6 Useful Websites You NEED to Use!

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Hi there, Leila here! So today we're going  to check out these killer websites that   will improve your daily workflow. For example, a  site that's going to help you with your writing,   especially when you can't find the right words.  Another one is going to save you from viruses,   especially those that creep in through email. So  grab a coffee, sit back, and get ready to discover   some seriously useful websites that are going to  make your work life easier, safer, and more fun. The first one is called Jotti's Malware  Scan. It's a free service that's been   around for almost two decades, and it  lets you scan suspicious files with all   of these different antivirus programs. So  let's say someone sends you a message with   an attachment which you immediately want to  click on, but then you remember all of those   horror stories about malware and identity  theft, and you want to make sure it's safe.   Don't open the attachment! Instead, this is what  you do: first, you simply drag the file (yeah,   you can do it directly from your email),  and you upload it to Jotti. You can upload   up to five files at the same time, but there is a  250-megabyte limit per file. Then, Jotti is going   to run the file through 14 different scanners,  and you're going to get the results here. So,   this file seems fine, but obviously, you're  not going to get a 100% guarantee that it's   safe to open. You'll have to judge for yourself  depending on whether you know or trust the sender.   One thing I really like is that it has multiple  programs that it scans your content through.   For example, I'm pretty sure this attachment isn't  safe. When I drop it in Jotti, only three scanners   reported malware; the other ones found nothing.  Usually, you just have one of these antivirus   programs installed on your computer. With Jotti,  you get to run your file through all of these   different programs and scanners so that you can  get a better picture and more peace of mind. And notes on privacy: You are uploading a  file to the cloud, and Jotti is going to   store the files that you're sending it  for scanning, and they may share these   with anti-malware companies just to help them  improve their products. So, keep this in mind,   and don't upload sensitive files that you  don't want others to see. Other than that,  it's a great service. Next up is a website called Print Friendly. [Michael Scott] Wow! For accounting, a brand new printer! Here, you get to optimize any website for print and   PDF format. For example, let's say you want to  create a PDF with the content of this website.   If you just print it like this, there are going  to be lots of these empty spaces here and there,   and then you get these placeholders in between.  It's not pleasant to read. With Print Friendly,   you can fix that. You simply paste the URL of  the website that you want to print in this box,   and it's going to convert and compress  it. Look at this; it looks so much better   already. Another great thing is that you  can delete the sections you don't need. So,   let's say we don't need this second picture  here; we just simply hover over it and click   to delete. If you don't need these  specific instructions on the bottom,   just hover and delete. When you're done,  you can choose to either print the page or   create a PDF, or you can email the page. Very  convenient. The next website is called Blush. Sometimes, you want an image or an illustration  to get your message across. Maybe you're doing   a presentation for your team, or you're  putting up an image on your website or for   your marketing material. There are plenty  of websites with stock images out there,   but these images aren't customizable. You  can't easily change the components inside the   image or illustration. Blush is different. With  Blush, you first get to select from a variety of   existing illustrations from artists and designers  worldwide, and then you can customize them. You   can mix and match the background, the clothes,  facial impressions, and pretty much anything   else around the illustration to create the  perfect image for you. Then you just have to   simply download it and use it in your work. The  basic plan with low-resolution PNGs is free. With   the Pro Plan, you get high-resolution images  as well as SVG vectors, and you get to access   a lot more illustrations and collections. For more  professional users, there's a plugin for Figma and   Sketch, but even as a complete beginner like me,  the designer on the website is super easy to use. If your creative work requires stock footage,  you need to check out Mixkit. Mixkit is a free   online resource for high-quality stock  videos, music, and sound effects. Their   content is also regularly updated, which makes  it a great source for anyone who wants to add   professional visuals or audio to their work. You  can search for specific categories like video,   music, sound effects, and so on. Let's say  you're looking for a video with happy office   workers. You get this nice selection, and  some of the footage is even available in 4K. But notice the banner up here promoting Envato  Elements. Mixkit is a product of Envato,   which is a global online marketplace for digital  products. We're using Envato ourselves, and we're   super happy with their content. But Envato is a  paid service with a much larger selection, so the   footage you see on top isn't available for free.  