Is White Porcelain- Racist? Victoria Burgher, And Asian Art Auction News

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[Music] all right before I get into the weekly video I want to do a quick sort of I guess you call it an editorial or something uh before we do it I think but stick around I think you're going to find it pretty interesting funny over the weekend last weekend um some one of our patreon subscribers emailed me an article that appeared in Yahoo news and it was I thought it was from The Babylon B I thought it was a joke article when I first read it and I or from the onion or you know one of the satire sites out there it was like something you'd see in Mad Magazine but it's a true story and it's going on in the UK and it's being paid for by the British government as as part of a woman's uh doctoral dissertation and uh she's a uh apparently an alleged uh Sculptor mixed media artist I Googled her on the internet I couldn't find anything about her other than she's gaining some notoriety for doing this uh this paper in her in her thesis and and she's a student at the University of westminster's Center for social justice research so you know where this is going but she's managed to bamboozle him into giving her roughly $21,000 a year in US currency since 2021 to write her thesis and her thesis is going to be tited titled crafting counter hemony using porcelain to interrogate constructed ideologies of whiteness and Empire yep that's the title and uh what what Miss berer is attempting to do is sort of weave together this very convoluted argument that white porcelain not other porcelain but white porcelain um is a a a symbol of of of of British in particular UK racism and colonialism and that it is a a metaphor for the fragility of of whiteness uh because apparently porcelain and other colors isn't fragile I don't I don't know the woman is clearly uneducated um frankly um she doesn't know evidently that China was never colonized Chinese porcelain in the history of porcelain was never a colonial product uh at all it was a purchased product conducted in trade for which the Chinese were paid handsomely it it the the the the East India Company and the French and other countries spent Fortunes in China buying porcelain from them and the Chinese were more than happy to produce it and sell it to them and the emperor um was fine with it um come on in buy some stuff all right but any rate according to her it all a symbol of of racism and that she is doing it not only as a historical thing to illustrate the the horrors of colonialism but also um as a sort of a metaphor the the the the the the P perception of the beauty of white porcelain um is somehow uh an affirmation of uh in in the minds of the people who appreciate it an affirmation that that whiteness is um uh inherently on its own racist and that uh apparently that she didn't have anything to say about um you know Hanan wees and and other glazes that were used that of of dark brown glazes and red glazes and underglazed blue glazes and codons and all that um aren't in the picture it's just the white stuff so anyway it's it's it's it's on its face a ridiculous waste of money and I think what it really is is I think it's just an attempt by the artist to give herself some notoriety because as I said she's an artist that nobody's ever heard of and I think this is she's hoping this will give her some notoriety and of course it's a hot button issue so she'll probably get some nice exhibition space the media will cover it because it is controversial to some degree and uh you know if you know you fake it until you make it so apparently she's going to um try to build an art career by putting herself on the tip of the Spear of social justice um in in the UK that she feels is so racist and of course if if you know anything about Britain in the UK it's one of the most inclusive cultures in the world and has been for quite a long time and that U the argument just Falls flat um her argument is specious and ridiculous but um that's her argument and she's sticking to it and um I'll I'll link the article to the Yahoo news story down below here uh so after you watch the weekly update you can go see you can go read it for yourself I Googled ped around and tried to find out as much as I could about her and there wasn't much on her out there other than she's getting as I said she's getting some notoriety for doing this but um apparently not much for her artwork but so there you are uh anyway it's it's just one of those funny things and I'm only mentioning it because she's she's it's it's I I I I can't stand it when people use uh uh something like this as an excuse to pontificate on a on a subject um uh that has nothing to do with anything um it's it's it's just absolutely convoluted thinking but it's the world as I said many times in the videos it's the world we live in it's gone crazy and this is just this is just another aspect of it so uh on now we're on to the regular weekly video so here we are and it is I didn't say at the beginning it's Friday May 31st uh 2024 um we're heading into uh June uh starting tomorrow Summer's here it's a beautiful day here in Gloucester by the way it's about 75° sun is out it's dry um the new dog uh Buck has been swimming uh pretty much every day in the ocean when he goes for his walks in the morning in the afternoon and uh things are going along just fine now uh a couple of things uh that are coming up one of them is the the sale at auts I don't know if you've been following it uh