Tractor Pull People are Smart - Smarter Every Day Behind the Scenes

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all right so we're in the pits of a tractor pool and this is not your tractor right here this is your tractor yeah that's it not mine okay which one is yours we're all the way on the other end now down with the light supers now are you guys competitors okay and what's on the line here uh me beating him is all i care about yeah that's that's yeah so it's just bragging rights yeah that's right ain't no money it's not much money it's just for fun yeah we have fun that's what it's for like he's second in points i'm third so i think he's cheap so your second your second points so you're ahead of him right now at the moment yeah that's the ball and what's your name sir robert i'm destin what's your name sir jeff okay so so robert's ahead of jeff and we are rooting for who i'm rooting for myself obviously we're going to ask nolan and all these people here that's who's going over there yeah that's that's that's nolan robinson over there otherwise okay that's the crackerjack okay that's his tractor right over there really yeah so i'm learning this is a culture like this is a whole thing it's kind of a cult is it really yeah how much forgive me for asking this question how much money do you guys have in the house tractors well no we can't tell that yeah [Laughter] on the internet all right well i appreciate it it costs too much that's all we can do is close that thank you i'm gonna be looking for you guys well well after it's afterwards you need to worry about after the pool's over okay that's when we go have fun okay we go eat and party yeah that's what it's really about that's really fun for you so you don't really care who wins other than bragging rights oh yeah we want to win you want to win but just so we can say yeah and it don't matter if it's this much yeah or a lot don't matter okay so i have a i have a serious question so um i went and met jim hill the guy that's running the sled brian's gonna be right running the sled how do they keep it even because to me it seems like they could change it you know there's way too much safety stuff on the sled that yeah there's there's no fail safe somewhere that they can't change once it starts down the track once it starts there's stuff that lights come on on the sled that everybody can see and it's obvious if they were to touch brakes or do anything like that they can't do it everything is set it's the same every time for everybody okay so you feel like there is enough of a control with the sled that it's a fair it's a fair race or a pull they wouldn't they wouldn't be here if it was any any other way no that's awesome that's good people too though jim hill and all of them are good people to doing what they do too awesome just tell them the sledgehall through here did you say the whole thing's too heavy it's just too heavy we can't we can't drag it as far as we like i appreciate you guys thank you all right so this is called crackerjack and uh he didn't want to come talk to me but he's got an awesome tractor man alive how's it going good how are you can i come look at your tractor yes sir a farm hall watch this one right here so you might miss the camera yeah how's it going my name is destin how you doing sir nice to meet richard taylor is this yours can i see the engine all right let's go for it i want to see this thing all right oh wow stainless that's aluminum yeah this is aluminum this is stainless right this is stainless aluminum aluminum intercooler is that fuel injection no just injection pump injection pump how does that work uh basically on the diesel engines you've got an injector for each cylinder and then you've got an inline injection pump so every time the engine turns over the pump works off the cam assembly uh-huh puts fuel to the injector and that's what fires it and makes the power all right where are you where are you from richard we're from scottsville kentucky and you came all the way to moulton alabama i did yes sir yeah this is the first one they're doing down here yeah what are your thoughts on it well i'll tell you what i've been looking at it on the internet for the last couple weeks they put a lot of effort in down here really got it so what's the thing that gives you an edge here is it what fuel do you use well i don't get an edge you know all these burns just diesel fuel uh with a little bit of additive in it but nothing really special about fuel really so how do you control like with uh with diesel like to get the timing and everything on engine did you put this thing on a dyno and measure torque the wheels yes it's been on dyno where do you where do you get a dynamometer for a tractor this big well these here you don't put them back on the back back there you actually pull the engine out of it and you put the engine on the dial yeah they have some rear wheel dinos that you can take them to and put them on the rear wheel but i've never been on that all i've done is just poured the engine down the engine itself how do you correlate that to your accelera your accelerator up there do you have an accelerator we'll see the handle up here by the seat yeah this one right here uh the one over to the right up there i guess i don't this this yeah yes sir that handle right there works this throttle okay and this is what gives it fuel okay the further you push it forward the more fuel goes to the engine so you have it