Week of Teacher Struggles | Teacher Vlog | Week 4

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[Music] I wanted to give you guys a little bit of a life update so I sound like a frog a man I don't really know I sound awful so I was out yesterday yesterday was Monday today it's Tuesday and I was out yesterday sick Sunday I felt like the absolute worst that I have felt in a very long time so I decided towards the very evening when I wasn't getting any better said you know what I'm just gonna go ahead and call in so I ended up getting a sub got together all my things came in early yesterday morning dropped my stuff off and I went home and I just sat I was really bored and I was kinda lonely um but as you can see guys I am back I have a new camera which I'm pretty excited about I'm a little bummed that I had to go out and actually buy a new camera this soon but I am excited about having a new camera so I have a new camera it's Tuesday I'm gonna make the best of it as much as I can hopefully I won't get as tired I just have to take it slow and eased my way back in because my body gets so this morning the sub yesterday it was a sub that we have in the building quite often and he is great he came in my room was nice and neat everything was put together I just love that feeling I love it when a sub has everything the way that you want to have it and he did just that for me so my room was absolutely perfect when I came in I was able to ease on in especially with me kind of coming in a little bit later than normal it took me a while to get going this morning but everything is pretty much ready to go I have a pretty low-key day today we are taking a grammar test for the grammar boot camp that we did last week and then we are also doing some I excel for math and some different things to get our kind of our workshop going in progress I do have to start doing running records for dr a's this week so that we can start putting them into groups our plan is to hopefully have groups rolling out next week that means that we have a ton of work to do I have a few more math tests that I need to grade and I will show you guys some of those things and kind of how we're thinking about grouping our kids with four five and six because there is a method to the madness I promise you and this week is gonna be just flat-out nuts my ten-year-old is turning 11 and my mom and my dad are coming from Alabama on Thursday and I'm having a family gathering on Friday evening to be able to celebrate his birthday and yeah it's it's like it's a busy busy week we're trying to get some of the house things done to kind of get ready for this like everybody coming and you know joining us for dinner so lots of things going on right now I don't need to be feeling like this because this morning I have a clap at specialist so I'm gonna get ready to go to my collab and then I will catch up with you guys a little bit later on it is the last break for the day and what I think is gonna happen right now is my phone is gonna ring it I'm gonna have to pause it's not much later in the afternoon and actually it's about 15 after 5 at the moment um we just got done placing all 71 of our kids into math small groups which it was so hard trying to figure out where to put everybody where to start everyone but we finally were able to do it which is really really nice so the kids were able to take an assessment based off of like third through fifth grade standards and then we kind of looked at what they actually needed and just on like teacher judgment calls figured out what could be review what could be something that they absolutely have to have in order to be able to move on and so we have kids kind of everywhere sorry I'm reading so hard but after being sick like I'm just like huffing and puffing every time it's just nobody know um so I am gonna be taking quite a bit of the incoming 4th graders so they're gonna be on place value when we start next week so I'm gonna do probably one or two lessons that our whole group and then kind of figure out and do a quick check so that they can I can figure out where they are and then start moving them into smaller groups once they start to kind of zoom past so that's what I'm gonna be working on my partner from last year she's going to be starting some of the kids in fourth grade and then she's also getting a couple of the fifth graders and then so on and so forth so we figured out where everyone's starting which is really nice because now we can start planning some of our math lessons so you guys know that at the very beginning of the year it's all about the survival life right okay well I'm about to leave the survival day today because one partner is out all day today and the second partner is out in the am so she will only be back for the p.m. so it is me two sucks and 71 kids yep so today is all about survival luckily I sat down with my partners we came up with a game plan we're gonna stay in our home rooms for the majority of the morning I think the only thing that we're gonna switch for is reading and my second partner will be back during that time so it won't be me and two subs trying to switch 71 kids which is already difficult that is it as it is because our students have not mastered the put your things in the right class bucket so that's kind of how I'm feeling I also have a very bad headache and stuffy nose and all that good jazz that comes along with allergies and just not feeling well and my mom comes tomorrow I know I keep telling you guys this but