PTC/User - Creo 8: Core Enhancements

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mute myself yes i can yeah you can see my screen and my audio is good okay all right i'll also try to monitor the the chat session uh i'm thinking uh or we could get to the towards the end i'm thinking um so good afternoon everyone um thanks uh deb and uh badger land user group uh for allowing us to present one more time here so i think the last time we did was uh uh forget it was creo 7 what's new and then a little bit of simulation so this time since creo 8 was released a couple months ago you know we thought of doing what's new in creo 8 compared to creo 7.0 okay um again my name is thiago colonia pen i work for tristar um those are not familiar with tristar real quick you're a company that helps manufacturing companies adopt software systems and processes uh to help them you know achieve better product development and to be more efficient and we do this by being the largest worldwide resellers for ptc products we are headquartered in phoenix arizona and i'm based out of the chicagoland area i've presented quite a lot of times in these badger land user groups and throughout the other user groups in the country with that said um i'll just uh quickly going over the agenda as always i try to put in a lot of information uh we'll try to wrap up around like 12 55 i'm thinking five minutes uh before one so that we don't go over but uh i'll try my best to get through at least half of these i'm thinking uh some of the core enhancements uh some of the the ones that i've listed towards the end like simulation additive manufacturing obviously require add-on licenses but i thought of focusing more on the the day-to-day activities of a creo user the four areas that might that they've improved on right so we'll go over that um and first one um before i even show you some examples i thought um it's important to understand uh what are the areas um of creo 8 uh in creo 8 that ptc uh you know enhanced compared to creo 7 right so it's uh on the system level there are a few things for dual monitor support from core modeling right whole sheet metal design the whole feature is improved a lot of surfacing improvements model three improvements that might help all users if you use welding if you use assemblies right detailing all those you know there's a pretty interesting one called inseparable assembly for purchasable purchase components um it's very useful i think um so first step good first step i think by ptc and a few others um you know related to add-on extensions which you may or may not have but this is just a quick snapshot of where the enhancements have been and obviously um we cannot cover everything in an hour but we'll try to focus on the core areas and i'll point you to some resources towards the end as to where to get more in-depth information about the entire assessment enhancement compared to creo's set uh some of you may still be on creo 7 or 304 so this is mainly going to be on what's new in 8.0 and i'll try my best to kind of uh show that in in the next 45 minutes or so um some of you may be thinking about uh moving to creo 8 um and rs307 and here's a quick snapshot of of the windshield compatibility uh you know you would need to have a specific date code of windchill uh and a cps to get 7.0 and 8.0 uh as you can see here right you require 11.1 m120 cps 17. it's 11.1 or 11.2 and 12.0 and many of you may know this um starting um creo 5 and 6 almost every every march april spring time you may have noticed ptc is releasing a new product right krios 6 is released and then 2027 and 2021.8 so you're going to be seeing a really release uh and that this which means the enhancements are also going to be incremental having said that if you consider all the areas it'll be a lot of enhancements but if you consider just the core areas there are some very good productivity and you know usability enhancements that are very and even functional improvements i think that i like so i just installed it a couple weeks ago and been playing with it so based on that just giving you a little bit of a demo and presentation here so i'll try to switch between the slides and the software so i can show you also what's the enhancement we'll quickly talk about it so first off dashboards right you're all used to the evolution of the dashboard um many of you might remember it used to be a dialog box once upon a time with ok preview cancelled back in the old pro engineer days and it is of all right has come a long way and um in creo 8 what they did was they um they added uh the panels the uh they allow you to to have multiple panels open right at the same time it can it has much more optimized position depending on if you have the model 3 enabled or disabled before it sometimes it used to go on top so there's some some basic ui enhancements and it'll also remember the open panels the next time when you create that same feature or edit definition of that feature and there are some settings for it right you could say i want you to automatically open the important panel so when you do an extrude most likely the placement tab will automatically open when you do rounds or well the references tab should always be open so it's more like uh the system understands to give you the most primary panel and then from there on you can go and customize like i have quite a few panels open here and i have this guy this guy and quite a few in here so let's take a quick look at um uh look look at this uh enhancement and so what i have is creo 8.0 um that is the first very first date code that we have and i'm going to open up let's see here um a part or an assembly you know it's actually a part with multiple bodies and it looks very much like creo 7 and creo 4 you know we need to take a look at it but then let's say i'm going to add a i'm going to create some some feature here right i'm going to really quickly go and do a an extrude or something like that right i'm doing an extrude here just a simple one for now right i'll just do a very basic extrude here and i'm completing it right in there and then you know i'm i'm probably going to just let's say i want to go remove material and and all that right now this is where you have your tabs right you know placement options you know the thing now is they allow you to kind of float those tabs around so maybe for body options i'd like it's almost like a floating one and it remembers that too right you can have these uh in there right for each every feature it kind of works that way so maybe i want i want to cut it through all the geometry there or all the bodies right there i got it right now when i go back and edit definition real quick it will uh it should remember as you can see it gives you the dashboard and it should remember those panels that are open right so you can either dock it right or you could just just you know minimize it you can just click on this little uh right there and it kind of minimizes that right so mainly it may not be that helpful for um basic uh features right um maybe for more complex geometry when you do a variable section sweep or when you do um wells or maybe even in sheet metal design where you'd like to go and uh you know update the the relief type you want to change um the shape or the profile so that's when it's it'll be nice to have those tabs automatically open right so that's that's something that uh let me undo what i did here um so let's just get rid of that for example if i were to go into uh the weld module