indexed right here you just kind of know when you see it so do you you can adjust it if i go wide open it don't matter really yeah what's going to break first what's going to break yeah any day of the week it can be anything really i mean it's just uh hopefully we don't have any breakages but we occasionally do can you show me your like in the back where you hook up sure yeah we run a 30.5 32 tire how much does a tire like that cost this set of wheels and tires about 10 000. wow that's amazing looks nice you spent some time polishing that back here on the back basically you've got a drawbar assembly this is your safety hitch down here you have two two hooking devices uh-huh you have to run wheelie bars this is the keel that actually plugs up to the sled okay so at any time we're going down the track if there's anything that happens to me on the tractor the sled operator can shut me down so let's kill right here this is like a leash that's a burden to kill what does that go to on the other side does it pull the fuel valve that pool that's the air intake air is what makes a diesel engine run yes sir when you pull this cable it shuts my air off so my engine stops and so this is regulation everybody has to have that but it has to have that okay is there a certain amount of force that is required well these are spring loaded on the front up there i have to take the shield off to show you but it's spring loaded so it takes a little bit to pull it so once it's pulled for any reason it just automatically shuts all that air off that's awesome man that's fantastic is this this is not your trailer this is a hauler over here this is your hauler holy cow so all this is just to haul your tractor yes sir yes sir what do you like is this your your job or no i actually own a trucking business in kentucky we haul a stainless steel product for a company up there uh-huh and uh on the side i own a fabrication business and we actually built these pulling chassis what pulling chassis these uh basically we build the rear ends and the frame assemblies for them and then we actually when i say build a pulling chassis when you come and get it from me you just put your motor in and it's ready to go oh i see so it's like legos but for tractor pullers there you go that's all what's the name of your company fabrication by taylor fabrication by taylor okay and it's richard taylor richard taylor yeah nice to meet you man thank you sir thanks for joining me around how are you gonna do tonight competition we've got here tonight i just want to get down the track really yes sir okay so i notice you have weights back here yes sir so the tongue i'm trying to understand tractor pull so as the weights come down the trailer it's going to apply the sled excuse me as the weight comes down the sled it's going to apply more weight to the tongue right here on your draw bar bar it's gonna put more pressure on that more resistance to pull okay so does that is it you start slipping is that the first thing that happens uh the more weight that gets on the back end of the tractor the more these bite the more these bite the more the tractor tries to come up and you've got to have a balancing point if you come up too tall you're going to get on the bottom of these skid bars wheelie bar kind of deals yes sir that's going to cause you to lose distance if you stay stuck down if your nose doesn't come up at all you're too heavy on the front so it's a balancing act so we'll go out there tonight and we'll look at that track and we'll feel the dirt and we'll get an idea of what what kind of weight we want and then probably based on what i've already seen tonight these four weights will go to the front okay no weights on the back okay so why is your draw bar not higher then we have a limit we can only run 20 inches okay that's a rule that's a rule okay that makes sense and so if your axle was below that spot right there it'd be crazy yeah you you would keep you'd stay hooked up wouldn't you this is what this one regulates and keeps the class fair everybody has to run a 20 inch drawbar oh there's so much physics here man it really is and so that's a balancing act so you're going to adjust your weights from the back to the front you're going to find the see-saw based on the sheer strength of the soil yep is that is that a good good theory now the thing of it is our class is very is the lightest weight class that's here tonight okay our class is probably the class that's going to get up and get the wildest just due to the fact we're so light okay the heavier the tractors are sometimes they're a little easier to drive these light ones back here we may think we have it weighted right in balance but depending on how we take off when you put the horsepower to this it's it's a guessing game a lot it is yeah how how do you steer because i noticed this is well most of the time once i leave the line the front end's going to come up and you drive it with the brakes okay that's how you steer from just like skid steering just like a normal tractor these two brake panels right here control it left and right all right so i've got my right brake my left brake and so is that that's pretty much what you're doing three months your head's gonna be wobbling around up there ain't it my head will be wobbling around i'm in a five-point harness so i mean if it turns over i can't come out of it okay then i've got a computer that's telling me everything the engine's doing uh it's monitoring