y'all my mom comes tomorrow my mom and dad are coming and I have nothing ready I need to go to the grocery store really really bad yesterday was the plan to go to the grocery store but I got home and then I got lazy and then I think oh this time I have my game plan all set up so I do have my grocery list ready to go and then do you need to go to the grocery store right after work all right let's get in there let's get our head in the game take some Tylenol let's make a cup of coffee and get to work so my day for the most part is extremely low key especially with not having two of my teachers here with me because they already have everything planned out for me which I'm like oh then what am I going to do today um so for Matt this morning we're gonna be doing and all about me at tivity so my partner he was my math partner last year she created an all about me so they have like a little planning page for them we had to make this a little bit different than most thing you can find out there because they had to accommodate fourth fifth and sixth grade levels so they have a planning first draft page which they're gonna have to create the number then there had to tell us the number sentence for it and then the final all about me page is going to be this little guy right here so that's kind of what they're working on this morning they're gonna finish this and then this afternoon we're doing a writing assessment so we can get our kids into our groups for next week we have math groups done which is really exciting I'm working on fourth grade place values so those are gonna kind of be my focus groups and then they're gonna start getting pushed out everywhere else I'm doing this this morning very excited about I didn't have to plan it the writing assessment didn't have to play in it and then all I have to do is reading which reading is so low-key you know you enjoy your book you talk about like visualizing it's great it's fine so that is kind of the plan for right now I still have yet to make my coffee I have a few little things that I just need to get cleaned up that I still wasn't able to get cleaned up from last week so I'm gonna work on that for a little bit and then just kind of ease into the day I mean it's a good day we're gonna ease into it it's gonna be great husband is about to save the day because he's gonna go to Sam's he's gonna pick me up some page protectors for my binders which means that I will be able to get them done over one of my breaks not having like my partner's here I feel like I have so much free time so here are all the things that I need to kind of get inside of it so we did like the growth mindset lessons and some of those like extra papers that I have in here the paper cups challenge which was a stem activity that's in there as well we have the iPad expectations like all of this stuff is like things at the beginning of the year these were done from the Grammer boot camp we have the information pages that we handed out to parents these are other copies we have like the rise and shine journals that we started them F at the beginning of the year we're doing Islands this week so I have a few that are copied to give them as like examples for them so we have some of the islands and then I have again this one's from the verb battleship game and this is from the grammar bootcamp I have all of the little grammar bootcamp materials that are in here as well this one was from back-to-school night for parents so they can actually ask us questions off to the side and write them down here's an example rise and shine journal that we were using with them some of the I need to know blank before I can blink and this was from the growth mindset lessons and just a bunch of other little things that I just need to get sorted out so all this junk has to go in that wish me luck so there may be a little bit of a hiccup but today my one of my partner subs has not arrived yet well we're gonna make it work it's gonna be totally fine so I have my morning message up ready to go I'm gonna show it to you guys so that you can see what I wrote down for today so my morning message is up and ready to go unfortunately I can't really show it to you because it has a lot of names in it but I will read my message for you because I feel like I was being I don't know it was a like a cute message I don't know I thought it was cute so it says happy hum day can you believe how hot it has gotten the past few days where did the fall weather go follows my favorite season of the year I love the colors the smells foods and of course the cool weather and family gatherings over a fire what is your favorite season and why write it on a sticky note and place it on the board today our class will look and sound a little bit different we will be spending the majority of the day in our home rooms is since my team partners are outs it always seems impossible until it is done which is a quote that I found on the Internet warmly missus Backman so that is what I have I absolutely starting to wean them on to some more morning work options so my partners are not my partners and myself my partners and I decided to try to implement soft starts because I truly honestly am one of those people that I don't like to so I am definitely sorry hello what my partner came in she used to go to a meeting this morning it's why she's at in the morning so I am definitely one of those type of people that I like to come in and I like to kind of have like an easy start to the day I like something that I'm not coming