right it's it's available in the base package most of you may have used it it's been there for a long time so there i'd like to do like a let's say flip weld you know i selected philip weld and notice that when i click on the command it automatically knew to provide me with the most uh basic or the important primary panel automatically expanded right so when you're a new user you know many times it happens that okay you don't know which one to select what have you it's nice that they have it already on and now i can just go and say okay site one site two and i could you know there's my uh i can change the the size right now i'm thinking it's not solidified right in creo four they introduce uh to be a solid weld so you can add for match properties and do fea so maybe i like to have this options tab also now what if i want all multiple ones open by default as you can see when i open one panel the other panel goes away but i should be able to just you know drag it out uh i can just go to my options panel right i should be able to just leave it up here for example i can just go to the intermittency maybe i want to do an intermittent weld so so my point is i could have multiple ones open and kind of you know place it however i want uh and you also notice how since i had the model 3 open it new to position it like this before sometimes it'll come on top and you know you're trying to select something in the tree you've got to go hide on high you know those are minimize maximize those things are avoided now so maybe you want to go to solid right and and it's a little more efficient way like you still use your mini toolbar and everything that's been there for a long time and since 304 they introduced mini toolbar but while in the middle of feature creation or edit definition it's nice to have these panels automatically open so now it's solidified i'd like to enable the intermittent weld right in there right and maybe that's a little small so maybe i'll set it to a specific size uh and then i'll say i want to make that equal right so maybe i want to make it uh let's see here we'll just go end with the weld right there so you can evenly space that out and i'm done right i'm just middle clicking out of it and i'm done with that feature now if i'm going to go edit definition on that right using my mini toolbar as you can see here it is going to pop up those um those additional panels that i expanded right uh in the last time so again this is configurable if you don't prefer this there's a setting uh so right now i'm gonna just go put them back on where it was right but uh when you start even a new feature it should come with a minimum of one primary one but there's a setting for that if you go to file options and under uh windows settings you can control this you could say i want to reset all the panels right maybe i'm gonna work throughout the day on different features and now i don't see a use for you to save those all this gets saved in your config.ui right if you don't have a option pretty much all these customizations will typically get saved in the ui file the dot ui file that they introduced back in trio two right uh automatically open uh you know important panels or not so maybe you're more like you always like going up there and doing it you don't like the clutter in your screen it's up to you but by default they've enabled it right so those are that's an option there um so let me get back to this and that's for all features i should do a couple of features but it's the same for pretty much all the features out there and then um items have been improved at the display right we're just going through the fundamentals here before we talk about actual modeling just wanted to go over some of the appearance and usability enhancements here um they finally have a transparent a shaded kind of display and you can control the transparency of the datum plane uh it's pretty nice uh where you can have you can you know unlike before where the data plane used to be just like the four borders that's it and it just like a you know it is fully transparent you can control that transparency level right um by default it's set to a specific value like seven to ten and then you can go control that um and also they finally improved the coordinate system if you remember the old one versus new one it's more uh using rgb the color axes you can select it better it is always a little bit difficult for new users you have to hover over the name to get it so those things are improved including datum point display right so those are some improvements on the display side uh and one common you know request from many customers right i used to have a workaround for this during my industry days but is to have some config options just to control the default datum plane size in korea uh it's typically depending on the unit system you use it's like 500 by 500 the first rectangle or circle you sketch will be really huge if you remember and and the way to work around was create a start part where you would predefine the size of the plane uh all right and then it won't fit back you know to the model if you make changes so there are some workarounds or some pros and cons in that finally it's nice that they have this datum display default config option with three uh uh available options i'll kind of show you in the demo where you can um you know you can pre-define it with the height and width the default datum right once you place it yes you can always change it like before but by default i always want that plane to be added not 10 by 10 or 20 by 20 or something so you know it doesn't cover the screen and it helps a lot especially in large assemblies and complex parts i think so those are a couple of um the datum improvements actually before i proceed further let's just take a quick uh look at that as well um so let me just um open up another model here i'm going to open up a simple uh part file and whenever you create a new part you get those three planes as always right so let me just go unhide these things that i've hidden here uh and also enable my plane and now what what you see is i'm also going to enable some points and and you see that it gets my attention immediately right i do see in this model there are four five datum points before you know uh you still can turn on your uh datum point tags and all that but it's nice how they have uh made a little bit the default color for the data point with that red x that helps i thought that's the first thing that caught my eye was testing uh creo 8.0 playing with it and then this this uh shaded uh display here right on this uh the good thing is it is uh doesn't always remain shaded so there's some smartness built in right if i'm gonna do a sketch i don't like it to be shaded and if the system understands that and it'll behave like before see i'm in sketch mode and now it just doesn't uh shade it or anything right it's just like as always like before now let me cancel out of that you could always go and you know control that right you could just say i don't want uh right i can even i even have a config option to set it back to the legacy type you know things like that you have it but there's a little uh new option there plain fill display and you can also control you know the level of uh that the transparency there so if i go back to my options here and if i go to entity display right in here show display shaded datum planes that's new right and then show with color fill and and maybe i want to set it to something like 30 35 