all my pressures and temperatures so when i get to the back to the trailer tonight i'll plug my laptop up to it and i'll see how my engine was tuned and how it did really okay so this ain't redneck stuff this is like nutty professor stuff will come it's really kind of that's awesome but that's kind of one and the same isn't it hey nice to meet you buddy thank you i appreciate it thank you these things are made with heavy heavy steel like the body is just kind of like an afterthought but man look at that it's like you got your normal frame and then just like yeah we just need more frame [Music] i'm noticing the radiators are like this i wonder if that means they all pop a wheelie or something electric fans [Music] good gracious [Music] this is obscene [Music] godly man [Music] it's still got the nubbies on it man so this is yours it is how long have you had it i'm gonna come back here and look at it i've been pulling this one 10 years 10 years how do you do with it well it's been doing good uh my grandson is pulling this one this is our other tractor is it a family affair y'all working them together yes we do and he's in first place for the points right now really and i haven't pulled a lot this year for just simple the reason because it's been so hot yeah it's been very hot and i've been making a lot of the local pools let me ask you this right here do you uh do you own some kind of machine fabrication shot is this a cnc my son did this for me cnc machining oh awesome i got mcdaniel machine oh okay so you're a machinist yes got it have you worked on the engine oh yeah can i see it well i can't take the hood off of it because it's bolted on okay gotcha i got to take all the boats out of it to see it yeah i've had every boat on this tractor off sometime another in the last 10 years really so did you buy it from somebody or you made it from daryl norman that lives in athens 20 years ago yeah he's here tonight he pulls a two-wheel drive truck gotcha and so we renamed it we called it rawhide express because i live between called cloverdale uh-huh if you know where clover does i don't actually north of florence and that's where i live and that was the name before it became cloverdale it was rawhide alabama really i like that let me ask you this so i'm noticing on most of them they all have this one lever right here that's the throttle and does it have to be on the side for everybody it does and it has to be spring loaded and i'll show you what i mean by that so it's a dead man switch it's a safety feature if something happens and you have to you know have a something goes wrong when you turn it loose it automatically goes back to an idle it's also got a got the pull pin got the full pin right here if the sled operator sees something that's going on it's unsafe or whatever he can kill the engine right here that's awesome because these things turn so many rpms so what kind of class are you in i run in a lot limited superstar we weigh 6200 pound that's the driver and the trainer really so so if you had to like go on a diet or anything make sure you make it enough too i could add more weight to it yeah that's awesome i'm noticing that um your tread is shaved down a little tighter than most yeah why is that well this just gets a good bite on the track okay you don't want two bigger fleet on it because if you do it gets too much and you can't get your motor up on the rpms that you want because of rotational inertia so you're balancing everything you got to balance it all right that's awesome what is the the biggest science thing that you have to deal with on this you think just uh as soon as you get through pulling and you go back to the to the house of the shop you just got to check everything over and hope nothing's wrong with where it continues to run you normally break stuff not really you know occasionally it happens yeah i had a harmonic balancer about two months ago that went bad and it messed up a main bearing so i got that replaced and everything's doing good right now that's awesome man well thanks for showing me your tractor well i appreciate your time and i hope you all continue this because it's a home full for us that's awesome thank you very much sir tennessee red at least 17 years y'all had y'all had tennessee red 17 years i guess so how did she do did she run pretty good pretty good yeah say this we pulled them we pulled the tractor six times this year between the two tractors we got three first and four seconds really can i ask you a question about over here i'm seeing it on most of the tractors that is it okay if i go over there can i put this on you uh yeah tyler you want to do this you got it there you go you just mind holding that in your hand yeah all right yeah i wish my son was here he could do that yeah yeah that's what everybody's saying what's your name man jared bradley i'm destin nice to meet you yes so it's tennessee red huh so one thing i'm noticing is that the radiator seems to be on the bottom is that am i seeing that right no this tractor does not have a radiator no none at all no this is a dry block how do you keep it from overheating you just run it that 15-20 seconds down the track cut it back off really yeah we crank it we're gonna crank it out and we're gonna crank it once warm it up shut it back off it will not get cranked again until uh right before we pull really hear me out we turn my st and then when it gets done pulling well you get it out of the way and it shuts