Wee Man on The Steebee Weebee Show [Ep. 73]

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On his last episode before this , Steebee had 1/3 the Views a Tigerbelly episode that came out the exact same time over 24 hours. I'd say he's doing pretty good. Having Lee from The Church on helped though.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Dummy_Detector 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

Weeeeeeeeeeeeee, Steve wanted to hear more stories about getting pussy but in Wee Mans stories he would always get to drunk before he could get any 😂

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/pingpongnaked 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

I know I'm gonna get down voted for saying this, but I thought this episode was strange and a little cringey. Wish steebee wouldn't gas up his guest so much, wee man was just going on and on about stories that really didn't mean anything and all he did was gas himself up even further. Yeah, we get it your famous, people love you.... you don't need to reinforce that idea with a flamboyant story. He literally told us a story about how he got so drunk he didn't even wanna bang a girl, like that was the whole story. Steebee also gave him a couple of backhanded complinents (I think unintentionally, as most things Steve does on his show).

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2018 🗫︎ replies
welcome back to another episode of the ste B we be show who's playing the piano oh my goodness is the legendary so today Lucci wouldn't it be called this DB we be we show Stevie we be we men show let's go let's chat thanks for coming it's [ __ ] legend right here hold on one last word one last note all right okay oh man thank you so much last time I seen you it's over 15 years ago for 15 years ago I am but 10 over 50 it's been 15 dude yeah when I first moved to Los Angeles I the first person I met was Laban and then to Laban I met you and you guys are popping off with American misfits yeah do you remember that I remember so explain to him what American fest misfits was American misfits was just a skateboard video that we decided to finally put out on our own like you know companies put out their own videos and laven and I were skating a bunch together and we decided you know what it's time for us to put out a video our own not only just skating but messing around stuff whatever it's right there's skits didn't you have my was my brother in the video Bobbie Lee yeah yes he was amazing what did you guys make him skateboard yes and you know it hold on that clip we have to get this [Music] yeah but didn't you make a bomb a hill I remember exactly but we did do this I did notice this can i I need this I demonstrate so Bobby Lee was playing Tony Hawk right okay Pro Skater okay back then right yeah just episode yeah okay hold my mic okay so Bobby was playing Tony Hawk pro skater all the time yeah Greg Bobby we got to go skate without the controller so he was playing video game the whole time he's skating down the street and right before he did a trick his hands went like this and you saw the video game action go before he did the trick he was video game legend skater that's I'm not dude Stevie I'm not even joking remember I wasn't there I remember like that was the one of the funniest things I've ever seen I'll always remember so he just did it in the controller his mind set boom he was gonna do the trick no but I could've sworn you guys made him bomb a hill he probably did and he ate it oh we made it we like Craig drop in a ramp - yeah yeah you guys really mess with him bad baby I have one other story cuz I you know I was always scared to like really talk like I like new you guys but I was always like kind of in the background enough it's just scared and intimidated by you guys why I don't know cuz cuz you Laban you guys were killing it you gotta really killed it skateboards but my brother had a surprise birthday party at Levens yes and you got him a transsexual transgender or whatever stripper like we do movie ticket to the next level like we're like this Bobby Lee yeah just get a normal stripper like a little person stripper nothing we're going full transgender stripper I'm surprised she had both limbs or she he yeah or limbs lived in the house in Los Feliz Oh same house what same house no no I'm saying back then with when he was a Kim I think he's still in the same house they have these guys down the street he's really didn't move that far dude he still lives there he's in that same area yeah so those are the main memories I have like oh and then I remember cuz uh you you did demo you did a demo and it like this Jewish Church or something do you remember that demo I totally did and you were blasting back 180s over the pyramid no I was tripping on you [Laughter] flawlessly yeah so tell us so that that was when you're in on Dogtown yeah can we talk a little bit about the team yeah how that happened oh hold on I've gotta be good so I was skating bands um uh uh Orange County at the mall at the mall when it first opened up sweet lord explain to the viewers what that was it was a that's a shopping mall that one of the first things that they put there was bands got to put a huge skatepark it's still there they'll come you have to wear the helmet yeah yeah yeah but I would go there at least twice a week because it was the only skatepark back then like you'd drive and hit the skate park how far back away yeah before all these concrete before all these concrete parts there was parties here in there kind of but I was getting there a bunch and Eric D went there and saw me there and he's like who's that Eric Dressen oh dress it ok yeah ok yeah yeah yeah yeah so dressin was there and Jim Muir and they were there and Eric's like dude you're killing the spot and I'm we're doing dog town again I was like the second time around of Dogtown our third Wow and jetsons like we want to put you on so then he put me on and then I would skating around and I was with lave and I put even on you put label Dnieper Lebanon dog town there's another guy president yeah Preston Acuff but you know it was so crazy we never saw him skate transition we just saw him skate Street and then we went to this mini ramp jam Bobbili could have skated get better than him dude know doesn't know only dude yeah but he could have skated bet he would have had more drive to skate better than this guy he dropped in though right barely barely did barely breathing on Street it was good yeah Street he was good but other than that not so good well he didn't do a rock and roll like a rock to fakie I think he did maybe a rock to fakie and a little pivot grime here and there but he lives in like Russia but you live in South Gate every yeah that's I grew I grew up in an era there was no parks and stuff so we had to skate everything yeah let's go back let's go back to the beginning so you're from where are you from originally uh I'm from the South Bay Area I lived in Hermosa there's Maureen Hermosa represent right yeah Shamu so Beach lived in Redondo and now back in Hermosa Wow what high school you go to I went to North Torrance high when did you start skateboarding to begin with I started when I was like 9 or 10 early yeah I knew into it because I saw people skating down the beach and I wanted to do oh because I walk surfers your sidewalk server straight down the Strand cruisin around so the weather that we're in that trunk um it's like when the waves are dead they just cruise I walk yeah banana boards and oh yeah whatever so you got into it like that like that and then we'll who are your first