auts has got a sale coming up over in France on the 5th they've got a number of nice things in the auction uh if you if you're over there you might want to check it out uh ton has a sale coming up as as well sou Beast has a sale there's a lot going on in Paris in the next 10 days um and this one is the is the one that's happening first uh and they've got some nice things uh and not terribly expensive things that are buyable things that are you know sort of in the in the in the purchase range of the average collector you don't have to be a you know you don't have to be a billionaire to shop um and one of them is is this it's a very nice pair of Beijing enamel um uh uh hat stands these are very nice and yellow ground uh they look to be in pretty good shape from what I'm seeing uh made during the second half of the 19th century from what I can tell from the pictures they look quite good um the estimates are reasonable uh the estimate is a thous ,800 to 2,000 uh so you're talking about $1,000 which $1,000 for each one uh which is fine um that's not an outrageous ask and uh you may find that the uh there's not much of a reserve on them this is the kind of thing kind of sale you want to go through and just leave leave some bids um but talk to them about shipping and things from over there if you're outside of France uh because shipping from France can be a little bit expensive okay but there's a lot of stuff in this sale um and a lot of uh lot of nice export wees uh there's a good section of uh blue and white wees there's lots of uh W Lee pieces and so forth you have all of these examples here there's pages of them and they have a uh a catalog online like all the other auction houses and so on it's going to be conducted through duuo live um so you can check it there but talk to them about shipping um some of increasingly um some of the auction houses in France in particular are taking on shipping something I've harped on many times um and so they're starting to do it and then over to this this is a nice little wooden stand it's not terribly big it looks like a table but it's really only uh 12 by 30 by 30 uh 10 cm so it's about a foot long that's only about a foot in length but it's a wonderful stand beautifully carved um there's a a nice detail good patina it's a 19th century uh piece obviously uh but but very nicely done and the estimate is really reasonable I think it was what was it uh4 to 600 EUR that's something that's something worth going after especially if you're looking for a nice display stand to put a few pieces on um that you you you may want to put up in a room somewhere in your house the other thing that's on here there's some good silks and their estimates on silks are extremely reasonable this one is estimated AT3 to 4,000 and if you've been following um uh silk prices you know that this type of dragon robe typically uh sells for somewhere in the uh5 to $7,000 range on average so uh3 to 4,000 is perfectly reasonable for it all right so do check that out uh the next thing is this this is one of the one of the uh this is a tonen or transitional period mug that they they've gotten in the sale and it's it's it's quite nice and it's it's about I forget how tall it is it's about uh 8 in tall 99 in tall but it's elongated and cylindrical in shape I think it's very attractive it's estimated at 2 to 3,000 which for something from that period I don't think is at all unreasonable it measures 19 CMS in height so it's just a hair under 8 in uh but it's unusual proportions nice Long Tall body good stout handle on it and as always you want to get conditioning reports make sure things like the handles on this haven't been replaced or something like that and it's okay and then you have things like this this gin Dynasty rib jar um this is this is a pretty nice looking uh piece uh it looks very clean and the finish work on it looks excellent I think the estimate is is awfully low um I'm not quite sure why the estimate 6 to 8,000 and we've seen very similar examples to this ribbed piece um they sell often for it's glazed internally um uh sell for U you know 12 to 18,000 12 to 15,000 um some of them sell for 20 so 6 to 8,000 for this I think is certainly with in the realm of uh being buyable you you you this is something I've noticed about auts and a couple of these these French auction houses they don't go overboard with their estimates too much they want you to participate and I think this is one of the ways of doing it which is very wise but this nicely glazed Hanan glazed piece probably from the they're dating it to the Jinn Dynasty which is probably about right uh but goodlooking goodlooking and then uh down the road in uh uh Paris at sou Beast they at the Arts to Asia sale they've got a bunch of good things and this sale is on the 14th so you've got about two weeks before the sale there is a lot of s wear there are a lot of su pieces in here a lot of early codons um not a lot of blue and white there's some but uh not a lot of enamel pieces but a lot of early pieces a nice piece of FAA some Jun purple glazed purple Splash bowls and things like that and so forth and we're going to take a look at a few pieces that caught my eye one of them was this vase uh kungi period I love the shape of this vase I think this vase has an absolutely terrific shape and I think the glaze is fantastic on it I really do I think this is a very very very good piece of porcelain um and the estimate is very reasonable 3 to 5,000 I'm a bit confused as to why the estimate is so low