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[Music] lord [Music] [Music] your presence [Music] let us experience the glory of your goodness let us let us experience the glory of your goodness let us let us experience the glory of your goodness let us become more aware of your presence let us experience the glory of your goodness holy spirit holy [Music] your glory god is what our hearts long for to be overcome by your presence [Music] your presence [Music] and so as we continue our study on the early church in the book of acts we see the holy spirit pouring over and into god's people and i believe and we know this for a fact that god's gonna do that again and i believe it's in our lifetime may we learn to seek and wait for his spirit walking around these walls i thought by now they'd fall but you had never failed me yet waiting for change to come knowing [Music] jesus your promise still stands your promise still stands great is your faithfulness faithfulness [Music] i'm still in your hands this is my confidence you've never failed me yet i know i [Music] word will know to pass my heart will sing your praise again we're gonna sing that hallelujah amen jesus you're still enough [Music] keep me within your love my heart will sing your praise again your promise is your faithfulness [Music] faithfulness i'm still in your hands this is my confidence still stands great is your faithfulness faithfulness i'm still in your hands this is my confidence you never failed [Music] i've seen you move i've seen you move the mountains [Music] [Music] when there was no [Music] and i believe [Music] i'll see you doing again i'll see you do it again [Music] jesus your promises will never fail us your promise still stands great is your faithfulness faithfulness i'm still in your hands this is my confidence you never failed your promise still stands great is your faithfulness faithfulness i'm still in your hands this is [Music] i never will forget [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning and happy sabbath church we're so glad that you're joining us today for worship wherever you're joining us from from hinsdale to south africa we are so glad that you chose to worship with us the sabbath this is a special sabbath for us because it's the last sabbath before thanksgiving and we want to share a special treat with our seniors so today from 1 to 4 p.m we have a special gift for everyone that's 65 and older in our church the elders and the pathfinders have teamed up together and we're going to bring a gift to your home we're simply going to knock on your door we're gonna drop your gift on your porch if you're home we'd love for you to just step out on your porch don't worry we will be socially distant we'll have our mass on and we simply want to pray with you if you're not home we're gonna leave your gift on the porch and we're gonna pray for your home anyway we look forward to seeing you today from 1 to 4 p.m this thursday is thanksgiving remember we always have a special thanksgiving service every year this year we're going to do it virtually so on thanksgiving morning at 10 a.m we're gonna invite you to join us for a worse a virtual thanksgiving prayer service pastor glenn pastor dave he's going to lead out you can join us on zoom or facebook live pastor glenn will send out the zoom account on wednesday in his newsletter to you and will put it online you can always join us on facebook live as well you know what folks even though we're in the middle of a pandemic there's still so much to be thankful for psalms 107 says this give thanks to the lord for he is good his love endures forever may god bless us today as we worship together [Music] good morning and happy sabbath church family i invite you all to lift your eyes to jesus and see that he is in control because of that no matter what we can see that it is well when peace [Music] [Music] whatever [Applause] [Music] it [Music] with is soul it is well it is well with my soul [Music] my sin my sin oh the bliss [Music] is nailed to and i buried no more praise the lord o praise soul soul it is well it is well with my soul [Music] and lord haste and lord is the day when my faith shall be sighed [Music] the trump shall resound and the lord shall descend even so it is well with my [Music] my soul it is well it is well with my soul it is well it is well with my soul it is well it is where it is well with it is well with my soul [Music] amen [Music] [Music] i love you lord for your mercy never fails me [Music] until i lay [Applause] [Music] you [Music] and all my life you have been so [Music] good with everybody [Music] i love your voice i love your voice you have led me through the fire in the darkest nights you are close like no other i've known you as a father i've known you as a friend and i have lived in the goodness [Music] you have been so so good with every breath that i am [Applause] [Music] is [Music] laid down i'm surrendered now i gave you everything your goodness is running after it's running after your goodness cause your goodness is [Applause] [Music] [Music] now i give you everything cause your goodness is all my life you have been faithful all my life you have [Music] i will good see of god and so may we know this god who is faithful may we know that wherever we wander he will come and rescue us that there is no mountain high or valley low that could ever