sponsor like when did you start doing all that up on Saoirse probably when I was about 14 15 Shorty's hardware just came out that's Barry one of my first sponsors and then grind king yeah then like mercury trucks were around oh wow that directs our wheel oh so you Oh door I remember Darkstar yeah so you're on all that all of it Wow yeah and so like going and then so when did you so like you did it first for fun and then it just are popping off just there above enough start getting in the magazine but you even trying to do it seems like you were just skating for fun just for fun that's how you have to do it though Wow so yeah it's like because there's a lot of kids that are like you know you're skating now yeah what kind of piece of advice because they're real everyone's so good you know yeah well what advice would you give them as far as if they want to pursue it like how you did it has to be your heart it has to be all heart like you have to go out and skate because you love it not like a job or nothing like that or you won't like it anymore I have kids all the time they're rare or that parents try and push them at the neck at the park or anywhere and then you can tell the kids just not even digging it yeah yeah yeah doing it just cuz and they would they pick up something else you know what I mean you got and it doesn't even have to be skateboarding just do whatever you love yeah you like playing the violin just do the out on the porch do the violin if that if that makes you feel like I'm living yeah then it's it's good so you still got that cuz you're still skating yeah it's skating is that's my blood no matters you're still ripping i watch her Instagram thing you ollie down the pool and you didn't have that much like set up you just ollie on a bench boom kickflip or is that like board sliding super long let like the curves and stuff yeah skate everything feeble grinding yeah yeah yeah dude you're still ripping it dude thank you so you just it's just embedded in you yeah you can't stop now if I stop I'm gonna want to take over the world so what is why what do you get out of it like what does it do for you like is it just a it's just it's a good feeling it's like how my brother plays video games yeah yeah like that feeling yes did I get out of it do you remember where we were living back then where me and my brother were living know that I don't remember everybody remember the dumpster no do you remember Larry blossom though shot I remember Larry blossom hey shot - Larry blossom cane angel yeah you remember those name yeah cuz that's I remember all you guys remember everybody mmm names but I don't but yeah you were around dude I know but I think you guys just showed up to wherever we were like you were here where we're at or we were at Levens or something yeah yeah yeah we never like went to where you guys Larry what do blossom was ripping back yeah I know I was like came out he was ripping like every day yeah he was getting packages it's like yeah he was on the cusp man I wish he would have served so many people dude he was so many people that get right there you so close something happens I don't know what it is I see it all the time so what I think that it like is it even harder now would you say it's harder now it is cuz you're you showed a seven-year-old at Venice that yeah in a baby chair the next you know he's flying out the hole there's a guy I know a little kt7 he has to ride in a car seat with his parents no I'm real but gets out and rips a skate park over any of you guys like a Marion Bowles and common pool and everything so it's stunt man little stunt man little stunt man I'll have it for you guys yes all right what great is that a seven-year-old you guys know that's really yours first or second first or second grade yep I also eat my boogers and I had no idea this guy's on a skateboard doing airs just killing it so what do you think it is man do you think it's the access to video like how why are kids like progressing said has such a high volume I do you think it's okay for the break it down for real evolution man huh yeah - yeah man - you're not it's like James or advanced these kids are advanced the 2000s now we're from the night yeah the nineties I'm like I was born in your so I'm around your era okay okay so then there was kids born in the 80s a little bit better in their nineties the Millennials a little different breed did so you're saying your theory is the human has changed their the way they're born is more evolved their brains are sir brains why is everything so here the lessons Christ so when we were born our bodies were born into the time of use to how the world was then they're born now with cell phone radiation and all that and they're adapted to it and smog and all that so now think of the adaptation of a human yeah so they're like awesome it's another cyborg you've evolution male art machine what yeah what would you think evolution stop like a man no no no Knology and even like the gadgets and all that that has something to do with the way they're like just yeah they're like okay - they're like oh this what you do and then they just do it yeah cuz it's like I trip out mostly like cuz the way I learned like first alley then maybe a front 180 yeah then maybe a shove in and then maybe a heel you know but there go right into like switch laser or like something crazy yeah switch big spin flip manual yeah yeah yeah so you do you trip out like you you go to part like what parks usually going to nowadays I go all over I go anywhere from Hacienda Heights to the block to stand to all the parks in Long Beach Long Beach alone Long Beach the city alone yeah break down a spot ten skate parks in the city just Long Beach just Long Beach including theirs including cherry you know that yeah cherry okay orizaba 14th Street sixth and Alamitos the ghetto park dude if the list goes on and on yeah eNOS it dude the cops in Long Beach they see you cruising down the street or someone calls on you they come like a someone call just either turn down your music or hit the curb down the street then they are about skating oh no cuz I what in the 90s when I was absent nineties I know I'm just letting you know how many tickets and how they mess with me hard I mean they were always Long Beach Long Beach is the skateboard community dude when did that happen when did that pop I think it started last 10 10 to 12 years dude they realized you know Long Beach has a lot of rough areas and these kids could either be gang banging you mean that the sand there could be doing something else already the gate oh well I don't know Long Beach is the gate oh I heard it last night this comedian told me so what is the gate oh it's gangs it's gay and gangs gate oh it's the gate oh dude what one one blocks gate Street next blocks gasps the street we're good you trip out like at the park like two kids come up to you they know who you owe ya I get recognized a daily daily I was I was just at the store Starbucks well in my area no I went to the Grove it's all like people huge is like way bad what up what are you doing Bob I want to get to that too cuz like you you put okay so before jackass right yeah you did you work for Big Brother mangas yeah I was this I'll see that did my research man I didn't know that but so you're a editor or something are you telling no girl out there don't even see who you're talking to man they're they're thinking you're talking to the wall no they don't my research I did they're thinking like you're talking to like George is right there in podcast bill they're like you out of the blue you like Tourette's