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[Music] foreign [Music] my [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] show me your power [Music] show me your power [Music] show me [Music] show me [Music] show me [Music] you [Music] me [Music] i need your power [Music] show me [Music] show me [Music] we give you chance i pray [Music] there is nothing you cannot do wrong there is nothing you cannot do to over [Music] i have tested of your love i have seen your mighty wars mountain mover my lover [Music] there is nothing you cannot do [Music] there is nothing you cannot do to your body [Music] my [Music] i have tested of your lord i have seen your mighty words there is nothing you cannot do [Music] i have tested of your lord i have seen your [Music] mountain mover [Music] i have tested of your love i have seen your mighty words mountain mover [Music] lord thank you be thou exalted thank you for the month of september in jesus name put amen three times very loud and clear shout the blood of jesus three times loud the blood of jesus christ shouting my father my maker every trap of the weekend against my life against my loved ones in this nightmare of the year by the blood of jesus i terminate all spirit of death bad news senpai open your mouth lord yes lord thank you for be that way out be that glorified in jesus mighty name we have prayed give the lord a clap and a shout wherever you are take your seat and be blessed you're blessed and highly welcome in jesus name i welcome you to the ninth month of the year we are doing song number two great is thy faithfulness the teenagers just completed their campaign yesterday those children that they are convention is the only one that stresses me from every other convention because they are old if you miss it even yesterday i was told some of them didn't want to go yet i said they should go it's done we are done for this praise god they are not in a hurry to praise god they are not in a hurry to pray so if i don't feel the word when they are hungry they will use their hands clap clap these houses begin to dance i love their strength and when they are tired you know by their attitude you know that something is wrong you know they are too emotional does it praise god and i'm glad let me tell you if you remember a mother here or parents here you don't allow your teenagers to join them i'm telling you you're not helping that child and when you go in their minds you see the ones that are carrying fire you see some that you will be glad to bring your children amen i'm telling you you see talents when they are praising god they'll be telling them what that means say no as a spirit like they may praise god two hours they said maybe hunger don't they catch them that's where they're praising no they love gay kid praise god i love them so much and i really only the shout alone these are so far you know they are full of strength full of knowledge full of energy so the campaign this year ended and so many of our teachers went to teach them i believe that we are highly blessed praise god even my own small son i said you never had a teenager he said no he go go he said he said but if the service is too long that i can be as i will come back that's okay and he got there yesterday he said i enjoyed the service that's okay thank you but you are not yet a teenager praise god that's it now because the moment you put your children there who have that love for god they will see things that will ginger them and they'll be blessed and they we are not every other campaign we do there the moment we do the last section six o'clock everybody don't carry back isn't it they left ten o'clock haven't i we are begging them to go food don't finish everything praise god so may that never go down in jesus name so and this in the second service today they will be rounding up their campaign i welcome you to this special service of the month i thought you give the lord a clown and help me also celebrate those watching these live broadcasts all over the world all over the world even though today is your first time watching i tell you you'll be blessed enjoy this service of worship and praise and i believe everything around it will turn around and the year will end in praise not in tears it's aiming very loud and clear so and i told you next sunday is a impartation service i won't tell you how it will look like but a lot of instructed me on what to do so join me the first section is here 6 15 which are going to run as fast as possible for the second service could be at equinino praise god the same time 9 30 and i told you by next week i'll be showing you the first songs i put together in a cd am i correct about six tracks it's called prophetic administration yes so i is in the second service i will do that so those of you who want to really hear it for the first time join me those you believe you have a special son you're a special daughter join the second service and they say will not have faith services there will be first service praise god thank you now those of you watching online i i want to give you this information and i want to remind you i've been telling you before but let me remind you for those who are joining the platform for the first hour all those who are new on remy tv platform whether on facebook or youtube because this message comes directly to to you not those on free to air television because of the rate of scammers i have told you anybody who wrote you on your page with my name with my picture i wrote you and said give your friendship request priya is in mind this is comment we are not sending anybody requests those who requested from us we have not replied so anybody who send you message even while the service is on trying to write you while you're on chatting on i mean why the service is going on now that he wrote you the i8 mind is a scammer after the service you see a whole messenger use any of your platform to write you in play in form of evangelist kinsley be it in mind the moment you're right you know you say this one at 419. because if i have the time i will