A Week in the Life of a Nursing Student: Starting my second semester

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[Music] it's been sometimes [Music] good morning everybody first day of fall term nursing school i'm gonna see if i can convince my dad to take a first day school pick for me okay breakfast is going in here we got the first day of school pick i'll insert a couple here i'm honestly really tired and i don't want to be late so let's map to school usually i map right when i wake up because sometimes there's an accident and i have to go the other way and leave earlier than expected 32 minutes that's not bad i might have to listen to the pump up playlist we are combining with another cohort so it's not just like my usual people who i know i know a couple people in my class but i don't know everyone so i feel like it's the major first day of school again new teachers new classes i'm going to pathophysiology and farm this morning till 12 and then i might go to a coffee shop and get some work done because i know i want to do my drug cards and i was going to get ahead on those but then i was like i don't really know how she wants them so hopefully we'll talk about it today in class this is the class i am most nervous for this term i've always said like this is probably the class that i want the hardest time with because i don't know anything about it i guess i know more about patho but i don't know anything about pharmacology that's definitely gonna require a lot of time gonna play the end of this playlist that i just added a bunch of songs too [Music] you guys i am very stressed i just looked at my map and it's literally all red across the bridge i'm not even to the 84 yet and now says i'm gonna arrive at 8 53 which is too close for my comfort i'm usually always 15 minutes early well updates to come hopefully i'm not late i really this is the last thing i want to deal with on my first day literally all these cars in the other lane are just hauling and then moving into my lane to get over and that's why i'm not moving i hate when other people do that so i try not to do it and i just try to sit in my lane until i can go over but this is what's really messing me up is my lane is barely moving and cars are zooming by i'm regretting not leaving literally an hour ahead in nursing school if you're late three times you get kicked out i'm just gonna try to remain calm and listen to my music and trust in the universe that this will work out [Music] you guys we're gonna make it [Music] we did it we survived the first day of school i just picked up my new parking pass for the year gonna put that on when i get home kind of fun to see everyone so many more people here which was kind of nice i feel like i missed the bigger school vibe but then i got so used to it just being our small little group where you know everyone what else i did have an embarrassing moment figured i'd just share here i'm power walking to class so fast i didn't want to be late and i had like five minutes but in nursing if you're five minutes early you're like almost late so i'm trying to book it in the building and i'm walking along the sidewalk and then i decide to just cut through the grass a little bit instead of staying on the sidewalk like someone walking next to me it was like i was trying to race them to the door which was just really weird i should just slow down and then it turned out to be my professor and she was like oh where are you going i was like oh patho farm like room 101. she's like me too don't worry you're not late i'm the professor i was very embarrassed and then i had to walk through the room and there's only one seat left in the dead center front row i think it's okay because i really love her i think she's really cool and hopefully she doesn't judge me too much for that it was not my finest moment i really should have just slowed down and been patient we love a good little first day story you could have older people in your class you can have younger people in your class you never know who the professor is going to be it's hard to tell all right i'm gonna go home it's kind of cold outside i was gonna try to study outside at a coffee shop but it's really cold and i'm wearing shorts so i might just go home and try to go get lunch somewhere i feel like i need a first day of school rewards [Music] what it is [Music] [Applause] hello guys today is wednesday and i'm currently on my lunch break just went to winco to go get myself lunch because i didn't have a chance to pack it last night go through the whole store grab a bunch of stuff for me to eat right now and then i get to the checkout line mind you i've literally like never gone to winco maybe once in my life i have and they don't take credit cards and i literally only had cards on me now i'm gonna go to starbucks i guess i had my chronic class this morning and honestly i really love my teacher so that's great kind of pushed me into full gear to be like okay this is definitely more intense than last term and you're gonna have to work 20 times harder i'm gonna go get my food at starbucks and go eat it with my friends outside and then i have mental health this afternoon [Music] [Music] you look so good in my sweater winter is my favorite weather cause it brings you close good morning guys it is 7 30 in the morning got here really fast i'm just chilling in my car with the nice heated seats the sun is out i listened to my podcast from my pharmacology teacher and then some pump up music of course because that's kind of my clinical day tradition is i have to mentally put myself up i'm drinking the coffee christmas cup of course this was my breakfast the almond butter overnight oats from tj's to be honest i'm a little disappointed i think it kind of looks and semi tastes like dog food there's not a lot of flavor there try to eat half of it i hate wasting food but i really just don't think i can finish it we are going to my usual favorite the go go squeeze if you've been following my channel for a long time you know i'm addicted to these and yes i look like a five-year-old drinking out of them but they are truly the best thing ever and one of the only things that i can have in the morning for breakfast because i get nauseous very easily today is a really busy day it's our clinical orientation to the sim lab so basically how our semester is working this term is that we've been split into two groups group one which is my group is going to be in the clinical sim lab for half of the semester so we're doing all of our things on simulated patients we're given different patient scenarios basically act like it's real life but we're in a lab working with simulated patients then the other group is at a clinical facility at a long-term care sniff i don't know what's up with my sniff the one that i was matched to we just found out that they had a covet outbreak and the entire facility there is being converted into a covent facility facilities are going to transfer probably their coped patients