syndrome dude I did my research so you were looking for Big Brother back then yeah I was the subscription sales like guys love that man anybody who would subscribe to I love that I was jacking it up sticking this thing on sending it out to you yeah explain to the viewers what uh Big Brother magazine was back then because a lot of them younger kids don't know so Big Brother magazine was created by the legendary Steve Rocco who created World Industries one of them skateboard companies that like change the skateboard industry invented double-kick different you know Street skating came from it was all street teams at the time he decided he he was very he was a push the envelope kind of guy he wanted to do ads that he wanted to do and magazines were banning him so he was like well forget you then I'll make my own magazine yeah made his own skateboard magazine it was more than a skateboarding magazine did skateboard he did funny stuff and whatever you want yeah yeah didn't Larry Larry yeah what's Larry Flynt got it yeah it wasn't the same it wasn't raw yeah record label buying a garage band honest the street wasn't there anymore ride straight was gone was Larry Flynt bought it dude and then from you transition when Larry Flynt bought Big Brother we'd already done four videos and stuff yeah yeah when we were already starting to do jackass so we didn't even have to do the magazine anymore we were like and that day was like just pass blew the hell up I mean your ills worldwide phenomenon yeah at that time right it was crazy mr. cabassa I know you got stories man it first came out here was like well maybe it's gonna be on TV whatever but it came out and I stood up this was dog town days still to you and live it laven yep impressing you guys were still doing a hill doing dog town three months into jackass release in we go to Japan to do a skate tour and people are coming out of stores as I'm walking down the street screaming my name Japan Japan and my buddies are like yeah and I'm like whole and my friends are like dude it's [ __ ] done now dude like your [ __ ] life chair would you say that was what I would like what I knew my life changed from that moment right then as in Japan and people are running out and yelling my name in Japan in Japan dude what was going to you're like how does that you had all this Fame and and recognitions gnarly dude yeah let's talk about yeah what if Ames gnarly dude so let's talk about that cuz like people it's especially you know it's funny nowadays people's all day long they say it I want to be famous I want to be famous oh yeah I'm like really you want to be famous or do you want to be successful there's a difference oh there's a huge difference so they could take it kind of there it's there's a cloud people say they don't realize you don't really separate the two yeah yeah you could separate you could be successful in doing many things but you are both successful but then you're you're famous to do it I know you can't but I'm supreme yeah fame isn't success right there's a difference there's this difference so what would you say to the kids out there like just let them know like give them some pointers like hey you could still don't yeah you can be famous and stuff but don't fall into like the crazy traps man just be you be what are you yeah to who you are so what are the main things you had to deal with when the fame hit like how well where were you like majorly different like what do you mean like you can go anywhere you can't go anywhere people it's yeah I still can't you can't we haven't filmed jackass in eight years eight years has it been that long eight years was the last jackass in two years it's gonna be a decade the movie jackass the move the last one we did jackass 3d in two more years it's gonna be in a year and a half okay gonna be a decade since it's unit since that's how big you know it's crazy people still hit me up like it's on the air in the theaters today that's how the internet like YouTube and yeah everything people like dude I just seen your video last night I'm like what video the bar fight and I'm like the horrify that's like in the movie eight years ago what do you mean you just seen it what's this is crazy right what's the craziest fan out you've seen where someone like this someone crying when they saw you I had a lady I've had people cry I've had cries I've had horrible tattoos people yeah oh yeah there's like this face yeah no I'm not even kidding okay so Ryan done good by your mind I loved him yeah you're passed away yeah recipe I got away that's a dope one [ __ ] what get it down there I got a legit portrait like you know that's right oh yeah but people see it they come and they want to see my tattoo yeah yeah yeah that is like sick my buddy is a portrait tattoo artist who did this who did that let's give him a shout-out and stuff like we're not a tattoo artists anymore he went a little loopy okay he's like artists now he's like I don't do tattoos anymore I would burn a night and I'm like cuz I wanted another portrait tattoo and I'm like okay dad I know some people they'd flip the switch but anyways yeah yeah lady comes up to me she's like oh my god I got you tattooed I got wild boys so wild boys was a break off of jackass and it was a nature show and it was mainly steve-o and Chris but then I came on for should be too so people always like you know loved it when that then when I was on Wildboyz too so this chick comes up she's like oh my god I got you the wild boys tattooed on me she shows me the back of her leg and I had to go which one is me I'm telling you what it look like it's it hello she would show me do you don't have a picture I I have a big okay we got to show this yeah yeah yeah yeah we gonna I was trippin dude hold on No so I say to you man so I posted I was like so excited you know I was like okay and I knew in my heart it wasn't that great of a tattoo but I still I have no clue ok so I posted it show me then let's show the camera I posted it and everybody reamed this chick and I had to tag her in it I had to take it down you tender yeah yuichi was there damn here it is this wild boy is tattoo that's me in the middle yeah gotta be honest that that doesn't look like you at all no let me see it again that's so good it's almost too good too that's great that's me that's Steve oh god so in her mind she must have had to justify it well I because that's a lot that that's a big tattoo piece yeah that's something you can you know what I mean like that's like a little heart on your read anywhere in the assassin cake she could have looked out and said here outline the outline so she what she said she was commuters have said she that is it committed let's talk more you got some stories to I want to hear like yeah if you know what happened what cuz you mentioned like I got some stories bad it's gonna take longer than an hour I know it does oh you want crazy fans please please love stories you have a fan story and I have a fan fight story oh yeah both both alright yeah yeah yeah so this lady comes up she's driving in her car and walking up a parking lots like no like in a grocery store parking lot okay and I'm like yo and she turns back sick she throws it looks like she threw her car in park but she didn't she threw it like a neutral jumps out of her car running at me with her big titties and I'm like lady your [ __ ] cars roll in yeah and she had to jump back yeah what dude I've had is you I've had twice car full of dudes whole car sees me on the street wait a minute wait a minute where it boom accident rear-ends the person in front of them you must be like