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[Music] i want you to see from the spiritual not in the physical [Music] fire [Music] [Music] i [Music] wow [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i see it over there i see it over there i see fire i see fire i swear [Music] [Music] in jesus name we have prayed [Music] you are the god that turned the heart of me tonight antonio [Music] jupiter [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] see what you've done for me see how you deliver me you are the living god oh he'll say no one like you see what you've done for me [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] see what you've done for me see how you deliver me you are the living goddess here nowhere [Music] the mighty healer the name of the lord is a strong torah the righteous [Music] [Applause] m [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] jehovah they're coming and keeping god i say life [Music] please you know [Music] never walk [Music] thank you lord [Music] there is nothing you cannot do is nothing you cannot do do you ever overdo [Music] i have tested of your lord i have seen your mighty words mountain [Music] there is nothing [Music] lovers [Music] there is nothing you cannot do protocol breaker there is nothing you cannot do to your overdue i have tested of [Music] lord bless this oil [Music] point of contact for solution a seal a spiritual seat for supernatural decree lord manifest your power by your fire and the blood of jesus i declare by the word of god let it activate and let it become a reality thank you father do the impossible through this and take all the glory in jesus mighty name we have prayed i reached out on this order then you heard they said it whether you or your family your loved one that somebody must go down in the name that is above that name i all time i stopped their altar [Applause] on this altar by the word of god every altar is against you and said you must fall in the name of jesus i return about your enemy will be the one to fall do your muscles will be the one to cry i raise all type of longevity after protection as no man can return this oil back to the bottle so i decree that which you have declared is already settled no man will reverse it physically or spiritually you your husband your wife your children your loved one every dream my family woman abroad i raise ultra protection anywhere they said it any dream of death every four seasons of death every ounce of death somebody shall backfire shout it back to sender put in the name of jesus let me hear victorious sevenfold amen [Applause] at this auto protection favorite testimony science and wonder in the name of god referred son under holy ghost in jesus name can i yourself afford amen again can i hear you shall settle sit down curse life is no good work no import fashion against me you shall prosper [Music] like no go work [Music] so [Music] my head up even though i walk to the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no no evil like life is no good work no even fashion [Music] brush i declare your undermine to free you watching me did you agree with me whenever you are watching my decline your infamous shall be peaceful even though there is any attack you're already going through if you can declare a man in the name of jesus i pull your head out of it in the name of jesus if you save me and pull your head out of that attack and pull the head of your children out of it thank you father in jesus name let me hear him in three times [Music] now watch this watch this i have revelation now i want to give to online people watch those of you watching me take note of this i think this is about 10 o'clock here right i think by america now it should be around either five or four a.m in the morning now this revelation is coming to those of you in the city of america in that country hear this and if you hear this now let me just confirm what god is telling me in what i'm saying concerning you if what i'm saying now the prayer i say the prayer if you don't say you are seeing the trace in your house just right there what's happening say you send the name of that boy or that girl god show me there are some of you most of you not one family not two family the enemies around you i'm seeing these things as battle from your home they have tried to frustrate you they see that their grace on you is already high they now want to pass through your children to support your children i know some of you are in europe going to school the same thing you can join the prayer but mostly those of you in america is common there they want you to labor in vain because they know that the glory of every parent is their children you see your children having an attack that is not medically medically they are going there they say they can't do anything but you see that this child things are getting wrong out of hand and this child was good before but suddenly he's behaving strange in matthew chapter 13 jesus said the enemy have done this matthew 13 28 and i want you to pray you know i pray the prayer some time ago i think two weeks ago i said the bullet to daughter your children will not carry it cause they pursue when you catch you catch your children something is wrong all of you in that city declare five days good night to god whoever that someone you knew and said even though you've got america better pass me in everything but my children go better past your own you are going to pray reject it anywhere there's someone you you didn't answer and they're going to summon your children and