in and I'm not like Jamie my stuff like all I need to go to the mini or oh I need to get all this stuff together I don't like to feel rushed and I don't like to feel like I have to get things done immediately as soon as I come in I like is easy slow ease into the day kind of start so we were wanting to do the exact same things with our students kind of doing the stop soft start morning work methods so lately we've been having them read write or dropping with like their artistic some of them are very very artistic they enjoy doing that today I'm also gonna allow them to do some origami so that's gonna be another option I'll let you guys know how it ends up going but we have an app on our iPad that the kids can download that they use for art class and they're going to have the opportunity to be able to do that now the restrictions are is that they're not allowed to talk during any of this so we'll see how well it works out today I'm hoping it does and then I'm gonna be implementing some new ones so like every day I'm gonna kind of show them another option that's going to be available to them so that's kind of a game plan I'm gonna get ready started for the day sub is here everything's fine so we're gonna keep rolling with what we have I will talk to you guys during my lunch break training in my lights on here we go um super quick catch up I feel awful my head is so pounding I've tried to be without the lights today but it's just hasn't been helping um so I feel awful I really really really want to go home right now and just kind of lay down and not do anything but I desperately need to go to the grocery store and today was very was a very talkative day and I don't know if that's just part of like my patience and just me not feeling well and all the other things combined that I'm just not doing well so he told you guys is going to talk to you guys about this morning and I told you guys that I was gonna talk to you guys why do I do that what if I repeat myself 1,500 times I told you guys that I was going to talk to you about morning work this morning how I said that we were trying to do a soft start well my kids lost it already we've been doing reading writing and drawing like creative drawing however today we came in we were very very loud so I gave them their journals which I really like having these just on the side to be able to whip them out for occasions like this so this morning they had to write a paragraph with first next than last explaining the expectations of walking into a classroom so that was their morning work this afternoon tomorrow I told them that they have now lost the afternoon and being able to do things because a lot of them are not doing anything so I'm gonna have another journal prompt something with reflections just having them reflect on the day and writing that stuff down but something to get them busy and then I've also said that I was just gonna have a few people that are elected to be able to help me clean up there are a few kids that do really really well as far as getting their work done singing on task not talking paying attention so those are gonna be the kids that I choose to kind of help me walk around the room clean up that type of thing for the end of the day so that's kind of have my day with for math we did the all about me is they did really well with that I was pretty pleased with it they also had a writing assessment during writing so we're gonna assess them place them into the three groups for the classes and then in reading we talked about visualizing which is one of my favorite lessons to talk about when it comes to strategies for readers so we use the book fireflies which was really great for visualizing and then let me show it to you so this is the book fireflies it's by Julie brink lo which it's I think it's spelled bring I pronounce spring close my apologies if I'm not pronouncing it correct but it's about a little boy right here you can already see where you kind of implement some of that visualizing on a summer evening I looked up for dinner through the open window to the backyard after I read that very first three lines I pause them I said guys are really when she did like in my head I just want to talk to you about what I visualize you know I can see them in a kind of model too showed them how I kind of sat at the table looking out the window the window half up the curtains falling down the breeze coming through you know the sunset and the color is everything that I can visualize as he's eating dinner like in my head I'm thinking he's eating chicken fried steak with some mashed potatoes and like that type of thing and like already the kids were like salivating like oh my gosh that's so good so we talked about that I had them go back out they used to strategy on a sticky note and we came back together after reading which is so important to me I feel like coming together after you do your reading strategy and you have them go out and practice it come back together and have a few kids share so some kids got to stand up in front of the class share part of the text that they had read and some of the things that they visualized from it which i think was really great and powerful for them but that was pretty much all we did today because we didn't have a ton going on I think I'm gonna spend about 15 minutes I'm gonna do a power clean up in 15 minutes and then after that I'm gonna get ready to go home so that I can go to the grocery store and then hopefully get some rest because I was not feeling good