a god to them that must be a drag race II did cuz like you're like a normal guy regular Joe Schmoe you know you're scared you know you knew you owned a taco shop yeah you're right you know it's like people so what was the fight all about oh the fight yeah Samina buddy are in Vegas win-win this is like 2004 mm-hmm I was filming a show called 54321 with Lee aunt Whedon it was on Fox Sports Net that's what some he would do like extreme things the five skateboarding surfing BMX I think they did in line and snowboarding or something else yeah it was all that's why I was five yeah yeah so we went to Vegas to do a little bit me and my buddy are in a casino just hanging out talking to a couple girls young like this mm-hmm this PBR guy professional bull rider guy in his entourage were cruisin by and he's like hey what's up wee man I said oh yeah I'm like nothing he's like you guys ain't [ __ ] I'm like cool man nope we ain't [ __ ] who else were you over there with no but nobody else just me and another buddy no just me and another buddy that's it that's it and then we're talking to these two girls so there's four of us and lo oh I thought yeah we're doing yeah so dude comes up here uh-huh he said you guys ain't you guys ain't [ __ ] you got you now my cool man weird [ __ ] I'll go kept doing it kept doing it like and I'm like fine I'm like I'm like a bug just having some fun talking some girls yep you're way cooler than me I don't care you know yeah yeah what basic Winston like all right you think you're [ __ ] badass you did that yep let's go outside let's go let's go what do you mean I'm like let's go outside walking outside and people start getting what's going on what's gotten like this guy thinks he's [ __ ] badass we're gonna see who's badass right I'm like I would not mess yeah what's goin we walk outside and we're on the strip and I'm like all right you're so [ __ ] bad-ass do this and I go into the middle of the strip and I stop a cab I'm like I'm like wait your buddy waiver here and I go off to the side I run and I belly slide across the hood I'm looking in the window and I pop off the other side drives away yeah I'm like you [ __ ] do it so he goes out challenging him yep I challenged him cuz he was calling me out yeah because we go out he goes he's standing in the middle cars are whizzing by him nobody's stopping he's trying to stop there hyung whatever finally he hits the back of a trunk boom right it's a caddy he hits the back of a caddy boom daddy stops dude gets out of a car and I pretty much went oh [ __ ] it's [ __ ] debo it look like debo from Friday that big guy big dude big dude he was loved and he goes you [ __ ] in my car and he dude was like the the bull rider dude went to his chance and the dude was like above him because you [ __ ] in my car sorry you get in my car he goes yeah hit your car because we can do it go what and he the professional bull rider has the nerve to try to shove him tries to shove him he did it with his head with both hands job is like his fingers like trying to shove him right yeah dude doesn't move and just goes Bop laid him out one made the dude out what two hits he hit him he hit the ground dudes and on my booth everybody's freaking out by now crowd 2530 people out there ya go grit everybody's freaking out like later worldstar there you go yeah and then so I people are freaking out I hail another keV I jump in it his PR lady jump say I'm like mg Jim I don't know where we were about like thick medium damn she's like you're [ __ ] done we're [ __ ] gay I'm like you ain't getting [ __ ] for me he [ __ ] was talking [ __ ] that was his fault for what he did yeah I'm right I didn't do and so boom went to him he saw my buddy we got back together never heard of it again that's amazing dude so dude wait you ready for part two of this there's a part two so I'm back I'm back three months later randomly randomly in Vegas right yeah I'm in a taxi line who you're with this time I'm with another buddy different but a friend of mine we go to Vegas together man attacks liners it's pretty long's about 40 people we get in the cab cab guy fixes his thing we're going to a place and he goes hey man you look familiar what am i what the cabbie yeah the cabbie goes you look familiar and like oh yeah I get that a lot goes no no no you look familiar and I'm like oh yeah he goes about three months ago did you slide across the hood of my cab [Music] told you that [ __ ] I'm like yeah that was me Tim he goes dude this cab ride was free the people in the car didn't know what the hell happened they were loving it they probably tipped me a hundred bucks at night oh you like cats on me in Vegas you never catch a cab twice no there's two caught the guy that I stopped in Hood slid is cool it Dukes a hazard on him dude someone's got to make a shirt do some part of you dude do you know that yeah the belly yeah yeah that's amazing so do people front on you that dude it happen you got some more I don't have to be major I just like hearing about oh there's more there was you're in Vegas again but why always no no I'll tell a different one so and it's not a fight it's a funny one but crazy bar sir so I'm at a bar and we're doing an appearance it's in a small TV me and monster energy Oh more energy spots me in there like that's a big fly everywhere do things I've been around the world twice and planes with them like counterclockwise I want to get back to that that must've been crazy so we're we're at a bar doing an appearance and I'm I'm getting like wasted I'm like oh you can drink when you're working fellows yeah oh you two sheets to the wind oh yeah what else so just you or the other [ __ ] so many other people with you just a couple like reps and employees is that no it's like BMX you're Serbian sometimes it would be once yeah yeah Wow snowboarding people we go and do different things besides just me and the guys and I'm sitting drinking and I got three chicks around me and they're fighting each other for you to see who's taking me home right but I'm too wasted so I'm right that's my man right super women so happy a live start finally throwing beard like you know those those bucket glasses you get drinks in like let me get a vodka whatever and I give it to you in the glass like that yeah yeah yeah I started throwing those glasses they were like drinking but you know in the bar right well you can't do that you did it so I was doing it my guys you hold on okay my guys get me in they're pulling me out we gotta get him out of your like owner comes up to my buddies and he goes where do you think you're going he goes dude this guy's gonna destroy your barf we keep him here he goes dude I don't care he can burn this thing down I'm making so much money tonight let him destroy what everyone that's insane let him destroy everyone like that's like Rockstar status bro you're like slasher you know what I mean like that's what you are then a jackass thing and all this stuff is like it rose you like whistling what have all these girls I was too drunk and then I [ __ ] after I destroyed the place I just left the matter over you didn't even matter yeah do you got more stories like that what the girls are fighting or there's someone L watch this to be like you know what oh yeah do it hell yeah so one time we're at a bar you heard bar wenches meeting the bride it's like my boys like my grow up boy it's not Jack mosa yeah like my boys yeah the og yo homies yeah yeah okay we're at a bar we're in Hermosa no we were up in San Jose okay hanging out and I knew this girl up there mm-hmm and I was I was already pretty lit and how many