Webex Hybrid Calendar Service End to End Configuration

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hey cisco techies what's up my name is amit and welcome to train collab today together we are gonna implement the cisco's webex hybrid calendar service integrations yes you are right we are gonna see together and configure together the exchange server we are gonna configure the webex control hub we are gonna configure the expressway c calendar connector as well as we are gonna see how does the exchange web services look like what are the powershell commands what are the outputs that we can see with the help of the powershell commands and a lot of other things a bit of troubleshooting as well you know so make sure that you watch the first 10 minutes of the video which is the crux of the video that tells about what this hybrid calendar service is and what are the prerequisites and how should we go ahead with the configuration part of it the preparation part which is very very important you know so if you watch this first 10 minutes understand everything what we are gonna we have what we are talking that i'm 100 sure that you will be understanding the rest of the video as well and be prepared to implement this cisco's webex hybrid calendar service in your environments and i'm sure you know what this webex hybrid calendar service is used for of course it's used for cisco's powerful webex meetings for the video conferencing you know so if you want to use your outlook for scheduling the meeting or if you want to use your video devices to schedule a meeting or if you want to use the one button to push feature on your video devices you know or to schedule the meeting directly from your webex app so i'm sure that you're gonna like this video if yes give it a thumbs up share it with your colleagues and let's get quickly started right now yes all right so this is the architecture for the webex hybrid service for the calendaring service wherein you see that there is just a microsoft exchange server and then it connects to the expressway c where this cisco calendar connector is installed and the expressway c communicates to the microsoft exchange via the exchange web services api that's it it's just the https connection between the two servers on-prem servers so this expressway c has to be installed inside your network and not in the dmz okay it's an internal server it doesn't need any internal ports to be opened it's fully secure you know it's using either https or the secure websocket so make sure that you install your expressway c inside your organization and not in the dmz and then there is just one outgoing connection to the webex cloud cisco webex cloud which is https and it just uses a rest api to communicate with the webex control hub or to the cisco webex data center okay so what are the requirements of the hybrid calendar service so these are some of the prerequisites so not some of the so all of the prerequisites that is needed to get your hybrid calendar service up and running so the first thing that you need is the cisco webex of course you need a cisco webex subscription else you will not be able to configure this thing on a free service then you need the cisco expressway software so you need to install the virtual machine with the latest software release that's the recommended software version so maybe 12.5 12.6 12.7 cisco expressway software version so that you get the updated version of the um connector software okay so it doesn't need any license so there is no need of any license the software is free of cost you can install it and it will be up and running the other thing is microsoft exchange on-prem version 2013 or 2016 or 2019 remember we are talking about on-prem exchange integration with the hybrid calendar service and that's why i am only talking about the microsoft exchange on-prem requirement else it works with google it it works with office 365 and this cisco webex meetings is optional if you want to have at webex or at meet or meet at meet comma call in space or at webex collins space kind of things for the users so that they can schedule such meetings in that case you need cisco webex meetings and the port requirements these are the only two port requirements the first one is the outgoing connection so outgoing https or secure web socket um connection over the port 443 so from your expressway to these fqdns so anything.rackcdn.com or anything.ciscospark.com anything.wbx2.com anything.webex.com and anything.clouddrive.com so it's only over the port 443 so outgoing connection from your expressway to the webex cloud okay that's the only port that needs to be open and i think it's usually open for the rest of the clients in your company and it's not a problem if you are using a proxy it's also not a problem maybe you just need to enter the proxy um details somewhere during the configuration that's it you know and you need to allow this on the proxy then or the port 443 and the other requirement is the connection that goes out from the expressway c to the exchange on the port 443 if you want to keep it secure then use a tls that means you need to exchange the certificates between expressway and exchange if it's an internal server you can also run it on tcp port 80 that's a non-secure port it's your choice if you think your internal environment is secure you can use port 80 else use port 443 it's also okay it's an https connection that happens between the exchange web service that's running on your exchange server okay make sure the authentication on the exchange web service is configured properly we will check some of the troubleshooting things do not leave this video right now because we are going to have some more important and interesting topics coming in going further okay so these are only the requirements for the hybrid calendar service we have seen the architecture we have seen the requirements let's go ahead and see how does the provisioning process happen okay so in this provisioning process that that means to provision the webex hybrid calendar service these are the four entities which are involved during the process so you need an administrator and this administrator should have the full admin access on the webex control hub okay so whoever is configuring the webex hybrid calendar service needs to be a full admin all right and then of course you need a webex control hub and