pick your course for more than two three days now i have not been able to pick us those of you have been calling you have called your attacks i've given me more than 50 missed calls so if i had the time i'll pick your calls and there are some of you i supposed to call after they are specified which i have started little by little so i have a lot of work on my table and i saw something again online yesterday when i just went online i saw we had another page they call it evangelist skin ceiling work prayer request what's up join so if you click the join you join a lot of 409 online so be it in mind i'm bringing it to you share this video and get to everyone in your contact it's not me it's his camera so if you have joined that evangelist kissing world prayer requests what's up pull yourself out is this calm because the moment you join they will give you the whatsapp number to chat me it's not me even i have seen somebody our media showed me something they would even do video call for you putting my picture on it you think that i'm the one talking to you you know computer these days is serious but if you are if you if you're wise you still know something that is coded you know what is real praise god so event that if i so-called evangelically work prayer group choose where i saw one he said choose one thing out of this it's not me these are those platforms you must avoid praise god remind tv we have a lot of messages we vote on the media department to reply talk of writing they can only write you maybe you ask for my number direct number through the church whatsapp number which they always display in every of the service then they can give you my number but my direct number only one number i'm using and i have my reason of doing that that is my direct number any other number they gave you is a roster it's a forward night this only number i'm using if you want to reach me though it's a little bit difficult if you try and try it didn't you can send test i know at times it's difficult to answer all the whole tests but that is the easiest way but by the grace of god within the shutdown i'm going to create time i think what i'm going to do now after some time i will inform you i'll have a day for those of you in america those of you in europe and those of you in africa i'll divide days of counseling i think that'll be easier so that if the line will not be too congested so take note of that there was some number we have here they will still show it to you any other whatsapp number is 219. a lot of them they'll be telling you sent to offend foundation kc foundation kb orphanage i don't have a furniture i don't have motherless home if they are eating money made for orphanage they will become a fan they will become motherless in jesus name because what you ask god is what he will give you yes so be it my i don't have anyone and i've never sent anybody and i'm not hoping to send anybody if i feel like giving something to orphanage i do it myself i won't send you if i feel like giving yes we do but we don't do it openly i would do it myself i won't send you because if i send you if i want to send you there will be mixed up i won't and i have not sent anybody so take note of that because if i want to send my city off on it i would know make sure i send it to real funny not business or furniture because there are some business advantage and there are real orphanage and there are scammers of funding like the ones online yes take note of that so that's the so-called evangelistic one prayer group whatsapp group is not me pick one thing evangelistic what praying for you for the week pick one thing you need with it from that in one month is not me if i want to minister to you i come online can i watch out 500 people once on a page now we are having almost 700 000 followers youtube we are hitting almost 70 000 people on that platform so how do i reach them one on one is it easy like that so very very important take note of that and they love bless us can i hear your amen and disciples take notes they will not be meeting tomorrow because of the teenagers that just returned from their camp and they'll be concluding their convention today so it will be next week monday 13th the lord bless us in jesus name today is your first time worshipping with us you have been with us in any other program but this is your first time on sunday morning worshiping with us wherever you are stand to your feet i want to welcome you i want to appreciate you anybody like that this is your first time on sunday morning worshiping with me anybody like that give the lord a club i think there's some of them stand to your feet you're blessed you are highly welcome we love you we appreciate you god bless you all shall direct and we have a seat to reserve for you i believe he's better he's more confident than where you are the lord blessed you do for you what you can do for yourself can we give the lord a club one more time usher upstairs show them the ones in the gallery they wrote downs to downstairs where we reserve seat for them god bless you does anyone outside allow them in we have seed or shall show them where they're supposed to sit show them where they're supposed to sit your bloods are highly welcome in jesus name so they'll be counseling on tuesday and wednesday prayer is going to be a very fast and brief one because of the word 10 wednesday fellowship and i want to also inform this house many of you don't didn't know except those who attend wednesday fellowship by 26th of this month wednesday prayer will clog 25 years is that not a serious work is that all you can do for work of 25 years yes you know one is a senior discharge with six years and i will be selling december september on eighth will be exactly our 19 years as a church praise god and please endeavor always to use your face mask while you're coming to service that is the directive of government and make sure you do that make sure you do that very very important the bible told us that we should obey those in authority so endeavor to use your face masks and the lord bless you in jesus name