Peterson I don't - two and a half no I don't know we were okay so she comes over and she's like hey maybe get a waters I'm I ain't drinking water you know and trying to get me you know and I'm like nah not drink your water she goes up to my blackjack hey let's uh let's start sobering Jacob he's like if Jay don't want to get sobered up good luck yeah my I was like dude you could add her and you were you or - you were more into drinking then fooling around Wow so there's a lot of instances like that yeah yeah it's crazy but dude you're just having fun doing the thing you don't care it's it's it it's a zero f lifestyle that they're more gangster you don't even get you don't even care I don't even care dude wow dude so like um back then during the chat like were you were you close to Bam Margera and everything everybody yeah yeah is he how's he do like I haven't eaten all right he's still skip is he skating yeah okay he's skating yeah cuz he was like in Barcelona or something he was in Barcelona for like a year he went over there it is like freeze mine kind and just skate that's dog yeah and so he went did that yes back it's doing degrees he goes through his little phases but he's good he said he have his own ranch or like yeah his own compound his own compound yeah he went there a few times to I've only been there once and what was that like going down cuz that's really cool what is it there's like I mean yeah a huge mansion skatepark indoor skated in his house outside little transitions on the driveway there's a Pennsylvania yeah Westchester good that must have been a fun house dude it was awesome so I mean cuz like cuz like I love hearing your Rockstar you know like these stories that he must went through all of that oh he's yeah still does Wow so how do you like how do you adapt to that now like cuz I cuz you have a girl now don't you yeah you're married no now I'm married okay so we're not getting me so we don't need to get married okay so how long you been with her almost a year now so how did you transition cuz man that I mean you're still highly sought after dude like well I like what made you like do that this is more focus I'm a little older yeah focus on myself she's got your back she's got my back she's down for doing you know doing different things so Wow good for you I'm here for you dude you know it's you can't do that forever I don't know you know what I'm saying you have two dozen eight yeah you win you get you next level you live five lives Yeah right I mean yeah when you win it when it's your last day on earth I you could I could only I mean I don't even know you that well but you could prize say I did it dude yeah I cuz you even said you went around the world and around the world everywhere being on the movie premiere you just did it all music - I know never we did look GarageBand but we never put albums out her yeah yeah yeah that I've been sick though yeah yeah too much is it gonna be another jackass it was now it's done it was eight years ago people don't realize that giveme tween the other ones we would take a little like four-year gap it's been twice that now you cool Stevo Stiller yeah totally he's my homie I love him he's doing well right he's doing good he's doing comedy he's doing stand-up comedy's doing comedy yeah it's trying to be Bobby Lee no he's not trying that scene both of them at the comedy store together was the last time you saw my brother about two months ago oh really again I told him I was doing shows like oh dude that's so good that is so good he's like man that is so good you know he talks like oh yeah Oh Jay that's so good tiger belly too then right he's got his pot he'd get beyond his hop well thanks for doing line first thank you that means I'm Gary King and Stevie we be learning your names in the show so yeah yeah thank you so much let's go back to Monster Energy okay so dude how'd you get hooked up Bob my dad loves you sorry about that how'd you get like that's the only way they started ya monster came out they were the they were the big can mm-hm but then they thought oh we gotta put out a little can just to compete with the rest of guys when they put out the little monster they needed the little monster to represent it came to me you a it was from then on I was the first ambassador on Monster and I'm still sponsored by them today for monster yeah so you get it Jackson you get paid okay you know what you just told me after like oh I'm just curious to see that but the dog yeah I know it must be great it's good it's good you get a month then you get paid monthly by monster everyone won't give a little shout out the homies you know do Monster Energy you pick the right guy totally and everything you know that's great they treat you good oh it's so good any one of the best one of the best concentrate done-for-you like like cuz you sent me around the world where were some of the places I'd like to know I've been to Korea you've been to my home my motherland yeah I've been to Seoul Korea that's my middle mile I've been in I've been to the DMX I've been out in the city in Seoul you were in Korea not twice I've been to Korea twice dude he's down for the peoples yeah so they they they flip out on you out there holy man do you like Koreans I love Korean food do the Korean barbeque go home what do you talk about go ahead break it down break it down is labor for you like the kimchi stew kimchi everything bogey-bogey yeah do you like I'll go to Jong the red it's the red paste it's hot yeah you can eat that I'm spicy guy dude I'm spice all your spicy guys my spicy guy well you like is that out of all the Asian foods is Karine your favorite Koreans there I love Thai Japanese and Korean those are those are my ones what about the other ones Chinese like the dumplings yeah I like dumplings I like them but no tie yeah Japanese and Korean those are my young Asian go twos have you been to Thailand or China China never been to China okay been to Thailand what'd you do out there in Thailand yeah we hung out and we did all kinds of what we do in town hung out with tigers in the tiger city in Thailand yeah do you know what Tigers Tigers and tiger City has a trap yeah and then where else you've been to Vietnam no Vietnam India you've been to India twice what's a lot dude I've been all cuz my friend Jessie's is doing a documentary out there on street dogs yeah because because out there the dogs are territorial like like some gang it's like game it's that game the game he's doing a documentary and he said do ghetto he said it's good ghetto he says right when the airport it feels like smells like poo yeah was it like that for yes so go ahead bring it down the people in India that the water is not your go ahead is not clean it's it's like dead animals and dead bodies flow through the rivers and those that's the water that goes to the taps so when you got to the airport it smell like poo for real yes like like right when you got there like when you get out its Pooh its pooh everywhere you go there is poo everywhere who everybody so what you do up like how do you like would you just put your hand can't drinks and bottled water he bring bottled water you get bottled water what about you eating out there you you got to eat the food that's out there but when it's cooked it's like boiling water so if you go and you go someplace and you need a little water boil it how long were you out there for first time I was out there was a week and then the next time I was out there 15 days 15 days in India yeah my friend Jess he's been out there for years but they treat him were they treating you Oh like royal