Wedding Rehersal

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all right so this is where the rehearsal and the after part is going to be show going to be down that way someone already saw Steve we have a little Gator apparently oh little Gator a little guy he's like he's like not not even like this not even a tiny guy tiny tiny girl my yeah yeah little place to [Music] be we we need to bring this right I don't know I might you're like taking pictures like me randomly taking them better it's a lot I want I want to stop she needs it like a year a full circumference here get everybody so she'll remember who was here that night my thigh my hands we still look back on our wedding videos and see who was there's your mom huh she stay hi everybody hi you're so cute what are you going to do you going to be are you going to be the flower girl yeah yeah high five high five hey good job okay all right good job might be a Jus that's coming I know guy he has all the equipment that he's coming to drop off equipment just getting dropped off and then Andrew I don't know when he's okay the dresses mom's wedding dress redesigned it and made a dress that she could wear tonight okay and um and there's the other flower we got two little flower girls uhoh all right getting ready for the rehearsal hey girl all right guys how we doing how are you yeah it's great to see you how's oh it's great yeah yeah I do love it the front to the front all right guys on everybody welcome super excited um tomorrow when you guys arrive here um you will be parking closer to the house you'll see my car just a white Boo and you'll see a few cars over here you're going to do a quick for Joy so she can like fix your dress and your Veil and things so and then you do a quick pause and then you just kind of continue [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] she's got some characters on both sides which is [Music] great mommy yeah I think it'll look exactly perfect cuz I said 2 minutes playing this song yeah I just did n I'm PA see you'll hear it tomorrow you guys are perfect so tomorrow you'll have chairs here so you'll know like stop here comes down know you have a person in between here Jason are you asking who gives the bride away or anything like that long especially this you guys have one more her mother so when they get here they get here usually you can like like right to here and then that's where you will ask the question like who's GI and then that's up to you as well like have you thought who was doing it it's her her mother just her mother and I so do you want her to join up here you want me to take the camera no do you want to join that's a hard D so is it better I just I do so then you can say both we both like her mother and I do and you can be here but if you want to come and join so before the question is ask you can do that too there you go yeah a dragonly so you guys can talk about that today tomorrow if you want you can just like when they get here you can just kind of come up here and like join them and then you ask the questions and then and then you can both then go then then you can both kiss her you know shake his hand you can come down here grab her you know help her up okay okay so I'll let you take it then once you guys peel off get to your seats I'll tell everyone to sit down and we'll settle in for the invation everything I did have some questions about uh at the end um so I'll do the vows for you guys okay I'll start with you and then him you guys both say I do obviously let's hope so come here for nothing what I would do is after that I would say like the uh bride and groom will now Exchange rings as their love and Fidelity do you want to do it like that or do you want do it where right before each one says their vows put a ring on what do you think I think we should exchange Rings yeah and then once you exchange the Rings I'll do the by the power V me pronounce you man and wife and then you guys kiss everyone and then then it's then you're back on so from here once you ask a question then you say we do you should get her ring from him and she should be getting your ring okay I want to listen just want your hands fire hands super P the backy see if we can pull this off the flower girls are going to be the best see how they do going down oh rehearsal done they did it should be okay for tomorrow get in the ring girls and I'm like you each other no you have to leave something because it's to me like you have to leave like an element of like absolutely it has to happen I got you [Music] this is at the uh supper we're having they B barbecue all kinds of good [Music] stuff good night good night this guy is outstanding he will get you Qui my brother-in-law je this is a family Trad no you do you do you do I got all right I wasn't prepared for this so just so everyone knows so here we go I am Simon what I say is what you do but if I don't say it well don't do it all right here we go Simon Says clap once clap twice you're here we go clap once oh CH here we go hands up hands up some say hands up hands he said hands up S says hands down here go top once I really say joging Place stop stop s says stop s says if you're still in clap once clap twice here we go everyone else move up it's still in move on up up guys are getting better here we go uh s says give me number one 121 seven number 1 through 10 someone says give me a number 1 through 10 eight what was it eight says give number 1 through 10 seven number 1 through 10 some says number 1 through1 I like right if you said seven come on there's always Griff in the back gri in the back too man D you Griff all right Griff come on up come on up with us we go all right I'm going to go fast on Simon Says hands on your knees some says hands on your hips some says hands on your hips some hands on your nose some hands on your chin some hands on your hips some hands on your hips so hands on your hips tap once tap twice all right you three come on now all right here we go I'm looking here s says yeah you four come on up here you four come on S says come on you four G don't be that person get up there G get up there Simon Says face the crowd s says face the crowd I'm going to put my hand over that person