separate us from his love [Music] oh how high would i climb mountains if the mountains were where you hide oh how far i'd scale the valleys if you grace the other side oh how long have i chased rivers from the seas to where they rise against the rush of grace descending from the source of its supply cause in the highlands and the heartache you neither more or less inclined i would search and stop and nothing you're just not that hard to find i will praise you on the mountain i will praise you when the mountain's in my way you're so i will praise you in the valleys all the same no less god within the shadows no less faithful when the night leads me astray you're the heaven where my heart is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] rest on the sunrise to where you sweep [Music] how fast would you come running if just a shadow me through the night [Music] [Applause] for who could dare send that mountain that valid hill called calvary but for the one i call good shepherd like a lamb or slain for me i will i will praise you on the mountain i will praise you in the mountains [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Music] oh [Music] come the pastors we call grace a mighty river flowing upwards from a deep but empty grave i will praise you on the mountains i will praise you when the mountain's in my way you're the summit where my feet are so i will praise you in the valleys all the same no less god within the shadows no less faithful when the night leads me astray you're the heaven where my heart [Music] wherever is am your name can move mountains wherever i stand and if ever i walk through the valley of death i'll sing through the shadows my song of ascent whatever i walk through wherever i am your name and is ever i walk through the valley of death i'll sing to the shadows my song ever said my song ever said [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good morning and happy sabbath everyone welcome to our live stream today before we begin i just want to say a really quick prayer let's bow our heads dear lord i want to ask for your holy spirit to be with us today i ask that you make the message clear and that you guide us with your holy spirit in jesus name we pray amen it is said that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they pray now i don't mean the way they pray like before a meal and i don't mean the way they pray um you know just like before they go and travel but i mean like if you were to actually have the privilege of spending time with somebody one on one and praying for them and having them pray for you you can tell a lot about that person by the way they're speaking what can you tell about them well number one you can pick up their theology how they see god you can pick up maybe their fears maybe their struggles and possibly even the desires of their hearts it's a little bit of a dangerous thing but let me let me explain it this way a few days ago somebody called me and i picked up i didn't know the number right do you pick up when you don't know the number my wife doesn't do that but when i don't know the number i do pick up anyways i said hello and they said hi are you mr coyne and i'm like it's kokiong and then they started giving me a pitch right they started giving me it was like a telemarketer calling if they call me mr kokoeng do they know who i am probably not right if they know me as mr kokyong and they're pronouncing my last name the way i pronounce it maybe they know me a little bit more now if somebody wants to call me um if somebody was to say our guest speaker today is pastor kokyong do they know me better than the telemarketer that just said mr kokoeng right they probably know me a little bit better but they you can tell they might not know what i prefer because a lot of people mess up my last name some people call let me know and introduce me as pastor david or they call me pastor david and that shows a little bit of a closer connection because it's my first name right um other people such as our church might call me pdk and that shows a bit of a closer connection too back home in montreal the youth that i spent time with they call me kuya and kuya which means big brother and tagalog as many of you know is another sign that's a little bit closer some of my really close friends call me dave and my absolute best friend from elementary school used to call me cocky man okay do not call me that um there's only one person right now and he can't even speak yet and one day he'll call me dad you can tell just by the title you use with somebody how close of a relationship you have with that person and so whether you're calling me mr ko hyong because you're trying to sell me something whether you're calling me pastor david pdk you're calling me something it means something different and as you can see the relationships get closer until and it gets smaller and smaller until finally there's only a few people that are going to call you dad there's only a few that will call you brother it makes a difference what your title is you know i brought up last week how do we know god and some people they know god very close because they talk to god daily they know what he feels what he wants they know what he wants them to do but other people don't really know him that way other people used to be so passionate about god but they actually only know him by their memories