howdy johnson let's welcome the choir as they give us the hymn and their number come on give the lord a baby cloud [Music] in number two great is that faithfulness [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] so many times [Music] um [Music] series [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] blessings [Music] oh [Music] [Music] please [Music] praise the lord somebody hallelujah with the wonder voices we have a song to bless you this morning listen and be blessed so [Music] who is okay [Music] victory belong to jesus [Music] victory belong to jesus [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] to jesus [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] victory [Music] foreign [Music] you're my provider [Music] [Music] for me [Music] little we belong to jesus oh [Music] [Music] victory belongs to jesus [Music] [Music] victory belongs victory [Music] me [Music] [Music] victory [Music] victory victory [Music] [Music] victory [Music] open your bible with me psalm 147 verse 1 2 3 to praise the lord for it is good to sing praises unto our god for it is a pleasure for it is pleasant and praises our praise is calmly verse two can worry reading with good understanding then verse three finally he healed the broken in heart and bind up their wounds lord bless the world in jesus name seed and god bless you this morning i'll be preaching a topic i titled the reason why we praise him and i told you this is all about let's say thank you the greatest thanksgiving is it thanksgiving from the heart not just with your mouth let it come from your heart if you look at that psalm 147 he say praise the lord it is good to sing praises unto our god for it is a pl it is pleasant praise is calmly and verse 2 said for he said the lord do what dude of jerusalem he gathered together the outcasts of israel they rejected once but verse 3 said why he led the broken heart now broken heart no doctor can hear that he's only god that had the medicine such sickness is bigger than ethnic doctors it's only god that have the resources i have the medicine that killed the broken heart and do what i'm bind up the word bind up means to seal up the wounds they injuring their life don't you know that badliness can cause injury not to know that when people mock you can cause injury but god knows how to he doesn't just heal he seal it up switch your hand this week as you offer him your praise may your cup never be empty yes [Music] [Music] we worship him because we are alive a dead man cannot praise him david as god said can a dead man praise you can those in the grave worship you it's only the living and that's why someone around 150 percent let everything that has spread so those who don't have bread cannot [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] great [Music] [Music] is your name this same yesterday today i'm forever so [Music] yesterday today i'm forever [Music] we worship me because many suffrage of january they were not privileged like us to see september many saw the beginning of this covey of this pandemic but many have gone long time ago [Music] my god will never change girl's day my god will never change the same yesterday today i'm forever so good my god who never changed glory on our power to the one who reigned forever amen amen blesses us our celebration to the one race forever [Music] you are to reign you are a great god in different ways i have tasted of your power are not that too strong but you are not too sick you are a great god in different ways i am tested of your power jesus you are to reload you are a great god in different ways i have tasted of your power jesus you are too real you are a great god in different ways i have tasted of your power [Music] god [Music] foreign me [Music] i don't know whether you are saying it from the depths of your heart [Music] do you know how many who wish you dead the god you're not disturbing you even when you don't even know how to pray the grace was still dead even when people say look at holy why but they are not the one that will question god he is a king maker he decides our matter on your left [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh you need to thank him he is still god there are many who are rolling against you they may have said one thing or the other is god who permits they will say the lord have trusted me but they have not handed me over today that's why we praise him it doesn't do like men the day you offend them they will change their mind we offend him here to stay lovers see the way you love me see the way you care for me you carry my matter for your head he never [Music] he gave [Music] because of jesus [Music] because of jesus christ [Music] [Music] what makes you happy will not die the arrow of the wicked will not miss your hand the arrow you talk will not catch your children will not catch your loved one can i hear your elements return [Music] sit down he is the one that healed us sickness beyond doctors athlete doctors even the early doctors they care about god is still the healer if you see any doctor or any physician ask him or her this thing called life inside a man's life or inside every man have he or she seen it before he's a spirit inside man and that is god i'm telling you l-i-f-e if they say he's alive he's a lively check that's why when that thing god wants to collect it the doctors will be there with seeing and doing what they are doing and that thing is going it's inside the man but they don't know the direction when you're looking for the heart you know we have to find you we are looking for keeping you know the direction but this thing called life is everywhere in the man but you can't see with your heart glory or no power to the one who reigns [Music] forever [Music] jesus [Music] switch your hand and see life all over you you worship me there nothing good is permitted to die is your self-temper to remember all you need to offer him praise if you are thankful your tank will not be empty sit down i will put you in front in front of my man you are all the matters [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] i