back down that's it what what fuel are you running here diesel fuel diesel so how do you like diesel is like low low rpm high torque typically correct how do you make it high rpm you know incredible power how do you do that well it's just through the rest of the engine turbo time and we inject water into the intake why it adds up which it cools down the exhaust temperatures and adds compression makes the air a little more dense okay we typically run these ain't gonna be exact figures but say uh a gallon of fuel yeah well gallon and a half a decent fuel and we'll run about a gallon of water to a run really and the idea is it's more dense and it gives you more more power correct that's incredible man and so your cage up there are you are you the driver no my daughter drives does she where's she at right there she drives gotta talk to her out annabelle bobby yeah she happened that's actually one last weekend really this tractor won and my son drove the silver one he got second really it's incredible annabelle you okay with me asking some questions sure i might not know the answer sure that's okay it's okay you mind clipping that on yeah [Music] there you go you just hold that and so and so she's your daughter correct and you help build it and you can you drive it do you work on it as well um not normally no yeah some but no i can't do a whole lot i don't have a lot of strength in me i got to ask how old are you annabelle i'm 22 now okay i started when i was 16. so you started driving this when you got your license right yeah pretty much so so what's the secret to driving one of these crazy tractors like this i do what he tells me to do most of the time yeah yeah you just listen to him he's got the most experience out of any of it so do you have an earpiece in no he like tells me what to do before and then i mean i do it after that but yeah i do the best i can i heard you won last week yeah i did where at huntland tennessee it was our hometown yeah how'd you like how close was it i beat my little brother by maybe a little over two inches that's awesome yeah it's pretty cool is it so how many times have you run it many many my first two seasons i pulled i pulled it all by myself pretty much yeah i made a second season i may drove it once but that first two years the first two years i drove it by myself and since the third one i split them with my brother and him and now my husband okay so here's a question i have so the throttle is up there on the right correct so when you're when you're pushing it forward do you just slam it forward and hold it or you throttling it to kind of manage your your traction you're trying to manage your rpms for the most part you are pushing it so far until you get it to a certain point in rpms that you want to and then you'll start letting out on the clutch and the key is to try to hold it at a certain amount but once you get going you kind of you go full throttle once you get about what well i normally go for a product and i let out quite honestly yeah yeah so once you start breaking traction so like you're pulling you're pulling the sled weights are coming forward what happens once you start spinning like what it what do you do at that point you just you just keep hammering on it and you say yeah most time just hammer down on it i mean technically i guess you should really probably try to ride it out a little bit longer but sometimes i just don't have the ability to do that yeah you just roll with it yeah that's awesome how are you going to adjust where the weights are probably there really yeah i mean we kind of know roughly what our tractor balances out if it's a good track a good gummy biting track we're gonna move more weight to the front okay right now it's set or mediocre track it's the first time they made this track yes so are you expecting what are you expecting because of that we don't know i mean a lot of times on tracks we'll keep notes we kind of know what we've done last year what it does etc right now it's kind of which we pull on towards the back of the class so we're going to get to watch two or three tractors so we got the advantage so you're watching where they put their weights well not necessarily i mean we kind of know but i know how their tractors react yeah they rare up real high or they choke their tractors down we know we need to gear down or move more weight because there's only so many things you can change correct higher pressure gear and weight tire pressure gear weight those are the only variables you have in your control throttle you just you just go for it well not necessarily you can ride it out my son is probably the best one of us to play with the throttle to make him hook up yeah oh he does a little better at that than some of us yeah you can play with me these are turbocharged turbocharged works off exhaust and you got to keep that turbo spooned up so you got to be careful you can't let it fall under yourself or you'll just follow data got it you got to stay on top of that turbo but you don't want to just blow the tires off just sit there and speak yeah what's your uh occupation how many acres do you farm about 33 wow in tennessee correct but it's in the flat part of tennessee well we kind of rolling around it ain't i [Music] that's a lot that's a lot of farming so this is your hobby correct okay we've done pretty much everything except for the machine worked on them ourselves we do all our own engine work all that so you know and a