the native daughters say enter to the children and you are noticing that your children whether boy your kid mostly i'm seeing america you know he's a city that people here are saying they're america whether he did bridge today and nobody cared they said american id i know there are some mothers already that is your cry as i'm talking now go show them inside she declare five days all of you declare fast and pray i say husband and wife pray for your children tell god because if the enemy is spoiling you of your child or spoil any of your children i tell you i don't know the labor is like a wasted one because i'm saying to them behaving strange and medically you check them to meditate doctor will check can tell you say nothing is wrong someone they would tell you say this depression to tell you say hey he's stressed mentally stressed no something is wrong i'm showing you it's an attack because i'm saying god show me say he's a common attack now it's a common wickedness that the enemy is trying to carry out when they even have time they don't want to enter the man or they want to when they say god bless you they will enter your children so that people can mock your blessing and saying upon how you come on you see your children no one get hurt but especially when they behave strange talk to me talk to me so that then they said when i get going looking finisher and said i'm not getting my in my children goodbye take your own children you know they could blackmail you and the enemy will see an evidence in that somebody shall fire through them declare that fast in five days cry to god plead mercy number two pray against the altar number three pray against any man or woman who is doing this let him test this problem then finally as we finish the five days fasting our prayer with midnight prayer drop the sacrifice tell god over to you whatever you can do there's only god that can do it oh lord over to you and next week wednesday i'm going to pray this break i know by then five days has already completed very very important i'm praying for you and there are some of you in other countries can also join you notice that the team is still happening to your children try it pray distance is not a barrier my prayer is that as you follow my instruction i will hear testimony and look at what god told me as you pray that prayer give your children anointing on you to drink while they are sleeping put oil in their mouth if possible i think that will be good or if you can give it to them to drink fine anyhow you can make it to enter the map the last name before they sleep within that five days i want to hear testimony how god restores those children i know there are some of them their case is worst i'm telling you that's why i said if what i'm saying is real write me when i'm saying what i'm saying a woman called me yesterday said you mentioned my family called it by name and he said i was shocked because i never talked to you i said you don't need to be shocked when god wants to address your matter he will address it the way you'll understand it so if what i'm saying is real right what's happening but send the name of those that child those children to me they're going to print it out we'll place it on the altar while you are doing that prayer any of our service here because all the prayer points are here and while i pray i stand on this altar declare i believe i'm addressing your matter also and i want to hear testimony and those who are doing that and i know hear me if you pray that prayer i'm talking to a woman now somebody in your husband's family will confess and you go confess you should die put it even when i hear say your husband family one day i'll see a woman god saying that your own family they worry you since you married they don't want to leave you because they didn't want you to marry you normally they wanted to smell in the marriage come on me like no go happy because you are connected to god grace will settle it whoever that's saying you're not going to find peace [Music] if i be a man of god i visit your father's house where they keep their to do where they keep your altar whatever they are using to torment you sit down put him in three ties i hear a shout in the spirit room if i am a child of god let's find your phone if i am a child of god let fire fall take your seed thank god i'm here for the assignment i pray you understand it today lit up your seat he go there queen suji watching [Music] one [Music] lift up your seat i bless your hand you will not lose your happiness don't let him permitted in this season his congratulations you didn't say amen you you you you he said the gallery is it an overflow is it maybe online he's online hear me the only thing permitted from that the verse of december his word congratulations little amen sit down ushers will direct you while we sing for us there's no one there's no one like jesus [Music] like jesus [Music] is [Music] there's no one you [Music] [Applause] [Music] every [Music] she [Music] of your name everybody [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are a great guy [Music] baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] lift up your offering father receive it as we give unto you let the walk of our hands increase us on every side thank you father because you are a faithful god in jesus name quietly [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i'm [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah our testimony today is still long somehow but we'll cut it somewhere now before i go into thanksgiving those of you who have paid