they remember oh you know what i used to be passionate about god god was like this other people don't even know god by their memories they just heard about god they said i've been to church i heard god can do this but i've never seen him do it i've heard that god is like that i've heard god is like this they know him by their reputation so what i want to do is i want to cover part two of what i shared last week last week i talked about the spiritual journey of daniel and this week i want to talk about the prayer life of daniel so i'm just going to summarize what i did last week because it's a buildup for what i'm talking about today last week we talked about how daniel started in like a religion which was you're following a routine you're doing this because everyone else is doing it but then he made a resolution to have a relationship with god and so in daniel 1 daniel makes a resolution and because of that resolution he got he received understanding and dreams and visions in daniel 2 there was a crisis going on and he thought he and his friends were going to die so they sent he got their friends together and they started to pray they sought god's wisdom with prayer in daniel 3 daniel's not there and his friends make a resolution that they're going to stand for god even if it means getting thrown in the fiery furnace in daniel 4 the king now actually acknowledges god as sovereign in daniel 5 nebuchadnezzar's grandson seeks daniel's help in interpretation because daniel understands what god is trying to say in daniel 6 daniel's relationship with god makes him continue to pray so that's what i want to pick up i want to pick up in daniel 6 and i'm going to go through 7 8 i'm going to focus on 9 and i'm going to go through 10 11 and 12 and i'm going to show you how daniel's prayer life changes throughout so let's pick this up in daniel chapter 2. we'll start there the very first prayer that is recorded about daniel that daniel records himself is daniel 2 17-19 and you know they daniel went home and he told his friends hananiah and michelle and azariah what happened and he urged them let's ask god to show them his mercy by telling the secret so they would not be executed with the wise men of babylon so the first thing that daniel prays for is for his own safety and for the safety of his friends they are praying for themselves let's go to the next one in daniel 4 king nebuchadnezzar gets a dream about this massive tree and he's like what does this mean and daniel prays about the meaning and it says in verse 19 he said on hearing about this daniel was overcome for the time and he was frightened by the meaning of the dream he was frightened because he thought once he interprets a dream to the king the king is going to kill him so these two prayers in daniel 2 and daniel 4 is about himself because he is scared for himself let's go to daniel 6. in daniel 6 verse 10 daniel had heard that the law had been signed and he went home and he knelt down as usual in the upstairs room with his windows open toward jerusalem and he prayed three times a day now why does he do that why does he pray toward jerusalem for that we need to go to second chronicles come with me to second chronicles chapter 6 verse 36 to 39 second chronicles chapter 6 verses 36 to 39 this is solomon's prayer before the dedication of the temple i'm not going to read the entire verse but this is what it says solomon is praying to god and he says if they sin against you and who has never sinned you might become angry with them and let their enemies conquer them and take them captive to a foreign land far away but in that land of exile they might turn to you in repentance and pray we have sinned we have done evil we have acted wickedly if they turn to you with their whole heart and their whole soul in the land of their captivity and pray toward the land that you gave to their ancestors if they pray toward this city which you have chosen and toward the temple that i have built to honor your name then hear their prayers forgive your people who have sinned against you so this this prayer was recorded in second chronicles and daniel must have remembered it because there in babylon he opens his window toward jerusalem and he prays three times a day he prays for his people and for the city all right so that's the prayer in daniel 6. now in daniel 7 okay let me explain what this is daniel has two parts the first part in daniel 1 verse 6 is historically this is what happened and it's in order the second part from daniel 7 to 12 takes place at a different time it's also in order bits at a different time for instance in daniel 7 daniel gets a vision about four beasts and the fourth beast the bible calls it the terrifying beast the dreadful beast this happened before daniel 5 because um belshazzar was still king and it says in daniel 7 and verse 15 that daniel is troubled and terrified by this vision i mean can you imagine you see all these beasts rising up and the last one is super scary he sees it but he's terrified he's like what does this mean in daniel 8 this is also before daniel 5 he gets a vision of the ram and the goat and it's the vision of the 2 300 days if you don't know what that is look that up daniel gets this vision it's such a long vision and he's overcome and he's sick for days and he's like what does this mean in daniel 9 this takes place after daniel 5 