Wednesday Evening Service (11-18-2020)

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[Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right glad to see you grab your handbook let's stand page 393. 393 gonna sing blessed assurance page 393 blessed assurance page 393 all together let's sing it out here we go ready on that first blessed assurance jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine prayer of salvation purchase of god born of his spirit washed in his blood this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day long this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day long second verse perfect submission perfect delight visions of rapture now burst on my side angels descending bring from above mercy whispers of love this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day long this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day long last verse perfect submission [Music] watching and waiting looking above [Music] this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day long this is my story this is my song praising my savior amen great singing now let's go over a couple pages back here page 391 page 391 amen trust and obey [Music] page 391 good song amen 391 on that first verse all together ready here we go when we walk with the lord in the light of his word what a glory he sheds on our way while we do his good will he opines with us still and with all who will trust and obey trust and no pain for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and obey second verse not a shadow can rise not a cloud in the skies but a smile quickly drives it away not a doubt or a fear not a sign or a tear can abide while we trust and obey here we go trust and hope [Music] but to trust and obey let's sing that third not a burden [Applause] not a sorrow we share but our toll he does rich we repay not a grief nor a loss not a frown nor a cross but is blessed if we trust trust and no pain for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and no payless thing at last that in fellowship sweet we will sit at his feet or we'll walk by his side in the way what he says we will do where he sins we will go never fear only trust and obey trust and hope for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and obey amen well i'm glad that you're here you obeyed the lord came to church tonight and i was looking there in the last part of that where he sends we will go amen and tonight we have a missionary with us amen that's going and i sure appreciate the miller family being with us i didn't tell him before he came but i have an uncle whose name is matt miller so when you sent me your thing matt miller to serbia i was like i gotta check this last i knew matt miller was in colorado springs colorado hey man and so but sure appreciate the miller family being with us and they were coming through and traveling and needed a place to go and i said come on hey man so they're going to show us their video and he's going to talk a little bit about it and so if you saw the new family here that's why amen so sure appreciate them being with us but i'm glad that you're here amen that you've obeyed the lord come to church tonight and praise the lord we're going to have a good time amen before before the night's over amen thank you again for just being faithful and make sure that you stop after church though and look at the uh the table back there they've got a missionary table we're going to watch a missionary video here in a minute and ask questions and let's make sure we're an encouragement to them and we'll be a blessing amen let's pray lord we love you thank you for the day you given to us lord would you please bless the service tonight lord give us your power and your presence thank you lord for the privilege to get to come and thank you for god's people lord being faithful to gather lord from all across the city and come to church tonight lord thank you for the privilege to have the miller family with us and lord thank you so much that they've come and they have lord taking time out of their schedule to be with us lord we're honored to have uh lord your servants with us pray to you please bless them lord may they be a blessing to us may we be a blessing to them and lord god would you help us lord tonight that everything that's done and said you knew lord who would be here you knew what would happen would you speak to our hearts give us what you know that's needed and heavenly father god i love you and i thank you for loving me forgive me for where i failed you would you please would bless the service tonight we need you in jesus name amen you may be seated as you find your seat there just do me a favor close those back doors i think i'm getting too much of an echo that is driving me crazy and as you find your seat there did you get a church or a bible study guide anybody not get one and need one amen the bible study guide and the prayer list amen anybody not get one need one and i think we're good amen great job guys cyrus close those doors back for me too as well amen so i make sure we don't get because that is that really is driving me crazy man but i'm glad that you're here let's open that up real fast what we're going to do is kind of streamline uh some things to make sure we give brother miller plenty of time amen so we're going to jump right into the the prayer prayer list amen so let's go ahead and do that and we'll take our prayer request if you're on the live chat you can go ahead and put the put a prayer list a prayer request in there amen we'll read that if you'd like to amen so if you're online there you can put a prayer request in there amen but we'll start with those in the auditorium amen and go with the prayer requests and i don't have my pen hey man and jesse there's a pen right there that's right brother go ahead i got a pen right there i didn't bring it from there to here amen 20 feet praise the lord jess is getting his exercise tonight i've been having him run all over amen he went and got the missionary water for me he met the missionary out front and so he's just we're got him in training amen he's going to be 20 pounds lighter by the time we're done i don't think he could stand to lose 20 pounds actually amen but hey well we're going to have a good time amen but i appreciate uh jesse's help so let's jump into the prayer request amen and we'll start with those in the auditorium and then i'll read from those on the live chat if you've got some as well amen any prayer requests tonight let's go ahead and put an ad the miller family amen as they travel be in prayer for this family amen as they on deputation so pray for them and their family amen that's a hard that's a lot of work brother amen and uh i've known a couple uh friends and family that have gone to mission field and deputation and how long have you been on deputation can i ask four months amen and i know that they say the average is three years okay yeah so it's a commitment amen are you are you full-time deputation every week amen so pray for them amen they are constantly traveling amen that's a lot of work especially with the family and uh i i uh they came in they came uh into wichita about 5 30 right it was about 5 30 and we spoke earlier this afternoon and he asked he's like what time what time you want me at the church and i said well you know get at about 6 15 some people start getting here at 6 30 and i said go ahead you know 6 15 you can so he texted me at 5 30 said we just got into the hotel and i had already looked online and saw that you know he had kids with him and i was like don't feel bad if you can't come at 6 15 amen like don't rush it i understand amen i barely get down the driveway you know with four kids amen and so i appreciate them i come so be in prayer for them as they travel even the miller family anybody else any prayer request tonight i want to make sure we get everybody brother johnny yes sir so pray for brother johnny has a second mri on friday they had his first one and they said he needs a second but they couldn't schedule it around the same time they had to schedule him a month apart and so keep that in prairie men and that'll come back well hey man anybody