can you see it like lick around my eyes you can see that I'm just like I feel like I look pale too like I just don't feel good so let's get to clean 15 minutes we could do this and then I get to leave what time is it [Music] I mean not too shabby right so this is now cleared off I have only my laptop my iPad Apple TV Note remote and then I also have my chime there and then everything else is kind of cleared off from the bottom which is good I have my planner here ready to go and then a book that I was reading up here as well stage is all cleared off these are the folders that we're using and put the kids work outside and we have to put labels on them at the bottom so I am going to start working on some of those so that we can get their work outside in the hallway and then these are going to be the folders that we're using for reading and math so ela and math that's going to hold all of their assessments for the year so the way that us we're going to have to do it is we are going to have the folders of the kids that we have in our class when we're ready to switch our groups around and move them to another teacher we're gonna hand those teachers those folders so that they have all of their assessments their notes for that specific kid and then kind of you know rotate them around but it was the easiest way for us to think of it so I have the math pre assessments that we have here those are going to go inside of the folders once I get those labeled so those have to get done pretty soon as well I might actually take the sticker papers now that I'm thinking of it let's grab some sticker paper let's see where are those is there enough in there oh yeah that's plenty I'm gonna make some labels tonight put their names on it so that I can just add their names on to their folders and we can have those ready to go tomorrow morning to put their assessments in and I can get those organized so that's gonna go in this home pile now I can shut this and whip this back okay so that's pretty much ready to go everything else has been kind of cleared off I did not go through my inbox I need to finish that I'm gonna actually do that in the morning so I'm not going to deal with that right now because I'm tired and not feeling well so let's turn these lights off lights are off stuff is ready I have journals ready for tomorrow morning I need to actually take those home so I can measure them journals are gonna be ready for tomorrow morning to hand out to students for them to do for morning work and then everything else for the most part is kind of cleared off I honestly just need to go home and probably take some like allergy sinus medicine cold medicine I'm not really sure to be honest I need to take some type of medicine so I need to take some medicine um get some rest hopefully a little bit more rest than what I did the other days hopefully not have any dreams about crocodiles see alligators was it crocodiles or alley alligators alligators eating people there has to be some weird meaning behind that r88 okay so I'm gonna go ahead and start heading out turning off all my lights and I guess I will talk to you guys tomorrow last night I went home y'all had the biggest headache it was a struggle going to bed finally fell asleep and I woke up this morning still not feeling my absolute best but I don't have the headache that I had last night although I do still feel some pain like right in this kind of area right here so you need to take some more medicine so this morning I am kind of hungry I'm gonna stop and get myself something to eat my mother my mom and my dad are flying in today so they are gonna be at home right after school so I have a few things that I really really need to get done today I'm gonna be on a time crunch I'm gonna have a lot of things that I need to finish so that I can be prepared for next week so let's go grab something to eat and then head back to the school and get busy can I get a turkey sausage egg and cheese on an English muffin please and camions have a good one okay so this morning I have a few things that I need to take care of one I need to put the labels on to my folders that I was showing you guys yesterday to do their portfolios for reading and for writing or writing reading ela and for math and then I also have to I have got the page protectors my husband went out to Sam's purchased some page protectors for me so that I can get my binders put away because it's driving me nuts having them here so I need to do that as well and then I also have rotations that I need to set up for math so today for math we are introducing kind of our workshop goal work model so we have different types of goal work that the students are going to be doing era analysis they have puzzles and games and things to that extent that we want them to be able to work on independently so we have a bunch of different ones that we're gonna model showing them how to put them up how to put them away how to use them how to record their information all that good stuff so that is what we're doing today I spent a lot last night with my husband we were watching oh my gosh it was such a good show what movie was it I gotta feel like I need to call him hold on let's call him so I can figure out what movie it is hi so what was the movie called that we were watching last night the movie that we were watching the one with the cook and the guy who's crazy burnt or burned it's on Netflix the tale of despereaux I want to have anything to do with it okay so birds or burned yeah okay with