right in here i'm gonna just say not save my config but there it is you can see it's a little more darker than before but again you know so it understands depending on the mode you are in if you're in the middle of a feature creation things like that like sketch environment for example it understands to switch back or there are also areas where it'd like to for example if i'm going to go to no hidden style it understands that when you're in no hidden style it has to go back to the non-shaded mode so there's some a little bit of uh you know built-in uh intelligence i should say where it automatically does it for you it remains that way for shading shading edges things like that right so that's uh one thing and and even when you create a new coordinate system right if i enable my uh coordinate system here you can see how the coordinate system is a little more a lot more apparent compared to before there's my xyz colored or maybe i should just create a new one just to make it a little more clear i create a new coordinate system and we'll just attach it to some some datums here it's a good practice to always attach it to stable references when you create any feature as always right and then as i'm i just created that plane and a recording system i'm sorry and then i can obviously um you know rotate it what have you give the directions but in in the past the the way that you would select that right you have to be exactly on the name and everything now you know pretty much anywhere and and all these can be controlled right you have an option under uh you go to your system appearance and if you go to your datum right in here rgb color access are enabled if you want you can turn them off you can apply your own um access colors and everything that's that's an option like before but those are all uh again so datums have some some improvements now uh in creo eight now one other thing is let me hide this i mean i'm going to go create a new plane um real quick so let's just say if you want to create a through plane through that face right um as always you know you know the software always creates it as big as your uh the geometry or there could be some hidden geometry imported features see i do have an important feature here and it's probably some i might have some surfaces or entities extending out that's why it's so big right so this is the default behavior even now in creo 8 um but you do have a new config option like you mentioned that allows you to control um you know more uh about you know as to how to control the the um the size of this point i know we still have the good old display and it can select a size right as always that's been there for a long time right nothing new right in the wild four days until we had that right you can just go you know you know just confirm to that size of a reference or um many times i would just go manually um you know you know manually adjust it so all this has been there for a long time right this this this option but what they did with the with the new creo 8 is they have the config option which i pretty much which i like where i go and just do a display datum and if you go to datum display default it still fits to the model outline as before nothing no change in that however we have this preconfigured pre-configured size and then um what is it the the reference size where the system will pick the first reference you pick to select the size of the plane it's pretty nice i thought so i could go to pre-configure size i could set that right there i could also go and say you know i want to control the height and width of that so if i just search for uh the height config here and if i go into datum outline so they have a datum outline if you just search for outline default height you just set it to let's say 20 similarly i want to do one for we'll just do outline and then we'll just do one for width we're going to set it to 20 right up there and what that does is now when i create a new plane right um i'm going to just create a let's see here if i could just go create a a new datum plane maybe i'll just pass it through this point and this surface right up there you see that size that it's uh set to is that 20 25 whatever we had of course i could i could just then uh pattern that plane as always just like before right that point is pattern things like that right and it can maintain that size etc right so i could always go back change that plane if i go at a definition on that plane you will see under display how it picked up that 2020 width and height information there right so that's that's really nice where it knew that now the other config option is this reference could be auto selected right so based on what you pick first um it will automatically that surface right um or you could just leave it default as you would like before so so this is very could be useful uh for when you start that first one right whenever you go say new part right and then um you have those um three uh planes and then it's uh something that you know we always many times we would change it right many times you remind us three days as an admin i would go back to redefine these in my start part and you see it's always some 500 by 500 i'm in the uh depending on your metric or inches right it has default and i used to even create a circle hide it right so and then set it to like diameter 10 or something and hide it in my start card so always it will be smaller so it's really nice how they have those new options now right so some all configurable right pretty much so getting back to the other things in here visibility right um still staying with the the basics uh of the usability here um i really like how you can control the transparency of bodies that it is introduced in creo seven right body in one part in a multiple bodies right um i have shown you this in the last time and i covered creo 7 and then quilts and tessellated geometry right so maybe you did some geometry topology optimization or you probably have some stl file imported so tessellated geometry versus coil sources bodies you could have individual selections for them in the sense from a standpoint to control the transparency as you can see here right um and you also have this really nice option that i like compared to before where you have to select the component and then make it transparent or use the appearance or a couple of ways of doing it as a style now you could select any component um and then you could say i want to make it transparent right inside of your mini toolbar right and also selection right for selection you have still the good old solid surfaces all solid you also have quilt or body selection right so if you you want to quickly select the quilt quickly select the body so you don't have to keep right clicking right clicking or clearly selecting to it anymore so kind of a few options of the visibility and selection side uh here's an example the transparency i was talking about right in your graphics toolbar you have this three options for selection right um i could select the component make it transparent and individually they're all each transparency you can control them individually independently if you apply the appearance setting from the color but if you're going to apply it globally it's going to be the same but it still helps to better visualize large assembly i think right so maybe uh let's take a quick look at this one too you still have your good old macros and map keys i'm using to close files as you can see control w is pretty much close