Weekly Antique Asian & Chinese Art Auction News, Oct. 27, 2023

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[Music] well here we are again it's Friday October 27th and this is the weekly video we do these every Friday as all of you many of you know uh if you're new welcome uh we every Friday we take a look at the auction Market we look at a few things that are on live auctioneers if there's something big going on we try to bring it to your attention and so forth and there's been it's been a pretty busy week a bunch of new things have appeared on uh live auctioneers that we've added to the global member Pages we're going to go through a few of the little just a couple of them um uh pretty soon here so we'll stick around for that and we're going to take a look at some eBay auction results what's been up there it was was a little quiet last week and but there were some really good buys um I I I I think that there is some softening in the Chinese porcelain Market um is as we've talked about the problems facing China and all this other Global stuff that's going on right now these horrific things um around the world you can't get your head around it sometimes um it is affecting the economies of the world and that's that's pretty obvious in China's uh energy problems and their real estate problems and all this other stuff in trade and nobody getting along you know uh it it does impact things and and I think uh it's fairly obvious that it's impacting the Asian Art Market at this point um I I was worried about it as many of you know we talked about it about I talked about it about I don't know several months ago we were talking about this saying that it may have an impact I think it is all right but if you're a collector and you're building up your collection and you're interested in the cultural arts of Asia and all that I think it might might be going into a pretty good period uh and you may be seeing some things coming onto the market uh because people need to raise money uh and I think that is something we are seeing in China uh uh there are collections coming out that are are people that were once um very very wealthy and I don't think they may be quite so wealthy anymore so they need to raise some capital and uh if you have an art collection that's a pretty good way to do it uh and the first one to get to the market usually does the best and the ones that come in later um after it's been going on for a while a little trouble so if you if you've got some cash you might find some opportunities coming up here to bolster your collections all right one of the things I wanted to mention before we go any further because I got emails and inquiries about it this week because I've never mentioned them before Tai auctions Limited in Canada do not buy from them and uh if I if I've taught anybody anything uh doing these videos over the year is that if you go to live auctioneers or valuable and you see an auction house that looks like it's loaded with amazing stuff and very attractive things um and Tai is one of them um do yourself a favor and go over and check their account take a look open it up and go over here and see how many auctions they've done and what the kind of auctions they've done this auction house has been around um um only for a few months it's a new auction house um and they seem to have like Eden Galleries and these other corrupt auction house an endless supply of Imperial art and of course there's no such thing and uh if collections that at a glance that were as good as these collections are they would absolutely not be sold through a brand new auction house in Canada in waterl Canada of all places it would be sold in New York London or Hong Kong I and if you come across an auction house that has a post auction area that looks like this run for your life run run get away flee there will not be any real pieces in there all right other than maybe some Canton once in a while or a piece of Rose Medallion but these kinds of things do not get sent to Third Rate auction houses and brand new auction houses um and so forth and uh I mean the the signs are obvious but I I for some reason and I I don't I think many of you are successfully avoiding these auctions now but I think it's amazing to me that people have this gullible um and most of them are new in the collecting World they have been only at it for maybe a year or two they don't know any better they come in with a pocket full of money and off they go and before you know it they're selling these fake bronzes for $7,000 this is from today this sale just ended to this morning uh 7,000 6,000 5,000 this is what now what they're posting now maybe these are shill sales you don't know you don't know uh because keep in mind that if the if the if if the bid doesn't doesn't come through live auctioneers um and and and it SS if they'll final the winning bid isn't on live auctioneers they don't pay the commission to live auctioneers and there are ways for people to run up the their own um auctions uh to make it look like they're active bidding hoping somebody will hit the object and um and then if it if it goes to none of it sells they just run it again but anyway this is all nonsense all of these pieces are nonsensical um um you know but but if they're selling it looks like tens of thousands of dollars here all right you know if this very