Bradley Cooper okay love you all right there you go so that is what we were watching last night it was really really really good to the point where my husband was like focus Virg it like cut as you're watching movie or you're not gonna be allowed to watch the movie anywhere so we finally got everything cut out as far as the puzzles my other partner is doing the sort and then she got the error analysis and then there are kids are also doing something called I excel off of their iPads so that is kind of the plan I had a really bad bad headache but I was able to at least watching Russia you're probably like that's not that bad I had a headache if you're watching movie I am gonna go print out these labels really fast so that I can get them on the folders that way I can get the assessments sorted into their folders and then we have some place to be able to keep them and then I'm going to start working on the page protectors and getting those put away so I will catch up with you guys in just a second once I go get those these princess you gotta go [Music] maybe [Music] right there no why is that look I have a pimple why is it look like I have a den what's wrong brain you see it it's like right there do you see that is it like or is that just on camera like I don't camera I am currently on my lunch break and really quick I wanted to show you guys our Stromboli my partners and I we need to do a little bit of planning for next week so we're about to do that while we kind of like dig in over our meal but our school makes the best Stromboli and I just want to make you guys just a little bit jelly of how amazing my food is today look at that Stromboli isn't it delicious yep that's gonna be my belly it was a busy but really good day overall the kids did a great job in our workshops baking love with her read I love it when kids love to read they just want to sit and read the entire time which I am all about I did want to show you guys something that we did for maths so in math we talked about our goal work and some of the activities that they have to do independently to show that they're mastering certain skills so I can eventually get there apparently I meet a lot of anchor charts today yes oh my goodness okay I thought this was a really great idea and my kid did a really great idea not like my son but one of my students in my class so I had actually a kid who was kind of our recorder for the class so the things that I was talking about I was modeling for them and showing them because we talked about goal work I wanted to her to create an anchor chart for me so check out her little anchor chart that she made so I helped her with the folders which is all what that we got done today and like talked about turning in talked about what goal work was and that type of that type of information that I wanted to kind of get across so she did such a great job of creating this little anger chart I was very very proud of her so I thought that was a really great idea now I will say that she was one of the students that I had last year so she also knew a lot of the expectations already but it was really nice to be able to put her out there and say hey I want you to go ahead and you know write down all of the things that I talk about within this so that we can put it up and have it as an anchor chart um I also wanted to take a note I created a lot of anger charts today it's like anger chart galore but in morning meeting I also took the time to talk about using our brains and actually thinking my students don't really do problem in solutions very well so we went through some problems that I've been hearing a lot over the past couple of weeks and then we came up with some of the solutions actually no I told them quite a few of the solutions so that I didn't have to hear them anymore so let me show you guys exactly what problems we've got we discussed today now my little anchor chart actually was super super cute and then all of a sudden I get down here and I started messing up I don't know where my brain was so for one problem is I can't find my work what do I do I'm finished what do I do where does this go and then may I go to the bathroom so these were just some of the things that we started coming up with I wrote out this little think anchor chart this is gonna be like redone and then I'm gonna post it up to my kids we can keep adding to it and throughout the year as we're starting to find some of these issues that we are kind of encountering inside of the classroom so that was one of them let's just go through all my anchor charts then I had the math one and writing we read a book where's my book it is such a cute little book it's buying lame Smith oh my guess this is the little book right here it's grandpa green by Guerlain Smith and it's about a little boy who starts kind of telling about his grandfather and just gives me give us a lot of information about him and about how he gets older so it kind of opened up the conversation of family members and how those family members really contribute to our stories in our the stories that we just want to tell like within our writing so then we started coming up with I told them that you guys were gonna write about important people so we came up with mom the time and I kind of modeled the somebody who was important in my life and then came up with three story ideas same for my husband came up with three story ideas so the kids had to come up with people that they were really really important and come up with some stories to tell