uh file uh and closing the files in there so let me open up another uh an assembly here i believe i have let's see let's open up another one it has it is an assembly that has both the solid components it has some tessellated geometry it has a quilt you know for a sheet metal design i've created some high quilt in there so you could see how the appearance would work uh inside of creo 8.0 the the new appearance control in the graphics in graphics toolbar so it's just still opening it up as we speak the appearance uh in kriya seven they did a little bit of work in here uh mainly for b-rep you know the the thing is you know how do we see the difference between a b-rep geometry and tessellated but now they've expanded it to uh quills so you can just go up here right in here right and next to your display datum features you have solid bodies quilts and desolated so what i could do right now is i could pretty much go in here and say for my quilts right i can enable transparency disable transparency and once i enable them i'm able to just drag them out and as i'm dragging it you can see this is the only this is the quilt i have right uh this is a surface quilt i also have a few welds in here that i've done as a surface well that turns a solid weld even those seem to be um you know to be controlling or going away when i set it to 100 and i can control the opaqueness you know how transparent it is right i can control that for quilts right now i'm going to leave it at zero right here similarly uh i do have some tessellated geometry here right there's uh i go into the tessellated geometry the same thing right as i drag it i can this is the one geometry that you know using optimization we have created it using freestyle in the feed there it is right that's uh that's that that's the part and that alone uh you're able to globally control all the tessellated geometry that kind of differentiates those different types geometry types in your assembly model right now what about solids right right now solids is set to 50 but i don't see anything really set to transparency that's for reason is i've not set it up right i can just go back i can go here and say i want to set it to transparency for example and when i set it to transparency now um that's quicker right back in in creo in the wildfire days creo it used to be a display style you still have it right i could go uh i'll select a component like before and once you grab that you still have your good old component display transparency right that's how we used to do all these years right we still have that that'll be part of the style and you're not controlling it using that method this one what i did now is i just it's more like selecting any component and then i'm going to say transparent right it's more like a geometries you know selection and then you say transparent now i could go to that solid quilts and i could say i can control the transparency of that of all solid bodies that have transparency applied on them so it's a pretty nice one or i could say you know disable transparency so even though i'm enabled without disabling it globally here for better visualization in large assemblies it might be handy and that's what i think you know you can always select it and say get rid of that select it right and then you know this is there's a new make transparent which is different from your component display style so you no longer have to go to your appearance states or your appearance color you know way back in the days we used to sit up more on the appearance side if you remember right there we would have a transparency set up which it's all that still works but i i really like how it will quickly do it right inside of the assembly model right inside of your mini toolbar especially right so let me get back to that's a couple of um improvements on the on the visibility side uh still staying on visibility here on the skecher there are some minor improvements uh overall they've improved they've enhanced the the way sketch dimensions behave more from a dimension background color so depending on where you are where the dimension is and when you drag it you will see the when you move the dimension the background color will will not will not be there however when it's on a shaded geometry like this or if it's away from here you will see it adapt to that um and this works both in 3d edit mode as well as instead of sketch mode so you really have the introduced dimension background uh for quite some time down creo 6 itself but then slowly it's been expanded more right it behaves a little more better so you can control how the dimensional background will be shown it's going to be always be showing up in one context and maybe weak dimensions sometimes you know uh you you don't you want to quickly hide the weak dimensions they have a nice little show we mentioned display icon right now that that also helps right so a few couple of improvements on there now one of the big ones um in art modeling that i like is this uh model 3 enhancement uh where you have this concept of uh design items which was there uh you know in in krios 7 if you remember the the bodies were showing up but now the quilts and bodies they would be listed design items so when i say design items folder the design items folder is essentially where you could probably have your annotations your materials right anything other than the regular features you might want to put in the design items it could be shown in the same tree or in a separate tree for better organizing and for comparisons especially when you use when you work on a lot of surface designs like this right when complex geometry with a lot of components i'd like to have some organization there irrespective of the regeneration order so that's a new enhancement there so you do have the option you have some monetary filters now that allow you to show obviously quilts and bodies uh like before but on top of it you can also create folders in there you can also create your own little folders for better custom folders i should say right it helps you organize uh components i mean i should say more bodies in a part quilts materials this is not available in assembly mode it's mainly in the park mode obviously so this is really huge this new design items folder that allowing you to you know organize these i should show an example in here it'll make more sense but here's how my design items tree looks like you see it has how this group all the displacing i shouldn't say grouped it is kind of putting all the quilts in one place all the bodies in one place regardless of the regeneration order so that's really very nice to see um so here uh you can also create new groups uh you can think of a custom group as almost like a folder right so here i've created a custom group in here uh i've added some bodies into it i can just drag and drop quilts and bodies so it's mainly for managing quilts and bodies right in part mode you can create your own custom grouping and enable them in the filter you can even uh drag it out in a separate as a sprit tree so you can even set that moving forward this should be my default custom group so anything i create any quilt or bodies i create i would like you to put it you know have that have those geometries right inside of that it's almost like activating a layer right i know it's kind of very similar technology here but you're saying i want to activate this and moving forward whatever i do should go into that so again remember this is the design items tree your model 