very rare yiao Kiln type um um uh Sun pot uh they're calling this Ming because they don't know any better um it's supposed to be sun um for $5,000 where a piece of this size authentic it would be worth uh add make it six figures all right and and so on and so forth um these little these little jars and so forth the Jades the bronzes all of of these are fakes you just have to Don't Go Near them all right and uh speaking of fakes um uh I wanted to mention one quick uh just a reminder again because I'm still getting inquiries from people that are talking about buying from ancient rhyme um who has an endless supply of fakes on eBay um copies occasionally they actually throw in a real antique but not often and of course our friends wolw um who are still selling and still finding suckers um for these knockoffs of a very very very rare um uh uh Ming and Ching porcelain God it's infuriating um this is the site if you if you if you if you are bookmarking and buying Chinese objects from these people you're buying copies you're buying bad sometimes really bad copies and sometimes really really good copies I don't know where they're getting them but there are a number of sources around where you can find these things and load them up and there are I suspect some auction houses that have been stuck with some pieces that they're more than happy to give these guys to liquidate for them but they misrepresent these Lots badly and um I'm rather shocked that eBay hasn't booted them off but then again they don't boot anybody off so um they'll boot they'll boot you off if you're three days late on shipping but they won't boot you off if you're stealing money anyway uh so just just keep that in mind I'm not going to go on about it too much but ancient Ryme and and and wolw um they're they're us-based and uh for some reason uh people from China or someplace are buying these pieces continuously from them and they're building up collections of copies it's pretty sad now a few things that have came up um you remember we uh talked there was that that very good sale by the belonged to the the two Armenian brothers that grogin had a few weeks ago well apparently there's some little bit of residual property from that from that estate and some other things and they've got a sale coming up in a few days um that has these in them these are a pair of 13in kungi bowls in a very unusual pattern they're not perfect they've been stapled and repaired and whatnot but they're fantastic I think um in this pattern very very unusual really unusual you can actually see the crack in one of them um but they are terrific bowls they're elegant they have a great look to them uh they kind of things you find in museums so you know quite frankly Museum collections often have repaired mended pieces in them they want the example they don't care about condition too much um but they but they want great examples and these are the kinds of things that you would find in a museum a big pair of 13inch kungi feare uh bowls and uh there's also this if you're a Japanese collector now this came from um I think this was from the brothers um yeah Fon gagan here it is uh they also in addition to having really great uh China trade and Chinese export Wares and you saw all saw how well they did at grogin a few weeks a month and a half ago maybe at this point they uh have this if you're an Amari buyer if you like Amari this thing is enormous it's 20 hold on I want to get the I want to get the dimensions right um it is 24 in in diameter this is a Whopper of a charger um 1875 I think they got the date on it but the decoration is so unusual Fant fantastically unusual thing with this giant uh pheasant in the center um and then all this overglazed blue enameling of the water around it and then birds and flowers swirling in 24 in this is a giant uh uh uh piece and uh it looks like it's in very good condition so I would look into this uh if you're an Amari buyer uh the estimate is peanuts the estimate on that pair of bowls I just mentioned by the way were only like 700 to $1,000 uh for the pair of bowls that so they're not reserved is what it amounts to um this this bowl is estimated a th000 to this uh charger is estimated at 1,00 to 1500 but I'm going to bet the uh uh o opening uh starting price is probably the reserve it it should bring 1,000 to 1500 my goodness it's an amazing piece of ceramic and those of you who have been collecting Amari for a while are going to look at this and say boy that looks like a really rare type and it is it is a very unusual type you don't see that very often so that's pretty exciting and there's some other pieces in there too um in that sale so go check it out it's in 2 days it's on I think it's on Sunday or something or or Monday um let's get their dates right hold on a second um there it is October 29th okay in Boston two days left it's in the silver rugs and decorative art sale it's a small sale but they've got some really sweet pieces in there a couple of rugs and so forth though check out that sale um and they've got a bunch of other things Fine Art Art Deco jewelry they do a lot with jewelry they're big jewelry auction house all right and then over here to Malay Brothers um just posted this it's already on the global Pages uh check this out uh they've got some nice Chinese things coming up in their next sales um it's a couple of