Weed Eater Fuel Line Replacement

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hey gang we're gonna replace the fuel line the old fuel line was bad when I thought it wasn't parts of it are good but the important parts of the bad in fact the filter we just flipped around on the bottom of the tank it's a common thing and this is just going to show you how to get your fuel lines in your tank because they are press fit into these two small holes so get the appropriate size fuel line and then cut a very steep diagonal line on the end of your fuel line the reason you do that is so that you can get that fuel line started in the hole and then my favorite tool in the shop are my hemostats so that's what we're going to use to grab those lines one needs to be long enough to go to the bottom of the tank which you can't see you want one line it's going to be able to go up the bottom of the tank and that's going to have your filter on it the other one is just a pressure line to pressurize the tank from the primer bulb so when you're looking at your carburetor you have two inlets the top Inlet is from the primer bulb that introduces pressure into the tank so that will be one hole and you only need to run that line in maybe a quarter inch 1/2 inch not a lot so that it can pressurize the tank and then that line that is on the body of the carburetor is the one that will get the long line and the fuel filter so let's go ahead and stick this first one in it'll just be the pressure line to pressurize the tank you just take it and start it in the whole fish turned over and just started in the hole by the way you guys can see that we pull it back out you see there it's enough that you can get it started and then using your hemostats whichever care you need just look down in the hole there and grab that fuel line if your hemostats and start pulling and as you pull you will pull the line up and out now what you want to do is nip the end of that off where you cut the diagonal and then pull that line back into the tank now some of them will have a little plastic barb that you can shove down in there and then you can pull that line all the way back until the line gets snug in the hole this particular one doesn't this particular engine doesn't have that so be real careful when pulling it back out you just want to pull it until you've got about half of an inch or a quarter inch still in the tank so that's our first one and then it is going to go if you have a little bit on to show you it is going to go right there so you want just a little bit of a loop so that you're not going to stress that line and see right there right next to the fitting so you'll want to cut that so that you can slide that line as as far up on that as you can so I'm just going to go with right there OOP and slide it right on there and push close to the fitting and as you because if you're too far away it is not going to move here we go that is line number one fitted line number two is just as easy you do the exact same thing you cut your angle nice good steep angle on it and again the reason that you're doing that is so you can get it in the hole far enough to get a hold of it with your little hemostats and I'm failing miserably getting it look very good okay and then do the same thing you'll just poke that through the next hole so to get started and again get back down in there and it can be tricky to grab a hold and there is another way to do this and perhaps on the pool on I'll be able to show you how to do it that way it's being tricky if you can't do it that way and I'm just showing you this because you can do it one of two ways you can come in and feed it from the inside of the tank but that's not to me it's not as easy as doing it this way I'm catching it I'm not getting hold of it I'm not holding my tongue right there we got a hold it and you pull it out if you're in doubt like you did before if you've got a flat square hand on this particular one with the fuel filter it has a little retention spring so put the retention spring on first and it's kind of a cone-shaped so you want to put the cone the small end of the cone on first then press your filter on and hold onto that because if you let go of it you're going up losing it down in the tank off your filter on make sure your filter goes all the way home all the way to the base and if you have troubles getting it to press on that much you can introduce just a tiny little drop of oil or other lubricant to help you get that to go where you need it get it home and then slide that spring over top of your Barb's just like that now what we need to do is make sure we've got plenty of line so this to drop all the way to the bottom of that tank so we're going to make sure we've got plenty of line pulled through and just drop it in there and then pull this line back out until that filter stands up and on the newer tanks you can kind of see them you can see the filter right here or you can just look straight down in the hole but you want enough line so if that filter will stay in the bottom of the tank nip that little piece off where you need it so again I'm going to leave just like we did here up I'm going to leave a little bit of slack on it so we'll cut it off right about there and slide it on that's it you have not just installed fuel lines on your weed eater it's not difficult you guys saw I went from start to finish and it took me a whopping I need to get my hand over nine minutes so and talking in the meantime so there you go that's how you replace your fuel lines this is your friendly neighborhood Zippo if you like this give me a favor over here smash that like button for me we'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Zippo Varga Small Engine Medic
Views: 91,118
Rating: 4.8754325 out of 5
Keywords: fuel line replacement, replacing fuel line, replacing weed eater line, gas line replacement
Id: oRSfFtHHZ18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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