put you in front in front of my life [Music] i'm [Music] hear me when we offer him praise we are not favoring him we are connecting back to ourselves forget what is happening even though you didn't eat what time god you are alive there are many who ate over those and yet they couldn't wake up and there's a homework who's there with hunger and they wake up healthy god is the one who decides he's not what you heard that kept you this is the hand of god do you know how many are you smiling as a friend but they are the enemy you're looking for and here the hand of god protected [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] yami is still god and i know he will carry today [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] then [Music] to embrace that we're lord worthy to be praised [Music] lord we give you a chance september october november december grace will carry us through i wish i can get the memo from you you you are there [Music] [Music] today [Music] [Music] today [Music] i see [Music] you are praying just thank him if god can do it can you do it if you god cannot change it can you change it maybe there's one or two things you're asking but you have not received don't kill yourself he's the one that saves our time he makes all things beautiful in his time you are the song that i sing today [Music] you are the reason for my song today god that word that marvelous to be praised [Music] [Music] jimmy [Music] foreign i encourage you offer him your turns from your heart i know there are some who are sick hearing me i know so who i pray i want to let you know god is aware but as long as imagine you should see today there is something you have in mind for you so him that is found among the living there is hope for a living dog is still better than the dead don't kill yourself don't condemn yourself those who have what you don't have is not better than you god is the one that make kings he's the one that raised one and bring down one at the same time said that produced whatever it is you may not be child it may be money maybe one thing or the other but offer him chance for keeping you alive do you know there are people who have what you don't have but they are not alive and whatever you have that you are not alive you can enjoy it it takes a living to praise him and he's taking a living to make use of whatever thing on earth don't kill yourself even though people are mocking you god understands [Music] everywhere [Music] he does things the way he please him nobody controls him he is a commander that cannot be commanded [Music] [Music] he's still god and i tell you i should thank him today from the depths of your heart you walk it out if you believe it you will prove it yes if you believe it you fought things are possible to hinder believing mathematicians say if you prove it i believe but god said if you believe it i will prove it [Music] yet [Music] [Music] my [Music] you are still god you are gone from beginning [Music] you are god [Music] [Music] by yourself [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] can i hear you singing [Music] you are [Music] you are your word [Music] you are [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] the man that knows the end from the beginning he will see you through if i hear your element he will defend you this environment will not be hurting your body not even anyone around you in jesus name see them hallelujah hallelujah we need a voice to praise your name hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] god we worship you can i hear you shouting from your depth of your heart say thank you jesus 24 hours from the beginning of the earth they bow down they throw their crown they have no other job than to praise him that leave it forever hallelujah [Music] me [Music] this week you will not return empty everything will turn around for your good whatever limitation is over sorrow is over yes it's over receptors to be victorious can i hear ailments three times loud and clear sit down now watch this let me give you a few points i may not be able to do all the reason why we praise him or we praise the lord because number one he abused jerusalem his church which is verse 2 he abused jerusalem his church you know jesus said upon this rock i'll be in my church and again surveillance at 157 i mean 147 we're looking at verse 2. the lord do it build up what jerusalem he goddard together the outcast of his wife you know church is like a spiritual hospital yes yes there are many of us the moment we come no matter what we are going through as we offer him praise everything just disappear that is the medicine that is the injection you need at the moment foreign [Music] because he gathers the outcasts which is save us too they reject them there are many who have condemned you forsake you and that's what they will say they stoned the view that it didn't start today it will be happening and muslim people that are rejected these are the people god laid their hands upon these are the people god laid hands upon that time people looking like they were marching and that someone would look around and say to him [Music] some of yourself this you can't if you sit near there before they would do like this [Music] [Music] yes he gathered the outcast not the perfect man rejected and abandoned criticized for a second these are people he's looking for he said those who are hungry he feed them but those who believe they are proud he allowed them to go home empty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] do i have a witness in this house [Music] [Music] [Music] they look at you they can't kill you they can't condemn you they can't even be blessed in your life like you don't tire them and it's written all over your face because you cannot vote out a man you did not vote switch your two hands i see more grace on your head you you if you say that i mean i see grace on your head grace to finish today you will not see this grace you may not sit here you will not so much strength somebody has a grace number three siddha am i correct he