days where the sales one one day in particular I think it's the second day is uh loaded with um uh uh Chinese stuff or or a significant amount of it anyway let's get the dates on this Malay brothers are down in New Jersey they're very good little auction house they well little they're pretty good size now they've been around for a long time and um let's see here um why won't that page open there it is uh this is day number two U Malay Brothers select two of three on November 16th in bton New Jersey uh they've got some nice Chinese things in there one one of the things that caught my eye is this fi ver Ming vase um sort of wsai decorated but very strongly drawn quillin on the front of Kieran um and this was sold by EJ Frankle apparently years ago and EJ Frankl they called the EJ Franco collection they were dealers and they they handled some awfully nice things um o over over many many years over decades they were in New York for a long time and they handled sort of top quality things they were very much On a par with like Valen Galleries and these places that that were sort of doing the good stuff handling the good stuff back way back when there's the old sticker on there I completely believe it's legit um this little maying measures 8 in tall and it's got extremely low estimate on it $5 to $700 it should blow through that and bring two or 3,000 anyway but it's on there and there's some other good Lots as well okay so check out Malay Brothers the 19th on the global Pages already and other things to look at I think this is also Malay Brothers isn't it no this is hinman's Hinman in Chicago in uh in a couple of weeks 19 days has some China trade stuff coming up and not a lot of it but there's this uh by uh a painting attributed to Lam qua and I think it probably is and I'm going to explain why in a minute and then there's another painting attributed to Yuka and both of these were on loan to the Taff Museum of Art in Cincinnati um uh but I'm want going to go back to this sailor picture for a second here this this this fisherman and the the frame could be a China trade frame done in roko it looks certainly looks it um the reason I think this is probably by uh lamba um 1801 to 1860 famous Port painting of a naval officer one this is exactly the kind of stuff that he did and two the provenance is to the child's Gallery in Boston child's Gallery was owned um in Partnership um with Mr child's but Carl Crossman and Carl Crossman um of course wrote the famous book uh the China trade and decorative Arts of the China trade uh he was very involved with the pbd ess6 museum he was considered to be an authority on China trade he was very I knew Carl very well and he really knew his stuff and he was a good guy he was hilarious guy he's one of the funniest people you ever met and um um th this is the kind of stuff that he really could do he knew how to identify because he had access to all the pbd museum stuff and um um close with the uh uh the shrie family at the PEB and all these other things so he he had a lot of access for many many years to their Collections and he became very proficient at at attributing paintings and if you have the big book the big thick book that he wrote that tomb that has all kinds of great information in it you will see paintings like this in here uh by this artist so I have I don't have much doubt about the the authorship um it is unsigned which is not unusual for for L lamca but in the lqu studios we're among the best those of you who collect know that it's estimated at $3 to $4,000 which seems remarkably inexpensive don't be surprised if it brings 10 or 15,000 because it's sort of a museum thing but it's very very nice and um you know very carefully painted this is what Lam ca's Hallmark when you pull this in it's every bit as fine as a as as the great English painters of the day um when you when you look at the skin tone the way the epilates are drawn the the fabric and so forth positioning the use of a red curtain in the background all very very British influence um um and very very nice the hands are well done he's got his sword and all that and and and and he's got both hands in there uh you pay for every hand because they're difficult to paint so he put them both in and then the next one is uh attributed to Yuka now this one didn't doesn't say that it came from um uh child Gallery but it was in the Chinese export Art and Design uh exhibition from 1998 at the Taff Museum and uh it certainly looks as good as what ukad did they don't have a picture of it so you'd want to find out of the back of it so you want to find out if it's been relined I suspect it has CU I don't see a lot of crackle in it and it looks very tight on the front uh and you want to find out um get some blacklight photos to make sure see if this things been restored much uh because they often are as long as they look okay it doesn't really matter because because because China trade paintings crackle like crazy but anyway this is a very very nice uh uh Port scene um there is uh uh uh bunch of ships there's an American ship right here in the middle which is very good um that's those are the ones that usually bring the most money uh for some reason people pay a lot to get pictures of American ships in their China trade paintings uh it's the woa Anchorage of course it's very famous for the for the giant Tower