daniel unfinally understands what jeremiah was talking about when he says that people are going to be in babylon for these 70 years and so daniel prays and we're going to go to daniel 9 together and daniel 9 verse 4 says this he says oh god you are great look at verse 5. but we have sinned and done wrong we have scorned your commands and your regulations notice the change the first daniel 2 daniel 4 daniel is praying for himself by the time it gets to daniel 6 he's praying toward jerusalem but in daniel 9 his prayer is not just for the people his prayer is for us you know some people when they pray they're like god i they don't say they are better than everybody else they don't say i am better they don't they they pray for them they pray for those people they say you know we some people criticize the leadership they criticize the elders they criticize the pastor they criticize the church the conference but daniel doesn't do that daniel says we have sinned we have scorned your commands and regulations i do not know how faithful daniel is but i believe daniel was faithful but here he takes on the burden of his people and he says we he doesn't say i have sinned and done wrong or your people have sinned or they have sinned and done wrong he says we have sinned we have scorned your commands and your regulations verse six we have refused to listen to your servants the prophets verse 11 all israel has disobeyed your instruction and turned away refusing to listen to your voice he says to god you have kept your word and you have done exactly as you warned verse 13 every curse in the law of moses has come true yet we have refused to seek mercy from the lord our god by turning from our sins and recognizing his truth in verse 18 i'm going to jump down to there he says oh my god we make this plea not because we deserve help but because of your mercy daniel's view about prayer has changed and you'll see this too the more you spend time in prayer the more you get to know god the more your prayer changes when you start it's like god help me find my keys help me find my cell phone help me to do well in school help me not to get fired help me not to get laid for work your prayers are all self-centered our prayers are all self-centered when it starts but as your relationship with god grows you start praying for more people beyond yourself soon you're praying for my family and you're playing but some people pray and they're like you know what they only start to pray when there's a crisis they're like only when family has an accident do they start playing please keep them safe only when people start getting sick do they say please let them be healed daniel daniel starts praying and he says we so it's not god take care of my parents god take care of this person but rather god our family is suffering god our family is getting attacked by the devil god our family is doing this even if you yourself are nothing good the rest are not daniel just like us we should be putting ourselves together and say we are dealing with this together it says in daniel 9 20 i went on in the prayer confessing my sin and the sin of my people pleading with the lord my god for jerusalem that's what daniel did let me skip jump from here to jesus how did jesus teach that we should pray it says it's in matthew 6 some of you know this really well our father which art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread i want you to i want to focus on one part verse 12 and forgive us our sins as we have forgiven those who sin against us i'm going to say that again forgive us our sins as we have forgiven those who sin against us basically he's saying the way we forgive others is the way we should ask god to forgive us i'm going to say that again the way we have forgiven others is the way we have asked god to we should ask god to forgive us i'm going to read you another verse and i'm going to give you an anecdote in james 5 or 16 it says confess your sins to one another and pray for each other so you may be healed i know that sounds weird in an adventist church to say confess your sins to one another because we don't go to a human priest to confess our sins but what does it mean confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so you may be healed my first evangelistic series that i went to that i that i participated in was in a church in new york called babylon okay it was the adventist church in babylon that was its actual name and we were doing an evangelistic series to bring people to god and there were these two strong people in this church there was a young fired up black preacher okay he was involved in so many things but he was helping a lot of the media stuff and there was an older white gentleman and they had a passion for people but these two people hated each other and they would come up in board they wouldn't talk to each other they'd fight and i asked them i said why are you guys doing this why are you fighting with each other if we have the same god if we have the same purpose should we not be united and so i we ended up preaching a final sermon at the end of this series near the end of it we preached a sermon called pilgrims in progress and pilgrim's in progress is the idea that when people get to church it means that they have accepted christ as their savior it does not mean that they are perfect and we talked about it but the holy spirit