binds up the wounds the bind of the wounds oh let me take this as number three he healed the brokenhearted because there are two things in verse three the first is he healed the broken hearted look at the street put it in a lower english let's look at that verse 3 in two directions he heals the broken hearted and bind up the first thing he heals the broken at them now what is happening together some people you put your trust who suddenly failed you the day you needed them they are not available and if they have told you you won't believe it even if anybody is seeing until you say this one you say forget it they talk rubbish but suddenly you know they will say he said if it were enemy that he approached me i would appear but it wasn't my own brother we eat communion together we sit together we dance but now you now you cost me my heartbreak that is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are they calling me your village do you know what they call this god in your village [Music] yes [Music] the wounds many will feel dead when you're in the midst of happening they say you would die but god said no you never see some people who are happy like saying one day but those who never feel like they are going down it's not just about that there are some people out there you look good say oh this one has future multi millionaires you see some people you thought they are wretched their day will break humanity [Music] richie [Music] [Music] he said god you have done something for me that proved to me that you are god may rejected me you accept me men walk me you make me a celebrity people say i am nobody but today i have a dress [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i [Music] you [Music] me wave your hand shout hallelujah sit down your miracle will come out your testimony will come out it will soon come out it will come out this morning can i hear a man that agree with me too you know is [Music] is [Music] number four okay number five am i correct number five he counts the number of the stars only him no computer can give you that it counts the number of the stars verse 4. look at my son he tell us the number what distance he called them all by their names so they have names yes he knows them and that's why no matter the number we are in a savage no matter the number of people are calling all over the world he knows you know your address when we shout he knows your voice if you are present you know if you're absent he knows [Music] [Music] [Music] i hear god said there is a turnaround already [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] foreign [Music] him today the environment will favor you you will not see what will swallow you you will not hear bad news in your family so do it from the death of your heart and something begin to happen jesus remember [Music] [Music] i want [Music] for you [Music] dancing [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] don't allow anybody [Music] the [Music] so lord i appreciate him thank you for your mercy we know the week will be is bright the month is good the season is favorable so you'll be the glory forever and ever can i hear emma three times louder switch your hand as you have offered him praise from the depths of your heart may your weak be blessed may your mouth be prosperous may your season be favored you are far from bad news you are far from sorrow you are far from tears said i said god has made me to laugh may god turn this season into your season of laughter you hear me there if i hear him and three times is connected switch your hand lord i pray for all viewers all over the world partners of this ministry all over the world i stretch my hand as a high priest of this commission september october november december grace will not disconnect you will not lack grace on your hand you will not walk alone may heaven accompany you in the name of jesus lord bless our viewers all members all partners all over the world because we have praise him from the depth of our heart because we connect we continue with our fellowship and our assignment lord our weak will not be dry whatever program against our happiness at the sound of your enemy we command you to die i bless those that bless you i curse any man on evil assignment open your two hands your hands will not be empty even if it's pure whatever you said this symbol on the lord will embarrass you the lord will surprise you receive a surprise in the name of jesus that country that city the environment you find yourself even though people are crying i see the hand of god upon you receive grace for laughter in the name of god the father son of the holy ghost i'll present your request on this altar before god this symbol to your testimony will come out as people are testifying even though today is your first time if you send this man from your heart i see testimony in your house hear this here this ng company we locate families and they call money miracles i see financial open door i see people completing houses i see women confirming babies i see doctors confirming marriage if i hear your aiming seven foot is connected give the lord a club wherever you are say that god bless you lit up your title attain of your income further receive it as we give unto you rebuke the world i can't come to woman caterpillar let there be increase and let there be testimony thank you mighty fire bless them as i have declared how may your world produce evidence as we are hearing all over the world in jesus mighty name amen why are you saying jesus be upset do you not say don't say to me downstairs [Music] foreign [Music] forever [Music] forever [Music] and i want to inform the house and every reminds all over the world the building plan for the new wisdom cathedral have been approved media wish you can see show them to remember what we are looking at the complete view of that new wisdom cathedral yes that's what we have there yes we are doing much more than what we are doing what we did in equine error so that it will contain put overflow once praise god and i want to also let you know i told you before