for that the end of the day went so much better today um yesterday was a little bit of a rough day for us just kind of the morning in the afternoon coming in and getting straight to work not really having that much of a discussion this afternoon I told the kids I was like we're breaking it down you're doing writing you're doing math you're doing reading and you're telling me one question that you had during that subject in two things that you learned from the day and then I want you to write a paragraph summary of how the day went so I think I got my point across because they were fantastic this afternoon they were all on task they were quiet they were eating their snacks everything was getting cleaned up I was very content with the way the day ended so I need to get going because my parents are gonna be getting into town pretty soon I need to run to target and then I want to get home to make sure everything is pretty much ready to go and then I can greet them there so I am gonna go run out and I will catch you guys later on I have just made it to school it is about 6:40 in the morning I'm a little bit later than normal because I forgot to put my alarm on last night I guess I must have been really really tired and all I wanted to do is just lay down and sleep and not worry about alarms or maybe I was hoping that it was gonna be Saturday I don't know it's one or the other anyway so I woke up at 6 o'clock with my husband's alarm typically I wake up about 5 2530 yeah that didn't happen luckily I did not have to wash my hair this morning's my hair was on a non wash day so I was able to get ready pretty fast I'm just a little bit later than I normally am not a big deal because I'm just gonna ease into the day it is my son's a 11th birthday 11 years old I cannot believe I have an 11 year old my mom and my dad make it into made it into town really late last night they had some issues with traffic like going on their way going to Atlanta and then they missed a few of their flights so they got here a little bit later than normal than what was kind of expected in the beginning but they did make it here safely which is what's important so Ian's gonna be spending the day with him he's a lucky dog because his school closed all for his birthday not true today they are having a professional development day for their teachers so Ian gets to stay at home and just kind of like relax with his with his nunna and granddad Lane is gonna be going to school for a little bit and I think they're gonna go pick him up so that they can get me in some quality quiet time because the 30 year old has a tendency to like take over everyone that's around him before I got started with the day I really wanted to show you guys my outfit so I was walking in target the other day I found this really really cute skirt and I was determined to try to wear it today so other than like the top part of it maybe I have worn this outfit twice this week I wore kind of the same great I wore this exact same sweater y'all wear things over and over again I wore this exact same sweater but I had on a different white t-shirt this one has like white and gray on the front and back but I mean other than that skirts different so it makes it a different outfit and the shirt the cardigan is the only thing that's the same okay so let me show you guys my outfit it's a very long skirt but what I thought was so cool is that it has like this big dis lip that's right here down the middle and it has all these little buttons down here as well so I just I wore the skirt I put on a short sleeve shirt it has white and grey on the back I've had this for flippin ever and like probably since I was 20 and then I put on the same great cardigan that I have like it's just a classic great cardigan from Banana Republic that I've had forever as well so I think it's super cute it's really comfy apparently oh we're getting a hate wave because like in 80 years where's my fall weather yah I just don't understand why can't it be cold already ah I think I look super cute I'm gonna give you like this little angle here like look at that isn't that cute I thought it was super cute so why did I share that with you you probably don't care but I'm gonna pretend that you do alright so I need to unload my stuff that I have and then hopefully get a couple of things done this morning I think I have a faculty meeting at 8 o'clock that's okay we're gonna make it faculty meeting at 8 I can get some stuff done [Music] okay so really sick time I'm going to show you I need my incre chart called the hashtag the struggle is wheat real I totally feel like this has been my root my weak Merrik I can't talk I feel like this has totally been my wink because I've been sick and so it's been so hard to be motivated and like the moment that my body like feels a little bit better and I start doing stuff I get really hot and tired and just like I just need to sit so hashtag the struggle is real for me this week that's what my week has been like just with being sick and everything anyway so it's hashtag the struggle is real and we're going to talk about different things that we can do whenever we are coming to a point where we are stuck in math so yesterday I can show those to you my partner has spent so much labor of love doing these this summer but she has created goal work and this one is for place value each shape will represent a different grade level so I think this is fifth-grade squares are fifth-grade and inside of it they have different skills that they