Website Design Like a PRO: Find the Best Website Builder for Making

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[Music] foreign [Music] and welcome if you're looking to build a professional looking website or a landing page today I want to show you the perfect and very powerful tool to make that happen you can build a lot of tons of things like portfolio blog online store personal and CV creative Services events and weddings small businesses and tons of tons of templates are already pre-made to make that happen of course you need to get started you need to sign up or log in first I already did and I today I want to show you the core knowledges the core functionality of editor of this fantastic platform Squarespace we spend a lot of money and time and efforts to test a lot of platforms the Site Builders to show you this one because this one is really reliable platform that you can count on and everything is pretty simple and everything is pretty fast so if you look into build the web page or landing page fast easy and with the drag and drop features I just want to show you how to do that before I've started I want to say that we'll have the link in the description panel of this video so you can easily find it and you can get access to this platform with a big discount from our team to our subscribers so not wasting time let's jump to editor and I want to show you the platform itself okay this is a dashboard I have a couple websites already remade uh you just need to press the creative website and the platform itself will ask you like what is your online or offline business it's online store portfolio membership blog launch page and what's the topic Art and Design photography personal food events fashion and so on and so on travel I want to show you on the example of uh coffee shop so let's press food and platform will give you the different templates already pre-made for the bakery or um or a coffee shop or even a shop or for a restaurant and this is catches my eye but I don't like it there's there's a lot of things that we don't need because I want to build uh I want to build a page on one page not on different ones because landing page is pretty similar to website but the landing page is um easily to make first of all and second of all it's it's modern so this catches my eye let's you can preview this and you can start with let's build this Builder we're gonna change everything on this uh uh on this template so actually it doesn't matter which one you choose just choose that that one that catches your eye and that you like but I want to show you the core knowledges the core things that you need to know to build it fast and easy first of all you need to give your web page a name and this title will be on the header of your site so shop continue the platform itself will show you how to edit the things but we're gonna skip it and just get started there's assistant also and actually this is the least of what you need to do to go live with your website you need to start your trial include site title or logo add on delete pages change fonts and colors add images connect and update domains optimize for search and launch your site of course you can close it or you can open it anytime president this question button right here on the right hand everything actually that you need not all this leaves but actually all that you need is Pages design and settings so let's jump to pages and I want to show you that this is a main navigation and this is all pages that are on this website on this template it's pre-made but we don't need all of this let's jump to editor and I will show you how to edit the sections how to edit the blocks yeah and of course there's interesting tool all the templates are adoptable for any platform that you want so when you go in live with your website just make sure that there's no ridiculous looking images there's no ridiculous looking text and the blocks are on the spot because tons of traffic nowadays flows from the pocket devices like cell phones or tablets and you definitely need to check this before you'll go live so we have the header let's change the header you have the global desktop and mobile here in the desktop and mobile you can edit the header layout I want the logo to be in the center alrighty and on the mobile the same thing I want it to be in the center okay great let's go here site title and logo site title you can change it right here you can upload the logo of the site I don't have it and I don't want it but you can do it for sure and mobile logo image you can upload a unique logo for Mobile here okay let's go back let's go to elements here you have a button you can disable or enable it the button is take action and this is the click event The Click event can [Music] like what's The Clique event click event what's happening when somebody presses the button uh I don't like that it's going to page because I don't need it now I need it to be email or phone for example let's leave the email uh you need to write down here your email where you gonna get the inbox messages from the people who like pressing the button to take action I'm gonna change it in seconds just to show you all right press and save don't forget to press save it's automatically saved of course but if you've messed something up or no you make the Run actions you can undo that or it's better to save than to lose all the work that you've done if your computer dies or something happens like that of course we need to change this take action you see here in the button there's take action we're gonna like order now alrighty Social Links this is also important thing because uh every business right now nowadays has a Social Links you can add Instagram Facebook Pinterest and so on and so on and if you have the actual uh actual one you can edit this right here you can add it and everything's gonna be visible right on this spot if you're selling something if you're selling the items you can enable the card you see but we're not selling which is gathering the information and account login also we don't need our customers our potential customers our visitors to log into our site no colors uh the header will use the color of the time of the first section if it's transparent and uh I believe that transparent header is fantastic nowadays in 21st century so we're gonna leave it like that just to show you what you can do right here let's jump to editing the section itself you see there's a text block and there's a button block uh with this small losses you can add new things right here for now we need to change the text for example I don't like this text is on top I will delete it okay just to show you you press on this plus button and you have the options what you can add Here video image quote markdown text spatial line and so on and so on imposter all the things all the things that you need even menu Open Table Amazon donations no I needed taxed and here like you can change things right here uh I want to be heading to