it was like do you think you know I'm that movie Apocalypse Now you know Marlon Brando they they treat him like that like he's like some entity like oh and they follow him around yeah what they doing that to you yeah everybody so it was all we went with the whole Jackass crew there yeah I went there once the first time with me and my mom yeah and they treated us like that we had a guy who came every morning to our hotel and he showed us around and then the time we won with Jackass it was all of us and we've just seen everything - Taj Mahal Wow so out of all the bin uh Europe then yeah look where we're at what parts of any Italy Finland Denmark Ireland Spain out of all those places where where was your favorite to go you know flavour to go and favorite escape favorite to go and favourite to ski Germany I love German I've been there like yeah it's my mom's side of my family well the next many years skate it all over because Mansoura park indoor skate shop mini ramps Street spots brick transitions on the road Wow yeah Germany Germany did what about the weather isn't it like really cold it's the same as here except for winter winter it snows but summertime springtime is here and they have strong Oh gnarly German bear backs and oh yeah so we of course yeah have you you still drink as much as you do that no no no so you drink a couple yeah I have here in there okay be cool man how do we do it we're doing good on time hour okay I want to still talk about your stuff man so windy okay let's say um you skate for a new company called nullity skateboards I started nullity skateboard that's your brand yeah okay let's talk like when did you start listening I started it June 2015 like drinking all the time and I needed something to take over my time yeah that's fine it's a small you need to do something yeah you need a hobby yeah and I thought you know what can you just start my own brand people were asking me for my boards and stuff right before that as getting flowed by toy machine by Ed Templeton yeah I knew I wasn't gonna be like fully on tour machine yeah and pure idea we want your board we may want but you know I'm like you know what I'll just start my own brand well how'd you come up with the concept of naino I was reading a book by David Holt mmm-hmm called what's it called the the meaning of nothing oh no yeah no yeah no okay yeah so I can't use nothing so you can't have something without nothing yeah zero is a placeholder something starts somewhere you know oh that's sick so nullity nullity means has no importance or worth or no value and I thought that's just with this skate board coming it's like it's nothing it's just skateboarding that's all it is ik how'd you how'd you come up with the team riders and like highway him around it was really in there yeah I think you found person and I was like you're on oh and I got these four banger dude yeah just kill it so they must have been psyched oh yeah you know when just like it's trippy to them and it trips me out cuz I'm like you're on my team don't you need we don't need to sweat nothing you know Wow go have fun real ski yeah real sand then what were what were the each riders reactions when you actually set that and like in their face they're like yeah oh they're like it's like Christmas like do you want a Nintendo that was probably the best days of their I mean yeah I mean they weren't probably expecting that and it would you say that's more old-school cuz I don't know I mean I like it for recreation but like isn't that more of an old-school mentality that way opposed to like now everything's like here's my Instagram yeah yeah yeah so like how did you like what so when you choose there like when you're just out and about and when you the criteria for you yeah what is the main three things you are you looking for a trick style there at are they cool people like what all of it what are you looking at all of the above of what you just said okay so they have to have the tricks yeah depth bar skate transition to everything okay a little of everything okay a low of everything but also have a down-to-earth add attitude now would you say out of that trumps everything cuz there's so many no I think they it's it's 33 3333 like it's yeah it's pretty equal across the across the door so good attitude talent yeah first time yeah and what's so crazy is one time I had them all together we had a full day or something whole day no we just went out and ate and all that yeah my reading stuff yeah one of my guys it was his it was like the best day of his life he ever said he got a tattoo that day nobody yep you got the logo tattooed on him that what does that tell that tells you something yeah that's hard that's loyalty loyalty heart were you at the statue shot with him like what do you like what other riders dad did it his dad's dad did the tattoo you know I appreciate what you did for my son I'm getting the tattoo no he did the tattoo did my buddies night no my buddy yeah went to my other riders dad so another rider of mine his dad does tattoos Oh another rider went to him and got the tattoos I'm the dad yep what do you think about that did okay dude I what cuz I want you I want people to know how they could if they want to give a nullity skateboard directly just hit me up site and everything it's house Vaughn we calm but it's spelled like this it's German it keeps my German say to the camera h aus Vaughn vo n we w ee calm yeah we've got shirts and hats shirts hats hoodies stickers boards everything what sizes do you have just for the skaters at 8.25 and eight and a half like this stuff yeah alright yeah yeah we do a little shape to him we give it a look let's talk more about that like what do you mean like just a little variation [ __ ] so it doesn't look like the everies again doesn't look like a obstacle yeah my guys love it are you directly involved with everything cuz I know I am 100% like Molin used to do that yep - I'm 100% behind my board so like that's interesting how do you go when you're when you go the work workshop or what's up which I go the wood job and then you go okay I have a night yeah did you think about the sketch it out so you like care like more like other and I want this curved a little here in this shape like this I want this much knows this much wheelbase I want it here yeah every little dimension what about the graphics the same European house crowd announcer how do you decide like I get different I have like four different artists that I work with and I tell them the idea I'm feeling at the time yeah I let them go from there and then we go back and forth that's sick dude is it based out of the South Bay yeah out of my garage oh you keep out of my garage dude you got stacks aboard Jack's of boards ready to go bro dude homegrown dude that's real yeah like the real like yeah real like mama that's street-level so for the viewers that are watching this if you want to support real a real grassroots brand of skateboarding no lady skateboards nullity skateboards is are you guys are you guys working on a video my guys have been trying to put stuff out but it's so hard nowadays with like Instagram and stuff they watch all I want you're skating put the footage out you know so they just know you're constantly skating and stuff yeah but people do and it's hard to like get to go get something and not release it that's that's it's so difficult it's different nowadays I hold yeah hold work the footage yeah and there's a chance cuz you've been around for the longest right during the four one one day yeah so back then they just it was because there was no other way to put it