then you will need the virtual machine installed so calendar connector would be installed afterwards but you need to have the virtual machine already installed the version should be the latest one there is no need of a license you can go ahead and just skip the um option key up after the installation process of the expressway okay or you can just choose um calendar service and that's that's all no license would be asked after the installation and then of course you need the connection details for the active directory slash exchange server so what's the first step that happens the first step is that the administrator logs in to the webex control hub during the provisioning process once he has logged in he will go on to the hybrid calendar service under the service sections on the left side of the webex control hub and then he will choose the hybrid calendar service and once he chooses he will put in some more details inside that configuration and then from the webex control hub he would be redirected to the expressway page so make sure that whenever you access the webex control hub that you also have access to the expressway from the same laptop that means better that you are in the internal network so that you can ex access your expressway server web page so once you log in to the expressway server after the redirection you will be automatically presented with the connector management page all right and there you'll have the option to say hey i would like cisco to manage the ca certificates from the webex controller because it's a four-four it's the 443 connection that means it's an https connection between the expressway and the webex controller that means both the entities need to exchange um the certificates especially i would say the server needs the server certificate needs to be uploaded on the expressway so that the expressway can trust the server certificate else your connection will not work so this process can be done automatically by choosing the option let exp let cisco manage the ca certificate or it can be done manually then you have to go to the documentation part check which are the certificates ca certificates so by the server certificate i meant the ca that signed the webex control hub services server certificates okay so it could be godaddy it could be verizon or i don't know some other cas that's publicly available okay so once you check let cisco manage this ca certificates so during this process cisco will automatically upload these certificates under the um ca certificate uh inside the expressway okay once these certificates are updated the next thing is the option to register your expressway with the webex control hub this option is available first inside the expressway so that it's a secure connection so you send a request to the webex control hub to please um register myself so that's an outgoing connection from the expressway to the webex control hub and that's how webex control hub will know hey that's the fqdn and this is the fqdn that i find under this organization's name and okay i will accept this request to register this expressway on this webex control hub organization id okay once you click on register request the next thing that's gonna happen is you will come back to the webex control hub page and on this webex controller page you will be presented with a list of expressway clusters that you have configured and then from there you can choose maybe it's just one so you'll be just presented with um one expressway cluster name so you can select that um resource name or the cluster name and you say hey i am now allowing expressway to register so that's a secure connection you know you are sending a request and then you are going on to the control hub and then accepting that request as well okay and saying hey allow my expressway to register so that's totally secure connection again once the expressway registers you will see that the management connector will be up and running under the status of expressway calendar connector service once it's done it will automatically load and install the connector who will load and install the connector the the expressway c will load and install the connector on the expressway c server okay that's the connector that's being used to send the requests to the exchange to generate meeting requests to understand the participants to update the meeting details and a lot of things you know so that's the connector spot during this install i've been for why is it needed what's the whole idea behind installing this connector okay so once this is done then you will go ahead and configure this connector so once you configure like you configure a software or you configure a virtual machine then you will put in the network detail system name host name dns ntp server and all these things right in the same way when you install this connector you'll have to then go ahead and configure this connector and during this configuration you will need the impersonation account credentials you will need i will tell you what this impersonation credential is basically it's a delegation account which can um work on behalf of the organization user okay so that's the impersonation credential that you will need that's the account you would need before then it will do an auto discover it will discover the test email and see if the connection to your exchange server is okay or not that's why you will do all this configuration here we will see this configuration in a couple of minutes and then the next step would be that the expressway will send the ews request exchange verbs web services request by configuring an endpoint url so basically an endpoint url is nothing but a url with a request like a post or a get request kind of thing it will send this to the test email inside the ews service and then it if it gets a response back from the exchange and saying hey the credential is okay impersonation account credentials are okay you can connect with me everything's fine then your configuration will automatically be saved once this configuration is saved on the expressway after a couple of minutes you will see this you will see that the calendar connector service is running so sorry before that you will have to go ahead and activate this service as well connect calendar connector under uh it would be still in the expressway configuration you'll have to go ahead and activate