Weed eater vs Weed eater (Behind The Scenes) - Smarter Every Day 2

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hey it's me destin welcome to smarter every day too sometimes when i get done with a video on smarter every day on the main channel i'm like man that was fun and i learned a lot of stuff and then there are days when you finish this thing called the weed eater wars video and you're like what on earth did i just do that was insane so this is what i want to do here on the second channel i want you to know what it feels like to step inside the garage when we were figuring all this out all we knew is that we had a bunch of different types of weed eater line and we wanted to fight it and we wanted to see which wheatier line is toughest and we knew that it could be potentially dangerous so don't try this at home but we just had to figure everything out like what is a win like what mechanical problems do we have to solve along the way and it was a blast so here's what i want to do i just have this video strung out so you can just step into the garage with us and experience what it was like to do the whole weedeater wars thing we're making fun of each other we get confused along the way like we switch sides and we're rooting for this one and then rooting for that one it's just it's a blast please consider subscribing to smarter every day too if this is what you want to see like the behind the scenes stuff if you want to see the slow motion you can go look at the links down in the video description and you can look at each individual battle on its own and you can make a determination for yourself it's a lot more complicated than it looks anyway let's go to the garage hey it's me dustin welcome back to smarter every day we're at that magical moment where you build something in the garage a culmination of a week and a half of effort and then you kind of all have your your hands in your pockets this is jeremy fielding this is trent this is george we are about to have what we're calling the weed eater war this is amazing welcome to the weed eater war in a previous episode of smarter every day we tested out the different shapes of weed eater line to figure out what cut the best turns out i think the star shape cut the best but today we have to figure out which one of these lines is the strongest and the way we're going to do that is we have a bracket and we're going to do a single elimination tournament much like gladiators in rome we're going to pick out these shapes we're going to put them on the tournament grid here we're going to fight them to the death and this is the device that we're going to use to test them so we have from the last episode where we did weed eater stuff you remember we had this tektronix old school uh oscilloscope approach-o-matic we have this weed eater set on here we can set the angle of this thing if we want it's amazing but we're gonna push this thing in but we had a problem how do we push both weed eaters toward each other at the same time so that the weed eater lines interact trent would you like to show them how this works yes so we've got cable connected to the end of the lever down there all right and we've got it connected down here uh-huh and when you pull on this pull on the lever jeremy when you pull on this the parts move forward all right so let's back back it up jeremy i'll show how this works again okay so one more time pull but it's it's beautiful it's so beautiful we've got the high speed camera directly over top and i think at this point we have to build the bracket what do you think jeremy well no question this guy is going to be in because because that was the sharpest it was it was the best performing last time as i understand all right so we've got three new ones here we've got this uh somebody sent me this they said it's this echo crossfire like super i want that i want to see what that does so i'm going to put that on there what you got okay in the first elimination i'm going to do the razor core razor core with no cuts biggest diameter okay no cuts biggest diameter george you're up i really like blue all right so i think that's gonna just kick the cool out of the razor core okay cool all right so everybody gets another one oh what are you doing i'll take the triangle okay i'm gonna do this is the sharp square that we had last time it was really it feels like it's bigger than the 0.095 inch diameter it feels like it cheats almost what are you doing trent i'm gonna do this one okay that's the sharp sharp square that the professional leader guy gave us last time all right what's the gray blob what is this it's just like a a mono core we called it as titanium force i don't know what do you think yeah you doing it ah i like the rainbow but yeah no i'll do this too okay sounds good so i know that is that it is that our those those are our choices all right that's it that means they don't make it the board yeah if you don't pick these they don't even make it to the so this is no i don't want to make that decision you have to man sorry you gotta pick grant what do you think they're the gray i don't want you think the gray do it do the great blob great blob all right so that's what we got all right so here's how we're going to do this for the weed eater war we'll stick those down there somewhere what we're going to do is we're going to