Web & UI Design Trends for 2024

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web designers UI designers listen up 2024 has arrived and you don't want to show up looking like 2023 because that would be so last year so in this video I'm going to share with you my predictions for the 10 design trends that I see coming up in 2024 the first Trend that has been very popular in 2023 it's going to continue into 20124 is the trend of dimensionality and layering when I say dimensionality and layering I mean layering elements on top of elements it could be text on top of images it could be images on top of text it could be shapes on top of anything it's just this scattered element scrapbook style that brings a lot of interest and the reason that this dimensionality is so interesting is because it brings a little bit of life to your designs and we're starting to get away from that desire of everything on the web and inside of your interface looking really really flat and so start getting used to this art artistically placed scattered element dimensionality cuz it's going to bring that life to your projects in 2024 the next Trend that really popped off in 2023 it's going to continue growing is the usage of 3D elements in every single thing that we do why because it offers these moments of cool interactivity of Storytelling and the tools have now become incredibly cheap easy to use and accessible for everybody so the technology is cheaper it's more available it's easy to use there's tools like spline and Adobe Dimension and all these other tools out there that are making it available not to 3D Specialists but to normal old web design and UI design Joe's like you and me and so we're going to continue to see the use of 3D 3D in not just splash screens in singular moments but across entire applications because of that cool interactivity that it offers the next Trend that we're going to see a lot of this coming year is the trend of complex animations when I mean complex animations I don't mean things moving left right or up or down I mean scroll animation scroll hijacking entrance Parallax and more than that we can even see animations using the cursor things are really really interactive now and they're going to continue to be interactive because again of the interest that it brings because of the ease of use of it you can see just elements moving everywhere just it makes even the most serious website or interface just that much more fun it just hits of dopamine and I think one of the real kind of like reasons behind this trend is because of tools like Gap and Rive that are making the ability to create all of these animations again very very seamless very very easy to do and very easy to integrate in any project that you're working on whether it's a native app web application website software whatever it is you can work these animations in they're very low weight they don't cost a whole lot and they are really really awesome a trend that I am very excited about is the departure away from neutral calm kind of boring color palettes and the move into vibrant colors vibrant gradients used pretty much everywhere with the reintroduction or the acceptance of styles like brutalism Neo brutalism we're going to see really really cool use of color uh that is just a lot more playful and a lot more fun you're going to see gradients being mixed around with textures the whole thing is going to feel fresh and fun and I mean from website to mobile application we're going to see stuff like this everywhere why because again I think that 2024 is going to be the year of fun it's going to be the departure from boring serious corporate stuff and we're going to start moving into interactive fun colorful and vibrant experiences on the web and in mobile devices 2023 was the year where AI artwork really exploded but it was a bit rough around the edges and with the advancements of the tools in this last year moving into 2024 we are going to see a huge explosion with AI artwork AI imagery again because now it is way more possible to find assets and visual things that can help fit the needs of any project so we're going to say goodbye to stock imagery and we're going to say hello to really cool customized dialed in AI imagery and again some of my favorite tools to do that is going to be things like mid Journey pretty soon we're going to be able to prompt directly in the tool no longer using things like Discord Adobe Express AKA Adobe Firefly and all of their AI technology and abilities is going to be amazing and so get really really used to prompting increase that prompting skill of yours so you get the types of assets that you absolutely need for your projects 2024 is also going to be the year where some of the trends that we've been playing with for the past few years that have been maybe optional they've been Fringe or maybe they've been nice to haves are all of a sudden going to become mandatory and one of those mandatories is the trend of dark mode it has arrived it is a thing it's no longer an afterthought or a nice to have we have to really start committing to understanding how wonderful dark modes can be a lot of these websites and mobile or native applications support both light and dark and a lot of them even allow you to toggle back and forth between light and dark mode if that wasn't enough they also have to have some sort of automatic logic to them that knows hey if it's the daytime give us the light mode if it's night time give us the dark mode or just tune in to whatever the native devices setting is dark mode is here and