this service okay we'll see that how do we activate this service as well once that's done after a few minutes you will see that um yeah the management connector and the calendar connector services are running everything's fine then you will go ahead onto the webex control hub and you will enable the hybrid calendar service for each of the users in your organization so we will see all these steps whatever flow i have discussed right now you will be seeing all these things in a few minutes so don't go anywhere let's get started with the next thing but before we start there are some small thing that is there is some small thing that i wanted to discuss so what is this exchange web service operation so once you remember i said that um expressway performs some operations or the calendar connector performs some operations on the exchange web service like getting the user details getting the meeting details or getting the updates or generating the meeting details when you have at webex in the location field of the email and all sorts of thing you know so these things are done by the calendar connector using this exchange web service operations or slash apis so these are the apis that the calendar connector uses to send the request and to receive the information so for example convert id it just uses this api for simple connectivity check that means it will prepare a url a request based on this convert id and then convert id operation and then um it will receive a response either in an xml form or in a json format or some other language you know and then find item for example it would like to search for events in a user's calendar get folder to retrieve the details about a calendar folder you know so these are some of the some of the things that it does so it's this is the list of all the operation that the calendar connector performs together with the exchange web service okay and this is one of the example of the operation one of the xml request format that the calendar connector sends to the exchange web service so this exchange web service is a service actually that's running inside the exchange server you know so if you go to um is in iis information services um internet information services um on your exchange server and you go under default site you will see that there is a service called as ews running okay so this is one of the api requests that the calendar connector sends to your exchange web service to get the connectivity response hey if everything's fine or not checks the mailbox of the user for example user1 example.com that you see here so so the very first important thing for the hybrid calendar service integration is that you need to have a service account because with the help of this service account the hybrid calendar service will always authenticate with the um directory controller and the active directory service and the exchange you know so that's very important that you have a service account and this service account should be email enabled that means it should have a mailbox as well and then the next step what we are going to do now is to create an impersonation account for that user you know so how do you configure this impersonation account is you have to open this exchange management shell so i'm currently i'm in the exchange management shell and then the command is new management role assignment i'm just hitting tab after writing the keyword and it just completes that's better and then i'm just assigning the name to this role assignment so i will say calendar connector acct so basically when you do get management role assignment then you will see this name calendar connector acct we are gonna see it shortly as well and then what's the role that you're gonna assign to to this um service account so i'm gonna assign this application impersonation role that's very important that this service account has this application impersonation role so i'm gonna put some link in my description of the video so that you guys can read what this application impersonation role is you know so basically it's like acting on someone's behalf you know so it's like a delegation you know to something to a mailbox a delegated mailbox and then i'm gonna assign a user so in this case i'm gonna have this user which has a service account and then um this user also has a mailbox uh shortly we are gonna see how can you see via the exchange command shell if this user has a mailbox or not so after this just hit enter and there you go you see that the user account is created now let's go quickly and say get minus management role assignment and then i'm just gonna say calendar connector acct asterisk find all the rules oh i typed in wrong i think connector there you go it finds it here and it says this is the name of the role assignment that you did calendar connector acct and the role that you assigned was application impersonation rule and to whom was this assigned to it was assigned to the service account with the name hybrid calendar and then the signee type is yeah it's a user so that's how it is the next step now is to configure something called as the throttling policy and by the way sorry let's go ahead and see quickly how can you check if this user has a mailbox or not so for that we will just enter the command get minus mailbox and i think if i just put in the username which is h calendar should be able to tell me oh sorry get mailbox h calendar and there you see that this user hybrid calendar has a mailbox and the send quota is unlimited okay so that's how you can check if the user has a mailbox or not let's try to create a mailbox for one of the users and see if that helps so let's take a look at a user called as john doe jadal so i will say get minus mailbox jdo usually should not have a mailbox as you see he isn't having any mailbox so let's go ahead and create a mailbox so if you see in microsoft um docs this is the command to create or enable the mailbox enable mailbox identity user add domain and the database of the mailbox all right so we'll go into the exchange management shell now and then i will just that's wrong i will type in here then db 19 and i hope it creates here you go you see the service account now has a mailbox john doe okay so that's how you create a mailbox and then you know a service account needs to have a mailbox and this service account needs to be having the impersonation account