systematically fight these things and as we do for example as i predict this will win we'll eliminate that one and this will advance forward and then that'll establish our next tournament series here okay so whoops i think we're good right my magnet come off already yeah yeah all right so first up star shape versus what are we calling that the crossfire yeah let's do it all right we'll start work all right okay so this is at an angle and that's at an angle so when they go in and when the streams cross we should get this plane of interaction what's it going to look like so if this is going up and that's going up hold that one like that so we should get is this going to work so they will actually meet correct yeah okay oh i didn't didn't show you this check this out got throttles right here that corresponds to throttles on the weed eater so you should be able to throttle up and move everything at the same time and it has ergonomically designed just just in case right that's ergonomic what's under there what's the squishy pipe insulation look at that trent are you thinking through the geometry i am just making sure that it makes sense that they're going to run into each other and should work right yeah okay i'm coming in yeah they'll come in like this pulling it in and this is the the interaction we should see so the question is what is the criteria like what what does winning look like is it the other the other line breaks i think it oh yeah the other one if they both break it's definitely a tie so if i would say the shortest line is the loser shortest line is the loser does that make sense about which line breaks first on high speed which line breaks first is a loser yeah i think that's okay that's gotta be it yeah that sounds like a better definition yeah i like it which line breaks worse because we can measure down at the microphone yeah yeah otherwise it gets there's going to be some noodle action going on which which line breaks first yeah they're gonna be wiggling around and when it starts to break away i think we're going to make like a helix i think they're going to wrap around each other and then i think it's the unwrapping that's actually going to create the tension makes sense i like it all right so there's been a lot of discussion about what winning looks like and i think what we've decided is whichever one breaks first is the loser and and that's down to the micro second because we think what's going to happen is they're going to wrap up show the plane of interaction here so as they they're rotating like that so i'll i'll pull this oh george can you uh pull the handle and he can yeah so so as they go in like that and pull the lever there that's going to be our plane of interaction like right there right here and i think what's gonna happen is we're gonna get some kind of it's gonna be like that we're gonna get some kind of wrapping effect and i think it's the unwrapping that's actually gonna make everything go bad so we'll see how this works okay ready i'm gonna start the weed eater yep a light pull [Music] so mesmerizing to watch it is very entertaining it's more stressful for me because i'm like like hit it no no hit hit oh no [Laughter] it's gonna happen do you go till you see one break is that how we do it i think ideally yes that was a big slap i i gotta believe this star is about to give up man okay so the one on the right is definitely losing more energy with each hit this is more like judging a boxing match like you say yeah then yeah body blow body blow at some point you have to say yeah he he can't take any more we throw in the towel yeah we're starting to get that look that we got on the chain link fence where it it goes beyond the tensile strength of the line oh wait wait what yeah boom all right it's broken we have a winner all right thank goodness it was that's a long slapping match that somebody gave up it was way more difficult than i anticipated all right the star was defeated crossfire moves to the next level and jeremy which one we're gonna do next let's go with uh the top of the other side bracket okay here we go we're gonna go triangle versus sharp square here we go so this one this is pretty we've actually weeded it with this so in order to give this a fair chance we need to tell me to pull yeah again don't push down on this that's all right that's long enough oh well this has already been eaten that's right that's what we're gonna pull it out one more all right here we go and then jeremy you got your little measuring stick i'll swap with you i'm just looking at these tips thinking of them as being somewhat fragile they might break away but then they could also serve as little blades that might cut into you're getting nervous for your sharp squares what's that i don't know man i feel like this is more massive this is i yeah the heavyweight has to win i don't think you have a problem man yeah triangle's nothing man don't don't even worry about it i think if you just look at the triangle scott triangle's got is sticking out this is all curled up i think once they get spaghetti that's gonna win you think the triangle is gonna beat jeremy's sharp square sorry it's not that i wanted to i'm just looking at reality i'm i'm a little bit concerned about how curly my uh the line is over there because i just looks a little intimidated but he doesn't want to stick out there