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[Music] hey guys so welcome back to my channel i hope you guys are all doing well if you are new hi my name is madison and i post college related videos specifically based around nursing since i'm in nursing school i'm currently a fourth semester nursing student in my icu slash critical care rotation i my first exam wednesday which is nerve-wracking if you see a lot of commotion around in the back i'm at starbucks and it is crazy crowded so i thought i would do another week in the life for you guys i love filming these and you guys are just so nice and have the best responses to them so i wanted to make another one for you guys i hope your semester is all going well i had a farm quiz on thursday um didn't do good i got like a 3.85 out of five i was so sad wanted to cry so i just have to like study better and like more in depth for farm i don't have a farm class this semester if i had farm all three of my other semesters but this one's kind of just combined within if this girl hits my car oh my gosh oh i form quizzes every week at my first clinical um i had like a five hour orientation we were just in a computer lab setting up our like login and there's always issues with that and i feel like by the time everyone gets situated you're done with your clinical like it's just so annoying we were only on the floor for not that long at all because most of it was like orientation and i did not like it it was so sad i'm in the medical icu we're not allowed to take care of covet patients it's just like our school rule probably to prevent us from possibly getting it and then coming into school and giving it to like other students professors teachers because we're not online we're in person and our lectures for kovud were all online and our lab was still in person and our clinical was still in person but now we have everything in person and i'm like fine with that i couldn't imagine getting that sick right now like while you're in a semester it would just be a hot mess but anyway i did not like it it was sad but my mom keeps reminding me to just be positive about it it's i need this experience and she's right i'm just going to go in with like an open mind but i really like talking with my patients and you know if they're on ventilators they can't talk and it's just was it's really hard for me we shall see how this goes i need to go in with an open mind it's such a short rotation it's eight weeks so and then i start my preceptorship and i'll be doing 12s with a nurse one-on-one like my preceptor so anyway i'm getting starbucks i'm also getting a gift card for my friend that i'm going to see today she graduated in may and she is like one of the most amazing people i've ever met and i have like this whole like grad bin box basket for her so i wanted to like throw a starbucks give her it in there for her and she is an icu nurse saving lives working with cova patients and she's just an incredible nurse and an incredible human so i was like every nurse needs some like coffee boost so i wanted to like stop here i mainly want to get her a gift card but i was like i might as well get something and after i'm waiting in this line i'm gonna need a coffee or some sort of drink oh my goodness that was like a long intro but let's go ahead and get started it's saturday and i woke up at 5am this morning to study i will like insert some clips of me studying this morning i was so tired um but i was like you know what i'm up so i why not just study i'm pretty sure i was up studying until 2am anyway so i got like no sleep and then i fell back asleep from like 7 30 to 9 30 or 9 and here we are now it's 11 20. so monday's labor day and i sadly work so not looking forward to that especially because i have an exam wednesday i wish i like it was like last week but that's okay it's gonna be still good and i can't believe i'm already on week three out of eight of my critical care rotation and week eight is finals week so technically i'm on week three out of seven which is crazy i can't believe it i look so crazy but i just got out of the bath and it is sunday 4 27 and i have literally just been studying like a crazy person all weekend you guys already know i set everything up the night before this looks kind of crazy but i have my jacket my top my scrubs compression socks deodorant hairbrush face mask my work bag main thing is my badge it's in there and then a bunch of other junk i'm gonna pick out some snacks for work tomorrow so i'm gonna do two peanut butter chili bars these ones are my favorite i love these and normally on the way to work i'll get a coffee from mcdonald's and a hash brown [Music] good morning guys i just got to work it is like 6 10 a.m i'm so tired i was up until like 12 30 studying hopefully it's a good day you can't wait to be home and in bed it's 2 15. i literally devoured my lunch i had a grilled cheese with like potato wedges and i've been drinking this all day i need to get water but yeah i'm so tired but i'm working with three awesome nurses today which makes it so much better but yeah i'm just very tired but that's okay oh yeah so i like inhale my food i'm ready to go home but i have four and can i speak four hours and 45 minutes left until i can go home but it's better than 12. [Music] all right guys so i just changed out the dirty linens it is 4 46 i'm about to get some blood sugars on my patients who are about to eat dinner finally done thank goodness good morning you guys it is tuesday and i guess it's not really morning i think it's like 11 00 but i just um finished editing uploading my plan with me video so that just um went up so if you haven't checked that out check it out if you're interested i passed out so quick after work yesterday i did some editing um and then i like fell asleep i was so tired yesterday was pretty good