else any other prayer requests tonight make sure we don't miss anybody yes sir oh man i'm sorry pray for brother o'neill's daughter-in-law her becky pray for becky her dad died so sorry to hear that amen amen any other prayer requests anybody else make sure don't miss anybody miss beer yes ma'am yes amen amen superior be in prayer for miss beery's brother to be able to find a new job praise the lord he's doing well pray that he'll continue to do well amen anybody else charlotte yes ma'am yes ma'am be in prayer for miss charlotte we were so sorry to hear about that amen she had lost her job with kovid in prayer that she finds a new one amen and i'm so sorry for that amen anybody else yes ma'am amen prayer for little sam to get saved amen in prayer for that i know every time i pray for the young people of our church amen that's at the top of my prayer list is that they all come to know christ as their savior amen especially at an early age and that's my prayer as their pastor amen so let's all pray for that and as they you know it's it's great to see as your kids become interest you know they begin to think they begin to see things you know uh adlin uh my wife was telling me uh she taught sunday school last week my my oldest and uh she was teaching sunday school talking about heaven and adeline would not look up at her she just kind of wouldn't keep her head down and normally when sarah teaches sunday school for miss o'neill adlin will pay attention and listen to the story and she loves the bible stories but sarah was just kind of teaching about heaven and salvation and she just kind of just keep her head down she does not like to think about that kind of stuff right now she is uh she we were talking to her one time and she goes mom i like my life i don't i don't want to go to heaven i want to stay here and we have to try to you know get her to understand amen we're all going to die one day hey man he turned it and she does not know she didn't even like she will shut you down don't even like to think about it amen but she's beginning to process and so be in prayer for the young people amen pray for that anybody else any other prayer requests tonight in prayer for my family and i as we travel amen we're going to be traveling to texas for thanksgiving and i'm trying to be thankful hard to be thankful in texas i mean uh hard no amen would be in prayer for that and uh i'm gonna drive down there my father-in-law is in big trouble and he might be watching tonight he's in big trouble he's we're gonna what we're gonna do is we're gonna drive and spend the night uh there in fort worth because that's about that halfway point and my father-in-law sends me a text message and sends it to my wife and he goes look what i found and in in fort worth right there there's a area called grapevine they have a giant life-size peppa world he goes you got to take my grandkids to peppa pig world in grapevine text i said i am not going anywhere in fort worth texas i was like especially peppa world i was like what are you kidding me and he's like you got you better take my grandkids to peppa world and i said you take your grandkids to peppa world hey man and uh so so adeline found out about peppa world so we're in trouble amen and so i'm not happy and my my mother-in-law called me she's like get running me a guilt trip you better take those kids to peppa world and i said so pray for me amen and as i'm going to peppa world probably amen and uh so praise the lord brother ken yes sir amen pray for brother ken uh for his daughter debbie to find or to get this job amen he's pretty pretty sure that she's got it but just be in prayer for that and then wisdom to find a home and one that will be what they need amen and affordable amen man homes have just skyrocketed amen the market and so be in prayer for that anybody else anybody else anything to pray for all right let me check the live chat real fast amen if there's anybody let's see brother brother jerry ask prayer for our nation amen yes we in prayer for our country amen especially during this time amen and then let's see and brother richard amen brother richard gravely asked prayer here let me write it let me write that down he asked prayer for him and his wife had a long talk pray that things get restored between them amen so pray for he and his wife definitely be praying for that amen and then let's see oh that's just a response okay all right i think that's it any other prayer requests amen don't want to miss anybody anything to pray for all right we're going to go to the lord amen let's take a few moments i'll come back and close us here in just a moment brother randy's going to play through sweet hour of prayer and if you need somebody to pray with amen find somebody amen if they don't have somebody to pray with and let's go to the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] emily followers sure do love you thank you lord for the day that you have given to us thank you lord for lord your blessings already today thank you lord for the work that's been able to be accomplished today lord i pray to you please a bless lord now the service tonight meet with us lord with lord everything that uh that goes on everything that's said would you please holy spirit of god come down lord we ask you please that you'd meet with me these needs have been made mentioned tonight thank you for lord god's people lord and that we can come together and pray for one another thank you for the privilege of prayer emily followed god we don't deserve the opportunity of prayer lord i know lord i don't deserve to get to come to you and even ask of you these needs but lord thank you for your mercy and your grace that we can come boldly to you as the lord we bring these needs that have been made mentioned tonight please would you watch over lord each and every request lord most importantly those that need to be saved help them lord jesus to trust you as their savior lord as we have a list of those we're praying for salvation would you please holy spirit of god get a hold of their heart may they realize their need to trust jesus as their savior or thank you again for the missionary family being with us tonight brother miller and his family please bless them watch over them thank you for the privilege and the honor to get to have them with us lord help us to be a blessing and lord just pray should bless all that we do and say we thank you in jesus name amen all right a couple quick announcements real fast to give to you if you had your bulletin from sunday but just couple reminders don't forget uh saturday amen is our scripture collating and so if you can come for that amen we're going to be in the gym and they're going to put together the word of god amen so please come and take part in that we're going to feed everybody looking forward to that and just going to look at just going to have a good time amen it's a great time of food fun and fellowship amen so make sure that you come we're putting together the thai scripture uh the john and romans there so uh all the help we can get and i we've got more uh i think we're up to ten thousand scriptures now that we've put together we've sent twenty thousand we put together another ten thousand and so praise the lord let's keep up the good work amen for the lord and uh this world needs the gospel amen and uh the white house and the politics need the gospel i tell you amen i'm about to just pack up the whole church on the bus we're going to ride up there and we're going to do business amen and i'm voting for brother ken and we're going to put him and put him in there amen and bill ken can be president moss stellar 2020 right brother amen no but just be in prayer for the uh uh for these things but those things coming up amen we want to get get that done excited for the uh the scripture collating so make sure that you come and you can help us and then also next wednesday night don't forget praise prayer and pie amen so if you can come for that that'll be on wednesday night we're gonna have a time there of thanksgiving a time of prayer a lesson amen and then some pie and if you can bring a pie and we'll have some but if you can bring a favorite pie or you can make