Weekly Food Prep And Freezer Tips

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[Music] have you feared frosting everyone um so sweet process weeks going to be a little different but you know what at the end of the day food prep isn't always just chopping cleaning prepping or anything like that I have some different stuff I want to do this week because I did do a stock up grocery haul Steve is going to help me break down our meats I want to get a freezer inventory done in my deep freeze because it's pretty low so I'm able to get back on top with my freezer inventory so it will help me with meal times and everything we thought I am going to be doing freezer meals this week so I have a little bit of extra prep to do that and just some other stuff like you know I have my Marg schools trying to make more stuff from scratch I still have a couple of packaged stuff that I'm going to use up but then I don't want to repurchase it so there will be some more baking stuff like that and I do think they suffered baking videos throughout the week I'm not really sure like I said everything is a process and some of it will be included in my daily blog some of it will be separate vlogs and you know it's a variety of everything so if you like that kind of stuff and you new please subscribe so you don't miss out it so anyways let's get started because I did a really big grocery haul that is linked down below if you want to check that out if you haven't seen it and I just rocked up on a lot of stuff and just kind of eat cleaner healthier less processed food so let's get started [Music] I need a help know it's Christmas week done and you know I love me because I got all your state variable no long oh well the poor guys going to have to eat lentils in the Sun my time yes I got your favorite they're not good yeah I take it how the plan come that's what you like and a little bit of what chops are another size those makes no over me yeah there's really needy so 453 so that's less than a dollar and then those of the steak what I got it yeah like older guys for beef and broccoli yeah our peppers big pepper steak yeah so I don't know how should a it'd be good and also good challenges know that it actually be good grilling steaks if there's a little marinated that's wrong yeah tenderize probably that yeah but I you know we probably go to enjoy steak I like to yesterday I know you know me I'm a nothing I have expensive tastes on a beer budget okay [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so food prep is done a little bit some little different things this week so I'll explain as I go so for those of you that are new I am definitely getting back into cleaner cleaner eating less processed foods and stuff like that set I'll explain as I go so grapes are on sale for a great price and I stocked up I use these rubbermaid fresh mint containers I really like them I find they actually do help make the produce last longer they might be a little bit of an investment at first but from what I've used them for I have not had any problems with the plant grapes I cut up a cantaloupe I'm going to try and get Andrew to eat this I'm not a lover of cantaloupe but I know that is good for me so I will eat it I also got some strawberries I just took the tops off I also did one of these Marie Callender's 33 meet marinara I did not for Angie for supper tonight I want to get away from this kind of stuff but I did have some of my freezer so I'm using it up I'm also going to be doing freezer meals this week so I did do some prep I have all my peppers chopped up I have celery green peppers and onions chopped up for one and then I have all of my onions chopped up too and then she was helping me and we went downstairs and peace lobbies so I'm not baking anything I do have these wire of our minis and some big bars so we're going to kind of use up what we have before I start everything from scratch and the biggest thing for food prep is obviously if my grocery haul is linked down below like I said I am a sale shopper so what I see need for 99 cents a pound or really good prices I stock up so after Christmas I've been like using up my deep freeze and that's why my grocery budgets like my grocery halls have been lower so I spent more this week but I feel like it was necessary because I got pork chops for 99 cents a pound chicken quarters for 99 cents a pound and just anything that I could get so what I do is I have it inventory for my deep freezer in my storage room so I have skinless boneless chicken thighs so I have two packages like my chicken breast I have feet so my chicken quarters I have three packages of three a four pack three packages before I have a whole ticket and meatball packages and my other stuff and then the pork chops we put in pack for tuned in packs of three and then I have bait packs of ground beef so what I feel like I go to do my meal prep or my meal prep my meal plan I could look at my inventory and say okay this is what I have or as I bring stuff upstairs I can stroke off a pack of chicken breasts and then if ground beef goes on sale I can look and say oh well I only have two packages of ground beef so let's definitely pick up so this I've really been missing the last couple of months and I just feel so on top of it now was being organized and then going to be doing my freezer meals with that will be of another whole inventory so I'm really happy with this week's food so it kind of shows you two that weekly food crap is not just cleaning chopping and all that kind of stuff you know taking the time to break down the meats that you purchase on sale you know doing an inventory doing a little bit of you know cleaning out your pantry seeing what you need restocking is some stuff too old so that's all kind of part of weekly food pops so anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video I know I get a lot of positive feedback but this helps encourage you and it really takes the time to you know people ask me how do you stress your dollar stuff like that and you know if you know that you like certain meats and that's with that and you've never seen anything to that price before you know cut something from something else you know reduce another budget and then you know if you only have so much each week and then that way you know you have a freezer full of lean meats or you know produce or anything like that even peppers and onions they freeze great if you see them on the clearance rack I know poppers a lot of times and that so anyways that is it for weekly pretty proud to help you guys enjoyed it if you did give it a big thumbs up and if you new please subscribe and I promise my freezer meals will be up later this week so I know a lot of you guys look forward to it and I do too and it's really going to help me with meal planning better and since I you know I have a very unique situation with to my life my husband works away from home I have an autistic son my daughters in university so lots of times I'm eating by myself so it's really nice to have those homemade meals already frozen in the freezer that I can just heat up and have a good nutrition dinner instead of having something popped in the microwave or takeout or anything we got so thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you again next week bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: A Peek Inside
Views: 17,720
Rating: 4.9187226 out of 5
Id: fVIHXnyrct8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2017
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