Webflow VS Wordpress 2020 - which one is better and why.

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hi there my name is Agustin Caruso and welcome to our station so in this episode I'm gonna tackle one of the most controversial topics in the web design circle which is web flow vs. WordPress which one is better and why before we go any further I want to know about you guys what do you think is better write down in the comments down below let's create a healthy discussion so I started my web design career back in 2014 when I was living in Montreal Canada and I was working in a startup accelerator and I was using WordPress so I used WordPress for my for my job I use WordPress for my personal projects and I use WordPress later for my clients but then once I came back to Brazil I actually started chasing digital marketing instead of web design so I didn't have time to to research tools and to be the vanguard of the web design movement so I ended up falling off of grace and it was not until 2019 where I was able to rekindle my love for web design and it was all thanks to web flow and that's what I want to talk today the in this discussion between a wordpress and web flow which one is better and why have a personal opinion and I want to let you I want to tell you guys why is it that will help me break into my creative fire and also kind of save my relationship but that's a story for another day so let's get started alright so what I'm going to do is I'm going to present a list of pros and cons for each software and at the end I'm gonna give you a very dick twith my personal opinion on which one is best so for WordPress in a list of pros number one is freedom you can build anything you like you're not constrained by the structure right so you can build inside of it and outside of it because it is open source so but they its own nature you're available to build anything you like number two is its SEO tools so there's a thing that a lot of developers and designers mentioned that it Google loves WordPress that's not actually true but what it is true is that WordPress has a lot of tools that we can use to improve the SEO of a website for sure so that that doesn't mean that WordPress websites are going to rank better than web flow but it means I have more tools to our disposals tools such as Yoast SEO and mentioning tools we couldn't leave it outside that what we're talking WordPress we're talking plugins and I mean tons and tons and tons of plugins and at the same time that plugins are one of the main selling points of WordPress they're also one of the biggest negatives which I'm gonna mention in a second all right fourth point is the community the community's huge WordPress has been around for years and years and years and if you have a question more likely than not there's going to be ten answers for that all right and the last one is the possibility of hosting you can host it whatever you like you can host it on your own computer or your servers you can you can hire host it in a cheap server right you're not bound to they they don't like poor person doesn't have their own hosting just like webflow does right so this is a pro for WordPress now when we're talking about cons the first thing that comes to mind is that it's not very user friendly right and I'm just yeah I'm just gonna say when I started using this I I had to learn WordPress because it was my job right but I so I had to dig into a ton of tutorials it was not easy and after a while I got used to the dashboard right but the second point which is poor editing experience for clients it means that not being user friendly it's actually something bad for you as as a business owner right as a freelancer because your client is not gonna have a good time actually accessing all of the like all of the menus all of the all of the buttons all of the hierarchy all of the tabs like we got used to it right but our clients it's not as easy to them as it is for us right and now when I was mentioning about plugins as it is a pro at WordPress it's actually it is also at the same time I can't because of the vulnerability issues because every single plugin is possibly a door is a backdoor to our website so that means that if you don't keep up with your website if you don't keep updating the theme or the plugins you might have a possible hacking or maybe even your website might come down right it's gonna be offline and like that's that's awful like you don't know how many times I have been delivering websites for clients and you always have that thought in the back of their mind like okay hopefully like did I remember to to update all although the plug-in zero remember to update all the themes so you don't have a lot of ease of mind on your using WordPress and that also ties in with it with a high maintenance point that I'm making right here for the same reasons right and the last one is that you need to have high knowledge so you need to have a deep knowledge in the entire infrastructure of WordPress right and I mean and what do I mean by that I mean that you cannot I mean you can start by just grabbing a theme and then delivering and modifying that theme and then hosting it with with GoDaddy and delivering it to your clients but you know that that website's not gonna be fast that's not gonna be very customizable it's gonna be hard for a club for your client to access it because it has a poor editing experience so that's the minimum you can do but good what WordPress developers actually deliver something that could be amazing could be fast could be easy to use very customizable that solves your customer problem but you need to have a very high knowledge in order to do that right and I think that's one of the biggest difference between with WordPress and web flow that's what I'm gonna talk right now what we're talking about web flow the pros the first thing that I would say is that it's very very designer friendly and it's not only very friendly for you but it's also friendly for your client so because it's super easy to come in for your customer and then just just to see the website click on a text modify it click on a color modify it is very visual right for my personal experience my clients love using web flow and they hate using WordPress right so you do need to take that into consideration and also for us right I'm a visual guy I learned mostly by by my eyes right and if I am working in an environment and in a developing environment that it's not very easy on the eyes like it's very complex I get very easily overwhelmed right and in the same vein here as it is designer friendly it's also very very fast to to develop inside of it and I think it comes down that the let's say I have an idea and I can bring that into production in a fast manner like would I don't need to have a ton of knowledge on the back end and how things work how the infrastructure works like I don't even know how to code right I'm not saying you don't need to learn how to code but you have to be a good web flow designer you don't need to be a good developer right so that's one of the big main difference that that there is between web flow and WordPress and the other thing is that as they take care of every single thing on there and write like the stur servers they're cold they're updates there are no plugins that you can install so you don't have to be thinking about if you updated it like it's all in there and there's it's very very low maintenance so I like it's a very very relaxing to know that when as soon as I finish a web site I can just deliver it to a client and I know it's gonna be online and that's when I know they're gonna be taken care of and I know it's not gonna be offline and I don't need to think about applying is that I updated I didn't update from the