lot of but we've got a gentleman up north oh rodney schnickner with dnr pulling parts uh-huh if it wasn't for rodney we'd be lost he knows what he's doing you know we had a brand new heart with harsh diesel he helps with the turbos injector pumps uh we got a guy up north but darren rush helps us with the clutches uh chad meat hill does our tire work what kind of carburetors do you guys have uh these are fuel injectors they're diesel all them all diesel's fuel injection because the pressures right correct okay so yeah that's right because pressure is i mean diesels are way higher injection pressures injector pump okay that's awesome man i appreciate you man yup thank you very much oh yeah is that your outfit annabelle yeah it's my jacket and my helmet your jacket and your helmet that's awesome do you love this yeah oh yeah i love it a ton it's an adrenaline rush for sure is it really oh yeah i bet there's not much like this no nice to meet you [Music] how's it going is this yours over here yes sir it's uh been a real long process oh yeah we started we bought this thing in 2019 and the only thing it was was a rear end sitting there really yeah and then uh with the help of friends i know with the help of friends it took us about two years and we got it all back to going so oh wow this is our first year out and i think we're sitting about fourth in the points right now man i'm just happy to be here that's awesome to care where we finish it i'm just happy to so you're kind of young in the sport yes sir yeah you're just trying to i guess so i'm 29 29 yes sir so you built this uh a collaboration of several yeah between us and uh stephen long he's my father-in-law it's center girl partner he's normally got one but his is uh got a little issue right now so we left it at home tonight but where are you from lawrenceburg tennessee yeah are these your youngins they are yeah i got a two-year-old a four-year-old yeah yeah that's pretty good so it's a family affair it's definitely a family the wives are inside the camper where the air conditioner's at that's awesome so uh so how are you doing this year well we're doing all right again i'm just uh to be honest i'm happy to be here yeah we've been lucky we've had a few problems and we've had to work out a lot of kinks but after a long year we've um we're finishing right now i think we're about 14 points i think yeah but it's respectable we got one we've got about nine tractors in the class and if i can finish the season out i'll be stoked yeah so what's the uh what are the variables you can control once you start going down the track are you driving i am yeah i am so the main thing is once you start going down the track there ain't a whole lot you can do the only thing you can do once you start down the track is clutch and throttle about the only two things you'll be able to control in the steering wheel obviously uh it's really about pre going down the track it's you can adjust tire pressure hitch height and then you've got movable weight and then everything else it's all the week prior so got it uh the only things you can adjust at the pool really is just tire pressure hitchhike and movable weight so what is the hitch hike can you show me that yeah yeah so so you can adjust the hitch height yes so this goes up and down uh-huh and what that does is makes a difference on the leverage uh-huh the tractor so you can imagine the higher that is the more it's going to pull down but it also fixed the front of the sled up a little bit more gotcha so we pull it 20 inches is what the rule is okay so i'm most people want to pull as high as they possibly can unless they've got other issues but we pull it 20 inches and always run it as high as we can really so and the reason you so you want to minimize the distance between the center of your wheel and the hitch height that's correct because because if you were pulling if you're pulling here what i'm trying to understand so it's trying to pick up the front that's correct and the closer you can get to the center of the hub the less torque you'll have them less wheelies right that's all it starts getting into a bunch of geometry at that point you gotta have somebody smarter than me but i know that the closer the hitch point to the center of the axle the better you'll be yeah the higher the hitch point the better you'll be because it's also picking up on the front of the sled therefore you got less resistance under the sled but it's all got to be manageable if you get that high and you get that close and you put traction in the ground and the front end comes too far up off the ground you start losing traction so there's a very fine balance there as to where you've got to be which is why everybody wants to try to get as much adjustable weight as you can with a big block john deere like we've got we're limited to that because it's so hard to get weight out of them where you've got like a small block like these guys they start out with so much more movable weight than we do so they don't really have to worry about that problem as much as we do but it's just a constant battle with a big block anybody that's got one will tell you that but so why do you not just put all the weight on the front right now we do but in normal circumstances you want to try to get the nose about eight to ten inches off the front end but you also want as much weight on the back as you can so when you've got a bunch of movable weight like this small block does