role we have already seen that once it is done and why is it needed you also know that so once it is done the next step is to configure some throttling policy so throttling policy is necessary so that you do not have a lot of loads and your hybrid calendar service works smoothly you know you do not have any issues with that so i'll just go ahead and copy and paste from the deployment guide the throttling policy okay i'm just copy and paste it so you'll get it in the deployment guide as well and where in the deployment guide i can show you quickly so um i couldn't find it in the deployment guide maybe it's in the help.webex.com there because i know i have been configuring it several times i thought it would be in the deployment guide but no um but for sure it will be in the help.webex.com i'm gonna paste that link to you guys and also i'm gonna paste this um throttling policy commands into the video descriptions okay so i'm just gonna hit enter it's trying to configure that and then um i'm just gonna go ahead and copy the other command for the throttling policy which is yeah it won't work for me because it's already applied i'm just gonna show you guys what those commands are but it will always say that it already exists and that's why um yeah i can't apply it again and again all right so let's go ahead and copy the other commands and all right so you see nothing has been modified because i have already configured it but that's the second command for the throttling policy association so first thing is to create the throttling policy so in our case for example it's calendar connector policy and then what we do is associate this throttling policy with the service account so in our case for example h calendar you know then there is another com and this command will make sure that the throttling policy has been associated with the right user yeah so there you see this is the username hybrid calendar and then the throttling policy idea okay let's go ahead and do the calendar hybrid calendar connector service configuration on the webex control hub as you can see i'm logged into the webex control hub and then on the left side i would go to services and then hybrid i will click on hybrid exchange calendar that's what i'm using if you want to see the prerequisites you can click on the prerequisites and you can check you know plan your connector capability dedicated or shared and then if you want to deploy expressway c so if you have done this done this you know it's really easy this quest given such a nice documentation within it so that you can follow the steps and say hey these are the steps that i have already done you know follow the requirements for the expressway software and then the minimum supported version for i think it's now 12.5 or something and then install the ovr over file how do you install the expressway and if you need more documentation and you can click on the open documentation link and then it will take you to that documentation link wherein you can follow the further steps and do the implementation so it's really wonderful i would say i would really appreciate the efforts of the guys who have done it you know and then bypass the first time set up wizard configure the expressway c and then you need to open the port 443 on your firewall outbound from the expressway c to these domains cisco tells that as well so you need to open the um firewall these for these two domains so asterisk.wbx2.com and then asterisk.webex you know so all right i'll click on setup and then i will say it says that okay you are about to um do a hybrid calendar service setup and i will say yes i have read all the prerequisites and then it will ask me for the expressway host name so i will add in here my expressway host name and make sure that from the laptop or pc from wherever network you are connecting your expressway um is reachable you know because when you do a next step it will redirect you to the expressway page so that's why being the same network and being this let your laptop access the expressway otherwise you'll have to wait until you have access to the expressway click on next and for the display name i will say h cluster for example you know hybrid cluster and i'll click on next it's just the display name it has just to make sure you are differentiating between two different clusters when running on the same controller okay then it will take you to the expressway now if you click on next okay um browser problem i'll take another browser all right so as i had the browser problem as i said maybe you have some network issues and you're not able to reach your expressway directly from your laptop you have to go to that network again and how do you access that same step again you know so what i'll do is i'll click on again hybrid and then here you will see that a hybrid calendar is set up not completed you know so what i'll do is i'll do edit settings and then i'll click on resources i'll click on this edge cluster that we configured and then it says go to expressway so i'll say go to expressway advanced and then proceed and now you are shown the expressway c login page you know so i hope that's the password and there you go it you will be directly redirected to this connector management page and you do not need any license for this on the expressway c you know it's free of cost you do not need to enable any um keys for it you do not need any feature keys for this so it's free of cost okay and then when you are in the connector management page you can say okay i want to manage i want cisco to manage the expressway ca certificates required for this trust that means this way cisco is uploading the needed public ca certificates on the expressway see securely or the other way is that you can manually upload the needed or required certificates from the webex you know but there are list of certificates that cisco says you have to upload but i would suggest if you can do this if your organization allows just do it automatically cisco will directly upload the certificates on the expressway cls you have to go to maintenance security trusted ca and then upload these ca certificates from the webex one by one okay click on update software and verify connection now it's an outgoing connection from the expressway c to the webex control hub using port 443 you know that's what cisco said you need to open a connection from your