vulnerability issues is the website up is the best I've done like I don't have to think about any of that right and it's in the same vein it's also more secure when we're talking about WordPress you can ask you as a hacker you can access it to plugins through themes through your own hosting if you did something that's very bad right like you just type - WP admin and and some people are actually still have their websites up with the password that's admin admin so that's very very insecure and on web flow they're actually handling all of that so it's of course gonna be more secure the other thing is that they always updating right I would say like once every week or wise two weeks they have something new and sometimes it's a small change like bug fixes and and other times it's something that's bigger than jizz the whole game and so I love them because they they're always keeping up keeping us updated in the loop like they have an amazing support and tutorials so the entire community around Y flow they take the business first web flow manages it's very very fluent friendly for designers and then they have super funny tutorials so they look like good guys right let's keep talking about us designers right so the other Pro I would say is that you can have you can create a first full fully custom CMS so you can create a blog post you can create offers you can create a carousel for products so it's basically limitless but it is limitless inside their own infrastructure so I'm gonna mention that as a con in a second another important thing is that you don't need to have a lot of knowledge right to deliver an amazing experience in web flow so that was one of the things that brought me back to the web design game which is I was tired like I didn't have time to go into into WordPress and and and and start researching and start updating and it start like trying to keep up with the with my servers with my competition so it was a lot of information that I would need to go to to start studying and instead when web law presented itself to me it sounds like it was a divine intervention it could be all I needed to do was okay I want to create this example website visually so web flow just gives me the tools to do that without needing to understand like how servers work and now I'm gonna do the hosting end and stuff like that and that's I think that's one of the beauties of it and the last one is also the showcase at the community where you can actually copy a website and recreate it inside of your own web flow and their community is very visually and artistically rich and that's what I love about it now let's talk about cons first one is that you cannot bill outside its source code right because they own it right so you cannot you can make amazing custom website until a certain point like as soon as you start as soon as soon as it was the moment in WordPress where you needed a plugin that's it you cannot achieve it in web flow it doesn't matter how beautiful how beautiful and fast it is you can't make like projects will you will need a plug-in of WordPress that it's easy as that right just like a chrome ecommerce ecommerce is a big example like there I think in 2020 they're actually starting to focus more on e-commerce but it was very very lacking so I would say that there are there of course updating it all the time but these they are still lacking and that's yet like a lot of functionality so that that's the thing you can create without code right so you can create visually you can create CMS you can you can create animations that's a that's another thing that I didn't put here you can create amazing animations without knowing how to be an animator without using a third-party software or so that's something that I really love about web flow but they're still lacking right so I don't think it's for everyone that's why I'm even doing this video right because why I'm not titling this video like why is web flow better than WordPress just like Rand Segal of flux did right because I don't believe it's for everyone I think it's for people they're actually want to develop fast right and for people that are more visual learners and one of the other things that I don't recommend workflow for anyone for everyone is that they have a very expensive hosting so much so that web flow itself teaches you how you're supposed to pitch the hosting to your clients so yeah it's it's getting harder to justify to your clients even though like on the other hand they allow you to export your code to other house but it doesn't come with the CMS so like what's yeah like what's the goal on that I have a lot of clients they're very happy to pay their web hosting but I also have some of them that don't want to write so then you're losing the entire function of the CMS which was one of the selling points so that's the thing web flow it's not perfect but it did rekindle my love for designing because I don't need to think about the databases the infrastructures and I don't need to be a highly knowledgeable developer I can just be a happy designer that delivers value to my clients through an awesome and functioning website and I don't need to think about it like the entire day right after I deliver it so here's my verdict I ramble a lot I know bear with me the reality is you can create websites are more complex customized faster and better in WordPress than in web flow that's a reality but you need to be a master of all of its aspects meaning coding design plug-in management server hierarchy security protocols DNS and so forth so obviously there's the argument that you do need to know coding a technical infrastructure set up and I agree of course like as it is without a doubt terminal will turn you into an excellent professional but what I love about web flow is the speed of implementation from idea to delivery everything is done smoothly inside of the same system the same infrastructure so I can manage manage all of my clients from the same dashboard I just have very nice visual experience and I'm a visual learner so I get very easily overwhelmed I can stay at bad enough and with web flow I can focus mostly on the video on design aspect of my work and that says returns a ton of time that I can put into marketing myself and in doing other personal projects such as this channel so it was that ease of use that helped me to get back in the game where I could where I could have an idea in the morning and then have working website in the afternoon so if you ask me I think we should learn both so we can become even better professionals and we can bring more value to our customers right because at the end of the day that's what we do there are only tools in our Arsenal to help our customers to achieve their goals and their dreams so they don't care what we use as long as we get the job done right so use the one they feel more comfortable with use the one that allows you to create awesome websites you are proud of so that's it for today if you're interested in learning more about web flow I have a couple of tutorials in my channel so please consider subscribing until the next time stay awesome [Music]
Channel: AweStation - Web Design and Webflow Development
Views: 3,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webflow vs wordpress, wordpress vs webflow, difference between webflow and wordpress, webflow vs wordpress 2020, wordpress vs webflow 2020, webflow cms vs wordpress, webflow vs wordpress seo, compare wordpress and webflow, is webflow better than wordpress, webflow review, web development tools, webflow 2020, wordpress 2020, webflow, webflow wordpress comparison, wordpress webflow comparison, webflow vs wordpress review
Id: 70RUi4yM3A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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