you clap if you think that is the person that's going to win okay so here we [Applause] go all right go and turn around s says that you can turn around seven says turn around clock once say hands on yours hands on your knees you can move this way some says move this way some says face back out there Simon says what is the most embarrassing thing that Kenny andco have ever [Laughter] done is this touching your chin to answer I know kiss in front of me that was pretty embarrassing all right you guys can turn on S says turn on face back that way all right Simon Says clap once clap twice hands on your knees what do you guys think I mean this is pretty good do they get barbecue for this or something some his hands up some his hands down some says you got to look at me you can't close your eyes some says hands up somebody says hands up clap once some says hands on your knees some say hands on your nose some says hands on your chin hands your somebody say hands on your chin on your knees somebody say hands on your knees clap once this might be the first one this might be the first I'm not giving up yet I'm not giving up don't get cocky on me now don't get cocky on me now now you two you two go this way for S says I'm talking to you s says hands on your nose hands on your shed might go from this are you guys ready for some speeches cuz I'm winners winners winners that's it okay how fun okay so I am going to start the speeches for tonight you go girl and then anybody that wants to stand up and you want to say anything you don't have to come up here after myself and then Tony will conclude it and then we'll have something else that we'll do so I've been thinking a little bit about what I was going to say and I thought about myself in Kenny for for obviously your whole life pretty much um and Kenny is if you don't know it he's a mama's boy know how many of you know he a mama's boy okay I mean he's a mama's boy and everywhere we would go when he was little and I'd hold him he'd go my mama my mama he would tell everybody that I was his mom and I just loved it I thought that was the sweetest thing ever and my story starts one day and Kenny tells me everything Michael tells me everything too sometimes I don't want to know everything but but I have to say it makes me feel like I'm a pretty good parent that they trust me to tell me these things 100% that's the way I look at it so one day Kenny and I were in the were in the car and he said to me Mom and he was about in middle school I can remember the car I can remember where I was sitting and he said to me he said mom how do you know you're in love and I thought I have one chance what am I going to say and so I think I heard this on Oprah or Dr Phil back in the day when we come running home to go watch those and I turned to Kenny and I said well I think you're in love when that's the first person you think of when you want to tell them something good has happened to you or something bad has happened to you and he just kind of looked at me and he goes okay okay so then we're going to go go several years down and it was a couple weeks ago actually and Kenny still a mama boy still a mama boy but he called me and told me he'd lost his job or whatever had happened I don't remember well we know that but and I'm just sitting there thinking I'm going to give him some words of encouragement it's going to be okay you know it's all okay and then I thought after I gave him that I said have you told Nicole and he goes well of course she was the first person I called and I I said okay and I said how's she doing he goes well we're a little nervous but we'll be okay so I hung up the phone and I turned to Tony and I said well he found the one cuz that's the first person he wanted to call when he was sad when he was scared when he didn't know what was going to happen so I pass him to [Music] you I'm happy to be number two I will tell you I am the happiest happiest mother for who my son has chosen for his wife and for his number one I absolutely adore Nicole I adore her family I just I've never had a girl and it's what I've always wanted and I feel like that's what I'm getting and Kenny came to me one time and said this is the one and and you two are going to like each other and all I can say is I'm so glad you found your number one and that she is your number one and I love you both and I hope you many many many many many years of [Applause] happiness anybody got anything they want to say after that please do some say come on somebody come say something it could be funny it could be say something something I've known Kenny for a minute and everyone else in my life has gone through friends like you you fall out with people right everyone does that but Kenny Kenny never loses a person ever Kenny is always your friend no matter what Kenny's the most loyal person ever so he's going to be the best husband for sure so you're lucky Nico [Applause] come on up yeah just a let Kenny know how lucky he is you got somebody to speak up for you at restaurants she'll go to the manager immediately you know that no just I'm just super happy for you guys great to be here great family thank you anybody else on noakers come on jump on up here don't be shocked all right so I don't even live in Florida I've been coming down here for8 years now I was uh si in sixth grade and I was playing Xbox Live and Kenny was one of the people I was playing with and then we ended up playing together for every single day every night through Middle School through High School the same group of people over and over again just you know just shooting the and you know hanging out whatever while we were kids and eventually I came down here in 2016 and now I've been to to multiple I don't know I come down here like three times a year now like every single year since 2016 it's been 8 years so I don't know do the ma but like yeah this this man is yeah he's one of my best friends I've known him technically for 17 years now it's most of my life I'm 28 now but uh first time I came down here was his 21st birthday and I was only 20 cuz he's a few months older than me and him and Michael were sliding me beers down at the bar at night a nice Library she was yeah it it