and i don't know man i think it it feels more like a boxer like he's got like he's he's down and ready all right okay okay i'm gonna go with that so i i i don't think you have anything to worry about buddy this is fun this is really fun all right here we go round one east division we've got triangle versus sharp square we've got sharp square on the left triangle on the right now interestingly you get the twist in the triangle which helps with noise abatement but uh jeremy's a little jeremy's a little scared i'm gonna be honest he's uh he's worried about old triangle here all right what happened i think we took it man i think you did yeah because i feel like i saw a green edges is looking pretty good this one's pretty chewed up man i think i think that's a winner without the high speed oh come look at the slow-mo here that that right there this is the this is the blow right here so boom right there yeah not even a question man i mean that's that's the blood flying right out of the lips right there man that's the he just he got clobbered yeah look at that shmack okay yeah triangle didn't have a chance jeremy why were you even scared dude you know i just i don't know yeah that delamination didn't have a chance all right cool go ahead and advance your adventure fighter there jeremy for sure all right let's not forget the x here congratulations congratulations man we're very proud of you all right i hope to see you in that final round okay so next one we're going razor core versus blue that's you george how you feel about that oh my goodness it's time to get in the ring buddy it's time to get in the ring all right let's go dude it's platinum gear line super twist protested yeah dude we're the pros that tested it right yeah oh man i don't know looking at it tightly like you just like the color didn't you i did like the color i still love the color okay this time we've got razor core which is the orange and we've got the blue rounded square right here here we go what did it hit your leg this one was definitely losing some pieces i don't know dude i saw it it looked like one of the blue legs was shorter than the blue dude that was like a heavyweight bout dude i think this is it right here you think it's what there was some kicking back oh no no this is it this is what hit my leg yes no no no that's not that's trying to go get me that's what we cut earlier that's the razor or whatever it's called something smacked my leg right here i mean we still got full lump here oh it's clear it is clear homies blue is all frayed and torn all right look hey just come look man look at the high speed oh no it's shorter and oh shorter look right here i went in five i came out four here's the right there george i love you though man is there is there a prize for like best knockout look at the look at the rotation the rotation on the feet on the piece that's like some kind of rambo helicopter sound effects would be good is it too much to ask to for you to adjust the board i mean is that yeah no i can do it i can eat my whatever so x goes on the board blue yeah you did good you went out with with style this moves forward and uh we need one more with the uh east division or and uh yeah oh this this is the bland the titanium stuff titanium mystery substance and the green what is that what we call sharp sharp square sharp sharp square so we only have a little bit of sharp sharp square so it has to live because i don't even know that we can trim it i don't even know that we haven't just have to ask the role he comes off the street like let's go i think it's gonna do what it's gonna do because there's like there's on the roll itself yeah we have we like don't have any so it's gotta work i think we might have to adjust the other line to fight at its fighting weight i think that's what we gotta do jeremy i think i chose razorcore at the beginning did i not i think i went for razor core i think he went sharp sharp square did you not at the very very beginning of the day it's we do have it on tape so it makes yeah well we're going to be able to tell [Laughter] razer core with no cuts all right here we go sharp sharp square versus gray round sharp sharp square is trent's pick overall pick it is a trans overall spec okay all right camera's ready should trent pull it yeah no no no if you have skin in the game you can't pull it that's right what you can't no no is it so you're pulling it have you already done that i'll pull it yeah you pull all right cool all right so jeremy's pulled it okay cool sounds good [Music] yes all right great all right i'm not going to go in slow i'm just going to go ahead and pull it wrap him up first right we're right right yeah everybody ready yep okay i don't know what's happening i couldn't tell yeah i couldn't tell if anything broke or not i couldn't either oh we got some fray it's frayed oh yeah okay man look at that one like we had problems we couldn't tell when we should have actually triggered it we couldn't yeah there was some junk going on there i mean we have a winner though the gray is not damaged at all in terms of his length we got five inches on both sides this one's got four inches really yeah so hold it right there let me zoom in all right so four inches let's go look at the other side you got the full five inches we got a full five inches huh yeah wait a minute we couldn't really