was at work and one of the appeals was that if you have something against somebody else in the church something that's holding you from unity that you would confess it to one another and forgive each other and be healed and the holy spirit was there in the congregation at that time because at the end of the ser service at least 20 30 people got up went to the other side of the church and they reconciled with one another and these two gentlemen they said that they confessed they said look i'm sorry i've been treating you so bad for so long you know i thought this about you and maybe i still think that a little bit about you but i'm willing to work with you for the sake of the gospel will you forgive me and the other guy turned to him and he said the exact same thing it's like i'm sorry that i said so many bad things about you behind your back i really want to make amends because really we need to work together for the kingdom and they confessed their sins to each other they apologized they prayed together and healing started to happen in that church it says in james confess your sins to one another and pray for each other so you may be healed remember it doesn't say you're going to be perfect it just says confess to one another if you've offended somebody if you've hurt somebody and if you guys haven't spoken in a while why not actually seek them out pray about it find the right time and then go and confess your sins to one another then pray for each other so that you may bring healing to that relationship it says in second chronicles 7 14 it says if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray what does humble themselves mean if my people which are called by my name so that's christians if they will humble themselves and pray a lot of conflict happens because of pride because people are saying you know what i'm not going to apologize first i'm more offended they need to apologize first before i'm going to reconcile and i'm not talking about people outside the church i'm talking inside the church people say i'm not going to be humble they don't say that they say i'm not going to be the one to i'm more offended i'm going to wait for them to apologize to me and as you build up anger this causes bitterness and this leaves division in the church in second chronicles 7 in solomon's prayer of dedication he says if my people who are called by my name christians if you were to humble yourselves and pray if you were to seek my face and turn from your wicked ways then i will hear from heaven i will forgive their sin and i will heal their land sometimes our church needs humility too there is a lot of pride but you can find that with pride comes division humility humbleness confessing our sins to one another brings healing and it brings unity watch how jesus prayed we've been talking a bit about daniel let's go into how jesus prayed let's go to john 17 and we're going to go to verse 9. so john 17 verse 9 i'm not going to read all of it i'm just going to read selections from jesus's prayer it says this jesus says my prayer is not for this world but for those you have given me because they belong to you so jesus is praying to god the father in heaven and he says i'm not praying for the entire world some people say man we should pray for the entire world jesus is not doing that here jesus the way john recorded him he says i'm not praying for the world i'm praying for those you have given me because they belong to you he says in verse 11 protect them so they will be united just as we are excuse me john is praying sorry jesus is praying that his disciples be united jesus knows that his disciples are fighting with one another look at verse 15 i have given them your word and the world hates them because they do not belong to the world verse 17 make them holy by your truth teach them your word which is truth verse 20 i am praying not only for these disciples the disciples that were gathered with him at the last supper because john 17 is at the last supper but also for all who who will ever believe in me through their message verse 21 i pray that they will all be one just as you and i are one so the world will believe you you sent me jesus knows that his disciples fight among each other jesus knows that the people who will believe the disciples will fight among each other and jesus here at the last supper at the last recorded prayer jesus has is praying that they be united he says in verse 23 listen to what it says he says may they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me that the that god sent jesus and that you love them just as much as you love me father verse 24 i want you i want these whom you have given me to be with me where i am do you remember that verse okay he says father i want those you have given me to be with me where i am do you remember the verse in john 14 in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you that where i am there you may be also jesus wants unity so that we can be in heaven together it says father i want these whom you have given me to be where to be with me where i am then these can see all the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world began so let me ask you a question how should we pray some people think you know what i have faith that god will do everything and i shared this short devotion with some of the young adults and some of the board but i'm going