3 is still the same as before you still have your feature order and everything but this is regardless of the regeneration order you have some control right uh for again here there's a side by side in here where i have my design items tree and my regular model tree if i select a geometry it should highlight in both sides right to which feature it belongs uh to which uh fuller it belongs or where is the quilt exactly it gives you better visibility especially when you you know you may not be a surfacing expert you're probably reviewing a co-worker's design and you understand this design intent much better when you use this in my view right i've been there my software i used to do a lot of surfacing myself but then uh some of the users may not be that familiar or they're new to surfacing and whenever they get a surface model they don't know how to edit them it's a little bit or they don't know how to interrogate it if i were to put that word and it just gets a little bit easier with this new design tree on top of it i'm gonna i'll show you this real quick here i'll kind of run through a couple of them and so i can show you all in one go but there is also a very nice cool option called snapshot i really like this snapshot option where you have this model done right and in the in the past in kriya seven if you were to see how a specific quilt or surface was created when it was merged when it was extended what is it how it was at that point of time i will have to drag the insert indicator roll back the model you can still do that but many times from a regeneration standpoint depending on how large the model is you may have several patterns on it it's much easier now to say show me the snapshot for quilt or body so it works on quilts or bodies right you can just right click and create a snapshot and what it gives allows you to do is a quick snapshot of how that surface looked like at that point of time when you selected it right even though you're not rolling back the model very very nice way to review your design and not only that you can even copy it you can create your own shortcuts for example right you know keyboard shortcuts has been there for a long time including map keys so you can even use your own shortcuts and can select a quilt and say okay i want to show you you know create a snapshot it's a so very easy uh as they say faster analysis right uh to understand the different um stages or even the design intent of whoever worked on this right maybe i'm working on somebody else's model or even for you to help um you know let others in the company know why you did that quilt it helps i think both this uh design tree uh the the custom folder as well as the snapshots right all of them are going to be useful um one more let me just go back up here and quickly take a look at it right in here just a few things let me go into quilts i'm going to open up one of the parts here where i can show you that's uh it's a typical surface design model as you can see here maybe we'll laugh lanes for now okay so by default what i'm seeing is your typical model tree as always but there is a design items and when i expand the design items i see quilts bodies and folders right or you know custom folders can be created that's what i you know those three that's what it's meant to be right now before i show you that expand that you can always go to my layer tree like before right back in the days right it's the same thing right i'm able to drag this out right pretty easily all right unlike before where you had to go set up that config option enable model 3 independent yes no it's a lot easier now i think right i can enable disable them right there it is i can go turn on the the design tree there it is and design when i turn on the design tree the design items instead of showing up here it shows up as a separatory right so you can parallelly look at that too and help with organization now if i go expand this right so here i could set up some filters right i can go to tree filters and i could say when i go to my body or quilt i've enabled consumed bodies you know for example when a quilt gets consumed it's no longer available right but then i could just still have it listed here by default it's turned off but i could say consumed quilts and bodies i would like you to show that right for example and custom groups for example right your materials annotations so all those are typically meant to be managed inside the design items so in a very complex model with a lot of you know lots of things going on you no longer have to use the traditional uh insert mode you still have to do insert mode if you want to do something before another feature but i really like how you have these um organized like this right so so here i can i can i can go in and further uh interrogate this for example right so i do have uh the driving top uh in here right it says uh i do have this i can just right click and say show me the snapshot it kind of shows me how that was done now the thing is as soon as i click outside it's gone but it's nice that how i have the ability to copy the snapshot snapshot at that point of time and reuse it further or i could say simply show me the snapshot and i can just say show snapshot and i can keep doing this uh by right clicking or a better practice would be maybe doing a quick keyboard shortcut right i'm sure all of you know starting 304 ptc has a pretty good default keyboard shortcut right i hope uh let's see here it comes up right there it is right commands with assigned shortcuts without assigned shortcuts right if i go with assigned shortcuts and these are all many of these are default i didn't i may have customized a couple but most of them are not they come out of the box right and i can also say show me commands without assigned shortcuts and there's nothing new it's been there since creo four all your operations are there so there uh i probably gonna go with a snapshot let's see if it finds a snapshot in here right computer is a little bit slow today no it's some windows update or something there it goes okay uh show snapshot right up there and i'm just gonna go say okay we'll just give it um i don't know s or something like that okay see there's another thing right if s is already taken right it's used in sketch to create a sketch right uh s is already there so i'm going to say no we don't want that i don't know we'll just give it z i don't know if z is taken okay looks like we're good there i click okay out of that so now what i can do i can just select this um i'm just using my macro here right there it is right i'm just keep clicking it and i can see um how it was done right uh that is pretty nice i can even go individually inside each you know one and i can do that too right i can expand it and say okay how it wasn't you're in the merge and i can i could just write you know i could pretty much select on the quilt at any point of time and i'm able to just see it right and if i refresh or repaint it's gone right it's gone right there at the same time i could also start dragging things you know right now it looks like i have most of the quills the driving um ones up here and i do have a few bodies in here but if i look at my housing the driving surfaces are in here so maybe i'm thinking i should probably use these um driving let me just go ctrl select these i'm just going to go drag these into my there it is right into the driving housing folder so i could just create my own folder there i could just go to operations and then just say