out there but there was no other media to get your stuff out there now now okay that's good you brought that up what are your thoughts on nowadays how its released the skateboarding itself I think it's good I think I think it's skateboarding is right where it is in the times with everything but I think I think there needs to be a pull on the reins mm-hmm for everything in life mm-hmm things need to slow down a little or else you're just gonna if we're gonna implode right and you're talking about I'm talking about everybody what are you talking about like the technology like technology everything is using robots yeah because if the singularity movement happens I'm imagine if you're half human half robot and then you all the tricks are just downloaded they loaded a donut downloaded into it like your program where it's like their robot II yeah that's not good there's no style yeah exactly that's gonna take away the style style now what do you say I'd escape that's one of the most important things yeah I always look there's a couple guys now that have that you know and we grew up you knew who you knew GaN style not as a style Cavs mm-hmm Tony Hawk like his Lords you knew you could see honey grammar off tomogram you could see a silhouette of them you know who the person is yeah I still love those do yeah yeah yeah you know so okay so nowadays do you think because there's so many kids are good at skateboarding do they do when you look at them skate to where you like how do you distinguish them like are you like alright there are three little style yeah okay but what if it's a guy who has no style but could do every trick in the book I'm talking switch nollie regular stance whatever I think you'll be better off on a different company so in order to escape for nullity skateboards you need at least four years later uniqueness and then you decide that it that's like the x-factor yeah I like that when you put layman on dude layman does the thing maybe am i yeah I mean at least do it how about a guest sport can be bored out this dude guess what all that no problem you got no way bad I know when I think of you like I always think oh man living we've been limit there's a lot of people other things are doing let's go since being a layman I know I don't want to be going to over but um how did you meet laving to begin with uh skateboard Mac Big Brother doing a pro spotlight on him skateboarding together this is when he was on invisible either that or blockhead why don't you skip her blockhead - yeah yeah yeah forgot about that yeah you ever hear which one it was yeah yeah dude he had some good front sight I mean he's good at everything because he do it every the bowl - are like that on Bertram's bring it back that was his trick right now I know he's still prank dude he's got so much stuff he's talented Laban is he's talented cuz remember his juggling yes what would everything well it's those videos called um God dang God he had those videos man the juggling and skateboarding yeah I don't remember the names of them it'll come to it it's gonna come later yes all right how we doing on time an hour dude I just have one request I'm working on a solo album and I'm I want to get collabs I'm working on a punk song and I would like you on it and I have I just wouldn't need you to say one thing and would you be on it my album dude yeah wait wait what do you want me to say the question I just need you to say crate Oh mut wah is my friend who is cray DOMA was African he's an African shaman um that he knows about ancient aliens he does I'm just gonna say I'm gonna say one two three four one two three go and then you just said all right quite an album I'm ready they say recorder now one two three go Grado mutton is my friend one more time credo mutton is my friend so you're on it they're just made an album just made an album right there we did it punk song and it's gonna be called cradle friend featuring women it's a tooth it's a two second song no you're at the beginning of the song so it's mostly a hip-hop um but I want one Punk song on it and yeah that'd be I just thought it right before yeah oh that's so man thing I mean it was that fun for you dude I'm still having fun okay we're not that so is there anything so um is there anything like I want to start blasting like any events coming any events coming on coming up what do you mean what do you mean I'm Anna but like I saw a minute transition right now and I can't really release the next big big picture coming out it's not a picture like movie I can't written release the next big move happening cuz I'm in a transition right now okay and there's gonna be a big move happening yeah and then it's gonna be next level oh really yeah like what do you mean by next level like I mean you're gonna have to pry call me and I'm I have to fly back down here and come to another interview and we're gonna like fly fly like you oh you're like somewhere else yeah say I'm gonna be somewhere else it's gonna be next level but not jackass Orion no not jackass okay and it's we met we oriented but we to another level thank ya no definitely not please force but when you know but when 8/4 for the people out there in the world it's not space for us is real it got cancelled space bars got cancelled and the world is round so this thing it's non disclosure yeah right now can you say you can't say yeah say nothing but once it once the trigger is pulled I'm gonna have to come back to the stevie-baby so plug it to plug it release it but it ain't it ain't movie it ain't TV it's gonna it's gonna be boring of all you can't skateboarding is 100% involved so skateboarding is involved gave involved skateboarding is involved with you yes okay let's let's talk about let's let's um shout out chronic tacos that's it that's your taco shop yep it's mine Rani's and the moms where can we can we can you tell the viewers where they could go get some delicious tacos they can get delicious tacos chronic chronic tonic tacos 53 locations worldwide world right okay North Carolina from North Carolina shout to the Tar Heels all the way to Tokyo Japan Tokyo Japan dude we're there hey man your life is good dude I'm so happy for you you have taco shops worldwide worldwide hey do you think they are wonderful what sponsor oh do like a little sponsor for the TV show no we're gonna do next we could use some more spot yeah I'm just saying oh I'll wear talked on my head we're gonna do we're gonna do a chronic tacos sponsored Stevie we be show does that be correct I mean just wondered event catered events Jason that's that'd be great that'd be awesome I mean we would I would wear talked on my head yeah you got all that we got all that but you gotta OG or China of course you've got or China hold on we got churros bro you got you got your own sweet we got oh gee I'll pass store where it's spicy yeah that's where the spicy comes in huh you've got the spicy tacos yeah it's sweet too okay keep it oh gee and we throw the pineapple in it okay ladies and gentlemen CHR oh and I see tacos how'd you come up the name I why I didn't come up with the next dance out I didn't come up with the name okay but I wonder mm-hmm Randy whiner he came up with an answer Randy whiner shout-out okay 2002 he started the brand okay oh eight 2008 he and I connected and we said we have to keep this going together boom so it started out like a little shot like a lot it started in one shop 900 square feet in South Bay in Newport Beach Newport Beach still there doji the og is still there people love it dude that's sick man so chronic talk do you guys have chronic taco shirts oh we got