to share it with you all right so this guy goes up to his friend that's that's that doesn't have a job and he says say did did you did you apply for a job do you have a job and he's like nope did you apply for a job nope do you have a resume nope are you doing networking nope what are you doing i believe god's going to give me a job the guy said i'm just waiting to be surprised at the job he's going to give me some people think faith is like that give you a second example um this guy goes up to his friend he's like are you married yet no i'm still single are you dating anybody nope have you been out of the house nope have you spoken to anybody of the opposite sex nope what are you expecting i'm expecting that god's going to bring me the right woman at the right time i'm not going to need to do anything myself some people think faith is like that the bible the best faith is actually we should do what is wise and then when we can't do more we seek god so if you're going to look for a job get a resume together start sending out applications do everything you can wisely first as a human and whatever you can't give it to god if you're gonna start dating someone you know get ready meet people spend time go to places where you're gonna meet moral people that are spiritually that that spiritually match where you are or that will help you spiritually you know and then leave the rest to god one other quick example if somebody has cancer or something else is going on in their body and they don't know how to deal with it well you can say you know i'm gonna do nothing about it and just leave it to god completely or you can go to the doctor get a diagnosis get treatment and then it's like oh i don't know what to do after that well pray after you've done all you can that is humanly wise to do trust god to do the rest sometimes we think that god is going to just do every single thing for us and we're like you know what i'm going to be a lazy person i'm not going to do a thing at all and god will do everything for me um the principles do what is wise first and then ask god to do the rest if we're worried about the future we look at what's going on and i mean i don't know if you've seen what happened in philippines but there was a really big disaster right the the flood waters actually broke one of the biggest dams in the philippines and there are villages that are over 15 feet underwater and the people need something there but they don't know what to do people are worried about the future right there's floods in philippines there were fires and there are fires in the in the south in the southwest of of america there's there's hurricanes hurricanes are in the greek letters you know that if you're watching the news you know that hurricane iota is is like hitting central america you know that um there's racial tension in america you know that there's political tension in america right i'm sure everybody knows it right now some people look at the future and they're worried they don't know what else to do well you know what do what you can where you are and when you've done all you can everything that you cannot do that's what you bring to god actually when you've done all you can and that's actually where god shines god shines in the impossible god shines when what when all that has been human has been completed god will accomplish what we are unable to do ourselves um let me come back to daniel so we talked about how daniel's prayer was self-centered in daniel 2 and in daniel 4. in daniel 6 he starts praying toward jerusalem and in daniel 7 he starts saying we he tells god we have done this we have fallen short we have messed up well in daniel 9 after daniel's prayer gabriel comes to him really really fast and gabriel says daniel you are greatly beloved and so we're going to tell you what to happen and in daniel 10 there's it's the vision of the messenger daniel's in mourning he's like he doesn't know what to do with his vision but gabriel appears again he's like daniel you're greatly beloved let me tell you what it is and gabriel actually touches him three times to help him up to get him to speak and daniel helps him sorry gabriel helps daniel understand what is going on then you have daniel 11 and 12 the king of the north versus the king of the south and then the time of the end and daniel's like i don't get these visions they're for far in the future what does this mean and god tells him in daniel 12 13 daniel it's time for you to rest you don't need to know these things write them down this is for the time of the end you know many shall run to and fro knowledge shall increase but for you i want you to rest and then i want you to rise at the end of days daniel's prayer life changed and as he got closer to god god revealed what god was planning the bible says somewhere the lord does nothing unless he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets he also says i have told i have told you these things because you are my friends let me ask you what's in a name i asked at the beginning what do you call me but i'm going to ask you though what do you call god do you address him as savior because he saved you from your life of sin before do you address him as healer because when you needed healing when someone you know needed healing he healed that person and so you call him healer do you call him comforter because at a time