a pie or anything like that and for all of the pie lovers and then for all of the non-pie lovers we're gonna have ice cream i think is what we said amen so you can get ice cream hey man but we're gonna have some pie man have a good time and we're gonna set it up back there was talking about that and then we'll set up the pie but you know i it didn't dawn on me we got to make sure we have coffee hey man you can't have pie without coffee amen and how many of you drink coffee with your pie anybody like that how many do milk with your pie anybody milk people with pie hey man anybody just water you know anybody just don't care it's like yeah just give me something to drink okay man all right so we're going to have a good time sweet tea there any sweet tea people a couple people amen yeah backslidden amen and my wife the other day it was funny we went to i took her somewhere to eat and she asked for sweet tea and the lady said well we have unsweet and i can bring you sugar uh in packets and saying that to a texas gal is like you just insulted her like how dare you say you're gonna bring me you know packets of sweet unsweet yeah she just her eyes about that big fire behind nary man you know when i read about the lord coming one day eyes of fire amen i can i see that a little bit in sarah i meant her eyes just like you know lasers get away from me don't talk to me we didn't tip that lady either and uh it was rough no i'm just kidding we didn't but she's just like don't tip that woman can't believe she said that sugar she's in salt sugar packets hey man so uh but but we're gonna have a good time so make sure that you can come man brother miller go ahead and come on up amen let's get the the video there let me make sure that that warms up while we do that amen brother miller is going to talk to us a little bit about what he's doing and where he's going and excited to have him with us and again you're from we're in oklahoma again we're sending churches in edmond oklahoma right north of oakland yeah so just two hours away from us here and the lord's called him to the mission field neat story i got to read his testimony and and as soon as he walked in i knew he was right with god because he wears boots amen and so so we're going to take him on for support tonight just because he's got boots amen no and uh but sure appreciate uh them coming he was needing a place to stay and it's it's a blessing to be able to have them come uh i appreciate those that you give to missions uh because we were able to get them a hotel for tonight and to be able to be a blessing to the missionaries that come through even though we don't support him uh yet praying amen and that'll be the goal but we still can be a blessing when you give the missions it goes to support missionaries that come through we get them a hotel for the night right up the road here by the church we're going to take care of them amen and things like that so when you give to missions once you know this is where that goes to as well amen we take care of the missionaries that come through and even if they just can pop in like this and so we have the privilege to be a blessing amen to these people that have given their life to go across the world and and give the gospel amen miller come tell us well i hopefully get this figured out amen thanks sir well it's good to be here and i'm uh really honored and thankful for the opportunity and uh thank you pastor that he called me back and let me come up here and do this um we uh we usually travel with the camper we've me since me and my wife been married we've lived in a camper for three years now uh because we knew that god wanted us to go on deputation after we finished our internship with our ascending church my grandfather just recently passed away saturday i preached his funeral and then we hoofed it down to oklahoma to be in a message of being a service and then we're working our way up through and so that's that's why we're here is working our way back home to get our camper what you're going to see is a country of serbia over by bosnia kosovo macedonia bulgaria hungary is right north of serbia and macedonia where the bible talks about paul is right south of serbia now to get that perspective i know everybody likes statistics but here you go kansas has about 3 million people from what i hear serbia has 8.7 million people almost 9 million people and they do not have at this point a place that you could go and call like-minded believers not a church like this one there's a man over there that's trying to translate the bible but as far as people being assembled there is not and so we're going to go stay with the missionary johnny leslie in croatia for a year we're going to learn help he's going to help us adapt to the culture and the language uh and then we're going to move into survey he's going to help us because an american going overseas can get taken advantage of pretty easy so he's going to help us do that and so as you see you ask yourself so if they say even paul the apostle himself would have walked through the southern regions of serbia and so you'd ask well why isn't what happened it's very easy um one of the great things that god uses and we may see it here comes shortly in america to spread his gospel is persecution yes and that may very well mean what's on god's mind right now as far as when it comes to america you have your drugs have your dope have your meth have your pot and i'm going to give you the manna that you're desiring all the things that you think you want until it comes out your nose and then you'll cry out for me when that comes to a bottomless pit i think that may be where america is going i don't know but if you look in the southern regions of europe there there's two big religions that have dominated for years through sword and through persecution and that is the roman catholic church the universal church is what that means and the islamic groups and on both one side of serbia there's the roman catholic religion and on the other side of serbia that borders next to him is the islamic religion and guess who stuck right in the middle serbia so much so that the man who took paganism the worship of statues of zeus and pleiades and all these ancient gods and goddesses he took that and he took the modern the roman society the you know the romans that would have walked with jesus at that time he took paganism and romanism and christianity and he merged them all together into one now i say merge lightly because your bible believers didn't merge they died for their faith but the ones that were willing to bow their knee to the pope they merged the man that combined all these things together his name was constantine that man was born in serbia so as you watch the video you can know and they their claim to original christianity is that they were the first christian church now if you if you're a follower of of of catholicism you can probably agree with that but i'm not the terms bogamills waldenzians pollicians donatus novations are all terms of our forefathers that believed the book and followed the book these are people that were persecuted and ran out of their lands the bogamills specifically are people you can trace back to serbia who would who would have fled their homes fled their farms if they were not killed uh by not bowing to one of the other religions there and so i know with all my heart uh that's why god's having us take the gospel back to serbia and the reason it's it's been void for so many years is you've got communism that steps in and puts christians in camps underground i was over in in europe and spent some time with with a church over there and i got to talk to vladimir who was a man who watched the russian tanks as he was a little boy take a gun barrel and a tank and follow him as he walked to school and he said he talked to his father his father said some of the most wonderful people you've ever met were the christians and the coal mines underground they were put in these mines because they wouldn't they believed in jesus christ and the communism you didn't they didn't want that to go forth and so now that the smoke has all died down the door is opening again for people in serbia