there as like a quarantine place very scary time there's a lot of stress going on i don't even know how i feel about being in person right now i never thought i'd say this but a part of me wishes i'm online the cases are surging really badly in oregon it's making me nervous and it's hard to go from no regulations all the way back to oh my gosh we're worse than where we were at the beginning even in december of this pandemic oh my friend erica just pulled up let's see if she comes over to decide but yeah that's kind of what's going on through my head how are you doing yes i'll talk to you guys later bye [Music] all right now we can actually update you about what we've been doing today what has been your favorite part of the day that hands-on experience this is the best clinical day i've had so far probably yeah because it feels organized it's not as much cna work right exactly which is super cool we learned how to do different feeding tubes g-tube j-tube we practiced setting it up on the pump which is actually kind of fun that was satisfying and what else did you feel like a real nurse when you press it oh sorry my my car's a little aggressive we've done tracheal suctioning yeah we're about to do our medication simulation insulin before cloudy or before cloudy we worked on some soap notes and some s bars had our lunch feeling good almost done with my kombucha i probably will have to pee when i arrive at our destination that's all healthy eyes eyes and nose um actually i have a really stretched out bladder already so i was already meant to be a nurse after that we're done for the day [Music] [Music] i need you close yeah every day [Music] i never know how to get these air bubbles out like do you guys you shove them back in yeah i did them keep going yeah do it again okay just get the bubble at the top and then like pull more and then oh pull more over that oh i see okay yeah and then yeah and then push it in and then if it's a little one at the top oh i'm so close get out oh i got it [Music] i'm gonna scoop you oh that's so cool what's so cool love the snack back ones oh she bent and she snaps on it takes me forever to get my gloves on grab from the palm the palm yeah like i like oh oh yeah okay maybe that's what i need to do i like that you need to rip your butt i know yeah yeah like get your thumb up there and pull off oh yeah that does work better okay thank you for this advice [Music] oh you guys we did it we survived first day of second semester clinical it feels so good just felt so great to do all these skills i love my group they're so fun today was a win in nursing school you don't always have wins so you definitely need to celebrate the days that you do because sometimes they feel far and feed between also it looks so greasy this is what happens when i'm in a can 95 for how many hours have i been here i guess i got here at eight and it is currently five i'm going to go home pick up some burgers for my family to have for dinner i don't think i have any homework to do tonight but i might look ahead and spend an hour doing stuff and then i'm gonna shower take the rest of the night off maybe tomorrow morning i'll do some more stuff because i don't have class until one which is really nice and tomorrow's another day of clinical in the lab we get to meet our clinical instructor who was also my professor last term so it's gonna be good i'll talk to you guys tomorrow [Music] happy friday everybody it is officially the end of the week i have one more clinical today and then i am done i got the best parking spot it's gonna be a good day we get to be with our clinical group again this morning did some homework had some lunch and now we're here i don't know if i can film as much today because i think it's gonna be a little bit more structured patient simulation experience i think i'm in class for four hours maybe five the first week is always crazy because i never remember my schedule day i have class oh it doesn't tell me well it's a surprise we'll find out here we go we just got home and i'm done with simulation lab it was a really interesting educational moving experience they have a full-on actor in there and you're given a patient scenario and you have to deal with this i was of course chosen as the first nurse to deal with the situation initially i left thinking it went terrible so unproductive not a part of the plan i didn't crush it you know what i mean like i really doubted myself when i walked back into the room and i was like oh that was not good and then we had a whole deep briefing with our team and it was so nice to hear from the actor what the feedback was the actor was actually able to share so many positive points and i really focused on my body language and trying not to be as bubbly because i feel like that's probably one of my downfalls i got such good feedback all of us were really moved by really what is nursing which is so much more than what they even teach you in first term this is much more holistic intense different i just got home it's almost six o'clock i'm gonna go get dinner submit my work for tonight that's due and maybe take a night off it's friday night you have to give yourself a little break here and that's probably what i'm gonna do i wanna thank you guys so much for watching this video i hope you got a little bit better picture of what it's like to be a nursing student and kind of what my week looks like what i go through i'm so happy that i'm doing this even though there's days that are really great there's days that are challenging it's a good balance and i feel like overall it was a really good week and even though i'm very nervous for the second semester because i've heard that it's so intense i'm really excited for the challenge too and i know it's gonna feel so good by the time it's christmas and i will have survived this semester that's it for today give this video a thumbs up if you'd like more content like this today's question of the day is going to be what is a lesson or a perspective even saying or phrase that you use to carry on with you throughout your entire professional experience i want to hear some interesting things down below you guys are so smart and every time i ask these questions i love the responses that i get also if you're not subscribed already please subscribe down below i hope you guys are having a really good week if you didn't have such a good week i hope you know that it will get better hang in there i love you guys so crazy much and i will talk to you very very soon [Music] you bye soon we believe in this place [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kiara Madisen
Views: 94,270
Rating: 4.9785733 out of 5
Keywords: Kiara Madisen Green, college, dorm, school, advice, girls, organization, productivity, tips, clothes, fashion, back to school, design, decor, home, cooking, food, oregon, pnw, pacific northwest, portland, eugene, university
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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