in the background and so forth it uh is dates to 1835 to 1850 and the estimate again on this is 17 by 23 um the estimate on this is even lower than the other one 71,500 to $2,500 um that seems awfully cheap to me um um it would seem to be more in lined with a 10 to $15,000 estimate uh maybe they just they have to sell it I don't know but do get some back pictures of that because if if it has been reigned and it's had it's just been um uh you know had a general restoration not repainted but just a general restoration the estimate is a Bargain Basement price and it should bring eight or 10 times that amount uh but if it's been heavily restored and it's got you know a you know a very intense restoration with new stretches on the back then maybe not but but it's still worth, 1500 to 2500 period so check that out if you're a China trade buyer and also coming up now who's this this is back at Malay Brothers these are their paintings these are very fine pair of gouaches China trade school gouaches I love the frames on these very simple very elegant uh and these are very very fine gouaches absolutely beautiful absolutely beautiful love the trees love the water um um just just it's just you know Canal traffic that sort of thing just a day you know wandering around in the sites you might see in China with um people bus boating things up up and down from their Farms bringing them to Market and this sort of thing very very nice very nice um a look at the culture from the inside at the time um and this was um uh let's see this came from Collins antiques in London there's a big uh high-end art dealer over there um I don't think they're there anymore maybe they are I'm not sure if Dave Collins is still there but any Doug Collins um uh China trade school 18th or 19th century junks on the river um uh 8 by1 is the is the picture size overall size is 14 and half 142 by 17 both paintings estimated at $6 to 800 which I think is way under the money figure they're going to come in at around 700 to 1,000 each based on what prices have been lately so 1,500 to 2,000 maybe you might get them for 1,200 the sale is at1 19 days but those are nice China trade paintings all right I love those things all right and this is a sale that's coming up in two weeks at allers and ogal tree uh down in Atlanta that these are not the evil Georgia auction houses all this an Ogle tree are okay um they miss on the date sometimes they don't I don't think they really have anybody around that all the time that knows a lot about Chinese stuff I think they're pretty good at looking up China trade but they they have this in the sale there's a bunch of things in there you want to check it out it's on the global Pages already um but this is a very interesting uh Dutch Market export bowl and saucer um with the birds on each side and if you if you collect China trade and you're familiar with the some of the Dutch collections you've seen this uh this exact pattern before and uh they've turned up in the market before but I'm completely at a loss as to why the estimates $100 to $200 um uh this cup and saua should bring 5 to 700 I would think pretty easily it's a very nice very fine 18th centur Set uh really really good quality they have a bunch of things like this they also have this this big Mon Mon teeth Ball B on teeth Bowl on stand and they don't date it which I don't understand it's kungi um this is quite a thing uh nice brown dress rim on it uh I looked at it but oal tree doesn't like to date things I don't think so you have to sort of go in with your own opinions um and but the bottom of it looks absolutely fine is kungi I don't see any damage to it and the estimate is absurdly low um hold on a second what was it 6 to 800 well 5 to 700 uh it is a pretty good size Bowl 12 in in diameter so it's about the size of a punch bowl it's a good big piece of porcelain should bring $2 or $3,000 at least well I saw one of these in London not long a few years ago and I think it sold in an auction at uh U is either the chrisy A botoms and it went for um around about $5,500 so so the estimate again very very low very enticing but it should get your attention because it's it's worth looking at and uh worth chasing all right and uh then uh Drew eats has a good sale if you're over in the UK excuse me um they've got a couple of days worth of sales coming up again and uh I noticed something in here they have it's really really good many of you may remember we uh a few years ago there was a sale that was at uh in Hong Kong that had some really good incense stands on it it was that collection the lady in um the Philippines that had that amazing amazing Chinese Ming furniture collection that she had bought mostly From Grace Wu Bruce um um here's one of those tables again uh horn hornless Dragon incense stands this is a nice table and it's the I think the estimates low as hell on it but excuse my French but um this is an awfully nice look table uh and it's it's coming up at Drew e it's estimated at 50 to 70,000 lb uh but wonderful wonderful thing and a whole bunch of other great looking some good paintings some good table screens we went through this already and put the ones the pieces we like in particular on the global Pages there were some pieces I'm not a big fan of I'm not a big fan of the brush pots uh they all look fairly contemporary and there's some other