this vase measures 17 in tall um there's a picture of the bottom of it uh get get a condition report on it there might be a little bit of a repair around the rim which push the the estimate down but boy this is a very very pretty piece the the red on this is beautiful absolutely beautiful the way it flows down and the shape of the vase is excellent the potting on this vase the proportions the scale the way the foot is done the body and the nice neck very very attractive 3 to 5,000 EUR estimate I think that's I think to me it looks way under the money but we'll see I'll go back and look and we we'll we'll talk about the prices after the sale because I'm curious to see how the French markets are doing these days because they don't do a lot of Asian sales there like they do in New York and Hong Kong and London obviously but they do get some good ones and you'll see things in French auctions um it's a taste difference um the there's a very big difference M often with things that come out of French collections versus things that come out of English collections um they they seem to have a different flavor to them and and they're often many of the pieces you know the same periods and all that sort of thing but the Styles what's what's appreciated in France is different than what's appreciated in the UK it seems that way to me historically anyway and then there's this this very nice FEI Ki uh uh uh vase with sort of a flared foot and butterflies and people on it nice looking nice looking piece of Forin looks like it's in good shape it's pretty good size it's 18 Ines in height that's sort of on the big size and it's got a strong estimate but not a crazy estimate 40 to 60,000 EUR but very attractive we'll see we'll see how that does we'll see how that does but I liked it a lot and then this is maybe my favorite piece in the sale is this kungi period um uh uh uh dewa vase with a porcelain base on it this is this is very unusual you don't see these I've seen them a few times but you don't see them often where they have a porcelain thewa base that it's that detaches and uh the the piece measures it's pretty good size measures 19 in in height and uh the the the decoration the groundwork is excellent just excellent all the way up uh again get a condition report but it's got this very unusual uh uh fitted BAS in porcelain there's a picture of it off the piece there it is uh really really unusual it's estimated at 15 to €25,000 but it's very big it's kungi and it's got a footed base which makes it I think a rare b a very rare bird um there it is very very nicely done and and and the way they did the base is sort of interesting because it sort of spays out at the bottom as though the weight of the vase is sort of pushing the base out um it reminds me of Bombay chest how they would bulge the sides to make it look like you know a stout massive piece um and here they have the foot RM sort of bulging out a little bit underneath the weight of the vase but it's a big vase almost to you know 19 inch that's big for dawa that's a big piece of blun toen and then this this is a splendid piece of transitional wear of sleeve base um the color is outstanding with the kierin in the middle and the Phoenix overhead but notice the color of the of the Cobalt the Cobalt is a beautiful dark Rich sapphire blue um and you you don't always see that on transitional wees in this tone this is more almost like more like what you'd expect to see on a kungi piece uh made made a little bit later but uh beautiful quality all the way up the piece um so you might want might want to take a look at that uh the estimate is 50 to 70,000 which is in line with what some other similar examples have brought you may recall a few months ago there was a there was a sale with a with a bunch of transitional wees in it and uh they have transitional wees in the last five or six years years have really done well at auction um and of course a lot of this we've said it many times goes to the popularity of these porcelain sub that were created by Mr botler in his amazing collection in the UK and if you don't have that book The Dragon's Gate on transitional Wares and Chong Jen Wares and all that get it it is a great book it's one of the great best best Chinese art porcelain books published in the last 10 years by far certainly in the top two or three great book but this is a wonderful example if you looking for an amazing piece of of of of of trans of chunan transitional we this sort of thing this is it just beautifully done absolutely beautifully done all the way up wonderful color great color God and uh then over to this a very nice Hong painting um is in this sale and this is a nice uh probably 1820s or so example um and in it there all the different flags in front of the hongs there's the American flag and the Swedish flags and all that but I love how there are no foreign boats it's all junks all trading vessels coming in and if you've read books about about the hongs this is what it looked like a lot of the time the the the all the books and and the Diaries and things that were kept that were written I I've read a whole bunch of them in the last few years just out of curiosity about what life was here was like here and um they always talked about the hundreds of boats the small boats the Chinese boats um coming and going and trading and bringing Goods in and so forth um uh around this port it was a very very busy place and you'll but what is striking about this there are no foreign ships because most often they show it