was a good time yeah but uh you know I'm super happy that I'm here today get to witness this amazing celebration Nicole Kenny you guys are perfect for each other I love you both and you know this is I just cannot wait for tomorrow it's going to be beautiful [Applause] [Music] I think I can keep it together for just a couple minutes while I say this um I didn't expect to give a speech right now but I just want to say how happy I am that two of the most trustworthy loyal Dependable people that I know have found each other I love you guys so much and you're so perfect for each other [Applause] good [Applause] [Music] job of oh now all your secrets are coming up Grandpa knows everything some things he'd probably rather forget to this this is when he was a little kid I mean I think they just adopted you I'm not sure about that anyway we had a Time here out at Coco Beach Ruth Ruth this guy came and the first thing he did was that there's you know on these condos out there they got these little railings and he put his head through he couldn't get finally got his head out of that and they got all mad about it so he ran away R away and we got a call from the police department he was out at this ice cream place some place and he said we got what KFC KFC and he said he said my mom is up up at this condo over here or time sh on goo Beach he said did you run away uh yeah I guess I did so they called us and he said do you know this boy we said who what what would you call about we got this little boy down here and he ran away from you guys and they said uh we're going to bring him over we're going to check this out because this don't make sense so they bring him over and they question Ru oh yeah I love that that's F question they question him are you the true mother or what's going on here and uh he said yes and uh well anyway they questioned her for about 10 minutes if if if she knew what was going on and and finally they said okay well we're going to check this out a little bit long and for finally they came back and he said okay you got him back got it back and it was the funniest story but I had to tell it I'm sorry he not perfect a good man he's a good man and if you ever had children watch him they might they might run away down to the corner store and try to get a a ice cream cold or something okay you guys have a great life together God bless you [Applause] next next anybody no takers microphone shy good can you talk for like two and a half minutes cuz I got to go to the bathroom thanks love youing all right I can talk forever about me this is my first best friend ever first friend ever anything met a t- ball our parents were coaches we lived on a block we would always hang out we had two different bus stops even though we lived on the same street technically two different ones but we would always get off the bus go home drop our stuff off and meet at the corner and then late at night we would always go back to the corner Sprint all the way home and then in high school we did four years Varsity golf together we were the best on a team at all four of us and you know I've seen Nicole with a few boyfriends but Kenny you are by far the best I've never seen her happier with anybody else [Applause] the way she trust you and everything you treat her so amazing so thank you for taking the co get that golf cart ride oh yeah we'll have plenty of golf cart rides oh Mr Tony is back but I love you guys so much and now I get a new best friend forever you already know yes we get to as the bachelor Kenny PEB saying we get to get to know each other for the the rest of our lives now I love you congratulations [Music] next keep it short and simple they're my roommates I just want to say k I've never seen Kenny as happy as he is with Nicole and you guys are great together and I'm super happy to be here and see you guys do this thing so yeah congratulations again do that thing anybody back here cheap seats huh I know you want to you know somebody got come on up here Simon didn't say you're done so we down iost hello my name is Summer I haven't known and Nicole very long but they are two beautiful people and I am so like honored to be a part of their big day and it's a blessing to be here today I have a poem that I I found not too long ago but I feel like it represents the forever love that I would want for you guys they say sometimes love starts with a spark and that may be true but if I were to wish you a love I wouldn't wish fire for you see fire is powerful but it burns bright then it is gone it is beautiful and warm but doesn't last long instead of wishing you a fire that burnt sorry the liid courage is kicking in instead of wishing you a love that burns I wish you a love like a river that twists and turns that is Ever Changing ever flowing it is powerful and free but it is constantly finding its way back to the Sea and so like water I hope your love is ever growing Ever Changing I hope your love is ever powerful and free and may you always find each other like the river finds the sea let's raise our glasses to these beautiful souls to their heal [Laughter] Clans are powerful too to their health to their love made the great spirit grab your drinks guys what are you doing you should be drinking this whole time it's the whole there there you [Music] okay truly [Laughter] [Music] truly all right okay all right time says resume so let's raise our glasses to this beautiful newly W to their health to their love may the great spirit guide you in your Journeys we all love you very much you still lost s anybody else that was good that was very nice good no takers all right let's get through mine might take a minute we got one more good you don't want to talk [Applause] this is my baby niece I loved her since Moon oh my God I had a speeding ticket to get to the hospital to see her born I didn't even comb my hair all right and people took pictures of me I think there was a mug shot I it was bad but I'm like my baby niece is being born right now I got to get to Minneapolis Oh je oh man all right here we go we're going to be here about 45 minutes you good with that so she was amazing she had like little red hair okay okay I'll I'll skip forward these guys showed up in