they asked us how we're going to get in one of the ways you can get into serbia right now is buy a house i mean why not right so as you watch the video i don't know if we could take questions or not but uh you'll see the face of what they would call their god and that face as you as we as christians in america might we have this vision of god that god is long-haired and and sandals and no you know some people even think that jesus had a tattoo no it didn't say love mom or nothing no but it doesn't matter what your image of god doesn't make it right and these people have an image of god that he is he is leaning towards i'm watching you to mess up and when you mess up you better pay me for your failure there is no grace there's only justice and there is no uh it's all about works you do you come to church you do this you be a good you go to heaven that's not my jesus that's not our god and it's a false god brought on by constantine in the universal church these people they go to bed every night wake up every morning with that image of god in their mind and by god's will and god's grace we're going to take him the true image of god that's jesus christ amen [Music] when i think about serbia i don't think about beaches i don't think about vacation hot spots or prosperity i think about war i think about division tradition hurt scars death i think about the orthodox religion or the cathedrals the elaborate decor the smoke the incense the statues idolatry i think about serbia i think about the coldness not of the land but of the of the people of their view of god it's distant it's it's far from god i think about skeptical people to me over there god is a tradition it's a heritage it's an angry face it's not of love not a relationship it's not what i've grown up knowing [Music] people ask what's our what's our expectations hard work time they're not fond too much of americans that i could see to build those relationships to gain trust to learn the language is going to take time and we're not going for term or terms we're going to the life in serbia [Music] we want to become serbians to reach the serbians it's going to take the help of the lord we know god's with us we are the millers inadequate yes scared to death sure but i was uh i was saved at a young age i grew up in a small baptist church i was in church it seemed like every time the doors were open then around the age of 21 i started to think god wanted more from my life i thought that just doing the church thing going to church every every time was was what the christian life was about but god wanted more then god led me to my wife she grew up a catholic and was raised build the fence and partly on the deer farm first time she heard the gospel within a small baptist church in north missouri she heard it but didn't respond to it several years later she finally became born again at the age of 19. god had led us to edmond oklahoma with pastor bishop the lighthouse baptist church our friends who were going to help send us out and get us to the other side to serbia hello i'm pastor russ bishop from the lighthouse baptist church in edmond oklahoma what i have observed in brother matt's life as a husband and as a father is that he engages his family and his faithful service to his lord and i watched his family go out door knocking i watched them go out passing out flyers for the church and i watched them in their day-to-day life try to reach people and i have seen on display not just a a heart for a land a heart for an area but i've watched god cultivate a heart for a people as he's made a couple of trips over there personally i have seen god deepen his burden for the serbian people and it is it is hard to deny that god is at work in his life and planting his heart in this particular field and so that's been encouraging to me is to see their heart on display uh not for a future ministry but for a present life calling and so that's impressed me and it's impressed the people of lighthouse baptist church we're fully behind brother matt and miss kaylin and their family going to serbia i've known brother matt for about five years and have been acquainted with him as god has brought his wife into his life and then of course his two children henry and milo and i have watched brother matt over the last couple years as i've been his pastor i've watched god develop this man and prepare him for the field that he has called him to the field of serbia and they know what they're stepping into and i i have no uh reservations about sending them as a church and standing fully behind them in this effort so thank you again for considering prayerfully the support of brother matt and miss kaylin miller amen all right turn those lights back on and i was i'm going to let him come up real fast if maybe somebody's got any questions amen and i didn't think about that but maybe if you'd like to ask a question maybe something that you saw and but what what a field i did not know uh you know that there's not a church so there's not one church in that entire nation that you know yeah that you know of wow um i mean you know that that struck my heart there amen the fact that in kansas in wichita alone i know of five or six you know independent baptist churches that preach the gospel amen and in a country of nine million there's not one what a what a what a sad thought amen and i know if it were me and what i try to think about when it comes to souls and it comes to missions uh if it were me and i were in serbia i would hope somebody would come to me amen i'm glad somebody gave me the gospel here in america i would hope somebody would be willing to come and take the gospel and so praise the lord for uh for the miller family amen brother miller you want to you know unless you seat you want to just come up anybody got any questions go ahead it's got kind of russian i can i spoke uh ebola to a serbian that's john 3 16 and he understood what i was saying but they're a different language yep do you speak russian or you just memorize that just that an amazing grace [Laughter] passion amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wrench like me so yeah wow anybody else and i'll be clear that there is one man in serbia right now in the capital city translating the bible but he's been he's been there for seven years now and he has he's that's his focus right now and they don't have an accurate bible translation but yet as far as a building or anybody even assembling the last time i checked there wasn't anything so sir he is working through i don't think he's got the gospels down i believe but as far as that goes um to find somebody that knows serbian and willing to uh get away from their tradition and help is has been a difficult task for him yep yeah a while back so uh serbia was the capital country of yugoslavia slobodan milosevic and tito reigned there now when yugoslavia broke apart a lot of these countries got their independence but serbia wanted to hold on to it all and so through ethnic cleansing things uh there's a lot of muslim ethnicities that we're going to try to take that were seemingly taken over you know islam works they just go in and breed and take over type of thing and they know that very well so they were trying to cleanse back their country to be uh proud white serbian people with a rich heritage and the big catholic churches that they have muslims were coming in burning down their churches and taking over they actually took a whole chunk out of serbia called kosovo that used to belong to serbia but no longer and so we actually as americans helped the muslims do that and so that's why they're not very fond too much of americans because we're helping the muslims win in their country unknowingly and so that's what happened in 1998 when clinton and we went over and bombed the capital serbia there's still slabs of concrete hanging from buildings because serbia spent so much money trying to keep it all together yugoslavia and all this stuff that they're now uh really poor and to where actually the guy who's helping me learn language in serbia his wife goes to germany for three months at a time to make money to bring back uh because they're not part of the european union