tell that it was being frayed and broken but the green was definitely destroyed it just clicked to me that that means gray one gray one great one gray came dang i didn't expect that don't judge a book by its cover or something the grey blob beat the uh yeah square what do we call it sharp sharp square did it fray it or did it we got a couple of whip pieces there i'm gonna take my hearing protection now so i'm not yelling at you guys oh that looked cool oh oh there's a couple of slaps it's all it's all about the uh the bend radius isn't it the bin radius is what determines i feel like they had a tough time hitting each other yeah they seem to be uh in sync almost where their time is just right there we go there was another slap yeah i can see yeah the green one is whipping is bending way more than the gray the question is what oh that was a like almost a complete loop that's where the damage happens there's a little piece torn off too and there was another one i don't think you lost anything on that one though either i just want to look at it it's closed yeah yeah really it's a pretty even match-up i don't know man the green was getting hit hard the gray seems to be just taking it or giving it out oh yeah getting it out yeah the green is taking it george back here spitting facts is there something flying off there was yeah oh there was another smack there and i saw a freight in oh yeah you can see the end there's a sharp sharp square starting to give up isn't she oh oh that looked like a piece all right here we go oh this might be it there is so little left and try you this was your sharp sharp this is my choice this was your thing so you're in the blue category i kind of want to do a play-off between blue and the loser's bracket oh there's another one no i just twisted around i guess right that's some hardcore noodlage but i think i think based on the the fact that gray was five inches after the fact and yeah i think we're gonna go with the tko here yeah i mean green lost some appendages there there's no question that green lost i don't like it you don't like it i want a rematch you're just upset because that was yours all right i think it's time trent i think you know you do you're uh you know what to do oh it hurts all right got advanced gray that sucks all right here we go so gray versus sharp square and we've got the razor core versus the cross whatever it's called sounds good okay so this is where we're at well this is already loaded up so you want to just go ahead and switch to one and let's stay on there does it need that fast though it just went i mean the cables out we snip it and we keep going man this is a death match these things have been resting so you know hey i do want to mention this i don't know that that this actually matters but i do think that whatever goes on that weed eater seems to win okay i don't know that's true yeah so blue was this side he mentioned that earlier we were discussing that off camera as to whether that mattered and how could we compensate by switching them up so i think what we need to vote on who's favorite and make sure the favorite goes on the weaker wheat eater so we can we can solve this problem if we just switch the lines on the weed eaters right now and try it again [Applause] if that's if that's the fact if that's the fact then sharp start square should win but what i know but what what happens if it doesn't because you're trying to prove a point that you're trying to give sharp sharps let's just do it let's just do that let's just do it okay so the plan is to rematch and we're just gonna switch heads this is for trent he's couching it in scientific stuff but this is just he's looking for a second chance so we want to make sure that it's not the new weed eater that's always winning because previously on all the other battles here the new weed eater has won every time and we don't think it's true but we just want to eliminate the variables so what we're going to do is we're going to do this as a rematch and just make sure by switching the heads around to make sure that is in fact what happens so we just swap that out here we go trit's mad he's mad because he lost so happy about it because you're mad [Music] all right this one just doesn't sound as uh i don't think it's gonna matter yeah i agree i just we gotta know though yeah four times in a row is quite a bit that's like two to the fourth what's one in 16 chance yeah we gotta know are we positive that it's never one uh um i can't remember exactly where yeah you're positive i wish there was some way that we could check i wish there was a way ready okay gonna do the same thing again one b sharp sharp square versus gray round destin you're yelling again yeah i am okay here we go doing it again round one b sharp sharp square versus grey round we switch the heads here we go all right crank them up got it eyes and ears well csr everybody ready yeah something right whoa yeah somebody lost all right it came at my head did you get it yeah i like hit the button and then duck because this the sharp sharp square was flying out at me how do you turn it off right here okay well that was a clear winner there yeah so it wasn't what corner they're fighting from at least not in this race in this fight yeah for sure but i agree i don't think that's the it actually pulled the gray out more it looks like whoa