It's an upsell to the paid and Envato products.   But even the free library on Mixkit is already  pretty extensive, and you can find a lot of fun   content. Look at this cat video! To download it,  you just have to click the video format and click   the download button. Here, you don't even need to  sign up for anything, which is really convenient. Now let's talk about licensing. For each  asset, you'll see what type of licensing   it comes with. Like this one can be used for  personal and commercial purposes. But there   are other types of licensing, and they do have  some restrictions. It's all very straightforward,   but just something you need to keep in mind. Another great website, especially  when you're dealing with images,   is called AI Image Enlarger. It's an online tool  that uses artificial intelligence to enhance and   upscale your images. I'm sure you've had cases  where an image you want to use was blurry,   or it was pixelated, or the size  was just too small. With this tool,   you can fix that. Let's try this image where  my face is out of focus. You can just drag and   drop it here and click on start. Then, it will  upload and process the image. When it's done,   click on "Download". Here are both pictures side  by side. Pretty amazing, right? You can also use   it to increase the resolution of a picture.  Generally, when you have a small image like   this one, you can't just stretch it to make it  bigger because it's going to get pixelated. The   Enlarger is going to do it properly. Let's  upload the picture again and process it online.   I'll go with 400% increase. Once it's done, we can  download it. Here's the comparison: on the left is   the original size, and here is the bigger version.  It does a pretty good job. I think Image Enlarger   has a trial version, but some functionalities will  be restricted until you upgrade to a paid plan. Next up is QuillBot. QuillBot is a writing  tool that helps you to paraphrase, reword,   or summarize your text. It uses AI to analyze the  context and the structure of your text and then   fine-tunes the language so that it's logical  and well-organized and free of errors. Let's   try it out. So, let's say I'm writing an article  about why businesses should implement dashboards,   and I'm struggling to properly phrase the  first paragraph. I'm just going to copy it   and paste it in the box here and then click  on "Paraphrase" on the right. It will suggest   the improved version of the text and color-code  the changes. Orange are changed words, and the   yellow underline indicates structural changes.  You can rephrase specific words. For example,   we can change "is will have resumed" to  "is detailed in". You also get the option   to change the mode. So, for example, the  fluency mode has a different phrasing of   the paragraph. You have other modes as  well, but those are behind a paywall. In addition to paraphrasing, QuillBot also offers  other features, including a grammar check, a   plagiarism checker, and a content summarizer. So,  for instance, you just paste some article inside   here and Quill Bots will condense it for you.  There are two options available: summarizing with   key sentences or paragraphs, where it will create  a unique paragraph summarizing your content. You   can increase or decrease the length with this  slider. This free tool can help you with your   writing. Of course, there's also a Premium plan  available with more features and faster processing   speed. Talking about faster processing speed, I  have a bonus website for you. It's called XelPlus,   and it's a game-changer for anyone who works  with Excel and Power BI. You'll find lots of   free tutorials on there that will teach you new  automation skills to get your work done faster.   Okay, so full disclosure, XelPlus is my own  website. What I'm really proud of is the success   over thousands of members who are crushing it at  work. I'm super impressed by their dedication to   learning but also taking the time and implementing  what they learned at their work. Alright,   so these are my recommended websites that you can  use as a part of your daily workflow. By the way,   none of these websites sponsor this video. This  list was created by myself and my team. If you   have any other websites that you can recommend,  please comment below. I'd love to hear about them.   I hope you enjoyed this video. Do give it a like,  and I'm going to catch you in the next video.
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 256,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, websites, useful websites, cool websites, amazing websites, most amazing websites, interesting websites, free, jotti, AI image enlarger, AI writing tools, productivity websites, best apps for students, websites for students
Id: rvtuQo_8wTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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