because they won't give in to some of the european union things but yes that was part of the story all right amen all right thank you brother i was laughing too at the beginning when he was like i'm glad the preacher called me back and if you know how many how many preachers call you back can you have a statistic for that like 5 out of ten you think oh wow amen so there we go hey man and uh i learned uh from my dad he always taught me he's like son call missionaries back and he's like don't be that pastor you know he's like even if you don't want them to come just call them back and just say not at this time even so i was like so i was laughing when he said that i could think of my dad saying you call missionaries back boy don't be that pastor amen and so praise the lord and i was thinking about that that language amen good night i can't imagine looking at my wife how do you say i love you in that language yeah how romantic and uh yeah amen it's a good thing he knows english to go along with it amen and uh praise the lord all right let's grab our bibles amen and uh we're gonna jump in and we will remind me to is that off good okay we're gonna take an offering after so remind me don't let me forget to do that and give you an opportunity to give and then give to the miller family as well amen we'll give you an opportunity that let's jump right in amen grab our bibles let's go to the book of romans amen and hold your finger in romans chapter 12 and then we're also going to go well let's just stay in the book of romans for time sake amen romans chapter 12 amen is where we're going to be romans chapter 12. and if you found it say amen all right we have 10 minutes so here we go amen and grab your bible in romans chapter 12 let's read a couple verses the bible says i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service let's pray heavenly father we love you thank you lord for the privilege that we have to gather together thank you lord for the privileged lord to hear the heart of the miller family to lord reach serbia with the gospel lord how my heart lord already has touched for the fact that there is a country without a known gospel presence besides one man trying to get the bible to those people lord thank you for america and the churches that we get to have and enjoy and the bible we can hold in our in our hands tonight that we can read from and the lord we can take home to our families and we can teach our children and lord to think that there's a country lord with people that don't even have that opportunity oh god would you break our hearts forgive us lord for our pride forgive us heavenly father for our selfishness lord is in america help me lord as a pastor lord may we get a bigger heart for people or like never before lord we love you lord thank you for loving us please with you lord work in our hearts tonight through the word of god that we are so privileged to have give us what you know that we need and we love you and we thank you we give you all the honor and the glory and the praise in jesus name amen romans chapter 12. we've been talking about the church amen we've been going through the doctrine of the church remember last week we talked about handling problems in the local church and now we're going to go kind of a different uh different direction here but still talking about the church and romans chapter 12 actually deals a little bit with the church we're going to see that here in a minute amen normally romans chapter 12 is very common for this verse here that god has asked us to present our bodies a living sacrifice amen when we think of something like that a lot of times we think of romans chapter 12 verse 1 to apply for pastors missionaries evangelists amen people that have presented themselves to to serve the lord full time amen and we think of uh sometimes we think of that verse they're applying for full-time christian service amen but look at verse number two and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god for i say through the grace given to me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as god hath dealt to every man the measure of faith so notice paul is saying to every man there in verse number three he says to every man that is among you then look at verse four for as we have many members in one body and all members have not the same have not the same office so we being many are one body in christ and everyone members one of another so we jump from romans chapter 12 verse one talking about presenting our bodies to a living sacrifice and the context of romans chapter 12 is paul is talking to this local church paul is talking to this body of believers he says we are members one of another and we are one body in christ and so if you take in context romans chapter 12 paul is writing to the church what is god asking everybody in the church to do to be a living sacrifice to be holy to be acceptable unto god look verse number two to be not conformed to this world to be transformed by the renewing of your mind to prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god so romans 12 1 and 2 is given to us amen even as the church not just to those that have just that have given their lives to go full time for the lord but even amen the whole church every man among us amen down to the children the teenagers amen nobody is exempt god's saying i need everybody within the church to present themselves a living sacrifice i need everybody to live holy i need everybody to live acceptable i need everybody to be not conformed to the world i need everybody to be transformed by the renewing of their mind and prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god god wants that for everybody amen and so as look at the doctrine of the church what we're going to find here is god's view of the church is different than what the average america's view of the church is amen in america and again praise the lord amen that there's churches that don't that don't have this mindset but in america the average view of the church is that the church has become a hobby i mean the church is just a hobby if you have time for that you can kind of you can give to i get calls all the time during the week uh sometimes people asking you know can i come do community service you know at your church it's just an avenue to kind of get some things off my record because church is a it's a charity organization if you've got time to do it then it's a great thing to be a part of if not no big deal some people look at church as a club amen it's a social club where if you go to this church you get a certain social status within a certain group because i'm a part of this church and we have this that we offer and we have these buildings that we've built and we have this and and all of these things and church has become that club in america where it's a status to the point where even in over uh in hollywood amen the the the church of the scientologists you don't get to be a part of that unless you pay big money amen and you're a part of if you're a part of that boy you've got an elite status but you have to have big money to be a part of that church and you have to pay monthly amen good night hey what no amen where is church gone in america amen and so uh many many view church ready here's another many views church as a recreation it's just an activity to enjoy once in a while amen it's just something that you know i i read some books by uh by people that are economists and they talk about you know church has got a great place and it's a good thing if you can do once in a while uh if not it's no big deal and churches just become that recreation you know i go sunday morning because you know that's just the thing to do in america that you know it's become just an activity to get to be a part of once in a while it's not something that important but what it was jesus's view of the church jesus's view of the church amen was completely different and how god views the church and we're going to look at that tonight and we won't get through it all but how god views the church is how every christian should view the church and if we'll look at the church the way that god sees the church it'll change how we function