they show the foreign ships all the all the different um foreign trading ships and this one there's none of them they're just just sand pans and junks and uh I think this is a very interesting painting uh the estimate is very reasonable 3 to 4,000 EUR uh let's see they're just dating it as 19th century it is 10 by 16 in so it's not terribly big it is and ready to go there it is it's a nice looking painting beautiful painting and I think very reasonable very very reasonably estimated it should bring more than that it should bring 8 to 10,000 but we'll see we'll see you don't know and then this uh those of the you that like later uh Ming bronzes May recognize this particular type of bronze they do appear in a number of books there's one very similar to it I think in the British museum that was in Rose C's book later Chinese bronzes um and here you have the Gilded uh deer or gear it's a I guess it's a deer um with um holding a uh a disc on its back uh beautifully done though nice Ming example nice Ming bronze um and it's estimated it's got a decent estimate 15 to 20,000 but it's one of those iconic bronzes one of these bronzes that you see in institutions and occasionally you see in maybe in a really really good private collection but they don't turn up very often at auction these do not turn up often and if you look around you won't see them very much and it's pretty good size it's 9 in tall it's pretty good size a little under 10 in night so it's not a small thing it's not 2 or 3 in tall it's 9 in tall so it's about that big it's a goodlook bronze 15 to 20,000 and then this these are in the these I thought Were Striking Yong Shen period um dishes and the the uh I love the rims on them with these with these this orange uh tone it's one of my I love that color I we have a staircase that color in our house actually and it's it's based on it's it's the tone of like Ming lacquerware but there's one of the plates and you'll notice on this plate it's got a strong estimate but look at the condition the condition of these two plates looks quite exceptional uh and the decoration is quite unusual the Yong Chen period uh beautifully done estimated at 5 to 7,000 but condition and pattern and and visual appeal the colors are so good on this uh I really I really like it the court lady all right now um the other thing that's going on is is the tajon sale here now tajon has got some good things in it I looked at their Jades a lot of them are suspicious um as far as age goes a lot of them look later and there's some other pieces in here that look later but there's a couple of Dandy pieces in the sale you can see there's lots of famile rose and so forth uh in the auction there's several Pages here and you can check it out this is it to John and the sale is going to take place on the 10th of June so the agut sale on the 5th suab on the 14th and auts on the a gos on the 10th all right and um these are some of the pieces this is one of the pieces that caught my eye unfortunately a gos is I mean to John Rather is really stingy on pictures um I don't know why uh it's dumb um uh if you are an online Auctioneer if anybody to John is watching this if you've got the vase on the photo table tip it and show the bottom of it show the vase you you know there was a report that came out a couple weeks ago they said that last year 70% of Christie's for example online total bids came through the internet 70% which is interesting because they had that sale um while their website was down a few days a last week and the auction looked like it did absolutely fine without internet bids so maybe it's a dependency they don't need uh but any rate this is a beautiful looking vase and it looks like they're dating it I think they dated it as um what uh 19th century I think uh 19th century but boy it's got some aspects to it that look like it could be 18th century and it's very big though it's 29 in in height this is a big big big vase with a very very low estimate even for 19th century even if this is you know maybe during the ji Jing or dog or or or or dgan period I don't think it's a late it doesn't look like this glaze and the color and the quality of the work it does not look like a a later vase but I'd love to see the bottom of it but uh beautifully done with this these archaistic bandings around it love the creatures on the neck and it's it's big this is a very very appealing porcelain and it only has a 2 to 4,000 EUR estimate again very reasonable expect it if it's if it if it's if it's daana or earlier down to the beginning of chai Jing expect it to bring more I'm assuming it's not marked because they don't mention um uh a mark anywhere on here they're just saying Ching Dynasty uh but I would I would uh definitely uh ask for photographs of the bottom of it you want to see the footroom see the color and the shape and how it's trimmed and so forth but beautiful example that's one of my favorite things that's actually of all the sales I've just talked about I think this is particularly attractive I just be more i' like to know more and I don't know why for the life of me these auction houses they have the piece out they have the camera guy there and all they'd have to do is just lay this thing down and shoot the bottom of it and upload it and they're done because they're going to spend a lot of time shipping out images of this vase of all these pieces to people if you only put up one and the other the other things that caught my eye was this now these are out 18 century these are very big