when you were very discouraged when you were very down and depressed jesus came and he comforted you is he your fortress your rock or your strength the way the psalmist describes him a fortress a rock or a strength is someone that will not be moved when everything else is going crazy around them is he your provider maybe maybe you were you lost your job maybe you lost a relationship maybe you lost something big but god provided you know jehovah jaire god provides maybe you haven't had the best experience with with men and maybe god for you is a husband when you don't actually have one maybe he's a friend how many for how many of you god is a father for how many of you god is a father you can tell a lot about a person by the way they pray you can pick up their theology how they see god you can pick up their fears you can pick up their struggles and you could pick up possibly the desires of their hearts the book of daniel we adventists use it a lot to talk about prophecy but it is talking about the spiritual journey of daniel and it is also talking about his prayer life and how his life changed the more you spend time with god the more you get to know him the more your prayers are going to change they're going to go from yourself to the people around you you're going to start seeing people that need prayer and say you know what you see them down and discourage and say can i pray for you can i lift you in prayer people will come and bring you prayer requests and instead of just saying yes i'll pray for you you will remember it you'll write it down and say i gotta remember to pray for this person because their family is suffering they're dealing with this and when you bring it up to god it won't just be god they are dealing with this they are dealing with this these people are causing me problems god we as a people need your help we as a church need your help god our family needs your help this world is getting crazy the bible said this would happen there's a lot of prophecies that say what would happen right now we're worried about the future well i would tell you don't be too worried the first thing is do what is wise and then ask god for ask god to do the rest and if you're worried about your family do what you can and ask god for the rest if you're worried about your church worried about your job if you're worried about your nation if you're worried about this world do what you can that's wise and then ask god to do the rest that's my prayer today let's bow our heads dear lord and our loving father i know that this is a different take on daniel but i want to ask dear lord that the message was clear and that it hit the hearts of everyone that is hearing it i know sometimes our prayers seem like they're self-centered sometimes we're just praying about others but what we really need to do is pray about us and pray about our spiritual walk with you and dear lord if our prayers have not been strong if we really don't know you if we're just praying to something that we heard about you i ask i ask that you give us give us give us a way to give us a way to get to know you better please work on our hearts dear lord build our relationship with you and help us to follow you with all our heart and all our soul and to pray for your people especially in these last days we assist your lord in the name of jesus christ amen may we be like the good shepherd not just caring for the entire flock but caring even more so for the one [Music] so so good to me before i took a breath you breathed you have been so so kind [Music] all the overwhelming never-ending reckless love of god oh it chases me down fights till i'm found leaves the 99 i couldn't earn it i don't deserve it still you give yourself away oh the overwhelming never-ending reckless love of god [Music] when i was when i was your fault still your love fought for me yes it did [Music] [Applause] me yes he did jesus you have been so so kind to me oh the overwhelming never [Music] i couldn't learn it i don't deserve it still you give yourself away all the overwhelming never ending practice [Music] there's no shadow there's no shadow you won't light up mountain you won't climb up coming after me there's no way you won't get down lie you won't tear down coming after me no shadow could hide us from him there's no shadow you won't light up mountain you [Music] there's [Music] come after [Music] oh we're chases me down friday still i felt this i'm 99 i couldn't earn it i don't deserve it still you give yourself love of god [Music] oh the overwhelming never-ending reckless love of god oh it chases [Music] i don't deserve it still you give yourself away oh the overwhelming never-ending reckless love of god [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i've seen you move i've seen you move the mountains [Music] you move the mountains [Music] when there was no way i believe [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] again i'll see you do it again jesus your promises will never fail us
Channel: HinsdaleFilAm
Views: 248
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, christ, christian, christianity, christian church, sabbath, gospel, worship, praise, adventist, seventh-day adventist
Id: NW4vIIgz8IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 43sec (4663 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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