how much the green is wrapping around the gray we got some intimate contact this time yeah the gray is uh wow oh man uh mine is 6890 oh we got two hits in a row that time yeah we're this is maximum noodlage this was a good run it was a good run all right oh there it is it pulled it out the whole thing out yeah so okay that's awesome wow yeah golly i mean it broke at the root man okay cool all right so i feel i feel good about how we're advancing here don't you i feel like yeah okay so do you feel comfortable that i do that the right thing has been done i do i feel comfortable okay i'm sad i'm i'm glad you needed two tries to see how bad your choice is moving along moving along okay so that was save ram to flash saving the flash that was good that was really good yeah we're going to the gray rounds versus the sharp square on the east side here and on the west side we've got the razor core versus the crossfire so oh that's this is that's gonna be a big a big one right now these are the semis right yeah this is semifinals [Music] so we're we're running them so that we can make sure that the line is tight on the inside before we make the final cut at five and a half inches or five inches five inches excuse me five inches i'm sorry no problem csr man that was a hard bite there a nut fell out yeah that bought that nut not sorry that was an aggressive uh where did that come from let me see what's it look like it probably came off the cart yeah you got your ruler i do bleed we're at a five there five there [Music] oh boy five there five whoa okay so nothing happened yeah that was a tough fight there both heads were bobbing back and forth as they were hitting each other so does that mean nothing i mean we got the full length of material there i don't i don't think we had a clear winner i think they need a second round we need jeremy to have a sign and walk around yeah i need a round two for my boxer here man i say give a man a drink of water and let's get back in there you cut me rock mitt mick i'm sorry yeah cut me mick oh snap oh man they don't they don't oh all right we got a fight this is an even match here that's what happens when you get to the semifinals [Laughter] all right so we got a oh look at that twist on the left i think my guy is going to win i think we're still in there do we start with fresh line or leave it as it is no no no they're just going dude no you're talking about fresh line dude let's no let's save that junk let's go yeah save all of it i don't know we'll see this is the sleeper man nobody expected that to be any good like we almost didn't even put that one in in the matrix thing yeah that was the last one to put you put in was it really yeah oh yeah all right let's do it that looks awesome right dude man that was a lot of smacking that is uh this is the heavyweight man wow wow dude it's gonna come down to the slow-mo it is but uh both lines are definitely shorter on the the round uh blob so i have almost a half inch more line on the other one did we get it that's a pretty good slap oh there's some more smacking that gray stuff just doesn't want to die man okay all right that was pretty definitive that was that was sharp square one that one sure yeah let's see it right here you can see where it broke so it was like weekend beforehand yeah that's that's a clean cut it was starting to break at the weak spot though no it didn't it cut it so that's frame 17 700. that's a direct hit wow yeah okay snapped it right off so so we're in agreement sharp square one trip yeah okay yeah i i agree here's the thing sometimes you get things right sometimes you get things wrong this is one of those cases where we screwed it up this is why if you review two seconds of live footage at 28 000 frames per second that's 29 something minutes of footage that's a long time so we missed this one i think we well long story short the raw high speed links in the video description go check it out for yourself you'll understand why we missed it my bad let's move forward sharp moves on to the final round gotta kill that one going down my friend there you go all right sounds good destin oh it's me man it's me what you got man it's mine versus this are you gonna meet me in the final round yeah that's all i want to know it's going to happen oh you're going to meet me and you're going to go down [Laughter] do that do the awards voice tonight on youtube it's the weed eater wars round core versus what is it uh razor razor core versus crossfire razor core versus crossfire in weed on with weed eater on weed eater action you sound like the animal planet's top top 10 most dangerous you know that show like 15 years ago eyes and ears really thousand ears [Music] wow that's still long yeah that one well i'm gonna cut it here we go round two crossfire versus razor core semi-finals here we go oh this is a tilt they're that one's tilted the wrong way oh sorry hold on there you go everybody's ready yep okay ramping them up yep stop i don't think we got a break i got it did you get hit yeah i got hit all right kill that one jeremy you got hit yes by what a something we definitely lost some on this side ah i lost a lot on this dustin you went down man oh my goodness this we have some serious oh that's spaghetti junction there jeremy just starts saying stuff it's like he's been announcing this for years oh look at this one