it's here to stay so if you don't know how to use varying degrees of black and dark colors to Brand them and tone them a little bit you better get used to it cuz this trend is a big one now I wouldn't say that Apple invented our next Trend that we're going to talk about but they did have a huge influence on design as a whole and that next trend is the Bento grid you can see here Apple has started to become very very well known for these Bento grids uh Microsoft did a lot of this as well in the surface design back in the day but they've really become popularized now and the reason that Bento grids are so great is because they offer this sense of organization uniformity they feel really modern where we can kind of encapsulate different elements but the whole thing just works together they're especially fun when they offer some interactivity like this bentos can be done for the web for mobile devices for Native software they're just a really fun simple and easy to use design style that is great for any project that you're working on so definitely maybe keep this in your peripherals because the bento's coming for you all right listen up a lot of you are not going to like what I'm about to say but this next Trend that's coming in 20124 is all of our faults and that is the trend of morphism notice I didn't say skew morphism or new morphism or glass morphism it's all of the above and the reason it's making a return is because we are tired we've overused the flat modern Sleek design we are now looking for textures real world applications things that make it feel tangible so if that's glass fine if that's Shadow fine if that's texture fine but guess what morphism in general is going to make a comeback and it's not going to happen for entire interfaces but it's just going to be small little moments of joy and dopamine hits so if you are uncomfortable designing in that morphism way get comfortable with it because it's here to stay the next trend has been a trend for a while and I think it's going to keep being a trend because it's really really interesting and really fun and that is massive typography massive typography used on the web is going to be here to stay massive typography in web applications interesting things done offset offscreen typography it's going to be happening as well inside of mobile applications this doesn't look as massive but I promise you in context of the screen real estate we're working with on mobile a lot of this is way way larger than it ever used to be and again because it's going to be the year of fun of experimentation of doing things that kind of bust out of the seams a little bit with a little bit more playfulness so get ready to really amp up those type sizes in 2024 the last trend on the list is less of a design Trend and more of a tool Trend but that's going to be the continued trend of using no code tools to build out our websites and our applications why because no code tools are awesome you can use web flow right now which really made some game-changing moves in 2023 they introduced variables and applications and logic and all sorts of amazing things this is not just for building websites anymore it's for building anything and everything that you want to framer made a huge Splash in 2023 with their AI website creation it's a tool that feels like figma makes responsive websites really really fast and a lot of those Advanced features like CMS and all that kind of stuff has started to roll out out and it's Pretty stinking good and last on the list is Wix Studio they are a platform that's allowing you as an agency somebody who wants to do a lot of different client work with dragon drop interface you don't know how to code anymore you just need to have a vision and that leads me to my final thoughts about these design Trends as well as everything that's going to happen in 2024 and Beyond if I could boil it down to two words those two words would be less friction I think from here on out there's going to be less friction for creators who don't necessarily have a technical skill of 3D animation or code but they do have a concept they do have an idea I think from here on out the friction to actually create that to manifest it to make it come to life is going to be much much less therefore making it so much more enjoyable and easier and I'm excited about that I think if you have a vision you have an idea that there should be less things to stand in your way and so what do you think about all these design Trends are you excited about them are you not excited about them do you think there's other trends that are coming that I missed let me know down in the comments and if you enjoyed the video make sure you leave a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell so you know when more videos like this one come out I hope you're having an amazing week hope you're designing amazing things making amazing things and getting ready for this coming year we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Jesse Showalter
Views: 86,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jesse showalter, jesse showalter design, learn ui design, learn ux design, figma, webflow, notion, freelance design, design trends 2024, web design trends 2024, web design trends going into 2024, modern web design trends, ui design trends 2024, ui design trends everyone is talking about in 2023, gsap, web animations, typography, learn ux & ui design for free, graphic design trends 2024
Id: 6jqvG3SZyv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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