as a church because that's the goal amen i want to function the way that god wants me to function and when i look at romans chapter 12 verse 1 and i see god is asking all of us to be a living sacrifice all of us to not be conformed to this world it means that god's view of the church is different than what the world views the church that god views the church in a different light and if we will view god's church the same way and we will get god's mind for the church it'll transform the way number one we have church it and then number two it'll transform what the church does and i want you to see that amen jesus viewed the church in three different ways we're gonna find the find in the bible go over to luke chapter two let's start there luke chapter two then we'll come back to romans chapter 12 in just a second but luke chapter 2 i want you to see i'm in luke chapter 2 verse number 49. it's a very very popular verse luke chapter 2 verse number 49 and he said unto them how is it that she sought me wist ye not that i must be about my father's what business amen the word business there simply means this my father's affairs my father's labors my father's concerns my father's duties amen jesus was saying my father's business my father's affairs i have to be about my father's business i have a job to do and jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost and he also came to build the church and when jesus established the church then he handed it to the apostles amen and we've had the church now for all these centuries but my question or the thought was this and it was a neat thought jesus said i must be about my father's business and he took what the business of his father made it his own built that and then left and then handed that to us and the bible says that when you and i get saved we become what children of god so god is our heavenly father so that means that we must be about our father's business god handed jesus handed to us the family business you ever think about that my dad he mows lawns and i helped my dad mow lawns on the side and it's we just call it at first it was just hayley lawn carry him and now it's fancy midwest property preservations amen and uh that's our then he's like wow and but it's a family business right now and we enjoy doing it together as a family my dad has told me a lot of times he said if i can't ever do it he's like i'll ha i'll hand it to you you can do it if you want to and i can be about my father's business can i tell you right now i don't want my father's business amen i like helping but that's about it amen i like earning a little extra cash but that's about it amen but jesus when he left he took his father's business built it established it made it function then handed it to us as brothers and sisters in christ because the bible says we are heirs together with him and god is our heavenly father we've been adopted he handed to us the family business and said here keep it going so now church all of a sudden becomes not a hobby now it becomes a responsibility because i've been handed the affairs of my father that's why that's why jesus said that the the talents amen he gave the the illustration of the the talents that were given to the men and that the the master came back and asked what did you do with those talents what was he saying i gave you a responsibility did you take what i gave to you and did something with it and god has handed to us a church amen in 2020 and we're gonna have to give an account to god one day what we did with the family business so all of a sudden amen church now becomes a different light to where now we have a responsibility amen and if i'm gonna have to give an account to god with what i did with his church amen that i better take some things serious amen look at romans chapter 12. go back to romans chapter 12 amen you were there in luke chapter 2. so god so jesus views the church first of all as a business as a as an affair of the father as a as the labors of the father the concerns of the father amen that family business number two romans chapter 12 go down there to verse number five so we being many are one body in christ god's view of the church is that the church is a business amen it's something that we should uh take interest and take responsibility of and then number two it's a body he says here we are members all we are uh being many are one body in christ and everyone members one of another amen that's important amen why because when god compares it to a body what he's saying is this that the body amen every part of the body is needed and designed to function according to his will amen we talked about that a couple lessons ago but just to rephrase amen the bible says that we're all needed in the body every one of us why because the body has been put together so it can function and do what jesus wanted it to do and that was what the great commission matthew chapter 28 verse 19 20. go into all the world amen preach the gospel and baptize and then teach them amen disciple that's the job of the church to go forward amen reach the world with the gospel baptize and disciple and we are put to here as a body to all function together to do that work so now thinking about that romans chapter 12 verse 1 he says i'm asking that you present your body as a living sacrifice because you've been handed from the savior the family business you're god's child too just as jesus was here amen as the son of god and said i must be about my father's business so you and i as children of our heavenly father we must be about the father's business of reaching people with the gospel and making and helping the church go forward and then we must be that part of the body amen that helps the body function to reach people with the gospel so now lord i have to present my body a living sacrifice to do my part as a member of this body because we saw that amen in first corinthians remember how the bible says that not all members do the same thing amen we have and that's what it says there verse number four for as we have many members in one body and all members have not the same office so there's many members in here amen and those even on live stream and we don't all have the same office in other words we don't all have the same purpose but we uh that we do but we all function together to do what to reach the world with the gospel amen and so god has put you in the body amen wherever that you are and god has given you a purpose and that's to help the local church go forward and reach people with the gospel then notice look what he says verse 6 having then gifts so first of all every member has a purpose we talked about that but notice he says here every member is put in the body for a reason and we're all there to help the body function amen what are you doing to help the body reach people with the gospel that's my goal as part of the body amen to help the body function to do what jesus wanted it to do whether i'm a finger whether i'm the the nail amen whether i you know brother houston he talks about being the nose hair amen wherever whatever part of the body that you are god has placed you as a member of that body to help the body do the purpose of the lord jesus christ and that's reach people with the gospel amen and then he says having then gifts that's important amen god has given you a gift to help the body look at verse six read it having been gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us whether prophecy let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith or ministry let us wait on our ministering or he that teacheth on teaching or he that exhorteth on exhortation he that giveth let him do it with simplicity he that ruleth with diligence he that showeth mercy with cheerfulness so god lists gifts here through these verses that we have some of us not all have the same gifts but we all have been given gifts to help the body do what god's told it to do some have been given the gift to prophesy that just means to preach amen get up and preach amen some have been given the gift of ministering they do a great job ministering to others and and helping others and and being that servant to others amen some have been given the gift of