polos we got you sure who lows I would rock that polo with everyday dog with the bill flip oh hell yes let's let's start shouting out your um social media um how do if they want to follow you on Instagram how do they do Instagram it's straight I am wee man that's the only one in you're certified boom blue checkmark boom certified Twitter I am wee man Twitter I'm the only two Asians nah I don't use Facebook let's okay let's go back to know Lee skateboards go back out of how they want if they want to get a skateboard don't let that again come to me on Instagram straight direct oh it's come to me to wreck it's direct yeah come to me so they go hi my name is Jimbo so-and-so in New Mexico how do how do I do this and then I sent him a little link sends him right to the website they find out whatever they want boom next thing you know shits I'm signing and shipping cute real dude what do you think about his life man his life is fantastic I'm so stoked you are doing meetings back I remember I have one thing I tripped out like you you just got done skating at demo and you're like I got three meetings today you skateboard and then you are like done and you're like I still got meetings to go to three meeting em I change my t-shirt go in meetings back then yeah and then look at your life now dude like you got your own taco shop you got your own skateboard like what my gosh you got a lot going on and then what the secret if disclosure it's gonna be a game-changer like major people are gonna be people are tripping people are gonna be tripping how hard are they gonna trip is this gonna be a real resurgence what can I guess nope okay I can't even can't even yeah I would even guess it right okay let's just keep let's just keep it in I want it I want the mystery still like cuz that that's gonna bring it [ __ ] I'm gonna be back on the Stevie we be sure to part two part two Stevie we be we 2.0 2.0 through four and then you could talk about it yes and in what you heard now it's just the appetizer oh my god a camp I can't wait coming back with more stories and a game changer I love your life dude you are here in spirit hey let's just a couple inspirational quotes just for the people who are like who have seen who's seen you in jackass like what it what do you if the kids out there who if they want to pursue anything skateboarding or whatever to lose Accor anything whatever restaurant so it's any so tell the viewers the moment quality not even joking I'm telling you this straight from my heart there was a moment in my life where I was working at a grocery store and I didn't like it but I thought you know what if I could have five bucks in my pocket a day to eat which is a slice of pizza and a coca-cola and I would get to skate I'd be happy as long as long as you're happy with where you are but you know that you're thinking of something better it'll happen right Kirby that's how we do it thanks for coming dude I can't wait for part two all right oh thank you everybody Cohen I know you're busy but I just want to and lamenting for watching I just wanna I want to go I want to cruise with you guys in his backyard just one night ya know I'll come pays you well I'll come pick you up I just want to be Ward ready for you too but I just want it I just want to check it out dude cuz you made it seem like it's like it's like a playground within two weeks we're going really yep I'm grabbing you we're going I miss hanging out with I miss my lovely with we're doing so much love for laven dude that's all right old lade out we need so much love for laven dude I texted labor I said wavin late I'm more than a baby show and we need to skate soon he goes boom sounds good I'm gonna call George out Laban and we man on Laban and we man on Tiger belly dude why don't you get can we make that happen with Tiger belly dude I mean cuz Bob come on dude dude Laban and we man on Tiger belly your belly yeah has there ever been a tiger belly on the show oh oh good observation oh brother all right layman shoutout to laymen let's do some shout outs rule oh no I better shout out to Bobby Lee I gotta do this Oh what happens stop the Patriot I have a patreon and stuff as people who support the show okay so um but you give do your shoutouts real quick Bobby Lee my brother he brought us together yeah yeah years ago two thousand one two thousand you got that made this happen exactly Somali Laban Laban all my friends everybody else Larry okay an angel yeah Oh Jamil Jamel chimayo shoutout to Jamel we let your mail he's still skating good mail all right do you think all right so thanks for coming we man we love you thank you here part two is coming soon shout out to all my new patrons earnest Mercado Joseph Matthew ki J Unidos Cartland audio joy La Paz Phoenix Mike Holcomb Zachary perk Andrew Hubbard chinnu beau tanaka yeah that's why we're talking omar Morgan and much a shout out to Alex Alex Fletcher I messaged you Alex about the portrait I still need your mailing address and your Instagram so I could send you out that portrait a shout out to Raleigh drum Gould who checked out my music I want to my homie mestizo dropped a new album so I want to give a shout out you know just on up my my homie mestizo it has a new album with the heavy 12s it's called Big Bad death okay and um please support that that's my brother mestizo at fake for dot ban camp calm that's fake for band camp calm support that album mestizo and the heavy twelves big bad death okay collage of the Mirage which is my new album you know we's gonna be on it I got um mestizos on it and we're gonna have other features hopefully in the future and I'm 82% done with that it's gonna be on SATs TBH we be a 22.5% done now in that all my music sats DB we be Bandcamp calm if you want to be a patreon we support it and it helps these guys to and it's it will eventually help them although I did pay them today patreon.com slash TV we be and check out the Instagram at kuang new Q you a NGO you check out on my Lonny Fei calm and get that on buddy hat okay with that being said Thank You Jay dude hug hug it out it's not a little ray [Music] welcome to the race world show all I gotta say is kids minds must roll I got abducted by some aliens dropped it's no whoa stuck into a world that do not go so join me in adventures now and I promise not to have a cow my name is little ray [Music] [Applause] [Music] what the hell does that is that a 1958 Impala man hey girl you are good all right I remember what's your story how'd you end up a goddamn Impala mmm mmm mmm mmm so used to be a cholo gang member forever Green gang is that correct and then one day at the story you're talking all this trash to 18th Street gang members and they got you do name your rope and ran you over correct remember and now you turn into a 58 Impala and your name is Rhonda is that correct remember well you can hang out with me and beep and we wrote a song about you goes like this man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in two weeks for another episode of low res world man
Channel: Steebee Weebee
Views: 93,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve lee, steebee weebee, steven lee, quangou, the steebee weebee show, steve lee mangchi, Stevie Weeby, podcast, talk show, late night, interview, Wee Man, Steve-O, Steve O, Jason Acuna, skateboard, skateboarder, MTV, Bam Margera, Johny Knoxville, Ryan Dunn, Preston Lacy, Dave England, Chris Pontius, big brother, jackass
Id: E02iWdOfjCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 40sec (4540 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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