a seat for the anniversary come forward if you have the sleep come give me i want to anoint you i want to pray for you the lord put laughter in your life leader tell god okay stand up stand up because of the number stand tell god the area you want him to touch your life yeah this area god will touch you you'll feel excited talk to god tell god those of you who have paid and i have not prayed for you [Music] lord i pray even those of you watching all over the world the lord answered you may god give you what will make you laugh may god give you a season to celebrate in the mighty name of jesus thank you father in jesus mighty name we pray amen lord i anointed their hands i decree testimony i decree favor what you are looking for look for you what do you do for come to your hand thank you for in jesus name now what you do you drop that sleep inside the basket i anoint you please that your sleep is like a request to me that's what i know you did [Music] [Music] hello [Music] foreign [Music] the lord bless you and those of you who are planning the lord provide for you in jesus name and if you wish to get the form please you get it from the ushers after the service they'll give you the form all the informations are there you can do what you want to do if you don't have the form i think i was told if anybody reprinted it again praise the name of the lord now we have chi wendo amici [Music] babies or dedication can we receive them [Music] do i lift up my soul [Music] unto thee [Music] my soul [Music] oh my god i trust let me not be ashamed [Music] lord thank you for your mercy your kindness and your deliverance declare these children untouchable protected everyone who have celebrated you may celebrate your neighbors in their life and they begin in the name of god the father son of the holy ghost in the mighty name of jesus thank you for in jesus name two of them called his emblem can't be like i said they be twins hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] hallelujah just a week before my delivery papa called me come on for ukraine he prayed for me several declared seven days midnight my saying god for forgiveness and cancer complication so that june program i saw no mission and start from the day one to that date you conclude that there goes me to that day i pray for me finish from early morning to four o'clock hospital [Music] me they carry me entire theater some urban deposit deposits so dr czech said no need to save the mother life they operate my baby bring her up [Music] and my wife [Music] cry dead not even be this one and suddenly the baby cry again thank you very much help me celebrate this guy if you love god in israel give him a club baby that was brought out and doctor also saw he's dead but immediately after prayers the baby revived and came back to life i don't know what you call this guy every day we hear god in different dimensions and you need to develop your faith and believe whatever you are hearing that god can do it now let me say this before going to testimony properly you know i gave a lot of knowledge for some some of them who are watching online right and i said write me if you com just confirm what i am saying i have almost 20 names here almost 20 names that are having such issue among the children beyond the doctors but the baby is behaving strange i know say someone will stay right the other section have not given us their name but from where we the first one we got is about 20 and i believe god will do something because when i say something i want to confirm because they are not here they are watching online am i correct yes and then if god have confirmed me i believe god will do it let me hear your amen now let's take our testimony so today we'll start from the house then we'll go online but please walk with our time let's hear helena very brave and straight to the point [Music] god bless you on sunday miami would drive home church as we reached where the park as excluded the director she couldn't say about me just sent me back away so long first with her childhood will come down as we come down the next thing when i see the mother just move with the security man inside he shows the run they go twice that they just don't i don't know we have four days now somebody don't have a red chest for us idea maybe for kills so many people you can't go on yeah after this out of the next house can't go home for one three four days so last time i contact god now the thanksgiving i had security people give on sunday okay now just thank god for what god do for us daddy hallelujah give the lord a clap he's never abortion in jesus name let's hear joy inducer my [Music] after the first service i went out with two of my sisters they wanted to take pictures because there was a big thing so the middle how i just stepped out from that place i just collapsed nesting everywhere was just red crazy i don't know where i am so people came they take me to somewhere else they would pray for me they called mama mama came that day he was praying i just came to return this god a return glory to god who made me to sing today despite their plan despite their mission god kept me alive to weakness today be the eighth of september i never may your name may lord be praised in jesus name amen give the lord a clap you're untouchable you're protected lazier will come for selena [Music] just everything just goes safely no rain that that at all at all everybody praying for death dancing i've been making that help me thank god hallelujah hallelujah you're welcome god bless you now they look around i know some