Wisconsin that's where I am if you can't tell and the moment I met Kenny the moment I saw Nicole with Kenny I was flored honestly I will tell you I I didn't think anybody was ever going to catch you you were hard and you were hard and I knew it and I'm like yeah do it you do it but the moment I saw you guys together I knew we all knew grandma grandpa Jesse Chris your par well they knew that well well before that they're like well whatever by the way I'm in the Band that's some of my aqu you know things I can sing but um you're in the family and we knew it at that moment and then we had the family reunion and you fit right in right in it was like you were there before and it was no it was heartwarming like if Nicole's a hard girl heartwarming doesn't come with Nico and it was and congratulations you know it I know I'm so happy for you I'm so happy for you to be in our family because you are now my family your family is now my family and I can't wait to meet them and bring them to some supper clubs have some old Fashions I got some Swizzle Sticks right upstairs so you we're all family now and I love you all thank you I don't know what it is about somebody from Wisconsin their accent I love their accent they have an they do they have that they have an accent I absolutely adore it it's wonderful that was great that's going to be hard to follow I'll try anybody else hello my name is David Kenny's been such a great friend as everyone said he's one of those people that you can call and talk to or he'll just walk up to you and greet you with a hug and a smile he's always so chipper always so welcoming when he invited me to be in this I was excited cuz I was like man that's so unexpected and then I see how you two react around each other and it's so beautiful you guys are always so happy and I wish you the best for forever [Music] good [Applause] jobit anybody else had time to drink about four beers now got a little liquid encouragement you want to say something Grand all right [Music] call you yeah this is a small crowd if you're going to do it let's do it for right no it's long that's good okay well I'll finish up then um make a short sweet then please when I'm done don't leave stay in your seats you'll be told why shortly okay I think I already said hi to everybody good evening thank you for coming but um on a more serious night you forgot your wine I've been working on this for some time and I've changed it 100 times I've abbreviated I've expanded it I'm like so I I don't know we'll see you guys tell me what you think when I'm done today is the day Phil if I get through it with joy and love as We Gather to celebrate the union of our son K and it's beautiful Pride to being Nicole tomorrow first and foremost though I'd like to thank everybody from near and far who have traveled here for this very special event I would also like to thank my brother-in-law Jim humberg for helping get everything set up he he busted it for hours while we were at the rehearsal he he did a lot really did and everybody else help thank you the setup crew that was here earlier couldn't have done it without you I don't know your names I'm sorry not all of you but we got this thing set up and 30 minutes I mean it was ready to go I mean so you guys you guys were awesome it was amazing I was stressed then we weren't going to get it done as a father it's a Bittersweet moment to see my son all growing up and starting a new chapter in his life I remember the day Kenny came to us like it was yesterday from that moment I knew he was destined for great things and today as I look at him sitting with his soulmate I couldn't be proud of of as your father and a parent to my son I want to say marriage is a journey filled with ups and downs but it's a journey worth taking with the right person by your side Kenny the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moments of convenience and comfort but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy the measure of a man is not how much he has but how much he gives treat each other with kindness respect and love page [Laughter] two remember to communicate openly honestly and support each other through thick and thin to my soon to be daughter-in-law Nicole Welcome to our family you have brought so much happiness into my son's life into our family's lives I see why he Ador you so much to our extended family we welcome you to our family Kevin you're more than welcome to come to my house anytime and watch Cowboys game with me anytime brother just show had to get the C if yall remember the picture from the little party we had we'll circulate that [Music] later there was a picture any we'll tell you that later keny Nicole I know that together you'll build a beautiful life filled with love and laughter as you embark on this new chapter remember to cherish each moment forgive each other's faults and never stop growing together keep keep God in faith close by in everything you do and dream may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day your entire family and extended family wishes you both a lifetime of happiness love and laughter page three congratulations on your wedding day tomorrow let's raise our glasses and give cheers to the Newly Weds tomorrow [Applause] okay nobody get up Ruth get it out while so do you know anything about our family the hurg bruss Kindred Family did I get all the names we do a every two years we go on a family vacation and bring everybody with whole family my mom and dad get us a place that fits all 30 of us 35 of us this would have been our year for it by the way this isn't our we didn't get to do it because someone decided to get married that's okay and every night when we have these these we week long with the whole family Nicole got to go the last time um it's a very special event to get to go too I just had to tell you a story I wasn't going to tell this but it was the funniest thing nobody was listening to me one night and I was trying to breake in everybody and it's a big family and nobody was listening Nicole only just met these people you know some of them she gets up and she goes Ruth is talking you don't listen to [Applause] her and I said that's my girl do it again reget and then