pieces in there that that you don't want to buy um so look at the global pages if you're a subscriber and save yourself a little trouble there's some good uh export pith paintings in here some bronzes some pretty good looking bronzes and so forth there's a couple of bronzes I have suspicions about um and a few decent Jades and so forth but do check it out it's two days worth of sales and it all looks pretty overall it looks like a good a good series of auctions um they also have some very good silks in this sale um this is dreu eats and this is um one that I actually uh mentioned on a video I did for the patreon page um a week or so ago I just love this with the dragon on it just absolutely love that and uh it's a big thing it's like 48 Ines long or something um um yeah it's 115 CMS long so it's um 4 feet long a big piece of silk almost four feet three and a half fet long uh and uh what else is going on oh that's the druet uh list so uh do check that out um that's the second day of the Drew eat sale there's some good books in it there's two days worth uh as I said some good brones some porcelain there's some things that I have a little few concerns about but overall it looks like a good auction all right so check that there's other things on there um you have to be have to you have to keep in mind that uh the vast majority of the stuff on live auctioneers is is is is is is uh not authentic somebody emailed me and they said how come I don't have as much stuff on the global m Pages as there is on live auctioneers and so forth and I had to say well live auctioneers is has as many copies and fakes on it as eBay does um that's is a percentage of of authentic versus copies um the ratios are about the same in many ways except that uh some of the better auction houses that are on live auctioneers don't obviously sell on eBay but they have a massive amount of fakes and um i' I've I've talked about them many times and maybe some of you are sick of hearing about it but um it's a big problem in the market and it drives people away from collecting which bothers me so noise the crap out of me as they say all right now over here to this um just a quick note on the patreon page uh some of you know that um this week we uh uh put up a number of uh videos we we' decided that we're going to because a number of you subscribed to the to the patreon page and this week I've added uh a couple of videos these not terribly long these are this one is 9 minutes it's about an extremely rare uh Korean Celadon that we we we uh bought recently from it from an interesting story and uh and I did a video on how I go about picking things and um to suggest in the newsletter and on the global pages and so forth and it's a little bit about what we do and I go through and this one's a little longer it's about 22 minutes um and we also posted the allers and Ogle tree sale over there and of course all the other videos which are on there um ad free so if you're sick of ads subscribe to the patreon page it's pretty great I'm we decided we're really going to start building this out the way we've built out the global member Pages uh for the subscribers because you're you're you're you're you're contributing to the site it means a lot to us because it lets us keep doing what we do and um um for five bucks a month you you're going to end up getting probably an extra eight or 10 videos and uh little stories that we find um on the market and if you click the collection button here this is also for those of you that subscribed and don't looked really looked around um in here there's catalogs and books which are PDF files and cataloges that we don't have on the bookshelf others and some of them are sort of Oddball things sort of interesting things then we have a video section and right now there's 25 videos on there already um and then um uh um um ways to uh hold on a second close that thing there we go uh on the post section these are we we put up auction reviews and what's happened and so forth around the around the market in recent months and um we'll be adding some stuff to that to tomorrow morning while I'm having my coffee all right so that's it now over to eBay what's been going on this week well uh it like I said it wasn't terribly busy last week and there was some really really good buys there was lots of interesting little bits to buy and things like that but not many Earth shaking things um uh but but there was a couple of couple of really really good buys and uh one piece went for a strong price but apparently it's by a famous artist so uh let's hop over here um this was sort of like one of the sweet little buys of the week this was a w Le Ming period Bowl 6 in in diameter with a deer on it I thought it was Charming um brought $88 there you go it with 30 bucks worth of shipping from the UK uh that that was that was a pretty good little buy these this you know you can buy Ming porcelain you don't have to be you don't have to be the AA con to buy Ming porcelain you can um there are Ming Ceramics you can buy out there you can build a perfectly nice collection and you don't have to spend th tens of thousands of dollars there's that of course many of you know that there's that idea about the Ming vas well yeah some Ming vases sure but they made lots of porcelin for daily use they made lots of porcelain that still turns up in the market