create a custom group i can create my own as you can see here i created my own custom group maybe i do one for the the parting um something like you know whatever right i just put in one and then i could whatever quilt that is going to be right this this particular quilt where it belongs right so as you can see when i click on it it already shows me okay i already have a split one right there but you see how it clearly shows me where it belongs in here and in here for better organizing right so you're able to drag and drop irrespective of this order and i really like that uh snapshot option the right-click snapshot option that's available now starting crew 8.0 okay and then the next thing i wanted to cover is let me just close this one here they also improved um apart from you know those folders uh and and generally when you do um design using several surfacing and quills let's see actually it has some patterns and everything i'm just gonna go still have your good old insert mode and everything let's make it a little bit faster regeneration time so i'm not getting all those patterns in there um i'm in this situation here and again the same um same you know design items folder right i'm able to go let's see if i can show the design tree and there's your quilts and everything right so so here you do have um your your um your your driving uh surface right in here so driving back there's a second there's a situation where sometimes at this point of time i'd like to replace so before i explain this before i talk to show you this ptc did some very good very nice feature i like is the replace reference which has been there for a long time but recursively trying to go automatically go into the children the grandchildren and so on right so typically when you do a replays right in creo 7 prior whatever you're trying to replace the immediate children you'll be able to see and you'll be able to see what's happening but then you might run into failure to the next one right you know i'm just talking about there was a parasite relationship and then there's a grandchildren and so on right in a very complex model i really like this new icon they have replace references um under in under replace recursive references i should say which allows you to which the system automatically goes at the next level and tries to fix any issues that you may have you know depending on you know you may have to help it obviously by selecting different references and everything so here i have a scenario where i do have this driving uh back option right so it looks like um let's see what i used here right i use this driving back surface in here let me just say show me the snapshot so to create to use that to create the back surface looks like i've used this right it's it's amazing how that snapshot is really helping me i didn't have to go insert mode all the way up to see how it was done right now i can just go back to my let's say that that is this is the one right i do have another surface that i've hidden and there it is right so i'm really looking at uh let me just go back and do my snapshot so there it is right i'd like moving forward the blue surface to be used instead of this right and all its children should update or i might run into failure depending on how i what reference i give right for additional things so to do something like this you know there's something that in during my industry days i used to use it on datum planes also where you have a lot of parent-child relationship it used to be in the old chrome engineer days itself right replace references right right there so when i say i want to replace references right i have the option to select that uh let's see if i hope uh it's still thinking right there let's see um it crashed me a couple of times today earlier so when i was when i was using trio after an update of my my system here so let's see it's a little bit slow okay so there it is right so it's this is the quilt i want to uh i want to replace right and this is the icon i was talking about right here the recursive references to replace reference that's pretty nice where i'm able to go say okay instead of that moving forward i would like you to use this quilt instead right the second option right you see how that organizing has also helped me here now what it has done is it is it is going back in here it is giving me the the children and everything i i hate my little uh preview right it's uh it's trying to do it's uh it's replacing everything right at this point of time it is only looking at the immediate children what about the recursive children beyond that point that's the one of the the main pain points sometimes when you make drastic changes right in creole right there's going to be parental you know children over on top of children it all comes down to modeling best practices but here um this lists the recursive references and it's pretty nice where it automatically goes in and it goes to the next level and it tells me these are the missing ones right there it is right now missing reference has been there since again creo 3.0 it showed missing reference that's not a big deal however uh right now as you can see it is it is you know kind of showing me some of the missing references there right i can i could i could now change it to a different you know maybe instead of that use this for example i don't know i just picked something it might fail i have no idea what i picked there but my point is um it is if you see the regeneration as i'm changing it it is recursively if you see my my on the right hand side the replace references there it used that new one right as you can see here right and it's um if i go okay out of this right um i was able to it was at least it gave me automatic regeneration and the ability to go and replace it further right you know the real world you may have to do it a couple more times whereas a lot more references might fail there but at least you know it kind of helps you now so now if i go back to that other quilt in here maybe we'll just use the the or old one right in there and we'll probably just hide that there it is right so just just a quick example i thought you know that replace reference is something i i really liked especially that recursive one right um the old replace reference itself has been there but then the recursive one is a new enhancement pretty nice a few other um random a few other enhancements i know we got about another 10 minutes or so here we'll just quickly go through the rest of it here on the action object support right if you see many of the editing tools for new users sometimes they get confused many of these will be grayed out many times right like extend and offset unless you select you know an object the action is not available right that is that happened in wildfire days if you remember when they mode from the old to the pro engineer wildfire base but now um they do allow all these features to be um you know you can you can use the action object some of you may prefer action object i personally prefer object action it's we all have our preferences so they've consolidated right you select it for example if you select trim you can switch between are you going to trim a quilt or a curve right overall you see the dashboard itself a lot more apparent right we talked about the panels earlier but you know it's a little more uh you know the verbose is a little bit better i think you know as to how it's kind of nicely laid out i started doing this in 306 a little bit but it's nice to