teaching amen i remember uh when the hamners first came and uh they were first coming and for a while and came for about a year and the lord put on my heart and said i want that guy to teach and i was like oh lord i said i guess amen i said i could give him uh you know and i was kind of praying about it and i wanted to start teaching the teenagers so i never forget what i did because this is how pastors work amen i said i know i said lord i know what i'm going to do i said because i think that the lord wants him to teach and brother haven't was like oh you know i don't really want to teach i want to do any of that right now you know he was kind of like no no no and i said all right i said well i need you do me a favor can you teach on easter he had a great lesson on the passover and and uh a great lesson on uh easter and all of that stuff and so i was like can you teach that and he goes yeah yeah i would love to i said just once you know i just want to teach you one you know just have you do it one time you know have you teach that he goes yeah sure and so i had him teach that one time and like did a great job people were like wow past that was a great lesson i was like and then you know you could tell had a gift of teaching so i was like okay and uh so a couple months later i can't hey brother can you do me a favor i got to teach the teenager something i think the teenagers really need can you teach another lesson for me so i can help the teenagers a little bit and i said just one lesson if you don't mind he was like yeah yeah i did that like twice and then i was like you know brother having her i said i i need you to teach again the next week and he goes and he kind of saw where i was going with this and i was like can you just start teaching for a couple weeks in a row for me and he was like sure and uh i've not come back teaching since amen and i think it's been four or five years amen why because god sees that some people have a gift amen and and that gift amen brother has a great gift for teaching and the lord wants to use that some people do not get me up and teach i i won't teach nothing amen don't let me preach let me teach i don't want to see anybody i don't want to stand in front of anybody i just want to sit and listen amen some people have the gift of ministering some of the gift of teaching some that get look verse eight some exhorting some are just great encouragers well it's just a blessing to see them with a smile and they come in shake your hand and you're just a blessing to be around look some have a gift of giving some god has blessed to give amen and to be able to have the the ability to give and have that giving heart amen we all should be giving but some have uh have that gift amen that just they just have that heart to give amen notice let him that do it with simplicity he that ruleth with diligence he that showeth mercy amen god's given us gifts but why does god give you gifts god gives you gifts to help the body god has put you in the body called the church and given you a gift to help the church go forward and reach people with the gospel amen you know when i was there in hutchinson and i know i was there helping my dad and and i knew i was called to preach and was preaching for the young people and i knew that god wanted me to preach eventually amen and god called me to come to wichita amen and i said okay lord i'll do whatever that you want me to do because the church here needed somebody to preach amen and god had given me a gift to get up and preach and god had called me and sometimes i don't even the lord i don't even think i've got a gift kind of like moses amen moses was like lord i don't have a mouth i stutter you know have a hard time and god said well i'll give you aaron then and if you read through that you know aaron talked for about half of that with pharaoh and eventually moses just said sit down and moses just started talking for him amen because god had given him a gift moses just didn't want to admit it amen and sometimes god's given us gifts and maybe we're a little bit nervous a little bit scared but we just yield to the lord and present our body a living sacrifice god uses that gift to do what he wants to do to help the church go forward amen so important so every member has a job whatever part of the body uh whatever uh what every member of the body amen whatever part that you are whatever that it is that you help the church amen god has given you that to be a part to help the church go forward and then god's given you a gift some people say well i'm not sure what my gift is first of all ask god what it is ask god what his will is what does god want you to do in the local church to help the church go forth say lord i don't have a job and i don't know that i have that i don't know what what you want me to do god what do you want me to do what's my purpose in helping the church amen ask god what it is second ask the pastor what needs to be done can i tell you sometimes the way to find out what your gift is is come to the pastor and say pastor what can i do and you know what god usually makes available something and he provides a person to do it i've learned that amen that's always a blessing god will bring something up and i'll pray say lord i need somebody to do this and someone can't say pastor you know i i need something to do like i have got the job for you and all of a sudden find out you're like you know what i i was thinking about that i just didn't know if you know that something like and god always blesses amen because god puts people in the body to do the job that god knows that needs to be done amen love that amen ask the pastor it needs to be due third third if you're not sure what to do volunteer for anything just volunteer amen say lord i don't know what to do so i'm gonna find i'm a volunteer do something they meant hey we can always use help cleaning some people have a gift of cleaning i think everybody has a gift of cleaning or everybody should have the gift of cleaning amen and cleaning amen vacuuming pushing a vacuum if you've got coordination you have the gift amen come help amen if you can squeeze a bottle like that and spray down a toilet you have the gift amen volunteer for anything say lord what can i do just get that heart to be involved because this is what happens when you start getting a heart that says lord i just want to be a living sacrifice i just want to do whatever that you want me to do then when god comes to you down the road and says i have a bigger job because sometimes we look at the little things and say well you know i don't i don't need to do that you know well you know and and and i think about it this way man my dad i mean when i was in there uh hutchinson as a pastor's son you know we just we did everything in the pastors kids we wiped down the toilets we vacuumed we we did it all i'm in every all the nasty dirty jobs that dad didn't want to do hey man the kids got you know and you know i just did a little bit of everything and dad just taught me to do the little things and eventually he said son if you'll be willing to do the little things that we look as little everything's a big deal with god man you should do the best for everything but if you if i had the if i had a servant's heart to do the little things then when it came time for god to call me to preach dad said i know that you'll be willing to do that but if i'm not even willing to do the little things like cleaning a toilet he said then how in the world are you going to stand before god's people and preach amen because somebody's going to have to clean the toilets one day and i can tell you the pastor i've had to clean the toilets a couple times amen and i don't mind because i got to be willing to do the little things so that way god can use me to do the big things if i'm too big to do the little things and i'm too big to do the big things amen so god says amen have that desire present your body a living sacrifice and be a part of that work and just say lord what can i do what does what part of the body what where can i be a help and to help the church go forward in whatever capacity amen and reaching people with the gospel just present your body a