they turn up in shipwrecks there's all kinds of Ceramics were all kinds of porcelain was made during the Ming Dynasty and there are lots of interesting examples you can buy and you don't have to break the bank and this was one of them this was a Nifty little bowl for $88 under 100 bucks all right and then over here to this these were also a great pair of uh cups um their 18th century probably kungi period from what I'm seeing they look like they were in overall quite good condition one of them might have had a hairline in it or something but nothing too dramatic and uh the pair of them sold for nothing $693 all right that is very very very reasonable oh I meant to mention last week you remember that um very nice chinat trade punch bowl that uh was sold by elanar Gordon and it went for $213 and I said I hope one of you got it one of you did get it so Bravo they they sent me an the lady sent me an email man it was a woman sent me an email saying I got that bowl I got the uh the the punch bowl um that you mentioned and good going that's the way to buy them that's the way to buy stuff um it's you know if you if you could if you can get a great little pair of uh 18th century probably kungi they said chinlung I don't think so this doesn't look like chinlung work to me looks very much like kungi work um for $69 and uh what was the shipping 2941 so you know under under 100 bucks you get a nice pair of kungi blue and white porcelain cups I think that's a great buy and then this this was uh very good it was but it was a sculpture by um uh Lui mean and uh he was a uh Shuan U uh artist um very wellknown um and we put it in the newsletter because I thought the work on it was just amazing um and this is this is what really good Shian of the late 19th century looks like it was all inscribed and stamped underneath but meticulously potted and and done beautiful facial tones and so forth um very sweet looking face on the gentleman and so forth sitting on this wild rootwood chair and I it's all you all you know I like carved carved wood and carved root woods and so forth um and uh this is just terrific what an aesthetic and uh it did very well it sold for $ 5655 so there you go and this wasn't enormous it was it was decent size what was it 8 in long or something um overall 11 11 in long so it was 8 in tall so it was 8 in tall and 11 in long so it wasn't a huge thing it was you know what's next to the coke bottle your Coke can you can see how big it is um uh $ 5655 kind of thing you could find in a group shop that's this is exactly the kind of thing that if you you could walk into a uh uh Salvation Army store or something and if they got a thing like this in there that if they put it out they'd probably put it out for $50 or $60 at the most all right uh it's a kind of thing you can find in swap shops and group shops around occasionally uh it's a it's something to look out for because it will no doubt be radically underpriced all right and then this this was another pretty good buy for the week and I think it was just because they didn't bother to clean it uh this is a really nice chin trade um hung Chong uh uh tankered with a dragon handle and they always do very very well this one sort of uh do very well but it looks like it's silver plate almost so I think it made people a little bit nervous they should have silver foamed this and cleaned it nicely before they put it up I think would would have done a lot better um 1870s the date I think is about right um he's in the silver book over in the reference section on bid amount and uh $930 all right I think that was a very nice buy I think it was about $300 or $400 under the money all right now what's going on oh what's coming up uh there's a few things coming up this week we're still looking I'm going to do some more digging after I record this uh to fill up the page a little bit more this is for the for the newsletter page this week if if you don't get the newsletter page um it's on it's here off the homepage at bitam out you click newsletter page and you can subscribe to it I'm just repeating this for anybody that hasn't seen it subscribe to it and then as soon as we update the page each week you get a quick little email um as and those of you those of you who hesitant to sign up for email list for things um the people that have been with using our site now for for for years I we tell you we don't we don't rent the list and we don't bomb you with emails um you get maybe you get one email a week and maybe three times a year we send out another email during the week about something that we want you to know about right away because it's time sensitive um so so keep that in mind so if you if you have email list hency ours is under our control it's on our server at Constant Contact they can't touch it and we don't Reddit so there's no concerns with that so sign up give us your email address use any name you want but just make sure we get the email address right and uh you you'll get an update each week as uh as uh the newsletter page gets published all right now over here uh we did the deer oh we're over here on things that are coming up uh this will be on there this is a rather nice toy saki bottle um and they feel that it's probably herado I don't think it is um it doesn't look like herado work to me it looks like Amari Rita work um but they they think seem