have to allow both object action and action object workflows right for these editing features um a geodesic curve is a new enhancement in datum curves you know so i'm sure all of you have used point-to-point curves during my surfacing days i've used a lot of point-to-point curves very useful right you can um connect um two points using a curve and then you can tweak it using additional points um and or you know you can even do a free-form uh one in style but this is a regular creo they have this geodesic curve that essentially picks the shortest path if you pick a surface right or the geometry that it should be looking at so i could have i don't know this could be like a shop floor there's a robot right in here and what is the shortest route right um or maybe for routing purposes i could use when i create the datum curve um i'm selecting point 1.2 and i'm saying use this model or surfaces as a geometry but it figures out the shortest distance the geodesic itself means the shortest path right between two points right new when you think about from uh from our from our globe on earth when we have the latitudes and longitudes in there i mean we pick two points what is the shortest one that's where the name geodesic is arrived and so starting creo 8 when you create point-to-point curve you will see a geodesic curve option right so again there are a few more modeling ones but i thought we'll just do a go through a couple more and then maybe we'll see if there's any questions after this let me just go close these ones in here so i got a a very simple uh parting here with um with the curve down i'll just probably get rid of this guy that's already done and uh when i turn on my datum points a lot more you know it catches my attention i do know there are two points right in there you could always do the good old point tags and that also tells i guess but um when i go into my curve right i go into curve and i go through points um this has been there and and you know you see how since i have the model 3 it knew to place the expand this in here so it's optimized for that right if i were to take out the model 3 it understands to keep it here so the dashboard itself some some nice ones and it automatically opened the placement so if you're a new user wondering what to do next you know just follow the red right in here right it kind of tells you what to do so i'm going to select this point and i'm going to select this point right uh you know you're just selecting a series of like this you could have it's like an array of points too but when i selected the two points um by default it's giving you obviously a line connecting the two points right that's what it's doing and back in the old days itself we used to have this place on surface right in here right play that's a quick way where it kind of projects it onto the surface you can use a mini toolbar also for that right and then i don't i could keep selecting this surface or maybe i want to you know just select the entire body there it is right so this so far nothing new it's pretty as in creo 7 it's working now the new thing that we have in creo 8 is geodesic curve where i select that either here or here you see how it understands the shortest path right now let's do one more thing here right let me just make sure i have my regenerate set to auto regenerate yeah that was in creo 2 remember auto regenerators turned on the reason is i want to show you what happens if i were to just edit this guy as i'm editing can you see in real time um you see it jumps from i hope uh yeah there it is right at this you see how it goes from this location so i i could see a lot of applications here uh i know i mentioned about that robot in a factory floor you're trying to find the shortest route things that is just i made up that that one but more for routing uh or maybe you know it could be helpful i think i i'm sure there might be some more enhancements on this in later releases i'm hoping but this is a it's a good step where as i'm um you know dragging those points it knows to to uh to give me the shortest you know so this obviously gives me the shortest line right there but it knows to go around it and still pick up the shortest one uh based on the geometry pick so that's uh you know that's uh enhancement i thought in uh creo eight uh let's see here i think uh there's uh one more uh yeah one more uh thing i want to show and then we'll probably go after that the whole command right hole has a lot of enhancements uh they finally have the sketched hole right i'm not talking about the old sketched holes the profile itself but you can do multiple holes in one go very very long requested customer enhancement i would say right especially from other cat systems i've seen many customers requested this so finally you're able to do when you do your sketch there are ways to either place the hole automatically on points that are in the um sketch right your sketch points or it could be midpoints or it could be along the vertices right so there are a couple of options there right there's a and then they have better support and hand support finally for tapered and tapped holes i mean tapered hole itself was there and wild for 4.0 it's been there for a long time but now you also have the straight option right so these are the options you can say taper tip right as you can see that's what's not there and you know you know during my industry days i used to have udfs for this right used to define features and it's really nice to see that you're having all this automated now in the newer releases right uh especially with better control on thread you know how far the thread should go so really some some good options on the on the whole command also where lightweight representation of the hole has been there for a long time on very complex patterns you can reduce the regeneration time but now they are applicable to all hole types before they were only applicable to certain hole types but now any whole type you should be able to go say don't remove the hole or remove the material and do the and and spend time on regenerating just show me a circle with the diameter that's probably what matters in the drawing maybe right of course your mask properties the caveat being the mass properties are wrong now but it's probably it's one of those things you got to weigh your options here so so some nice option um you know enhancements in the hall itself uh maybe i'll kind of wrap up with this one um they're they have new tokens like remember the whole note the standard whole note right uh they have new uh tokens there in the past um you know it'll always show this number of holes right you see through one hole because it's looking at what is that when you do a pattern depending on the number of quantity even if there's one even though it was a group you had to do you had to go and even before we could go and edit the uh the whole the dot h12 file to configure you know additional standard uh ones in here and you can also control the format but now they have they're calling it whole uh no tokens wherein it uses whole instance count so it will better show you the number of holes automatically when you do pattern or if you use a sketched whole command right so a lot more options for holes in general uh so maybe i think if i probably take uh let's see here uh it's uh maybe one one example on the whole uh i could open up maybe i'll show you the basic whole option one of the big big ones in the whole command is um maybe we should break now i've got um 