then then you can do that we're us big blocks i don't have enough movable weight so in that instance i put every bit of the weight i've got up front in order to hold the front end down so why do you have a big block big blocks it's just kind of a personal preference thing everybody's kind of like asking why have you got an international or agco or john deere you know it's just kind of a personal preference i always liked the 60 30 it's what my father-in-law had and that's kind of what i fell in love with i think that's the best-looking tractor out here that's so what's your occupation um i'm in general contract and my family owns the general contracting business uh so we put up new core metal buildings i'm over the electrical division and my brother's over the dirt work so we have a big excavation company and then my father-in-law without him i wouldn't be here but he owns a row crop business which is what a lot of the tractor pullers out here do is row crop how much land does he he farms about 2 000 acres of corn and soybean wow yeah that's awesome oh yeah this is cool man hey thanks for the lesson on the weights i appreciate that that's a very dulled down version but no it did good what was your name again my name is cody doss destin sandler nice to meet you cody meet you dude appreciate that so do you like coming to tractor pulls what's your favorite part [Music] are you going to drive one day that's awesome so ideally you would be eight inches off the ground you want ideally in a theoretical world you'd like your front tires to be about eight inches off the ground and never move okay that's where he wants to be what big difference is you fixing to be a rich man cause i'm betting on it what do you what do you think's gonna happen he's gonna come up about waist high before he settles it goes back into that big block thing and having a weight problem where that comes into play i'm looking forward to this so he said he's second hooked jim yeah you know here wait a minute let me yeah [Laughter] he said you got to mess with people he said you don't like him if they don't mess with you remember he was talking to somebody and i told you he was our clown yeah that's me you're the clown no he's our club oh i got you oh that wasn't i remember i'm with you now these are clowns i love it did you make this yeah i mean i didn't do it all myself no i noticed you've water jetted a lot of these parts out yeah do you have a water jet uh ace chassis and white house tennessee mate really yeah so is this uh he made the whole thing what is she underneath it's a ford dt466 block in it for what they call a 400 series international block really yeah but it's diesel yes decent yep two turbos oh my goodness dude [Music] but it is basically a twin charger that's amazing all right so you'll be about 250 pounds of boost really that's 250 psi really yeah so so a diesel is all uh injection right fuel injection is a high pressure yeah so you're you're going extremely high pressures on this one so uh what is this right here that's exhaust that's just your exhaust manifold is that a blower yeah that's a turbo here's a it's got turbo here and a turbo here so you're peeling off some of it to go to the turbo no i hear you you're bringing your intake air here uh-huh and if you're you're compressing it here it comes through this pipe then it goes through this other secondary bolt then you're compressing it again going into the head this is where you're gonna make making you max probably max pressure about 250 pounds of boost so if it's gonna blow up it's gonna blow up right here yeah well yeah but has she ever blown up oh yeah what what's her name yeah well it's about time don't you think we've been pulling for years but we put the new sheet metal on this and then we blowed this it would blow this turbocharger up last summer and blowed a hole in the hood and i didn't get my hood put on it until this spring and we had time to get painted yeah we're going to see how it did this year before we name it yeah are you running it yeah okay how do you feel oh i don't know i feel pretty good about it so tell me this i've noticed that uh a lot of people are adjusting their weights yeah based on what all you tried conditions how do you know just it's something you learned you know yeah over the years i mean that's part of the game it's been being able to reach the track so gumminess is good or bad yeah but yeah i kind of like them a little gummy yeah you know but you know i don't like them greasy though myself those are the two adjectives that describe the track you want to be able to you know you want to be able to get those short click tires into it but you don't want to what's what cleat are you at here all of them things right there is probably 3 16 or something did y'all shave them down yourself no you have all that done yeah you have all of that okay and they got a machine to put them in they can make them look good really do you mind me asking how much you have in a in a machine like this probably if you wouldn't build the thing from stark finish i'm sure you're gonna have 300 grand in it really golly boom man that's wild and so so you got to be serious about this oh yeah it's just it's just a hobby like everything else i mean ain't no money to be made in it yeah but it is fun yeah we enjoy it so what what's the uh behind like taking you gear max pickup truck hooked into your fancy boat and going to the lake yes i think i don't have a boat