living sacrifice say lord i'll just do whatever that you want me to do and god will lead you to a place to where he'll say this is exactly what i needed help doing and god gives you that ability to do that and god gives you even a desire amen says you know lord i see something needs to be done i want to be of help we don't have time to get into the rest of it amen what the last thing that god looks at how god looks at the church amen but just uh just the doctrine of the church want you to understand him and jesus views the church uh in a different light than what america views the church and it's so important we've got to get our young people to look at the church ready not as something they divest from but something they invest in i didn't know what that word meant to either until i looked it up this afternoon amen so i'll explain it invest means what you can give divest means what you can take too many people look at churches what i can get from it what can i get from church instead of coming and saying what can i give to church because this is the family business this isn't chick-fil-a where you get to come and order and then you get to wait for your food and then complain when it's not right where you want it to be come on now well you didn't say uh uh uh what do they always say uh somebody help me uh uh what's that what's a chick-fil-a statement hey man you say thank you my pleasure you didn't say my pleasure that bathroom wasn't clean my food wasn't cooked right man we get to do that you know why it ain't our business we don't got to be there cooking it amen i get to complain i'm the consumer but can i tell you when it comes to the work of the lord this is your business this is every one of us as a church family this is the business god has given to us this is the body that we're a part of and it's our job to come and say lord what can i give to the body to help not what do i get to take from because when we start looking at what we can take from the body can i tell you if you know anything about health things that don't give to the body but things that take from the body are called sicknesses illnesses cancer things like that they take from your body so your body cannot function the way that it should and that's why god says sometimes there's schisms and god has to cut out things from the body because they're not giving too they're just taking and god says there comes a point to where he's going to cut off what is taking because it's damaging the body amen and he's going to add to something that will give to something that will invest and that's the goal of the church that we all have that desire and we all have different areas how we function but that we all give to the body the local church and not just take from it to where we become that leech amen that just continues to take and take and take and never give the bible says uh that uh the uh the horse leech has two daughters crying give give amen and all and all they want is just give to me give to me but they never give back and they continue to grow and grow and grow and grow and get bigger and bigger and bigger and they never give god says we're not to be like that horse leech that just gives it or just takes and takes and takes but whether it be that conduit that gives back and say lord what can i do now we all need something amen we all have to be new uh get nutrition from the body well there comes a point where we give back we say lord what can i do to help this business how can i be a part of the family business amen whether it's being a missionary amen the millers have given their life that's where god's put them amen can i tell you we don't all have the same calling not all of us are going to the mission field and that's okay because we're not all that member of the body but we all have a place in that body and say lord what can i do if it's not this lord then what about this what about this god where can i be a part to help reach the gospel go forward amen and that's why god says present your body's a living sacrifice have you offered yourself as a living sacrifice to god not to be full-time christian service but just to be whatever god wants you to be if it may be for i appreciate all the ladies that help clean can i tell you you have rewards in heaven unknown you're going to stand the front line in front of all the preachers because let me tell you that's a that's a hard calling not everybody likes to come help not everybody likes to come clean not everybody likes to push that vacuum but god notices amen those members of the body the bible says that do maybe not as much in front of everybody but they do behind the scenes can i tell you nobody wants to come to a dirty church if people came in people that come and get saved praise the lord it's because the cleaning lady's clean and they walked in and they didn't have to go what in the world going on around here you gotta appreciate that amen appreciate all the the little things that are done to help the body go forward amen what a blessing amen we gotta we gotta stop amen let's pray lord we love you lord i just thank you so much for our church lord and just a reminder uh lord to us about lord what the the church is to you and lord what it should mean to us lord that the church is more uh more than just what the world has viewed the church and what the world has put their definition on the church but we followed god the church means so much more to you and lord again not the buildings not uh lord the land the property but lord the people lord that's the church and lord a reminder that lord we together as god's people are the church and you want us to minister to one another to exhort one another to love one another to help one another and lord and eventually lord be able to be as a church send somebody out like this dear brother and his family lord that have gone to give the gospel that lord one day we can as a church raise up people that have a desire to go reach and start another church the lord it's going to start when our we as god's people and and training our young people to get a view of the church the way you do that it's the family business that you've given to us that we need to take responsibility for that it's a body that we can be a part of and give to and invest in and help go forward and function according to your will lord would you please help us lord we would have lord that view of the church lord would you give us your power and your presence may lord we as a church lord have a desire to reach people with the gospel like never before thank you lord again for the privilege to serve you lord you're blessed now lord the rest of the evening blessed as we go home bless this uh the miller family lord as they continue to travel give them your power and your presence and your safety lord we just thank you we love you we ask these things in jesus name amen let me get uh ushers real fast amen i remember hey man only get the ushers we're gonna take an offering if you haven't had a chance to give or if you'd like to give to the missionary amen you can do that you can put that in there and let's get cyrus in there amen we always uh give to be a blessing amen from the church amen from our missions but if you have anything that god's laid on your heart i want to give you an opportunity to give amen so you can do that for the lord all right get those yours okay amen let's pray one more time and then after the offering is taken after they pass your row you're dismissed amen lord we love you bless now lord the giving thank you lord again for the privilege to be able to give and and be able to be a part of your work thank you lord for the the missionary coming with us lord may you please bless him bless all that we do and say lord may we lord be a blessing to others and we thank you in jesus name amen all right offering will come you're just mad [Music] you
Channel: Amazing Grace Baptist Church
Views: 62
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: KJV, Bible, Church, Wichita, Preaching
Id: 7U0Qj2ZEO00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 45sec (4965 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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