they're 20 in tall and really unusual Fu Lions very unusual coloring very unusual u in in a lot of ways and not the least of which is that you'll notice that the um there's there's no difference between the male and the female normally you you see these Food Lions and the the the mother will have the Paw her paw resting on the cub and the dad will have the ball resting his his paw resting on a ball and in this one they're the same they're just just they're just mirrored and uh but the enameling the light blue enameling the butterflies these look like they were probably done during the second half of the 19th century or so I think they're terrific and I love the expression um on the faces it's they're very exuberant and uh uh the estimate uh is pretty reasonable 4 to 6,000 uh but they're keep in mind these are 20 in tall they're big big big big pieces mantle pieces um so and the bases are nicely done one of them has a little repaired it there on the corner that I can see uh you want to get a condition report on all of it but those are the two pieces I like the best in the toon sale so check it out check it out give it you know look into it all right now over to uh what was going on on eBay last week there wasn't a lot there's not a lot going on live auctioneers and over over there right now there are a number of sales up we updated it a couple of times this week so do check it out um either through your patreon account or through uh the global member Pages there are some good sales coming up Casco Bay just listed sale this week um and so forth so uh there are some nice sales coming up and I noticed that the uh brunau sale I think finished up yesterday they they looked like they had very good results they had a jade that did very well it was that yellow Jade um that was on the global Pages uh they did really really well so you want to look at those there are some new auctions on there there are a bunch of sales coming off though around the fourth fifth and sixth so that are on there right now I noticed there were a whole bunch of them um in the uh oh getting back to that uh the blue and white kungi piece that we talked about last week the the suspect one the the fake um I checked it to see how it's doing as far as interest and uh so far it's got three people watching it so I guess the cat's out of the bag on those things all right now um uh this this sold on eBay last week this was a nice tea box I talked about it had this nice Arch Bridge handles a saki pot um with the uh octopus legs Scrolls on the top uh and this just illustrates just how how lops side of the market is right now um this is not Chinese obviously it's Japanese but it's beautifully done probably made around 1820 to 1850 somewhere in there it looked to be in wonderful condition and it went for just 100 PB 127 uh us uh plus shipping uh very very reasonable nice looking this was from migar this is a this is a wonderful value it's a beautiful piece of porcelain and very very reasonably priced and then you come over to this um this was that blue to Hue and I have no idea what happened to this I don't know why this brought so little this was a nice late 19th century Blu to Hue for the Vietnamese Market bowl with inscriptions on the back um there's the there's a picture of the the bottom of it it looks fine for late 19th century um and it only sold for $190 that is pretty shocking that's pretty shocking um and I'm not sure why maybe it just slipped through the cracks but again this gets back to why I always say leave a bid carpet bomb things with bids um um this was a nice Bowl um we've had we've seen these in the past and they bring six7 $800 this time around about $190 why I think it was probably just a fluke but flukes happen especially in online auctions and I've heard from a number of people in the last week who have have done the strategy of just leaving business that one guy wrote me he got something amazing for under $100 and uh uh the auction hous is on live auctioneers and you know it happens it does happen all right now uh o over to this um this is the next one this is that that very attractive uh probably early the 17th or early 18th century Bowl uh brought $2,293 with the horse on it um there's this this it's a nice looking piece of porcelain and it looked fine to me um there's the the foot room I I I think that foot is more likely an 18th century one um than n 17th century that's just my view of it and it sort of it didn't really bring an 17th century price it really brought more of an 18 centur fre price $2,293 but nonetheless a nice piece of porcelain goodlooking thing this was from nefa uh over in the UK he a seller over there and then there was this and this this was a piece that was actually the seller before he listed it he wanted me to look at it he he he was felt good about it but I think he he just wanted to know my thoughts on it and I told him I said it's a very nice Republic I think he was on the fence whether it was Guang Shu or republican I think this was pretty clearly a republican piece to me but but spectacular quality um this had wonderful quality the decoration on here was very very good the shading of the enamels was excellent the facial expressions of the boys was very subtly done um and then you had this this wonderful coloring on the neck of the vase here with this yellow and and orange archaistic shaded uh the way they shaded the orange tones on the on the neck of it here very very attractive and then they put a light blue band around the top I thought that