12 55 because you have a lot of content there and maybe give somebody a chance to ask a question for that like four minutes and then i would like to end it um i don't see anything in the chat um okay this also is an opportunity if anybody has a question about the door prize otherwise um you can email me but does anyone have a question you can just unmute yourself i have a question about the um snapshot command you showed us um how you can copy the snapshot yeah does that mean that you can also paste the snapshot and how would that work um yeah so so whenever you're doing a copy you're essentially doing a copy paste in one go right so when you when i the snapshot is more like a visibility thing you're just visualizing it that surface geometry at that point of time when it was created without uh rolling back the model so when you do a copy you are so i should probably explain that better when i did a copy it is doing a copy paste uh so you are creating a duplicate surface there great good question yeah i i really think that will really help you know when during my surfacing days i could have really used that i'm sure many of you have done surfacing uh and with most bodies too right now we introduce bodies it's uh i mean ptc i should say introduce bodies it's really nice wear and complex modeling it gives you better clarity of where you were how you got there right it's very useful i think any other questions there is one in the chat it says pattern point quantity will calculate and appear in the whole note asking that question yes that's correct that's uh it used to be a little bit error prone before but uh uh it will it will calculate it regardless of how you do it you could be using a sketched hole like what i was about to show you or you do the regular pattern because they use this new tokens they're calling it whole instance count uh it just used to be pattern underscore no or number that used to be in the format but yes it is going to automatically show in the whole note so you don't have to go and edit it in the drawing et cetera uh any improvements in the modeling threads yes uh so you know i don't know if you're uh so ken i don't know if you're asking about the cosmetic thread feature itself or or the helical sweep or the threaded hole in in um on the um on the whole feature itself but let's refer to the uh the helical threads instead of having to calculate that i mean it'd be nice if if we could just say i want to put a half inch internal thread and click on a surface is there any improvements to that no on the helical sweep right you're talking about the actual so do you do you show right now your threads as a helical sweep well yeah if we're going to do a 3d printed part or something like that we want to show the threads you know absolutely absolutely i see what you mean yeah i was going to say right normally yeah i i i got it yeah yeah i got you so normally we say it's not a good practice because it takes a regeneration time but i see where it coming from for 3d printing yes or even for analysis right fva you'll have to have the thread geometry so so no enhancement on the helical sweep itself but they've improved that when you create a hole and in the whole command when you do a standard hole right let's say you do a quarter 20 or let's say you do a tapped hole you're you have the ability to control that that cosmetic surface which i know you're not looking that may not help you but that they've controlled the depth of it but uh helicals is there any specific things that you'd like to have and we could let ptc know on helical sweep anything that you're looking for can i i just thought it'd be nice if you wouldn't have to go to uh the machinery handbook and figure out the pitch diameters and all that other stuff when you're creating your sweep you know what i mean threads haven't really changed in the last hundred years you i know you know i mean yeah very good point i i could i couldn't agree with you more you're absolutely right maybe an option here right but i know they have i mean in wildfire two itself um when you when you uh i mean yeah that is the cosmetic thread yeah and the cosmetic thread i know we can select standard ones it'll be nice here when they maybe some options here where you could just go and say okay standard size and rather than me doing the math i want you to do that and it's uh yeah maybe i'll definitely put it across to to uh to my contacts at ptc for sure yeah thank you thanks for that question anybody anyone anybody else uh oh similar to what works does okay on that same note i've always wanted to be able to um toggle between cosmetic and real threads because sometimes you just want to toggle them you know yeah see how it affects that's an awesome idea um because when you do the the cosmetic thread what you're saying is it'll be nice to to to to to do a um to an actual um helical rather than sweeping it rather than a cosmetic it'll be nice to have a toggle here but here i know when you do standard ones right you know you're able to select uh the thread size and if i had selected a hole here right and there right if i select the start surface and everything you're able to go your unc you're able to go you know your quarter whatever right you're able to do that but it's the problem is it's just shows that as a as a surface so you can show in the drawing it's a call out that's the whole point but but i see your both questions yeah that's a good point maybe combine them or at least give an option instead of illegal sweep to to get get those standard options yeah but not there yet in creo 8 it's not there good question i mean one of the common uses for that is analysis right you don't don't care about showing threads normally but you want to for analysis or you want to for a picture yep yep absolutely yeah for doing a contact analysis maybe for doing a bolt analysis i see what you mean yeah where we would have to really create the the you know udfs is a workaround i'm sure most of you are using it right now it's still not a it's still not a perfect or an efficient way i understand some of you may be using udfs whenever there's nothing there are some holes in the ptc software on such type of features what i've done at least during the past like i showed you for that tapered and straight i would create a udf with several options as a table udf where the user would use that i mean it's a little bit of setup obviously but right now it'll be nice to have that kind of out of the box uh from btc it's a good point okay so i've got 102 um and some people probably have one o'clock meeting so i want to stop and thanks so much just a huge amount of information for everyone and um thanks again this will get this has been recorded so if everything goes successful in a few minutes or 30 minutes um i'll get the link and i'll post it on our facebook group also our linkedin group and our website but that might not happen until this weekend we have a volunteer who does our website um most likely tristar will also post it on their website so just kind of watch and and let us know if you you know just email me if you don't see it deborahdevra.l.wikeweich everybody enjoy your summer and thanks so much for joining thanks thanks thank you thanks guys
Channel: Tristar, Inc.
Views: 262
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Id: KkN45rIPy0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 6sec (3666 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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