firewall to star asterisk.wbx2.com and asterisk.wbx.com so that's the test that's currently going on for the connector management and there you go the connection was successful it was able to upload the certificate on the expressway c and now if you click on um register then it will redirect you to the webex cloud again for the final confirmation and uh yes you see the latest connector software was automatically installed on the express pc this is how you install the um hybrid calendar connector software on the express bc there is no other option that i know about you know and if you see that it says all the prerequisites are met for this expressway to be registered for the hybrid services you don't need anything else okay and then it says you are currently allowing the webex cloud to add required ca certificates to the expressway trust list okay if you go here and see so webex has installed for example what is see a root certificate godaddy root certificate the codeaddy group root certificate so he has added a couple of verisign root certificate for example so a lot of public root certificate that cisco uses for webex control hub are being automatically uploaded okay and then we'll see a register and then you will be now taken back to your webex control hub and it will say allow access to the so i will say allow access to the expressway and i'll click on continue and then it says registration confirmed you know and that's how now your express expressway c is securely registered with the webex control hub and it's just using port 443 nothing else you know as secure as a cell connection between the two different entities okay as you see here the calendar connector is now installing and then the status change to not configured and the management connector is running successfully and its version and and now we have to go ahead and do the calendar connector configuration on the expressway c so that it can talk to your exchange server you remember we configured some impersonation account role users so that's what we are gonna configure now and i'll say configure uh microsoft exchange server okay because using we are using an on-prem server so what we are going to do is click on new because there is nothing currently it's a fresh server we are going to say so this is the service account that we created domain name slash username and then the password display name could be anything so in my case i will write hybrid calendar and i will say on prem and the type is exchange on-prem or office 365 but we use exchange on-prem and i will say yes enable this exchange server i will let the ntlm and basic authentication both enabled because i don't know what kind of authentication is supported on the other side i mean on the exchange side or the active directory side so that's why i will let leave both enabled tls verify mode for now and keep it off or else what you have to do is um get the expressway certificate signed and then upload the ca certificate for the one that from the one who signed the cas at uh expressway c certificate on the exchange server and then the exchange ca certificate you have to upload it on the expressway c server for the tls authentication to work else it will not work okay and then you'll have to put in the scheduling scheduling account email address just for the demo to work i'm just using another scheduling account email address or but else you can use the um same scheduling account email address that you have for your service account you know it should be like this but for my demo to work i'm just using another scheduling account email address and then make sure that your ews authentication things are all okay else you will be receiving a 401 unauthorized uh messages okay so i'm just gonna say enable it and then i'm just gonna put the exchange um ip address here so as per the deployment guide um you should use the option use auto discover and then uh you'll have to say here the active directory domain for example this and then active directory site is not mandatory and then i will say query mode ldap so you if you want to have a secure authentication then you can say lab s and then in the email address i will say an email here and then i'm gonna say add okay as you see now the hybrid calendar on-prem exchange server is now safe that means it was successfully able to communicate with the exchange server and then able to authenticate and find the authentication urls and connect to the exchange web services properly there was no problem you know but sometimes you will might get that there is a 401 authentication error so what's the problem in that case i'll try to demo that situation here let's see all right so um as you see here i have recreated the issue and how did i recreate the issue or what is my issue let's say now let's see so while i was doing this microsoft exchange configuration and i just clicked on and i just clicked on save what it did was throw it an error say it said that the remote server returned an error 401 unauthorized you know and if we click on the test connection events it shows that everything was right but at the end exchange server error the request failed the microsoft exchange web services data returned on 401 unauthorized that means the exchange web services authentication settings has some problem because your expressway c is sending an authentication request but the exchange web services cannot authenticate this user you know so what you have to see uh most of the time which helped me to resolve this problem was go to the exchange web server and then in the search bar just type in iis internet information services manager just open it go to the sites go to your default website and open this ews exchange web services and in your exchange web services go to the iis manager permissions sorry go to um authentication and in this authentication you will see that windows authentication is disabled and the basic authentication is disabled and that's why you get a response 401 unauthorized you know so as i have this ldap configured in the settings as you saw in the expressway what i'll do is enable the windows authentication so now that's enabled let's get back to our expressway c server and then try to save it again and this time the authentication should be successful and there you go your authentication was successful yeah and then we'll go ahead and let's see again in