and the more i thought about it i was like was yesterday my last day working as a pcna because i don't have any days scheduled um except i worked labor day and then new year's day is my holiday but i may have like an rn job by then i don't know so i don't know we'll see but anyway i need to study today normally the day before the exams it should not for me i've had days where it's like a freak out like oh my gosh the exams tomorrow but i like it to be like a slower day where i'm just it should just be like a review really not trying to consume everything that i don't know if that makes sense and just touching up on things that i'm a little unsure about maybe and again that doesn't always happen because of like time and stuff like i have a farm quiz on thursday and i haven't even looked over anything because i've been so worried about this big exam so it doesn't always happen that way but i think i'm gonna go to starbucks get a pumpkin spice latte and sit and do some stuff just to get out of like my bed oh abort mission um i don't think they have enough workers in starbucks so like the doors are actually locked to like get into starbucks so they're only doing drive-through and then i was like oh i'll go to my school and study there because they have a starbucks and then i'm so dumb i don't have a mask and i had a bunch of like disposables like in here but i tossed them all because as you can see my skin is breaking out really bad probably from yesterday wearing it for 12 hours but i tossed them all i think literally last night and i was like i'm not gonna go through like the school with my shirt over my face and look for a mask and they didn't have any parking spots by the starbucks at the school and i wasn't gonna walk through the whole school without a mask um or like trying to cover my face so i'm just gonna i came back to the original starbucks i'm just gonna go through the drive-through and then go home and study there so here is my little setup right now i'm gonna eat some breakfast watch savannah's new video and i got uh everything bagel with butter and then a little lemon loaf i'll probably eat that later something sweet i got my water and my pumpkin spice latte we're ready to go and i'm gonna eat this and then get to studying we have a lengthy to-do list of things i want to review but again this is just reviewing not like learning and being overwhelmed it's just like reviewing stuff i want to be very fresh in my mind for tomorrow so that's what we're going to do but first breakfast [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i just wanted to show you guys some stuff that i was doing today earlier i just did abg practice and i'm good with abg's it's just the compensated and uncompensation like the compensation part so i did this and i did it the other day and got 100 and then today i missed two because i think i was just rushing through so i just had to like look at it again and i was fine so i did that i just used registered nurse rn questions and then i was practicing some heparin math but i'm gonna look over that again so hepa math and then our instructor just gave us like a blank concept map like this and said that sometimes it's nice the night before exams to just dump everything out that you know under the right category so i kind of did that here um in black and then anything in red that i wanted to add i didn't remember when i went through to check my work i added that in red here so here i have pulmonary embolism acute respiratory distress syndrome and then pneumothorax and i mixed um this diagnostic stuff up with a pe and some signs and symptoms so i definitely have to get that straight but i have these and then we have a bunch of dysrhythmias stuff to know but like i don't know really how to put that into a concept map so i have been i made these cards these flash cards and i taped like rhythm pictures on it and then i have like what the rhythm is on the back i've been studying those and then i've also been looking at this little like chart here with like causes treatment all of that which has been nice so i'm gonna practice some more heparin and then watch some registered nurse rn videos and my snippy pjs again they're from marshalls and then i'm going to try to go to bed early because i'm tired it is probably like seven something right now but didn't nap all day which is good i was getting a little bit tired so i just took a bath and then refocused it's 8 a.m it's exam day exam day look an outfit i'm pretty sure i wore this shirt on my first day classes or something but don't worry it's washed i'm just taking this tote bag with my laptop and stuff because i don't need everything and my room is a mess because um i was studying and my life's a mess so anyway i'm gonna eat something quickly and then leave you guys i passed my exam i am so happy i got a 40 well my raw score is a 40 out of 45 which is an 88 and then she said she's gonna do an item analysis and like see if you know there was a question that we all got wrong or you know stuff like that so i'm so happy and it was hard and i did not think i when i was going through it i was like i'm scared to see what my grade is but i'm happy i'm relieved and yeah i'm probably gonna go take a nap now all right so if i look crazy i just woke up from my nap but i'm here helping ali set up her classroom she put these cute little things up here i love them and we're gonna do the bulletin board right now so let's go [Music] um [Music] me yes guys this is our first time doing a bulletin board so be nice okay so i just got home here is a before of my room we're gonna tidy it up here we got a lot of craziness going on just from you know studying and stuff like that this is full of clean laundry that's folded i just need to put away and i have like my scrub top and i need to get everything ready and laid out