there is a man who said he wanted to see to be the first the man rushed and gave us one trailer load of cement immediately i pray this meant may not go to shekel before we start to nine bucks has made may the lord bless him he say want his own to stand first before that's beginning you i said i love your face praise god so when in church you are waiting for the engineer to be done then he will switch over to wisdom cathedral so underwear a church i think we wouldn't have the the update after yesterday but i think we trust god that by this time next week that some parts have been synced and stopped blustering that's what they are hoping for now because we want to come open the church you need to commence on that things of nestment have i told you who is going to pioneer that stick headquarters i have not told you but it is not today i will tell you later lit up your projection father received as we give unto you increase those favors on every side and let your name be glorified thank you father in jesus name lift up your offering may you never see tears may the lord remove suffering out of your way may your hands not be dry may your seed in this approach this result may grace connect you this week your seed will produce greater habit than you expected but most will not cost you tears but rather i see heaven giving you laughter it will be your best season ever in the name of god the father son and the holy ghost in jesus mighty name let me hear a aiming but those will be online see that usher so directly choir will sing for us praise the lord [Music] praise the lord [Music] praise the lord [Music] foreign [Music] just begin to watch [Music] yes [Music] foreign [Music] who you are [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] uh [Music] praise thy lord remind praise master jesus our god is good and all the time today we'll have the following thanksgiving and dedication we have monacism abraham we have a laura alisa uzoka they are thanking god for adding the year to the age put your hands together for jesus we have mister and mrs imma feed on sunday thanking god for the successful marriage ceremony and they want all choir to join them in thanking god put your hands together for jesus we also have brother uh dedicating a toyota car amen acquire over to you hey me [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] so [Music] uh lord thank you for your mercy your faithfulness and your power lord i decree your more of your grace upon every one of them and everyone will have joined them for thanksgiving lord i declare your blessing upon this marriage i cancel whatever not planted by you let it be uprooted bless this home in the name of god the father son and the holy ghost in jesus name lord thank you for those who are big day i decree many more good years thank you about father for your power in jesus name father thank you for this car who decreed far from accident robbery attack and fire disaster i dedicate in the name of god the father son and the holy ghost in jesus name amen god bless you let's give the lord a club why welcome our pastor to complete the assignment they never finish praise the lord praise master jesus because of space we have to split the thanksgiving into two so all remind anointed security departments are thanking god for his greatest protection upon their members and for what god teached for them today put your hands together for jesus all right my security department come forward for your thanksgiving amen [Music] blue [Music] oh [Music] that one the equino okay the outside oh he's dead duty that one started security at the age of two it only five years now right he did i want to really appreciate god for our security department i can tell you the best department so far i'm telling you they walk under on that sun they are now complaining they do more than we expected as they pack your car outside they are monitoring they are doing nothing as if they had been paid with all their heart now with grudges those of us worshipping when you know you see there's a basket there they don't come to construction construct they don't don't hear word by force now then they buy their material and then they buy sand and they every sunday they will photos are carrying the red sand filling the road jesus is any love greater than this stand to your face stretch your hand pray for them you will pray for them then i will pray put tell god more of his blessing because when we do things for god with all our heart no we are not just praying for leaders or even the ones is in the other section in the second service the security department in the international what she said that we got the same body lord thank you dc will not go down no man will kill his heel no man we killed his love among them in jesus mighty name we have prayed one day i called one of my daughters one of my daughters in the lord who called me we live abroad he was in this department years ago before she traveled we are saying something he said oh you don't know what i'm seeing security department i say you travel you see i'm still a member he said i still follow up even though i'm not there i know what they are doing he said my uniform is still with me any day i come you see me because there is love but when you leave a place where god is moving and there is love you will miss it almost seven years abroad instead they talk as if he left yesterday father thank you for this love in this security department no man will kill this love no man will kill this love thank you for what you are doing in your life and what you are doing among them how you are using them to work without complaining doing your work with all the heart in every areas of life god who called me bless you and every one of you body and international worship center i pray for all of you nothing good is permitted to die in your heart and if there is anything you don't have by this time next year the lord give you i declare you protected i declare you protected i declare you protected in the name of god the father son of the holy ghost in jesus name amen give the lord a clap