of you they look yes it never might die yes they did the barrier and everything went success see your attitude may god keep us long amen may longevity reign in your lineage amen i don't like your ammo let's hear about someone just think [Music] hallelujah my and sisters i don't know we are aware of that for all the good things what god they do for my life or my children last week my doctor called me he said mommy my heart they pay me i said why you're not gonna be out say maybe i just wake up my hands if they pay me i don't refuse to carry anything and they panic and say i will do this one again i said where god would so on monday he called me say mommy i don't boss people i said nothing there is a bet you know they let me carry anything even i want it you know they let me that's okay put out a video call me i see him he put a delicious way and he been i said jesus i will do this one i begin to pray then on tuesday she tell me or when next day i come i pray i sit down there then papa meets me there say those pictures i show i said this kid say hi fancy better heads i said he called me see her in the penal daddy pray everybody pray with us i said as i reached out i called my mother i said daddy don't see our you don't see our our team with the pain also daddy don't pray for jen if i say hey say don't finish i saw that you don't say i don't feel it i went to three days ago i call her i saw him show me the hand say mommy everything don't finish see everything don't finish mommy and the second one he called me this month the caller they give a walk and they don't start work this week [Music] give the lord a baby club you watching me may the lord answer you there in jesus name now let's take four testimonies online lazier music success from gabon good morning sister god bless you thank you for decoration my name is success able to i'm calling from carbon i am testifying from carbon i am online member i watch yesterday was first september i am i am watching online so when daddy wants to summarize and i say that we should ask god one thing from nothing next week's some wednesday that god won't go to two for you so that he would testify and i said god another right there i said god i want to testify i joined last and the program i must testify i have never tested for my own people are testifying i want to testify for the past three months my monthly flow ceases without no issue my monthly flow justice like that so it's a good this is first september i want to i want to be among those that were testifying this september i say let my period come out in the name of jesus when daddy say we should bring out our oil to bless i am online too i bring out my organ and i bless it that after after that the it finished and now that he says at night i was ever not my head and my hand and i think little from the cover and cover of the uh unknown bottle and i drink some of that and then drink little from the oil and i say god let this oil break every yoke that is stopping my monthly flow not to come out so when i pray and i drink i say with this oil i am free in jesus name that is that the same one is that the same acd my period commands within tava that night my period just comments it's not up to the flowing day i say indeed what god command does not exist i say thank you god bless you daddy god bless you family of give the lord lazier means his grace from france praise the lord my name is sister grace and i'm testifying from france i want to thank god for connecting me to this great author of fire i got connected on thursday 26th of august 2021 just a week ago i just don't go into it where i was going to the hospital i wanted to play some gospel music and i just saw it's a moment of worship then i started worshiping and from there i just found out that it's a church i saw the singing preacher i asked you know this is interesting so i followed up and thank god since that day i have been following up i don't even know the update i just stomp into anyone then like that and i would just kick into the prayers i had a lot of things i wanted i enlisted down that goal too for me my daughter was facing a financial breakdown financial trouble in the uk i want to thank god because i don't want to go into the story it's a very long story but i thank god for everything june my daughter was they told my daughter that she is owing five thousand something in the uh in there is finance credit but i thank god today after much prayer after everything believing god believing in this altar of fire and then yesterday just yesterday here on the second a letter was sent even why my daughter cried on tuesday because of what they told her that he showed i don't know how to explain this but on yesterday after much prayer i listen to that when they say protocol breaker that song that pastor was singing protocol breaker i was singing with it and i was telling god you will break protocol for my sake and for the sake of my children father you will cancel death from my children from me i don't know where the enemy is ranging from but your author will fight for me so i said i was sending my sister on tuesday to come and fellowship so that i can meet with our daddy but i thank god today on the second of september just yesterday the letter was sent from the finance office to my daughter that they are the one owing my daughter that is said that if you will dance if you will sing if you we clap god will entitle that program and turn it around i really did and god turned the story around today they told this wrote my daughter that they are the one owing her