she made him play a game and it's the best game ever everyone loved it so we're known for playing games every night's a theme and we dress up and we do everything so we thought we can't have this night if we don't at least do something now we're not going to play games because seriously everyone it takes forever but we thought we would do something fun we have this thing called punch that [Applause] board so the way it works is we have all these competitions every night and then if you're the winner you get to go punch the board you get to pick the one to punch and then whatever's inside you get okay we don't have time to play a lot of games tonight so we thought we would at least try to get where 10 people get to enjoy the bruss hurg well it's really hurg bruss Kindred is that the only names I got it our our our just be a part of our family because we are so excited to have you part of our family so Tony's going to tell you how you get to be maybe one of the 10 people now normally on the punch the board there's what is it 25 30 every night there's like 25 or 30 we have to reset it every day they're very competitive yeah they're very very competitive trust me so instead of playing a game what we did before you guys got here is we put a little something under some seats they're stuck to the bottom SE there's only 10 of them so you got to look at the bottom of your seat there's this little emblem and it looks like a little flower gold is stuck to the bottom of your chair and it's got a number on it it's got a number so if you got an empty chair check those it's under the chair there you go they number 1 through [Music] 10 so I'll turn of you all right all 10 of you they get come on up [Music] here all 10 come on up all 10 come on up if you got a Golden Ticket come on [Music] up all right we got 10 right we got 10 yet missing two we're missing two it's a little gold flow stuck at the bottom of the chair check the bottom of the chairs real good check the bottom Nick check my channel ni check that one somebody check that one is there one there no no okay there's 10 of them trust me cuz I put them on there we're looking for a couple more everybody knows what they look like no got a number on it everybody we're still missing one don't go away you top 10 or top nine we're still missing there are 10 [Music] though no there's no way it's double-sided T huh it's always it's like the Easter egg right yeah they're just under the chairs now they I doubt it fell off cuz we got four here four 5 6 S [Music] 8 we found it yeah okay I think we got I think we got 10 I think we got everybody well you might have number one but that don't mean you're number one cuz there's another part of this game there's another part so I need I need all 10 of you to line up facing me this way okay just line up just get in the line just get in the line okay no we're not going to play sence so now I have cards numbered 1 through 10 I'm going to Fan them out my hand I'm just going to go down the line and you're going to draw one of these cards this is the order you're going to punch the board all right with me okay all right let me B this out [Music] Starbucks $15 number [Music] three yeah we're making the pl how you feeling Cole good excited I'm getting margarine yes you is couple hours [Music] keep [Music] you got married we got married wow officially hitched nice look at this hard working game we'll be coming in in a short couple minutes okay is [Music] [Music] Mela baseball I love baseball [Applause] [Applause] [Music] are hry that use restroom whatever you guys want wait what go go let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] goish m in lightsaber [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] home [Music] feel wooo they're going to have their [Music] first all right everybody so I want you to go ahead and uh I want you to keep those phones up everybody we got an important part of the wedding experience we got a little bit of a first [Applause] [Music] know [Music] [Music] everywhere I go always on my mind in my heart in my soul you're the meing in my life you're the [Music] inspir I [Music] you want I [Music] you [Music] lady [Music] together now I know I know that I need to feel with [Music] [Music] me you're the me in my life you're the insir bring my [Music] life I to everybody put your hands together and give them a big round of applause [Applause] father stand up sir [Music] [Music] beautiful baby from the outside in Chas she dreams but always you [Music] again my you're in trouble that little smile my heart [Music] beautiful baby from the outside in dreams but always you again [Music] take everybody put your hands together [Applause] W that's right I need to see you and your mom out on the Dance Floor yep that's me crying like a baby what look at my face crying like a baby I almost did there's a lot that grows by the front door don't forget keys under the man childhood star shine always stay [Music] home go to church grandp chance be down always St humble and kind hold the door said said Thank you [Music] [Music] don't to you when the work you put in is realized always stay humble and don't expect a free ride from no one don't hold a a chip and here's why bitterness keeps you from fly always [Music] St oh okay [Music] hold the door say please said Thank you don't steal don't even know I know you got a mountain to always stay humble [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we went out that door saking out [Applause] [Music] neighbor security [Applause] is the limo coming right here to pick them up I don't think they're taking Lio going [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is that Tony nice job [Applause] that one more one St in the middle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's a good guy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ready all night right not now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I love you
Channel: Packer Scrapper
Views: 1,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XllOlKsxd6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 21sec (3741 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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