the connector service the overview looks okay and then the next step would be to go ahead and configure the conferencing service so the cisco webex meeting sites to which your expressway to which your expressway c should communicate with you know so click on new and then the uh yeah the fqdn name of your webex site you have to enter it here and how do you find your cisco webex site just go to the webex control hub click on meeting and there you will see your site name you know so just copy that site name go to webex sorry expressway c paste that and then use the admin username and password whatever it is so that's webex control hub admin okay or you can leave it blank as well i think just leave the username and password blank and then click on test connection it will just do a test connection and it says that um yeah it says empty username if you see an error if it's an an empty username either you can put in a user who has a personal meeting room or an account on webex control hub that should work but i am i was just trying to see if it is able to reach my um fqdn or not for the webex site and it was you know so if i click on add it will add itself and there you see so the webex meeting site is now added on the express pc so the last thing now what we have to do is enable the calendar connector how do we do it is go to the application hybrid services and then um calendar service i think or or connector management and then click on calendar connector and then if you see the status is not enabled so we have to enable it and then i would say save after this is done we will see the status of both the management connector and the calendar connector so if i go to hybrid services again um connector management if you see here now the management connector status is running and the calendar connector service is running voila now what we have to do is go into the webex control hub and then enable this hybrid services for each user or the devices that are gonna use this hybrid calendar service so that they can schedule their meetings you know so i'm gonna go ahead and enable the hybrid services for some of the users so let's say i go to the users here and i choose this user called as charles holland and what i have to do is click on calendar service as you see it's currently off i will say activate the calendar service yes microsoft exchange office 365 slash office 365 sorry and there you go um pending activation so this will not be activated until this user charles holland has at least logged in once into his webex app okay so at least once the user has to log in so that the webex control hub can see hey user is connecting and yeah so like i will log into one of the users i'm logged in and then i'll say i'll just look around and yeah as you see the user is logged in i'll go ahead and check if the user is active now or the hybrid service for this user is active so i'll just go ahead again and see what's the status of the calendar service it still says pending activation maybe it needs a while because it's a cloud service so i'll check back once it's active i'll show you guys once again until then we can go ahead and activate this for another user anita perez and then i'll say calendar service activate and i'm just gonna use microsoft exchange office 365 and i'm gonna say save all right and then we'll have to log in anita as well and once she's logged in uh the account should be active as well so the other place where you can check if the users are successfully activated or not is go to the expressway c hybrid services calendar service and then the calendar connector status and in the calendar connector status you see that there are two users being assigned for this subscription and then successfully two users have been subscribed so sometimes it takes long time on the control hub to show if the users are being subscribed for this calendar connector service or not but on the express pc you will see the status more fast you know so you could verify from here as well the status of the calendar connectors for those users so in the same way you would also enable the hybrid calendar service for the devices so let's say you have some devices if not let's go ahead and add one of them you know i even i don't have one let's go ahead and add one click on workspaces under management on the left side of the webex control hub panel click on add workspace i will name this so i will name this as c hollands dx80 charles hollands dx80 and i will say the best describes this workspace is a desk you know because it's a dx80 and i'll say just one you know because it's the personal device and location i haven't created one so i will just click on next yes and it's a webex rooms device i click on next and uh yeah calling is free calling and then i'll say enable the calendar as well for this device click on next and then i will add the email address of the user then click on next a meeting code has been uh sorry an activation code has been generated for this device so what you have to do is when you have your webex room device connected you will see an option coming up on your dx80 or whatever room device that you have to enter the 16 digit activation code or you can just take this qr code in front of the cam of that device and then you would be able to scan it as well you know either you can copy this information so i'll go ahead and copy this information all right i have the 16 digit code i'll go ahead and register my dx80 and i'll show it to you guys once we schedule a meeting and do a demo until then let's go ahead and see what happened with charles is he activated if i click on charles and calendar service you see that this is activated all right so well um we have successfully configured the hybrid calendar service until now everything's green let's go ahead and do some demo it's time for some demo now for the hybrid calendar service all right so once we have completed the hybrid calendar service configuration steps on the webex control hub side and also on the expressway c side and on the exchange server side the next thing that we are going to do is test the configuration that we did you know we are going to test if the calendar service is working if we are going to see if the one button to push is working or not and in this demo what i'm going to use is this webex desk device that i've named it dx80 and make sure the room devices