and they are going to pay her in few days i don't want to wait for the money to come i don't know whether they cancel the world the protocol breaker have already canceled it i believe and socially thank you daddy thank you all the members of the remind uh of this fellowship i come from us in everywhere but you know i'm just new but i thank god i am not new to god's blessing glory be to god daddy with the oh yeah on your head never run dry may god bless you thank you so much can we give this god a baby clown imagine they said 5 000 pounds hey and a big amount of money heavy debt too but look at how god turn it they say no you're not the one we are the one owing you may god turn your own if you say amen it will happen like that let's hear this is from enugu praise god hallelujah my god is so wonderful my name is gochuko i'm following from enugu state and i'm sending this message to testify of god's goodness and protection upon my life so my testimony came on the 5th of september which was on sunday so on my way to work i went in a car in a siana car with my security man and my cousin who was seated by the back so on our way out here the two tires the two front tires of our car just bust and our car went from our only to the other lane and hit the person coming from the other side and we crashed and the driver was struggling to get a hold of the steering and landed on the walkway and stopped but to the glory of god we all came out our life and well nobody died nobody was injured so i'm here to return our glory to my father and my maker that i have received my own testimony after the i must testify program which i followed i didn't follow from the first day i even followed from the seventh day and i still got my testimony praise be to our lord jesus christ is indeed a wonderful god and i return our glory to him give the lord a baby clap now you know one thing i'll i appreciate god for since of this very my tv spreading hardly the country we don't have followers all over the world we have a name here i think i wish he can pronounce this country where you say mr albert from surah tom glory be to god in the highest i thank god for what they have done for me my name is yuban i'm giving this testimony to the glory of god from south to me and principe i am sick very very sick and i call our daddy and he prayed for me on that phone he looked like something left me and he asked me whether i have anointing on you i said yes he said i should apply it after the prayers i continue to beware i stopped work for 10 days for today as i'm telling you i am in office doing with holy bee to god i want to thank god i am online viewer and god has been using this platform let my tv to between wonders in my life go live to god that the ego will continue to increase your anointing and continue to increase your power you will not foresee no evil will come against you in the mighty name of jesus glory be to god let somebody shout to a great hallelujah hallelujah i'm telling you there's no country i think there's some country they can't say this one they exist i think you heard the country are you going to pronounce that nowhere in the world help me celebrate god the gospel is spreading even some at times i picked some cod some people i managed to hear what they are saying you know that they are not english-speaking country but they are trying to and that's why i wanted to start interpreting our platform but we are still going to do that because i noticed that i think one of the days they told me somebody from whether uh belgium who doesn't hear english a white but a lovely my tv but to keep listening even when he can't get anything praise god but god will help us we are going to get it correct praise god shall rise on our faith [Music] [Music] my foreign [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] many [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] he got hold of me [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i am [Music] i am [Music] jesus i have [Music] [Applause] [Music] in is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] give me the choice [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] you are [Music] you are all that matters i hear god said your case is settled [Music] see the way you love please [Music] i [Music] waiting [Music] m [Music] you can do it in the name of jesus thank you father in jesus name there's a woman by that line at the back wearing something like pink after that man wearing yellow t-shirt move back a little bit at the gallery i'm talking now yes come recombination on the neck suffering no wrong may not go far just become she may remove [Music] we are in blood come i want to know when you want to deliver that child to him of your mind the message is still coming one two three four five six seven eight that's the from those from u.s another few people that joined them from europe ah hoping that somehow [Music] in a man look at me what kind of dreams are you having do you remember your dream myself i want to pray for you i want to pray for your health whatever attack whatever pressure let the lord intervene and bring it to pass whatever god did not plant in your life let it be uprooted in the name of god the father son of the holy loser from your head to the soul of your feet i speak to your womb to your tummy every deposit every arrow in the name of jesus [Music] put that down it is settled i declare you free i declare you untouchable in jesus name he may raise her is saturday of this month this month 15th that's the week from today [Music] something in my