bow stands for break out another thousand i'm still figuring out what tractor pull stands for yeah so i have one more question for you back here so uh i noticed you got a lot of your weights on the back yeah are you set for racing right now or no it's probably going to be it's probably going to be pretty close yeah so i i know enough about fishermen that uh sometimes when you go into a restaurant you'll put a lure on your on your rod look like everybody think that's what you're going to do is there anything except for me there's a little bit to that too so there's a little subterfuge going on with where you put the weights okay i got you that's awesome what was your name one more time sir hey i'm destined sandler nice to meet you man yeah i appreciate it i'm excited to watch it run you're ready i'm ready i'm destin nice to meet you man yeah this is my 50th year to be involved in this sport and tractor pulling for 50 years wow that's 70 feet really so eddie if you've been in this for 50 years i would expect this to be the optimized traffic well it's it's come along it's doing good it's doing good is he sandbagging me a little bit maybe it's pretty good it's not right it's a good piece all right and uh you know our daughter drives my girls drive uh this is my youngest daughter she's in the seat tonight then we have a partner that couldn't be with us tonight there on vacation and he has a 19 year old son that is a good driver and they also drive so can can i ask you a question about the weights yeah because you know a lot and i've asked a lot of the young guys but i want to ask a seasoned veteran so the uh so the thing i'm i'm trying to figure out the most is how much weight you put where and i notice you've got an incredible amount of weight in the back we do we have a light tractor so the chassis is pretty light so we're able to add more weight in the back we like to have about 32 percent weight on the front end uh with our class because it's the it's it's getting it balanced is the uh that's the secret to this thing the more weight you can shift to the back the more you're going to load these tires up so we actually if you notice we got two springs on the front on each side of the front axle and as it loads it picks it up as he comes out it picks it up and weight transfers it's like a stock car race rag racer so that's our idea of doing that see see that's eddie that's counter-intuitive to me because if the if the weight pan weight box coming forward on the sled makes it harder to pull and you've already got weight on the back i don't understand that well if your front end's off the ground all of your weights on these two back tires right here so that's i mean that's good that's good that's good because that's all where your traction is your front wheels don't pull these two back wheels is what pulls but but how do you not like your front end is gonna you're gonna pop a wheelie right the idea is to keep it just pick it up and hold it up and carry it down the track that's where the fine line is with each track is different it's you know how much weight do we put on that front end to pick it up you know five six inches and hold it as much as possible because when we do that then we know we're going to opt for my uh optimal traction so are you doing that with throttle no we're doing that with weights just weights yeah when you leave the line throttle's wide open so when you leave the line hammer forward front wheel is going to be on the ground well yeah and then they'll start picking up they'll pick up and then they'll hopefully they'll stay up most of the way down the track when you do then you know you've got the front end as we call the setup is right the setup is right setup is right air pressure in the back tires weight on the front end it's at all so tire pressure gearing and weights that's all you can change that's all you can change yeah okay and once you hook to that sled you can't change that just with national throttle got it i appreciate it eddie no problem enjoyed it thank you man have a good day that's awesome so financial mistake that's a good name are you driving it tonight i am how do you feel about it a lot better than what i did first time yeah how long you been riding um i am a six year driver really so uh do you have any strategies that that i need to know about tonight not really keep it between the line get between the lines and give her hell give her hell where where are y'all from uh columbia tennessee columbia tennessee got it do you like doing it absolutely love it so tell me about the adrenaline once you throw it throw it down [Applause] the adrenaline right before you throw it down is about like when you have a buck in your sights and you're about to pull the trigger so you got that little knee shake going your body's just ready and then as you come out of it you take that deep breath hammer down pull the clutch back and you're good to go does it get wild going down the track or what happens i have two kind of crazy rides my first one this year and my second one this year first one a couple years ago so but all driving the state so you know we learn we're human so but absolutely it's a great rush i enjoy loving doing it it's always been a passion so that's awesome
Channel: Smarter Every Day 2
Views: 191,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: va0ZX7dAcWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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