oh wow that's a pretty good rap yeah that was cool looking backwards yeah i got hit with a significant projectile that was distance guts coming out there i see what that was oh man sorry i'm not gonna see you in the final round man it's like in the middle of the boxing match when they hug up in the middle and you gotta tell them to break apart it is oh there's something else oh oh man it's starting to tangle oh yeah oh that was uh i mean that looks like it's cut that looks like barbed wire or not that's amazing how they wrap up and unwrap so i didn't it never broke i'm still in this i'm still in this i i don't know i don't know just because we didn't catch it on film doesn't mean that the ruler didn't tell the truth dude these things are just going at it well they know it's the semi-finals oh yeah they're like oh noodle oh man i hope we caught the break i do too oh look at that was almost a knot dude how did that not break all right all right so we did get it we got the break you can do the trent thing and asked to do it from the other side no no no no no no oh wait this is me oh i'm out all right here we go so the fonts that we got we're down to oh oh look at this we didn't even plan this look at that look at dude the day hey look at this you're missing it look at look at what just happened oh wow that's what's left yeah what did we just learn that solid core seems to be making a difference did not even know and owl eyes it's like we just scienced ourselves into data that's amazing it makes perfect sense though doesn't it because if you have a solid core then it's less likely to have that minimum bend radius like it bends less because the bending moment of inertia is higher even though it's in the neutral axis and and we can see that here in the actual footage as well because when just giving me any any old impact yeah you can see that this bends more than that oh so it's like steel it's like steel in your concrete you know one does tension and one does compression that's not really what's happening but but this gives us rigidity so that we can have more toughness we don't learn something all right so i guess there's only one thing to do here we got to set up the finals we got to set up the finals i mean like it's kind of almost obvious now now yeah i mean i've been mostly paying attention to the external geometry i wasn't really paying attention to that i mean the makeup of the core and what whether there might be other elements there i tell you what if they made either of those outer cores blue i would want this is so dang cool man we i i'm a level with you we just wanted to goof around in the garage and we ended up learning something that's awesome but it doesn't mean it cuts the grass better because in the last video we learned that the outer the outer shape makes the grass cut better if it's got some edges in there but it does tell you that if you've got a neighbor that you don't get along with who weed wax at the same time you probably want to go out with the red core because you want to go up against them ah dang man i love it i love it when we're goofing around and we learn something all right this is for everything jeremy it is man it's a big deal i'm excited the championship for the weed eater here we go that was kind of that was kind of weak whoops whatever all right [Music] all right here we go this is the championship we've got the sharp square and the razor core both with a hard line in the middle here we go all right i see orange pieces they were perfectly in sync see that they were they were going right next to each other man look at that just out of phase all right let's go forward they're exactly out of phase aren't they ah here's where the punches start to come look at that oh yeah so even they look pretty even there that was a good wrap they both seem to bend about the same amount i think that's the key is it's not a small radius when they hit so if nothing else we have learned that it's it's the bin radius that affects its ability to rip itself apart and it's only on it seems like it's only unwind what exactly do you mean my bed radiate bend radius so so right here look so so you see how that's a bend radius yeah so so like when this thing wraps around my finger yeah see that bend right there yeah look at this bend here look how much sharper the bend is around so that's that's like a a half inch bend radius right there and then what's happening is this is this right here you can't even so the tighter the the bend radius or the yeah the more smaller see look at that right there see that one right there see how tight that is yeah and when it has to bounce back from that you know you're getting on this other side you're getting some kind of tensile stress gotcha so it's better that it doesn't the thing that's stronger is the one that doesn't bend as tightly well that seems to be important for toughness which is kind of what we're measuring here is toughness so we're back out of sync it's just 180 out of phase isn't it they're pretty consistent oh wow that was a good strike yeah i like that we we're actually we're connoisseurs of this mark now i think we need to start a whole channel we are man we we have developed this process even a quarter way through this are we mm-hmm oh this is the oh contact i feel like something like that kind of short oh i don't think gray liked