spirit yes [Music] lord settle it totally completely thank you yes yes yes yes i settle it curse close jesus whatever strange sign it has ended today it has ended today it has ended today it has ended thank you father [Music] allah [Music] now you are going to declare from this night you are going to pray see tuesday night next week cancel hindrance rebuke fear at times you are sensing fear rebuke that fear tell god whatever that fear stands i disconnect myself number three tell god no bad news it will end up in praise and so be it then on wednesday i'll pray for you such as i have i decree i speak into your life into the life of this baby when grace is available disgrace it will be canceled sorrow will be put to rest not perfect what you have started i anoint this baby yes [Music] very big fear of perfect what you have started this journey will end in praise in jesus name that sister we are in whites there come on [Music] let me pray for you yet [Music] he said now buy a bottle of oil let me pray and give you instruction go and get your battle over night you know then i'll pray and i will speak my mind [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do you know why i ask you that question i know it will surprise you neither and let me pray you walk in the hospital because i saw something while i was singing that song we are somebody working with you he's not happy but they just want to create a problem for you unknown to you and what what did i saw look at what i saw he supposed to minister injection but it was changed and the person purposely did it and he took the wrong one just wanting to be a false witness against you and i decree you know go walk because i know things like that can involve life yes i think i remember something some time ago it happened and it happened to be one of the women who attend when they say fellowship years back the nurse wanted to wicket the other one go carry injection that was made for adult position italian cookie baby and there may be no shake body because the injection was more than the baby was less than one month and it was not better than they said are you not the weak injection what give you i begin doing that you get nice can i pray i have gone afraid i've been canceled you're not gonna walk you're not gonna walk and i want you to pray the day you go happy you know good day duty slowly here with your ear one one woman of our village i hear one story one day i love they say a woman gave birth within our family another years back another old woman came to name that child when they were naming the baby now he named the child he kept warmer because there's another woman two of them departed he said don't believe they get power media power go outside the human side reject his name nobody might begin to say may power go outside but that in the message those who believe they get power to fight me make them go test they are made outside i anoint you may god who you believe defend you and whoever that mock your faith for whatever reason or the other may god give you a day for them to know that your god is still alive i can't say any danger any trap against your work the lord protect you the lord keep you the lord separate you i declare you untouchable whatever mistake program spiritually it will not work it will not stand thank you for in jesus name declare three days midnight pray reject the counseling ask god to protect you but you are going and coming and protect your work case close open that away let me pray i bless this a point of contact for miracle deliverance and restoration lord do the impossible through this and take other glory i stop every handwriting of the devil in any form where is that god answer by fire here is the god of miracle prove yourself and prove your power thank you mighty father in jesus name amen amen and amen now do you know the assignment i want to give you did just this oil tell your husband both of you if you do it by faith we hear the results just twice every day the first thing in the morning the last thing in the night then pray whatever inside of us standing against what we are looking for your time is up go out and never come back the second prayer tell god prepare me for what i am looking for when you are done if it is possible for both of you to come and see me even if it's tuesday i'll join fair with you then we look unto god i anoint you i decree whatever in any form it has entered this home i'm fighting against your testimony today i stop that enemy i reverse that power in the name of god the father son of the holy ghost in jesus name now stand your feet lift up your eyes let me pray bless that all i mean literally let me pray i bless that eye point of contact for miracle did i hear your amen i gave you prayer last week right now let me conclude our prayer i declare that all he blessed point of contact for testimony points of contact for miracle in the name of god the fire son of the holy ghost whatever you use it for the lord honor you give you testimony in jesus mighty name we are praying amen now anoint your two hands bless you and protect what is in your hand i declare you untouchable in jesus name amen is i speak favor i speak miracle at the great testimony and i decree upon your son protection coverage any eye against him may not go walk it will not stand in the name of god the father son and the holy ghost joy is speaking to your prayer life one two three [Music] you want the lord to change it you are the law that changed nothing i declare your head untouchable i declare your health protected far from evil you are