that you have they have the resource mailboxes because if you do not have them then they will not be able to receive the meeting invitation and hence they will not be able to join the meeting so very important that these devices have the email address the exchange email address with the email box okay all right once this email address is added let's go ahead and create a normal meeting that we do for example in the exchange on prem so open your outlook so here's my outlook i went into the calendar today's date and then i'm just gonna say new meeting you know and in this new meeting what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna invite my colleague anita i'm just gonna invite my colleague taylor taylorbot and then in a subject line i'm gonna mention it the discussion what we are to have you know so let's say return to work strategy and planning all right and in the location field what i'm going to have is nothing but the keyword at webex column space so the keyword in this location field is very important this is gonna decide you know if your one button to push will appear on your desk devices or not if the webex meeting will be created or not you know so this keyword is very important at webex or at webex collin space or at meet or at meet collin space so at webex is okay it's creates a meeting all right but why is this calling space so this collin space would create an additional space into the webex app you know so that people after the meeting can keep the discussion going and what would be the name of that space the name of the space is equal to the subject line whatever you have written okay and then what i'm gonna do now is add the room so i'm gonna use add my webex room device which is this and i'm not gonna update my location i'm just gonna say no so that means the location still remains at webex collins space so this is the keyword that the webex calendar connector would recognize once it receives that invitation you know so once it receives this invitation what it's gonna do is it's gonna create a space it's going to create a meeting and then it's going to populate all the meeting information okay and then let's figure out the date and time i'm not going to say it's all day event let's say so i'm going to say 2 45 p.m until 3 15 p.m half an hour and i'm going to say hello team let's discuss about the return to office strategy that's it that's normal meeting that you create and then once you click on send what's going to happen is your webex room device is going to show you that join button before the meeting starts and also you're going to see that a space is automatically created in anita perez um webex app and also in charles holland's webex app and you're going to see the meeting information populating into the charles hollands webex app so let's go ahead and hit send all right so let's open now the webex app from charles holland and see if it has created any space or not not yet all right so as you see i i'm in charles holland's webex app and you see that the return to work strategy and planning space has automatically been created as soon as i sent that invitation to all the people and if i click here i should see in a short while the meeting details as well so as you see here i have the meeting details as well and i can see the participants who is the participant and then um i'll go back to anita perez and see if she has received it and there you go you see that anita perez has also received that space invitation and she is now also a part of the return to work strategy and planning space and there you go she also sees the meeting information and i'll go ahead and say accept on anita perez uh webex app and as you see here the dx80 is still waiting for a response because you will see a join button five minute before the meeting starts okay as you can see on my dx80 i can see the meeting but the join button is still not created and it says join able from 2140 so actually it will allow you to join five minutes before the meeting starts so just wait for it and then we will see that the join button the green join button will um appear automatically on this webex room device okay i'll just go ahead and accept the meeting from anita perez and i'll say send the response now all right so as you see now there is a join button appearing on anita perez's uh sorry charles oh yeah anita perez's this is anita perez's webex app so this one and then let's go ahead and see what happens with the webex rom device so in my case webex dx 80. all right so it's now time to join the meeting let's see how it looks like so i'm joining from anita perez's system and i'm using another [Music] camera to join in so i'll say join meeting so as you see here anita perez is in the meeting i'll go ahead and join from charles pc i'll click on join all right charles is also in the meeting now i'm gonna mute anira perez and then the webex dx80 all right so i'm now joining in from my room device so that's my room device and as you can see there are three participants in the meeting now so basically we have charles holland anita perez and the dxad of charles holland or just the webex room device okay uh taylor bart somehow was not able to join in and then i'll say mute everyone because i'm the host i can do mute everyone all right as you see everyone has been muted so we have successfully joined the meeting and there you see all right so two cams and three people joining in the meeting okay so i hope you guys have liked this video if yes give it a thumbs up maybe you have learned something new then share it with your colleagues and what's the next thing that you would like to see on my channel please do let me know and i'll make sure that i'll make a video out of it all right until then thank you and stay safe and yeah yeah stay tuned bye
Channel: TrainCollab
Views: 786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cisco Collaboration, Train Collab, Training, BAsics, Learning, CUCM, CMS, VOIP, Meetings, Webex, Hybrid Calendar Service, Webex Control Hub, Cisco, Webex DX80, Meeting Room, Video Conferencing, One Button To Push, Join, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft, Hybrid Exchange, Webex Meeting, Webex App
Id: RuT1qrpcYl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 23sec (3683 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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