to think it's um herado but I don't think it is but I think it's a nice bottle I think it's I love the shap shape of it nice fat body and that long skinny neck with leaves sort of twisting around it um very nicely done nice flower clusters um it's right now let's see what has it got stubbsy wubsy has this uh it's only been up for a day so it's only up to $11.50 it's got two bids it should bring three or 400 but who knows uh it's a nice thing if you're an arita buyer I would look at that all right and also on the Japanese stuff is this I had somebody this week I emailed and I I thought they were on uh live auctioneers I said there's a pair kutani Moon flash you always see these in Chinese Chinese moon flashs are very very very uh popular they made lots of them in the second half of the 19th century and into the beginning of the 20th century in particular it's a form of course that goes much further back to the Han Dynasty as a bronze but um over the years it's evolved and uh the Chinese um made lots and lots and lots of porcelain examples and then eventually the Japanese began making examples and the potters and kutani did as well so here are a pair of kutani examples and there's the kutani mark right on the bottom um nicely done so if anybody's looking for a pair of moon flas if they have Moon flas already and you want to get a kutani set um there you go uh and they measure just about 12 Ines tall so they're not five they're not little you know little tiny ones they're good size good presentation size they look nice on a mtle um check those out and uh this this is Miss labeled I'm going to put it in the newsletter page so I hope whoever buys it if you're one of you you you you see this video this is not absolutely not a Japanese a Chinese uh bamboo brush pot this is a Japanese example um without any doubt um it is 17 Ines tall or so or something like that I forget how big it is it's quite large um and of course that right away should tell you 16 in tall tell you right away that it's Japanese but the carving on it is quite good probably done during the mag period um I like this a lot I I actually have one very similar to this that still has all of the uh the the grass and roots coming out of the bottom that that uh is carved almost very very similar to mine is a dragon on it instead um and it's used as an umbrella stand because it's very large but uh I this is this is a a a really nice one and uh it's uh let's see it has one bid at $29 it's closing on Tuesday all right it should bring 150 to 200 bucks it's a nice piece of bamboo if you like bamboo you like carving this is something worth looking at all right and then this uh Chinese export pores um um reticulated cup and saucer kangi Markin period it's not kangi Markin period um oh it's oh it's kangi Markin period under there oh okay never mind take it back um this is a nice looking cup I was looking at the bottom from this it's it's marked on the sauce only um and and then you have this but this is um clobber uh this is not Chinese decoration they and they didn't say it was clobber I don't think anywhere they didn't say it the title it should be in the title technically uh okay clobber there it is they've got it down below in the description clobber and Gilton Holland in in the period okay good all right I won't be so critical um he did it right but he should you should put clobber Weare in the in the in the search in the title cuz that's a search term and there are people who specifically look for clobber Weare and they could have put it in there but this is a very nice cup and saucer with that's clobbered reticulated ones you don't see reticulated clobber Weare very often uh this must have been done very specially for somebody uh it's an awfully neat object really really there's the interior look at the Quality the gilding is still very much intact in perfect condition pretty much um looks awfully good very very fine condition uh so check that out right now it's only at 1050 it's got 5 days to go should bring 5 to 700 anyway uh because it's unusual to see these reticulated uh cups which they started making during the Ming Dynasty and then they kept doing them in the Kang XI period it's a really nice thing and then there's this there's an Amari um uh export uh Bowl giant kangi Amari Bowl um they just listed as 18th century it's not perfect but it's awfully pretty and if you if you if you if you've wanted to own one of these see it's got a line in it up here but it's about 11 or so inches or 8 in in diameter um nice looking ball though I like the color combination I like blue and red and gold they very they work really really well together the quality of the blue on here looks pretty good it's got a brown dress Rim um if you could if you can buy this you know for $150 or something it would be a terrific buy um if you're looking for things to to add to your collection like I said and you don't want to go bankrupt doing it these pieces with old hairlines and odds and ends them you can build up an interesting collection um it isn't perfect so it never will be but um you're not going to spend um $800 to $1,000 on it either and then this came up speaking of clobber Weare um this is a nice piece of clobber Weare somebody uh sent this into me in the inquiries uh identification assistance service and he just wanted to know what I what I thought of