for clinical all morning and that's what we're gonna do and then i need to get started on week three stuff which is this week we're learning sorry my pants keep falling down we're learning sepsis and shock this week and i like to always do the stuff like during the weekend so i have everything done for like the week but because i was studying i wasn't going to cram shock and sepsis if it's not even on my exam so i'm going to try to do that tonight also my farm quiz haven't even looked at that stuff i listened to the lecture once so yeah i look a mess this is how i met my sister's uh co-workers yeah but we're gonna clean this up these are like a bunch of new clothes that i got that i don't know where to put because i have like no room so i'm going to clean all of this and also like sweep and dust so let's do that [Music] okay so this is what my room looks like sorry it's kind of crazy in the background because my brother just got home but i have my bag laid out for school scrubs clean my desk off and then this is what it looks like i took the clothes off here so you can kind of see what this looks like now if you watch my videos you know this used to be my desk so which wasn't even made to be a desk but yeah so this is what this looks like very cute i have this clean candle from i think marshall's lit smells like lemon and super lemony and clean and patients who are in various different shock states or patients guys i am just so tired and just drained from school and studying i need to really look over my farm stuff i have like all my papers here to look over for farm and i like re-listen to her lecture but i need to do obviously way more than that because i couldn't tell you anything about any of the medications i'm gonna order pasta with meat sauce from pizza hut i love it it's so good [Music] that clinical i'm eating a chewy bar drinking some water and i just gave my morning meds to my head to toe assessment and i need to do some charting that's going good so far i am tired though but i'm always tired all right i literally just got home and i'm about to hop in the shower and then i will update you guys i literally look crazy look at my lashes oh my gosh i am nice and clean i feel like i just look like a new person um just after a nice shower after like any time i'm in the hospital um i also need to do some like self-care this weekend because my unibrow is growing and then i just need some tlc but um what i'm doing now is i am studying i'll show you just studying some meds um there's a lot of vasopressors this week because we're learning about sorry that's so crooked um there's a lot of vasopressors this week because we're learning about shock and so we want to like increase that blood pressure we have some anti-diuretics going on here just took my phone quiz got a 4.38 out of 5 which i'm happy with i can't see what i got wrong yet so i think they're going to go over it tomorrow at lab but i'm happy because i did better than last week and so hopefully each week i just keep getting better good morning you guys so it is 8 12 and i'm getting ready to go to lab and yeah i'm very tired like very tired but the sun's out so please wake me up okay so i just got done with lab it was good i got a iced coffee with cream and sugar earlier and also a hash brown it went good [Music] [Music] [Music] so if i look different my lashes i took them off because there was like none on this eye and it was beautiful on this eye and i think it's because it's the side i sleep on i don't know but anyway it's 1 50 it's saturday and i am flying out to kansas city missouri and at six so i have to be at the airport at like three something and the starbucks by me was completely closed because i think they're short workers so i'm at a different one but the line's long but no surprise hopefully i can get this fast and then quickly go and pack me and my sister literally just got the tickets like an hour ago but we got everything's like situated with the hotel and everything already it's the browns opening game tomorrow not the home opener because it's in kansas city missouri i didn't go to any games last year because of school and i'm like i need to like live my life a little even while i'm in school and i just had an exam so it's kind of like a nice little time to go i guess got my strawberry lemonade refresher and i am going to we're leaving for the airport in like an hour so what i'm gonna do is listen to my farm lecture for week 4 and take notes on that [Music] hello we just got to the airport it's cold but there's like no one here so we got through security and everything really fast and now we're going to find a smoothie for alley and we're looking see if they have any cute browns merch here browns merch browns jerseys i don't know [Music] it's from cleveland to chicago and then we go from chicago kansas city so be a quick flight and i'm already hungry [Music] [Music] this is our hotel room it's so pretty and it has a really pretty view um i'll show you of the city you can kind of see a nice desk area for me to study and then the bathroom is over there [Music] [Music] so [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] right [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: madi's nursing journey
Views: 47,217
Rating: 4.9730721 out of 5
Keywords: Nurse, Nursing, Nursing student, Nursing school, Last semester nursing, Nursingschoolvlog, Madisnursingjourney, Vlog, Collegevlog, Nursingstudentvlog, Critical care clinical, ICU clinical, ICU nurse, Intensive care nurse, Studying, Study with me, Cleaning, Clean with me, Organization, Planner organization, College senior, back to school, Back to school season, STUDY, study, brownsgame, nflfootballgame, travelwithme, travelnurse
Id: -4Pe6_N8f2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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