that yeah that was a good body blow wow how did that not break okay that was minus 7612 was the frame that's that's that's a full-on knot wow that is yeah i switched it a lot look how much twist is in the gray side this is like two senses fight like two like highly competitive this is like yoda and darth vader yeah this is high level that's another big twist oh oh they kind of whipped around each other and they still man it's a tough fight that makes sense it's the finals oh orange is bending more on those last few hits did you see that i think you want to be seeing that i i don't know man that looked like we also got to keep in mind too we have two strands on each head oh that's so you have to weaken the right one jeremy i'm rooting for you buddy honestly it's really more of a mind game i don't know i think we got it at this point man i'm feeling pretty good based on what i'm saying orange is starting to look kind of weak there oh that was something look at that the momentum the orange is starting to pull away i mean there's starting to be some uh look at the way of the word for it the line yeah see right there okay that is amazing it it literally there's a total momentum transfer and it goes to zero right there but look at the piece coming off and look at the waves traveling yeah you see the weight okay so that's minus 572 is the frame but look at this so it's it's in tension right but that wave is going to be at the end of the orange but there's still momentum moving down on the gray so it should pull it away yes it does you see that oh we're starting to lose the end of orange yeah there's some tiny little pieces coming off of there's that whipping action we saw against the chain like fence there is this is insane they are duking it out man it's a close match toe to toe something flew off oh look at it all right orange is tearing this is six thousand two hundred twenty if it hits i think it's interesting that was a good hit oh but look so it's is it gonna hang on gray is tara and you can see the tear in orange it's liquefied oh great piece of the gray came off oh look at this oh no i might be in trouble but look how look how thin it is there though i think we are yeah i don't know you know that whipping at the end it's slinging that stuff off and it it looks looks liquidy out there yeah it looks it's the same thing in the orange yeah but it's done both it's nothing's had a clean big break yet oh oh that was a lot on gray there yeah but it's just the it's the tip i agree it it doesn't feel like a it's like the end of it is starting to fray that is really funny but it's just the momentum is flipping it off okay that's a big chunk that's a big chunk um you might be done jeremy yeah unless you come in with like just a huge decapitating blow i don't know man it's not he hasn't fallen yet let's see what happens here oh wait wait wait it's orange that was orange look at that chunk no that is undeniable that is the decal okay wait so this is 10 000 this is 11 000 is the frame here we go so the wave stops gray still has a lot of mass moving down and it starts to pull orange has bent all the way back on itself right there there's they're stretching all right now they're wrestling they're rolling over oh that's a huge time that was so fun why was that so fun holy moly that was awesome that's it go ahead jeremy do the honors boom went down that is it all right we need to measure the linear density because i think you know if stress is a function of cross-section and it is strategical force divided by the cross-sectional area if we were to weigh these things and get the linear density i bet we would find that that has a bigger linear density than that we could also take a durometer test of the the inner core and outer core yes we could if we could find something small enough to get a point what's a gerometer we just measure the the rubberness feeling like i squishy how squishy it is okay cool that is the conclusion of this we eater war this is the third video on smarter every day in a series of videos about weed eaters um i feel like we should do more i just don't know what to do yet yeah sweet all right that was the conclusion of this however we messed up some of our judging like i said go down to the video description you can see the stuff for yourself we actually re-fought a couple of these because we realized we needed to restructure if for example the gray blobby thing actually beat sharp square we would have to go fight grey blobby thing versus razer core long story short we did all that this is where we landed on the whole thing if you're buying any of these you're doing all right what do you think i'd agree with that what do you think yeah here we go we're gonna go with that one of those that's what you want that's it i hope you enjoyed this video thank you for watching this here on smarter every day too please consider subscribing to the second channel go check all the raw high speed out down in the video description i'm destin thank you so much patrons for supporting getting smarter every day have a good one bye you
Channel: Smarter Every Day 2
Views: 118,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 61kQ_HNA_GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 58sec (3238 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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