the button itself we're gonna everything you can edit with this pencil button everywhere click through URL let it be here like phone number you're just editing the phone number uh and when somebody will press the button from the cell phone no it's actually not so easy to call from the laptop but if someone will press will discover your website from the cell phone uh he will be able to just press call straight away we're gonna leave email right here okay I'm just saving it we have the background here the background is not suitable for for the coffee shop actually so we added in this section here in the edit section we have format background and colors you can play with all these things to to discover the best way of all the content out of the medium background here you have the image or video you can upload the image or video straight from your computer but video you can insert from me Vmail YouTube and so on and so on it's full bleed or insert I want it to be image here we deleting it and add an image from straight from the laptop or your computer or where you are I like this picture right here and let's see okay that looks pretty interesting it can be like big big and you see right now the text is right here and it's pretty funny looks pretty funny okay this is the best way I think let's see how this looks on this spot and this is the best way for me so just saving it okay so let's jump to edit the next section um like we made this all here from the upside and right now on the logic way we need to insert some like story about us if we make in the one page landing page or website and there's the sections so anyway you can add the section here and any any that you want just list Gallery images quote tax video and it's already pre-made for example video uh there are templates for for this newsletter form donation and so on we have this one section here and you see there's no background I'm going to change some text just to show you uh the the basics of course it's a dummy text but you can edit the text um according to your purposes according to your description of your business uh so I'm I'm just showing you the blocks I'm showing you the core knowledge is and when are you going to build your working product work inside you will uh like write down the tags that will catch his eye that will catch uh the emotions of uh your visitor to become a potential client just for example all these paragraphs are changeable hitting two for example all right I don't like the background of this block so I'm gonna press edit section and I will change colors so I can change it to black minimal or black ball this dark bald yeah that's cool the gray ashes Gray that looks looks pretty nice okay the next section this is an image block uh and uh for example we can change here everything we can I don't like this button right here so I want to delete it and I want to delete this one uh so just as usual pressing this pencil button and you can edit everything the content the design right now is a card you can make it poster it looks like that you can make overlap collage stack and so on uh card is okay for here and you see the image position left here and right here but in the mobile versions gonna look pretty awesome and pretty cool so let's just change the uh let's change the image itself can we change the image press and apply don't forget to save all the changes just change into none just again dummy text saving you see the same thing I want to change the color of background there was a dark minimal okay I want to change the image itself I told you already about the call to actions yeah Take Action Audio Gap right now and so on and so on I don't like this section I will remove it newsletter now let's add it folder let's insert the background okay that looks pretty cool just changing the text as you want the phone number the I want to delete this my Squarespace okay and that's pretty it that's pretty it nah we just saving it and I want to delete all the pages that are here all this news all these things and all this readme firm and take action for okay so we just have home right here let's see how it looks on the mobile phone everything is centered and everything you see the the blocks aren't like and the correct order and and that's that's pretty cool that's pretty awesome just one more thing that I wanted to show you the design and what if I don't like the fonts for example right here I can change it with the packages that are pre-made base size let's switch uh you can see that there's sensory servant mixed fonts yeah I think that's used to to coffee shop right away I'm just saving it and that's pretty it that's pretty it uh so all the things that you can make I showed you like how to move how to insert things how to um restyle things and just when you're gonna find your own template of course you need to have the content first the best way is to buy pictures or videos or images or to make it by yourself if you have opportunity to make the video for commercial um or all those photos for your own business because in any way you're gonna make this content for you you should write down the correct tax with the with the hooks and and with emotional hooks for your potential customers for your visitors of your website so the people who will scroll through your web page or landing page they need to they need to make some actions like to press the button like to send you an email and uh this is the main thing and after that you're catching those people are you working with them with your email marketing provider for example uh you adding them to your email list you grow in your audience and you contact them with those audience with uh social media with the messages and they slowly you're hitting them up and they become your customers in the end of the story so I showed you the core knowledges uh all that you need to know to to build your own web page landing page using this Fantastic Tools for space and I want to remind you that we'll have the link in the description below this video so you can easily find this platform and you can use this platform with a big discount for our subscribers so I hope this all makes sense for you hope this all sounds correct and nice and if you have questions just write down in comments will try to answer those questions uh thanks for watching this video and I hope you enjoyed hope this was useful see you in the next one bye
Views: 15,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Website Design, SquareSpace Review, Website Builder, Professional Website Design, Best Website Builder, SquareSpace Guide, Web Design Tips, Digital Marketing, website builder, best website builder, making website, squarespace, website design, how to create website, web design, squarespace website design, squarespace website, how to make a website, best website builders, website builders, how to build a website
Id: oNqC-437lwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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