To him, she's a shy girl.) you're quite shy. - And... / - I doubt people will believe that. Right. Only I know the real you. (He's a sweet guy who talks nicely.) - Hearing this is making me shy. / - Yes. - Gosh. You're acting all shy now. / - I tend to get - shy around him. / - You're different around - your husband. / - That's a different side of her. I can feel the heart-fluttering vibe. - I do. / - That's a new side of her. What did you like about me back then? Why did you like me? Back then... When I met you for the first time... So when I saw you, for some reason... (He sweetly fixes her hair.) (A romantic gaze) (Acting lovey-dovey as if they're still dating) He's so young. (A loaded comment from Yujin) - He's young. / - He's so young. When I saw you, I got a signal. How should I put it? Should I say I heard a chiming bell in my head? (Should I say I heard a chiming bell in my head?) Gosh. - Did you really hear the bell? / - Yes. But I didn't know what was happening then because... From what I remember, I wasn't trying to look feminine. I was wearing a black leather dress or something like that. - Yes. / - Right. - She should pass by them. / - Right. Even when I heard you say that you had feelings for me, it didn't feel real. Had I known about your internal traits like your personality, I would have dated you right away without turning you down. No. When you turned me down, - it was quite a thrill. / - Was it good? - Was it okay? / - Yes. - I turned you down many times. / - Because... Yes. You did. I felt bad for turning you down many times. But I was afraid of marriage back then. You were indeed. To be honest, I was very scared of marriage. I was afraid of giving birth too. Being responsible for someone's life isn't an easy thing. - Right. / - That's right. - So... / - I... (His wife needed a lot more courage.) I thought I had to do my best for us, so our starting point would be leveled. If he was that reliable... He's reliable and has a sense of responsibility. I was confident that I could be the best husband for you. So... (I was confident that I'd be the best husband.) So remember what I said? "You should be with someone like me." And that's what happened now. Right? - Right. By the way, / - Yes. - it turned out just like you said. / - Yes. Personally, I've dated older men who had helicopters. - So... / - Older men with helicopters? - Hold on. / - They had helicopters? - This was a touching moment. / - Listen. Tell us about these men with helicopters. - These men with helicopters... / - Who are these guys? - I... / - Did they work at Incheon Airport? - Why? / - I'm showing off. - Well, we were just dating. / - That's so cool. - I was in S.E.S. / - Older men with helicopters? So I dated these cool older guys back in the day. I did. I'm sorry, Mother. I dated other guys too. So I said this to my husband on purpose. "Do you have a helicopter?" "Are you from the royal family or from a noble family?" "You're not." I wanted him to stop pursuing me, so I said overly harsh things. But he said something that made me realize something important. And this is what he said. "Seonghui." (Seonghui) "If you let go of your greed just a little bit," "you can be with a guy like me and live a happy life." "Why can't you think like that?" That's what he said. That was the moment that made me want to date him for the first time. - We started dating / - So - you saw him as a man then. / - the next day. - Right. / - At that moment... I think you're my Prince Charming. - Gosh. Thank you. / - So... Sure. I mean it. Thank you. Thank you so much for loving me. - Gosh. / - You must have gotten emotional. - Back then... / - Don't cry. Why are you crying? (Grabbing her hand tightly) Crybaby. Stop crying. I want to thank you for loving me the way I was all those years ago. I mean it. It was a long time ago. You and I had our first fight. I remember what you said to me the day we had our first fight. What did I say? "Let's never forget that we love each other." "Let's fight smart and with love." - That's what you told me. / - Right. What you said deeply resonated with me. Couples are bound to fight. - I was grateful for those moments. / - Right. We're bound to fight. So we have to fight well. But you told me that when you were only 27. - I heard that when I was 37. / - I... - I had never heard that before. / - I was an old soul. I had never heard that in my life before. You were so wise when you were only 27. Gosh. You guys are 11 years apart. - That's possible. / - You know what I mean, right? - I don't. / - You... - No younger men confessed to me. / - I mean... How would I know anything about that? I married a man 15 years older than me. - Hey! / - My husband and your husband must have a huge age gap. - We... / - Think about it. Hold on a second. My husband was born in 1966. - He was born in 1990. Right? / - Yes. - He was born in 1990. / - They're 27 years apart. - Wait. / - Don't get angry. - Jongwon must be his parents' age. / - No. - No! That's not true. / - We can't let them meet. Your husband was born in 1966? Why are you acting surprised? My mother was born in 1967. (Laughing) - I mean... / - Who? My mother. - My father was born in 1967 too. / - Right. Yes. (A confirmed kill) Hold on. Let's say we never talked about this! - We didn't talk about it. / - Why did you bring it up? - Change the subject. / - Sorry. Say it never happened. - Why did you mention that? / - Change the subject. I'm sorry. (Let's pretend this never happened.)
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Keywords: kbs, kbsworld, kbs world, yt:cc=on, KBSWorld, KBS, kbsworldTV, kbs์›”๋“œ, ์›”๋“œTV, kbs ์›”๋“œ, world tv, KBS WORLD TV, KPOP, ์ผ€์ดํŒ, KDRAMA, Superman, ์Šˆํผ๋งจ์ด ๋Œ์•„์™”๋‹ค, TheReturnofSuperman, ์Šˆํผ๋งจ์ด๋Œ์•„์™”๋‹ค, ใ‚นใƒผใƒ‘ใƒผใƒžใƒณใŒๅธฐใฃใฆใใŸ, ่ถ…ไบบๅ›žๆฅไบ†, ZenFujita, Eunwoo, Junho, Heejun, Jungwoo, Lua, Bada, Rock, Guitar, RockStar, Concert, Party, Bakery, CoffeeShop, JangDongmin, Treasure, Jiu, Siu, Bilingual, English, Korean, Genius, Jajangmyeon, BlackBeanPaste, BlackBeanPasteNoodles
Id: NzdZO6smzaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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