have to be able to complete in order to be able to master the place value unit and so this one is like rounding decimals and it has different activities things that they can do and then it also has like I excel levels in there so inside of this file folder they're gonna find all of the games for these so the kids get to do these once again and they're doing it on their own for independent practice so we figured that would be important today we're going to actually practice having some of those rotations typically in math are not going to have rotations but we want to get them used to different types of games and things that they're going to see so the kids are going to be able to do a puzzle today a sort they're gonna do a error analysis and they're gonna have I excel time so we wanted to talk about what do we do when we get stuck so I have three guiding questions what is struggle time and then what do you do when you struggle and then what do you not do when you're struggling so this is kind of going to be a starter for us this morning and then we're just going to lead right into all right I got my math assessments sorted into the folders those are all labeled with the students names I do need to get some things sorted in for the green folders and then get those handed out to the teachers to the three of us that are gonna have which kids next week and then the red ones are gonna be for writing that was the additional folder that I needed to get just to be able to hold their writing so we're gonna have to kind of three sets of kids we'll have a math set an ela like or a reading set my apologies a math set a reading set and then a writing set as well so this one needs to get labeled and then I need to put their writing assessments in there and get those out to my other two teacher friends so that's almost done I'm finished hopefully with that later this afternoon and then here the kids are doing a journal prompt that's just because we weren't able to come in and make choices for ourselves so therefore the kids are going to be working on a read a story using the emoji clipart in place of the words that the emoji represents be creative so I have a magic clip art that I'm printing out those are going to get cut out in place here so the students will know exactly where to get them I also need to put out a bucket then the students will also place their black folders here because today is dojo percentages day the kids have to show their we have to write their dojo percentages in it and then they have to get it signed so let me find it I guess I'm just going to use a sticky note I just simply labeled it black folder goes here take one that's gonna be where the emojis are take one that's for the labels and then also two for them to find their folders so that is all set and ready to go for this morning I have about 15 minutes left before I need to get to my morning meeting I'm gonna sharpen my pencils get some coffee and then that'll let me kind of ease in to my morning at this point so I'm gonna do that hopefully I'll talk to you guys during my lunch break so I know that I told you guys that I wasn't going to talk to you until my lunch time but oh my gosh I got the best surprise ever on the face of the planet so my partner from last year comes into my room and she was like I have something for you and please don't think that you have like say yes to it and she like whips out this look at him isn't he gorgeous he's reading a book look at his eyes oh my gosh I love him so much totally fits with my fantasy room right I could not believe it I loved it I know my face was probably like I cannot believe it I loved it so much I just needed to show that to you and like share in my excitement because I thought it was super super cute her brother-in-law apparently was like cleaning out some old stuff and that was in one of his old things so she came she she gave it to me to have it in my classroom I'm so excited and just like that the day is finally over I'm so sorry I did not get to talk to you guys over our breaks I was really really busy just trying to get a lot of things done for next week did not have time to like sit down did not have time to sit down at all I am heading out it is literally like we are dismissing right now but I my cost is already gone I'm leaving because I want to go and get things ready for my son's birthday party I don't think I'm gonna vlog anymore if I do then it's gonna be up on a different day I don't think I'm gonna put it up for this weekend I just don't have the time and I need to get this video up for tomorrow morning so I'm gonna go ahead and end you guys here I hope that you've enjoyed this video please make sure to give it a thumbs up share it out subscribe if you haven't already and welcome to my channel and I will talk to you guys next week [Music] I can stir [Music] yeah what do you want for your birthday how old are you [Music]
Channel: The Lettered Classroom
Views: 21,120
Rating: 4.9417877 out of 5
Keywords: A day in the life of a teacher, Classroom Tour, education, elementary school, lesson plan, new teacher, how to become a teacher, how to teach, math, reading, writing, education videos, esl, kindergarten, teacher, 4th grade, tour, common core, elementary teacher, university, middle school, book club classroom, tips, teaching, struggles, week of, anchor charts, sick, substitute teacher, partner teachers
Id: 7VHt-ajR5SU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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