was a overall a very very attractive package and he did it did it brought a good price $1,337 but he didn't overpay for it this was a nice nice piece of Republican wear um um with a guong shoe mark on it so good on if one of you bought it Bravo oh I heard from one of you um this week I thought one of you bought uh a number of the paintings at the Leland sale down the ones that we had talked about so much and one one particular viewer here bought both of them bought both lots of of the of the better Chinese paintings in that um nice looking thing if you buy something at an auction if they ask you how that you heard about the auction tell them you you saw it here uh because what's been happening is I'm going to just mention something um and I and I haven't said yes or no but I'm I'm I'm in I've always said no before but lately I've had inquiries from a number of pretty good auction houses good not not junky ones but good ones that want advertising space on our on the bount site or in videos have some sort of like a paid promotion thing and I've always been very hesitant on on on a lot of that at the beginning when I first started doing videos I thought about that would be a way to make it help pay for itself and then I decided not to bother doing that but I've had a number of people lately uh get a hold of me wanting to know if they could pay for ADP space and these are significant auction house pretty very significant auction house one of them and they want to know if there's a any way they can they can advertise with us and I I I'm hesitant I don't know let me know what you think about that down below because I I sort of view it as a it could be a conflict of interest for me because some of the sometimes when I get I I say things about auctions and I I but unless I unless I can get them to know that if I think they're putting up and selling fakes I'm going to say they're selling fakes even though they're paying for the ad um because I'll I I will do that but I don't know if people want to pay they want they want to pay with that left open um often if they pay you for advertising they don't expect any criticis is M and and that's not what I do as many of you know if I see something that I don't like I'll say it uh but at any rate um share your thoughts all right now what's coming up on eBay um uh over here uh there we go uh this is some of the stuff that's going to close this week Chamberlain antiques uh juice used to be juice 1499 it looks like he finally got to change his uh um uh uh uh seller name on here now it's just Chamberlain is this very nice um uh is sort of a this looks like a he's just calling it a container looks like an incense stick holder done in in in in nefrite Jade with a with a with with a very nice um carelian sort of rooster on top U this looks like it may have it must have been modified and given a silver liner once it came to the west but it's a very nice thing it closes in three days closes on Monday it's up to $127 expect it to get up to you know 1,400 to 2,000 but it's a nice looking package it's a good-looking thing and Jade carving on it looks quite good um uh it's nice it's I don't think it's 18th century but I certainly think it's 19th century and very nice quality jade I like the figure here with the hat on and I like the way it's polished and done and there's a little fish down here and so forth so do check that out and then over to this this is this is a funny thing this thing is a very nice and it's big it's 19 Ines is it something like that it's pretty good 17 inches 17 and 3/4 inches this nice Celadon with white slip um uh of flowers in relief bottle form uh very attractive and um it is a 19th century pot here it is is the bottom of it right there early 19th century beautifully finished and it's only up to $10 uh it closes in 3 days I'm assuming there must be a lot of people watching it or just waiting to pull the trigger um but this this should bring 18,500 to $2,500 somewhere in there um it's an awful nice looking piece piece of ceramic I don't see any any damage to it and it's definitely old and it hasn't been cut down in height so I'm a bit I'm a bit confused why this isn't doing better unless people are just holding back and going to hit it at the end which may also happen or maybe they're distracted by the sales over in in in the in in France right now but this is a nice piece of Celadon and then he also has this up these are wonderful PA kutani Hawks or or I don't know these gani are just Birds um um I don't know if they're Hawks no the tails are too long uh I don't know what those are some sort of song bird but very pretty though and kutani and quite unusual I I think these are very very nice and they're only up to $128 they close on Monday and they measure uh 12 Ines tall so they're a foot tall each so they're good size they're nice presentation size they look great up on a mantle or on a bookcase or something like that uh they'd be beautiful beautiful they almost look Europe they almost look like like European Majolica uh they're awfully nice and then over to this this is a a guy um lowcost fun I don't know who he is he's over in the UK and he has a bunch of pith paintings up and uh one of them is this one there's another one of the hongs um and uh this is an unusual subject matter for pith paintings you don't often see Port scenes and so forth um at at the mouth of the of the river in uh of China and uh this is this is quite interesting I I think it's a very very nice scene uh and uh right now it's it's it's