god bless you i love you all i'm telling you stand to your feet take your oil i'm telling you i love the security department they love among them you can't separate one from one very strong and that's what christianity is all about love if there's no love not god then i'm telling you they follow up each other's problems they follow up their department in fact when i look at them i feel excited on sunday they will be carrying some shoes they carry their son ah yeah yeah go equini junction that bad spot they don't welcome now then buy material let them do by themselves they walk and walk and walk every i can't one day stop i say no be sure because then i don't worry the one making me wait and today we can pass here wonderfully away because by this time of day it will be difficult praise god may the lord bless them talk to me say amen if you are happy to hear that lift up that door and bless that oil point of contact for miracle the lord blessed this week is blessed for you but the reason of anointing whatever you okay your life let it be broken thank you mighty father in jesus mighty name we pray anoint your hands anoint your head put oil on your feet otumba in the security department come see vegas is in our day now hear this god told me this sunday we need to offer him praise nothing but praise say things begin to happen and lord we have done as you instructed us i know the wick will produce come and see what the lord has done come and see what the lord has done come and see what god has done [Music] come and see what i know [Music] come and see what the lord has done [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] this way [Music] hello [Music] not just this week to look like tell him his word must surely come to pass he will never never lie his word might surely come to pass in my life he will never never lie in jesus mighty name we have prayed remind is this a man or something like amen number two i want you to pray they are going to decree and declare any man or woman on evil mission against me i refuse to be their victim declare i share the blood of jesus three times louder open your mouth declare it any man a woman on evil mission i refuse to be their victim their evil will not catch up with me i will never be their victim i will never let you go unless you bless me i will never let you go unless you bless me in jesus name we have prayed open your two hands i pray for you whatever god did not plant in your life in the name of jesus at the sound of your aiming you are far from it i shut door against bad news switch your two hands those who are mocking you may god make you wonder before they are that brother we are in believe they come i yes your heart and i cancel whatever that is against what is in your hands i cancel every power that devour blessing i declare you protected from evil no man will buy your life in the name of jesus somebody shout the blood of jesus three times louder sister we are in white close to the flame close to that sampling come we are in wipe down yes come down carrying the baby come shall the father in the name of jesus release my blessing let me hear amen three times switch your hand toward the altar can i hear your rule set favor seven times loud and clear for how long now you have not been sleeping well two months conversion yes i cancelled that attack and is your first baby right yes whatever power and assignment to take the life of this baby i console it i put a stop by the power that is in the word of god conversion will not repeat again every attack within that vicinity i pull your head out of it i declare you untouchable declaring protest from this night such attack and never come back in the name of jesus christ thank you father in jesus name now i want you to anoint him this night every 12 o'clock do it today do it tuesday and on monday night watch it the whole thing is end has end it has ended case closed open your two hands how many of you are expecting money this season huh let me pray for you you don't let me pray i pray for you and i want you to ask for yourself that the lord will see you through counsel negative doctors report you declare that prayer three days cancel it god's protection upon you upon this baby in the name of god the father yes lord yes lord correct any issue yes lord in the name of god yes son and the holy ghost somebody shall power of the holy ghost settle it now in the name of jesus i release oil on your head i believe it is settled can i hear you amen that's sister they come wearing brown something like brown they come i pray for you i pray for your children they love protect you is that your children i declare them untouchable declared and protected i anoint your hands which business are you doing i want you to pray three days against whatever you finish that prayer next sunday when i'm concluding you come out touch your hand somebody shall favor put the hand on your head shout it no man will buy my head i am separated from evil [Music] [Music] foreign jesus switch your hand to wear this out the lord give you what you are looking for those who are to favor you may they never change your mind i cover you with the blood of jesus i cover you with the blood of jesus i cover you with the blood of jesus where is the lord god every mind here is the lord god every mind where is that god answer by fire show yourself and show your power thank you mighty fire did i hear amen three times your week is blessed in jesus name may we share the grace and fellowship may the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit press on about with us now forever more surely goodness and mercy favor and glory anointing and power shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall join the house of the lord forever and ever amen take note no meeting tomorrow till next monday shalom all women you
Views: 9,149
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Id: Yhc5UY5TDyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 5sec (7025 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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