it I think he knew pretty well what it was I think just wanted to get sort of a second opinion cu the coloring on it the the clobbering on it is so strong um really really is and this giant gold area in the middle which I think is quite a very nice effect um it's a bit unusual you don't usually see these gold areas so much with so much of it in the middle but the keeping in mind that the only original color on this plate was underglazed blue and the rest of it was added in workshops in Europe uh but I I like I've always liked clubware and it the Chinese collectors typically don't buy them very much so you can you're not competing against the people just throwing bids at computer screens all over Shanghai and Beijing and and Hong Kong uh some of them buy them but not many there's not a lot of interest in China with with clobber Weare which makes it f fun for people that are interested in it because you don't go broke doing it uh this one has been up for a few days it's got six days to go and it's at uh $5 uh it's a a very nice piece of clobber though and then the last thing I want to mention of course is a carving because I like carvings uh is this this uh they call it a brush pot it doesn't have a bottom in it though but it's a brush pot form obviously and it looks like it was probably done in the 19th century um um you know 1840s to 1860s somewhere in there 1870s um with this uh Plum blossome decoration it's all reticulated with bamboo it may be the three friends of winter I don't see a willow tree on here though um bamboo flowers bamboo flowers I don't know maybe there is uh bamboo flowers if you can find a pine tree on here then it's three friends of winter thr which is very supicious I guess uh but I love the color of it it's worn it looks completely legitimate it's about 7 or 8 Ines tall or so uh and it is uh let's see let's see how much time it's got n just went up this just went up it's got days to go it's it doesn't even oh it there one bid okay it's it's finally gotten a bid it didn't have a bid when we first saw it anyway this is this is a nice thing if you like wood carvings that are real that haven't been messed around with that's just as is uh for a nice little table object sculptural object this is a good thing um uh how big is it six 14 15 cm basically wide which makes it 6 in wide and uh about uh 4 in tall so it's about this big and about that wide so it's a nice size and it's a good thing all right and that's about it for the week there's a there's there's other things going on uh we got sort of an interesting video I'm working on uh we did the one on estimates which everybody seemed to like that because it's sort of always fun to talk about the business and uh I'm doing a video on collecting and why people collect and what the importance of collecting is beyond um The Superficial stuff like much it's worth and you know what the last one brought but why you should col why collecting is is is good for you why why what you learn from it and and what it represents because there's a lot a lot of that comes out of that and I think it's worth always keeping in mind uh it's too easy to get caught up in in the financial side and and not enjoy fully the uh the joy of objects from different cultures and why they were made and when they were made and all that I think that's the best part of of of becoming a collector and it's something that you can share with other people fellow collectors or people that don't know anything about it at all that that seem interested you can tell them all right and that's always fun all right listen have a great week subscribe if you haven't leave a comment um I've gone on way too long uh sorry about that I always do uh and have a fantastic weekend don't forget the Halloween candy and uh uh if you can't get a chance to take your grandkids out for a walk children out and do it and uh you know around here okay I'm going do a little rant around here they have these things called Trunk or Treat do do is that a popular thing everywhere else and uh right now on Cape an I think my my wife told me that there there were like six trunker Treat events around Gloucester so by the time Halloween comes the kids are sick of it um because they go around parking lots reaching into people's trunks because stranger danger see keeps them from going out and actually having a Halloween on the streets with the with the leaves Blowing by and flashlights and having a lot of fun they do it in a controlled environment like a park a parking lot don't do that to your kids let them go out and get into Mischief on Halloween for heaven's sakes have some fun all right no one's going to hurt your children on Halloween doesn't happen um and those Urban myths I think have ruined that great holiday which I loved as a kid I liked it I liked Halloween as much as I like Christmas all right have a great week my rant is over see you all next time [Music] bye-bye [Music] the
Channel: Peter Combs
Views: 5,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antiques, antique auctions, chinese art, japanese art, auction news, chinese porcelain, imperial porcelain, asian art, antique collecting, chinese antiques
Id: vsyVrbJVJjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 24sec (2724 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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