untouchable you're untouchable you're untouchable nothing will buy your head in jesus name [Music] whatever stress whatever manipulation against your health i cancel it i command your sleep be restored in the name of jesus thank you father in jesus name god for your mighty hand for your deliverance for your miracle thank you our father be thou exalted in jesus name take this baby on the altar pray for this baby declare this baby and touch him let his baby protect you tell god no evil hand is permitted to touch this one and some of them i bless whatever you put your hand upon giovabucine [Music] let me tell you what we tell you oswald so [Music] [Music] dress [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you never disconnect some of you really say i didn't see anyone i didn't see you and the dog will shock you go see him i bless your hand i give you back what you have lost [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] divine protection coverage in the name of god the father son and the holy ghost in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] like this [Music] [Music] all you need is my voice not my hand yes it is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] others will not kill you and release grace your protection in the name of jesus you are protected in the name of jesus you are your household total protection separated from evil far from tears [Music] hello [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] you're protected separated from evil grace cover you may the lord defend this world in our lives [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] i release every one of them that is stranded may the hand of god visit them in jesus name [Music] i believe may god give you complete restoration and turn the battle into testimony and wake up your helpers favor on every side your labor will not be vague in jesus name [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] your destiny [Music] wow [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] wow [Music] my [Music] okay [Music] whatever that is locked up against you i open it i release your destiny what you are looking for [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] lord thank you come where come call our sister back you're the one i pray for during the service last sunday right how is the baby now it's left right now yes nothing repeat again no sir and they have been happening for two months yes it has centered thank god lord i declare this will be untouchable are declared protected are they untouchable in jesus name amen said to him now stand your feet let me pray for you i covered with the blood of jesus i cover this everyone in israel with the blood of jesus do what doctor medicine cannot do in jesus name amen as you leave this on may shout of joy break out from your heart those who are to bless you wherever i wake them up that which you don't like is far from you i connect everyone in your family we have shot against christ we shot against death we shot that against period in the name of god the fire son of the holy ghost we opened up for miracle testimony and shout out of job can i hear him and threefold i come by with the blood of jesus thank you father in jesus mighty name another amen the loudest amen may we share the grace and fellowship by the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit rest and abide with us now and forever now surely goodness and mercy favor and glory anointing and power shall follow us all the days of our life and we shall dwell in the house of the lord forever and ever go amid the lord bless you shalom please all members of the women choir please find your way to the choir stand now if you are a member of the women's choir find your way to the choir stand now praise master jesus hallelujah today is a black service indeed amos affects to it and i was taught in the area i needed it most and i have our guest i'll be sharing that is joy of today's service and you tell us where it came from first of all please what's your name sir my name is mr anderson i came from yesterday i came from garment i was a servicer fine it's very fantastic i really enjoy my stay here thank you i know you have been watching us from ghana for a long time there are some persons also watching from ghana now the message you have for them sir yeah i've been watching from ghana but i say i must say the risk and camp so that i will see it by myself so there will be a living testimony and since monday i am here starting from the camp they keep us they took care of me everything was perfect i relax and enjoy myself every day even yesterday i was meet with man of god one-on-one and today i have a wonderful day i have a wonderful service but my heart is full of joy so i want to pass this major to my brother so about the air he make time and come and come and see what i have seen in fact god is here and indeed god is great thank you very much javed for mr chica that is a great time to be in the presence of god renewal is a place for all of you watching us all over the world come and be particular of this great commission you'll never remain you will never regret of doing so and as you keep following my tv and as you keep following this girl's commission i know definitely tomorrow will be your day i am chinese god bless you and keep a date with us next week
Views: 6,158
Rating: 4.8390803 out of 5
Id: 7qKlh0UymVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 22sec (6382 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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