up to just $113 it ends in three days it should do pretty well it should jump up to four or 500 I would think at the end um uh what does it say one person has this in their cart one other person has this in their how could they have it in their cart eBay has been changing their site again I think they've been monkeying around with it uh because obviously nobody maybe has this on their watch list I don't know what that means but regardless this particular seller has a number of nice pith paintings up you want if you like pith work and you like mid 19th century to so forth second second third quarter of the 19th century watercolors of China this is a good painting to look into and then there's this um I'm not crazy about the way the guy shot his photographs because he sort of tipped it but this is a you know one of these Celadon ground copper red decorated uh this was this green area here was probably copper decorated it just turned green in the fireing it misfired a little bit and it causes these striations in the body uh but this is a 19th century bottle vase sort of a map form it's only it ends tomorrow it's only up to about $30 it should bring um how big is this s De it is probably what 9 Ines tall or something uh oh it's only 5 Ines tall it's a little one it's a tiny one um this should this should do pretty well at the end um we all talked about these before these miniature pieces these small pieces can do very very well it should it should bring three or 400 but we'll see maybe somebody will get this for 100 bucks that would be a bargain and then over to this I love this this was a wonderful little bamboo carving this is stsy wubsy found this God he finds nice things um nice patina the color of the wood on this is excellent The Carving is very very good um it looks to be in quite nice condition all the way down it's up to $261 it closes on Sunday but this is a good piece there you get a sense of its size with his hand there's a sword on his back and so forth very very nice how tall is this uh 28 CM so it's just a little under a foot tall it's 11 in tall it's good size and uh this should pop up to 5 to 700 by the time it's over I think it's a very very nice example very very nice and then over to this the Rondell um it's up to $1,499 it's being sold by a seller up in British Columbia and uh as we mentioned last week in you may remember this it's all framed ready to hang up um these these Dragon Rundell have done awfully well in the last few months um there was that one that sold at Drew eats last week that went for about 8,000 uh this one's up to 1,400 I suspect this will go up another 600 or 800 by the time it closes or 500 or so uh because the colors aren't quite as vibrant as the other but it's still a nice very nice hangable example um and so forth and not everybody can spend $88,000 on a silk round Dell but you can afford a couple so there's an example you you could probably get into all right so that's sort of the list of that's going on um as I mentioned uh earlier there's not a lot happening on live auctioneers right now other than the sales that have been up for a while that are closing over in Europe um the uh Bruno Bruno sale closed um and there wasn't much else going on in the US last week as far as I I can I can think so um we'll talk more about the sales that are ending this week next week in in the video and and and that about covers it uh thanks for watching uh if you haven't subscribed yet here on YouTube please do uh if you haven't joined us on patreon we're always fun to see new people join up over there um uh we posted a bunch of uh little articles and stories over there this week and and an extra video uh to do with the uh soube uh um uh commission cut uh the big commission cut and I'm going to talk about that more probably next week uh because I'm I'm I'm I'm doing a little homework on uh on what's going on in the commission world and uh while I was doing it I also came across uh a reminder of the old southern Beast chrisy Scandal when they got jammed up around 23 years ago um the chairman of soues went to jail the president of soube ended up on an ankle bracelet it was a big Scandal over the over commission commission fixing and I I have to imagine that when cut soube cut their commission rates um they were the other auction houses probably want to do follow suit but they're going to be very very careful so they won't get dragged back into that mess again it was R embarrassed both companies terribly it was a mistake um and there but it it's an interesting story it's a really interesting story and if you like to hear it you want me to do a video on on the Scandal um I can do it because I have a lot of the information I kept a lot of the information back in the day when it happened uh because I was so amazed by what was going on um so let me know if you'd like to see that video and I I can I can put that together pretty quickly all right so that's it for the week uh leave a comment give us a thumbs up and thanks for watching okay bye-bye see you next time [Music] a [Music] [Music] n [Music]
Channel: Peter Combs
Views: 3,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antiques, antique auctions, chinese art, japanese art, auction news, chinese porcelain, imperial porcelain, asian art, antique collecting, chinese antiques, victoria burgher
Id: FwROwV0Sl5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 42sec (2322 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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